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      Pokemar is my adaptation of the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, taking place in the titular world of Pokemar. It includes both adaptations of the games and original storylines inspired those games. And much like the games themselves, you’ll find that as you near the end of the series, something sinister comes out to play…
      Action • Adventure • Dunsparce • Emolga • Espeon • Keldeo • Kyurem • Munna • Pikachu • Snivy • Umbreon • Virizon
    • Chapter

      Always a Chance

      Always a Chance Cover
      by JuegAriel “Shit! It’s not going down!” The two of them hid behind a rock, panting. Both were full of bruises and cuts from the battle. It wasn’t going well. “Erik! What do we have left?” The Raichu scrambled through their bag. They already burned through so many of their items, it was impossible the ones they had left could carry them to victory. “Uhhh… Two Orans, a Blast Seed, a Slow Orb… and… I think that’s it.” Erik handed one of the Oran Berries to his partner. “What the…
      Action • Drama • Non-Human • Romance • Groudon • Nidorino • Raichu
    • Chapter

      Interlude 0Chapter 3-Snow Continues to Fall

      Chapter 3-Snow Continues to Fall Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro Xuě Zeraora’s POV Snowflakes danced in the sky, as the chilly winds spreaded them far. Nevertheless, they were fated to come crashing down, their performance unimpressive until they piled up high enough. Only once you felt the brisk air, and stepped into the frozen ground then you truly understood the seasons’ change. Wei Tundra Mystery Dungeon. It’s frost chilled my bones, and the wind tore my fur. But this is what we’ve searched for. For the…
    • Chapter

      Thunder Echoes through the TreesChapter 2- Thunder Echoes

      Chapter 2- Thunder Echoes Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro Aquarius Froakie’s POV I heard it again. "Aquarius!" Libra always yelled my full name when she was worried about me. I didn't like it. I never did. Master Dodrio wrote out the last set of letters on a jade tablet and carefully passed it on an altar. "Legendary Pokémon cloaked under water were called Aquarius by the Ancients of the Water Continent." "You're giving it to me?" I asked and held the ornately crafted material. "Zodiac: every type has a Legendary or…
    • Story

      Part-Time Poke Heroes!

      Part-Time Poke Heroes! Cover
      by kitsu_19 “Time to grant some wishes, yeah? Gotta earn my pay.” The Pokemon world is home to a pantheon of deities, each with their own agendas… They do their jobs perfectly fine on their own (well, most of them do), but one thing always seems to be a roadblock in their duties. An unspoken rule: deities are forbidden from directly interfering with the residents of their world. …luckily there’s a loophole! They can just summon humans, who aren’t residents, to do stuff for them~ A young man hunting for a part-time job has a chance encounter with Jirachi, deity of the stars. He’s given an offer he can’t refuse (literally, he can’t refuse it, it’s a long story) and becomes Jirachi’s “Part-Timer,” hopping over to the Pokemon world from time to time granting the wishes of Jirachi’s followers in his stead~
      Story • Adventure • Comedy • Isekai • Slice of Life • Audino • Celebi • Farfetch'd • Hoopa • Indeedee • Jirachi • Meowstic • Victini
    • Chapter

      ARC 1, CHAPTER 10

      ARC 1, CHAPTER 10 Cover
      by zuperZACH “Hello, Anonami. This is Project Moonlight’s wonderful leader here. I’m here to tell you all that this world is now ours. All of you feeble creatures will now answer to us, your queens, or you will suffer the consequences. As for this world, well, we’ll do whatever we want to it… and for starters, I think it would be fun to shake this place up a bit! Bye bye for now… if you survive!” Laughter could be heard throughout the entire region. From here, the Dreamsavers could see the…
      Action • Psychological • Alolan Vulpix • Arceus • Eevee • Furret • Gallade • Greninja • Hattrem • Jigglypuff • Sylveon
    • Story

      PMD: The Arceus Slayers

      PMD: The Arceus Slayers Cover
      by .mothsonfire What started as banishment turned into being wiped back to Earth, half-powerless and on the verge of death. Through sheer luck and fate, a retired explorer happens to be the first to find Jirachi, quickly hiding them away and telling very few other pokémon about the discovery. But Jirachi, fueled by bitterness and hatred, is going to get revenge one way or another, regardless of how many risks will be taken.
      Story • Action • Adventure • Exploration • Cherrim • Heatran • Jirachi • Lilligant • Reuniclus • Roaring Moon • Victini • Weavile • Whimsicott
    • Story

      Pokemar Book I: The Gates to Infinity

      Pokemar Book I: The Gates to Infinity Cover
      by alexrusset Alex’s life is changed when he is mysteriously taken to a world inhabited by creatures known as “Pokemon” and is thrust into events that threaten the very existence of life on this world… (An adaptation of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, Book 1/10)
      Story • Action • Adventure • Dunsparce • Emolga • Espeon • Keldeo • Kyurem • Munna • Pikachu • Snivy • Umbreon • Virizon
    • Chapter


      Prologue Cover
      by TheShadow Destiny, whimsical in its designs, often lifts us to the highest peaks only to hurl us into the deepest abysses in a matter of seconds. For the young man who witnessed what he shouldn't have, the highest point was the top of a skyscraper, and the abyss, the icy pavement of any ordinary pedestrian street. He died, as expected. But, contrary to what many mortals believe, death does not mark the end of everything. On the contrary, to the fortune of our protagonist, it was merely the beginning of a new…
    • Story

      PMD: The Time Gears Makers

      PMD: The Time Gears Makers Cover
      by TheShadow After being reborn as a Mew in another world, full of strange creatures called “Pokémon”, our protagonist embarks on an adventure to discover their new role alongside their new siblings and father and the new world he is living now. As he learn about the vital role of Mews in creating and maintaining the Time Gears, crucial objects for the temporal flow of the world, a threat emerges when the gears are removed from their original place, the Temporal Tower, home to Dialga. Dialga’s corruption and the imbalance of time trigger a race against time to restore order and save the Pokémon world.
      Story • Comedy • Exploration • Isekai • Supernatural • Dialga • Mew • Pichu • Riolu • Shinx