The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    • If you have previously logged via a linked Discord or Google account you can opt to unlink your account at any time using the following method: Please be sure you’ve saved a password first before unlinking your account.

      Post • GUIDE
    • Story

      A Porygon’s Guide to Dungeon Items

      A Porygon’s Guide to Dungeon Items Cover
      by Windskull Porygon unit #00201304, colloquially known as Alex, has provided a field guide to items and equipment for the everyday dungeon explorer. A fictional, in-universe guide book.
      Story • Porygon
    • The editor for all text content (Story Descriptions, chapters, posts, pages) uses something called ‘the block system’. If you’ve used WordPress before this should seem familiar to you. Tumblr also uses a similar system, in which every paragraph is selectable and can click+dragged to rearrange the text easily. The Block system functions in much the same way, letting you create individual content blocks, each…

      Post • GUIDE
    • An extra feature is being able to pen up posts for announcements and information on your story. This is where the ‘blog’ aspect mixes with the ‘fanfiction’ aspect. These ‘posts’ are simple and let you publicly post info and links back to your story. Posts appear on the front page, so it’s best to be mindful about your formatting and what you decide to…

      Post • GUIDE
    • So, at this point it’s assumed you’ve: A) Created a story B) Created one or more chapters for that story. So now we’re going to take advantage of a feature unique to this website: CUSTOM PAGES. Custom pages allow you to create your own posts that are attached to your story in a new tab alongside your chapters tab, like this one here: As…

      Post • GUIDE
    • Now it’s time to add chapters. Creating chapters isn’t necessarily tied to a specific story like it is in AO3, but the process is a lot less complicated that FFN. We’re going to create a chapter independently and apply it to a story. SECTION 1 – THE BASICS Following the same steps at making a story, hover over ‘My Profile’ and click ‘My Chapters’…

      Post • GUIDE
    • EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO NOTE: If you have NOT registered to be an author on this site then the options shown below will NOT APPEAR. Please be sure you have submitted a request for author registration – once you are accepted then you can post! Click the button to go to the Author Registration Page: If you’re already a registered author then let’s get on…

      Post • GUIDE
    • PART A – LOGGING IN In the header bar of the website you’ll see a set of buttons. The leftmost one, circled, will allow you to log in. You’ll have 3 options: Log in with Discord, Log in with Google, and Login/Register When logging in with Discord or Google you’ll be taken to the service’s respective API page where they’ll ask you to verify.…

      Post • GUIDE
    • Guide to using the site

      Post • GUIDE