The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In which our heroes face their greatest challenge yet.

    Warning: Minor warnings listed before chapter! — You can hide marked sensitive content or with the toggle in the formatting menu. If provided, alternative content will be displayed instead.

    Warning Notes

    MILD CONTENT WARNINGS: Kidnapping, emotional torment, self-loathing, panic, more swearing than usual. Content not marked, read at your own discretion.

    Two hundred and thirty-four.

    Two hundred and thirty-five.

    Two hundred and thirty-six.

    Two hundred and thirty-seven.

    Two hundred and thirty-eight.

    Two hundred and thirty-eight. Two hundred and thirty-eight seconds since he left.

    I’ve been sitting here, completely useless, for two-hundred and thirty-eight seconds.

    I can move again.

    Up. Get up.

    Holy shit, it hurts so bad. I’m so sore.

    That damn brute squeezed so tight.


    He has Hopper.

    My pain doesn’t matter. Hopper’s pain matters right now.





    Shiny Stone…

    Just in case.


    So much snow.

    Why did they pick the day with all this snow?





    One by one.

    This wind could blow me away.





    One at a time. This way it’s not that bad.

    You have a coat, and a scarf. You’re fine.

    He doesn’t have a coat, or a scarf.

    He probably doesn’t even have that armband.

    Or that cute apron.

    Your pain doesn’t matter. Keep moving.

    What’s going on, anyways?

    What did Bryon do? Pop his chest?

    If he’s hurt, I’ll lose my shit. I’ll beat the shit out of Bryon. I’ll…

    Is Hopper dead?

    Is Hopper dead?

    Is Hopper dead?

    Is Hopper dead?

    Get your shit together.

    ‘Shimmering Cave. He’ll be waiting.’

    Who is ‘he’?





    Piece of shit. I hate him. I hate Vincent. I hate him.

    ‘I’m sorry’, Bryon said.

    ‘I didn’t want to’, he said.

    Vincent must be behind this.

    What the hell is wrong with him?

    Our life was so good.

    I was so happy.

    Hopper seemed so happy.

    What if Hopper is dead?

    He’s not dead.

    Stop thinking about it.

    If Hopper is dead, why would he ask me to follow?

    He tried to take me first.

    If I just sat there and got kidnapped like a good girl, then Hopper would be safe.

    Get your shit together.

    You have to save him.

    You have to save him.

    Damned Vincent. Go to hell.

    “Hnn- ACK! ACK! ACK!”

    “Look who finally woke up. Tight grip, Bryon. Don’t fuck up again.”



    It’s dark. I can’t move my arms. I can’t move my legs.

    I can move my tail a little.


    I wag it from side to side. It hits hard stone.

    “Quit it. Don’t make me put you back to sleep.”

    Back to sleep?

    Right. Eri, Bryon.



    “Real talkative, given the circumstances.”

    That familiar voice.


    “Got it in one.” Smug asshole.


    “Bug wants to have a conversation, huh? You should learn your place.”

    “…screw y-”

    “Feisty. I like it.” I hate you. “Bryon. Loosen your grip a little. Let him talk, but don’t let him escape.”

    Why do we live so far away?

    I need to hurry, damn it. I can’t just plod along like this.

    What else can I do…?

    Last time, the distress signal…

    But we can’t use it this time.

    Did he plan this…?

    The grip around me loosens. I can move my body again.

    This is my best chance.

    Kick off Bryon’s arm.

    Fly through the air.


    “On it!”

    My momentum halts in an instant.

    I hit the white claw of a Weavile.

    It sends me flying back.



    My brain rattles around in my skull on impact. It’s rocky and jagged. My tiny body barely makes a sound as I hit the wall.


    I fall to the floor.

    “Leaving so soon? Rude.”

    Huge silhouette in front of me.

    Light behind it. A campfire?

    Big wings.

    Big claws.

    Big ears.

    Big eyes.

    Big. So big.

    Purple, and red, and black.


    A purple claw larger than my whole body slams down at my side. One inch closer and it may have killed me.

    “Now that you understand the situation, what’s your move?”

    My breathing is erratic. In, out, in, out. Fast, too fast.

    I don’t move. I stare at the monster before me.

    “Good choice. You’ve got me in a talkative mood, though. Let’s talk.”

    In, out, in, out. It’s not a rhythm, it’s a barrage.

    “I said…”

    In, out, in, out, in, out. Getting faster. Getting too fast.

    “…LET’S TALK!”

    He raises the claw above his head.

    “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Let’s talk! I’ll talk!”

    My breath stabilized itself. If it didn’t, I would die.

    “Good boy.” He lowers his claw. “You’re in Shimmering Cave. The runt is taking her sweet time getting here.”

    “Her name is Eri. And she’s not a runt. She’s tall.”

    “I know her name, dumbass.” He smiles, relishing my frustration.

    “Why am I here?”

    He scoffs. “You’re not supposed to be. Bryon here fucked up the plan. In a perfect world, you’d be the one out in the snow right now, and the runt would be waiting here for you. Or even better, he’d have gotten both of you. Remind me to stop trusting fuckups. That aside, you’re here because, well, let’s just say I’m a little petty. I hold a grudge.”

    “No shit.”

    “You should cut the sassy shit, bug. You’re even easier to crush than ever, in case you haven’t noticed.” He nods towards one of his claws. “When the runt arrives, the five of us are gonna have a little rematch.”

    Gates are open.

    Nobody’s keeping watch right now. Between the snow and the time, I get it.

    There’s not a soul walking around either. It’s just me.

    Took me forever to get here. It must be past midnight. I didn’t check the clock on my way out.

    Shimmering Cave. I just need to head east.

    ‘He’ll be waiting’.

    So Bryon, Hopper, and probably Vincent.

    I’m too weak to fight them. I couldn’t fight for even a second when he broke in. How am I supposed to do anything?

    Why am I so weak?

    If only I had his strength…

    “It really pisses me off, bug.” He slowly paces around me. “All those years I’m on top, and suddenly you’ve got total immunity. You can sic Blitz’s fucking Guild on me at a moment’s notice. Those are some guys I can’t mess around with.”

    Where is he going with this?

    “I could probably ransom you for a big payday. Your stupid partner would pull out every Poké in her family’s savings for you. Lucky boy, ain’tcha?”

    Is that it? “You just want money?”

    “Can’t hear out of that chipped ear? Sorry about that.” He reaches his claw up and pokes at my right ear. I tense up on reflex. I’m breathing faster. “I don’t care about money right now. I have all the money I need, believe me. Like I said, I just want a rematch. You and your partner versus me and my partners. Don’t you miss our little fights?”


    “Cold.” He continues to pace around, dragging a claw on the ground all the while. The light scraping sends a chill up my spine. “Personally, I don’t want to end on a loss. Closer to a draw, actually, if we’re being generous. Either way, you’re gonna give me one to remember. No signals, no Guild. Oh, yeah, and no Kleavor.”

    I can’t waste time worrying about my weakness.

    I need to do what I can do.

    What does Eri do in this situation?

    What does Eri do when things get tough?

    She thinks about it. What’s going on?

    They’re waiting there for me. If I have to fight, I can’t beat them alone.

    I want to run in there and throw caution to the wind, but it doesn’t matter how fast I get there if I die right after.

    I need to get help. Someone strong.

    Rosemary. Rosemary and Samuel.

    It’s a bit of a walk, but I have to.

    What would Eri do right now?

    She’d think it through. I need to think about what I say.

    Can’t reveal my hand…

    “Grandpa is going to come. He’s going to save me. Him and Eri.”

    Vincent stops walking. He slowly looks over his shoulder with a frustrated look. “Shouldn’t lie to someone who can kill you.”

    Keep bluffing. “What… are you talking about…?”

    “Ballsy.” The claw scrapes across the ground, settling at my feet. “I know he’s dead. Don’t keep trying to lie to me, or I’ll smash you into a red stain right here.”

    No more bluffing, then.

    “Let me walk you through it, genius. I figured out where you live, and I even figured out which room belongs to Eri.” He smiles and puts a claw to his chin. “Let’s see, what else do I know? I know you’re a good chef. If you make it out of here alive, you’ll have to let me try one of those grilled cheese sandwiches. I know about Eri’s birthday, and I know how much she wants to… ‘Kiss the Cook’. And the fact I know all this means…”

    “…you’ve been watching me.”


    He’s giving up so much information. He must think he’s already won. I won’t keep lying, but Eri would probably try to get more out of him. It’ll give me a better idea of what to do.

    “You said you wanted Eri, not me. Why? Just to mess with me?”

    He looks surprised. “Good observation. It’s because you’re stupid, and she’s not.” He crouches down and pinches my left ear. “If you knew Eri was here, you’d just run in by yourself like a damned idiot. The runt knows not to do that. She’s probably going to bring company.”


    They must be asleep. I’m sorry, Rosemary. I need you really bad right now.


    Please. Please, I need you. I really really really need you…


    The door opens. Rosemary’s eyes are barely open.

    “Eri? What’s the matter? Come inside and warm-”


    I can’t control myself. I wrap my arms around her as tight as I can.

    I’m crying, sobbing uncontrollably.

    I hadn’t before now, but I can’t hold it back anymore. Rosemary is here.

    “Eri… What’s wrong, girl?” She strokes the back of my head with one of her leaves.

    “Hu- Ho- Hop-”

    “Slow and steady. Seriously, come inside. Warm up for a second.”


    I don’t have time to waste, but I should take the warmth while I can.

    “And company means your rematch can’t work? You can’t beat our reinforcements?”

    He looks angry. Not just condescending, actually pissed off. “I could clobber that dumbass Lilligant girl. Her lame boyfriend, too.”

    “Then what’s the worry?”

    “I told you…” He lifts his claw up, with my ear still caught in it. I go up as high as he can reach. “…to cut the sassy shit.” He reaches his other claw beneath my feet and opens it wide. “I’m not worried about a damn thing, you got that? I just don’t want extras getting in the way of me kicking your tiny ass. Is that clear?”

    I nod my head feverishly. My feet are kicking around, trying to pull themselves up as high as they can. It’s an instinctual reaction.

    “Good.” He moves his claw out from under me and drops me to the stone floor below. “Now shut the fuck up. I’m tired of talking to you. Go ahead and wait for the runt to save you. That’s all you’ve ever done: get saved by other Pokémon. Pisses me off. I hate it. I can’t stand it. You always stand back up because you’ve got someone in your corner. You’ve always got a crutch. Persistent waste of space.”

    Rosemary boils some water in the kitchen. Samuel has joined us as well. I still haven’t managed a word since I arrived.

    “Eri.” Samuel’s usual cool-headed apathy is nowhere to be found, leaving a tone of real concern in his voice. “Where’s Hopper? Did he come with you?”

    Rosemary jolts up in the kitchen, but continues preparing her hot chocolate.

    The tears begin again. They well up until they can’t anymore, and then they fall endlessly.

    “Eri, where is Hopper?” He gets up and walks close. Rosemary comes in from the kitchen.

    I need to say it. I need to get it out of my system.

    What the hell am I doing? Just sitting here crying while he’s in danger.

    Speak! Tell them!

    “Hop… per… is in… hic… Shimmering Cave…”

    They both look shocked. Rosemary speaks. “What? What is he doing there, Eri?”

    The tears don’t stop.

    Fight through it.

    “He got… kidnapped. He tried to help me, and he got kidnapped.”

    Samuel doesn’t waste a second. He moves to the front door and puts on his boots before opening the door not a second later. “We’re going. We’ll talk more on the way.”

    “But Samuel, she’s-”

    “I know. It’s a long walk. She’ll have time. We need to get a head start.”

    Eri, I did my best. I tried to think, I tried to talk to him, but I wasn’t able to get much.

    If I was just smart like Eri, I could do more.

    I’m just a dumb musclehead. A beat stick. I can’t do anything but fight.

    But right now, I can’t even do that.

    I’m nothing. I can’t do anything at all.

    If I can’t do what Eri can do, and I can’t do what Hopper always does, then what am I good for?

    It’s like Vincent said. All I do is sit and wait to be saved.

    At the lake all those years, I just waited for Grandpa to come save me. Even after he died, I was still using his name for it.

    And when I met Eri, she saved me.

    And when we had our exam, Eri saved me.

    Eri and Rosemary and Samuel saved me when we fought that Aggron.

    Over and over and over again, all I do is get saved.

    I’m worthless.

    She should just stay home. She shouldn’t waste her energy on me.

    She shouldn’t get hurt for me.

    She’s going to come here and save me, and then Vincent is going to fight her.

    She’s going to get hurt because of me. Because I’m stupid. And weak. And worthless.

    Is this where my story ends?

    Grandpa… What do I do…?

    “I’ll try to get a hold of the Guild. You two go on ahead. Don’t waste any time. Keep her safe, Rose.”

    “Understood. I’m counting on you.”

    They’re both so punctual. I can’t contribute anything, I’m freaking out.


    Rosemary held my paw tight. She even offered to carry me.

    We began to follow the footprints left in the snow. They were slowly fading, but we could see them for now.

    “Eri, can you talk? It’s okay if you can’t.”

    “…I can.”

    “Tell me what happened. As much as you can.”

    Don’t cry.

    “I was sleeping. A Rhydon grabbed me. Hopper jumped in, and he got knocked out. He said they’d be waiting at Shimmering Cave. Then they left. He left with Hopper…”


    “Rhydon? Like…”

    “Yeah. I think it was him.”

    “And he broke into your house?”

    “He did.”

    She’s silent for a second.

    “We just have to do our best.” She holds my paw even tighter, swinging it back and forth. “I’m with you. Samuel, too. We’ll get him back, okay?”

    She’s so confident. “But what if-”

    “We’ll get him back, and then we’ll ask him to make a bunch of food for all four of us. We’ll eat a whole bunch. And we can have a sleepover again.”

    She’s trying her best. “…I don’t wanna make him make dinner. You should do it, Rosemary. Or Samuel. I want him to rest.”

    “That’s okay. I’ll make it if you want. What do you want to eat, Eri?”


    “I’ll make you some pasta. With Tamato sauce, though. That’s what I’m good at.”

    “That’s fine. I’ll eat it.”

    “And then we’ll sleep super tight. We’ll all take the day off work tomorrow, so we can all sleep in. You can sleep in my bed if you get cold. Or would you rather sleep on the couch with him?”

    “Rosemary…” This girl has the guts to tease me at a time like this. “You’re crazy.”

    “A crazy good friend, more like.”


    This time, it’s my grip that tightens.

    I feel a little better.

    Hopper’s not dead.

    He’s alive.

    I’m gonna give him a big hug, and then maybe… maybe I will sleep on the couch tonight.

    He’s alive.

    What kind of a partner would I be if I didn’t believe in him?

    What am I even talking about?

    My strength, my intelligence. What does it matter?

    This stuff isn’t like me. All this deep thinking.

    I’m stupid. I’m dumb.

    I’m the stupid boy from the forest who came along with her.

    I hit things when I need to, and I cook food. I don’t talk well. I’m like a tool.

    She’s smart, and she’s talented, and charismatic too.

    She doesn’t hit things as well as I do, but that’s okay.

    She eats my food and tells me how good it is, and she makes clothes and walks home with me every day.

    She talks and talks and talks. We talk about all sorts of things. And when I talk, she listens.

    She’s everything I’m not, but it’s a two way street.

    She’s my partner!

    I believe in her!

    I luh… luhhhhhh…

    …I like her a lot!

    She’s going to come and save me, and then we’re gonna work this out together!

    Back at the lake, we were able to beat Vincent. They had me surrounded that time too, and then Eri came in and we beat him together.

    Today isn’t any different.

    Who cares if they evolved?

    If we could beat that Aggron, we can do anything together!

    That’s the nice thing about being stupid. When you don’t think at all, the world is whatever you want it to be. Whatever you hope it’ll be.

    And I want to go home and see Eri again. I hope that I can keep adventuring with her forever.

    But before that, we need to get me out of here. And we can!

    I’m stupid!

    I have hope!

    The path was shockingly easy to traverse. Through the forest and through the cave, the whole way was littered with knocked out Pokémon. Right, the shifting terrain means that Vincent and his gang would’ve needed to plow through here the hard way. We’re just following them.

    My friend lights the cave with Sunny Day, taking position behind me as we walk. Just as they said, the terrain is totally unfamiliar. How does something like this even happen?

    Whatever. Eyes on the prize. I need to figure out how I’ll handle Vincent.


    “What’s up?”

    We keep our voices low. They could be around any corner, and we want to keep as much of an element of surprise as possible.

    “You should let me go ahead once we find them.”

    “Really? You could get hurt.”

    “Stay close behind so you can step in if things go south, but don’t reveal yourself too early.”

    “Sounds like you have a good reason for this.”

    You bet. “They’ll probably get spooked if I come with backup. I’ll occupy his time for a while, make him think I’m alone. I’m guessing that Samuel will go for a surprise attack when he gets here, so we’ll use that as the signal. Again, help me if needed, but otherwise wait for him.”

    She giggles behind me. “Hopper’s lucky that his partner is so clever.”

    “It’s what I can do. I just hope he’s okay.”

    Deep breath. Keep yourself calm. You’re doing great.

    “He’s gonna be alright, Eri. Remember what I told you last time we were here? He’s a tough cookie.”

    I’m gonna be alright.

    I’m gonna be alright.

    I’m gonna be alright.

    I’m so damn scared, but I gotta stay strong.

    Gotta be strong for Eri. She’ll be here before I know it.

    We’re in this together. I gotta be strong.

    Be strong! You’ve got this!

    “Who would’ve thought this would be so boring. When the hell is the runt going to get here?” Vincent whines to himself. What a jackass. He’s the one who has me kidnapped in a cave.

    I’m not going to respond, though. Can’t risk it.

    He gets up and steps next to me. “Any longer and I won’t be able to hold back. I’ll have to start our little rematch early.”

    Shut up. Just shut up. I’ve decided I’m not dying here. I’m not getting killed by you. You may be strong, but I’m stupid. I believe in myself, and I believe in my partner, so you’re not going to get away with this!

    “Getting bored? Sounds to me like you’re a shitty host!”

    Eri! She’s here!

    Vincent chuckles to himself. It’s… really unnerving. It’s unlike the smug demeanor I’ve come to expect out of him. It’s like he’s actually gone crazy. “Wonderful. The lady of the hour has arrived. We were just talking about you.”

    She ignores him completely and fixates on me. “Hopper, are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

    I’m a little scared to speak, but… “I’m okay! He didn’t do much!”

    A deep sigh of relief releases from her mouth. “Good. In that case, let’s chat.”

    “Chat? I have your partner at claw-point, and you want to chat?”

    “Yep. You kidnapped Hopper and made me trudge through a blizzard all by myself. The least you could do is indulge me with some answers.” Eri crosses her arms and assumes a condescending expression. She seems nervous, but she’s putting her strongest paw forward. “What? Can’t do that? Worried we’ll win if we sit and chat for a little bit first?”

    Vincent’s greatest strength and greatest weakness: his ego.

    “Fine. Have it your way, delay the inevitable. What do you want to know?”

    “Isn’t it obvious? I want to know why you kidnapped Hopper. And you clearly wanted me first. Why?”

    Vincent groans. “Great, make me explain myself twice. You’re here because I want a rematch. You two have been living free for the past two months, and it makes me sick. I always get what I want, and right now I want my stress toy back. Having two is even better.” His frustration turns to a sinister jubilation. “And how convenient, too. I was telling your stupid partner that I expected you to bring some friends, but you offered yourself to me on a silver platter anyways. Guess I overestimated your intelligence.”

    “First of all, he’s not stupid. Second, we beat you together before, didn’t we? What’s different now?”

    “Need me to spell it out for you? G-L-I-S-C-O-R. Didn’t notice?”

    She leans in and squints. “Ohhhhhhhh yeah. Guess the goofy tongue is gone. And you exchanged that lame pink for a sleek purple. You clean up surprisingly well.” She looks around the cave’s dead end. “Bryon, I already saw plenty of your new look. Classy. Ellie, you’re looking gorgeous too.”

    Eloise growls a bit at the comment.

    “Watch the smack talk, runt. I’d hope you realize that the ball is in my court here.” He raises a claw to my chin, pushing my head against the wall behind me.

    Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.

    She looks furious, but tries to keep her composure. “Is it, now? I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

    “What’re you-”


    “So that’s your game.”

    Not even a second later, Vincent’s claw closes around Hopper, trapping him inside.

    “Eri! Help me!” His voice is muffled, reverberating within the claw.

    “Samuel, now!”


    I had a feeling he would be ready. He’s always got the timing down.

    A claw bursts from the ground below, latching on to Vincent’s leg before he can take flight. “Hngh!” Samuel slams the Gliscor to the ground before pulling himself out of the hole.


    Oh, shit, Hopper’s inside there still. We need to be careful!

    “You bitch! I thought you were alone!”

    “Nope. You had the right idea, Vincent. I’m not stupid. Red is the color of heroes, and all great heroes work in teams!”

    “Coward! Real men fight with honor!”

    “Well, good thing that two of us are women! Rosemary, your turn!”


    While Vincent and I were bickering, Bryon got to work with Samuel. The size difference means a lot here, but he’ll be totally defenseless against Rosemary!


    A beam of blinding green light. It’s not as strong as the one she used against Aggron, but it’s more than enough to send that Rhydon stumbling into the wall.

    “Nice save, Ros-” Samuel begins to speak, but is interrupted by Eloise.


    The two sets of claws collide over and over, parry after parry. She has the offense down, but Samuel’s defense is unmatched. He doesn’t let a single one through.

    Still, he needs backup. While Bryon is still down, this is our chance!

    “Rosemary, help Samuel out! I’ll take Vincent.”

    “But you-”

    I hoist my bag on my shoulder and nod down at it. “I’ll be fine. Just trust me.”

    She looks apprehensive, but ultimately nods in approval. “Alright. Show him what Team Earshot can do!” With a determined look, she runs towards Samuel.

    Alright. This is it. I can do it. I know I can!

    I lock eyes with my opponent. He’s fierce; sinister, even.

    His right claw. That’s the spot. I need to pry that thing open.

    At my current strength? No way. Even with Hopper’s help, I dunno if I could.

    But if I can get it right, if I can surprise him with my trump card…

    I take off running. The coat and scarf used to weigh me down, but I’m stronger now. I can run at my full speed, even with all this added bulk.

    “I’ll make you wish you were never born, runt! You and your bug of a partner!” He rattles his claw.


    I can hear Hopper bouncing around inside.

    He’s in pain.

    Adventurers- no, heroes… our job is to help those who are in pain.

    Today, the person in pain happens to be Hopper.

    My friend.

    My partner.



    Right now, in this moment, he’s everything to me!

    Forget the cute, flustered bullshit. I love him, so it’s up to me to save him!


    Grab hold of the claw!

    Pull! Pull as hard as you can!

    “Seriously, how pathetic! Little pest!”

    Vincent’s other claw moves in to crush me. On reflex, I lift an arm to block.


    The claw stops approaching.

    Huh? ‘Clang’? What did it go ‘clang’ on?

    “What?! How can you-”

    Doesn’t matter right now, I need to focus! Save Hopper!

    Gotta push! Gotta help her open it!

    It’s… way too tight…

    We’re not making any progress!

    If only… I was a little stronger…!

    I just need… to be a little stronger…!

    I need to do it right now!

    But… our promise…

    If I do it now, then I’ll break my promise to Hopper.


    If only I could reach out to him…




    Are… are you ready?

    Ready? Ready for what?

    Remember? Our special moment. I think it’s time.

    Our special moment…


    I’m… Yeah. I’m ready whenever you are.

    You’re sure? Once we do it, there’s no going back.

    I’m positive. I’m ready. Let’s do it together!


    Energy courses from my bag to me. Everything goes white.

    Energy envelops my body. It’s all white.

    My body feels weightless. Formless. I can’t feel at all.

    I remember this feeling… from all those years ago.

    My form begins to settle.

    More fur all over my head…

    More fur behind my ears…

    Vincent’s claw can’t contain me…!

    The claw is budging!

    I can see now! It was dark before, but now it’s bright!

    Light explodes from the claw as it opens.

    This is it. Goodbye… Pawmo.

    Goodbye… Minccino.


    “W-W-What the…?!”

    Vincent is stunned as Hopper’s head pops out of his claw, the rest of his body pushing it open.

    “Hopper, take my paw!”

    “On it!”

    I pull him out-

    Holy shit, he’s so heavy now! I can’t lift him!

    I kick off the walls of Vincent’s claw with all my strength, pulling Eri with me as I sail through the air. My arm feels thicker. The tie on my armband comes undone, falling to the ground below as we fly. The bag over her shoulder falls, too.

    Oh crap, gotta break our fall!

    I pull her in tight, shielding her body almost entirely.

    She’s… a lot smaller now…

    Or I guess I’m bigger.


    I roll back a little when I land.

    “Are you okay…?” I loosen my hold on her, allowing her to look up at me. The tufts of fur at the top of her head have transformed into a full set of bangs, pulling back behind her ears and wrapping around into a curled style above the shoulders.

    So pretty…

    His wild head of hair has grown even crazier, now all messy and spiky. If I were to run my paw through that mane, it might never come out. And those eyes… they were brown before, but now they have a hint of purple. They’re more… mature than before.


    “I’m alright…”

    “Pathetic! So damn pathetic! You have to rely on evolving just to stand a chance against me? You’re so fucking pathetic, you stupid bug!” Vincent stamps the ground as he throws his childish fit. He may have evolved since last time, but he hasn’t matured one bit.

    Eri and I get to our feet, and I pull her in at my side. “Listen up, jackass, because I’m not going to tell you this again! You hit the nail on the head: I’m a bug. I’m small, and weak, and I’m a royal pain in the ass. But let me tell you two critical things that bugs do. First! We always hop back up, no matter what! And second…”

    I turn to Eri, who meets my gaze with a reassuring smile. We nod in unison, both prepared to finish our battle.

    “…we bugs… evolve!”

    We both kick off the ground instantly. Instead of splitting up to flank him, we remain at each other’s side. Paw in paw.

    Samuel and Rosemary are keeping the others busy, so Eri and I can focus everything we’ve got into this attack!

    I look down at her… “Ready?”

    …and she looks back up. “I’m ready, let’s do it!”

    Alright, what was it…

    Hold her paw tight.

    Give him a Helping Hand…

    Now spin her around. She’s a whole lot lighter than me now, so it’s not too hard.

    Around and around and around…

    “Make me fly, Hopper!!!”

    Our existing momentum from running at Vincent certainly helps.

    He’s totally dumbfounded. Gotta let it loose before he can lift off!

    Just gotta wait for the right angle…

    …that’s it! Release!

    I sail through the air. Hopper was able to give it way more elbow grease than when I did it.

    Up, up, up. Make it count!

    I wrap my tail around me as best I can…

    …and spin!



    My tail hits Vincent with each rotation, battering at his head relentlessly. As I fly past, I grasp his ears and perch atop his head, holding him in place for…

    “And more where that came from!”

    I leap up from below, delivering a devastating uppercut.


    Before I fall, I grab hold of his head and take him down with me.

    “Eat rocks, asshole!”


    His head lands straight in the rocks!

    “You know the drill, Hopper!”


    I land on Vincent’s back, while Hopper remains in front of him.


    Raise my tail…


    Pull my arm back…



    My tail slams down on his head. Clean hit!


    I bury my fist in his forehead. Clean hit!

    Eri leaps off his back and rejoins me in front of him. Rosemary and Samuel wrapped up their skirmishes too, and now stand above their opponents.

    “It’s over, Vincent. The Guild will be here any minute.” Eri speaks up from beside me.

    He coughs, pulling himself up with his claws. “Stupid bug… and stupid runt…” He continues to cough. I don’t feel bad for him. He deserved this beating. “I’ll… kill you… next time…”

    “Next time?” Eri’s confusion speaks for everyone.

    “Now… Ellie…”

    With her face still planted in the ground, Eloise slams down a strange blue orb, shattering it.

    The instant it breaks, a cloud of dust whips up around the three of them. When the cloud dissipates, they’re already gone.

    Samuel looks all around the room. “They disappeared…”

    “Yeah…” Rosemary is as puzzled as everyone else.

    There’s no other explanation. Somehow, they’re gone.

    Which means… I’m safe…

    An illustration of a newly evolved Eri and Hopper. Hopper stands to the left with his arm around Eri, who now stands about a head shorter than him. They both look tired and distressed, with Hopper seeming more exhausted and Eri seeming furious and anxious.

    I look down at Eri, who is… shaking? She looks so tired and stressed. If you poked her by surprise right now, she’d probably pop.

    I’ve never seen her like this. She acted so confident when she confronted Vincent, but deep down she felt like this

    “Eri, you-”

    “HOPPERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!” Her arms wrap around my sides as far as they can go. She squeezes really, really tight. “Hopper… Hopper… You’re…”

    I return the favor, pulling her close. “Glad to see you too.”



    “SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT!” Her voice is muffled and nasally. I feel a flood of tears welling up into my chest.

    I’ve been trying my best to keep cool, but I can’t keep it up forever.

    Eri’s here now. I can let it out.

    “I was so scared. I knew you’d come, and you did.” I squeeze her even tighter. “Thank you… for saving me…”

    …now I’m crying too.

    It’s sweet, but…

    “H-Hopper… too tight…!”

    “Oh! S-Sorry!” He releases me.

    He looks cooler now, but he’s acting just as flustered as usual. It’s the same Hopper.

    I shouldn’t have complained. He’s so warm… I wanna go back…

    “Is everybody alright?” An Abomasnow – a little too tall for this cave, frankly – peeks in from the chamber’s entrance. “The Guild dispatched us, but it seems the situation has resolved…”

    We went ahead and explained everything to him. The kidnapping, the fight, the evolution, everything.

    “Are you two able to walk home? I can carry you if need be.”

    Nice of him to offer. Even though we’ve evolved, we’re still small enough to carry for a big Pokémon like him. “I’ll be okay. I’m tired, but I can make it home. Hopper?”

    “Yeah, I think I’ll manage too. Thanks.” Surprising answer from the boy who just got kidnapped.

    “Understood. I’ll escort you home regardless. My partner is waiting outside as well. We shouldn’t waste any more time here.”

    All four of us nod affirmatively. Hopper and I step in line first, and Rosemary and Samuel follow.

    “Uh…” Hopper speaks at a whisper while we walk through the winding corridors. “Eri…”

    “What’s the matter? Can you still walk?”

    He fiddles with his paws. “Yeah, I’m okay. I just, um… Do you…” He looks away from me and stretches his arm out to me.

    I take hold of it without a word. I hold it tight.

    Behind me, Rosemary mimics the sound of a saxophone playing a romantic tune, earning a chuckle from Samuel.

    Yeah, yeah. Have your fun. I’m not letting go.

    The walk home was uneventful. At the cave’s entrance we met up with the Guild member’s partner, a Mamoswine, who tagged along the rest of the way to Radiant Square.

    I was unconscious on the way here, so I hadn’t noticed the labyrinthine layouts of the cave and forest. Guess all that stuff they’re saying about the shifting terrain is true. Winding paths cut through deep, dense groves. It would be easy to lose one’s way, but all of my companions had made the trek earlier, so it was painless.

    Eri and I held paws the whole time. I needed it.

    It was late at night, snowing, and there was a hole in the wall of Eri’s room. We all acknowledged that we couldn’t head back, so Rosemary and Samuel generously offered their home for the evening.

    “Eri and I talked a bit earlier. How does pasta sound for dinner, boys? My treat.”

    Since when is Rosemary the group chef? “What? No, I’ll cook.”

    She pouts. “You got kidnapped tonight, Hopper. I’m cooking.”

    “Even more reason for me to cook. You three saved me, I need to repay you.”

    She grumbles a little. If there’s such a thing as too much hospitality, it’s Rosemary. “Ok, ok, fine. You can do the sauce, I’ll boil the water. I’ll take the chance to try your beloved spinach and mushroom recipe.”


    All the utensils are so much smaller now. It’s a welcome change, as they were far too large for me before, but it’s gonna take some getting used to.

    Oh, right. Larger portions too. My height basically doubled, and Eri’s a little taller too. Gonna have to make a whole bunch more than before.

    Our days of cheap grocery shopping are over. Bug and runt no longer.

    Speaking of…

    “Soooooooo is nobody going to address the Donphan in the room?” Rosemary tilts her head back from the kitchen, stealing a look at me.

    “It’s a good look. Both of you.” Samuel lifts his head and looks to Hopper. “Someone could use a haircut, though.” He raises his voice so the shaggy Pawmot can hear.

    “W-What? But I like it!” He’s got Hopper shouting, too.

    Samuel taps the table to grab my attention. “Well? What do you think? You’re his partner, after all.”

    “Hmm…” It’s long, and it’s very messy, but I dunno. It’s nice. His fluffy body keeps the cute aspect, while his hair gives him that cool factor. “I’m vetoing the haircut idea. I think he looks really cool.”

    I hear the clattering of Hopper’s utensils speed up.

    “How about you, Hopper? Is the new Eri everything you ever dreamed and more~?” Rosemary nudges his arm, causing him to perk up.

    “That’s, uh…” He speeds up even further. “I… like it.”

    Everyone is silent. Rosemary and Samuel look at me expectantly.

    Alright, they want a show, so I’ll give them one. “Just ‘I like it’? That’s all, Hopper?”

    “What do you want me to say?” It comes out as a quiet mumble. “I think… you’re, uh… pretty…”

    Rosemary gasps in feigned surprise. “The truth cometh!”

    “The truth indeed.” Samuel plays into her theatrics. “For what it’s worth, I agree with both of you. Even about Hopper’s weird haircut.”

    “Not weird! Cool!” He yells again from the kitchen.

    Our gigantic serving of pasta was loved by all. Rosemary’s help was deeply appreciated, but I’m glad I got to pay them all back in some way.

    Nobody wasted any time in getting to bed. I was once again offered a spot in Samuel’s room, but I opted for the couch again. Like last time, I’m too exhausted to even care. I don’t mind stretching out in a comfy spot.

    …and yet, I’m wide awake. I shouldn’t be. I was kidnapped and nearly killed tonight, so I’ve got every reason to be tired. The snow and wind are giving a nice bit of white noise to drown out my brain, and I’m still small enough to fit comfortably on the couch. What’s keeping me up?

    Who am I kidding. I know what it is. Here goes.

    I roll out of bed and quietly step up the stairs. Rosemary’s room is the first door. A conversation can barely be made out from inside. I have no interest in eavesdropping, though.


    I do my best to knock delicately.

    “Ah! H-Hello? Who’s there?” It’s Rosemary’s voice on the other side.

    “Uh, it’s me. Hopper.”

    “Eri, hide the thing!”

    “Quit talking so loud, he’ll hear!”

    “O-Oh, right, my bad!” Rosemary’s gentle footsteps approach. The door creaks open, and she blocks my entire view of the room. “Hopper! Looking for Eri, I assume?”

    “That’s right… Did I pick a bad time?”

    “No! You’re fine! I’ll be out in a second, ‘kay! You can wait for me downstairs!”

    I wonder what’s the matter… “Okay, got it. No rush.”

    The door slams shut behind me as I walk away. Hope I didn’t bother them…

    “Y-You’re sure it’s ready, Rosemary?” I find myself nervously pacing around the room.

    Rosemary leans down and shakes my shoulders. “Have some confidence, girl! He’s gonna love it.” Even though I’m a bit taller now, the size difference between us is still pretty significant. She’s… maybe shaking a little too hard.

    “I know, I’ve just been working so hard on it, so I need it to be per-”

    She releases me and places her leaves at her hips. “Perfect already. Seriously, you’ll be fine. If he doesn’t go head over heels the second you hand it to him, I’ll join you in beating the stuffing out of him.”

    “We don’t need to go that far… but thanks.”

    She gets behind me and pushes me to the door. “Break a leg!”

    I fold up the garment and step into the hallway, holding it behind my back while I carefully descend the stairs. If I were to drop this thing and rip it now, then I’d seriously go insane.

    Over a month of work…

    It felt like the time would never arrive, but here it is. Just in time for winter. Or maybe a week late, but whatever. I can’t be expected to account for supernatural geological phenomena.

    Game face! Believe in Rosemary’s confidence!

    Play it cool. He invited you down here, not the other way around. “H-Hey, Hopper… Did you need something?”

    He looks so excited to see me. That dopey face is so cute. “Just couldn’t sleep. I wanted to talk a little before bed. Just us.”

    My heart beats faster than usual. “Sure. W-What’s on your mind?” I take a seat next to him on the couch, still trying to hold his gift away from view.

    He struggles to get the words out.

    “Hey, come on, what is it?” I shake his arm. At his new size, those arms are a billion times bigger than mine.

    He runs his paw through his hair, like some nervous tick. “I just wanted to apologize… and say thank you, too. Sorry that you almost got kidnapped. And thank you for coming to save me. It’s because of me that you got involved in all this to begin with…”

    This boy really never changes. “Hopper. Do you remember what I told you? Back when we were getting registered.”

    He’s silent for a second. “…can you remind me?”

    Should’ve expected that. Alright, Eri. Time to get sappy. “I’ll tell you a little story instead. I talk a lot about my crazy family, but my life in Bark Square was really boring. I was never any good at cleaning, so I was just a glorified cashier at the family shop. Folks would come in every day and I’d force a smile, and then I’d get out of work and take care of my idiot brothers. And my cute little sister, too.” They’re idiots, but I miss them. Especially Sana. Sweetest little girl in the universe. Anyways… “When I left home, I wanted to get away from that stuff. I wanted my life to be exciting. I wanted to get my heart racing. Instead, I walked and walked and walked for a whole day and nearly turned around. But then, Arceus put some big dummy on the same path as me, and three other, even bigger dummies. I chose to help that dummy, and then he helped me. That dummy reminded me why I left home to begin with, and… he cared for me. You remember all that, don’t you?”

    He looks perplexed, and a little embarrassed. “Yeah, bu-”

    “That adorable idiot asked me to be his partner, and I accepted. Even after I saw him get his butt kicked the night before, I accepted. That’s what I chose to do. If I’d said no, I probably would’ve passed the berry exam on my first try. Then maybe I’d meet someone in Radiant Square, like Prisca, and go on adventures with them. But I didn’t choose that. I chose to be with you. And you want to know something, Hopper?”

    “Mm…” Tears build up below those beautiful purple-y eyes.

    “I’m glad I did. I don’t care about Vincent and his stupid friends. I made my choice, and I like my life. If Vincent is your problem, then he’s my problem too. That’s what being partners means. And don’t forget: you saved me today before I saved you. In my book, that makes both of us heroes in equal measure.” I lean on his arm. So warm. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately about something you said. You told me you don’t have a birthday. It made me really sad. I loved acting all spoiled on my birthday and, well, you can see that the Shiny Stone was a good gift. Knowing you didn’t have a day like that didn’t sit right with me, so…”


    Here goes.

    “I thought, uh, maybe we could celebrate it today from now on. November 8th: The day Hopper evolved into a Pawmot. Sort of like a birthday, right?”

    His face is bright red. Whatever I’m doing, it’s working. “That… would be nice…”

    No turning back now.

    “In that case… wanna close your eyes for me?”

    I do as she asks.

    “Ok, hold out your paws.”

    Again, I do it.

    Something soft is gently lowered on to my paws. It’s shaped like a square. Soft and fuzzy.

    “You can open them now.”

    In my paws is a thick, folded fabric. It’s colored a very dark gray; nearly black, even.

    Unfolding it reveals a trench coat. It looks like it’s the perfect size.

    A black trench coat…

    Just like his…

    “Happy birthday, Hopper. I hope you like it…”

    He holds it out and stares at it. I don’t interrupt him. Those tears grow stronger, but he pulls himself together.

    A moment later, he stands up and begins to put it on.

    He has no trouble slipping into it.

    “Eri, can you help me?” He points to the table beside the couch. His armband is sitting on top.

    I silently take it and tie it around his arm. Just tight enough to stay on, but still loose enough to be comfortable.

    He inspects the arm, then rolls his shoulder.

    “Do… you like it?” I don’t want to be naggy, but I need to know.

    He throws his arms back and stretches forward with a hearty grunt. When he returns to normal posture, he speaks. “It’s perfect. Without my exact measurements, I don’t know how you managed to fit it this well.”

    An illustration of Hopper in his new coat. He looks down at it with his arms stretched out, tears welling up beneath his eyes and a smile of wonder on his face.

    “I just know you that well, I guess.” Now I’m the one who’s gone all red.

    Hopper sits back down and smiles, pulling me close. The coat is so soft. I’m almost jealous.

    “Thanks for talking to me. And thanks for the gift. In this cold weather, it should help me get to sleep a bit easier.”

    Right, we have to sleep. I’ll have to go back up to Rosemary’s room.


    “Hey, uh, you know… I’m really tired, I dunno if I can walk back up all those stairs.” Arceus Almighty, what am I even saying. “Do you think I could stay on the couch tonight? With you…?”

    His arm doesn’t move.

    “Is that a yes, Hopper?”



    He’s snoring.

    Oh my goodness, what a relief. If he’d heard me say that, I would die of embarrassment.

    I’m… sure he won’t mind.

    I lean in further, pulling him into a big hug and burying my face in the fur.

    “You’re like a big stuffed toy. So cozy.”

    As long as I’m holding on to him, neither of us are going anywhere. Vincent could evolve a million times for all I care and he still wouldn’t be strong enough to pluck me off this big fuzzball.

    Maybe being smaller than him isn’t so bad after all. I like the new Hopper.

    I… like this life…

    If you’re read this far, thank you so so so much for reading Act 1 of Within Earshot! I’ve had so much fun working on this story so far. This chapter marks a big milestone in Eri and Hopper’s lives, and I think it’s one in mine too.

    Act 2 will begin pretty soon. I might take a little time to catch up on some stuff I put on the backburner while writing (Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, I’ll finally finish you…) and also finalize my vision for Act 2. I like to work a chapter ahead, which I will likely continue, so it might be a month or maybe some more before Act 2 starts. Between now and then, I have started writing a Special Episode/Intermission thing too, which I’ll release as soon as it’s ready. Cover image and Act 2 character page are already in progress too!

    Working on this fic is time consuming and challenging, but it’s so fulfilling. I see Act 1 as an extended introduction to the world and characters, but I feel the real fun is gonna start in Act 2. There’s a lot planned, so get excited!

    Again, thank you so much for sticking with the fic this long. The adventures are still just beginning for Team Earshot (and Team Thorn, too!), so get excited!


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    1. Jun 7, '24 at 5:17 am


    2. Apr 16, '24 at 2:41 pm

      Congratulations on finishing act 1!!! You’ve got me utterly hooked in the lives of these stupid, wonderful “just friends” and I’m so so excited to see where they head next!
      This chapter was such a good read from start to finish, I love their joint evolution the moment where they were communicating to each other without speaking the chills… Vincent is a really great “petty villain” I guess I’d describe him, small time in the grand scheme of things but still just completely detestable and still compelling in his own way. I’m sure we’ve not seen the last of him, but I wonder if we’ll see an even more dangerous threat come into play in act 2?
      Overall I think my favourite chapter in Act 1 has to be shiny stone, with this one making second place. Again congrats on finishing the act and good luck with the next one 🙂