The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In which Eri’s birthday brings out new sides to both of our heroes.

    “Hoo! I’m beat~!” Rosemary stretched her leaves above her head. “The fight wasn’t too bad, it’s just all this walking. Would be nice if one of us was big and fast enough to ride.”

    Cinccino and Pawmot don’t fit the criteria, so she’s out of luck. “You two are free to carry us around until we evolve. Hopper seemed to enjoy it the other day.” I might still be small enough to carry after I evolve, but Hopper…

    Hold up, he’s gonna be way bigger than me. I’m not ready for that. That’s gonna be so weird…

    “Pass. These claws aren’t made for that.” I’d rather not be held in them anyway.

    “How about you, Rosemary?” I really don’t even need it, but I won’t give up a chance to mess with her. Call it payback.

    She slumps over in an exaggerated fashion. “Did you hear a word I said? I’m too tired to carry anyone right now.”

    “Hmph! Not even for my birthday?” An only child like Rosemary wouldn’t get it, but the birthday card is the ultimate play when you’ve got a big, crazy family like mine.

    “Woah woah WHAT?” She steps in front of me and grabs my shoulders. “You didn’t tell me about this!” She turns to the boys. “Hopper, why didn’t you say anything sooner?”

    Hopper’s all flustered, playing with his rugged fur and looking around anxiously. Huh, I guess we never talked about it before. “I… uh-”

    “Chill out, Rosemary. I forgot to tell him until now.” Finding out someone’s birthday is always a little awkward; it either just comes up in conversation or you find out the day of. Given his background, I wouldn’t have expected Hopper to ask me about it.

    “In any case, ask again tomorrow, birthday girl. You can’t make birthday demands before the big day anyway.” She moves out of my way while she talks, allowing us all to keep moving. “Come to think of it, I never asked your age either.”

    “Eighteen. Nineteen tomorrow.” No way my parents would have let me leave home before I finished school. “You?”

    “Rude to ask a lady her age.” But you just asked for mine??? “Twenty. Samuel turned twenty-one a couple months ago. My birthday’s in March, in case you want to get the jump on gift shopping~!” Yeah, whatever you say.

    “Thanks again… we were so afraid…” Our clients today were a Pidove and a Skwovet. The latter is one I haven’t gotten to yet in the encyclopedia, but Eri filled me in.

    “Mhm mhm! You saved my friend’s tail! And the rest of her too!” The Pidove is loud and boisterous, as opposed to his reserved Skwovet friend. It’s a little unfair to make that kind of assessment though, as she could just be shaken up. “Sorry to make you go through the trouble.”

    Eri shakes her head. “Don’t be silly. Both of you made the right call. You should be proud of yourselves.”

    Today was a rescue mission in South Radiant Forest. These two got cornered by some wild Pokémon, so the Skwovet ran up a big tree. Her friend flew back to town to get help, and the rest is history.

    Actually, that was the same tree where we fought Vincent. Been a whole month, probably the longest I’ve gone in my whole life without seeing him. I wonder what he’s been up to…

    Wait, no I don’t. Whatever he’s doing, I hope he does it far from here.

    Life’s been good without him around, and I don’t ever wanna go back.

    “Hopper? You there?”


    “What’s wrong? You haven’t said a word since we left.” How does Eri catch on to this stuff before I do?

    “Sorry, nothing’s wrong. Just got lost in thought, I guess.” It doesn’t sound very convincing, but it’s the truth.

    Our clients were gone by the time I snapped back to reality. Looks like Eri has already collected our reward, too.

    Samuel clears his throat. “Say, Hopper. Are you up to do some training today?”

    Training with Samuel? Not my ideal way of spending an afternoon, frankly… “Where’s this coming from?” It’s not what I’ve come to expect out of him either.

    “Between our mission today and the one last week, I have a few pointers for you. Don’t you wanna be stronger?” Such uncharacteristic concern.

    “Ooh, that sounds like so much fun! You two should deeeeeeefinitely do it~!” What? Why is she so invested in this? “Eri, you’re fine working on that thing by yourself today, right? I have, uh, some errands to run. Yeah, groceries and all that. You know how it is!”

    Eri looks as confused as I am. “Uhhhh, yeah. I think I can manage, not that I said anything about it. You boys have fun, I guess. And you too Rosemary.”

    “Mhm! Yep! Lots of fun! Door’s unlocked, so go ahead and pick up the thingy. See you around!”

    “Yeah, see you around. Let’s go, Hopper.” Before I can respond or say anything to Eri, Samuel pushes me out the door, with Rosemary coming with.

    “Alright, coast is clear.” Samuel releases me, but continues walking at my side. “We’re off to Shimmering Mountain.”

    Coast is clear? Wait, Shimmering Mountain?! “W-What’re we heading there for? Can’t we train somewhere else?”

    Rosemary stifles a giggle, while Samuel can’t help but laugh out loud. “Hopper, did you really think all of that was serious?”

    “Maybe we should change careers to actors, Rose.”

    “I’ll consider it.” She turns back to me. “As I was saying, the training was a little white lie. The groceries, too. We’ve got work to do.”

    But didn’t we just finish work for the day? “Uh, ok, go on.”

    “Because you didn’t know your partner’s birthday until today, we’ve got some last minute shopping to do~!”

    “Not exactly shopping, though. You remember that shiny cavern where we fought that Aggron?”

    I don’t even want to think about it. “How could I ever forget… What about it?”

    “I take it you’ve read Minccino’s entry in the encyclopedia?”

    I’ve been giving them gradual status updates as I go along. I’m sitting at around #600 now, so I’m a bit past Minccino. “I have. What of it?”

    “Remind me again how they evolve.”

    The evolution details are one of the parts I usually skim past, but I took extra care when reading through Minccino’s page. “Minccino can evolve into Cinccino when exposed to a… Shiny… Stone… Oh, no no no. I don’t wanna fight that Aggron again!”

     “You wouldn’t even go back if it meant making Eri’s birthday extra super special~? Rosemary bobs her head from side to side as she speaks in a sing-song tone. “You’re her partner, you know. Gotta do what you have to in the name of love~!”

    “I-Isn’t there some other gift I can give her? Like some stuff she can use to make clothes?”

    “Store-bought gifts are so passe, Hopper. Samuel got me my Sun Stone as a birthday gift too, so I know from experience that it’s perfect!”

    Samuel scoffs. “Confessed to me right then and there, too.”

    “It’s foolproof. And think about it: if you mine it from a cave, it’ll be a one-of-a-kind formation. The ones they sell in stores are all cut the same, but yours will be special~!”

    They’re making an awfully strong case for this whole scheme. After everything Eri’s done for me, I really should go the extra mile for her birthday…

    Rosemary’s a horrible actor. Somehow even Samuel is better.

    She’s clearly up to something. The Rosemary I know wouldn’t turn down hanging out to get groceries, even if she was starving to death.

    A bestie to the end, that one. That’s just the kind of girl she is.

    Even though his performance was better, Samuel was still acting way out of character. He and Hopper have mutual respect at best. Their bromance hasn’t hit the point of training together yet. Though, I guess I could see it if Rosemary told him to. She’s got him wrapped around her non-existent leafy finger.

    Ok Eri, focus. Don’t wanna make a mistake…

    Or cut my paw, for that matter. These electric sewing machines are no joke.

    “Whole lot quieter in here than last time.” Like before, I’m a glorified lantern. As much as I’d love to pawn the responsibility off to Rosemary, my light is unfortunately much brighter. We chose to station her just outside the cave. In case something happens, we can ping her badge and she can ping the Guild. No guarantee that it would actually work in practice, but better safe than sorry.

    “Wild Pokémon are smarter than you think. We beat them here only a week ago, so they’re probably steering clear of this route for the time being.” Samuel’s demeanor today is far more casual in general. He must be quite confident in his assertion. “Guess Rosemary was right. This trip will be worth it after all.”

    “Can you blame me for overreacting? I was almost a red stain the other d-”


    We’re both frozen solid for a moment.

    Samuel’s casual tone is replaced with a serious whisper. “Let’s limit communications to the essentials only.”


    Can’t help but wonder what they’re doing.

    It’s gotta have something to do with my birthday, but what? I’d feel kinda bad if they went all out on such short notice. Means I’d have to stress about their birthdays too.

    Shit, I hope I didn’t miss Hopper’s birthday. Rosemary and Samuel are whatever, but I’d feel like such an ass if Hopper did something big for mine and I didn’t even ask for his. He would never tell me unless I asked either. He’s too polite and anxious.

    That dummy… what’s he up to?

    “C-Come on… faster…!”

    “Shut up, Hopper. I’m doing my best…”





    In the same place we fought it before, that Aggron is snoozing. We’re far away from it, and I assume it’s a heavy sleeper, but we can never be too careful.

    chk, chk, chk, chk, chk…

    Samuel slowly chips away at a stone protrusion with his claws. Judging by how well he digs I can only assume he could do this a lot faster, but safety comes first.

    Up close, these Shiny Stones are really beautiful. It’s more accurate to call them one single stone, though. The walls of this cave have patches of glassy rock with little sprites of light within them. Cut out a formation with one of those sprites and you’ve got a Shiny Stone.


    “Almost got it…” Samuel wedges one of his claws in and moves it around, until…


    It came out!

    I catch it with both paws, narrowly saving it from shattering on the ground below. It’s roughly the size of my head, but it’s not very heavy.

    “Nice catch. Let’s get out of here.”

    Made some good progress today. I only have so much time each day to work on this thing, but it’s been smooth all the same. If we assume three days of work per week, and two hours per day, then I should be able to get this thing done in about three weeks, give or take. Early November. Should be ready before the snow starts to fall. Oh, guess it would have to wait until he evolves regardless.

    “Wrapping up for the day, Eri?”

    Yeah, just a little longer.

    “Looks like you made some good progress!”

    That’s what I’m saying.

    “Eri? Are you listening to me?”


    An Aurorus cranes her neck down to inspect the garment.

    “O-Oh! Prisca! Sorry, didn’t see you.”

    She giggles. “All good. Easy to get lost in thought when you’re working hard.”

    “Wouldn’t want to cut myself. Gotta focus.”

    She lifts her neck a little. “Guess I’m lucky. My outer skin is tough enough to withstand the sewing needle. I hadn’t even thought about it.”

    “Poor me with my beautiful, luxurious fur.” I turn off the machine and flip my hair.

    “Poor humble Eri.”

    I came to find that Prisca’s a super cool girl. Her form doesn’t make it easy, but her knitting skills blow mine out of the water. I have her beat when it comes to sewing, though. I’m much more precise than she is.

    Making friends over knitting and sewing isn’t something I had considered. The old ladies back home would chat with me about this stuff, but that isn’t, like, friendship. It was fun talking to them, but they were still just clients, and they were waaaaaaay older than me.

    I guess I’m technically ‘just a client’ to Prisca too, but she opened up to me after realizing I would become a regular. She’s a year older than me, and she’s trying to get into a nice college and become a professional fashion designer. I’d say she’s got what it takes. It’s not for me, though. Going pro would deprive me of the personal aspect. Best part of the job is seeing folks smile. It’s also just a comfy hobby, I don’t wanna have all that pressure while doing this.

    “I’ve been meaning to ask you, who is that thing for? It’s clearly too big for you, and it’s not really your style either. You’ve put a lot of hours into something that isn’t even for you.”

    She’s got a good eye, fitting for a prodigy seamstress. “For my partner. He’s just got an armband right now, so I figured I’d make him something for when he evolves. Walking around in a fluffy knit coat while he’s got practically nothing makes me feel like some posh princess. Not in the good way.”

    “Our dear Princess Eri deigns to extend clothing to the peasantry, eh?”

    Even though I started the joke, calling Hopper a peasant doesn’t sit right. “Hopefully this turns him into more of a knight in shining armor. Or, like, a knight in a fuzzy coat.” He doesn’t really give knight vibes though. Feels more like the other way around. ‘Red is the color of heroes’ and all that good stuff.

    If I made him a princess dress, I wonder if he’d wear it…

    “This is…” Rosemary examines our hand-carved Shiny Stone. “You’re… really gonna give this to her? Samuel, she’s gonna dump him on the spot.” ‘Dump’ me?! It’s that bad?

    “Nobody’s dumping anybody. Eri won’t give a shit, it’s just an evolution stone.” Samuel is never this defensive against Rosemary. “That Aggron was snoozing in the room, so I couldn’t make the thing perfect.”

    “Didn’t you say uniqueness is a good thing? Then this should be perfect! Right? Right???” I’m being pretty generous by describing it as ‘unique’ instead of ‘sloppy’.

    She stares at us with a conflicted expression before sighing. “I’m definitely not gonna make you two go back in that cave, and chipping it down to look nicer would risk breaking it, so it’ll have to do.” She hands it back to Samuel. “If this ruins Eri’s birthday, you’ll have hell to pay, Samuel!”

    “Understood, ma’am.” Now that’s closer to the Samuel I know.

    I remained quiet most of the way home. These two are like the comedy duos that Grandpa would listen to on the radio. Samuel is usually the straight man, but sometimes Rosemary takes the role. It’s hard to get a single word in with them.

    Or maybe they feel the same way? Like I’m unapproachable without Eri flanking me? I guess I’m not very sociable.

    Can’t be letting her ‘dump’ me then.

    It was getting dark when we got back to Radiant Square; about the same time Eri and I would usually head home from the library.

    “Ok, gotta run! Remember, Eri thinks I’m getting groceries and you two are training, so keep up the story!” Rosemary runs off towards the shopping district. “Good work today, boys! Let me know how the gift goes tomorrow~!”

    “You should get going too. Eri must be waiting for you.” Samuel stuffs the Shiny Stone into my backpack. “Tight fit, but that should do. Make sure she doesn’t see it.”

    So much pressure over this Shiny Stone…

    “Hopper? Did you hear me?”

    “Y-Yeah! All good!”

    He crosses his claws and stares. “Has anyone ever told you that you’ve got an awful poker face?”

    “Far too often…”

    He sighs. “Alright, spill it.”

    “Samuel… you’re… concerned?”

     “That’s, um…” Yeah, I’m the one with the bad poker face. “If a single thing goes wrong for Eri’s birthday, Rosemary will have your head and mine,” Samuel performs a cutting motion along his neck with his claw, “so I’ve got no choice but to sort your baggage out. You’ll want a clear mind for the big day.”

    Not a bad rebound. He’s tough to approach, but there may just be a soft little heart beneath those cold scales. “I’m just nervous. It’s my first time doing something like this, and Rosemary’s making it feel like the end of the world.” All that stuff about Eri ‘dumping’ me is getting to my head.

    He chuckles just loud enough for me to hear. “You’ll be fine, man. You know how Rosemary gets.” He crosses his claws with a smug look. “Could blame me for raising her standards so high.”

    “Okay… but what should I do tomorrow? Aside from giving her the Shiny Stone.” Rosemary didn’t give me much other specific advice. “What do folks do on birthdays?”

    “Hmm…” His eyes drift away from me and towards the sky. “That’s something you’ll have to figure out for yourself. If it were Rosemary’s birthday, we’d probably go for a walk or something, maybe do some window shopping. If anything caught her eye, I’d splurge a little and buy it for her. I mean, our funds are more or less linked, but it’s the thought that counts.”

    “I don’t think we have the money for that…”

    “Well, if it were my birthday, we’d go to the Café de Indeedee and grab an expensive dinner.” ‘Expensive’ is the issue there too. “The point is that there’s no right or wrong way to do these things. You and Eri have been living together and depending on each other for over a month. I barely know her. I’m sure you’ll figure out something you can do together.”

    “But… I don’t want her to ‘dump’ me, whatever that means…”

    “Pull yourself together, Hopper. I might not know her well, but she doesn’t seem like the type to obsess over this stuff. If she was, she wouldn’t have waited until the day before to tell you about her birthday.” We make eye contact again, and he must be able to tell how little his answer did for my confidence. “Just try your best to make her happy, whatever that means for her. I’m sure you can figure it out.”

    Try to make Eri happy? It sounds simple, but I feel like I’m already doing that every day. What can I do that would make tomorrow even happier? “But wh-”

    “Hopper! There you are!”

    Samuel shakes my shoulder. “The rest is up to you. Best of luck.”


    He’s already walking off by the time I turn.

    “How was your training today?” Phew, guess she believed Samuel’s lie.

    “G-Great! Samuel’s really strong, he taught me a lot. I learned, uh…”

    “You’ll have to show me on our next mission. I’ll be counting on you!” Safe for now, but I’ll have to improvise when the time comes…

    “Right, tomorrow, yeah! I’ll show you all the cool stuff I learned. All sorts of cool stuff. Really cool.”

    She shakes her head. “Not tomorrow. Birthday, remember? I’m taking the day off.”

    “Oh, right, sorry. Guess you can sleep in then.”

    “Mhm. You too, if you want.”

    Normally, yeah. But not tonight…


    So sore…

    Sun is so bright, too…

    Wait, sun?

    Oh shit, we’re so late! Hopper, why didn’t you wake me u-

    Relax, Eri, relax. That’s what it was. Birthday.

    Usually there’s a lot more commotion in the morning on birthdays. All the siblings going wild getting ready for the big day. Bunch of balloons and a fancy cake and all that. I kinda miss it.

    Not sure if it beats sleeping in, though.

    Nineteen years. I’m getting old, man.

    Now that I’m fully awake, I can’t ignore the pleasant aroma seeping in from the kitchen.

    “Hm hm hmmmm… hm hmmmmm…” The smell is accompanied by a strange humming, not resembling any song I’ve ever heard. Shouldn’t keep him waiting.

    The creaking of the door doesn’t catch his ear, so I proceed to the kitchen table and take a seat. He’s stood up on the counter, pushing something around in the stovetop pan without a care in the world. He hasn’t even put on his armband yet. The apron is as adorable as ever, too.

    “Someone’s in a good mood.”

    “A-Ah!” He nearly loses control of his spatula when he notices me. “G-Good morning, Eri. Happy birthday!” He returns the spatula to the skillet. “Pancakes today. Hope that’s alright.”

    A boy after my own heart. “Nothing better. This birthday’s a winner already!”

    Eri went through six pancakes before calling it quits. I got through three.

    “Some of the best pancakes I’ve had. Was your grandfather a fan?” Thank goodness, she liked them. First part of the Eri Birthday Operation is a success.

    “Nope. I learned how to make them as a treat for myself. The pancakes you ate only exist through a whole lot of trial and error.” …with myself as the test subject. I’ve made myself some pretty unpleasant pancakes, believe you me.

    “Sounds to me like he was missing out.” Eri moves to bring her plate to the counter.

    “Here, I’ve got it.” I take the plate off her hands and balance it atop mine. They’re a little heavy together, but I manage.

    She laughs and sits back down. “Look who’s all chivalrous today.”

    “I’ve gotta be! It’s your birthday!” With the dishes put away, I return to the table. “Do you want to do something fun? It’s not too late to head into town.”

    She crosses her arms with a smirk. “Something fun, eh? Alright Hopper, what’ve you got on my birthday agenda?”

    Shoot, what was the stuff that Samuel told me… “We could, uh, go shopping? If you see something you like, I’ll buy it for you.”

    “Window shopping has never been my thing. I usually go homemade, after all.” Not even an hour into the day and I’m already messing up… “Oh, hey, there’s an idea!”


    “For my birthday, I appoint you my personal assistant!” She props herself up on the table and points her paw my way. “I’ve been meaning to get started on Rosemary’s outfit, and you’re gonna help me.” She puts a paw to her chin and looks me down. “Oh, and wear the apron today. It’s cute.”

    “I have to wear this thing in public…?”

    A smug look takes her face. “You dare defy the birthday girl’s wishes?”

    Who knew she was this spoiled… “Alright, alright. The apron can stay.”

    “Ohhhhh. So that’s who the apron was for.” Prisca leans down and analyzes Hopper. “One of the birthday girl’s commands, I take it?”

    Hopper is fidgeting with the apron and looking around anxiously. He doesn’t do too well with big Pokémon. Again, between Prisca and that Golurk working the front desk, I really hope that he doesn’t develop some library trauma from all this. “Y-Yes ma’am.”

    “A real princess, this one. Don’t spoil her too badly.”

    What a rude thing to say on someone’s birthday. “Hey, it’s my birthday, I have the right. Don’t listen to her, Hopper. Spoil me endlessly.”

    “So that’s the fabled partner’s name: Hopper. Pleasure to meet you.”

    “N-Nice to meet you too…”

    “Oh, right, you two haven’t met. Hopper, this is Prisca: fellow seamstress.” I turn back to her. “Hopper agreed to play assistant today, and I’m looking to get started on a new project. Is the sewing machine open?”

    “Ready and waiting for the birthday princess.”

    “Har har.” I take Hopper’s paw and pull him along. “Time’s-a-wastin’. Let’s get started!”

    “Which color do you think fits her? I think a reddish-pink. Or maybe the purple is better?”

    “Slow and steady, Hopper. Keep it even.”

    “W-Watch your paw! Ok… maybe I should take it… You’re back on assistant duty for now.”

    “Can you get me more string, Hopper?”

    It was two hours of endless orders. It was hard to keep up with it all, and sometimes I felt like I was messing up, but Eri was patient with me the whole way. Even when I almost stabbed myself with the needle, or when I messed up a section, she just giggled and kept going.

    Is this what Samuel meant? Is this kind of thing making her happy?

    “A couple rough patches, but nothing I can’t sort out later. We did well, Hopper!” He never fully got used to the sewing machine, so it’s far from perfect. I had to take over fully towards the end. His big arms kept getting in the way. Didn’t want him to get hurt.

    He glances around the beginnings of the garment. “It was all thanks to you. All of the stuff I did is super messed up…”

    “Maybe, but you were my invaluable assistant today. This would’ve taken twice as long without a second pair of paws.” He doesn’t look convinced. Time to assert my birthday authority for his own good. “As the birthday girl, I command you to accept the compliment.”


    “Don’t you dare defy the birthday girl! Take the compliment!”

    He blushes and fiddles with his apron. “Alright… Thank you…”

    “Much better.” I reach for his backpack on the table. “Here, let’s get this put awa-”

    “Wait, wait!” He suddenly yanks the backpack away from me, shielding it with his body. “Sorry, I…” He pulls it back around. “I’ll, uh, clean up for you! Yeah, you can go on ahead, I’ll be right behind you!” Tied together with an unconvincing smile.

    My birthday senses are tingling, and they smell a gift inside that bag.

    “If you say so. I’ll meet you out front, okay?”

    “Will do!”

    I waited until the elevator was out of sight before opening my backpack. This huge Shiny Stone is gonna make it a tight fit. “How am I gonna…”

    “Does the assistant need some assistance?”

    “A-Ah!” A head the size of my body appears next to me, plastered with a smug grin. “Prisca… You scared me…”

    “Tell me, what did you get for her?”

    “Promise you won’t tell?”

    “Dude, she’s literally gone already. Your secret’s safe with me.” Good point. I pull out enough of the Shiny Stone for her to see. “Holy shit, these are pretty uncommon. How’d you get one?”

    “The cave at Shimmering Mountain is full of them. Our friend Samuel carved it out for me.” Guess not everyone is willing to confront a giant Aggron to get a nice gift. In all fairness, I hardly was either.

    She’s taken aback. “Pretty damn impressive. You’re a keeper, Hopper.”

    “It’s… the least I can do…” Compared to what Eri’s done for me in just one month, this is nothing.

    She gives a warm smile and reaches for the bag. “If you fold it up, it should stay safe under the Shiny Stone. Just be gentle with it.” After moving some stuff around, she zips my backpack up and pushes it back to me. “I’ll clean up the rest. Best not keep the birthday girl waiting.”

    “R-Right! Thank you, Prisca!”

    I had only been waiting for a few minutes when Hopper emerged from the library. “Sorry to keep you waiting!”

    “It’s alright! You cleaned up really fast.”

    “Oh, Prisca said she’d handle most of it.” He hikes up his backpack and prepares to walk. “So, what’s next? We still have a few hours of daylight left.”

    “Hmm…” It’s been a whole month, but it feels like we’ve hardly scratched the surface of stuff to do in Radiant Square. Most of my time here is spent either working or at the library. “I know I said earlier that I don’t care for window shopping, but how do you feel about a walk around town? There’s gotta be some cool places we haven’t seen before.”

    He seems pleased with the idea at first, but his expression quickly sours when he looks down. “Do I have to keep wearing the apron?”

    “Come on, it’s cute!” I shake his arm in childish frustration. Back home, my birthday was the one day each year where I got to act like a little brat. Old habits die hard, I guess. “You can take it off if you don’t like it, but the birthday girl would reaaaaaaally like it if you kept it on!”

    Those yellow cheeks turn red as he looks away from me. “F-Fine… At least it’s a little comfy…”

    The shopping district was situated east of the residential district. Most of the installations were shops, but there were a few small restaurants sprinkled about too. The residential district was home to spots like Café de Indeedee and other sit down restaurants, while the ones in the shopping district were more akin to snack parlors. Shops selling pretzels, ice cream, and even some little coffee shops.

    As I continued forth, Hopper stood frozen in front of a shop.

    “Hopper? Are you coming?”

    No answer.

    I tap his shoulder.

    “O-Oh! Sorry, let’s keep moving.”

    It’s a little shop. The only signage is a worn out wooden sign reading ‘Bookmark’. The entire building looks ancient, probably the oldest we’ve seen in town. All wooden with old paint. Very old-fashioned architecture too. The interior is mostly obscured by stacks of books lining the aisles.

    One would think he gets his fill of reading during our trips to the library, but I’m not in a hurry, so there’s no need to rush him. “You wanna go inside?”

    He looks surprised that I offered. “Only if you want to. It’s kind of a boring spot, so I get it if you want to go somewhere else.”

    I mean, he’s not wrong, but… “If you want to check it out, I’ll come with you. It’s not like I have anywhere else in mind.”

    An excited grin takes his face. Horrible poker face, but very cute.


    “Oh, we’ve got customers dear!”

    “Wuzzat? Customers? You’re pullin’ my fins!”

    “Shh! You’re going to scare them off!” A pair of elderly voices erupt from the corner of the store. A round, pink mass hovers past some stacks of books, eventually rising to reveal a face. “Welcome to Bookmark! What brings a cute couple like you in today?”

    Hopper and I exchange brief looks before nervously glancing around in unison.

    I mean, unless Hopper wants to, I’m not gonna correct her either… “We’re, uh, just browsing today, ma’am…”

    She raises a fin to her face and laughs. “Well, take as long as you like. We don’t see many young folks like you come by. In fact, I’ve never seen you two around. New in town?”

    “It’s been about a month. We’re off work for my birthday today, so my, uh…” I glance over to Hopper, and then back to the Jellicent, “…partner and I decided to walk through the shopping district. Haven’t had the chance before now.”

    She floats closer to me. “Goodness me, what kind of job do you kids have that’s working you so hard?”

    Right, I omitted the badge today, so she wouldn’t have seen. “We’re an adventuring team. Team Earshot, at your service!”

    “Adventurers, y’say?” The other voice shouts from across the store. Another Jellicent, this one blue, floats along. “Well I’ll be. You certainly look the part, lass! What with that red scarf and all.” He catches a glimpse at Hopper, who has wandered off and is flipping through a book. “That’s your partner? The outfit could use a little work, but he’s getting there.” He tugs at the other Jellicent’s fin. “Ain’t they just our spittin’ image? Back when we were Frillish?”

    “Yes, dear.” She seems to just be going along, but she’s smiling happily all the same.

    “What’d we call ourselves again? Team, er, Water-somethin’?”

    “Team Bubble Beam, dear.”

    “You two were adventurers?”

    The blue one grins beneath his… I guess that’s a mustache? “You betcha! Almost made B-Rank before callin’ it quits. Decided to open this here shop instead!” He runs his fin along his mustache-thing as he muses to himself. “We were the champs of those water rescues, weren’t we?”

    “It was our niche!”

    They nod in unison, seeming satisfied with themselves. They spiral into a conversation with each other about the glory days, like they forgot I’m even here.

    This type of retirement seems nice. I wonder if Hopper would…

    Wait, where’d he go?

    How is Dr. Hiraga going to help that Machamp in time? The big match is just a day away, and he’s totally dinged up. I’ve gotta keep reading… I’ve gotta know…!

    “There you are, Hopper.”

    Shoot! Forgot about the birthday! Sorry Dr. Hiraga, I’ll have to finish the story later! “H-Hey Eri! Ready to go?”

    “We can stick around if you want. You seemed awfully immersed in that book, after all. What is it?”

    “It’s The Adventures of Dr. Hiraga! He’s a Furret who travels the world, applying his medical and scientific skills wherever he’s needed. It’s really fun!”

    Eri giggles. “I think I’ve heard of it. It’s a comic book, right?”

    “Mhm! It’s nothing like the stuff I read as a kid, though. It’s a lot more mature. Wanna read some?” I hold the book out to her.

    “Ohhhhh, this one! My dad owns a bunch of these. The globe-trotting premise must appeal to him. He’s into that stuff.”

    His eyes light up. Not literally, you know what I mean. “I’ll have to finish the series before I meet him. Then we can talk all about it!”

    Hopper and my dad, huh? They’re both pretty out there, maybe they’ll get along.

    Why does the thought of introducing Hopper to my family make me nervous?

    “The first couple chapters have me hooked. I can’t wait to read more!”

    Wow, he’s a fast reader. “Do you wanna buy a few volumes? We should have enough Poké on us.”

    He at first seems excited, but then snaps out of it. “I would, but I don’t have any more room in my bag. I’ll check the library for it next time we go. If they don’t have it, I’ll start building my Hiraga collection.”

    Bag’s full, eh? So the birthday surprise is something big

    “Come back soon, kids!”


    We browsed a little longer at Bookmark before leaving. The clock inside read around four o’clock when we left.

    “Sorry for taking a while in there. Hiraga had me utterly captivated.”

    She shakes her head with a smile. “Don’t apologize! I had fun talking to that Jellicent couple. We should pop in there more often. The library is convenient for reading, but maybe we could buy some nice coffee table books for the house! Make us look all sophisticated if we have anyone over.”

    “Team Earshot: the fanciest adventuring team in Radiant Square.”

    Eri curls the fur around her chin and narrows her eyes while speaking in a fancy tone. “A pair that indulges themselves in only the finest of pastimes, like the sipping of tea and the admiration of the arts.”

    “We’re truly a cut above, Lady Eri.”

    “Quite so, Sir Hopper.”

    “On second thought, ’Sir Hopper’ is maybe a little too sophisticated for me. I think I’ll stick to the peasantry.”

    She giggles and crosses her arms. “Until the end of my birthday, I shall remain a princess. After that, though, I’ll join you in the wheat fields, Non-Sir Hopper.”

    “What a tremendous fall for a princess.”

    She shrugs. “I can only do the princess thing part time. The simple stuff is a lot more manageable.”

    “The masses will miss their magnificent leader.”

    “I believe in their strength. I have led them well.” She puts her paws together and lowers her head, like she’s deep in solemn prayer.

    After her moment of silence concludes, our eyes meet, and we both burst out laughing. “What are we even talking about?”

    “No clue at this point. Promise me we’ll never become fancy snobs like that.”

    “Yeah, we can stick to adventuring. If you become like that, I’ll snap you out of it.”

    “Hmm…” She leans in and smirks. “Would you still love me if I was a rich asshole, Hopper?”

    L-Love her…? I dunno, I like my Eri a lot more, even when she’s in spoiled princess mode. “I’d… try to…”

    Eri puts her paws at her hips and pouts. It seems my answer didn’t please the fair Lady. “Such uncertainty. In that case… I’ll have to send you to the dungeon!”

    “Rich Pokémon don’t have dungeons. It’s royalty that has those.”

    “Silence! This rich Pokémon happens to have a dungeon, and you’re going!” She points a paw at my face. She holds the position for a moment before slumping back and sighing. “Yeah, nevermind. Subjugating the peasantry isn’t for me. I’d be there in the dungeon with you.”

    “Would you still love me if I got us locked in a dungeon, Eri?”

    She’s flustered for a second, blushing with her mouth agape. She quickly recovers and returns to her usual sarcasm. “Please don’t get us locked in a dungeon…”

    “Not up for a birthday dungeon visit?”

    “No thank you. Right now, I’m up for some birthday dinner.”

    Oh yeah, guess we skipped lunch. “Homemade or at a restaurant?”

    “I think our chef deserves a break after making those excellent pancakes. Let’s treat ourselves.” Eri looks down at my chest. “Oh, you have my permission to take off the apron if we’re eating somewhere nice.”

    “I would, but it just so happens that this backpack is all out of room. Guess I’ll just have to keep it on.” Listen, it’s definitely really embarrassing to wear this thing, but I’m kinda numb to it now. If it makes Eri happy, I don’t mind it anymore.

    It’s… also pretty cozy. Especially in this fall weather.

    It was back to Café de Indeedee tonight. We got some delicious grilled cheese sandwiches and more juice refills than you could imagine. It’s better than Hopper’s, but there’s a different feeling to the homemade food. Like how the clothes I’m making for everyone aren’t as good as something they could buy in a store, but it’s about how it feels, y’know?

    “Oh, right, I meant to ask something. Hopper, when’s your birthday? I didn’t miss it, did I?”

    He looks surprised for a second, but that expression is replaced with one of melancholy shortly after. “You didn’t miss it. I, uh, guess you could say I don’t have a birthday.”

    This dummy. Everyone has… a birthday… “Oh shit, I’m so sorry. I forgot you’re…”

    He forces the melancholia away, replacing it with a comforting smile. “No, no, you’re okay! Yeah, my parents didn’t leave Grandpa a note with my birthday or anything, so we’ve never known. He could tell I was hardly a few weeks old, though, so we know my age at least. Eighteen, same as you. Well, I guess a little younger than you now.”

    I can’t help but wonder why Hopper was left with his grandfather. That must suck, actually. Not knowing who your parents were, or why they left you. I feel bad for even asking now…

    “Eri, don’t worry about it.” What? Is he reading my mind? “Besides, this means you don’t have to do anything for my birthday. You lucked out.”

    “Dummy. Do you think I’m heartless? I’m still gonna do something for you. Glad I didn’t miss a deadline, though.”

    “Hope you folks saved room for dessert!” Our waitress approaches our table alongside two waiters, both rolling out a covered platter about half my size. Good timing. The vibes were in a crisis. “We were told someone has a birthday today! May I assume that you’re miss Eri?”

    “The one and only! Dessert, you say? For me? Hopper, you shouldn’t have!”

    He smiles and tilts his head. “But I didn-”

    “Good evening, birthday girl. This one’s courtesy of Team Thorn~!”

    “Happy birthday.”

    The riled-up Rosemary and the stoic Samuel peek over from the booth behind me, the former with a grin and the latter with a subtle smirk.

    “When did you two-”

    “Shh, don’t sweat the details. C’mon, check out what’s under the tray~!”

    Well, I’d never leave free dessert waiting. What’ve we got?

    I slowly lift the tray, revealing strawberry shortcake. It’s a single piece intended to be eaten by one Pokémon, but probably a Pokémon closer to Rosemary or Samuel’s size. I know I’m a big eater, but I don’t think I can handle this whole thing…

    “You ever tried this, Hopper?”

    He shakes his head. “Nope. Never prepared sweets like this before.”

    “Allow me to issue my final birthday command, then! Hopper, I need your assistance in eating this strawberry shortcake! Half should suffice.”

    Hopper leans over the table with a smug look. “Sorry, I think I can only handle one-third of it. Can I trust the birthday princess to finish off the rest?”

    This dork. Since when did he have this silly teasing side? “Oh well, I suppose I’ll just have to pick up the slack!” More cake for me, baby!

    “…or maybe you could split it into quarters?” Samuel pleads from behind me, allowing his cool guy persona to slip the tiniest bit.

    “Please, miss birthday princess, allow us to assist you~!”

    I mean, they did buy the cake, but it’s my birthday… “Hmm. I think I can handle my slice just fine. Hopper, do you need their help with yours?”

    “No, I’ll manage somehow. Thanks for the offer, brave heroes!”

    And we immediately dug in on our cake.

    “No fair! We bought that cake!”

    Samuel shushes Rosemary and pulls her back into her seat. “Let them enjoy it, Rose. I’ll buy us some cake…” He doesn’t sound happy about it.

    Can’t relate. I’m pleased as punch, personally.

    The sun was just beginning to set when we left. Rosemary and Samuel didn’t hold us for long. Something about not ‘ruining your moment’. I didn’t pay it much mind, but Eri…

    “Hopper,” Eri says with her gaze fixed on the road, “should we have invited Rosemary and Samuel to hang out today?”

    Tough question. Rosemary did seem pretty invested in the festivities. She even got Samuel kinda into it. Still… “That’s up to you. It’s your day, after all. No right or wrong way to spend it.”

    “Someone’s wise today.” She removes her sight from the road and directs it to me.

    “I’m always wise.”

    “Uh huh. That aside, we see them almost every day anyways. The two of us are usually on a mission or separated at the library, so…” Eri slows down as she pauses her thought.

    I slow down to match her pace. “…so?”

    She sighs and looks straight at the ground. “…it was nice having you all to myself today.”

    All… to herself…? “I, uh…”

    “Sorry, that was weird. I’m totally being weird right now.”

    “Hey, hey, calm down.” It’s a little out of nowhere, but I get it. “I had a lot of fun today. I spent all morning worrying about how I would make your birthday special, so I’m relieved you had fun.”

    “Even though I made you wear that apron?”

    “It’s comfy. And, uh, ‘cute’ apparently.”

    “And the sewing? You even liked sewing with me?”

    “I’m no good at it, but it was fun getting to know the craft!”



    She gently slaps my back with her tail. “You… are way too easy, you know that?”

    “Should I be offended by that?”

    She looks at me. “Nope. I’m difficult, so I like easy. If you were a pain in the butt like me, I’d explode.”

    “Wouldn’t want that.”

    “You’re supposed to say ‘No, Eri, you’re not difficult at all!’ at a time like this.”

    Nice of her to provide my script. “No, Eri, you’re not difficult at all!”

    She giggles. “See, way too easy.”

    I can’t help but laugh too.

    We’re at the shore now. The shore where it all started. You can still sorta see the crater that Bryon made that day.

    That same sunset, too…

    This stuff doesn’t come naturally to me, but even I can see how perfect of a moment this is.

    Alright, game face! You’ve been waiting all day for this!

    “Um, Eri…” The suave confidence that had built up all day seemingly dissipates, leaving a familiarly nervous Hopper in its absence.

    “Yes?” I turn to my side to face him directly.

    The fading sunlight washes over my right side, though most of it is lost to the sprawling Lake Radiance beside us.

    “I wasn’t sure when to do this, but now seems like a rather nice time, don’t you think?”

    “Mm.” I’m feeling flustered. He’s obviously been scheming something all day. Maybe even since yesterday, with those two weirdo romantics. It’s like that confidence was a currency, and now he’s cashing it out for… whatever he’s about to do.

    An illustration of Eri and Hopper standing at the shore of Lake Radiance. They are standing in profile view, the setting sun behind them casting what is visible of them in shadow. Hopper nervously fidgets with his paws while Eri waits in front of him patiently.

    “Let me just, uh…” He messes with his backpack, struggling to get the awkwardly shaped bag off of his back. Same old dopey Hopper.

    He’s really taking his time. Only so much time left in my birthday. “Do you need help with it?”

    “…a little wouldn’t hurt.”

    I help him remove the giant sack, getting some impression of the rough interior from my brief handling of it. I hope Rosemary’s fleece is safe in there, but I could care less about that right now.

    “As I was saying…” He turns to face me, and I likewise assume my prior position. “I’ve had a lot of fun with you. Today… and the past month, too. Rosemary and Samuel had the idea, but I guess it’s a gift from me to you.” He reaches into the bag at his side. “Do you, um, want to close your eyes?”

    Arceus Almighty, he’s so wonderfully cheesy. “If you insist.” I do as he asks, holding out my paws.

    A polygonal object with smooth, glossy sides descends into my paws. It’s large enough to fit in both.

    It feels… powerful…?

    There’s no way.

    “You can open your eyes now.”

    A dim, yellow light illuminates our faces. In my paws is a huge chunk of near-transparent rock. Within shines a little yellow sprite, about the size of Hopper’s eye. It moves around just a little inside of the rock, but it finds itself drawn to my paws.

    “Hopper, you…” I lift my gaze to meet his.

    “Happy birthday. I’m gonna miss Minccino Eri, but I’m excited to see what Cinccino Eri looks like!” A gentle smile. One that both puts me at ease and indicates his own ease. Like it’s saying ‘Hoo, I’m so glad I finally did that.’

    My paws begin to glow. The stone is resonating with my body.

    Is this how it feels…

    …to evolve?

    It’s warm. And comfortable. As the light washes over me, I feel entirely at ease. Like there’s nothing in my life that could ever go wrong.

    Cinccino Eri, huh?

    I’ll be a whole lot taller than him…

    The warmth fades away, leaving only the heat from the sun.

    His smile disappears, leaving a look of worry. “Did I get the wrong stone?”

    No, dummy. You did great. “Nope. This is the one.”

    “Then why-”

    “Why rush it? I’ve decided to enjoy my Minccino days a little longer. When you’re ready, we’ll do it together. I think…” Bleh, why am I so sappy today? “…it would be nice to share that special moment… with you.”

    His whole face goes a bright red. “Eri…”

    “Thank you, Hopper. I really felt like a princess today.”

    He looks around all over the place. “I-I-I’m glad…”

    He’s back to normal.

    I begin walking south towards the house, but look over my shoulder at my petrified partner.

    “You know… I don’t mind confident Hopper, but I was starting to miss this side of you too.”

    Happy birthday Eri! Well, I guess in real life her birthday is a few months away (October 13th!), but we can pretend.

    Confident Hopper was so much fun to write. Their birthday banter was some of the fastest writing I’ve done, it all came so naturally. I have to agree with Eri, though. I love Silly Idiot Hopper, and I don’t think I’m alone in that opinion :)

    This chapter’s illustration is way outside my usual comfort zone. I don’t know if I’ve ever drawn something with a full background like this before. It’s a little experimental and I threw it together quickly, but I needed something for this moment…

    The climax of Act 1 approaches! I’m anticipating 2 more chapters, though that could change to 3. May be a larger than usual gap between now and the next chapter, but that’s because I want the last two of this act to release within just a couple days of each other.

    Thanks as always for reading. Look forward to the conclusion of Act 1!


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    1. May 26, '24 at 5:41 am


    2. Apr 9, '24 at 3:54 am

      Oh my goddddd these two are the cutest I can’t handle it….. they’re both so deep in ‘totally dating but too nervous to voice it’ territory it’s killing meeeee…. I don’t know how you managed to pack so so many adorable moments into one chapter 🙂

      1. @meowileApr 9, '24 at 10:02 am

        they’re stupid, your honor