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    Cover of Within Earshot
    StoryActionAdventureComedyDramaNon-HumanRomanceSlice of LifeCinccinoLilligantMinccinoPawmoPawmotSandslash

    Within Earshot

    by Cedsy

    Eri the Minccino lives a normal life in a normal town with her normal family, and she’s sick of it. Yearning to escape the boredom of her family’s cleaning business, she pursues her childhood dream of being an adventurer. She realizes too late that she didn’t pack nearly enough food.

    Deep within West Radiant Forest, Hopper the Pawmo is getting his daily beatdown at the hands of Vincent the Gligar and his gang of miscreants. Finding the strength to remain standing, he continues to fight an impossible battle.

    When the former stumbles on the latter, they find that they hold the solutions to each other’s problems.

    Whether it was destiny, the will of the universe, or weird luck that caused these tales to collide, these two Pokémon remain blind to the road ahead: one filled with love, beauty, hardship, and pain in equal measure.

    Love! Strife! Getting library cards! Follow Eri and Hopper as they tackle these and many more of life’s great challenges!

    Within Earshot is a story in an original setting absent of any human or formerly human characters. It contains action and drama elements, told in a slice of life comedy framework and underlined by romance throughout.

    Updates roughly once every two weeks!



    Species: Minccino
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Birthday: October 13th
    Nature: Careful

    More than anything, I want to know I’m helping people. Yeah, cleaning is helpful, but I want it to mean something to me, you know? I want to meet and help all sorts of people with real problems, not just the dust on their carpet. I’m a really lucky girl, but not everyone is. It’s those people who aren’t so lucky that I want to help.

    A girl hailing from Bark Square. The third of seven children, Eri was raised in a hectic yet loving Cinccino household. To escape her family’s cleaning business and help other Pokemon more intimately, Eri leaves home and aspires to become an adventurer in Radiant Square, forming Team Earshot with Hopper.

    Eri’s upbringing fostered her stubborn and protective personality, though she has a bit of a sarcastic streak as well. Her brothers would always rip their clothes while roughhousing, which led her to become a seamstress. She’s not terribly strong and is a little forgetful, but she has a good head on her shoulders.
    With a partner like Hopper, she has to.


    Species: Pawmo
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Birthday: “Uh, no clue…”
    Nature: Hasty

    I still don’t know what I want to do, really. But sitting around at Grandpa’s house, sitting at the lake, and getting my ass kicked by Vincent every day isn’t going to get me any closer to the answer. I don’t know if being an adventurer is my calling, but I’m not going to let this opportunity pass me by. Eri, if you’ll have me, I think adventuring with you is the first step to finding my answer. B-Besides, I owe you one, don’t I?

    An orphaned boy living in the depths of Radiant Forest. He was left at the doorstep of an elderly Kleavor when he was just a Pawmi, and has no recollection of his original home or family. He’s been tormented for years by a Gligar named Vincent and his underlings, earning him a handful of scars and a chipped ear. Eri came to his rescue on a day like any other, and together they formed Team Earshot.

    Raised in isolation in the forest, Hopper’s social skills and general knowledge leave a bit to be desired. His compulsive tendencies get him in trouble, but his strong instincts and even stronger attacks make up for it.
    A bit of a dummy? Maybe. But a dummy with a heart of gold.



    Species: Lilligant
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Birthday: March 7th
    Nature: Gentle

    The smiles of the Pokémon you help shine even brighter when you worked hard to do it!

    The daughter of a retired Lilligant and Breloom adventuring duo. When she was born, her parents left adventuring behind to take care of her. Following in their footsteps, she formed Team Thorn with her friend Samuel. Two years later, due to misplaced documentation, they started again from F-Rank in Radiant Square. She makes friends with Eri on a mission.

    She’s just an airheaded romantic at first glance, but there’s a sharp girl beneath that demeanor. She cares deeply for those around her, but isn’t above teasing them at her leisure.


    Species: Sandslash
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Birthday: August 13th
    Nature: Brave

    …It’s fine. You did a good job holding your own, considering your size and inexperience. And… I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have tried to crush you.

    A friend from Rosemary’s teenage years, though they’re now in a relationship. His mother passed when he was young, and he has a strained relationship with his father. When Rosemary decided to leave home, he came with, founding Team Thorn in their new home of Oak Square. He almost snaps Hopper in half on a mission, but they work it out somehow.

    While typically acting aloof, he expresses a tender side here and there. It’s a wonder that someone like him wound up with Rosemary, but I suppose opposites attract.


    This page contains implied spoilers for Act 1 of Within Earshot. If you haven’t yet, you may want to finish Act 1 (Chapters 1-9 + Intermission) before viewing this page!



    Species: Cinccino
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Height: 1’9″ / 53 cm
    Birthday: October 13th
    Nature: Careful
    Likes: Sewing, eating, being an adventurer, Hopper
    Dislikes: Cooking, cleaning

    When I left home, I wanted to get away from that stuff. I wanted my life to be exciting. I wanted to get my heart racing. Instead, I walked and walked and walked for a whole day and nearly turned around. But then, Arceus put some big dummy on the same path as me. I chose to help that dummy, and then he helped me. That dummy reminded me why I left home to begin with, and… he cared for me.

    Having evolved in an ultimate display of love, Eri is more ready than ever to conquer the challenges before her. While still not the strongest, she’s found success as Team Earshot’s tactician and applies herself as an all-rounder combatant with a focus on support techniques.

    Eri’s still as stubborn as they come, but she can never seem to stay mad at Hopper. She has her work cut out for her, between figuring out her place in the adventuring world and sorting out her feelings for her stupid partner, all while the world continues to test them at every turn.

    Wish her luck! She’ll need it.


    Species: Pawmot
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Height: 2’7″ / 79 cm
    Birthday: Unknown; celebrated on November 8th
    Nature: Hasty
    Likes: Cooking, The Adventures of Dr. Hiraga, Eri
    Dislikes: Vincent, living away from home

    Listen up, jackass, because I’m not going to tell you this again! You hit the nail on the head: I’m a bug. I’m small, and weak, and I’m a royal pain in the ass. But let me tell you two critical things that bugs do. First! We always hop back up, no matter what! And second… we bugs… evolve!

    The fan-favorite idiot returns, now with a stylish jacket and a crazy haircut! The evolutionary height boost and some further combat experience has honed his already decent physical ability, but there’s still some room for improvement in the old noggin. He’s getting there, though.

    Hopper’s the same quiet and gentle boy he’s always been, but there’s some confidence growing beneath it all. His life with Eri gives him a lot to think about – certainly more thinking than he’s used to doing. One such thought is one he’s never considered before: love.

    Who would’ve guessed, right? Subtlety has never been his thing.



    Species: Lilligant
    Gender: Female
    Age: 20
    Height: 3’8″ / 112 cm
    Birthday: March 7th
    Nature: Gentle
    Likes: Romance, sightseeing, pushing people’s buttons
    Dislikes: Stubbornness, running

    I don’t want to succeed my parents, it’s actually kinda the opposite. I want to free them. It’s because I was born that they retired. If I could leave home and become someone strong and independent, then they could take that life back.

    In the weeks since meeting them, Rosemary has slipped herself into the role of Team Earshot’s big-sis-slash-best-friend. When it comes time to fight, she specializes in ranged special attacks and limited support techniques.

    Rosemary is prone to taking her teasing too far, but she’s also the master of levity. When her friends are feeling down, her ridiculous antics tend to put smiles on their faces. She’s taken a peculiar interest in Eri and Hopper’s romantic development, which has dialed her playful personality up to 11.

    She could be the push they need, though…


    Species: Sandslash
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Height: 3’5″ / 104 cm
    Birthday: August 13th
    Nature: Brave
    Likes: Reading, fighting, stealing the glory
    Dislikes: Wasting time, his father

    I was young and stupid, so I let that stuff get to me. Other kids would start shit with me and I’d feed into it. It was all I had. I wanted to feel something. Again, it’s stupid, but that’s what I was like at the time.

    What would our little party be without its wannabe stoic badass? Samuel, the physical – but perhaps not metaphorical – backbone of the group returns as the team’s physical powerhouse.

    He’d never admit it, but there’s a fondness for Team Earshot growing beneath those spines. While he doesn’t have the best bedside manner, Samuel has found himself lending an ear to his new friends when needed. By Rosemary’s influence, he’s wound up invested in the romantic drama as well.

    But even as that hard shell begins to crack, Samuel remains dependable as ever.

    1. Chapter 1 – What You Want To DoChapter 1 - What You Want To Do
      6,924 Words
    2. Chapter 2 – It’s Not My DreamChapter 2 - It's Not My Dream
      9,564 Words
    3. Chapter 3 – We Are Team Earshot!Chapter 3 - We Are Team Earshot!
      6,949 Words
    1. Chapter 4 – Peas in a PodChapter 4 - Peas in a Pod
      8,525 Words
    2. Chapter 5 – Pop QuizChapter 5 - Pop Quiz
      7,137 Words
    3. Chapter 6 – Kiss the CookChapter 6 - Kiss the Cook
      11,452 Words
    1. Chapter 7 – Shiny StoneChapter 7 - Shiny Stone
      8,495 Words
    2. Chapter 8 – SnowfieldChapter 8 - Snowfield
      7,076 Words
    3. Chapter 9 – What I Chose To DoChapter 9 - What I Chose To Do
      Warning: Minor warnings listed before chapter 8,481 Words
    1. Special Episode – Flow of TimeSpecial Episode - Flow of Time
      7,143 Words
    1. Chapter 10 – Let’s Go, Shimmering Mountain!Chapter 10 - Let's Go, Shimmering Mountain!
      6,383 Words
    2. Chapter 11 – Thornshot DisasterChapter 11 - Thornshot Disaster
      11,230 Words
    3. Chapter 12 – Getting EvenChapter 12 - Getting Even
      Warning: Mild warnings listed before chapter 6,706 Words
    4. Chapter 13 – Cold PawsChapter 13 - Cold Paws
      7,010 Words
    1. Chapter 14 – The Aegis and The GrasshopperChapter 14 - The Aegis and The Grasshopper
      Warning: Warnings listed before chapter 9,705 Words
    1. Dilly Dally: Hello! The first draft of Chapter 4 is almost done, and I’m pretty happy with it so far. Anticipating that releasing on time. Things might slow down the…