The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    It’s a windy day in Correl Park. Beams of sunlight shine through the trees and onto my fur as I walk the lakeside loop, granting me brief waves of respite from the biting breeze. I open my bag and pull out my wrinkled canvas coat. I’m still not used to the cold.

    “Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Hey ma’am, would you like a copy of the Cressinger Times? Only one poké.” A young oshawott skips over to me and flashes a toothy smile as I struggle to button my coat.

    “Oh yes, absolutely! One moment.” Reaching into my bag, I fish out a couple of silver coins and drop them into a tin can strung around the child’s neck. “Keep the change.”

    “Thanks, Miss Lycanroc! It’s a juicy one, promise!” The oshawott pulls out a rolled up newspaper from his unbuttoned backpack and hands it to me before skipping away. “Extra! Extra!”

    A slight smile creeps onto my face, but promptly fades. Innocence is not a luxury this world can afford right now.

    Taking a seat at a nearby bench, I gently place my camera (my precious Rangefinder IX-T16) beside me and unroll the newspaper. A journalist must always admire their own work…

    Huh. Strange, must have missed it. I extend my claws and flip through the paper again, searching more deliberately.

    Alomomart Recalls Tropical Berry Supply After L-Sovi Outbreak.

    President Corvel Condemns Use of Berry Pesticides.

    Cressinger Guild Impresses Investors for 5th Consecutive Quarter.

    The Bartwo Barboaches Upset the Skygusty Spearows in 3-1 Fashion.

    Update: Strange Pokemon Sighted at Skiddo Forest Following Natural Disaster.

    Cici-Fey the Fabulous Furret Breaks Up With 13th Boyfriend After 2 Weeks.

    Was this the wrong issue? No.

    I can feel the heat behind my good eye as it glows red in frustration. Of course. The Times would always bend a knee to their biggest sponsor.

    I used to hold the guild in high regard. Following the success of Celoville’s Core Guild, the Cressinger Guild was formed under the guise of a noble cause, with a mission to keep the community safe from natural disaster and criminals alike while setting a heroic example for the youth. I was a freshly evolved journeyman at the time, and I would jump at any opportunity to interview their members on whatever valiant tall tales they could brew up. I even snuck into guild affairs on multiple occasions to get an inside scoop, making acquaintances with many members through my first alias, Artena.

    My fame as a journalist grew with the guild. Agencies were quick to catch wind of my sensational pieces and the job offers came flying in. Oh, how they’d beg me to join their third-rate agencies with nothing more to offer than a barely livable wage. No thanks, I’d rather work alone.

    Or that’s what I thought, until one day I received an inconspicuous letter, sender redacted. It was from Palomere, the nation neighboring Reystone to the west known for its fertile river cities, blistering deserts, and incredible food. My eyes widened as I peered at the contents.

    “Remember Becha, if something’s too good to be true, it’s false. Lotta slimy folk out there. Gotta pick your cards wisely and modestly.” Oh, shut up Pops. Some folk won’t make this much in their lifetime. Plus, they enclosed five racks in cash up front just for considering the offer. Without second thought, I packed up my bags and hit the road to Palomere.

    I had been somewhat aware of a situation unfolding in the sandy nation from scattered bits of news and hearsay. There was a civil war that had been brewing for the past year or two as a resistance group had mobilized against the monarchy. From what I’d read, the Resistance was a ragtag group of savages on their last legs looking to usurp the throne from the magnanimous King Vanaduke. I still didn’t know who my mysterious client was, but it had to be a connection with royalty. Maybe a noble looking to boost their public image at the very least.

    The coordinates on the letter led me to the southern border of Palomere. I don’t know why I assumed I would be greeted with cake, confetti, and maybe even a welcome party. Ego really played into my delusions. I was instead met with a rusty knife to my throat. I had entered Resistance territory.

    The Resistance had to take such precautions; their only advantage in the war is their secrecy. Resistance engineers had designed an intricate series of cave networks underneath the military base of Arkenarr connecting to every refuge scattered across the southern bend, through which I was taken to meet the Flames.

    The Flames represent the inner circle of Resistance leaders. They are an elusive bunch, rarely revealing their identities to anyone, let alone those outside the Resistance. The soldiers who apprehended me made sure I knew that.

    They gave me my assignment. Propaganda is a potent weapon for those who can wield it. The Kingdom had crafted numerous narratives about the war and spread them across the continent. The Flames needed a warrior on the media front, and they didn’t have many options. Naturally, I accepted the offer. Desperate mon and their wealth are easily parted.

    Transitioning from a glorified tabloid writer to a war correspondent is about as turbulent as it sounds, but my true challenge was becoming aware of what matters. I was knocked off my mighty mudsdale and trampled by it as I witnessed brutal horrors obscured from the outside world. Pokemon fall like shedinja in a windstorm in front of my camera, their final moments staying with me forever. They replay in my mind every night.

    The Kingdom is not righteous. They are criminals on an unimaginable scale. They breach the tenets of civilized pokemon and violate the sanctity of life on the daily. It was sometime during the Siege of Amber Bridge, my second battle, that I realized I had the most important job in the continent. I had to expose the putrescence of the system that goes to such gruesome extents to maintain a status quo soaked in the blood and tears of the common folk. They pit brother against brother while they sit on their velvet thrones and wear their silly gilded crowns. They say the Resistance are the instigators, but the Resistance is simply a product of their own sin. The war started long before the Resistance even took form, when King Vanaduke took the throne and waged it against his own citizens.

    The Resistance is not without fault, but they are a means to an end. They are a necessary stick in the mud for the bloodthirsty machine. Diplomacy is dead; the Kingdom killed it. And a cornered animal can only fight back.

    War cannot be sensationalized through common means. Once it becomes analogous to a spectator sport, it is drained of all humanity. It must be put under deep scrutiny, and the suffering of each and every victim must be broadcast. The public will not know it as a numbers game, but as a blight upon Araegis.

    Times are as dire as ever for Palomere. The Cressinger Guild has partnered with the Kingdom in recent years, funding and researching an unknown weapon. The Flames fear the worst. I return to my home nation not only to report, but to investigate. No truth ever hides from me.

    A dense cloud drifts in front of the sun, casting an eerie shadow on the lavender field in front of me and snapping me back into the present. I struggle to contain a sneeze as a chilly gust of air delivers a cloud of pollen directly toward my snout. I never thought I’d miss the deserts of Palomere, but at least I wasn’t allergic to sand.

    After vigorously shaking my head to ease my allergic reflexes and adjusting my eyepatch, I flip through the paper once more. Something had caught my eye earlier. There wasn’t usually a wanted category on the news. And since these didn’t go straight to the guild, they were probably from the guild.

    My claw lands on the high definition images of a krokorok, a raichu, and a hydreigon.

    “Hah!” I know these guys from my days as Artena. And if the guild is looking for them, I’ll just have to find them first.

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    1. Mar 5, '24 at 3:40 am

      So I’m going to take a short moment to just get my thoughts out on this for right now.

      It took me a while but I think with this last chapter I finally get why this story shifts protagonists, from Krem, Sachi and Dela’s adventures in the guild to Torr, Dolkka, Raize and Blackell forming an anti-guild resistance to now having ‘Artena’ coming to look for Torr.

      This story covers the tale of a sordid machine of death. Not just the weapon but every cog of society between nations. From the recruits in the academy to the upper crust working on the weapons for those at the top of Palomere. The resistance and The Fatespinners turn against it, but maybe in a way they’re just as much part of the machine mulching common Pokemon…

      It hasn’t even yet touched the cult, or Sevve’s true motives or character.

      But one thing’s for sure: This story makes clear the sheer scope of the issue. How every organization has kind of grown and mutated like a festering cancer, sprawling out and bursting at the seams. The Cressinger Guild FEELS overgrown, it feels like it’s been around and slowly decaying in its purpose and morals until now it’s like a zombified husk of an organization that chases profit with warmongering kings more than it does helping anyone with natural disasters. (The fact the guild has SHAREHOLDERS sure doesn’t help, I bet). It feels like if there’s anyone left at the guild who still gives a shit about doing anything related to the guild’s original purpose they’ve been long overshadowed and de-powered by cut-throat opportunists that now infect the seats of leadership.

      The biggest thing that stands out to me in this regard is Dela herself. Krem and Sachi are kind of along for the ride, and I like how Sachi is in it more for Krem’s benefit, trying to protect and help the lil guy. But Dela isn’t just haughty, she’s straight up toxic and the thing that’s so interesting and why she’s so fun to watch be awful is because everyone treats her appropriately. Not just with annoyance but EXHAUSTION. It was subtle at first but later I realized how much Dela was spending time AWAY from Krem and Sachi, and the other two were doing the same with her. Nobody just *puts up* with her unless they’re forced to — in general they try to avoid one another and don’t even want to broach the idea of reconciling with one another. It’s such a well-done and realistic take on this ‘haughty, annoying character’ archetype and one of the few I’ve ever seen done well, period.

      I gotta keep talking about Dela, because she mixes this horrible attitude with being in her mother’s shadow. But it doesn’t feel like a case of acting out because she feels the pressure being being her mother’s daughter. Rather Dela feels like she’s sick of everyone ONLY associating her as her mother’s daughter with nothing else of merit to her name. THAT’S why she acts out — she wants to be seen as her own person, her own explorer, as good, no, BETTER than her mother. It’s funny how much better she gets along with other guild members than Krem and Sachi (probably because Krem and Sachi are much less of yes-men than the likes of Remmy and Effa)

      But it goes to show how much Dela is a part of this bloody machine, even from birth. She’s grown up surrounded by the prestige her mother earned from guild work and is now dead-set on forming a team of her own, no doubt to soon be inducted into the Cressinger Guild’s more nefarious jobs, working for their darker goals. Hook, line and sinker.

      In general, this story has a tone I’d describe as ‘unsafe’. But not ‘edgy’, mind you. It keeps some of the warmth and friendship of regular PMD, but it has this uncomfortable spice to its character interactions (I’m discounting the more out-and-out grim special episodes here). Interactions between Krem and Sachi are generally friendly but I never feel entirely ‘safe’ with Sachi, you know? He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy you could, say, trauma dump or get reassurance or positive love from, at least not reliably. He feels a little too emotionally distant for that. Dela, of course, is out of the question for anything besides just following her like a toy soldier.

      Out of all the characters I’d say that the warmest interactions come from Torr and Dolkka, as well as Raize and Dolkka. The mute archen seems to be kind of a focal point of warmth, in a way. Like he’s something to protect — a child found in an unfair world and taken under the wing by Pokemon considered fugitives by a corrupt Guild that had once swore to uphold justice. It’s that kind of precarious almost disheartening feeling where you just really hope Dolkka makes it out okay.

      Really? I’m impressed by what I read. I had to share 2 paragraphs from the final chapter to my friends (The ones about sensationalizing war) — it was some of the rawest shit I’ve ever read. And it was from a Pokemon fanfiction.

      Genuinely will keep my eye on this. I wanna know what happens to these characters and to this world. It’s beautifully crafted. Well done. ; w ;