The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Wavering and stumbling through the thicket beneath the forest’s canopy, five slender flames danced as they fled their home. Draped in shadow, Darkrai watched them go from beneath the arch of his door, having given them up for lost. Gasping whimpers of breath still echoed in his ears as their bearer put desperate distance between them. The Gardevoir tripped once more over her increasingly muddied skirt and a few flames flickered out, the already dim light faltering as she continued her fevered retreat into the brush. Finally, the glow dissipated altogether, leaving his chest leaden in its wake.

    By his side, a shadow that wasn’t his own drew close in some semblance of solidarity. Two flickering, fiery eyes lifted to his from their rising but short stature.   

    “I think that was my last candelabra,” Darkrai remarked to them, attempting a laugh as his voice clawed its way through his chest to scratch its way out of his throat. He dug his fingers into the wooden frame briefly before letting his arm fall.

    The other set of eyes stared up blankly, mute, before looking over the gardens at the manor’s front and into the darkened, twisted shapes of trunks beyond.

    “I could swear some of them entertain my hospitality just to steal my homeware, among other things,” he shrugged to the little one before turning, allowing his tail to brush the floor as he retreated back into the depths of his home. No matter. He had no need of light to find his way through its halls, and neither did Mallow. It would be inconvenient for their next guest, but what more could he do?

    That was, if he ever had another guest. After this, he may need to have his home distorted and layered onto another plane again, and who knew how long it would be before another stumbled by after that? Hopefully not too soon, lest he show them away at the door this time.

    After all, he was running out of much more than just homeware…

    (Sorry for the weird indentations. I tried clearing formatting in Word before pasting, but I can’t figure out how to get rid of them in this website. I will try to figure it out soon. )

    So for context, this story will take place in the PMD world, but this is NOT the same Darkrai from Darkness/Time/Sky. We good? Good. Also, my beta is a huge Pokepark fan, so if you know the haunted zone, well, that will be Darkrai’s home in this fic. :)

    Quick small disclaimer, I swear we (my beta and I) didn’t copy the Marshadow & Darkrai idea from another certain author; this fic’s first chapter was actually published on AO3 a week before that au concept was even introduced into the other author’s universe, weeks before the identity of the child was even revealed to be a marshadow. Just wanted to get that out of the way…

    This will be a romance, so I have rated it teen, but this will be a pretty innocent and clean romance. I don’t write mature content. ;]

    I hope you all enjoy, and please, please consider leaving a comment! It make the process of drafting so much more enticing when I know that people are enjoying it, seeing what worked well or what needs improvement, what got you guys excited, what you really would like to see or are anxious over… Sometimes it even influences how I add things in, like finer details or even scenes. But mostly,comments actually motivate me to continue writing vs letting it sit from lack of apparent reader interest. So yeah, would love to hear from you guys! :)

    Finally!! If you like what you see in this story, please consider visiting my Archive of Our Own Account!! I have two other stories there that are not here because while they are not PMD related, they have a lot to do with Darkrai himself. Would love to see you guys over there! You can find me here:


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