The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Cover of Weaversong
    StoryAdventureAlternate UniverseDungeonExplorationIsekaiAmpharosMimikyuRoseliaSneasel


    by Adamartdraws

    A human wakes up as a pokemon in Open Pass, gets into trouble and somehow ends up in Serene Village. Or at least that’s how the story should have gone. Instead, this one finds his journey intertwined with The Wandering Thunder and he is wrapped up in Expedition Society affairs. Can he still regain his identity and fulfill his goals or will all be reduced to Ash? Cover image by me.

    This is the story of a young lad thrust into the world of Pokemon with nothing to his name. He meets friends and companions on his journey as he pieces together his identity, and fend off an encroaching danger that threatens his new home.

    1. Chapter 1: A Hiro’s BeginningChapter 1: A Hiro's Beginning
      3,612 Words
    2. Chapter 2: A Hiro’s First Steps
      5,276 Words
    3. Chapter 3: Play and Learn
      7,986 Words
    4. Chapter 4: Church, Caudle, Furlong
      5,993 Words
    5. Chapter 5: Within Lively Town
      5,103 Words
    6. Chapter 6: Return to Zero
      6,464 Words