The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Cover of Touch-Me-Not
    StoryActionAdventureAlternate UniverseDungeonNon-HumanPsychologicalCuboneEeveeMienfooRioluSalanditSneasel


    by nuh uh

    “And I reveled in these feelings, for they scratched an itch I’d learned to ignore. So I stuck around, ‘cause I got addicted to the praise.”

    In a world where swords and spells are about as commonplace as talking Pokemon, and the land itself does not conform to the laws of nature, a Riolu running away from his past finds himself on foreign soil. Will he find solace in his path toward redemption, or will he be yet another victim of the burden of effigies on a society built upon grief?

    now with 30% less ergodic literature elements compared to the ao3 version. blame my lack of wordpress knowledge for that.

    updates when i near the end of my lifespan or smth.

    1. Chapter 0: From Hereafter, All Will Fall Into Place
      3,084 Words