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    What is a God without a prayer?
    What am I to one asunder?
    Sands of time, still in misery;
    Shatter my soul, bury me in deep

    I find myself, sailing through the seas of blood, and failed
    To pick up on the boiling stench,
    To pick up on the glassy red.
    Failed to protect a treasured artifact.
    Failed respect from my children.
    Know not of what will become of me,
    So find myself, on the way back to the Nest.

    Find myself among silver pillars, half submerged,
    Plattered in gold, splattered in white of marble,
    Striated sides of marked gray.
    I, underneath shaded casts of judgment,
    Find buried in me, many a plea,
    But only one is more than plenty:

    “Arceus, oh Arceus.
    Bring down thunders of Zapdos,
    Flames of Moltres,
    Elements of the Gods, enough to kill one,
    Enough to kill me,
    Be it necessary… but please,
    Spare a thought, retrieve the artifact.
    Do it not for me, not for anyone else,
    But the world that exists within your care.”

    Said my words; guilty whimpers.
    Throw my eyes above the skies, not towards the sun,
    But towards his gaze. Unflinching, unwavering,
    Towards the horizon still,
    His stature still,
    See through a soul and I’d be petrified still,
    But before I could form a thought, found a voice ringing,
    Found boredom, found complete apathy:

    “Mother. Don’t bother.
    A stone is a stone—cast it by the wayside.
    Suit me a task better than pebbles.
    Find me discussions worth more than rubble.
    I will not smite you,
    Nor scorch you,
    Nor tear you from the planet,
    But I will not hear of this again.
    Find better measures within your measure.”

    What is a God to his creations?
    What are they, beneath the curtain of His feet?
    You may walk along His Thousand Arms,
    But find not a single eye beside you.
    And you may cry your anger,
    and praise your heart,
    But you may not judge His soul

    Heard silent weeps,
    Walked faded footsteps,
    Towards the bridge between both worlds
    Long abandoned,
    And asked if you could assist.
    Child of Void,
    What do you want from me?

    “Damned soul. Wrecked soul.
    These are matters not of your worth,
    Belong back to its embrace of cold,
    Return to the dark you once stood,
    That is assistance enough.”

    “But Mother, please reject me not.
    Recognize a damned, but recognize more,
    See past my hideous presence, see past my sins,
    See a soul willing of change, willing of reform.
    See myself as a child of yours,
    Forgive, Mother, and please let me help.”

    Beyond himself, beyond myself, beyond a broken heart,
    Find, for the first time, a willing soul.
    The first time, a shred of disgrace, not towards me,
    But towards you, and shown forgiveness.
    What I failed, you have achieved.
    What I’ve failed—betrayed my own,
    Make me a promise.

    See in me afraid.
    “I know you’re afraid.”

    Cure my daunted state,
    “I’ll find the carved slate.”

    Grant you the high gift of Life,
    “Grant me the high gift of Life.”

    And I’ll be free from this strife.
    “And I’ll free you from this strife.”

    Arceus forgive me.

    poetry am i right


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