The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    You can read more about this AU and its characters on my Tumblr!


    How dare you speak to the Great Twig so flippantly? This disrespect shall not stand. I’m going to act huffy and grumble for the next three hours in retaliation.

     It’s still so funny to me how we found out the timetable for his bad moods. Now if only we could figure out how long he holds a grudge for… I should ask him about Team Skull during my next visit.

    Speaking of, I paid the Future Trio a quick visit (and yes, I still hate the nickname, and I will never not be mad at my past self for coming up with it) and asked Dusknoir about the sableye who wanted to move over to the Present. You were right, he’s super excited in that weird Dusknoir-ish way where he won’t admit that he’s excited, but he won’t stop bringing up the thing he’s excited about. Very Dusknoir. Very old man-ish.

    As for the “me somehow being a millionaire” thing: I don’t know how money works! You know this! I thought that an oran berry would cost a thousand Poké and you laughed at me! I thought that me paying all the bills at Spinda’s was a friendship tax sort of thing! Humans didn’t I didn’t ever get any financial education for handling Poké, so you can stop making fun of me now. And I’ve decided I’m going to keep living in the world’s most ugly house with the worst decorations ever to spite you. This is on your shoulders. 

    Your team does sound really cool. I’m glad you got to meet them. And just imagine how dull their lives would be without the Great Kip to brighten their days with his awesome insights into archaeology trivia and amazing smile. I did the world a favor by threatening to eat your encyclopedias to get you out there. I couldn’t keep you for myself. 

    I’m having a kind of rough time 

    I’ve been struggling a little bit 

    I’m worried about 

    I’m doing pretty good out in Verdant Village, so you’d better not be nervous about me getting by despite my lack of financial know-how. I’m taking a break from my merchant business thing, but I’ve barely made a dent in my savings despite digging into them. I’m sending some Poké with this letter— buy your team some drinks and tell them I’m rooting for you guys. 

    Love ya.

    — Twig

    P.S. I called Dusknoir old for you. He did the thing again where he started to argue but couldn’t come up with a comeback. Teamwork makes the dream work.


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