The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    You can read more about this AU and its characters on my Tumblr!
    Dear Twig, please stop being a self-sacrificial dummy. Love, Everyone.

    Dear Twig,

    I’m glad you found a home so fast, and in somewhere that sounds like such a perfect place to live. I was worried when you said you wanted to move out, but Verdant Village seems like a perfect place to stay for the time being.

    Lyra really does sound like a duplicate of Manaphy— and I can’t believe that she idolizes you so much! The way you wrote about her reminded me of how I acted around Dusknoir as a kid. How does it feel to be the Great Twig, huh? 

    Speaking of Dusknoir, he said it’s been a while since you paid them a visit. Tell them I said hi when you do! I know I’m keeping up a letter writing rapport with them, but Dusknoir is the slowest letter writer ever. He seems like he thinks a letter needs to be a running summary of every event to happen while I’m gone, and I’m pretty sure he waits until something interesting happens to send one. Apparently one of the sableye is thinking of moving out of the Future and into the Present. I think his name was Jasper, or maybe Jet? Maybe Tourmaline? I’ll check. I have a hard time keeping their names straight.

    I just checked his last letter— it’s Jet who wants to move. I think Dusknoir’s happier about the idea than he lets on. We might be getting a new addition to the Future Trio soon— what should we rename them? Future Quartet? The Future Four? I know you hate that the nickname you made up for them stuck, but it’s so much easier than saying all their names one after the other. You were a genius to start it. 

    Speaking of you unknowingly being a genius, yes, you have a small fortune stored away. I thought you knew! I’m sure Poké is a pretty different currency from what humans had, but I thought you would’ve picked up that four million is kind of a big number. You never bought anything, and your favorite hobby was going on expeditions, so you were kinda built to travel the path of becoming disgustingly rich. Why do you think I always asked you to pay when we stopped by Spinda’s Cafe? 

    Please put that money to good use and stop living like a bachelor. You said you felt like Gardevoir was judging your decor, and I can almost guarantee it. You stuck an old wanted poster of Grovyle up in Sharpedo Bluff that one time when we were redoing the whole layout and called it good. I love you, but you do not have an eye for interior design. 

    My team has been really helping me get the ropes on this new unit of study— Aipom is a whiz when it comes to digs, and Darmanitan is the most amazing tutor anyone could ask for. Spearow reminds me of Loudred in the weirdest of ways. You were right about giving up on doing the work myself and just asking for help. It’s so much easier to get done when I rely on people. You were always trying to get me to understand that, and it’s never been more obvious than it has been now. 

    Pay the Future Trio a visit and tell Dusknoir he’s old for me. I miss them, and I miss you. 

    Write back soon.

    — Kip


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