The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    You can read more about this AU and its characters on my Tumblr!

    Dear Twig,

    It’s taken me a while to write back because we’ve been making so much progress on this expedition. No new groundbreaking discoveries have been made yet, but we’ve confirmed some theories about ancient tribes of girafarig once living in the area. That may sound boring, but it’s absolutely huge for that paper I wrote that got me into this guild in the first place! It’s amazing to be on the expedition that’s validating the theories that I’ve written about personally!

    Darmanitan decided to cook breakfast for the team yesterday, and it was as anxiety-inducing as whenever Celebi got the urge to cook back home. Thankfully nobody died, but Spearow was sick in bed all morning. 

    Speaking of Celebi, I heard from her that you got a roommate. Do I know them? Please don’t tell me you replaced me with Corphish. She sounded super giddy in her letter, so I’m sure that’s who it is. Please have mercy. I don’t think I could handle that sort of mental blow. 

    I’m glad you’re doing well. My team wants you to know they like you more than their own mothers, and the round of drinks you paid for was much needed. We got them before we left the last town, and I very much agree with how much they kept us going when we had to leave the comfort of Blissful Bastion and set off into the desert. It’s so dry, Twig. It’s so very, very dry. 

    Sorry for my reply being so short— we’re about to set off soon, and I only had the sliver of time I got between losing my breakfast and delivering this letter to our mailman, Pelipper, to write it. 

    Send a letter soon! I’ll be a while to respond again, probably, but I’ll be happy to answer any backlog of letters I get in one massive thesis of a reply. 

    I miss you.

    — Kip


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