The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “What do you MEAN you’re younger than us and have been at this longer than us?!” Mick’s jaw hangs open in utter disbelief as he stares at Neesha and River with wide eyes, his mind having to process and repeat what they had just told him over and over in order for him to actually understand like his feeble little brain wanted him to.

    River can’t help but giggle at Mick’s reaction, finding it endearingly amusing as he stares open-mouthed at her and Neesha. “That’s just what I’m saying! Neesha and I met when we were ten, now we’re seventeen! Been at this for seven whole years, and it’s been some of the best years of our lives!”

    “I will admit, you did kinda drag me into it way back when.” Neesha starts, smiling sheepishly as she muffles out a quiet little chuckle. “But ultimately, I’m glad I went along with it. Went on some amazing adventures and did plenty of amazing things.” She flashes a cheeky little smile. “Many of which are classified info.”

    Ralph scoffs softly as he crosses his wings over his chest. “Oh really? Well, saying that only makes me want to learn more, but part of me gets the feeling you won’t tell us no matter how much we ask.”

    “Afraid not.” Mawile shakes her head. “We try not to make a habit of keeping info and data we gather a secret, but some things just aren’t meant for the eyes of the many. Some things we may not have the full context of, and we want to make sure we know everything we can before we make it public. Documenting the world and its histories is more than enough, though.”

    Lavender perks up a little at this. “It sounds like you have your work cut out for you! Is that why you helped clear a path to Sky Peak?”

    Mawile chuckles softly at Lavender’s question. “That was partially the reason why. Making Sky Peak accessible to everyone was the main priority, of course, but I won’t lie when saying that the idea of learning the history of a mountain shrouded in mystery was an alluring one, even if our searching hasn’t exactly yielded that many results.”

    “Man, the way you guys talk makes you all sound like elites, top of the top.” Mick whistles, tail idly swishing back and forth. “Like how’re we supposed to compete with you when the bar is already set so high?”

    Neesha muffles a laugh. “It’s not a competition, you don’t need to treat it as such. We’re just doing what we believe is best for everyone. Document the history of the world and help whatever Pokemon we can along the way. Simple as that.”

    “Mmhm!” River nods her head enthusiastically. “Really, we’re just a group of Pokemon no different from any other! Even our Chief is pretty laid back when it comes to our organization! He literally changed the rules around just so he could let us join. No lengthy process or anything, literally just went ‘Children can’t join? Well, now they can! Welcome aboard!'”

    “Seems structurally sound to me.” Ralph laughs with a light smirk. “Honestly, River, Neesha, the way you two started traveling together sorta sounds like the way Mick and I met, though with a lot less recklessness and stupidity.”

    “Hey!” Mick snaps back poutily, gaze narrowing. “You don’t need to call me out like that, man! I have my moments!”

    “Point I’m trying to make is, you should be lucky to have me, you dingus.” Ralph playfully flicks at Mick’s snout with a feather, which just makes Mick’s muzzle scrunch up further as he huffs, turning his gaze away.

    “…I think I see the third station clearing! Let’s keep moving!”

    The third station clearing was far more barren than the previous two. The most barren yet, it seems as though no other Pokemon has made it up this far yet. There were semblances of a base set up, but it was very strung out and sloppy. Given that the third station clearing seemed to be surrounded in ice and snow, it shouldn’t come as a surprise.

    The only Pokemon who were at the third station clearing were an Archen and a Floragato that-

    Wait a minute.

    That’s the same Floragato.

    And they were passed out right by the exit, Archen looking over them and tending to their body.

    “Oh shit.” Mick mutters as the group all rush towards Archen and the Floragato. “Are they alright? What happened?”

    “Passed out when they got here.” Archen says, his expression grim as he continues tending to the Floragato, wrapping bandages around the areas where it seems the Carnivine had attacked them. “I’m doing the best I can, but we can’t keep them here. They’re not gonna last out in the cold.”

    Lavender skitters up to the Floragato, looking them over with worry. “This is bad… We can’t bring them back down the mountain in time, what’re we gonna do?”

    “Our Chief might be able to handle it.” Neesha says, thinking aloud. “He’s not exactly the most proficient medic in the world, but he’s managed more than a few injuries to seriously help out here. He should be holed up in the fourth station clearing.”

    “Pick ’em up and let’s get moving, then.” Ralph says firmly. “Sooner we get there, the better.”

    “You all go on ahead.” Mawile says, lifting her arm up and fiddling with a device strapped to her wrist. Which, come to think of it, Mick hadn’t noticed River, Neesha and Archen were wearing a similar device too. “I’m gonna let Chief know you’re on your way. I’ll catch up later.”

    The group doesn’t waste much time in the following dungeons, solely focusing on trying to reach the fourth station clearing as fast as they can, Mick, Ralph and Lavender leading the group while Neesha and River followed behind, Neesha carrying the unconscious Floragato in her arms.

    The sounds of a crackling campfire could be heard as they near the dungeon’s exit, a faint, warm glow emitting from just around the corner. The sights and sounds were reassuring, and the group quickly make their way forward.

    The fourth station clearing, unlike the last three, was a cozy little hidey hole, tucked away from everything else in the mountain. It’d been made to look like a home, a few small hay beds resting in a corner of the room, a crate of food resting in the opposite end, a campfire stuck right in the center, the coldness of the mountain’s atmosphere and cavernous depths replaced with a welcoming warmth that blanketed the room.

    “And here I was getting ready to celebrate the first explorers to make it this far up the mountain, a pity it had to be a situation like this.” A meekish, manly voice could be heard as the group rounded the corner, an Ampharos wearing a badge quickly coming to their aid. “No time for dawdling on such topics, though! Let’s get to treating them at once!”

    Wasting no time at all, the group make their way inside, setting the Floragato down on one of the beds, Ampharos looking over the various injuries. “Hmm… It seems like Archen was able to take care of most of it, didn’t do too bad a job. Wrappings are a little dodgy, though. Will have to fix some of those.”

    Mick, Ralph and Lavender all step back as they let Ampharos work, while River and Neesha stand close by. Mick sighs as he sits himself down on his haunches, leaning back against a wall, his goggles drooping over his eyes slightly. “…Man, I thought this whole trip would be a lot more straightforward. We get to the top of Sky Peak, we get recognized for it and climb higher, whoop-dee-doo. Feels like the whole thing’s spiraled into a shitshow.”

    Ralph scoffs, nudging Mick’s shoulder with a feather. “Oh, quit your whining. It hasn’t been too bad. Besides, we’ve had it easy for too long. It’s about time we were thrown a curve ball.”

    “You mean your adventures aren’t always this complicated?” Lavender questions as she turns to face the two dorks.

    Mick chuckles softly, shaking his head. “Nah, not usually. We get the typical schtick, go into a dungeon, help someone out, body a bounty, throw some rocks at ’em or lift someone out of a dungeon, that kinda stuff. We want to do more unique things, but we haven’t exactly had our work cut out for ourselves.”

    “Mostly because this dumbass keeps getting himself in trouble.” Ralph chides, snickering to himself.

    The Shinx groans and rolls his eyes. “Oh, come ooonnnnnnn, it’s not that bad.”

    “Mick, the amount of time you spend bandaged up rather than not should be telling enough.” His gaze narrows, a smile curled up on his beak as he flicks a feather across Mick’s snoot.

    Mick just huffs out in annoyance, turning his gaze away. Not like he’s gonna admit Ralph is right. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Party pooper.”

    “Hmm…” Lavender leans back, muffling a quiet laugh to herself. Mick can hear her whispering quietly to herself. Can’t make out exactly what she’s saying, but he can hear some of it. “Maybe if…”

    River scampers back on over to the group, waving at them briefly as she walks up to ’em. “It looks like they’re gonna be fine. You three can go on ahead to the summit, Neesha and I are gonna stay behind and do anything else we can to help Chief.”

    “Wuh?” Mick blinks a few times as his attention perks right back up, staring back at the Chespin. “Wait, you serious? You ain’t comin’ up with us?”

    River chuckles and shrugs. “I mean, we’ll probably catch up eventually! But for now, staying back and helping Chief is more important. Besides, I thought you guys wanted to reach the summit first, hmm?”

    Mick’s eyes practically light up when he hears her say that, his confidence returning along with his smile. “Uh- Yeah, of course. Team Shockquatic will be the first team to ever make it to the top of Sky Peak.~” He can practically feel Ralph rolling his eyes beside him.

    “Heh, that’s what I thought.” River gives him an affirming nod as she makes her way back over to Neesha and Ampharos, who were still treating Floragato. “We’ll catch you guys later! Good luck with the rest of your climb!”

    Mick nods right back at her, smirking as he turns around to face Ralph and Lavender. “You heard her, let’s move out!”

    Ralph shares Lavender a seemingly knowing stare as he shrugs, getting back up and making his way over to the exit with her.

    As Mick is about to leave, though, he hears the Floragato suddenly jolt awake behind him. “¡Hijo de puta!” He hears the cat say, turning back around to check, Neesha and Ampharos helping them lay back down.

    “Easy, easy, you’re still badly hurt, try not to move around too much, mmkay?” Neesha says softly, trying to comfort the Floragato.

    “Mmnhh.. Y-Yeah, yeah.” They nod, seeming to look straight past Neesha, making direct eye contact with Mick, those pink eyes feeling like they’re burrowing deep into his soul, piercing straight through him. For a few moments, they just seem to stare back at each other, Mick feeling a strange sensation bubbling in his gut. This is just some random explorer, right? Why did it feel like they were staring at him so…


    “Hey, Mick! Did you fall into the campfire or something?! Come on!” He can hear Ralph shouting from the exit, glancing back at the exit, then back at the Floragato. He slowly backs up, maintaining eye contact for a few long, uncomfortable seconds longer before he bolts out.

    The trek through the remainder of Sky Peak is mostly quiet, the team focusing solely on making their way to the top, all the way through the twisting, turning caves the mystery dungeons threw at them. The closer they make it to the top, though, the more Lavender seems to grow uneasy, visibly slowing down as her body trembles and shivers.

    “Something’s not right.” She says aloud. “The air feels off.”

    “Huh? What do you-” Mick starts, interrupted when the absolutely horrid stench hits his nostrils, nearly causing him to gag and retch as he covers his nose with a paw, his eyes watering. “Oh what the FUCK?! Even the grimy food I ate this morning didn’t smell this bad!”

    Ralph has to cover his beak with a feather as well, trying to push through the smell. “That’s very deeply unpleasant. What is that?”

    The three finally make it to the cave’s exit, the entrance to the fifth station clearing and the summit of Sky Peak. Rather than the bright, multicolored sky they were expecting, they were met with a murky, cloudy smog looming just outside the cave entrance. “Oh no…” Lavender’s voice is full of despair as she stares out at the entrance, rushing over to it along with Mick and Ralph.

    The summit of Sky Peak was dead.

    The grass had turned to coarse dirt, the flowers had withered and decayed, the few small ponds scattered about the summit were all dried up, the whole summit had a disgusting odor to it, a smell that could only be described as rot. It was so horrible nobody could walk around with their nose uncovered.

    “Thith ain’t z’actly th’ most ideal way t’ reach th’ top now, ain’t it?” Mick’s nasally voice speaks up, his eyes squinted, burning from the putrid odor in the air.

    “H-How could this have possibly happened?!” Lavender’s voice wavers in despair, eyes sweeping the summit. “I didn’t think it’d been that long since any of us had come up here! I-“

    “Does the beauty of wither and decay not enthrall you?” A voice can be heard through the smog, a low, deep, rumbling voice.Accompanying it is the sound of leaves ruffling, wooden tablets clunking against each other quietly. “I, quite frankly, find it to be far, far more appealing in this state than it was prior. There is art in death, beauty to be found in the withering gardens. Such a lively, colorful place, now brought to its bitter end, the lively greens and pinks reduced to a pallid, deathly gray.”

    Lavender feels a chill run down her spine as she hears the voice speak, frowning and glaring into the smog as she shouts out. “Who are you?! Did you do this?!”

    “As if such a question even needs to be asked.” The voice lets out a low, sinister laugh, a pair of orange eyes peering through the smog, encroaching closer, the sound of rustling leaves and wooden tablets getting closer. “To the one who brings wither, death and decay.” A snail of death leaves and muddled grass slithers its way out of the smog, its orange eyes held in vines sprouting from the sides of its head, wooden tablets coiled around its back like a shell.

    A spark ignites in Mick, finding the strength to uncover his nose as he arches his back, his light tattoos beginning to glow all across his body as he pulls his goggles down over his eyes. “I don’t know who you think you are, but you can’t just waltz onto this mountain and act like you own the place! Especially when you leave it looking like this!”

    “Please. This is merely an omen of what will soon follow.” The snail squints its eyes at Mick, its leaves ruffling. “Only the beginning, only the first step. I’m just setting an example, after all. You better get used to it, little ones.”

    “Fuck your omens!” Mick snarls back, teeth barred. “And fuck you too! We’re not gonna stand here and let you get away with this! You’re gonna pay, right here, right now!”

    “Mick, cut that out!” Ralph quickly shouts. “We don’t know how strong he-“

    Before Ralph can get a chance to finish, Mick launches himself straight towards the snail, sparks flying from his body as he attempts to charge straight at him-


    A vine.

    It came out so fast Mick didn’t even have time to register it. He’s sent flying straight back and skidding across the dirt ground, dust particles flying up as he slides.

    That hurt, really fucking hurt.

    He quickly gets back up on his paws, body aching, but he’s not down for the count.

    “So that’s how you’re going to behave, hmm?” The snail scoffs, a dark, sickly glow beginning to emanate from its body. “Very well. You will all meet your end here. As I drain the life from your bodies, I will ensure you regret ever going up against Wo-Chien.”


    Vines are sprouting up from the ground. Fast. Gotta move.

    Mick picks himself up and dodges out of the way, the vines retreating back into the cave exit briefly before fading away.

    He thinks he catches sight of Ralph and Lavender dodging too, he can’t see them very well, can’t focus on them, focus on this bastard of a snail in front of him.

    Charging isn’t gonna work, gotta come up with a different tactic.

    Running in circles, yes.

    Sparks crackle around Mick’s body again as starts rushing his way around Wo-Chien, trying to pick off cheap shots at him.

    Wo-Chien seems to be trying to do the same, razor leaves being launched at Mick as he circles the snail.

    Dodge, duck, jump, dodge, duck.

    Maybe he can launch a thunder punch.

    He quickly runs up his fist, ready to deliver an uppercut.

    But Wo-Chien wraps a vine tightly around his wrist.

    One moment, he sees the vine wrapping around his arm, the next moment, he’s being thrown to the side and smacked down hard against the ground.

    He can heard a wooden thud, maybe Lavender or Ralph got a hit on him while he was distracted?

    Can’t think on that much, whole body searing with pain. Even the arena was better off than this.

    A gyro ball is launched at Wo-Chien, though he manages to deflect it. Probably from Lavender.

    He’s distracted enough, now’s his chance.

    His paw crackling with electricity, Mick delivers a swift, fierce uppercut of a thunder punch to Wo-Chien’s face, which sends him slithering back. Good.

    Mick gets greedy, tries to go in for a second punch.

    This is a mistake.

    Wo-Chien’s vines sprout from his body, quickly wrapping around Mick’s torso and squeezing him tightly.


    What the fuck is he- OH FUCKING HELL THAT HURTS!

    Mick’s whole body is searing with blinding pain, so much so he’s screaming from it, his vision even going blurry at the sides.

    It’s awful, feels as though the life is being sucked right out of him.

    Able to catch sight of Lavender and Ralph trying to get close and save him, Wo-Chien batting them away by pelting them with whips from his vines and an onslaught of razor leaves.

    Body starting to go numb.

    If he could see himself, he’d see his face going pale.

    Can’t end like this.

    Not enough strength to break free, though.

    He can’t-


    What’s that sound-

    A large figure comes crashing straight into Wo-Chien, landing a hard, fierce blow against him, and it’s enough to free Mick from the vines wrapped around him.

    Oh that feels so much better.

    Body hurts like hell, but that’s already a step above.

    Hearing is muffled, but he can hear Ralph and Lavender rushing over to his side, propping him up.

    What is that…? That’s a Buzzwole.

    And another figure comes rushing in from behind Wo-Chien to give him a hard smack in the back.


    Ralph’s feeding him something. Oran berry? Oh- Yeah, that’s an oran better.

    Feels much better already.

    Mick pants heavily as he feels his strength returning, leaning back against Ralph for support, getting back on all fours. “Thanks, guys.” He briefly lets out, grunting as he tries to keep himself standing upright.

    “We thought you were done for!” Lavender shouts, panic in her voice.

    “Looked like you were about to turn into a blue onion.” Ralph says, keeping a hold of Mick, the three looking over to the Ultra Beasts, who were staring down Wo-Chien.

    “Hmm… Seems like I’m being outclassed in both numbers and strength. How unfortunate.” The snail huffs dismissively, beginning to wrap himself up in vines.“No matter. Your whole world will know the smell and taste of wither and decay soon enough. This is only a minor setback, after all.” Once he wraps himself up completely, he sinks into the ground and vanishes, as though he were never there.

    Mick, Ralph and Lavender all stare, panting heavily from the whole ordeal. “Yeah, you run away, bastard.” Mick snarls quietly, sighing exhaustively before he slumps back down onto his haunches. “The hell was he.”

    “Don’t know, glad he’s gone.” Lavender says, easing up to Mick a little. “You alright? You looked horrible back there.”

    “Yeah, I’m good, nothing I can’t shake off. Whole body is sore as hell, but I’ll live.” Mick huffs, rubbing at his head as he sees the two Ultra Beasts walking over to check in on them. He gives a sheepish smile as he stares up at them. “Thanks for the help. We really appreciate it.”

    While the two Ultra Beasts don’t respond vocally, they do give a reassuring nod both to the team. Their attention is directed towards the cave exit, where a trio of panting breaths could be heard. River, Neesha and Mawile all come running out of the cave.

    “I-Is everyone okay?!” River’s voice breaks out, echoing through the smoggy peak. “We heard fighting coming all the way from the fourth station and we… Oh my gosh, what happened here?”

    “Snails happened.” Ralph flatly responds. “We took care of him. He’s gone.”

    “…We’ll have to ask for proper context later.” Mawile says, slowly stepping out into the decayed summit. “This is so horrible, though. To have come so far, only to learn that it’s been destroyed.”

    “I think I can restore it.” Lavender speaks up, voice firm and resolute. “I haven’t done anything like this in a while, but I have to try.”

    “Restore it?” Mick questions, getting back up onto all fours again. “Lavender, the summit’s dead, how are you gonna restore it?”

    “It’s a special ability we Shaymin have. We can absorb dirt, smog and other such things and purify it to cleanse a dead or dirty patch of land. It takes a lot of energy, and even I’m not sure if I can bring it back from this, but I have to at least try.” Lavender steps away from the group, standing right in the center of the summit. “I’ll need you all to stand back, the blast this invokes can be powerful.”

    RIght on cue, everybody steps further away from Lavender. She inhales deeply as the petals on the sides of her head begin to glow and slowly but surely, she begins to absorb the surrounding smog into her body, the green, leafy fur on her back beginning to turn a dark purple color.

    “Here goes nothing!” She shouts, her body enveloping in a bright light, and-


    The whole summit becomes engulfed in light, everyone having to shield their eyes momentarily. When the light finally fades, though…

    The summit is alive again.

    The grass is back, a luscious, beautiful green, the ponds full once again, the flowers full of life and in bloom, the smog and groggy atmosphere completely gone.

    Mick is utterly speechless, just taking in the view and the sights of the summit.

    This was what they were working towards this whole time?

    It isn’t quite what he was expecting, but…

    Damn if it isn’t pretty. It’s enough to make him smile, that much has gotta count, right?

    Everyone is gathering right at the cliff side, and he rushes up to them. He gazes out beyond the horizon, high above a sea of clouds down below, the shades of green, blue and orange completely unobscured, even able to see the stars faintly shining up above.

    “This is incredible…” He can hear Neesha quietly say under her breath beside him.

    “I’m so glad we climbed this high!” He can hear Mawile speaking up as well. “Ruins or no ruins, the view alone has made everything up to this point worth it.”

    He can feel Ralph’s eyes gazing at him. “You in any rush to make it back down?”

    “…Nah.” Mick shakes his head. “I ain’t in no rush.” He chuckles softly, turning around to see Lavender walking up to them. “Hey, uh… Thank ya, Lavender, for bringing us up here. I dunno how you managed to tolerate us, but, thanks.”

    “My pleasure.~” Lavender giggles softly, smiling warmly at them.

    “You know, speaking of getting down…” River looks over the edge, body tensing before scooting back. “How are we gonna get back to the bottom?”

    Neesha blinks a few times. “Oh yeah.” She glances down, then back and forth. “We didn’t really think that through, did we?”

    Buzzwole leans over, silently flashing the group a thumbs up.

    “Buzzwole could probably carry us down.” Mawile suggests. “Although, I doubt they’d be able to carry all five of us. Hmm…”

    Lavender perks up at that. “I have a solutioooooonnnn.~” She skitters away from the group, backing up to one of the flowers. “See, these flowers are Gracidea flowers, and they’re special. Because, when I touch them…”

    As Lavender reaches out to touch one of the flowers, her body glows and is enveloped in light. Her proportions change completely, no longer a small, tiny little hedgehog, she’s grown MUCH taller. As tall as Mick. The flowers on the side of her head disappear, turning into two red leaves on the side of her neck, the green fur on her back now acting as her ‘hair’ which much scruffier now that it’s on her head.

    “They allow me to change forme! Look at me! Totally different from the tiny little ball I was a second ago, huh? And it allows me to fly, too!”

    “Yo!” Mick exclaims, eyes lighting up. “That’s fucking awesome!”

    “Fascinating!” Mawile leans a bit closer towards Lavender. “And you say you can fly?”

    “Mmhm!” She nods her head with a cheeky grin. “You three can let Buzzwole take you down, I’ll carry Mick and Ralph down.”

    “Waaaaaaaait, wait, hold on a second.” Ralph stares skeptically, arching an eyebrow. “How’re you gonna carry us down? Do you just, expect us to hold onto you for dear life while you soar through the air?”

    Lavender nods her head in response. “Yes!”



    Mick smirks a bit as he slowly turns to Ralph, leaning in nice and close to him. “You did say you always wanted to fly…”

    “I don’t like this.”

    “You’ll be fine, don’t worry!” Lavender says, Neesha, River and Mawile having long since departed with Buzzwole and Pheromosa, walking up between them and standing firm. “Just grab on and I’ll carry you all the way down.”

    Ralph groans as he grabs a hold tightly of one of Lavender’s ear-wing things, Mick holding on tightly to her body. He smirks at Ralph, winking at him. “Think of this as some nice, goooooooood karma, Ralph.~”

    Ralph’s gaze narrows. “Quiet.”

    “Here we go!” Lavender quickly rushes off the edge, taking to the sky as the two cling on to her.

    Cue the horrific screams of terror from both Mick and Ralph.

    Oh it felt SO good to be back on solid ground again. Mick and Ralph couldn’t stop trembling, their bodies ice cold from turbulence of being completely exposed to the wind from such tall heights. But all is fine, though! Just gotta brush it off. They’re back on ground, they’re back in Shaymin Village, that’s all that matters right now.

    Neesha and River are back as well, and they walk over to the group. “Well, I think we can all agree this didn’t quite go how many of us thought it would, but it seemed like it was enjoyable all around.” Neesha says, hands behind her back.

    “Oh yeah, it was!” Mick awkwardly nods his head. “Y’know, except for the me almost dying part. Twice.” He side-eyes Lavender, who muffles a giggle from the way he stares at her.

    “Heh, yeah.” River chuckles softly. “We may not have known each other for long, but, we’re glad we met you guys! Maybe if our paths ever cross again, maybe we could team up a second time?”

    “I mean…” Mick shrugs, chuckling softly. “I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to it. You guys ain’t half bad.”

    Ralph nods his head. “I enjoyed tagging along with you guys. Bit of a shame we couldn’t really see you in action, but if we ever do, we’ll probably be there.”

    “Heck yeah!” River exclaims with a bright smile, glancing back, before turning back to the group. “We’re gonna have to get back to our stations now. Hope we see you again some day! And take care, all of you!”

    They all give their final goodbyes as Neesha and River both head back to the mountain, Mick and Ralph turning to face Lavender.

    “Well then.” Mick blinks a few times, smiling awkwardly. “Kinda feels weird having to say goodbye after all you’ve done for us, taking us up the mountain and such. We’re gonna miss ya, Lavender.”

    “Weeeeeeeeeelll…” Lavender smiles sheepishly, shuffling in place a bit. “…What if we don’t have to say goodbye?”

    Beat. “Pardon?” Mick and Ralph both say simultaneously.

    “I wanna travel with you guys!” Lavender says happily, flying around in place a little bit. “I wanna join your team! Don’t get me wrong, I love traveling up Sky Peak, I love guiding explorers up the mountain, but that’s not what I wanna do my entire life. I wanna leave the village and explore, to see the world and how much it’s changed since The Singularity! All I’d need to do is gather up some flowers from the mountain so I can change into this form whenever I want, but please, please lemme join!”

    Mick and Ralph stare at Lavender for a few moments, Mick’s eyes going wide while Ralph stares a bit skeptically.

    “Absolutely, yes!” Mick happily agrees as he eagerly nods his head up and down. “We’d be more than happy to have you join!”

    Ralph scoffs with a smirk curling up his beak. “Man, you didn’t waste any time deciding that, did you?”

    “No no, Ralph, Lavender is exactly what we need!” Mick is practically bouncing in place with excitement. “If she can bring plenty to the table, we’ll be better than ever! Three is better than two, after all.” He turns back extending a foreleg. “Paws and feathers together, people, paws and feathers!”

    Lavender giggles softly and extends her paw out atop Mick’s paw, Ralph rolling his eyes and extending his wing out atop Mick and Lavender’s paws.

    “Today, we become a force to be reckoned with. We’ll show the whole world what we’re made of, and if anyone gets in the way of achieving our goals, we give them hell!” Mick smiles happily, tail swishing back and forth behind him.

    “We are Team Synthesis!”


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