The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Throughout Stonehaven, Dawn and Selene looked out at the city streets around Stonehaven’s center square as other pokemon were putting up decorations. Gords of various sizes and autumnal colored ribbons lined the stone buildings and walkways. The Autumn Festival was a few days away, and spirits were high as many pokemon were looking forward to the week-long celebration.


    Turning towards the temporary stage behind them, the two stepped up onto the wooden surface. “How’s it going up there?!” she asked, looking up at the beams above. 

    Rags peered over the side, giving a thumbs up. He and a few other pokemon were still getting the stage ready, but for the most part it was done. The outside was decorated like the rest of the city, along with some webbing and silk that a few bug types provided for added effect.


    Looking at her sister, Selene sighed. “Are you sure you don’t wanna join in? We still need the part filled.” 

    “Doesn’t this whole ghost story thing seem a bit childish?” Dawn asked, not responding to the question. 


    “Where’s your fall-fest spirit?” 

    Dawn rolled her eyes and flicked her tail. “It fucked off along with my taste for chocolate.” 


    “…Who hurt you?” Selene asked, placing a paw on her sister’s shoulder.


    “Come on Dawn, lighten up,” Phobos said as he approached the two, taking a bite of a pastry in the shape of a Pumpkaboo. “Rags is even making us costumes.” 

    “I’ll wear the costume, I’m just not doing this.” 

    Suit yourself .” 

    “Hilarious,” Dawn remarked as Phobos ate the pumpkin-filled treat. 


    Selene however, intently stared at the Zoroark. “You didn’t get us any?” 


    Phobos swallowed, then nervously raked his claws through his mane. “I did, but-” 

    “You ate ‘em, didn’t you?” the Umbreon said flatly with a scowl. 


    “So what story do you have in mind for this thing?” Phobos nervously asked, eager to change the subject. 


    Setting down her bag, Selene pulled out a book and flipped through it. “This one.”

    Phobos and Dawn leaned in to see, looking the page up and down as Selene elaborated. “White Night. It’s a classic.” 


    Hearing this, the Zoroark froze up. “Maybe you should choose something different,” he suggested as he took a few steps back. 

    “What’s wrong with this one?” Selene asked with a tilt of the head. 

    Phobos raised a claw to his chin, lightly scratching it. “Well it’s kinda based on a true story, right?”


    The story of the Stonehaven Slasher was well known within the city. The slasher was an infamous serial killer who targeted the Stonehaven elite in the city’s early days. 


    But Phobos was never really a fan of the ghost stories that surrounded them. Looking down at the page, there was an image of a wispy, ivory Zoroark draped in mist looming over an unsuspecting pokemon before bringing forth their untimely demise.  

    This, and the meaning of his name relating to fear, sometimes led to harassment from other children in his youth. 


    “ ‘Based on’ being the key words,” Selene gleefully retorted.  

    “Right…” Phobos said as his gaze shifted away. “Can you excuse me for a bit?” he asked, stepping away from Dawn and Selene. 


    Going down to the street and behind the stage, Phobos leaned his back against it, sighing before sliding down. “Phobos, wait!” he heard Selene call out. The Umbreon and Espeon would soon spot him however, the two hastily approaching him. 


    “Phobos, what’s-” 

    “I assume you want me to play the ghost of the slasher, right?” he interrupted.


    From his tone, it was clear to Selene that the Zoroark wasn’t particularly happy with this notion. “Okay. What’s wrong?” the Umbreon asked, holding out a paw. 


    Phobos sighed, burying his face in his claws before pulling them down. “It’s… Complicated.”


    Selene paced back and forth in front of the stage as Dawn and Rags watched. “Look, I’m pretty sure you’ll find someone else to play the part,” Dawn said. “Phobos is clearly uncomfortable, and-” 

    “I’m not gonna force him to do it,” Selene interrupted as she stopped and faced the Espeon.

    “But aren’t you at least kinda curious as to why? I mean, he did say that a Zoroark being in the story had nothing to do with it.” 


    Hearing Selene say this, Rags slowly turned around. He was the only one who knew what was going on with Phobos, but the Mimikyu was sworn to secrecy.  


    “Rags…” Selene inquisitively said with a raised brow. Freezing up, Rags lifted his shadowy claws up to the drawn on mouth of his costume. He pinched his first two together and slid them across, telling the Umbreon that the truth was not his to share.

    “Just let it go Selene,” Dawn said before levitating a Pumkaboo pastry towards her mouth with Psychic. “He’ll tell us when he’s ready.” 

    “Yeah, I getcha.” 


    Staring at Dawn, Selene stepped forwards. “When did you get that?” 

    “Relax, I got you one too you big baby,” the Espeon remarked as she floated the treat towards Selene. “And Rags, I got you one too-” 


    To the sisters’ confusion, the Mimikyu had vanished. “Where did he-” 

    “To look for Phobos I’m gonna assume,” Selene cut in.


    The two stood around for a bit, Selene hastily tapping her paw against the ground. “I’m gonna go for a bit.” 

    “Wait, where are you going?” Dawn asked, still holding Selene’s pastry. 

    “Library,” the Umbreon said as she hastily walked off.” 


    “Aren’t you in charge of all of this?!” Dawn asked, gesturing a paw at the stage, and the pokemon getting it ready. 


    “Just cover me for a bit, they’ll listen to you!”


    Dawn stared at her sister as she ran off before glaring at Selene’s Pumpkaboo pastry, taking a bite and mumbling to herself.


    It was the eve before the start of the Fall Festival, and activity was picking up as several autumnal themed booths were set up along the streets. Some had games, while others had things to sell. But Dawn and Selene were not interested in them right now. The two sisters found themselves walking towards the Stonehaven Library, as Selene had found herself going down a proverbial Bunnlelby hole into the story of the Stonehaven Slasher. Even learning that one of her and Dawn’s ancestors had managed to escape their wrath.


    Approaching the large stone building, the duo stared up at the tree-like pillars that stood before the entrance. It wasn’t as large as their family’s mansion, but a small part of them still couldn’t believe that a place this big was solely for housing books. 

    The entrance wasn’t one often seen throughout Stonehaven, sets of large doors with smaller ones built into them. Often there were places built specifically for larger or smaller pokemon, but this was one of the few exceptions.


    Entering through one of the smaller doors, Dawn and Selene found themselves in a towering forest of shelves. Each one was filled to the brim with books, and a few even had ladders by their side. However these ladders meant nothing to the few flying pokemon who were perched on the top.

    Dawn scanned over the aisles in front of her before starting to walk. “This way.” 


    Selene followed the Espeon as they navigated through the maze of shelves, as Dawn was more familiar with the library’s twists and turns. “I tell ya, this place still feels like a mystery dungeon,” remarked Selene. 


    “When was the last time you came here?” 

    “A few days ago,” the Umbreon huffed.


    After a few minutes of walking down a corridor of books, the two reached a curved, nook-like space to the side of the library that Dawn didn’t recognize. The space in the wall seemed to be towards the back where there weren’t any visitors, as the only one there was a Zoroark the two also didn’t recognize who was sitting at the table placed there, seemingly waiting for Dawn and Selene to arrive. The clothes he wore were dated in Dawn’s opinion, but the fancy white coat he wore looked worn and had small tears in some spots.

    “Okay, I think we might be lost,” Dawn muttered as she and Selene glanced around. 


    “Might I be of assistance?” the graying Zoroark asked, the fox now standing right in front of them. 


    The sisters jumped back and looked at each other, confused. Noticing this, the Zoroark held up his claws and smiled. “Now, now my sweets, I don’t bite,” he sheepishly said. 


    “Ummm, do you mind showing us where the history section is ?” Selene asked, glaring at Dawn towards the end of her question. 

    “History…” the Zoroark said, tapping his chin.


    “Why, I do believe this is it,” he answered, much to Dawn and Selene’s confusion. 


    “A funny thing about history…” the Zoroark remarked as he sauntered back to the table. “It alway seems to find a way to connect certain things… Do you two like stories?” 

    “Stories?” asked Selene. 


    “Stories, history, things you can’t find in the library,” the Zoroark said with a playful smirk. “And I can promise you might just find what you’re looking for.”


    Looking at each other, Selene and Dawn hesitated. “Well, it’s better than aimlessly wandering the library,” Selene tiredly said. 

    Dawn sighed. “Alright, fine.” 


    Joining the Zoroark, the two hopped up to the remaining seats at the table, to see a small, old book was laying in the center of the wooden surface. Picking it up, he stared at it a short while before opening it. 


    “Often when two souls meet, one of the first things they do is imagine the future together,” the Zoroark said, a hint of sadness in his voice. “Have you ever been in love?” 

    “I thought you said this was a historical story,” Selene said. 

    “No reason that it can’t be both,” he continued before clearing his throat.


    Day four of month ten. My stint at the Silken Manor over the past number of months hasn’t been very eventful as of late, not that I am complaining of course. Although being a member of staff means you soon begin to learn some very interesting things.  

    … … …


    In the stone halls of the Silken Manor, a Zoroark and a Lopunny were busy dusting the many trinkets and trophies that lined the wide passage. The Lopunny listened as Garnet hummed a tune to herself as she brushed a feather duster over an ornate vase. 

    “You seem to be in a pleasant mood.”


    “I have plans tonight,” the Zoroark cheerfully answered. 

    “You are aware that we are to serve the master’s dinner party tonight, correct?” 


    “I know what I said,” Garnet said with a smirk as she pointed the duster at the Lopunny. 

    The slender brown and cream rabbit rolled her eyes. “Well whatever it is you are planning, kindly leave me out of it.”


    A pleasantly cool night came upon the manor. Its dining hall was buzzing with activity as a large gathering of pokemon sat around a long, rectangular table. At its head was a Mienshao wearing a white robe with a violet trim. To his left, a younger Mienshao sat dressed in similar attire and with a broad grin across her face. 


    Edric glanced at the chair next to his daughter, as it was still empty. The baron of the town to the north, Lloyd had a habit of being fashionably late, but this time he was taking a bit longer than usual. Giving a slight shake of his head, Edric couldn’t grasp what she saw in him. But at the same time he wasn’t too upset. He made her happy, and was of a respectable lineage. 

    “Such faults can be dealt with later,” he thought.


    “I do hope that Lloyd is well,” Velvet said, turning her head to the empty chair beside her. “I recall hearing news of bandits stalking the route he uses to arrive here.” 


    “I wouldn’t worry too much,” a third Minshao sitting across from her said as he held up his drink. “I have known Lloyd for years, and he is a crafty bastard-” 

    “Language Rhys!” Edric said, raising his voice. This however got a few laughs from the other pokemon before a Bisharp piped up.


    “If the boy has only just joined your brother’s guild, I’d already say he is on his way to being a full-fledged explorer. Having the mouth of one is a perfect starting point.” 

    Rhys grinned, taking the joke better than his father who placed his face in his paws. But once the jesting subsided, Velvet turned her head to look out one of the large windows. 


    “Where are you?”


    Outside, a group of illusionary bushes obscured Lloyd and Garnet. The male Zoroark stood up as he tightened the light blue cravat around his neck. “Remember, your excuse is that you were intercepted by bandits on your usual route,” Garnet said as she sat up, brushing the grass and leaves out of her fur.


    “Right… Bandits,” Lloyd said, buttoning up his formal black coat. “So… How exactly do you plan on excusing your absence, Lady Garnet?” 

    “You speak as if I already haven’t,” the other Zoroark said as she got up. Suddenly, Garnet placed her forearm against her head. 


    “I do fear I might be suffering from a dizzy spell,” she dramatically reenacted. 

    A flash of dark fuchsia surrounded her before her appearance took on that of her employer. ”Oh, do return to your quarters until you are well again.” A second flash engulfed the Mienshao, revealing Garnet once more. 


    Lloyd slowly clapped with a smirk on his face. “Bravo, my sweet.” 

    Garnet took a bow. “I would be here all night, but I do believe you have a dinner party to attend… Baron ,”


    Walking away from the illusionary bushes Lloyd blew a kiss before turning the corner of another hedge. As the other Zoroark made his way inside, Garnet however wandered back into the hedges of the manor. 


    “Well, I suppose I have taken long enough… Back to work.”

    … … …


    “So where exactly are you going with all of this?” asked Selene. 

    The Zoroark looked intently at her with a serious gaze. “You do wish to know the true story of White Night, do you not?” 

    “How did you-” 

    “Call it intuition… And it is the Autumn Festival tomorrow, so it would only be natural.”


    “Would either of you care for a drink?” the Zoroark asked, opening an ornate looking bottle. It had been sitting next to three glasses, all of which Dawn and Selene swore weren’t there before. 


    Velvetine Grepa Blanc. Crafted from a rare variant of ivory berries that are exclusive to this region… Did you know that in Stonehaven many years passed, it was customary to drink this on only the best, and last days of one’s life… However I believe that we can make an exception for today.”


    Pouring the sisters and himself each a glass, he then slid two of them forwards before taking a sip himself. “Now where were we?” 

    “I believe you mentioned a wedding,” Dawn replied. 


    “Ah, yes… The wedding.”


    Day eleven of month ten. The wedding is tomorrow, and will be the perfect time to make my move. Nearly all of the pieces are in place, and nothing can ruin this most esteemed day.

    … … …


    Cheers rang out across the Silken Manor’s garden as Baron Lloyd and Lady Velvet stood hand in hand with each other. They looked on at the members of both of their families, who were in a roar of applause for the newlywed couple. 


    Garnet watched from a distance as the two kissed before slipping back inside. Leaning her back against a wall, the Zoroark changed her form to that of a fellow staff member, an Audino who had taken their leave that day. Sauntering her way through the many winding stone halls, Garnet stopped in front of Velvet’s room. Undoing the illusion on only her claw, the disguised Zoroark began to pick the lock.


    Quickly getting the door open, she slipped in and dropped her illusionary guise completely. The ornate room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the thin gaps between the curtains. But Garnet was already familiar with the room’s layout, as she had been stealing from the family of Mienshao throughout her time here. It was the reason she had gotten this job in the first place, that is until she met Lloyd at one of her employer’s dinner parties months prior . Even if he had been set to wed the lady of the house, one thing had eventually led to another.

    But the Zoroark couldn’t help but feel jealous every time she saw Lloyd and Velvet together. ‘You need to push that to the side… You are here to steal,’ she would keep telling herself. 


    And yet whenever the baron would visit, Garnet found herself growing just as excited as Lady Velvet. “I feel like Violet the Swift,” the Zoroark muttered , trying on one of the Mienshao’s necklaces in a nearby mirror. 

    She thought about A Destiny Knot of Diamonds , the book Lloyd had recently given her. Of which the heroine, a thieving Liepard fell in love with one of her targets. 


    Of course it concluded with the death of both parties involved,” Garnet quietly groaned .


    Searching through various drawers, Garnet placed different pieces of jewelry on her person before moving towards another locked door to the side of the room. However this lock was much harder than the last, and demanded her full attention. And it was because of this, that she didn’t hear the door to Velvet’s room open.

    … … …


    “Baron Lloyd and this Garnet character sound like they would have created quite the scandal,” Dawn said as she swished her drink in her telekinetic grasp. 


    “They likely would have…” The Zoroark answered before taking another sip of his. “But very few are actually aware of this part of the story.”


    “While some secrets would rather spend their days hidden in the shadows, others have the burning desire to face the light. And they will, no matter how long it takes… And no matter how hard you try to keep them out of sight… Some things just seem to find a way to slip by.”


    Taking a pencil and paper out of the bag she had brought with her, Selene began writing something down. 


    Dropping the pencil from her mouth, she muttered to herself. “T’was after the sweet song of wedding bells that a bitter requiem would soon follow. One joined by three houses in… dammit.”  

    “What are you doing?” Dawn asked, turning her head towards the Umbreon. Selene sighed. 


    “Rewriting the intro to the play.” 

    “This is the first I have heard of such a thing,” the Zoroark piped up. “If I may ask, why would a display of this kind be made to surround this story?” 


    Selene glanced at Dawn before holding up a paw towards their confused acquaintance. “Well White Night is a classic ghost story. And as far back as I can remember, I’ve loved tales that could give me a good scare. And I figured an adaptation could give others the same thing I felt.”


    “Besides,” Selene continued. “It might get others to learn more about Stovehaven’s history.” 


    “I see…” the Zoroark said as he looked back into the journal. 


    Day twenty of month ten. I had to do it again. That makes four now I believe. I do not think any amount of writing could do justice to describe the look that was present in their eyes. But it was almost pitiable. Almost. It is rather empowering to have someone of their status and influence squirm like a battered Caterpie, whining and begging for me not to hurt them. 

    It is fun, but at the same time disappointing. Not one of them fought back, even when faced with imminent death. Maybe the next one will, I would hate for this game to grow boring.

    … … …


    Rhys thought back to when he was watching from the doorway as his uncle intently looked over the reports on his desk. “Um, Un- Guildmaster Cenric ?” Looking up at his nephew and sighing, the guildmaster held out a paw before gesturing for Rhys and his partner to come inside. 


    “As you are likely aware, there has been another murder.” 


    Those words echoed in Rhys’ mind as both he and his partner were now standing over the most recent crime scene in what was now a string of similar murders taking place across Stonehaven over the past week.


    Voile carefully approached the body of the Meowscarada before using the tips of her claws to turn their head. “Right across the neck… The same cause as the other two that were found,” the Mimikyu said. “There is a surprising lack of blood on the floor too. I would say they were likely moved here.” 


    “There are no signs of forced entry either,” Rhys said as he scanned the lavish room. 


    “Just like the other blasted two…” 

    “You should really do something about that mouth of yours,” Voile said as she turned to her partner. 


    “I meant the cases… Voile.” 

    “Still,” she countered, pointing towards the felled Meowscarada. 


    “Fine… I’m sorry,” Rhys said, rubbing the back of his head. “This is just… frustrating. All of the victims thus far have been nobles, and cannot help but place Velvet in their position.”


    “Do you think that we could be dealing with a serial killer?” he asked, trying to calm down while walking towards his partner. 

    “That is certainly a possibility now that I think about it,” Voile said. “Although with that in mind, I believe we should start looking at these incidents a tad differently.” 


    Rhys thought for a bit, bringing a paw to his chin. “Start gathering statements, I would like to look around the damn room some more.” 



    “My apologies.” 


    “How curious…” Voile muttered as she reached a claw toward the body. 

    “What is it?” 


    “The statement we were given was that he had business with Lady Velvet today, correct?” 

    “Yes… Why?” 

    “Was Lloyd with her?” she asked, holding up a strand of dark red fur.


    At this point, the marriage of Lloyd and Velvet was well known throughout Stonehaven, as the two were practically inseparable. And when the two explorers began asking around the estate, they kept getting the same answer.


    Lloyd inhaled the crisp autumn air as he and Velvet walked down the active Stonehaven street as they took in the pre-festive atmosphere. “I have alway adored this time of the year,” Lloyd said, smiling as he faced Velvet. 

    “The Autumn Festival holds so many fond memories… And now this year, I have the pleasure of making new ones.”

    Velvet smiled back, but it soon faded as she thought about what occurred earlier in the day. 


    “Are you doing well?” Lloyd asked, placing a claw on her shoulder. 

    “I just cannot stop thinking about the murder…” Velvet quietly answered. “Yes, it is unfortunate…” Lloyd sighed. “Having your life ended in such a manner.”


    “I am glad you think so,” a voice behind the couple said. 


    Turning around, the two saw a Mienshao in the orange scarf, Rhys. 

    Staring at her brother, Velvet would have greeted him if not for the stern glare on his face. Lloyd gave a nervous smile in response. The Mienshao’s demeanor, combined with recent events made the Zoroark could sense his friend in the guild was not here for pleasantries of any sort. 


    “Well, hello Lloyd,” Rhys said, raising a brow. “I am afraid that we must… talk .”


    “But father, he could not have done it!” Velvet argued. “I was sharing a room with Lloyd after the dinner, and he was sound asleep! I would have noticed him getting up and leaving my side!”


    “Zoroarks have… ways of getting around your senses,” Edric said with a repressed anger in his voice. “Or did you forget about reporting the actions of that thieving maid to me?” 

    “Garnet was one Zoroark, father! And the guild never arrested Lloyd, they merely questioned him!” 


    “As a potential supec-” 


    Velvet watched as Edric froze, the elder Mienshao staring past her. She turned around to see a shaken up Lloyd standing down the hall. With that, Velvet glared at her father before quickly pivoting away and quickly walking towards her mate.

    … … …


    “As we all know, The Slasher’s fourth and final attack was unsuccessful,” the Zoroark said as Dawn and Selene nodded along. 

    “Well yeah, the last one fought back and the rest is history,” Selene replied. “Funnily enough, our ancestor was the lucky escapee. ” 


    “If it were that simple, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” 


    Pouring himself another glass, the Zoroark froze up; and it was now that Dawn and Selene began to notice something odd about their new acquaintance. The more they looked at him, the more pale and unkempt his fur seemed to get. His eyes appeared more hollow, and his breath more raspy, as if the air itself was refusing to allow him to breathe it. 


    “Are- are you okay?” Selene asked as she leaned up on the table. 

    Recomposing himself, the Zoroark nodded as appeared to be his normal self again. “My apologies… Sometimes I can become a tad hung up on things .” 


    Picking up the journal once more, the Zoroark cleared his throat. 


    Day twentyseven of month ten. It would appear that yesterday I bit off more than I was able to chew so to speak. I found myself with much less energy, and the tables were turned as a result. 

    While I am well aware that I wished for my targets to fight back, our bout has caused too much of a stir. The Stonehaven Guild, as well as mobs of pokemon have begun something akin to an inquisition.

    What remains of Velvet was also reported to have been discovered this morning, and now I believe the guild is simply looking for someone to arrest at this point in time. But there are only so many Zoroarks that they can-

    … … …  


    “Velvet! Open the door!” Lloyd yelled, banging on the front door to the large house he just moved into with Velvet. Several pokemon in orange scarves were surrounding him, glaring at the Zoroark as he hastily glanced between them and the door. 


    As it creaked open the face of a Mienshao slowly peered out, much to the guild members’ and especially Rhys’ confusion. 


    “You see! There she is! Safe! Now would you all pleas-” 

    “A-Are all of you with the guild?” she shakily asked.” 


    “Velvet?” Rhys asked before rushing up to hug her. “Oh thank Arceus you are alive!” 


    However his hopes were soon dashed as he felt Velvet shove him away. “Velvet… What are you-” But before he could finish, he watched as a flash of dark fuchsia engulfed his sister’s form. 

    Standing in her place was a terrified Zoroark who pointed at Lloyd. “He had made me do this! He forced me to take her form!” Lloyd dropped to his knees in shock before the many hands, paws, and claws of the explorers restrained him. 


    Garnet watched as Rhys slowly turned towards Lloyd with the fury of a thousand suns in his eyes. Letting out a fierce scream, the Mienshao struck him in the chest with Drain Punch. Only for Voile to grab her partner with her shadowy claws, pulling him away from the Zoroark.


    Mustering whatever energy he could, a teary-eyed Lloyd looked up at Garnet. “How could you?” he said in a raspy tone as he was dragged away. But it was at this moment that a glimpse of Garnet’s true feelings showed through her facade. 


    As only his eyes were on her, nobody else saw the malice-filled smile that crept onto the free Zoroark’s face. 


    Lloyd then flew into a rage, his adrenaline rushing as he and Garnet locked eyes. 

    “YOU TREACHEROUS, PREVARICATING WENCH!” he shouted, trying to pull himself away from the explorers. However rather than respond, Garnet simply shut the door. Slowly.


    Leaning her back against it, she slid down and laughed to herself as the muffled shouts of Lloyd cursing her name into oblivion became quieter and quieter.


    Four days later under the moonlit sky, Garnet stood amongst the massive crowd of pokemon that were gathered in the center of town to see this year’s highlight of the Autumn Festival. She watched as they all began to grow restless, waiting for the show on the stage before them to begin.

    However a deafening silence washed over all in attendance as the guildmaster himself stood before everyone, the Mienshao standing with his head held high as a Scizor and Lucario marched a restrained Lloyd up towards a raised platform where a rope hung from the arch above.


    “Everyone!” Guildmaster Cenric addressed. “On this day we are all gathered here to witness retribution, and justice! Before us stands one who is guilty of crimes most heinous in our fair city, where such actions shall not be tolerated!”


    A disheveled Lloyd stared out at the mob of pokemon that had now begun hissing and booing him, calling for his death as his breaths grew rapid and heavy. However beneath the fear of facing his impending demise, a spark of rage built up within as one figure in the crowd stood out to him. A familiar looking Zoroark stared right at him, only now she held a black and red egg in her arms .

    Feeling Lloyd jerk away, The Scizor’s pincer clamped down harder on his arm. “Make this easier for the both of us and calm yourself,” the crimson insectoid growled. 


    Glaring back at the bug, Lloyd bared his fangs. “Stonehaven will pay dearly for what you are about to do.” 

    “You are in no position to make threats.” 

    “Not a threat…” the Zoroark said before once again looking at Garnet. “Simply a prediction.”


    Stepping onto the platform’s trap door, he glared down and saw the guildmaster look up at him. “Do you have any parting words?” 

    Lloyd didn’t answer, instead he closed his eyes and turned up his head, snubbing him. 


    “I have lost all but the few shreds of dignity I still possess, and I will not allow you to seize that from me,” he thought.


    “As this is the last day of my life, I do believe I am owed my drink of Velvetine .”


    With that, the rope was positioned around Lloyd’s neck. But despite the massive fear, and quiet rage he felt, he couldn’t help but think of the novel he had gifted Garnet. A Destiny Knot of Diamonds , specifically its ending. The two lovers both facing death for the actions committed by one. A slight smirk briefly showed on his face, almost finding a sense of sick humor in the situation. 


    “To think I gave her that damned book in the first place…”  

    … … …


    “The real villain eluded judgment that day,” the Zoroark growled as his claws dug into the table as flickers of white flowed through his fur. However, noticing how tense Dawn and Selene were getting, he composed himself and looked down. 

    “Although I suppose that I am to blame somewhat as well…”


    “What’s that supposed to mean?” Selene asked, leaning forwards as Dawn reeled back. 

    “My apologies, I was simply thinking aloud.”


    “You know… I don’t believe we ever got your name,” the Espeon pried.


    Selene and Dawn were still debating the veracity of what they had witnessed. After having woken up at a table in a rear corner of the library, the sisters were now positioned across from each other rather than side by side. However sitting between them was an old journal lying beside a stylized light gray mask in the shape of a Zoroark’s face.

    Their eyes remained fixed on the journal and mask for a good while before the two slowly turned their attention to one another. Without words, they both knew deep down what the other was thinking. But at the same time there was a need to hear it aloud, to make sure what just happened was a recent memory rather than a vivid dream. 


    “You saw all that too, right?” Selene asked before curiously glancing around. “The Zoroark-” 

    “Lloyd… That was his name, right?” Dawn cut in, the Espeon visibly shaken from the experience. “Because that was the name he gave me.” 


    Her sister slowly nodded before looking down at the journal in front of them. 


    Pawing at the journal, Selene then pulled it towards her and opened it. Flipping through the pages, all of the same entries she remembered from her dream were present. Looking up at Dawn, a chill ran down her spine. 


    “Yeah… this is Garnet’s journal.”


    “Hey guys-” 

    “Fuking-” Selene hissed as she and Dawn flinched. 


    Turning towards the source of the voice, the two saw Phobos standing with a couple of books in his claws. “Sorry… Thought you saw me coming,” he said as Rags popped up from his mane.

    “The heck are you doing here?” Asked Selene. 

    “Looking for you actually,” Phobos said, holding out a claw. “Someone over at the stage was wondering if they needed more light for a certain part or whatever.” 


    The Umbreon threw her head back, the annoyance of her job almost making her forget about what had transpired. 


    Looking back at Phobos, she got a glimpse at one of the books he was carrying. “ A Destiny Knot of Diamonds ? Didn’t think that old romance stuff was your style.” 

    “It’s not,” the Zoroark said, furrowing his brow. “Ever since Rags started that fake book club he’s been reading this stuff.” 


    The Mimikyu glared at Phobos, cracking his shadowy digits before being shoved back inside the mass of fur. 


    “What’s wrong with romance?” Dawn asked. 

    “Nothing, it’s just not my… thing.”


    Phobos’ eyes wandered towards the journal on the table. Taking a step back, he pointed at it. 


    “Where… How did you get that?!” 


    Selene and Dawn slowly looked at each other, then back at their friend. But before they could explain, a heavy book fell from a nearby shelf, hitting the side of the table and startling all of them.

    The group turned their heads up in an attempt to find what knocked it over, but saw nothing… Except for Phobos.


    Sitting on top of the shelves, a gray and white Zoroark. The tips of their flowing, ivory locks were stained red, and their hollow, jaundiced eyes staring down at Phobos. Eyes locked, the two didn’t say a word until a sly grin crept onto the stranger’s face. 


    “You look so much like her…” they said, getting a better look at Phobos. 


    As his breathing grew heavier, Phobos felt a tapping against his cheek before the sound of a snap brought him back to reality. Swatting away Rags’ claws, Phobos hastily walked away as Dawn and Selene followed.


    Outside, Phobos tried to act like nothing had happened. The same could be said for the others, as Dawn and Selene looked as if they had seen a ghost. And while Phobos hadn’t seen that journal in years, he remembered how every year around the Fall Festival, the journal would appear in random places throughout his parents’ house. 

    All the tales his mother would tell him as a child about her ‘seeing things’ this time of the year all flooded back to him. He always thought she was doing it to scare him, but having now seen and heard the much late Baron Lloyd for himself, a part of Phobos was more inclined to believe his mother’s stories. Shaking his head the Zoroark smacked himself on the sides of his face before upping his walking speed towards his and Rags’ building. 


    Once he was back in the sanctuary of his bed, Phobos reached into his mane and pulled out the old journal. He fell back in his bed, staring at the book as he held it over his face. Rags shuffled towards his friend and looked up as well. Holding out a claw, he pointed at Phobos, and then at the journal.

    “I don’t know… I mean sure it’s part of Stonehaven’s history,” he paused, lowering the journal to his side. 


    “But it’s also my family’s history. And I doubt telling anyone will do our relationship any favors…” 


    Rags patted the Zoroark on the shoulder. The Mimikyu then pointed at the journal and made a tearing motion with his claws. 

    “No, I’m not gonna destroy it.” 


    Seeing Rags cross his arms, Phobos set the journal on the desk beside his bed. “I don’t know just- I’ll get a box to put it in or something! I just don’t wanna look at it, okay…”


    The two pokemon sat in silence for a few minutes until Phobos stood up. “Really should’ve picked something up on the way here,” he groaned, partly trying to change the subject. 


    “I’m gonna go see if they’re still selling more of those Pumpkaboo pastries.” 

    Rags pointed at the Zoroark, waving out his claws before gesturing them towards him.

    “I saw you eat two of those stuffed, fried ball things today,” Phobos argued, pointing at the Mimikyu. “You are not gonna get on my ass about eating healthy!” 


    As Phobos reached the door, he paused. “You know what… We’ll split one. How’s that?” 


    He was met with a nod from Rags before the smaller pokemon leapt for his mane. 


    Rags then popped up from the mass of fur and lightly jabbed Phobos in the arm. 

    “Yeah… I Guess I feel a bit better,” he said, stepping into the hall before feeling a sudden brisk cold. 


    “Was it always this drafty in here?” he asked.


    Watching Phobos go down the nearby stairs, Lloyd shook his head. 

    “They never appear to want to share the truth…” he said before peering down the stairs. 


    “However I cannot say that I blame the boy.”


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