The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Rags looked over the list he held in his claws, carefully looking it over and over before he heard the door to his and Phobos’ suite open. The Zoroark was holding a wooden case and a number of books in his arms as he made his way inside, closing the door with his foot before dumping the haul on his bed. 


    Rags folded up his list and pointed at the pile. 

    “Oh this,” Phobos excitedly answered. “Remember that game we used to play when we were kids?” 


    Rags’ gaze narrowed in response as he stared more intently at the case. Snapping his claws and nodding, he then hopped down from the desk onto the bed before inspecting the books. Holding one up in his shadowy claws, he tilted his head in confusion. 


    “Yeah, a bunch more books and modules have come out since then. And-” Phobos then cut himself off when he saw Rags cross his arms. 

    The Mimikyu angrily gestured to him with his claws before forcefully pointing at the books. 

    “Right… Dinner,” Phobos said as he nervously raked his claws through his mane.


    Rags once again looked through the books one by one, holding two of them up at Phobos and expecting an answer. 


    “…Six Hundred and Eighty poké,” Phobos quietly said before Rags dropped the books and scowled at him. 


    “H-Hey, not each one! The two of them together!” Phobos protested. 

    The patchwork rodent looked at the other three books and facepalmed. 

    “Okay, I’m sorry! I know we still have to find an actual place to move to soon, but-” Phobos stopped himself before letting out a sigh. 


    “I’ll see if I can return these…” 

    Rags then held up a claw, stopping Phobos from reaching forwards before taking one of the books and placing it on the desk.


    “Make up your mind, why don’tcha,” Phobos muttered, collecting the rest.


    It was the next day, and Phobos could tell that Rags was acting more cold than normal. As he hadn’t spoken to the Zoroark all day unless it was performance related. Throughout the night, Rags had gotten to thinking about his and Phobos’ finances, as well as the situation they found themselves in. The two had been allowed to stay in this building as a favor of sorts thanks to Dawn, but of course they could only stay for so long

    They almost had enough to move out , but Phobos’ occasional bouts of impulse spending tended to throw the occasional wrench into Rags’ plans. Usually he was able to get the Zoroark to return the things he came across, but then there were times they weren’t so lucky.


    “Rags, how long are you gonna be like this?” Phobos asked as the two got ready in the backstage area of the Grand Hall. 

    The Mimikyu didn’t respond, ignoring Phobos as he fixed the bow tie on his costume. 


    Phobos sighed before pulling a tall glass bottle out from his mane. He stared at it, tempted to take a swig of its contents. He shook his head before stuffing it back inside. 

    “It’s for the show… It’s for the show,” the Zoroark muttered to himself. He thought back to the trick he performed at Soleil’s party, having made some adjustments for it to be done by three pokemon.


    “Now prepare yourselves… For the Triad of Illusionary Mastery!” A voice from the stage called out. “Dawn! Phobos! And Rags!” 


    “Let’s get this over with…” Phobos grumbled as Rags popped up from his mane. 


    The two stepped out on the stage as Dawn emerged from the other side, the Zoroark and Espeon waving to the audience before them.

    Phobos popped the cork on his bottle shortly after pulling it from his mane. Pouring the alcohol into his hat, he tossed it up and sent a flurry of cards up into the air. Each one was soon coated in a lavender aura as Dawn used Psychic on the playing cards, holding them in place before sending them into a spinning twister of white, black, and red. 


    Rags then leapt up from Phobos’ mane, tossing the empty bottle into the miniature storm of paper as Phobos set it ablaze with Flamethrower, spewing a steam of fire from his mouth. Dawn then took hold of the display of fire with her telekinetic grasp, forming it into a bright sphere. 

    The audience oohed and ahhed at the sight before Rags leapt forwards, slashing the blazing sphere with Shadow Claw. It burst into a cloud of embers before the bottle fell towards the floor. Catching it in his phantasmal digits, Rags held up the bottle which now had a single intact card inside of it. The Six of Clubs. 


    “Now one of you should have a matching card!” Phobos called out. “I’d assume someone towards the front, but it’s hard to keep track sometimes.” 


    The three watched as each member of the audience checked around their seats until a Lilligant stood up with the card in hand. “I’ve got it!” Phobos and Rags clapped as everyone cheered for the humanoid flower.


    The Zoroark and Mimikyu’s show of happiness faded after they and Dawn finished their next few acts. As they were once again backstage, the two were back to their distant demeanors, much to Dawn’s confusion. 

    “Okay, you both have been acting strange ever since we came here today. What is going on?”


    Rags and Phobos glanced at each other before turning their attention towards Dawn. 


    “I… may have spent some money on some things, and now Rags is mad at me.” 

    “Aren’t you two planning on moving soon?” 


    Rags nodded in response before angrily pointing at Phobos and crossing his shadowy arms. 

    “Okay I get it! I fucked up!” Phobos snapped. “But I was only able to return half of it! That’s not my fault!” Phobos argued. 


    The Mimikyu raised and clenched his claws, shaking them before letting them fall limply to the floor. Bringing a phantasmal claw just above his eyes and pinching the neck on his costume. A saddened look overtook Phobos’ face as he looked down at his friend. 




    The Mimikyu held up a claw before taking a deep breath.


    Dawn cleared her throat. “Maybe I could ask Selene to raise your-” 

    “No,” Phobos cut in, holding out a claw. “I appreciate it, but it wouldn’t be fair to everyone else here.” 


    Rags shrugged at this before Dawn continued. “Let me at least get lunch.” 

    Phobos sighed. “Dawn, you don’t need you-” 

    “No, seriously. I’m starving.”


    Rags awoke the next day before Phobos, which wasn’t much of a surprise to the Mimikyu. Phobos already had a habit of sleeping in, but the couple of drinks the Zoroark had the night prior ensured he’d be asleep for a while longer. Rags huffed at this, as the two needed to pick a few things up around town. And while Rags was fully capable of doing it himself, it was more convenient to go with Phobos. Longer legs tended to travel faster after all.


    Extending his ghostly appenages up towards the door after grabbing a bag, Rags attached a note to the surface before reaching for the knob. As he was about to open the door, Rags turned to look back at Phobos who was still sound asleep. Maybe it was for the best, as the two were still cross with each other before going to bed. Rags shook his head before taking his leave, slipping out of the door. 


    By the time the small pokemon made it down the off white hall, he began to regret his decision as he peered down the twisting flights of stairs before him. Constantly riding around in Phobos’ mane had made him forget that each step was almost tall as he was. Looking back at the large bag he dragged behind him, he slumped down.

    “What the matter there pal?” Rags heard someone behind him ask. 


    Looking up, he saw a Persian gazing down at him. However the cream colored cat’s intrigue turned into confusion as Rags started gesturing around with his claws. 

    “Uhh… sure. Say, aren’t you with that Zoroark down the hall?” 


    Rags nodded in response, bringing a grin to the cat’s face. “Well I was hoping to get a hold of him, but I suppose you could pass along the word.” 


    Tilting his head to the side in confusion, Rags held out his claw, making gestures that further baffled the Persian. “I’ll just take that as a yes. Follow me.”


    Down at the end of the hall, Rags followed the Persian into a room much like the one that he and Phobos were staying in. Only this one was much larger and had more pokemon inside, each of them waiting expectantly for the cat’s arrival. Sitting on a couch were a Lopunny and Floatzel, while a Swoobat hung from a beam on the ceiling using their twisted pink tail. 

    “Alright everyone, let’s begin this thing shall we?” Rags heard the Persian say as he looked for somewhere to sit. 


    Moving towards the base of the couch, Rags heard the door shut. Turning around, he saw the Persian wheeling in a cart from the side of the room. From the way it looked, Rags assumed it belonged to the building, but more importantly it was positioned right in front of the door. 

    What was on top of the cart also caught his attention, a line of glass bottles filled with a pale green liquid. The corks each had little green tags attached to them, but all of them faced away unable to be read. 


    For the next hour and a half, Rags found himself nearly falling asleep multiple times. Zoning in and out of the Persian’s speech about the effects of this ‘miracle serum’ to help fur growth and strength that stores wished they were selling. 

    “And as we all know, it never hurts to have a little extra money,” the cream-furred cat said with a grin. 


    “So with 2 starter packs for a limited first time cost of five hundred poké, you can get out there and be your own boss! Hell, even try it out for yourselves and see whatcha think.”  


    Rags was almost considering buying the damn serum, if just to shut the Persian up. Either that or drinking it to put himself out of his misery. 

    “But remember,” the cat droned on. “No business is complete without a team. And the more team members you have, the more everyone can pull in.”


    Finally when all was said and done, Rags had managed to escape. The cart was moved away from the door, and the other pokemon were all busy ogling over the serum.


    Once he was halfway down the hall, he held out the bottle he had managed to snatch and stared at it. The Mimikyu had always been a decent pickpocket, but his slight of claw capabilities had only gotten better through his performing with Phobos.

    Rags had no interest in working under the Persian, especially after an idea came to mind. While a bit of the meeting had been a blur, what Rags did remember were some of the key ingredients. The Mimikyu swirled the contents of the bottle, staring intently at it. How hard could it possibly be to make it himself? He was a reasonably smart pokemon after all. 


    But it was then that Rags remembered why he was out here in the first place. Slipping the bottle in his bag, the Mimikyu began his long journey down the stairs.


    It had been two days since Rags’ chance meeting with the pokemon from down the hall, and by now he had all of what he thought were the necessary components to this ‘miracle serum’. Rags looked over his list and scoffed at it. Each thing was incredibly easy to find. Including a ‘special’ plant called Silky Night-Ivy, which Rags came to realize was a common weed he found growing behind the building .

    After securing his haul, Rags turned towards a small window close to the ground that led to the basement. The Mimikyu discovered the passage early in his stay at the building, recently using it in the middle of the night to store and prepare his supplies. Using his shadow-like claws to reach through the crack beneath the window, Rags opened it from the inside. 


    Hopping onto a crate, the Mimikyu scanned the large, dimly lit room for any activity. Hardly anyone went down there, but it was better to be safe than sorry. He was pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to be down there in the first place, and his activities would likely be unappreciated by whoever was in charge.


    Pulling a large bowl to his side, Rags got to work. First he poured in the bunch of Rindo berries he had gotten a hold of before dumping in the weeds and some Dolliv oil inside. Picking up a stick, Rags began mashing it all together into a thick paste. 

    Looking into the green mixture, Rags stuck in his claw before rubbing his digits together. The Mimikyu scowled, noticing the consistency wasn’t right. Snapping his claws, he quickly pulled a nearby tarp over his project before sneaking back out of the room.


    Shortly returning with some water, Rags dumped it in before mixing it with his stick. Once again testing the consistency, the Mimikyu was satisfied with the result. He could practically smell the poké was about to make as he pressed his claws together, rubbing them in a supervillain-esque manner.


    But he soon froze upon the realization of not having an outlet to sell them. This whole business thing might be a bit more difficult than he thought.


    Phobos was making his way down the streets of Paradise Plaza and back to his temporary home. It had been a little over a week since his initial spat with Rags, and things have calmed down in that time. But he found his friend was acting much more secretive despite being back on good terms. 

    Selene and Dawn had asked to speak with them both that day over lunch about a new performance they could do, but Rags declined to go, saying to give him the details later.


    However that wasn’t all that was on his mind, as a new scent filled the streets of Upper Stonehaven. He couldn’t put his claw on it, but it seemed like a strange mix of Rindo berries and Lavender. In one particular area of the street the smell was at its strongest, prompting Phobos to investigate. 

    There were a number of booths with light green tents sporadically placed throughout his route, the counters each lined with glass bottles filled with a matching colored liquid. A few pokemon passed by Phobos with bottles in hand, happily sauntering down the street. A few others however were gathered by the side, speaking to another pokemon who was handing them crates and what looked like pamphlets.


    Long lines had also formed in front of the tents, and at the end of one stood an annoyed-looking Mienshao muttering something about a ‘stupid line’. He wore a white vest and orange guild scarf, his lavender colored fur well groomed, and his sharp gaze scanning over the other pokemon. Stepping closed however, Phobos realized much too late that it was the son of the guildmaster, Allistair.


    “Shit, shit, shit, shit-” Phobos frantically thought as he backed away. 


    However, luck was not on his side as the Mienshao happened to turn around. “Oh… It’s you, from the party.” The uppity mink pressed his paws together. 



    “Phobos,” the Zoroark corrected. 

    “Whatever, guild-quitter. Though I’ll admit, I have a bit more respect for you if you’ve come to see the wonders of Meganilife . Since you clearly need it.” 


    “Yeah about that,” an annoyed Phobos quickly said, wanting to hurry the conversation along. 


    “What is this?” 

    “Figures you wouldn’t know,” Allistair scoffed, smirking as he held out a paw. “But long story short, how do you think I got my fur to look like this?”


    Phobos stood with an unflinching, deadpan stare as Allistair huffed and turned his head away. The Mienshao then gestured to the side of the booth. 

    “Perhaps you would be interested in being a sales recruit for them , I’d figure prancing around on stage doesn’t pay as much as guild work.”


    Having enough of the Mienshao’s attitude, Phobos sighed and briskly walked off. 


    With that, Allistair crossed his arms and turned his focus back to the line. “ Today would be nice,” he muttered.


    Eventually Phobos made it back up to his and Rags’ room, opening the door and finding himself more confused about the Mimikyu’s antics than before. 


    “Rags… What is this?” Phobos asked as he looked at the number of pokemon sitting around the room reading books. 

    The Mimikyu lowered his and held out a claw, gesturing to the others. 


    Phobos raised a brow. “What do you mean, book club?” He asked before laying eyes on the table. The same bottled green substance from the booth was sitting on top of it, furthering his confusion. 


    After Rags placed a mark in his book, the others did the same before leaning in to read the paper the Mimikyu held up. 

    “Oh yes, certainly. And I’ll be sure to tell my friends about it,” a Simipour said, the blue-furred monkey handing Rags a number of gold coins. A Flareon, Aromatisse, and Audino did as well.


    The four pokemon happily walked over to the table before collecting the available bottles. As they neared Phobos, the Zoroark awkwardly held the door open, watching as they left. Shutting it, Phobos turned towards Rags who slowly opened and raised his book. 


    “Don’t just nonchalantly read that book! What are you doing with ‘mons that someone Soleil’s age would be hanging out with?”


    Rags lowered the book and glared back at Phobos, annoyed by the comparison to Dawn and Selene’s mother. He watched as Phobos moved to the table and picked up one of the bottles.  


    “You’re selling this crap too?!” 

    Rags shrugged and held out his claws. 

    “Well if Allistair’s out there buying it, then it can’t be good,” Phobos retorted. 


    Rags then held up the money he collected, pointing at it before gesturing around the room.

    Phobos sighed. “Look… I get it. We need the cash, but-” 


    Rags held up a claw to stop him before hopping down to the floor and pulling out a diagram from under the couch. He handed it to Phobos, watching intently as the Zoroark took it and looked it over.  


    “So the pokemon who were just here, they buy from you… They recruit others and sell to them, and you get a percent of what everyone below you makes? And those pokemon get a percent of what everyone they recruit makes?” 

    Rags nodded. Phobos gawked as he studied the diagram once more, attempting to make sense of the situation.


    “And this keeps going as more pokemon are recruited down the line?” Phobos said with a raised brow, prompting another enthusiastic nod from Rags. 

    The Zoroark groaned as he put his claws to his forehead, feeling a headache setting in. “Something about this feels wrong.”  


    Rags dismissively waved his claws before holding them out in an attempt to reassure Phobos. The Zoroark narrowed his gaze and stepped towards the table, grabbing one of the bottles. 


    “I’m taking this,” he said before marching towards a door to the side of the room.  


    Shutting the door behind him, Phobos stared intently at the bottle. He popped the cork off and raised the glass to his nose. 

    “It does smell pretty good…” he thought before looking at his usual soap. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try…”


    “As much as I hate to say it Allistair’s fur did look nice,” Phobos grumbled as he twisted the valve for the shower.


    A few days later, Phobos was in utter agony. Sitting in the Grand Hall’s backstage area, he and Rags and Dawn were waiting for their turn to rehearse their act. But while the other two patiently sat in place, Phobos was furiously scratching himself all over. However panic truly set in when he swore he saw bits of his red and dark gray fur slowly falling to the floor.

    Hearing the Zoroark’s heavy breathing, Dawn turned towards her friend. “Phobos, it’s just a little bit of-” 


    “You have shorter fur Dawn! You don’t get to tell me that!” Phobos snapped, pointing a claw at the Espeon. But it was then that he saw the larger clump of dark fur that was caught in his claws. 

    “And what do you call this?!”


    Dawn’s eyes widened, and her ears lowered. “Stress shedding?” she hesitantly said, knowing how much Phobos cared about his coat. 

    Rags meanwhile slowly shifted away, silently hoping what he was thinking was wrong. He thought back to his latest ‘book club’, where the other members had been complaining of varied levels of itching. The Mimikyu fiddled with his claws, as surely it couldn’t have been that bad… right?


    “Kindly put that away,” an ill-tempered voice ordered, pulling Rags from his thoughts. 


    Approaching from the stage was Lionel and Ember, the former tightly wrapped up in his violet cape. 


    However the steps Lionel took were more hasty than his normal calm and confident stride. And as he and the Braixen passed Phobos, the Zoroark noticed two things. The smell of Rindo berries and Lavender, and the Meowscrada’s paw peeking out of his cape to scratch at his neck. 

    “You too, huh?” Phobos grumbled. Lionel froze, letting out a small hiss before he left. Although if one peered at the floor behind Lionel, they would see a slight trail of light toned fur.


    “What was that about?” Dawn asked. 


    Instead of answering, Phobos slowly turned his head towards Rags.


    Back on the streets of Paradise Plaza, Phobos, Rags, and Dawn were met by the sight of colorful strands floating through the air and laying on the street as furred pokemon all over were viciously scratching themselves. 

    “Sweet merciful Mew, this is bad…” Phobos muttered. 


    “I want all of it gone! Every bottle! Every crate! All of it!” 


    “And it just got worse,” the Zoroark continued as he saw Allistair and a large team of guild pokemon were hauling away the contents of a familiar green booth. The team however was doing most of the work, as the Mienshao stood off to the side pouting. 

    Instead of one of the vests he would normally wear, Allistair was wearing a light purple robe that covered most of his form from the neck down. “Anyone who is in possession of Meganilife is to forfeit it to the guild or dispose of it immediately!”


    “And anyone caught distributing Meganilife will be fined!” the Mienshao snapped. 


    “I don’t think the guildmaster mentioned a fine,” a Sawsbuck whispered after leaning down towards Allistair. 

    The Mienshao stiffened. “Oh… Right,” he said to himself before giving a quick shake of his head. “Ignore that last part! Just get rid of them!”


    “Rags… What have you done?” Phobos quietly asked. 


    Hopping out of the Zoroark’s arms, he looked up and waved around his claws before pointing down their route to their building. Further explaining himself, he could see Phobos growing more and more frustrated. 

    “So that’s where you were?!” Phobos fumed. “This fucker better still be there, or I swear to Arceus-” 


    Rags defensively held up his claws in front of him as he slowly inched backwards. Clearing her throat, Dawn summoned the two’s attention. “Arguing isn’t going to solve anything, finding this guy and getting answers might.” 


    “Though I suggest that we go a different way,” the Espeon groaned, watching Allistair continue to go on a tirade.


    Sher leaned against the door as the myriad of muffled angry voices demanded for his presence. He looked to his side at his bag loaded with poké and a few extra bottles. 


    “They can’t stay out there forever,” he thought. “Yeah… They’ll get tired of standing out there, and we can slink to the lower city in peace…”  


    However the voices soon quieted down, bringing some relief to the Persian. Mentally counting down, the cat picked up his bag and cracked open the door. Peering out into the hall, his face quickly turned into a frown as they all silently leered at him.

    Quickly shutting the door, Sher took a few steps back as he hyperventilated. “That’s it… Now you’ve done it Sher… Angry rich folks banging on the door, and only one way out of the room,” he said to himself before noticing a rather miffed Rags who was now standing in front of him.   


    “H-Hey now… Let’s talk about this.” he said, holding down his ears. But soon a scowl formed on his face. 


    “Wait! You! You’re the one who stole- You know what no… it’s fine. How about we make a deal?” 

    Rags stared at the cream-furred cat. “Look, you’re clearly a schemer. Stealing from me proves it. If you help me out of here, I’ll owe you one. Eh?” 


    Rags crossed his shadowy arms and gestured back towards the door. And while he might not have known what exactly the Mimikyu had said, the implication to Sher was clear. 


    “Alright, fine!” he loudly whispered. “What else do you want?!” 

    Rags answered by holding out a claw and rubbing the tips together. 


    Feeling a headache coming on, the Persian lowered his head and sighed. “How much?”


    It was the next day, Dawn and Phobos were watching Rags pour out the remainder of the serum he had leftover. The Mimikyu uncorked each bottle before dumping them in the overgrowth behind the building, fittingly where he had been gathering the weeds for making the serum in the first place. As Rags popped open another bottle, he thought about the events of the previous day.

    … … …


    He quickly wrote down a note that told the cat to hide under the couch while he took care of the rest. He dragged out what was left of the Persian’s operation into the hall which seemed to satisfy the horde of pokemon. Well ‘satisfy’ was a word to be used lightly, as they were all rather upset that the Persian appeared to have gotten away… somehow. 


    However as the crowd dispersed, Phobos and Dawn weren’t as convinced. The two stared down at Rags who let them inside before closing the door. “Alright, where is he?” Dawn sternly asked. Rags turned and pointed at the couch. 

    “Really?” Sher grumbled, pulling himself out from under the couch.


    “And why are you helping him?” Phobos asked as he crossed his arms. 

    Rags then explained that the Persain could be useful for later, and that he’s ‘pretty sure he learned his lesson’, leaving out the deal the two made


    Phobos raised a brow and looked at Sher. “You’re just lucky I don’t feel like dealing with the guild right now.”


    Looking at a stray bottle, Dawn grabbed it with Psychic. “What’s even in this anyway?” 

    Sher nervously glared off to the side. “Rindo berries, Dolliv oil, lavender, salt- afewotheringredientsIcan’treallymention .” 


    Rags snapped his claws in frustration, slightly mad at himself for not cracking the whole formula. 


    “-and Silky Night-Ivy.” 

    “You mean Jadeweed ?” Dawn bluntly questioned.


    “Jadeweed…” A twitch showed in Phobos’ eyes he leered at the Persian and Mimikyu. “You put Jadeweed in there?” the Zoroark hissed. 


    Rags tilted to the side in confusion, while Sher shrunk down.

    “H-Hey, let’s not get testy…” The Persian said with a nervous grin. “I just thought it’d take some of these uppity mons down a peg or two. Use something by a nicer sounding name and-”


    “You have until the count of five to get out of here.” Phobos eerily said as a dark aura began to emanate from his body, wisps of shadow rising into the air as his blue eyes glowed menacingly.  




    “Look, maybe we can-” 


    With that, Sher grabbed what he could of his things and bolted towards the door, scrambling to open it before rocketing down the hall. However this was much to Rags’ dismay, as this also meant the money he tried to squeeze out of the cat was gone too. Looking up at Phobos, the illusion the Zoroark had cast on himself had faded, but he was still clearly angry. 


    Rags shrugged and held out his claws, to which Phobos sighed. 

    “Jadeweed has a skin irritant in its oil that makes fur fall out.” 


    The Mimikyu held out a claw in response, examining it. 


    “Well of course not, you’re you.”

    … … …


    Looking over Rags’ diagram, Dawn folded it up in her telekinetic grasp. “I’m still surprised you didn’t know what a pyramid scheme was.” 

    The Mimikyu simply turned to the side and shrugged, swishing around another bottle in his grasp. 


    “Well these kinds of things weren’t really around in the lower city,” Phobos said as he crossed his arms.

    Rags snapped his claws and pointed at Phobos who quickly averted his gaze from the Mimikyu. “Don’t even, I’m still mad at you for letting me use that stuff.” 


    The patchwork rodent quickly shrunk down as his shadowy limb lowered, retreating towards his body. 

    Turning away, Rags slumped over. He held out his claws before clenching them tight. Slowly raising his arm, the Mimikyu pinched the end of his costume’s pointed ear and pulled up. Holding up his other arm, a phantasmal aura coated his claws. 


    He stiffened as he brought them down, the sound of tearing fabric making Rags shiver with discomfort. Bringing the torn off ear into his view, Rags could feel a draft coming in from the top of his costume, confirming what he’d just done. Turning back around to face Phobos and Dawn, he held out the torn off ‘ear’. 


    Phobos and Dawn glanced at each other before the Zoroark took hold of the fabric. 


    “Yeah I forgive you,” Phobos said with a slight sigh. He was met by a cheery look in Rags’ eyes. 


    “But you’re still not riding or sleeping in my mane.” 

    Rags crossed his arms in response. 


    Phobos shook his head. “Til my shedding’s no more, you stay on the floor.”


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    1. Feb 19, '24 at 3:24 pm

      Hello Porygon!!

      I remember reading Rags and Phobos first introduction in the one shot competition all the way back in 2022. Rags was immediately a favourite of mine and I’m so glad I finally got to read it. I managed to read chapters 1-3 having a text-to-speech program play it back while I was on a very long car. I’m reviewing all three chapters.

      The world and characters are my favourite part of the story – although it might be a personal taste thing, as I’ve always liked urban settings over medieval fantasy ones. Still! The story takes advantage of the setting very well by having modern problems. Money and housing, family and family with wealth, entertainment, and professionalism, as well as like, scams. I greatly enjoyed these different kinds of stories, I think I like them more than the adventuring fair.

      The characters are also really well done. Especially Rags. I know he’s got a lot of praise but too bad, he’s my favourite too. I really like how animated and expressive he is, as well as his relationship with Phobos. He’s not the nicest person but because of that, I can sense a sense of trust between the two. Rags also always surprises me – I didn’t expect the more level-headed character to start a scam, even though it does kinda fit him anyways.

      The first chapter I felt was really fast paced. It was especially fast paced because I was reading it text-to-speech but I went back to skim it and indeed, it’s pretty fast pace. I don’t think it’s a bad thing: in fact, it’s something I welcomed. I think the gusto it has hitting the ground running was done really well, even though in my experience, not rushing the start actually pays off counter-intuitively.

      I did feel like there were a couple of technical errors, however. You straight-up misspelled Braixen as “Braxin” in chapter 1, and there’s some head hopping going on. Namely, after the showmons showed off and they’re eating around in public, the story goes from Ember’s perspective to Rag’s perspective with no transition. It was very disorienting.

      There’s also terrible inconsistency with paragraph spacing, at least on the pmd fanfiction website. It’s best the space between paragraphs is consistent so there aren’t implied pauses or breaks. Readers see a break or pause subconsciously. The inconsistent formatting will also draw attention to the medium itself, which isn’t ideal for immersion.

      I’m finding myself at a loss for feedback to give for chapter 2. Overall it was very well executed too. It was dramatic, I hated Allistar (you do a good job making hateable characters), felt sympathetic for Dawn, etc.

      I found the third chapter to be hilarious. And with that, I actually can’t think of any strong feedback either :/. It’s a different kind of story from adventuring and it was well-executed. That being said, as much as I’ve said earlier Rags running a scam is surprising, I find it a bit hard to believe he’d actually do that. This isn’t a huge deal and maybe later scenes can make his actions make more sense, but still, he did feel a bit inconsistent.

      Also, I know you’ve had reviews worrying about Phobos. I’m not feeling any sense of him being neglected. I feel like he’s having enough presence that he’s still the protagonist, and it does just feel like the story’s waiting for his turn after it focuses on Dawn and Rags and other drama. I wouldn’t worry. But then again, I’m only on chapter 3.

      Anyways, I can’t think of any more thoughts to share. I’m pretty sad there’s only 3 more chapters to read. I can’t wait to read them though!

    2. Feb 17, '24 at 3:45 pm

      Chapter 3:
      Phobos is a reckless spender and Mimikyu is the one being reasonable and wants to save up to move out of this place. Maybe some context from the past would be interesting on how Phobos developed his habit of spending a lot. If I was judging from their personalities so far, I would have given them those traits the opposite way, as so far, it seemed like Phobos was the one more reasonable.

      Mimikyu leaves Phobos while he is asleep to try to earn money… They have really gotten desperate, haven’t they? Though, I don’t understand why Phobos only found out about this so long after. Shouldn’t it be the case that Phobos finds out what Mimikyu is doing a little sooner? Phobos does care about Mimikyu deeply so maybe this weird behaviour should have been noticed sooner?

      I find it kind of ironic that the Persian was making the mixture for the better fur and Mimikyu managed to somewhat easily snatch a bottle, make it himself and sell it on a mass scale. Is this how you establish that the Mimikyu has some good salesman skills? If it is then it’s a pretty good way to do so I guess. I’m curious if you will expand on this even more in the future.

      Why did Phobos just take the bottle with no reaction from Mimikyu? Did he not care about it completely? Also, I think Phobos wouldn’t use this bottle if it wasn’t for Allistar’s comment. I like how much he has of this “passive influence” over the protagonist’s decisions just because of his very high sense of pride. Maybe Allistar should think of abusing this in the future? It seems interesting to try to lead on.
      Ah, now here come the side effects. I like how this started from Mimikyu making a business to this being deemed an illegal substance because of the negative effects. Very unique quirk for the story, I like it.

      Mimikyu doesn’t seem to care at all for what he did as he proceeds to help Persian hide for some amount of money (though I’m a little surprised that Rags didn’t receive that money upfront). Maybe this should have some kind of long-term effect on Rags that now he has become way more greedy with everything maybe? This would fit with his “little bastard” type of personality.

      So even after all of that, Phobos does forgive Rags for all of this. I’m kind of surprised, but I guess they were close for this long so there is no reason for it to be any different. However, I would think that Mimkyu in the end would try to get less of a punishment for this, but maybe he does have at least a little empathy for him.

      General comments:
      I’m very glad about the amount of detail. There is a lot from simple expressions to very small details. It builds the personality well and it never felt like it was too much or anything. Maybe some descriptions were a little lacking (especially on some of the shows) as they did seem like empty voids a little or they had almost the same description.

      Point of Views were sometimes a little messy. This was especially apparent on some of the time jumps (as it also tends to happen a lot with them), but it wasn’t that bad. Maybe that one time jump to Persian’s POV in chapter 3 was the one that stood me out the most as problematic as you didn’t show anything from his POV before and then you very quickly transition away from it. In this chapter, you also switched the POVs a lot, more than previously. Did you need to switch characters a lot? Maybe staying with one character for longer (similarly to previous chapters) would have been better.

      That said, the characters were pretty good. I like how the trio managed to somehow find their way through the struggle and still perform. Maybe some moments of them struggling on stage would be interesting to show? Or just, describe their training sessions in more detail. You could definitely build their personalities a lot from just these additions. Or… it may not really fit the casual feeling of this fic. Up to you with this suggestion I guess.

      Phobos is also the only (I’m pretty sure) character that we can read the internal thoughts of. Maybe showing more of his anxiety, especially just before the stage, would be nice to show. We don’t learn as much about him without those details and I think a lot is missing about this. Maybe if you are already switching perspectives a lot, maybe you can also show the thoughts of others? Up to you again.

      From all of these chapters, chapter 3 is definitely my favourite. The mimikyu’s business is just a very silly idea and that he even had almost complete control over the supply is just surprising to me. I’m really curious how much money he actually made out of this. It had to be a lot so I hope they will actually have enough to buy a house (or is just Phobos reckless spending going to ruin everything again?). Either way, please try to use those business strategies of Rags later. I really want to know how he could use those just to try to gain more money.

      A mix of silliness and some serious parts for this fic is nice to buck the trend of PMD fics focused mostly around Angst. This seems more casual and I like it. Maybe just a slight break from all of it is always nice and your fic does give that slight relief.

      Also, it’s very unique to have a fic completely focused on shows. I don’t think there are many fics even describing any kind of show so this is a really good direction.

      I think that’s all. Thanks for a good read – Frenzy

    3. Feb 15, '24 at 2:55 pm

      The Greatest Showmons – Chapter 3

      That’s a cute chapter title lol.

      “As he hadn’t spoken to the Zoroark all day unless it was performance related.”

      You know, I was wondering when Rags would get the pov. I’m glad that even when he’s the focus, he’s no less silent than before. That’s a great gag, honestly. Writing a mute character comes with its own challenges, but I think you pull it off well.

      This was a great chapter, by the way. Little creature getting up to mischief and starting a pyramid scheme. Classic stuff. You’re getting better as you’re going, I noticed. Next to no complaints about the prose this time, as far as what stood out to me. Better paced too.

      Just a fun chapter all around that actually made me laugh. I think that’s a good sign.

      So, overall, I really enjoyed checking this fic out. It’s nice to have something low stakes and casual amongst all of the angst and action of other PMD fics. I might check in for another chapter or two when I’m feeling up for it in the future. Good work.