The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Ember watched from backstage behind one of the curtains as another show came to an end. A smile came to the Braixen’s face as Phobos, Rags, and Dawn took a bow, however it quickly faded when she felt a paw on her shoulder. Looking up at Lionel, she could see that the Meowscarada was seething. 


    Ember felt his paw stiffen before she shifted away. “Is there something wrong Mister Lionel?” 

    Composing himself, Lionel adjusted his violet cape and sighed. “It’s nothing.”


    The echoes of a roaring applause rang through the theater as Phobos and the others took their leave. “Ready yourself,” he said. 


    Ember nodded as she stuffed the stick she held in her fluffy tail. Taking a deep breath, the bipedal fox tapped her foot on the floor to a strict beat as she counted in her head. 


    “Keep your rhythm… Nothing short of perfection… Just like Lionel said.”


    “I always do feel a little better about my act after watching you perform,” Lionel remarked as Phobos and Rags walked past, Dawn having left via the other end of the stage. 


    His comment earned a glare from the Zoroark and Mimikyu. 


    “Watch it,” spat Phobos. 

    “Or what, you’ll get your connections to come save you?” 


    “What’s that supposed to mean?” 

    “It means some of us actually had to work for our positions here. And I’m genuinely surprised that you managed to drag Dawn down with you.”


    Rags nearly jumped out of Phobos’ mane when the Zoroark stopped and grabbed him. Phobos and Lionel stared at each other for a few agonizingly long seconds before the former walked away. 

    “Was that really necessary?” Ember thought before hearing her and Lionel’s names get called out.


    The Braixen quickly made her onto the stage, sticking out her hands before lunging into a handspring . Landing on her feet, she quickly repeated the action before stopping in a handstand and propelling herself into the air. Twisting her body, Ember removed the stick from her tail before igniting it and sending a twirling ribbon of flames across the stage. The streams of fire lit the stem-like fuses of the flower bombs Lionel had slipped onto her stick, each one extending away from the Braixen by the time they detonated. 

    Three blinding flashes of green and pink light engulfed the stage, revealing Lionel balancing atop the end of Ember’s twig as she held it up. However it was then that her nose began to twitch, as the pollen from Lionel’s flower bombs hadn’t entirely burned up as she had hoped. 


    “Don’t sneeze, don’t sneeze, don’t fucking sneeze!” Ember thought, her body trembling as she waited for the trick to end. 


    Each second scraped past before feeling Lionel leap off beside her, signaling her to bow alongside him as the applause rang out. 


    “Thank Arceus-”




    Ember didn’t even have to look at Lionel to tell that the Meowscarada was irritated, as she could feel his glare piercing into her. “Maybe no one noticed,” she thought before hesitantly looking back up to face the audience. 

    “Okay, maybe a few of them noticed…”  


    A few pokemon in the front rows snickered, but to Ember’s surprise their smiles weren’t malicious like Lionel had made her fear they would be.


    But more surprising, was the smiling Quilava in the front row whom she recognized. “What’s he doing here?” Ember muttered before her mind snapped her back into reality. 


    “Later… Deal with it later…”


    “Five times,” Lionel sternly said, crossing his arms as he glared down at Ember. 


    The Braixen answered with another sneeze before rubbing her nose. “Sorry, Mister Lionel. I thought I burned it all,” Ember said with her head down, only to sneeze once more. 

    You thought- ” the frustrated Meowscarada hissed before stopping himself. 


    “I will be waiting for you outside,” he said before he turned to march towards the door. “Your timing was also off, but we will be sure to work on that later.”


    Phobos and Rags watched the annoyed Meowscarada leave the backstage area before the two turned their attention towards a dejected Ember. 


    “Hey, uh… You doing alright?” Phobos asked the Braixen. 

    Her large ears perked up before taking a deep breath and looking up at the Zoroark with a smile. “Oh, everything’s fine,” she cheerfully answered.


    “The two of you and Dawn were wonderful today,” Ember continued in an attempt to change the subject. 

    “I’m glad one of you thinks so…” Phobos thought before returning a forced smile. “Thanks.” 


    Catching the forced tone in his voice, Ember’s ears fell back as her stance relaxed. “I’m aware that some of the things Mister Lionel says to you aren’t the nicest, but I think you’re doing good. Really.”


    Ember sat down for the next few minutes, thinking about the Quilava she saw in the audience before watching Phobos and Rags talk before being joined by Dawn. Towards the beginning she had picked up a few not-so-nice whisperings about Lionel, but Phobos’ soured mood was quickly replaced with a more joyful one as the three spoke. 

    A few jokes were made, a few of which Ember understood. She wanted to chime in on the exchange. But being hesitant, stopped herself knowing how they felt about Lionel. “What would I even say anyway?” she thought as she lowered her head. 


    Per the Meowscarada’s request, Ember was to refrain from speaking to them… As well as most other pokemon around. “Any moment, he could come back and-” Ember’s eyes widened as she shot up from her seat. 


    “Dammit! He’s still waiting outside!”


    Leaving the backstage area in a hurry, Ember made her way into a hallway where Lionel was waiting. His arms were crossed as his foot repeatedly tapped against the stone floor. 


    Side eyeing the Braixen with a judgmental gaze, Lionel huffed as he began walking. The whole performance played over in his mind, the parts that went off without a hitch, and everything that needed correction. 

    But then his thoughts drifted towards Phobos and Rags. As much as he hated to admit it, they have improved quite a bit since they first started at the Grand Hall


    “I refuse to allow them to get ahead of me,” Lionel thought as he gritted his teeth. 


    “Tomorrow, you will further work on controlling your flames,” the cat said as he kept walking, his eyes straight ahead as he didn’t bother looking at his assistant.  

    “I understand,” Ember sighed, the disappointment in her voice clear as day. 


    “And after everything I’ve done to learn that routine in the first place,” the Braxien thought.


    Reaching one of the main halls, they watched as a green and beige badger ran past while pokemon from the security team were hot on his tail. The two quickly stepped out of the way as the Quilava passed them before a Gallade and Poliwrath chasing him followed suit. 


    Ember stared intently at the Quilava before her eyes widened. “Coal?”


    Stopping in his tracks, the Quilava turned his head back at the Braixen before being grabbed by the Poliwrath. 

    “H-Hey Ember,” he said with a small wave while in the grasp of the blue amphibian. Lionel and the two guards turned to look at Ember, who in turn tilted her gaze to the floor. 


    “Would you kindly let him go?” she asked. 


    Reluctantly, the Poliwrath agreed and let Coal go, dropping him. Pulling himself up, the Quilava gave Ember a sheepish grin. “Well… Fancy seeing you here like this.”


    Before she could get a word in, the Braixen could see Lionel leaving without her. She glanced between the two before quickly following, leaving Coal to watch the fox sprint away.  


    “You sure have changed Em…”

    “Ahem.” Hearing the Poliwrath clear their throat, Coal turned towards the water type. 


    “You’re not still kicking me out, are you?”


    When the two got home, Ember was met by the neat but cozy space that was Lionel’s house. She was finally able to relax as she sunk into a cushioned chair, content with letting her mind drift off. No more appearances to keep up as the ‘perfect pretty protege’ who graced the stage alongside Lionel. 

    But as her eyes began to close, a familiar scent filled the air. Turning her head towards the connecting kitchen , the Braixen peeked her eyes open to see a smiling Lionel standing over the table as he placed two sets of cups and dishes, along with a handful of biscuits sitting between them. 


    Knowing what this entailed, Ember summoned whatever strength she could to pull herself out of the chair. She was already full from the restaurant they always stopped at on their way home, but this time set aside for tea were some of the few instances Ember would see Lionel smile. And she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t enjoy these peaceful moments with him.


    The two barely spoke as they sat across from each other, but Lionel was able to tell something was weighing on his apprentice’s mind. Looking down at his tea, he pointed the biscuit in his claws at Ember. 


    “You have had that look on your face since we left the Grand Hall.”


    The Braixen’s large ears quickly fell back as her eyes widened. Sitting up, she composed herself. 

    “It’s nothing… Just thinking a bit,” she answered before quickly sipping her tea. 


    Lionel stared intently at the fox a while longer before turning his attention back to his biscuit. 


    Giving an internal sigh of relief, Ember’s thoughts soon drifted back to the Quilava from earlier. “What was Coal doing there?”


    Later that night, Ember sat in her bed staring down at the prized stick she used to perform. She flicked her wrist, igniting the end before putting out the small flame. Lionel had instructed her to do this, telling her it would improve her control over the flames she produced. However as she repeated this process, Ember’s eyes began to grow heavy from the monotonous nature of the exercise.

    Before Ember’s mind could drift off, a tap at her window pulled Ember back to reality. “What in the?” She muttered as she stood. 


    As Ember walked closer, the window began to rattle. 


    The Braixen froze. “Is someone trying to break in?” She panicked, quivering as she pointed her stick at the window. She suspected the worst.


    Ember waited on guard, only to see a pebble bounce off her window. The Braixen was surprised, lowering her wand a little. Whoever was outside was trying to get her attention. Still shaking, Ember kept her eyes glued to the window. 

    She watched a paw slide up from the bottom edge. Then another. Then a struggling quilava’s head popped up, the intruder trying to keep from falling. 


    Ember’s fear turned into fury as she marched towards the window. 


    Coal smiled nervously as he saw her approach. 


    “H-Heeeey Em…” Coal said in a shaky attempt at a cheerful voice, struggling to hold himself up. 


    Unamused with the Quilava’s stunt, Ember pulled the window open as she scowled at Coal. “You-” 

    “I-I know what you’re gonna say… a-and I’m sorry,” the Quilava interrupted “So… Can you please let me in?”


    With a bored look on her face, Ember pointed her stick at Coal, offering it for him to take. Pulling himself up just a bit more to bite down on the branch, Ember then pulled him inside. 

    “If Mister- If Lionel finds you here, I’m going to get in trouble!” She loudly whispered as the Quilava fell to the floor. 


    “You better have a good-” the Braixen stopped herself before taking a deep breath, exhaling her anger. “Why are you here?” 


    “What? Can’t just pop over and say hi?” Coal asked with an exaggerated smile. 

    Ember crossed her arms and stared at the Quilava. “It is the middle of the night, Coal.” 

    “So that’s a no then?” 


    “I never told you where I was staying either,” Ember spat, squinting in suspicion.


    “Oh, I work for the post office now. And I may or may not have started reading some of the mail,” Coal sheepishly said. 

    “Coal, I’m pretty sure that’s illegal ,” Ember sighed as she pinched her forehead. 


    The badger stood up on his hind legs, rubbing his forepaw on the back of his head. “You’re… not gonna tell anyone, right?” 

    “How much of my mail did you read?” 

    “It was one letter. But if it helps, I don’t remember it anyway.”


    An awkward silence hung over the two pokemon until Coal once again spoke. “So… I see the upper city’s been treating you well.” 


    “It has been a while, hasn’t it?” Ember nervously replied as she rubbed her arm. She soon walked towards her bed, setting down her stick and picking up a brush.


    Gracefully stroking it against her fur, Coal looked on in disbelief. “You really have changed. The Em I remember would’ve rather tossed a brush upside someone’s head than use one.” 

    “Force of habit I guess,” she answered with a hint of sadness in her voice.


    Coal tilted his head. “What happened to you?” 

    “Excuse me?” 


    Realizing what he said, the Quilava flinched and held up his paws. “That came out wrong… I-” 

    “I know what you meant,” Ember said. “We’ve been friends for how long?” 


    “When did we start running across rooftops again?” Coal responded in jest.


    This got a small chuckle out of Ember, however it didn’t last as the Braixen soon returned to her somewhat withdrawn demeanor. 


    “You sure you’re doing alright?” the Quilava asked.


    “I don’t know, you just seemed a bit off at the Grand Hall earlier… And now.” 


    Ember didn’t say anything, lowering her head as she turned away. “Are you… mad that I left?” 


    A shocked look came over Coal’s face, until he looked down and tapped his paws together. “Maybe a little at first… But it was always your dream to be a big shot performer, right? So who was I to stop you?”


    “Besides, you needed the money, right?” he asked, but got a dejected look from Ember. “Sorry, did I-” 

    “It’s fine…” the Braixen somberly interrupted, holding up her paw. 


    “Well I mean we’re here together now, right?!” Coal exclaimed in an attempt to cheer up Ember. But soon after, she jolted up and turned towards her door. “Wha-” 

    “Shh,” the Braixen hissed before quietly walking to the side of her room.


    Creaking open the door, she peered down the hall to see the silhouette of a tired Lionel walking the opposite way of her room. Quietly retreating, Ember shut the door and sighed a breath of relief. For a second the Braixen thought the two had woken the Meowscarada, a situation that would’ve ended poorly for her. 


    Coal raised a brow, but Ember smiled in response. “Don’t worry about it… Lionel’s just a light sleeper.” 


    “Light enough to know if you’ve slipped out or not?” “I shouldn’t… I need to practice for our next show and-” 

    “Come on, we won’t even be that long,” Coal cut in. “Trust me. It’ll be like old times.” 


    “Hopefully not too much like old times,” Ember thought, recalling when she and the Quilava would have their own brand of fun. As vandalizing walls, and climbing up places they weren’t supposed to was a normal night for the two as they ran amok in Lower Stonehaven. 

    She knew she shouldn’t, but something about Coal sparked at her repressed sense of rebellion. Only for the thought of an angry Lionel to quickly stomp it out. Shuddering, Ember shook her head. 


    “I can’t… I’m sorry.” 


    There was a defeated look in Coal’s eyes, however it didn’t last long as his now slouched form sprang back up. “You know what, I planned for this. Indoor picnic it is then.”


    “You brought food?” Ember inquired, tilting her head. 

    “And drinks, yeah,” Coal nodded. “You know… just in case.” 


    He glanced away as he said this, rubbing his foreleg with his paw. “There’s just one slight problem.” 


    Ember sighed, realizing where this was going. “You left it outside, didn’t you?”


    The next morning at the Grand Hall , Ember nearly fell asleep while Lionel was explaining their next performance. Zoning out completely, the Braixen was pulled back to reality by the sound of loud snapping. 

    “Ember! Are you listening?!” Lionel hissed. 


    “Agh- Umm…” 


    Lionel pinched his brow with his claws. “How late did you stay up?”

    Ember tiredly looked away from the grass type, staying silent about what she had been up to the night before. 


    “Ember…” Lionel said, looming over his assistant as his gaze narrowed. 

    “I was practicing with my flames. Just as you suggested,” she answered with a yawn.


    This seemed to calm the Meowscarada down, but he crossed his arms and turned around. “Well next time you should go to sleep at a reasonable hour. A poor rest will lead to a poor performance.” 

    “Understood Mister Lionel…” 

    “That being said, I suppose that we should postpone the rest of our practice today,” he grumbled.


    Stepping backstage, the two passed by Phobos and Rags. Ember gave a small, tired wave while Lionel pretended they simply weren’t there. He sat down on a chair and waved his paw towards Phobos, snidely giving them go ahead to use the stage. The Zoroark glared at him before walking off, earning a roll of the Meowscarada’s eyes.


    Over the next few minutes, Lionel seethed as he watched the two rehearse. As now while Phobos spoke, Rags rolled out a barrel to which Phobos flipped upright. Its contents clanged and rattled inside before coming to a standstill. 

    The Zoroark then pulled out three blades resembling a Samurott’s seamitars, tossing them to Rags one by one who caught them each in succession. Phobos himself soon climbed into the barrel before Rags placed on the lid and pushed it shut. 


    From the way they addressed the imaginary audience, to what he told himself were amateurish tricks that they showed off. It made Lionel angry. “Why should I be forced to share a time slot with him?” He thought. 

    “Just because this idiotic Zoroark is friends with the owner’s daughters, he can simply waltz on stage and conjure up imagery to enhance his drivel…”  


    Lional shook his head before rising from his seat. “Ember, we’re leaving.” 


    The Braixen yawned and tiredly blinked. “Wha-” 

    “Forget what I said before, we are going to resume practice outside.” 


    Ember tilted her head, confused with the Meowscarada’s sudden decision. But nonetheless, she stood up and followed.


    Away from the Paradise Plaza, Lionel and Ember had begun rehearsing in a corner of the park, an open area with a few towering spires of rock and a large stone wall. The two had used this space several times before beginning their work at the Grand Hall. 

    Not having used the area in a while, it began to bring back a few memories. She was about to perform the trick she had botched the day prior, when Ember began to think about how she had met Lionel. 

    … … …


    It had been in this same spot where the two first encountered each other, back when Ember was still a Fennekin. She had been running around, doing flips and performing other acrobatic feats as she climbed and leapt off the stone spires. However it wasn’t to gain attention, as the only thing on her mind was preparing to scale a rather difficult area where she and Coal planned on trespassing later that week.


    “Your technique is a bit rough,” Lionel said as he approached. 


    “But with dexterity like that, it would be a waste not to go into performing.” 


    “Whaddaya mean, rough?” the Fennekin asked. 

    “For a start, you would jump higher if you bettered your posture.”


    Ember straightened out her back as she dug her paws into the ground. “Like this?”


    Lionel shook his head. “Not quite, your stance is still off.”

    … … …


    “Ember, your stance is off.” Hearing Lionel call out her name, Ember quickly shook her head and brought herself back to reality.  


    She glanced back at the glaring Meowscarada before giving a sigh. A part of her began to feel like she had sacrificed her friendship with Coal, only for him to show up out of nowhere. 

    Normally it was something she tried not to think about, but now a strong feeling of confliction had washed over her. As much as she enjoyed performing with Lionel, and the money it brought in. Most of her free time was spent doing the several routines he would come up with. Each day, for hours on end until her paws felt like they were going to fall off. 

    Spending her time with other pokemon was virtually out of the question given her schedule. And while Ember had never said anything, she sometimes found herself wishing for the freedom she used to have. 


    “Ember!” Lionel snapped. Getting the Braixen’s attention, he held out his paws and gestured for her to start. 


    Wiping her arm across her eyes, Ember smiled and nodded. “Sorry… Something just crossed my mind is all.”

    “I am not in the mood for excuses,” Lionel hissed as his eye twitched. Ember’s ears folded back before she silently nodded. 


    “What are you waiting for? Don’t just– …Just start.”


    The Braixen took a deep breath and stood up straight, readying herself. “Your stance is still wrong,” she heard Lionel remark. 

    “This is going to be a long day,” Ember thought as she repositioned her feet.


    Grabbing hold of the twig in her tail, she pointed it out towards the wall. Igniting the end, Ember gave Lionel a nod and began. She waved her stick, sending out five small, pale blue flames. She then stopped them mid-air, holding them in place with Psychic before spreading them out.

    Focusing harder, Ember leapt into the air and used the move on herself. With her body now covered in the same fuchsia aura as the flames, she hopped from one flame to the next while flipping and turning through the air with each assent. 


    Lionel for a moment looked impressed with the Braixen, giving the rare grin to show his approval. However this changed once her concentration broke, causing the psychic aura to flicker. The Will-O-Wisp flames disappeared along with it before Ember fell to the ground. 


    She watched as Lionel stood over her with the same, disgruntled look on his face. “Do it again.” 


    Ember pulled herself back up, dusting off her fur. “Correction, this is going to be a very long day…”


    Ember was beyond exhausted, as by the time the two were done the sun had begun to set. Her practice sessions had always been on the intense side, but she could have sworn that ever since Lionel met Phobos things had only gotten harder. The Braixen laid back in the grass, staring up at the orange-tinted sky.

    “Don’t lay on the ground, Ember. It’s unbecoming,” she heard Lionel say. “And I don’t need you trailing stray grass into the house.” 


    After pulling herself up, Ember stared at the Meowscarada with a tired glare. 


    “Don’t give me that look. If you slept at a reasonable time you wouldn’t be this tired.”  


    Instead of a verbal answer, the Braixen’s stomach gave a loud, angry growl in response to Lionel’s comment. No words needed to be exchanged as Lionel sighed and nodded before turning around and walking away, gesturing with his paw for Ember to follow him back outside the park.


    The walk towards Paradise Plaza was quiet and tense. But at this point Ember had grown used to it, as the Meowscarada often wasn’t one for small talk. So it came as a surprise to her when Lionel began to speak. 

    “I do apologize for us skipping lunch. But getting more practice is necessary to make sure that Zoroark stays in his lane.”  


    Ember could hear Lionel muttering something about ‘being better than Phobos’, and how he ‘didn’t deserve to be there’, but ignored it for the most part. 


    As the two made their way towards one of the many eateries Paradise Plaza had to offer, Ember caught sight of something in her peripheral vision. 


    “Hey Em! Over here!” Coal called out. She turned her head to see the Quilava standing by a large booth surrounded by an outdoor dining space lit with lanterns. 

    Giving the Quilava a smile and wave, Ember glanced between him and Lionel before she motioned towards him. The savory smells from the booth only pulled her in faster until she was face to face with Coal. 


    “Easy there, thought you’d run me over there for a bit,” the Quilava said as he stood up on his hind legs. 

    “Y-Yeah, sorry about that,” Ember apologized, nervously rubbing her arm. 


    “So, do you come here often?” She asked. 

    “For a while, yeah. Best pasta in Upper Stonehaven,” Coal boasted before leaning closer. “They’re also one of the cheaper places around here,” he whispered.


    Ember began to glance around the street for any sign of Lionel, until she saw him further down the road heading towards the place they usually went. 


    “That sounds great. Lionel and I usually go to The Cornerstone. The stuff there is pretty good too.” 

    “Come on, you’ll love it,” Coal beamed. 


    “I guess it does seem pretty nice,” Ember thought as she looked at all the lights. “I can’t believe I haven’t noticed this place before…”


    Watching the two from a distance, Lionel glanced back at his and Ember’s usual spot and sighed. 


    “I guess I can give it a try,” he heard Ember say. “You’re just lucky I’m starving right now.”


    “I suppose we’re eating here today,” Lionel thought before following the two. 


    After the three received their food, Lionel sat down at a table where he had a clear view of Ember and Coal. He couldn’t make out what the two were talking about, but they were clearly having a good time.

    Twirling the pair of small sticks he was given to eat with in his bowl, Lionel began to feel… off. 


    “It’s just nerves,” he told himself.


    Over the next few nights, Ember found herself being visited by Coal. Unlike before, this was to her request. Much to the Quilava’s joy, night after night, the two would meet by the window before Ember would pull him inside.

    “I feel like a princess from one of those stories I heard as a kid,” she thought while catching her breath from assisting in Coal’s latest entrance. 


    “But I’d be lying if I said catching up with him didn’t make things feel more normal.”  


    “I do have to ask, how many times have you snuck into the Grand Hall?” Ember inquired. 

    “Before or after all of this?” Coal asked back with a sly grin.


    “Oh no,” she groaned as she rolled her eyes. 

    “Cause if it’s before, then like… five. But I haven’t managed to catch you until last time.” 


    “Coal, we’re not kids anymore. You should really stop doing that stuff.” 


    “First off, we’re seventeen. It’s kinda expected we get into things,” the Quilava joked . “And second, what happened that made you hate fun?” 

    Ember continued to stare disapprovingly. “I’m serious Coal, I’m pretty sure security knows that we at least know each other. You could get us both in trouble.” 



    “Look, I- … I owe Lionel everything I have right now,” Ember said , her voice wavering as she looked away. “And I can’t afford to piss one of the best performers in Stonehaven.”  


    “What if I really wanna see you perform, and I don’t have enough money?” Coal asked, attempting to cheer the Braixen up. 


    “Well, you-” 


    Before Ember could continue, there were three knocks against her door. The now petrified Braixen’s breath grew quick and shallow. 


    “…You should go.”


    The stunned Quilava stepped towards Ember as she approached the door. “Wait-” 

    “Coal… Please,” she said before there was a second series of knocks. 


    Slowly opening it, Ember wasn’t surprised to see Lionel standing on the other side. His glaring eyes stared down at the Braixen as his arms sat crossed over his chest. Without saying a word, Lionel slowly turned his gaze towards Coal, who was at this point halfway out the window.


    “I had a suspicion that you were doing something behind my back,” Lionel said in a cross tone. “We have a schedule for a reason Ember, and I expected that you would adhere to it so long as you are working under me.” 


    “But I-” 

    “Silence!” Lionel hissed. “I am not going to let you sabotage everything I’ve worked for just so you can fraternize with some delinquent!”


    There was a long, agonizing period of silence between the two until Ember slowly nodded. “I understand,” she quietly said before turning towards Coal with her head down. 


    “You’re just gonna let him speak to you like that?!” Coal asked. 


    “I… I need to ask you to leave.”


    The Quilava was about to say something until he saw a drip roll down from her muzzle and fall to the floor. 

    “Right,” he said in a somber voice, preparing to slip down. “Bye Em…” 


    After Coal sank out of view, Ember slowly walked towards the window and shut it. 


    “We will discuss the rest of this in the morning,” Lionel said as he turned around. “No,” Ember choked out. 

    The Meowscarada stopped dead in his tracks, only turning his head as he glared back at Ember. “Excuse me?” 


    “I want to talk about this now.”


    “I’m doing this for your own good, Ember,” Lionel sighed, turning around as he made an attempt to sound warmer. “It is in your best interest to not have- distractions around.” 


    Ember trembled in place as she glared at the Meowscarada. Turning around once again, Lionel took his leave. “Stop treating me like I’m a child!” Ember shouted before quickly covering her mouth. 


    Unflinching, Lionel stared down at the Braixen. “ Goodnight Ember.”


    It was now the day of their next show, and Lionel was losing his patience. No matter where he looked, he could not find Ember anywhere in the house. After not getting a response when knocking repeatedly on her door, he creaked it open and felt a cool breeze flow through the room. 


    “Ember, enough of this. We need to-” 


    He froze upon getting a decent look inside the room, finding the window open and the Braixen nowhere to be seen. Her stick however was still sitting on the bed, sending a clear message to Lionel. 

    The Meowscarada slowly walked towards the bed and picked up the stick in his claws. Staring at it, he slowly sat down. After a few minutes, he gave the twig a bitter glare and placed it on the Braixen’s bed before marching off.


    Strutting his way into Paradise Plaza, Lionel briefly stopped and turned back his head. “Right…” he muttered. The Meowscarada was alone. 


    A small part of him wanted to go back and search for Ember, but he quickly shook the thought from his mind. “If she wishes to walk out, then let her,” he thought.


    Approaching the Grand Hall, Lionel could see Selene pacing outside the entrance. “Where the hell have you been? You’re never this late!” 

    “My apologies,” Lionel said through gritted teeth. “There was a minor incident.” 


    Taking a moment to process this, Selene raised a brow. “Where’s Ember?” 


    “Your guess is as good as mine,” Lionel thought.


    “She isn’t feeling well,” he said in a bitter tone as glanced to the side. “But I am still very much capable of going on.” 

    Selene stared for a moment and huffed. “Fine, just get in there.”


    Rushing inside, Lionel cursed Ember under his breath as he sprinted through the halls. Arriving backstage, Phobos, Rags, and a few others were already there. 

    A few pokemon murmured amongst themselves, as Lionel was usually one of the first to arrive. Ember’s absence was taken note of as well, as the whisperings grew more hushed. “Great, now they’re going to start circulating rumors,” Lionel thought, giving a slight groan. 


    “Honestly, I wouldn’t blame her,” he heard Phobos quietly say to Rags. This prompted the Meowcarada to tense up in anger, staring daggers at his not so fellow performer.


    “Alright everyone, it’s almost time!” a Heliolisk said as they walked through the room of pokemon. The yellow and black lizard pointed towards Lionel “You’re up first and- Where’s Ember?” 


    “…She’s unwell today,” Lionel answered as his gaze shifted away.


    After the show, Lionel stormed down the hall before spotting a familiar, unwelcome face. Once again it was Coal, who was caught in the grip of a Poliwrath. “I’m telling ya, I have a letter for-” 


    Ahem .” 


    The two turned towards the Meowscarada, prompting Coal to scowl. “What do you want?” 


    “Release him, the two of us need to speak,” Lionel demanded. 

    “Here I thought you didn’t wanna ‘ fraternize with some delinquent ’,” Coal snapped as he pulled a letter out of his satchel, thrusting it towards the Poliwrath. 


    Turning his back on the Meowscarada, Coal adjusted his bag. “Now if you’ll excuse me-” 

    “Where’s Ember?” Lionel interrupted. 


    “I don’t know.” 

    “Well you two have… spoken. Where would she go? This is urgent-” 

    “I don’t know, okay! I thought she’d be here! And why are you even looking for her anyway? You didn’t seem to have much of a problem doing the show without her,” Coal argued as a flame plumed up from his head. 


    Lionel’s glare grew sharper as he stared down at the Quilava. “If she wishes to leave, then that is her decision.” 


    Coal and the Poliwrath watched as Lionel stormed off, his normally elegant walk replaced with rushed, angry steps.


    As night soon fell over the city, Lionel sat alone in his living room. His chair positioned near a shelf of organized books the Meowscarada would often spend his free time reading. However, every few pages he would expectantly glance up at the door. But each time he was met with nothing.

    Continuing to read, something felt… wrong. Lionel looked down to see his leg shaking of its own accord. Crossing them, the feeling went away for another few minutes before returning. 


    “Enough of this,” he angrily muttered before giving a slight huff. 


    Lionel returned to his book, only to set it down a few minutes later. Gettin up, he walked towards the connecting kitchen and picked up a match from the table. Lighting it, Lionel tossed into the black, wood-filled box attached to the wall. 


    Turning away from the stove, he reached into a nearby cupboard for a blue and white teapot before setting it down. He then pulled out a tea bag from a selection he kept nearby, hoping that putting it to use would take his mind off things. 


    By the time his tea was done, Lionel stopped himself when he noticed that he had instinctively pulled out two cups instead of one. Staring at them, Lionel found himself with a tight feeling in his chest, burning like the tea he had just prepared. 


    “What have I done?” Lionel thought before turning his attention towards the door. He knew what he had to do.


    Ember stared up at the night sky as she laid alone on one of the many rooftops lining Upper Stonehaven. Lifting up her hand, she began to reach up at one of the stars before letting her hand fall to her side. “I can’t believe I’m doing this…” she thought. “Running away like some little kid…” 


    Pulling herself up, Ember curled up into her knees and sighed.


    “So this is where you’ve been,” a voice off to her side said. Turning her head around, she could see Coal pulling himself up onto the stone roof. 


    “How the hell do you keep finding me?” the dejected Braixen asked. 

    “That implies I knew you came back here,” he said, walking towards the edge. “Actually I come up here every now and then when things get kinda… Well, you know.”


    “But the view’s pretty great isn’t it?” He continued, placing his paws on the raised ledge of the roof. 

    “Yeah,” Ember quietly answered. “One of the few things that’s not spoiled by the attitudes of the pokemon here.”


    After a few minutes of sitting in silence, Coal rubbed his foreleg. “Hey I- I‘m sorry if I got you in trouble.” 


    Ember shook her head. “You know… Lionel said that he did all of this for my own good,” she recounted before tears formed in her eyes. “I get mad at him for treating me like a kid, before running off like one…”


    “Maybe he was right,” Ember said as she buried her face in her hands. 


    “Listen Em,” Coal said. “I’m no expert in this stuff, but I think you should just tell him how-” 

    “We had a show today… And I skipped it,” the Braixen lamented as she lifted her head. “It’s over.”


    “So you’re just gonna give up?!” Coal asked with a sour tone. “After all the time you spent here to make this happen in the first place?” 


    The sudden questions seemed to provoke Ember. Her ears folded back, and her eyes narrowed as she sat up. “I-”


    She froze up before her body relaxed and slumped over. “I don’t want to quit… I just don’t see Lionel giving me another chance.”


    “I’m not his first partner. He’s told me a bit about them and- Let’s just say he ignores the subject.” 

    Hearing this, the gears in Coal’s mind began to turn. Standing on his hind legs, he smirked and held out his paw. “Then let’s give him a show he can’t ignore.”


    “No. I don’t want this to be some big display,” Ember sighed. “And before we think about doing anything, can we at least get some sleep first?”


    Lionel was glad he wasn’t scheduled to go on today. After the sun’s rays made contact with his eyes through the window, he was in no mood to do anything as he pulled himself off the floor. Lionel could only guess it was late in the morning before a sudden pain shot through his head. He stumbled to the table, placing his paw on the surface as his foot hit something. He assumed it was glass from the sound it made rolling across the floor. 

    Slowly looking down, the Meowscarada’s eyes quickly widened at what lay before him. As he tapped the bottle with his foot, it was then he could taste what remained of its contents. He gagged both at the aftertaste, and at the realization of what he had done after searching the streets for Ember the night before.  


    “I’ve become a drunkard,” he mumbled in disgust. Picking the bottle up with the tips of his claws, Lionel placed it on the table before hearing a knocking at the door. He flinched in discomfort before slowly making his way towards it.


    Opening the door, he saw Coal holding out a stack of letters for the Meowscarada. “You… What are you-” 

    “My job,” Coal answered. 


    After a few agonizing seconds passed, Lionel sighed. “Have you-” 

    “We spoke, but she didn’t say where she was going.”


    Lionel took hold of the letters and nodded before the Quilava ran off. Closing the door, Lionel sifted through the letters until one caught his attention. ‘From Ember’ was written on the front in the style he recognized as hers. Cutting open the envelope with claw, Lionel pulled out the paper inside and quickly unfolded it.


    To Lionel, 


    If it’s possible I would like to talk about what happened. But for now I would like to say that I’m sorry for running off. I needed some time to myself to try and figure things out about our partnership and myself. Please meet me at The Cornerstone around noon if so that we can talk.



    The Meowscarada set the letter down on the table and closed his eyes. He stood there for a few seconds before turning away. Feeling the matted fur on the side of his face, Lionel groaned. 


    “I should at least make myself presentable first.”


    Ember and Lionel sat across from one another at one of the restaurant’s outside tables. The two avoided looking each other in the eyes, sitting in silence for what felt like an eternity. Lionel slowly raised his arm over the table and placed Ember’s stick in front of her. 


    “I figured that you would want this back.” 


    Staring at the twig, the Braixen grabbed its end before placing it back in her tail. “Thanks…”


    “So you said that you wanted to speak about what happened,” Lionel prodded. 

    Ember’s ears fell as she looked off to the side. “Yeah, I do.” 


    “I’m sorry for running off like that,” she continued before her body tensed up. “But I don’t like the way you speak to me, and at that moment it became too much.” 


    “I only did so because you went behind my back,” Lionel retorted. “And to do something that directly affects your performance,”  

    “Would you have let me see Coal otherwise?” Ember questioned. 


    She and Lionel stared at each other until the latter’s eyes shifted away. “I thought so…” 

    “He’s a bad influence,” Lionel said as gaze narrowed. 


    “He’s my friend,” argued Ember as she did the same. “And it’s not like you let me spend time with anyone else, anyway.”

    “Practice comes before all,” the Meowscarada asserted. 


    “And maybe that’s why you don’t have any friends-” Ember snapped before immediately covering her mouth with her hand. 


    “I… I-I am so sorry I didn’t mean that, I-” 


    Ember began to tremble as her breathing hastened. However, not wanting to cause a scene, she took a deep breath. But to her surprise, she felt Lionel’s paw on her hand. Looking up, she saw him leaning over the table before sitting back down. 


    Getting a good look at his face, Ember could see that he was upset. But it was a kind of upset that she hadn’t seen from him before, as his shoulders slumped his shoulders as his gaze fell to the side. Being a Meowscarada, the large dark mask over Lionel’s face, coupled with his generally stiff demeanor made it more difficult to make out his more sensitive expressions of emotion. But Ember could tell this definitely something new. 

    “As your mentor, I need to take responsibility for your well being… It is clear that my ways have had a negative impact on you. And for that I apologize,” the Meowscarada said before looking back up. 


    “If you wish to part ways, then I understand-” 


    “I don’t,” Ember interrupted. “But I do want things between us to change.”


    Lionel sighed. “You’re right… You’re becoming more mature and-” He stopped seeing the look on Ember’s face. Her raised brow caused Lionel to hold up his paws. “Right. State your terms.” 


    “First, I’d appreciate having more free time.” 

    “With Coal, I assume?” 

    And anyone else I decide to befriend,” Ember said, crossing her arms. 


    Lionel narrowed his eyes. “I still feel that Quilava is a bad influence.”


    “U-Um… Excuse me?” Lionel and Ember both turned their heads to face the source of the voice. Next to their table was a levitating Meowstic wearing a bow tie, the two-tailed blue cat awkwardly tapping his paws together as his eyes darted between the two.

    “Is something wrong?” Lionel asked. 


    “I was going to ask if you were ready to order, but I didn’t want to interrupt… This .”


    Lionel’s eyes widened, growing mortified at the fact that he forgot they were in public. Composing himself, he sat up and acted like the past few minutes didn’t happen. 

    “The Rindo Berry Pasta, and some Grepa juice if you have any.” 


    “Oh, the uh- Stuffed Tamato Berries please,” Ember awkwardly said with a smile as the Meowstic faced her.


    After their waiter left, Lionel placed his face in his paws before dragging them down. Laying his crossed arms on the table, he turned his attention back to Ember. 


    “Do you have any more requests?”


    It was a few days later when back in the Grand Hall, Lionel watched from backstage as Phobos and Rags finished their act. As the Zoroark and Mimikyu passed by him, the two parties glared at each other. However nothing else came of it as Lionel held his tongue, agreeing to try and curb his remarks towards the two… At least as long as he could restrain himself.


    Adjusting his violet cape, the Meowscarada pulled it over himself as he pushed Phobos and Rags out of his mind. As his and Ember’s names were called out, he marched out onto the stage. Stopping in its center, he had the faintest hint of a smile on his face before he bowed his head.

    All was silent until Lionel dramatically unfurled his cape, letting loose a tempest of glowing leaves. Whipping around the stage at a rapid pace, more and more leaves filled the stage to create a blinding cloud of green. But as quickly as the leaves stirred up, they vanished in a plume of flame. 


    With the Leaf Storm gone, Ember was seen standing side by side with Lionel, wearing a short cape matching the Meowscarada’s own flowed off her back as the flames dissipated. 


    The two posed as they faced the audience, arms stretched out as Ember began to twirl her still lit stick. “Keep your rhythm… This part was your idea, Ember so don’t screw it up,” the Braixen thought while stepping in front of Lionel. Creating a ring of fire before her, Lionel followed by using Energy Ball.


    Sending the green sphere though the ring, Lionel switched to Leaf Storm to push the prior move into the air and above the audience. Each of the ignited leaves struck it, slicing it into ribbons before dispersing with a glittering bang. However in this midst of the excitement, Ember’s mind slipped along with her grasp on her stick. It spun to the floor with a clatter that only she seemed to hear, making her blood run cold at the realization. 


    Thinking quickly, the Braixen spewed a short stream of fire from her mouth, to which Lionel launched a deep violet sphere from his paws at the fire. Colliding with the display, his Shadow Ball detonated in the flames, forming a flower-shaped pattern. Quickly grabbing her stick, she glanced back at Lionel as he stepped up beside her. 


    Despite the echoing cheers throughout the room a hint of shame seeped its way into Ember’s being. “I can’t believe I almost ruined it,” she thought while taking a bow with Lionel. 


    “And it was my idea too for fuck’s sake…”


    Walking offstage, Ember’s heart pounded as she stared down at the floor. A part of her still expected to get a verbal lashing from partner. Her large ears lowered as she looked up at the Meowscarada who was still looking ahead.


    “Next time, I would suggest using Psychic on your stick to keep it in place,” Lionel said in the same stiff manner he normally spoke to her.  “However, all things considered… You should be proud of yourself for coming up with that.”


    “Your methods still need some refining, but it’s a start,” he said with the faintest hint of a smile. 


    Hearing this, Ember stood up straight and nodded. “I’ll do my best.”

    “That’s all I ask,” Lionel said as he removed his cape, hanging it up on the wall. “Also, you should expect to see your- friend again. I spotted him amongst the back rows.”


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