The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    It had been a while since Phobos and Rags started their new jobs at Paradise Plaza, but after another successful show the Zoroark could be seen sitting backstage with a stare that seemed to extend a few yards with each passing second. Rags sat on a nearby table as he in turn stared at the dark type, occasionally changing the angle at which he did so. Worried about his friend, the Mimikyu reached out with a shadowy claw, snapping them in front of Phobos’ face.

    “Ah- oh, Rags… Was I-” 


    The small ghost type nodded in response. 

    Phobos gave a nervous chuckle, running his claws through his mane. “What am I so worried about? It’s just a dinner party, with Soleil… But what’s the worst that could happen, right?” 

    Rags raised a claw before being interrupted by Phobos. “Don’t answer that.”


    It was then that the Zoroark began to think back to how exactly he wound up in this mess. Bringing his clawed hands to his face, Phobos dragged them down as a sense of dread filled his mind. 


    “I can’t believe I let Selene talk me into this.”


    “Pleeease?” Selene pleaded as she and Phobos walked down the street that morning. 


    “Don’t take this the wrong way, but your parents scare me,” The Zoroark said as he began to hasten his pace. 

    Selene then darted around the fox, cutting in front of him. “Come on, it’s not like me and Dawn won’t be there.” 

    “But your parents will be, and they don’t like us,” Phobos remarked as Rags popped up from his mane, giving a nod to second the Zoroark’s comment.


    “And where’s Dawn anyway?” Phobos asked, sticking out his hand. 

    “Don’t change the subject,” Selene said as she narrowed her glare. “And besides, my mom’s over the whole ‘cake incident’ thing.” 

    “For Mew’s sake, don’t tell me she still talks about that. It was over a decade ago!” Phobos exclaimed, raising his arms in frustration.


    “The point is she’s over it,” The Umbreon said. “In fact it was her idea that you come in the first place. Said a performance would make the party more interesting, and how she ‘was wondering how you turned out since you left the guild.’ Whatever that means.” 


    “I think I have a good idea,” Phobos said under his breath. With an annoyed grin and a slight twitch in his eye, Phobos looked down at the Umbreon. 

    “You know what, fine.” 

    Selene smiled, “Alright! It’s at the end of the week at sundown!”


    “Five days,” Phobos said with a panicked smile as he and Rags stepped out onto the nighttime streets of Paradise Plaza. “Five days until we face oblivion.” 

    Rags shook his head before gesturing around with his claws. “Okay, maybe not oblivion . But don’t be surprised if I start complaining about graying fur afterwards.”


    Dawn sat in front of a mirror in her room, dreading the event that was to come that night. While she did get along better with her mother than her father, Dawn never enjoyed being the subject of attention at Soleil’s parties. It wasn’t like performing with Phobos and Rags, as everyone’s stares and admiration often felt more insincere. While brushing the tufts of fur beside her ears, she could see Selene approaching her in the reflection.


    “Wow. I forgot just how much purple was in this room,” The Umbreon remarked as she glanced around at the large, violet curtains and fabrics hanging throughout the luxurious, storybook-esque room. 

    Anyone gazing upon it for the first time would have thought that a princess resided there, and in a way they would be correct. As being the heiress to one of the wealthiest families in Stonehaven made Dawn feel as if everyone in the city treated her as such. Everyone accept for Phobos and Rags at least.


    “Did you want something?” Dawn halfheartedly asked, turning her head back towards her sister. 

    “You know, for someone named for the sunrise, you’re a real downer,” Selene jested. Dawn’s eyes simply narrowed in response. 


    “…This whole party thing’s bothering you, isn’t it?” Selene asked as her face softened.

    “What was your first guess?” Dawn tiredly remarked. 


    There was a brief silence between the two before Dawn lowered her head. “I’m sorry.” 


    “What do you mean?” 

    “For just up and leaving like that… and leaving you with them .” 


    Selene gave a small smile as she walked closer. “Dawn, it’s fine. And besides, you’re acting like I didn’t want to give this ‘running the plaza’ thing a try.”

    “Really?” Dawn flatly asked, tilting her head in confusion. 

    “It has its… challenges. But I have plans, big plans that I think you might like,” Selene said with a smirk, giving her sister a nudge.


    Dawn leaned slightly back. “Now I’m concerned.” 


    “Come on, you’ll like this one! Promise!” 

    “You’ve never been short of ‘ideas’ before,” Dawn said with a raised brow. 

    “When we were kids ,” The Umbreon argued, narrowing her crimson gaze. “The stairway express.” 


    Selene froze as Dawn sat in front of her with the slyest of grins on her face. Had it not been for her ebony fur, Selene’s face would have been beet red from embarrassment. 

    “If I recall, that was a few weeks before I left,” Dawn remarked. 


    “…I was drunk, it doesn’t count,” The dark type said as she looked away. 


    Perking back up, an evil grin found its way onto the Umbreon’s face. “Just for that, I’m picking what you wear to the party tonight.” 

    Dawn’s ears quickly folded down, realizing the beast she had just unleashed. “Buuut I think you learned your lesson,” Selene gleefully continued, turning away.


    As her sister left the room Dawn looked back at the mirror and smiled, recalling the time Selene had removed the legs from a table and ridden it down the stairs. The Espeon was kind of surprised that their father had let her take that position at plaza after that. After chuckling to herself, Dawn then thought back to what Selene had said about her plans for Paradise Plaza. 


    “Well if they managed to get father’s approval, then maybe this won’t be so bad…”


    Come sundown, Phobos and Rags scaled the many steps trailing up the hill to Dawn and Selene’s home. It was still just as impressive as ever, the mansion’s grand marble exterior and olive green roofing making it something of a landmark in Stonehaven. 


    Phobos fiddled with the new maroon colored vest Rags had made him after ‘borrowing’ supplies from the Paradise Plaza’s consume department. Tugging at it with his claws, Phobos hissed at the ill fitting garment. “You sure you got the measurements right?” 


    Rags stopped on the next step, crossing his shadowy arms as he stared at the Zoroark. He then aggressively pointed at Phobos as his glare sharpened.

    “Well you’re one to talk, don’t think I haven’t seen you making ‘adjustments’ to your other outfits the other day,” Phobos huffed as he crossed his arms. 


    Rags raised a claw in response, but slowly lowered it before intently staring at his friend. 

    “Yeah, yeah, you can be mad at me later,” The Zoroark remarked, picking up Rags and placing him in his mane. “Let’s just try to survive tonight first.”


    Reaching the top, Phobos made his way through the large wooden doors as he passed the equally large Machamp standing beside it. “Act like you belong here and don’t make eye contact,” The fox internally repeated to himself. 

    However as he passed the muscular pokemon, his and Phobos’ eyes met for a brief moment. The four-armed fighting type narrowed his gaze at the Zoroark, prompting Phobos to speed walk inside.


    The marble foyer was alive with activity as several pokemon who Phobos assumed were friends of the hosts, filled the floor. His eyes scanned the circular room for any sign of Dawn or Selene, but only found more pokemon chatting to each other about stuff he probably couldn’t care about. Two adjacent staircases stood on the far side of the foyer, and sitting by each Phobos caught sight of something to make the night more tolerable.


    After walking towards the table on the right, the Zoroark found himself in front of a spread of appetizers. In the center of the table was a small assortment of drinks he felt would make things go by faster. But as he reached for one, a familiar, shadowy limb reached out to grab his hand. Once Phobos was stopped, Rags let go and leapt out of Phobos’ mane, landing on the table. 


    Rags stared up at the Zoroark, he shook his head and crossed his arms. “Yeah, I guess you have a point there,” Phobos replied as he slumped forwards. “Wouldn’t wanna ruin the party.” 


    Rags then turned and picked up a small piece of toasted bread with a mixture of berries and herbs smeared onto it, before holding it up towards Phobos. “Thanks,” The dark type said, smiling as reached for it. But Rags quickly pulled it back, and Phobos could only watch as he stuffed it under his cloth covering to eat it.

    Phobos rolled his eyes, hearing  the Mimikyu crunch away at the bread. “I take it back. I hate you,” He said with a slight grin before hearing someone clear their throat. 


    The two turned to see a Leavanny staring at them with their brow raised, and leaf-like pincers crossed. Phobos and Rags quickly glanced at each other before the former grabbed a bottle of grepa berry wine, popping the cork and holding it out. 

    “Uhh… Grande Premiere ‘09?” The leaf-laden bug type’s confusion grew before scoffing at the Zoroark’s blatant error. 


    “That is clearly a-” 

    “Look,” Phobos cut them off, his demeanor more forward than before. “Look, they all taste the same. Do you want it or not?”


    Soon, the area quieted down as everyone’s attention turned to the corridor between the two sets of stairs as an Espeon wearing frilly purple anklets, a matching short cloak and bow around her neck, and two gold rings around her tail. Soleil’s radiant smile showed as she sauntered into the foyer before stopping, holding and holding up a paw. 

    “Welcome everyone, and thank you all for coming tonight!” 


    “I sincerely hope that the first week of the Paradise Plaza is the experience that we wanted to be,” The Espeon gleefully said. “But as you have also heard, my daughter, Dawn has returned from Cascade City.” 

    She was met by a light applause before continuing to speak. Phobos found himself zoning out of Soleil’s speech, mindlessly eating things off of the table as he waited for her to finish.


    His eyes shifting away, Phobos spotted Dawn and Selene at the top of one staircase. The latter was all smiles, as expected of the gleeful Umbreon. Dawn on the other hand looked as if she wished for death. Her brow furrowed, ears lowered, and her eyes half-lidded. Aside from their demeanor, the sisters’ attire was fairly similar. They each wore cloaks that Phobos thought resembled the petals of flowers, Dawn’s being a deep purple, and Selene’s a rich maroon.


    Once Soleil’s speech came to a close, the Espeon turned her attention towards Phobos. To which the Zoroark was mentally preparing himself for the incoming storm. Soleil wasn’t outwardly hostile towards him like her husband, but the psychic type still made him uncomfortable. He watched the Espeon approach him, and Phobos could feel parts of himself that he didn’t know he had started to fold in on themselves as his nerves went into overdrive.

    “It has been quite a while, hasn’t it Phobos,” Soleil said, looking up at the tense Zoroark. “…Yep. Sure has,” Phobos stiffly replied. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see other guests staring at the two as they murmured amongst themselves. This included the Leavanny he had just spoken to, who seemed shocked that Soleil knew him by name.


    “I haven’t asked for much…” Phobos thought. “But dear Arceus please , don’t let her ask about the guild-”  

    “How has Dawn been?” He heard her ask. 


    “Excuse me?” The Zoroark responded with a blink. It was then that Soleil’s expression softened. 

    “Dawn. How has she been? …Since you left together.” 


    “Uhh… Alright for the most part,” Phobos answered, rubbing the back of his head.

    Hearing this, Soleil’s ears and tail lowered. “Later… before you perform tonight, would you mind if we spoke privately in the garden?” 


    “Uhh… okay?” Phobos answered, still unsure as to where this was going. He watched as Soleil walked off towards some other guests before raking his claws through his mane. He worriedly turned his head towards Rags, who was still on the table eating. He gave the Zoroark a shug, leading Phobos to bury his face in his claws.


    The Leavanny pointed a pincer at him. “You and Dawn?” 

    Phobos looked at the prying bug type, shooting them a confused glare. “What are you still doing here?”


    On the other side of the room, Dawn swirled a drink in her telekinetic grasp. Her eyes remained focused on the liquid in front of her as a number of guests around her were speaking, having been unwillingly dragged into their conversation after Selene was pulled away from her. 


    “So I take it that you’ve heard the diggers found a new area in the Gilded Cavern,” A Mienshao in a white vest said with a smug grin. 


    Dawn was never fond of the lavender furred mink, for as long as she had known Allistair and his sister the two would needlessly brag about anything and everything they got their paws on. The ‘Mother-loving Mienshao Twins’ was the name Dawn had so affectionately given them, or at least she had within the confines of her head. Funnily enough this name coincided with their position in the city, even if Dawn just thought it just rolled off the tongue. 

    The Stonehaven Guild has been owned by their family for generations, and was currently run by their mother: Guildmaster Raine. Strict, meticulous, and disciplined were words that Dawn had heard her be described as, so she was a bit baffled as to how her progeny turned out the way that they did. Especially Allistair when she remembered that he held a high ranking position in the guild.


    “Which means, guess who’s going to have that new artificial hot spring they’ve been planning for?” The Mienshao said as he leaned towards Dawn, draping the long fur on his arm over her side. 

    Glancing up at the fighting type, the Espeon sighed. “You?” She flatly asked, her question carrying even less emotion than it normally would have. 


    “That’s right,” he gleefully said in a sing-songy tone, grinning like a child waiting for their present during the winter festival. “So if you’re ever free, maybe we could-”

    “No,” Dawn said, not so much as bothering to look at Allistair. 

    The mink briefly froze before reeling back, as the Espeon’s single worded response was as blunt as a hammer, and hit him twice as hard. “Come on Dawn… Not in front of everyone,” He said in a slightly wavering voice as he tapped his paws together. 


    However, despite the unwanted advances she received from Allistair, Dawn would still rather spend a day locked inside of a cell with him, then spend five minutes with his sister… Lily. With an insufferable ego that was somehow even larger than her brother’s, Lily’s laugh was burned into Dawn’s memory and was something the Espeon would still occasionally hear in her nightmares.

    “Wait… Where is she anyway?” Dawn thought, as the two siblings were always known to show up to events like this together. “Whatever, I probably shouldn’t think about it too much…”


    As Allistair talked, Dawn continued to drink. She silently hoped that soon everything would begin to tune out and become a blur she wouldn’t remember. Things did grow a bit foggy, but much to Dawn’s chagrin she would find herself pulled back to reality upon noticing Allistair open his mouth… again. 


    “You know, I actually got a look at some of the new guys they got.” 

    “For what, the digging division?” A Sawsbuck asked, the floral horned deer using the question to hide his boredom. 

    Allistair nodded. “Yep. And I tell you, they sure know how to pick ‘em…” 


    “So they actually look pretty good this time?” Asked a Staraptor with a smirk.

    Allistair nodded again, crossing his arms as he turned towards the bird. “Sure, sure… I mean if the guild’s goal is to fatten up the cave ferals, then yeah.” The other two pokemon laughed at the Mienshao’s comment, but Dawn found it distasteful rather than funny. Her tail lowered, whipping side to side as a silent rage built up within.


    “All I’m saying is that standards are kinda starting to drop over there,” Allistair continued with a shake of his head. “Just more and more desperate pokemon from the lower city who think they can handle the guild.” 

    Having heard enough, Dawn finally took her chance to slip away while the Mienshao continued to run his mouth. However, given her more impaired state, she didn’t notice her tail brush up against Allistair’s side. 


    “Hey, where do you think you’re going?” He asked in a jovial manner. “The night’s still young Dawn, and I have more stories to tell! Please?” Dawn kept walking, ignoring the Mienshao’s attempt to persuade her. 

    “After all, you wouldn’t treat one of your parent’s dear valued guests like this, would you ?” He taunted, stopping the Espeon in her tracks. 


    “Or what? You’ll complain to Soleil?” Dawn spat, her back still turned to him. 

    “Kind of what I had in mind, yeah,” Allistair answered. “I’ve even been working on my fake crying if you wanna see.” 


    “How about I give you something to fucking cry about you pompous windbag!” An inebriated Dawn shouted, the red gem on the mauve cat’s forehead began to glow. A lavender aura surrounding and shaking the table next to Allistair and his friends, catching the attention of other partygoers. 

    “You wouldn’t dare,” He remarked with a smug grin, however if one looked closely, they would see his eyes darting around in search of the quickest escape route. The vest he wore was brand new, and he wasn’t about to let it get ruined in such a manner. 


    “Lily would never let me forget it…” He thought. 


    “Come on Dawn, surely you would have more class then to-” But before the Mienshao could say another word, the table quickly shifted across the floor. This prompted Allistair to quickly use Reflect, creating a barrier of light in front of himself… Only for nothing to happen. To his relief the table full of food and drink remained on the floor, and he remained clean. 

    “Haha… T-That was funny Dawn. You almost had me there,” Allistair nervously said with a smile. 


    Dawn began to mumble several obscenities as she walked away, using Psychic to push the table back to its starting point. However when she pushed it back, Dawn didn’t take into account the tall statue standing behind the table.


    Having snuck away from the chaos inside the mansion, Phobos walked through the garden outside. Several topiaries and flowers lined the stone walkway, each illuminated by the lanterns posted along the path.


    He remembered Selene telling him that its center would be his stage for the night, so getting a look at things beforehand couldn’t hurt, right? “Oh… right,” He nervously thought as his stride came to a halt. There, standing on the large, circular, raised patch of stone was Soleil. Staring him down as he brought himself to approach her.

    Phobos’ heart was racing, not knowing what to expect at this point. However he saw the Espeon turn towards the patch of flowers beside her. “I will admit, I was never fond of the fact that you had left the guild.” 


    Phobos cringed at her remark, almost tripping on the stone walkway. “…About that.”

    But before he could continue, Soleil held up a paw. “But you have always made Dawn happy.” Phobos was taken aback by the Espeon’s words, but at the same time came a sense of relief. 


    “Has she said anything while you were away?” She asked. 

    Phobos rubbed his arm, “Honestly, not much. But I haven’t really asked either.” 

    “I see,” Soleil solemnly responded. 


    Phobos had never spent too much time around Dawn’s family, save for Selene. But this Soleil contrasted heavily from the radiant Espeon from earlier in the night. “Guess she really missed her…” The Zoroark thought. 


    “And I don’t think Dawn’s said a word to her since we came back…”


    “Then again, I haven’t said anything to my folks either…” Phobos grew tense at the thought, quickly shaking his head and taking a few breaths to bring himself back to the situation at hand. 

    “Should I say something?”  


    “H-How about this,” He nervously said, raising a claw. Soleil turned her head towards him, interested in what he had to say. “I’d like it if Dawn could perform with me tonight.” 


    Rags then popped out of his fluffy mane, giving the stink eye and a shrug to the Zoroark. “Fine, what’s your say in this?” Phobos loudly whispered, only to be answered with a thumbs up from the small fairy type.


    “Rags, why are you like this?” The Mimikyu rolled his eyes and stuck out his claws. Phobos groaned. 

    “When have I not included you in-” However, he then cut himself off upon remembering they were still in front of Soleil. The two both stared at her, only to find a small smile on her face. 


    “I would like to see that.” 

    “Great,” Phobos said, shoving Rags back down into his mane. “I’ll just head back inside and-” 


    “MISS SOLEIL!” A frantic voice interrupted. 


    The two turned to see a small, black and white squirrel gliding through the air with the yellow webbing beside their arms. The panicked Emolga landed in front of them panting like they had just completed the longest race in their life. 

    “Skye? Is something wrong?” Soleil worryingly asked. 

    “You… You need… to come back… inside. The foyer,” They said between heavy breaths. 


    Phobos tilted his head in confusion. “It’s a party where the worst thing expected is dropping a glass… What could’ve possibly gone wrong in there?”


    “Okay… This might be bad. I don’t feel bad, but… I didn’t expect this,” Phobos thought as he and Rags stared at the scene in front of them. Off to their right was a statue lying to its side on top of a barrier of light. The Reflect in question being held up by a familiar Minshao.

    The two remembered Allistair from their days at the guild, and was one of a number of pokemon Phobos had prayed to never run into upon returning to Stonehaven. “It’s okay everyone! I’ve got this!” He heroically exclaimed as all eyes were now on him. However, the statue soon began to shift to the side, causing panic throughout the room. 


    “Now everybody, there is no need to panic!” Allistair continued. He tried to figure out how he would return the statue to its prior position. The stone structure only further slid across the luminescent barrier, only a slight nudge away from crashing down upon the table beneath it. But before the Mienshao could do anything else, two sets of phantasmal claws held the statue in place. Turning his head, he scowled at the Mimikyu beside him on the table. 

    Despite his small size, Rags was surprisingly strong. Being able to push the stone quadruped off Allistair’s Reflect and back into place with not much effort. Applause echoed throughout the room as the two pokemon subtly glared at each other. But to Rags’ surprise, a grin crept onto the Mienshao’s face as he began clapping too. A slow, patronizing clap.


    “Now where was the strength before you left the guild?” He loudly asked before Phobos too came into his line of sight. “And you! You’re with this one, yes? Umm… Philo, right?” 


    Phobos wanted to ignore him. But as the room full of the city’s elites and more importantly, his future audience all bared their eyes on him, he let out a sigh. “Phobos. It’s Phobos…” 

    “Right… Phobos ,” Allistair said smugly as he walked towards him, bringing a paw to his chin. Although he stood at least a foot taller than the Mienshao, he couldn’t help but feel smaller with each step they took closer.


    “Well, look at you!” Allistair proclaimed, spreading out his arms. 

    “So you actually went and made something of yourself after leaving the guild.” Murmurs spread through the crowd of surrounding pokemon. Phobos’ eyes shifted his eyes to the side, knowing very well how most pokemon in Stonehaven felt about those who quit the guild.


    He wanted to say something, but all Phobos could muster was a nervous smile as a strong burn lingered in the back of his throat. “Why did it have to be him?! Why here?!” Phobos thought, looking back down at Allistair’s piercing gaze. 


    “Y-Yeah… Went to Cascade for a while.” 

    “Ahhh, I see. So I take it that things didn’t work out?” Allistair asked with a snide grin, being well aware of how uncomfortable Phobos was. 

    “I uh… I should really get ready for the show later,” He said shakily as he gestured his claws to the side. “Rags, come on!”


    Glancing back at the table, Allistair could have sworn he saw the Mimikyu pointing a fork at him. Rags set it down before hopping off to join his friend. Phobos took a deep breath as he walked back towards the garden.


    “Alright, where were we?” Allistair asked the crowd. “You getting the fuck out, that’s what!” Someone shouted, several partygoers gasped. 

    “Excuse me?!” The Mienshao answered with a scowl, but the expression only lasted only for a moment before he turned to see Dawn stumbling towards him. Selene and Soleil quickly followed from behind, hoping to stop the drunk Espeon from doing something stupid.


    “Is something wrong?” Allistair asked, calmly putting a paw to his chest. 

    “I see you talking to him again, and I’ll drop that statue back on you!” She shouted, slurring her words as she took another wobbly step forward. 


    “Dawn! What are you doing?!” Soleil frantically asked as she stepped between the two. 

    “Oh, now you care about what I’m doing?!” Dawn spat. 


    Soleil’s eyes widened at her daughter’s response. “Dawn-” 

    “No! You and father give fuck all about what I want!” 


    “But Dawn…” Soleil said, holding out a paw. “We allowed you to stay with your frien-”

     “SO THAT I’D STAY HERE LONG ENOUGH FOR YOU TO DRAG ME BACK INTO THIS FUCKING GARBAGE!” Dawn shouted, shattering the bottle in her psychic grasp.


    As its shards flew across the floor, the younger Espeon began to pant. Her eyelids fell as a heavy blur cast over her mind before everything went dark. Everyone in the room looked on as Dawn collapsed onto the floor before murmuring amongst each other. 


    “Well,” Allistair said, slowly stepping away as he tapped his paws together. “This seems like a bit of a… family matter. I’ll just take my leave now and-” 

    “LADIES AND GENTLEMONS!” A voice interrupted.


    Everyone looked towards one of the staircases, where Phobos stood with his arms in the air. “Tonight all of you shall witness a preview to a never before seen routine that will make its way to the Paradise Plaza!”  

    Selene and Soleil both felt something brush past them. They looked to see Rags running off and carrying Dawn down the front hall. A smile spread across Selene’s face. “I’ll get everyone out to the garden,” She said, turning towards Soleil, who nodded before slowly following the Mimikyu.


    Once in the center of the garden, Phobos was nervously tapping his foot as he waited for Rags. He watched as Selene stood in the middle of the clearing speaking to the audience, the Umbreon stalling for time. But the Zoroark could tell the crowd was getting antsy, and by the time Selene was done it was time to go on. 

    Stepping foot into the center of the stone slab, Phobos removed his top hat and bowed. Noticing a familiar face in the audience in the form of the prying Leavanny. Giving a smirk, Phobos reached his claws down his hat and pulled out an expensive bottle of drink. “Grande Premiere ‘09…” He jokingly read, narrowing his gaze as he held the bottle up to his face. 


    Popping off the cork with his claw, he then poured the bottle’s contents into his hat as he watched the less than pleased faces of those who knew seemed to know just how much that bottle was worth. Stuffing it into his mane, Phobos then tossed his hat up without letting go. Having replaced the liquid, a flurry of cards flew out of the hat and into the air.

    Waiting for just the right moment, the Zoroark tilted up his head and used Flamethrower, spitting forth a stream of flames. One by one, each card ignited in a chain reaction before bursting in a series of brilliant, blue flames. Phobos then pulled out the bottle once more, throwing it up into the fire.


    Catching the bottle in his hat, the bottle was once again filled much to Phobos’ relief. “Just barely caught it…” He thought as he silently hoped for Rags’ return, as the Mimikyu was meant to be the one to catch the bottle. However he was met by an excited applause, bringing a relieved smile to his face. 

    “Okay… so maybe they didn’t notice,” Phobos muttered to himself as he looked out at the crowd. But just as he was about to take a bow, something in his sights made his blood run cold. 


    “Allistair!” Phobos frantically thought when he saw the Mienshao towards the back of the audience. The shock threatened to make him stumble onto the ground, but managed to stop himself from giving the pompous mink another reason to mock him. 

    “That’s it, no more of these parties… I’m never letting Selene talk me into anything ever again,” He thought before his mind drifted towards Dawn. 


    “I hope she’s doing alright…”


    After a while the show wrapped up, and Phobos watched as everyone returned inside. The Zoroark then sat on the ground and stared up at the night sky, glittering with stars and and moon. Phobos didn’t know what it was, but something about the sea of star-studded darkness always calmed him down. As although he didn’t care too much for the company upper Stonehaven kept, he had to admit that the view of the sky was one of the best around.


    A few minutes passed, and Phobos laid back, but soon found Rags and Selene standing over him. “How’s Dawn?” 

    “In bed,” Selene answered. “That was pretty cool what you two did. Thanks.” 


    “When she comes to, just tell her she can’t make fun of me for falling asleep backstage anymore,” The Zoroark half joked. This was met with a pinch from Rags who then crossed his phantasmal arms. 

    “Ow- Alright…” Phobos said as he sat up rubbing his arm.


    The trio then made their way back to the mansion’s foyer, things having since wound down as pokemon were leaving. Among them was Allistair, who caught a glimpse of Phobos and the others. A smug grin found its way on his face before turning away and walking outside. 

    Once he was sure the Mienshao was far enough, Phobos scowled. “I fucking hate that guy,” He said with an unflinching glare. 


    “Yep,” He heard Selene say as she and Rags did the same and nodded.


    The next morning, Dawn awoke in her room with an agonizing pounding in her head. The Espeon’s vision was a bit hazy, but a sweet, nutty smell filled the air. As everything came into focus, Dawn quickly realized that she was not alone. By the side of her bed sat Soleil, patiently waiting for her to wake up.

    The two stared at each other, as parts of last night’s events crept back into Dawn’s memory. “Okay… how bad was it?” She groaned as she pulled herself up, watching Soleil levitate a cup filled with a hot drink towards her. “It has a blend of chesto and persim juice,” The elder Espon softly said, passing it off to Dawn. 


    “If you didn’t want to attend, you could have told me,” Soleil continued as her ears fell. 

    “Because telling you and father things like that have worked so well in the past,” Dawn remarked before taking a sip. 


    “I know,” Soleil said, much to Dawn’s surprise. “And after you left, I began to think about some of the things you had said.” 

    “Oh really?” Dawn answered with a glare. 


    “Well there is a reason you were able to stay in Cascade City for as long as you did.” 


    Dawn tilted her head in confusion, thinking before things soon clicked. “He was gonna send someone after me, wasn’t he?” 

    “Your father… cares in his own way,” Soleil said as her eyes shifted away.

    “That doesn’t mean he can just try to keep me here for whatever idea of a ‘future’ he has in mind for me!” Dawn said, raising her voice before flinching in pain. 


    “Not once, have you two ever stopped to ask me what I want. It’s always ‘you’re going to run the Paradise Plaza’, or ‘go to this thing full of insufferable pokemon to make the family look good.’ ” 

    “Dawn, those ‘insufferable pokemon’ have done a number of things for our family,” Soliel sternly replied. 


    “Like Allistair?” 


    “Guildmaster Raine has-” 

    “I’m not talking about Raine, I am talking about Allistair ,” Dawn interrupted. “I don’t think you hear some of the vile things these pokemon say, and frankly I still haven’t forgotten some of the things you and father used to say about my friends!” 


    “Sure, father is letting Phobos and Rags work at the plaza now, but a small part of me can’t help but feel like it was to appease me into staying.” 

    Soleil’s fur bristled in irritation before a tinge of guilt spilled over. “Yes… However I have since changed my feelings.”


    “I don’t know if Selene told you, but it was my idea for Phobos to come.” Dawn’s eyes widened at this revelation.


    “To be honest, I wanted to see you perform… and to see for myself what your experience with them in Cascade has done for you.”


    Dawn had trouble believing that this was the same overbearing pokemon she had gotten into an argument with before leaving Stonehaven, giving an intense gaze to the other Espeon. A long, tense silence passed before Soleil sighed. 

    “There is something that I must attend to,” The lavender cat said, rising to her feet. “If you wish, we can talk about this another time.”


    Nodding in response before taking another sip of her drink, the Espeon watched as her mother turned to walk out of her room. 

    Later that day, Phobos, Rags, Dawn, and Selene were sitting outside their usual meeting spot on the streets of Paradise Plaza. However the mood was less than stellar as Phobos was half asleep, Dawn was clearly upset, and Rags looked as if he were about to throw his plate at the next pokemon that walked past them.


    “So… are we not gonna talk about last night?” The Umbreon asked. 

    “Nope,” Phobos said with his face in his claws. 

    Rags then rose a claw. “Things that we can say in public , Rags,” Phobos remarked, having a good feeling about what the Mimikyu would say. The small ghost type crossed his arms, turning his patchwork body away from the Zoroark. 


    “Well I for one am done with those parties,” Phobos said, leaning back in his chair. “If I see Allistair again, it’ll be too soon.” 

    He then noticed Dawn’s face tighten at the mention of the Mienshao. “…Right.” 


    Dawn shook her head. “It’s fine.” But despite her words, Dawn was almost sure her blow up would appear somewhere in the paper that week.  


    Rags and Selene looked at each other before glancing at the others. “You know as long as it’s nice out, maybe we could take a walk or something,” The Umbreon piped up. 

    “And go where?” Phobos asked with a yawn. 

    “I don’t know, just walk I guess.” 


    “I think I’d like that,” Dawn answered before hopping down from her seat. 


    As the four left, Dawn continued to think about what Soleil had told her. ‘If you wish, we can talk about this another time.’ However she was shaken from her thoughts upon seeing Selene jump in front of her. 


    “Son of a-” The Umbreon snickered at her sister’s startled reaction, earning an annoyed groan from Dawn.

    But the Espeon then gave a small grin, rolling her eyes and shaking her head as she continued to walk. “Why does family have to be so complicated?”  


    “You know if it makes you feel better, I just wanna say thanks for trying to stick up for me back there,” She heard Phobos say. 

    “Let’s just agree not to talk about it anymore.” 

    If you agree not to make fun of my sleeping habits anymore.” 


    Dawn glared up at the Zoroark. “Don’t push it.”


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    1. Feb 17, '24 at 3:44 pm

      Chapter 2:
      I don’t quite understand what is happening here with those ellipsis. Is it supposed to be a recollection of the past event or smth else? I can’t quite tell. I guess it doesn’t matter that much, but a little more detail here would be nice.

      “Five days,” […] “Five days until we face oblivion.”

      Now that gave me a chuckle. Straight to the point with Phobos going about how this is not going to end well. Perfect small detail of his personality.

      I should mention this now, but it kinda felt weird to me how Dawn was the first character in the fic and now she barely gets any involvement with Phobos and Rags. By being introduced first I thought she would have more of a role in their shows, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. Maybe it would be interesting if she was more involved and connected with Phobos and Rags and that’s what seemed to me from the introduction that it would be like this.

      The stairway express… I’m very curious what that idea is about. You are keeping a lot of details out, only saying that both Dawn and Selene knew of this, but I hope you will remember to mention anything about this later.

      Rags stopping Phobos from taking a drink has interesting implications. Does Phobos go crazy at parties if he is drunk? Maybe some kind of memory could have been mentioned of the past regrettable experience that happened with drinking a lot by him.

      I like the description of the whole event. It seems grand and very lively while not putting a lot of attention towards other guests which may not be of such importance.

      I like how you describe Phobos still being worried about any interaction with Soleil. Especially Soleil saying “Can we come talk privately in the garden?” with Phobos forced response of “Uhh, okay” really puts the reader into Phobos’s perspective of how he really doesn’t want to be anywhere close to Dawn’s parents.

      Allistar is an interesting character. He seems to like to abuse Dawn even though he perfectly knows that she doesn’t like him around. This goes to the point that Dawn escalates this and starts using Psychic against him. Towards the end of the scene, you mention the detail of the statue not being taken into account by Dawn and you end the scene. Maybe you could have included a little more as to what happened next? I think this leads to too many questions if you think about it.

      So Allistar is hated by Phobos too huh? You are pushing hard to establish him as an annoying character. Especially his pride seems to be very prevalent throughout the chapter. You lead this far enough to show how much Dawn hates Alistar and shout about how she really is disgusted with this entire town. Though she was drunk as you described, I like how she expressed herself vocally about this with a lot of emotions. Really good scene, especially with Soleil hopelessly trying to calm down the entire situation.

      Well, time to continue further in the next chapter.

    2. Feb 15, '24 at 2:55 pm

      The Greatest Showmons – Chapter 2

      I switched to PMDFF for this review and I was surprised by how much the unique formatting added to this fic. It helped to keep me on track with what was going on without being distracted. Which really goes to show how disparaging FFN’s restrictive nature can be.

      That said, I still noticed some things that tripped me up. Namely with dialogue. I got confused a few times because the same speaker continued onto the next paragraph. Example being.

      “Blah blah blah.” (speaker a)

      “Blah blah blah continued.” (also speaker a)

      Traditional formatting for that sort of continued dialogue looks like:

      “Blah blah blah.
      “Blah blah blah.”

      So as to not be confused about switching speakers at the start of the next paragraph.

      Aside from that, this was an enjoyable chapter. Dawn’s family troubles alongside Phobos’ past really lends itself to more depth with these characters. In general I think I felt this one was a lot more focused than the previous chapter, which worked to its benefit.

      The magic tricks are always fun too. And creative. Hope we get to see more of that each chapter.

      Okay, onto chapter 3.

    3. Feb 15, '24 at 2:42 pm

      Uhh actually it’s the greatest showman, get that right. But hey, yeah, it’s me vulture from the server, gonna be reviewing your things because of the book club and all that. My reviews are structured in a way where I just leave all my notes and ramblings I’ve taken whilst reading the fic, and then leaving the -actual- juicy part of the review at the end.

      If you wanna skip all this stuff you can ctrl + f to “actual review stuff” to hop down to the end, I won’t blame you, this is for the people who like to see rambling.


      Got a smash invitation to an eeveelution comic I see. They’re gonna be the quiet, serious and reserved Espeon aren’t they? Where’s the undecided eevee ki-

      Okay I’ll stop.

      Oh hey, are they related to the Gaytes guys or something?

      Why’s the mimikyu mute? They a feral or something or another? It’s a bit humorous either way – if that was the goal.

      Oh it was a smash invitation, I see.

      Business closed due to covid.


      So how does a Sylveon wear a vest? Does he wear it like a dog, or do they just wear it around their torso like front pants?

      The fic mentions an Ember out of nowhere as a POV character, and we just hopped to them. I assume they’re the “Braixin” because you know, fire types and all that, but I had to double check to see if it wasn’t some obligatory unmentioned Flareon family member who also came to watch the show.

      The cat’s name is Lionel

      Oh he said a swear! Y’know, d-don’t s-say swears.

      I like that line from the Bisharp, good one.

      Pen and Teller gonna rip this poor Zoroark a new o- or not. Congrats?

      Dawn – Espeon, Selene – Umbreon, Peony – Dad, only now figuring this out properly.

      Honestly don’t blame Lionel for being miffed, Phobos is just using nepotism to his advantage. I’m on team weed cat now, screw these guys

      Who is Soleil again?

      Ah, so Dawn is that one Espeon, gotcha.

      09? We 2009 or what?

      There’s two Espeon characters to follow now?

      Yay drinking!

      Caps screaming.

      Waits so, like, the Espeon just animated a statue, lol? I thought it was an assassination attempt by the competition or something, didn’t feel like something an Espeon could do.

      Nvm it was just a total accident.

      Actual review stuff is right here.

      Up to chapter three is as far as I’m gonna read for now, I think I’ll come back to this fairly soon – probably right before Book Club in diner to make sure I’ve hit my requisite 3 chapters. Don’t wanna be left out of the discussion then.

      Okay, so positives first.

      I really like the setting. Anything with Gaytes, which never gets any kind of play, is really fun and there seems to be a broader, more developed feel to everything. It isn’t quite early tech, or there doesn’t seem to be electricity or quite modern amenities, but it strikes a cord which leans really well into the whole showbiz vibe your fic is going for.

      The character dynamics are pretty well-defined from the beginning. We’re quick to be filled in on what a character thinks of another character, and the actual interactions between them show the strengths, and weaknesses of each person – particularly with Dawn’s serious temperament brushing up against people in all the troublesome ways.

      Your main duo, Rags and Phobos are a def favourite. They play off eachother pretty well as Broke mon number 1 and his slightly less broke pet? Friend? I’m unsure as to what Rags really is and frankly, I like it that way. Their “fug it we need the cash” attitude is peak underdog story shenanigans. I can’t wait to see how their career goes in the later chapters.

      Also in general, I feel like the characters know how to make an impression. Still Team Weed Cat even though I wanna punch him in the face.

      Now onto my gripes and negatives.

      There are alot of names, and characters we are introduced straight off the bat, which can be confusing to keep track of. I’ve only really gotten a proper hold of who is who somewhere at the end of chapter 2, and what doesn’t help is that alot of them are from the same line? We have a whole eeveelution family thing going on, so we’re kinda then forced to be introduced to a boatload of family members all at once. It can be pretty exhausting. It would be keen to state a person’s species more, so we can have that species to latch onto as an identifier for the given name.

      I know, it seems repetitive, but you kinda need that. I can see it as an easy fix tbh, at least for the first two chapters while we get to fully know the gang, which afterwards I’d say it’s totally free game.

      Another point for the characters is just, well, the choice of mons? I guess there’s nothing to really be done in that regard, it’s more a personal choice thing – I suppose, but it really does initially feel like eeveelution family comic # whatever. The dysfunctional and family drama side is not something those tropey things go for, so you for sure have that over the rabble. I just feel like there could have been more interesting choices of mons for a family of performers, my own personal tastes notwithstanding.

      I feel as if though, given how early I hopped off, I’ll probably grow to overlook this completely because your characterization is just plain good, it’s your biggest strength.

      The biggest problem though is just the POV’s? It’s third person limited, I think, with alot of character POV’s. Everytime you change there is a considerable break in the text to let us know – this is all fine – it’s just that it happens far too often it feels like whiplash or a RP that has been edited down into a fic rather haphazardly.

      For instance, a character will talk and observe something for two-three sentences, there will be a break and the character they are with will answer from their perspective, then back to the original perspective. It’s like a confusing shot-reverse-shot.

      I feel like there was so much wasted potential for characterization in Phobos’ show by having the camera swerve around to everyone. We don’t get enough time in the head of Phobos, we don’t get to fully experience his anxiety on stage, what he has to do to make this performance work, the sinking dread in his stomach when he’s waiting for the judge’s gazes, because we’re just- all over the place.

      There is some real potential here with the characters and your storytelling, I just feel like it could do with alot less “cuts”. Idk if your later chapters fixes this big issue, but I hope they do. I wish you the best of luck because what you have is pretty darn solid in spite of this. I’ll poke you about this on bookclub come saturday, so be there or be square, or don’t, I ain’t forcing ya.

      Have yourself a good one – Vulture.