The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    A small mention of note before you can delve into this excerpt: from this point onwards, unless explicitly mentioned, I have not read Anna’s journal. These excerpts have been added after the fact with her permission — of course, what kind of historian would I be if I did not include more than one point of view?

    [Anna’s writing is still something of a scrawl compared to her entries before her transformation into a Pokémon, but not as bad as the entries on the 1st to 3rd of april. The smearing seen in earlier entries, likely caused by her inexperience with wings, has been somewhat smoothed over — either her writing had improved, or she had taken more time to write this now that she was in less of a panic.]

    I’m just going to ignore that, I can’t deal with this right now.

    I’m just glad that I can finally say I feel safe better, I guess. not safe, because I still have to save the world.

    I guess I’ll start by saying what happened these last two days.

    right after I wrote on apr 3rd I started walking towards verdant town. After a little while I ended up meeting Asterus, a zorua iirc. that’s a small black fox thing with some light blue on it, if I somehow forget and it doesn’t exist on google.

    He was walking back towards brilliant town, but he said he had no plans at all and decided to turn around and join me since he says it’s more interesting to travel with others. I was still kinda terrified of everything, but I really needed someone to help with my mental breakdown and he looked …not evil, I guess?

    He’s a good listener, I think. he spent a lot of time listening while I was talking about being lost and terrified and stuff. He also told me a little about himself. He told me he likes to go into dungeons for fun and he likes a good fight. I didn’t think people would risk their lives by going in dungeons for fun, but then I remember what humans do for fun, and suddenly it makes sense

    I think it’s a bit weird every time I ask him to tell me a story of something he’s done he says something like “oh, you wouldn’t know what I’m talking about,” but also TRUE

    that was the end of the first day, we went to sleep on the side of the road, then woke up to keep travelling

    A little bit after that we got attacked by some bandits who wanted to take my stuff. They caught me from behind and stole my journal, and they ran away with it after Asterus fought them.

    turns out I was very lucky to have met Asterus because he decided to hunt them down to try to find the journal after I started crying.

    I think I was just sitting there crying for half the day. I really need this journal for my mental stability, ig

    I was able to continue on my own to verdant town, but then I got attacked by more bandits. because my life wasn’t hell enough already, obviously

    It was just two of them, but I had no one to help me. then I saw Arc and Ida come in and fight them off, and help me find the guild, but I was too terrified of everything because I didn’t know them, so I forgot to say anything, like “thank you” or just asking for more help, so they dropped me off at the guild

    I ended up talking to the guild, and they wouldn’t let me join them since I needed a team. They told me they had other jobs, but I would have to fly, and when I told them I can’t do that, they just told me to figure it out

    They did give me a room for three nights, and more if I “figure out how to fly” like they said. I just went to sleep.

    Today I decided to take a walk to see if I could figure anything out. I met Asterus who said he couldn’t find my journal.

    then, after a while of getting nothing done, I found a temple. I decided to go there since god can’t write to me in my journal if I don’t have it, but apparently he decided he didn’t want to talk to me anymore or something.

    after that I decided to try to find Ida to thank her for saving my life. (she’s a meowstick [sic] apparently.) I found her, and she’s a historian. Apparently, in the past, there were other heroes chosen by gods, and they had to lead armies.
    I can’t do that

    after that, I got lucky, ig

    Ida had my journal all along apparently and recognised me after I talked to her at her house earlier today

    She talked to me about it, and then we found Asterus at a bar named our story

    And now, finally, I’ve made a team with Ida and Asterus. Hopefully the guild job isn’t as bad as I think it is.

    also apparently this world was abandoned by its gods or something? that’s worse for me because what am I supposed to do about that????

    hopefully I don’t have to bring them back, if humanity can live without gods I don’t think pokemon [sic] need them either.

    I’m just going to try to forget all of this. At least I have others I can rely on now, ig, and I’m not going to die of hunger or something, so that’s an improvement.

    I’m just glad I met Ida and Asterus.

    And that’s the end of Act I! On to the next, soon enough.


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