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    3 apr 2024

    apparently there is more life here, there was a carriage on the road.
    they decided to bring me wherever they’re going (brilliant town, apparently)

    There are things called “mystery dungeons” that are VERY dangerous or something like that?

    glad I found them after all this walking, ig

    [Anna clarified “them” refers to the carriage in this context — she had not yet seen a Mystery Dungeon. Disambiguation is not at the forefront of one’s thoughts when they live such life-changing events, evidently.]

    Am I a pokemon? [sic] That’s a pikachu sitting across from me

    I’m so hungry, I wish I had something to eat.

    is the voice I heard even important? it hasn’t spo

    my journal just wrote back to me Im [sic] DONE for now

    [The next page of the journal is inscribed with a cacophony of “why me?”s, geometric shapes, dots, and scribbles, all of various sizes and boldness, some drawn over many more times than once. Anna assures me she wrote this page during the carriage ride to Brilliant Town, and she wrote it out of boredom, as all she had was the journal at the time — though given the contents of the page, I hesitate to say she was fully mentally well at the time, as she claims. I’m sure you’ll agree with me.]

    We reached the town.

    I’m lucky the carriage found me when it did, it started raining very soon after. it’s really not fun to have wet fur, it seems

    I can’t read anything here, it’s some weird language
    I don’t know why I can understand what everyone is saying
    probably from when god summoned me?

    Since my journal actually wrote back to me I’ve started being worried again, so I tried to look for the guild like it said to do

    apparently the closest one is in verdan [sic] town or something like that

    no one’s bringing me there, they don’t believe I’m human or that I have nothing with me or that god is talking to me

    since another carriage will cost money I’ll have to walk this time
    hopefully I don’t find a mystery dungeon or whatever

    At least they gave me food, they told me I looked unhealthy.
    maybe I’ll find water to clean myself on the way there.

    Also good thing to know, they called me an emolga, so I guess that’s what I am
    I’ll keep that in mind ig

    I was awestruck for a fair few moments after finishing this translation, though before I had time to consider it, writing began to appear in the journal, in Common.

    Given the mention of Emolga specifically, Arceus having spoken to me, and my encounter the very same Anna earlier today, what had happened was now all too evident — I could no longer ignore it. As I packed the journal into my bag, I donned my cloak once more, ready to find Anna and help her in whatever way I might be able to.

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    1. Velvet Capsicum
      Jun 9, '24 at 8:30 am

      oooooooooh! things are ramping up! excited to see this!