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    [The text below, as mentioned before, is that of Anna, though the penmanship is remarkably poor. The page is covered in tears, and both these and the text’s graphite have been smudged to the left rather hard.]

    how does it only keep getting worse

    at first I just thought it was going to be a nightmare of someone telling me I have to save the world, but then I woke up in a new body or something, and the only thing I have with me is my journal

    And now when I try to open it to write in it and hope this is a nightmare there’s stuff in here I didn’t write. And it’s the same stuff from the dream I had at the beginning.

    I want to write in my journal because its [sic] the only thing here that is still connected to my actual life but apparently letting it be is still too much to ask for

    Worst part is it doesn’t feel like a nightmare. I’m starving, everything hurts, and I can feel these… wings?… under my arms it’s just too real

    I found some berries earlier but I don’t recognise them. I dont [sic] want to eat them yet in case they’re poisonous. I did pick them up just in case
    maybe I can get back home before I actually need to eat.

    after running around for a bit to see if I can find anything I feel tired. maybe there’s still a chance I wake up from this

    hopefully I can even sleep properly tonight

    wow writing is hard in a new body

    2 apr 2024

    it’s not a dream, I’m still here

    It’s so weird to be in a different body. I had trouble sleeping because I could feel my ears and tail touching the ground, it feels weird

    also probably the bigger reason I had trouble sleeping was because I was sleeping on the ground because there’s nothing soft around here

    After more walking, I found a road, I think.

    I still haven’t seen any living thing except for me and plants around here so I’m not sure if it’s actually a road or just a place where trees didn’t grow

    [The words “and plants” were hastily scribbled in as an afterthought, under the text, a minor correction to her thoughts.]

    I got too hungry so I ate some of the berries. not dead yet!
    I still feel like I’m starving, though, there weren’t enough

    Walking feels tough, my feet are too short and it feels gross because I don’t have shoes
    also stuff is getting caught in my fur, I need to find water to clean myself soon.

    If I’m actually stuck here I should probably write down my dream that I had so I don’t forget it

    it wasn’t really that special, I just saw a symbol and it spoke to me
    I guess that’s god?
    it just told me that I need to find the exploration guild and that they’ll tell me more when I do that.

    I’m starting to think that’s the only way I get back home, but I don’t have any skills to save the world
    how am I supposed to do that?

    why me?

    3 apr 2024

    apparently there is more life here, there was a carriage on the road.
    they decided to bring me wherever they’re going (brilliant town, apparently)

    There are things called “mystery dungeons” that

    I was then interrupted by a knock at my door. As enthralled by the journal as I was, my life was decidedly more important, so I paused here to see who was looking for me.

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    1. Velvet Capsicum
      Jun 6, '24 at 4:55 am

      poor Anna : ( it seems she was stolen from her life and family and friends to be dumped in this world to save it

      Last edited on Jun 6, '24 at 4:55 am.