The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Heya, so this is my first real fanfic attempt, just wanted to post it somewhere so more people could see, and hopefully criticize it
    But without further ado, enjoy

    “….ughhhhhh, my headddd….”

    Jay moaned, laying down on something that was definitely not his bed.

    With great difficulty, he opened his eyes.

    …. only to close them again immediately due to how bright it was.

    He forced himself to open his eyes again, only to see a forest, with a pond off to the side

    “…did I get drunk or something?”

    He sighed, while starting to get up.

    “Someone could have at least brought me ho-”

    Before he could finish his comment, he fell over.


    A bit surprised, he tried to stand up again, only to fall again.

    “Did I hurt my legs?”

    He wondered, before looking down at his hands…


    Only to see two dark brown paws in place of them.

    He jerked back in shock, only for the paws to follow him.


    He said in a panicked matter, while trying to get away from the paws, jerking himself around, getting closer to the pond, only for him to get a bit to close and…

    “SPLASH” as he fell in.


    Turns out the water wasn’t even deep enough to cover his paws.


    Looking into the water, he saw a panicked Fox looking back at him….

    “……wait, what kinda fox has orange hair and 6 tails?”

    He suddenly remembered that he saw his younger sister playing with a plush of the fox he looks like, it was called a…..

    “…. Vulpix!

    But that’s a Pokemon, how could have I turned into a fictional creature?”

    He looked around at his surroundings again, before coming a conclusion.

    “Wait, I’m dreaming.”

    He sighed, relieved.

    “I was worried for a sec, but now I just need to

    wake up.”

    ….he looked around again .

    He had never seen such a vibrant forest before, with magnificent trees, fresh grass, berry bushes all over the place.

    “…on second thought, I might as well enjoy myself while I can, I’ll probably never have a another dream like this again, so I need to take full advantage of it”

    With that, he walked out into the forest, determined to make the most of this weird dream.

    ….a couple seconds after he left, a Thievul stepped out of the shadows.

    “Well, who would have thought the story was real?

    The 3rd player has arrived after all”

    A grumbling was heard behind them, and two red eyes appeared.

    “Don’t forget, we need them to go free until the event is ready”

    The fox looked back annoyed.

    “Or we nip this in the bud, it would be safe-”

    Before they could finish their suggestion, a black arua appeared around their neck, blocking off all air, and after a bit, their vision growing dark.

    Before they lost consciousness, the arua disappeared, and they gasped for air while collapsing to the ground.

    the red eyes disappeared, with one final word:


    the fox looked up with fear in it’s eyes, before shaking it off, standing up, and yelling:


    no response.


    They muttered, before going off to follow that fox.

    So, yeah, that was that
    Hope you liked it


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