The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Not much to say, just uploading it here without posting screenshots of notepad to Twitter first, enjoy

    As the sharp claws swung towards Spice, she dodged out of the way, but still manages to get a large wound on her shoulder.





    She attempts to put distance between her and her opponent, but to no avail as they grab her tails and slam around the ground back first 


    Unable to move due to being dazed, she could only watch in horror as the claws swing one final time at her throat, and-




    “Hey, wake up, I’m not going to carry you forever.”

    Jay was jolted out of his nightmare, only to remember what happened.





    She was turned into a Vulpix and a girl, some other Pokemon tried attacking her, and now a Zoura called Cinnamon and a Glaceon called Suger were bringing her to a town to make a plan of some kind, and-

    “I said to get off.”


    “Oh, yeah, sorry.”

    Jay quickly jumped off and regained her footing, looking at her surroundings, which was filled with Pokemon of all shapes and sizes

    she couldn’t recognize most of them, but she spotted a Pikachu, a Charizard, and a gray Eevee. 





    She looked at past them at rudimentary buildings made out of mud and sticks, but towering above everything else was a huge, imposing building, made out of stone with the words: POKEMON RESCUE, EXPLORATION, AND PATROL GUILD. engraved above the doors


    “Really catches your eye huh?”



    Jay jumped as the Zoura chuckled at her surprise .

    “Kid, you need to stop doing that, one day someone will be explaining important information and you’ll be focusing on a tree or something.”

    Jay glared back.

    “I’ve only done it a couple times, leave me alone.”

    “You still need to set a better impression, no one likes a airhead.”

    “Are you two just going to stand outside or are you actually coming in?”


    This time both Fire and Dark foxes jumped up in surprise, only to see Suger waiting impatiently.


    They both hurry into the bustling guild, where Suger has already set a appointment up with a Ponyta.




    “So, Suger, Glaceon, Male, Cinnamon, Zoura, Female, and a discovered Vulpix, Female, claims to have memory loss after waking up in the very off limits forest, got attacked, escaped, got found by the unofficial team, and the rest is history”


    The Ponyta paused to look at Jay, who was very nervous, while Cinnamon and Sugar were fidgeting uncomfortably.


    “Did I get that right?”


    The whole party nodded rapidly, only for the Ponyta to shake its head.


    “Sweeties, you fell for the oldest trick in the book, they probably went to steal something and made up a story on the spot.”


    “What?!?! I’m not lying, it’s true!”


    “Well you got no way to prove it, or that you ain’t just a thief.”


    Jay quickly tried thinking of a way out of this, while Suger and Cinnamon shared unreadable glances with each other, until she remembered a episode of the anime she saw with her little sister, giving her a idea….


    “Can’t you just get a psychic Pokemon to read my mind to prove my innocence?”

    While she was hoping to be able to hide her true thoughts from whoever they brought in, instead the pony jerked back in surprise, look at them for a second, and turning back to Suger and Cinnamon.

    “Well, she’s not lying about memory loss at least, so I guess she wasn’t stealing anything.”


    Jay, in confusion, said:

    “What did I say wrong?”


    Suger looked at her in a bit of minor confusion.

    “Kid, psychics haven’t been able to do that for a decade.”


    “No one would be stupid enough to use that as a trick, so the only option is that she telling the truth.”


    “….so, does that mean we can find her family, and get officially endorsed as a team?”

    Said Cinnamon, looked a bit excited, only for some of that excitement to deflate as the Ponyta shook its head.


    “Unfortunately this isn’t enough to endorse you, sorry sweetie”


    Cinnamon looked away in frustration, while Suger patted his back

    “As for finding her family, Its a bit more complicated, as there as no Ninetales or Vulpixs currently on this Island, we can assume she was abandoned some unknown reason,

    but she can’t be sent to the mainland divisions without having rank 10, and we also aren’t allowed to just dump her on the side of the road,

    so we are going to need to get a legal guardians that can get to rank 10, and we don’t have anyone who can -“

    It then paused, and looked at the Ice and Dark pair, who were looking back at it with confusion.

    “Who can what?” Said Suger nervously.


    The Ponyta smiled, at it leaned closer:

    “Ok here’s the deal, if you take care of this Vulpix, I’ll give you the official Guild team setup, and you only need to keep her till rank ten, then you can just drop her off with a mainland team.”


    “What?!?!! But that’s-“


    “Remember, you do need to do a good act to be registered, and compared to other teams acts, this is easy work in comparison, just take care of the kid for a couple months, you’ll probably never get a easier chance to get in, what do you say?”


    The pair look at each other again, while Jay sits there, just kinda lost, then the Glaceon turned back to the Ponyta with obvious annoyance on her face.



    “Perfect! Let me just get the papers.”

    Said the Ponyta as they trotted off, careful not to step on any small bug Pokemon scurrying about.


    Jay blinked…

    “……what’s going on?”


    “We’re temporarily taking custody of you so we can become a team.”


    “…….so your adopting me?”


    The Glaceon bushed a bit, looking at the Zoura who was currently smiling, lost in his own dreams of guild team Glory”




    “Ain’t no Kinda about it,consider them a very temporary Mom and Dad.”

    The Ponyta’s fast return caused the whole party to jump, as it chuckled while having a Butterfree lay down the papers.


    “Now, I still have all your papers from your countless attempts to enter, but we need one more thing….”

    They look at Jay, who was still recovering from the surprise.

    “May I have your Name?”


    She jerked her head up in a bit of shock.

    “What? Why?”


    “So if your parents do come looking for you, they can search the database for your name, now, if you don’t remember it-“


    “No, I remember it”


    She said, before realizing:


    “If I give them my real Name, then the Fox thing can find me, but I can’t just backtrack and say I don’t remember –


    Wait, what about-“

    “Come on, spit it out.”


    Said the Zoura, pushing them a bit, causing her to make up her mind and say:


    The Ponyta looked at them weirdly, causing them to panically say:

    “Spice, I meant Spice.”


    Ponyta looked at them for a bit longer, then shrugged and asked the Butterfree to put that down as their name.


    “Welp it’s official, your part of a team now, the materials and badges will be at your residence in 1-2 days, now get out, your holding up other Pokemon.”


    The horse shooed them out, before preparing for another appointment.
















    The Thievul woke up with a massive headache, dragging itself out of the forest, 


    Looking up at the Moons full glow.


    “Can’t believe I let that vixen get away, that was my biggest job, now I need to find out where she went……”


    She looked at the town, before shaking her head frustratedly.

    “…..She wouldn’t be that stupid to go there alone, she probably went off into a dungeon somewhere.”


    So she sets off in the confidently wrong direction.



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