The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Welp, here’s Chapter 2 for Vulpix Day, I think it’s better than the first chapter but I can’t say
    In any case, enjoy it if you can smh

    Jay walked around the forest, gazing at the beautiful sights before him.


    “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as beautiful before…..”

    He muttered, looking in awe at the grand trees, glistening rivers, and berry filled bushes 


    While looking, he failed to notice someone sneaking up behind them….



    The unknown figure started preparing to tackle them, but as they let it lose, Jay step towards one of the berry bushes to get some, leaving the now surprised figure to hurl itself into a tree with a loud THUNK echoing, making Jay jump with surprise.


    “WHAT THE HELL?!??” He exclaimed, turning around to see a disgruntled Thievul get up.

    “Owwwww, did ya have to move?” Said the other fox, shaking out their head.


    “OMG I’m so sorry i- wait, why am I apologizing, you tried to attack me!” Said Jay angrily, now backing away while glaring at the fox.


    “……oh right” said the Thievul, who immediately jumped at the Vulpix again, only to completely miss and land in a berry bush filled with thorns.



    “…..i should start thinking these out better” they muttered, trying to pull themselves out, before finding out that the bush has completely captured them.


    “…..hey Spicy Fox, can you help me out here?”


    Silence in response, they struggle to look back, only to find them running away.


    said yelling didn’t accomplish anything, as the Spicy Fox quickly disappeared from view.


    “……I hate my life.”






    Jay ran for a bit, taking plenty of twists and turns to make sure he could lose that weird fox, only to start to run out of energy and slow down, huffing.


    “….I…. think…..I…..lost……them”

    He gasped out, limping forward, only to see what looks to be a light shining through a opening in the dense forest.


    “Oh finally, I think I’m ready to wake up now”


    He said, sounding relieved as he walked through the opening with his eyes closed…….


    ….. Only to fall into what feels like sand.


    Spitting it out, he looks up, only to be surprised by a Beach, but it was all sad, the water was a sick looking green color, and the sand near the water was covered decaying, horrible smelling seaweed.


    “….what in the world…..”

    He said, looking back at the forest, seeing it just as lively and fresh as before.


    “…..this dream is getting to weird, I would like to wake up now”

    He said, closing his eyes, and just waiting…..


     …..And waiting…..


     …..And waiting…..


    ……And waiting 


    ……And waiting….. 


    …He eventually opened them again, only to see the same dead beach in front of him.

    “I don’t think this is a dream anymore…..

    But then what happened, how am I a Vulpix, did I die, I couldn’t have died, I didn’t say goodbye to anyone, I didn’t do all that I wanted, oh god i-“


    Startled out of his panicked rambling, he turned around to see a blue and a gray speck quickly approaching.



    He tried turned around to run, but made the mistake of looking at the sun for a split second.


    What he saw, he couldn’t hope to describe, but it made him immediately lose all strength and collapse into the sand, where he layed there until the pair of specks, now identifiable as a Glaceon and Zoura reached him.





    He got up with great difficulty, making sure to turn around so he didn’t look into the sun again, only to look into a pair of angry Zoura eyes.



    said the Zoura, making Jay jump in surprise and fear.


    “Cinnamon, calm down…”

    Said the Glaceon, looking at the Vulpix with a neutral face

    “Suger, they can’t have a excuse, this area is one of the last functioning dungeons, we can’t let anyone near or in it!”


    “We aren’t even supposed to be near it technically, we’re not even a official patrol team yet.”


    “But we will be if we give them to the guild, this could be our Act, stopping someone from escaping from their crimes!”


    “Or, they could punish both of us by never letting us become a team cuz we got so close to it”


    “Stop being a Negative Nickit, we’ll be fine.”



    Said the Vulpix as they picked themselves off the ground, shaking off the sand.

    “What are you two talking about?”


    The Zoura, turned their attention back to the fire fox, going nose to nose with them.

    “Look Girly-


    “He thinks I’m a girl?”

    Jay thought, as the Zoura, which they remembered as being called Cinnamon, rambled on.

    “Now that I think about it, my voice does kinda fit the bill, and I’m missing my…….omg I am a girl.


    …… honestly that is the least of my worries.”


    “-so we’re gonna take you in, and your gonna get your punishment, and we’re gonna get to be a team.”


    Jay blinked, missing everything they just said.

    “…. could you repeat that please?”


    Cinnamon shook their head exasperatedly.

    “I swear I’ve had Pokemon with memory loss who couldn’t even remember how to do a move less stupid than you..”


    Wait, im supposed to know moves, and how to battle, and –


    Wait, memory loss, that’s it!”

    “Actually, I don’t really remember anything, just waiting up in the forest.”

    They waited anxiously to see if they’ll buy it.





    The Zoura looked at them in shock, then annoyance.

    “Of course you do…”

    They said, circling them.

    “Tell me, what did you do when you woke up?”


    “Shit, it’s onto me.”

    “…..Well, I just looked for a way out, found it, and that’s it?”


    The Zoura looked at them, obviously not buying it.


    Only for the Glaceon, which Jay could recall them being called Suger, interjected.


    “Cinnamon, I think the girls telling the truth.”


    The Zoura jolted in shock, only to recover and glare at the ice dog.

    “Everyone found here says the exact same thing, it can’t be a coincidence that this is the 6th mon to lose their memory.”


    “Or, maybe something in the forest is making them lose their memory.”

    They turn to the Fire Fox, who’s just kinda sitting there.

    “You, did anyone try attacking you as you were leaving?”


    “Attack me?


    like that odd fox? They could have been trying to steal my memory, but I don’t think so, but what was she trying to do then?”

    “Answer the question before I lose my patience.”


    “Uh, yeah, this weird fox thing tried attacking me?”


    “So it’s a fox Pokemon?

    First time anyone identified anything about them…”


    The Ice and Dark type looked at each other, before looking at the Fire type.


    “So kid,”

    Said Cinnamon, 

    “How about we take you to town, we can discuss this better, and we can maybe locate your family, how that’s sound?”


    Jay blinked, before shaking their head and replying.

    “Uh, sure?”

    “did not think I would get out of this situation so easily”


    “Alright then.”


    Said the Glaceon, as they started walking, with Jay trying to follow, but falling on his face due to not being familiar with four legs.


    Rolling his eyes, the Glaceon put the Vulpix on his back to carry, with said Vulpix having zero objections to it.

    So they set off, traveling to a town far into the horizon.




    The Thievul finally pulled themselves out after much difficulty, shaking out the thorns.


    “Ok, time to start catching up, it won’t be that ha-“


    A cracking sound could be heard above them, and as they looked up, they saw a branch falling towards them at high speeds.

    “…..why me?”


    As they said this, the branch hit their head with a loud THUNK, knocking them out onto the forest floor.

    I don’t really have much to put here
    I finally beat a PMD game, EOS, phenomenal, made me tear up a bit
    Anyhow baiiii


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