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    Every world has their holidays. Today, Theran Village celebrates Titan’s Harvest, a day to give thanks to Regigigas for bountiful crops. Catkin – an elder bibarel – is taking his granddaughter to see the festivities.

    “Grandpa! Grandpa! Wake up! It’s Titans Harvest!”

    The elderly bibarel let out an “ompf” as he was roused from his sleep by a solid tackle. He blinked sleep out of his eyes. Standing in front of him, her whole body wiggling with excitement, was his granddaughter, Haru.

    He laughed and sat up. “Goodness, little missy, aren’t you excited!”

    “We’re getting ready to head to the square, Catkin. Are you coming with us?”

    Catkin turned his head. Saku, his daughter in-law, stood in the doorway, a tired smile on her face.

    “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Catkin replied, stretching the stiffness out of his joints. “Chipper’ already gone?”

    “He took the cart with the show furniture down already,” Saku said over her shoulder as she disappeared into the hall. “We’ll meet him there. Now come on, Haru. Let’s get ready.”

    Haru let out an excited squeal, jumping up and down with her eyes shining. Then she scrambled off into the other room.

    Catkin let out an affectionate chuckle, exchanging a glance with Saku. “Well, we shouldn’t keep her waiting. Let’s get going.”

    Nearly the entire village had come to the square for the festivities. More pokemon had come from nearby villages, and there were even a few wildeners that had come out of the surrounding woods, lured in both by their beliefs in the Titans and the promise of food. Though, Catkin noticed with a frown, there were even less wildeners around than usual this year. He hoped everything was alright.

    But there was no point in worrying about that. No, right now, he should enjoy his time with his family.

    “Grandpa! Look what I can do!” Haru waved a paw until he turned to watch. Then she stuffed an entire oran pastry into her mouth.

    He laughed as she gave him a wide grin, crumbs sticking to her snout. “Goodness, you’re getting so big, little miss. Such a big appetite!”

    As Haru reached a grabby paw for another pastry, a familiar voice caught Catkin’s attention.

    “Fancy some wine, Catkin?”

    The bibarel turned his head, locking eyes with an approaching roserade. His vines were wrapped around various bowls and cups, each filled with indigo oran wine.

    “Don’t mind if I do, Hyacinth.” As the roserade maneuvered his carried drinks around to sit a bowl down, Catkin continued. “You’ve really outdone yourself this year. The harvest has been bountiful! And plenty tasty too. Wouldn’t you say, Haru?”

    Haru looked up with wide eyes, face stuffed with yet another pasty. “Mm!”

    Hyacinth laughed. “Well, I’ve certainly had plenty of help. Roselei is shaping up to be a fine farmer. A few more years and I think I’ll be able to retire!”

    “Indeed. Gigas bless you.” Catkin turned away and leaned down, lapping up a couple mouthfuls of the wine. He closed his eyes, savoring the taste as it washed over his tongue. But as he opened his eyes again, he noticed Haru leaning forward to sniff at his drink. Then, before he could do anything, she took an experimental drink, only gag and recoil.

    “Gross! Grandpa, why are you drinking that?”

    He pulled the bowl away and held it above his head. “It’s old people drink, Haru,” he explained, holding back laughter. She was so cute when she got upset like this. “You’ll understand when you’re older.”

    In response, Haru glared. “Don’t laugh!”

    “Sorry, sorry.” He chuckled a couple more times, then got over the bout. “Alright, why don’t we find something else to do. Do you want to go watch fighting games?”

    Haru immediately perked up, all her grumpiness forgotten. “Okay! Race you!” And just like that, she’d turned and bolted away from the table.

    The field where the guards usually ran drills had been divided up into a handful of sections, rope with flags surrounding the area. A dozen or so pokemon milled about in the field, while several more watched from the sidelines. Several events were planned for the day: racing, climbing, swimming, and other ways for pokemon to show off their skills. And then, when the sun was setting, a tournament of battles.

    The main event wouldn’t start until after the blessing ceremony, but there were still pokemon around competing in other events. Or even just getting ready. At the center of the field…

    Bolts of electricity danced wildly across the field. From the epicenter came the boisterous laughter of a massive luxray. “Come now, Whisper. Is that the best you’ve got?”

    Only the grass waved in response. The luxray growled playfully, lowering himself into a crouch as he tasted the air.

    Catkin felt tiny paws dig into his shoulders. Haru had climbed up to get a better look.

    A flash of red darted from the tall grass, racing towards the luxray. His ears twitched, then he turned to face the attacking hawlucha. She slammed into him at full speed, sending them tumbling in a tangle of limbs. But the luxray was prepared. He twisted around to get a better grip and bit down on the hawlucha’s wing. Ice crept up her feathers, and she flinched as she tried to pull free, but to no avail.

    “I yield, I yield!” Whisper cried out.

    Immediately, the luxray let go, allowing his opponent to stumble away. A purr rumbled in his throat as the hawlucha dusted herself off.

    “Well done, Volt, Whisper!” Catkin called out. Similar cheers went up around them.

    Whisper froze at the calls, shying behind Volt. Her feathers puffed up, and yet she tried to make herself look small.

    Still not used to the attention of living in a village, Catkin thought to himself. Ah well, it will come with time.

    “It’s okay.” Volt’s voice rumbled with reassurance. “Everyone thinks you did great. He stepped aside, giving Whisper a light headbutt to urge her forward. “Now run along and rest up. We’ve got a ceremony to attend before the matches start properly.”

    “We should head towards the temple, too,” Catkin said with a nod. “Come along, Haru.”

    “Aww, but I wanted to stay and watch,” Haru whined. Even so, she slid down his back and tumbled down his tail. But then she shook the dust out of her fur, and she was back to her chipper self, scampering off again.

    Catkin chuckled and followed slowly behind.

    Not too much later, Catkin had settled down with Haru a short ways from the temple, along with most of the other villagers. The young bidoof squirmed in place as he kept a firm paw on her, making sure she didn’t run off before the blessing started.

    Five pokemon stood in front of the temple entrance, surrounded by baskets upon baskets of berries and vegetables. There was Kari – the graying lucario that tended to the temple – and his riolu son, Anu. Standing on either side of them were an absol and a gardevoir.

    Catkin leaned down to whisper in Haru’s ear. “You see those two?” He pointed at the absol. “That’s Cass, the town oracle. She watches and listens for signs of trouble from Regigigas so that we can prepare. And that—” he gestured to the gardevoir “— is our mayor, Lady Gratitude.” He scanned the crowd. Her mate, Jhorlo, was nowhere to be seen. Probably running about trying to make sure everything was perfect, if Catkin knew him. He could, however, see Cass’ daughter, Muse, sitting just to the side. The tiny absol was sitting stiffly, watching with a comically serious expression.

    Gratitude raised her hand bringing all chatter to a close. All eyes turned toward the temple.

    “Good afternoon, everyone,” she began in a cheerful tone, clasping her hands together. “Thank you all for coming out to celebrate another successful harvest. I hope you’ve been enjoying the food. Everyone give cheer for Hyacinth, Meaad, and their families for growing and preparing all the food for today.”

    A collection of cheers, clapping, and stomping of feet went up among the crowd. Gratitude waited for the cheering to subside before continuing.

    “As you know, we have many more activities for the day, including the fighting games. But for now, let me step aside, so that Kari can say the blessing.”

    More cheers as she took a step back and the lucario took a step forward. Anu stepped up beside him, but remained quiet. It seemed like Kari was teaching him the motions of the blessing. Perhaps he was planning on retiring soon?

    “Great Regigigas, Titan of the Mountain,” Kari began, placing one paw to his chest spike while raising the other in the air. “Thank you, as always for the bountiful harvest. We’ve worked hard in your stead, growing this food. We offer a portion of it back to the mountain, for providing for us. In return, Continent Tower, we humbly ask that you provide us with a bountiful harvest next cycle.” He closed his eyes and bowed his head, and many of the other pokemon did the same.

    But before Catkin could do so, he caught an uneasy glance pass between Cass and Gratitude behind Kori’s back. Discomfort churned in his stomach as he closed his eyes as well. What was that about? Had the absol received a bad omen? Should he be worried?

    Not right now, he decided after a moment. Whatever it is, it can wait. Now is a time for celebration.

    And as they all opened their eyes, everyone did celebrate late into the night. And for the moment, all was good.


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