The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Annabelle and Roy Robin wasted no time exiting the capital, returning back to Paradise City and its surrounding docks. Onterio was sacked out cold, too tired to even snore as he is often known to do. 

    The trio hopped onto Lapras, right as the sun broke through the coast of the sky. Just on time. Annabelle smirked at the impeccable timing from their crew. 

    They all breathed a sigh of relief as soon as Lapras swam further away from the Mist Continent. What was supposed to be a rather quiet heist had turned into a near-death experience. Annabelle rolled her eyes, wondering if this was a common occurrence for this exploration team. 

    She retrieved the vial from her pouch, and examined it. While not much left within it, she noticed the glistening shimmer that the ash produced within its glass encasing. There was a rainbow-like shimmer that glistened across the dull sand, giving it a mystic aura. 

    She just simply couldn’t take her eyes off of this. This was one of her greatest takes yet. If only it wasn’t being used already… the fortune she could have from just one pawful of this stuff!

    “Hope you have no plans on taking that for yourself, young lady.” Roy Robin’s booming voice made Annabelle jump in her place. “No! Of course not. Do you think I’m some sort of monster?” 

    No, she wasn’t. The plan was to always use it on Alec. But… damn it. He was able to read even the most deep, impulsive thoughts of the thief. 

    Roy Robin chuckled. “Just giving you a hard time. I can tell your heart is in the right place.” He turned over to the Zorua, curious. “What even led you there in the first place? Graham is no common street folk.”

    Annabelle pursed her lips, somewhat uncomfortable by the question. “Hey buddy, just because our interests lined up once, doesn’t mean that we’re suddenly ready to be so chummy with each other.” She curled up into a sleeping position, attempting to signal to the guildmaster to cut the conversation short. This, as one could tell, wouldn’t work on Roy Robin.

    “Kid, I know more about you than any of your little thief buddies ever did. You are Treasure Town’s pettiest thief. Don’t think I forgotten all the stolen gummies from the Kecleon Shop, the missing raffle tickets from the Wobbuffet Recycling Co… or even old Ms. Jumpluff’s necklace?” 

    Annabelle shot up from her position, incredulous. “How did you even know it was me? I disguised myself every time!”

    Roy Robin chuckled. “You do know that I can see right through that right?” He tapped onto the temple of his head. “Back in my day we called that an IQ Skill.”

    Annabelle, frustrated, turned away from the conversation yet again. Roy Robin sat down next to her. “Your name is Annabelle. You have served the thief guild for almost 23 seasons at this point, and you’re known for traveling from continent to continent in search of a treasure that’ll cover your expenses of living for a while, although you have found a somewhat permanent residence in the Drenched Bluff with an older Mightyena.”

    “I still think it’s kinda screwed up that you know all of this stuff about me.” Annabelle snarled.

    “And yet, we never did anything to apprehend you, did we?”

    Annabelle fell silent. The realization hit her somewhat hard, understanding that each time she was met with a guild member, despite her developed profile in their records, none actually bothered to apprehend her. 

    “The world of Pokemon is tough. Mystery Dungeons have not made anything easier ever since they started appearing long ago. And I can tell that you never really stole anything for the sake of excess, it always was out of necessity.” Annabelle, despite avoiding eye contact, can still feel the gaze of Roy Robin. “Plus, we always took back what we really needed anyway.”

    “Yeah, that’s so great.” Annabelle grumbled, still perturbed. 

    Roy Robin was quick to pick up on the sarcasm. “What, would you have preferred we arrested you?”

    “You know what? You want to know what I really would have preferred?” Annabelle’s fur bristled as she got up and glared at the Sceptile. “Why don’t you use your fountain of resources to actually do something? Maybe give a shit about the entire group of outlaws that gather underground in a city called “Paradise”, when it’s one of the shittiest places to live in the entire ocean. Or how about the fact that despite knowing all this shit about me, you decide to just collect and file it away while I have to go ahead and look for scraps for dinner every goddamn night. You guildies are all the same, dear lord!” 

    “Do you think that we aren’t trying to help on those very same issues you’re talking about?” Roy Robin questioned.

    “No, I really don’t. Not in any way that matters, at least.” Annabelle sighed, cooling off a bit. “And I know, expecting a fantastic change in a matter of days is asking a lot. But I see your apathetic guild members shrug off the assisting the common folk because they know the reward wouldn’t be enough to line their pockets. And what good is a guild that only helps the rich?”

    The rushing waves crashed as the Lapras continued to silently sail across the deep blue ocean, with the sun rising just above the horizon, providing the glistening morning light. 

    Annabelle sighed. “That’s why I joined the thieves. Like-minded pokemon who’re also fed up with the fake shit that claimed to help us. At first, I felt free, liberated, even– but then I realized that I wasn’t getting this camaraderie that I had hoped for from the thieves. We woke up, stole our shit, and went to bed. Reported back to Graham, who took what he wanted, and if we were lucky, we’d keep a fraction of our take. I recognized that this world just inherently is selfish.”

    “Alec, though, is different. I thought I could’ve gotten away with stealing that necklace because nobody would care if some Jumpluff’s article was stolen. But I was wrong. And then I see him rescue me, someone that actively opposed him and his ideals, from a threat that nobody else would even dare to challenge. That’s why I helped last night. I refuse to work for someone who aims to make the world a worse place than where he left it.”

    Roy Robin nodded solemnly. “I see.”

    The two rode in silence for a pause, looking out and inhaling the crisp ocean breeze.

    Annabelle was the first to break the silence. “I don’t want to be a guild member for the sake of the guild. I hope you understand that whatever intentions you have for me, I am not doing for you.” She turned to the guildmaster, solemnly looking back. 

    “But I’m going to be on Alec’s team. My home is there. And if that means signing up for your little troop, then so be it. But don’t expect me to do anything that perpetuates this culture of apathy. I’m going to spend my time, however short it may be, actually helping those who need it, and not just put up a commission fee for someone to do a chore for them.” Annabelle stared at Roy Robin, her fiery red eyes burning with determination. 

    Roy Robin nodded. “Understood, Annabelle. I’ll get you situated once we return.” He extended his paw out. “Your words today have impacted me greatly. I hadn’t really grasped the consequences of what a lack of attention could really do. I’ll have our guild make the efforts necessary to make sure that we don’t stray away from our core tenants ever again.” He locked eyes with Annabelle. “You have my word.”

    Annabelle extended her paw, and shook Roy Robin’s. While she knew that this could all be superficial, she felt the honesty behind his words and gaze. Somewhere, deep down, she felt that she struck a chord within the novice explorer’s heart that Roy Robin was once. And for that, she was willing to take this deal. 


    “Do you have the ash?” Blissey inquired, as the trio advanced towards the infirmary. 

    Annabelle nodded, and fetched the vial from her pouch. Blissey was quick to take this. “Hurry. We shouldn’t waste any more time.”

    Annabelle observed Alec, who was still torn up from the mysterious creatures, but at the very least cleaned from the venture. 

    Blissey tapped the vial three times, then took a deep breath. “We only have so much… we can’t let this go to waste.”

    As the air grew thick, the silence deafening, Blissey uncorked the vial, and poured a pea sized amount in his paw. He handed the vial to an assistant Audino, as he slowly approached Alec. He gently placed his paw into Alec’s mouth, patting the ash down onto his tongue. 

    After what felt like an eternity, a shimmer began to surround Alec, as glorious, glittering rainbow lights began to dance around him, tracing over the myriad cuts across his body, slowly repairing the wounds as if they were never there. As soon as the sparkling lights were finished, they subsided just as quickly as they appeared. 

    And within almost an instant, Alec woke up coughing. A collective sigh of relief washed over the group, with Onterio even laughing. 

    “What the hell happened? Why is my mouth so dry? ” Alec groaned, squinting at the sudden rush of light invading his eyes. He continued to cough. “Ugh, and it tastes like a burnt sock in my mouth! Come on…”

    Alec’s complaints were met with the tackling hug of Onterio, who had a small tear in his eye. “Ya big doof! We almost lost ya out there!” 

    Alec, taken aback, patted Onterio on the shoulder in return. “Yeah… sorry about that I guess.” He smiled, chuckling a bit as well. 

    Annabelle gave a small nod, and looked over to the Sandshrew that once confronted her some time ago. Shannah, was it…? 

    She was still fast asleep, her injuries, while not as severe, still looked like she was days away from recovering. 

    “Glad to see you doing good, kid.” Roy Robin said, cracking a familiar warm smile. “Onteiro here was the one who carried you and Shannah back from your mission. And he actually helped with Annabelle here to get the Sacred Ash we needed to heal you back up.” He knelt down and put his paws on the shoulders of both Onterio and Annabelle. “Looks like you have a real ride-or-die team here.”

    Alec stared back at Annabelle, who began to smirk and roll her eyes. “Oh please. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. Was only fair.”

    Alec smiled comfortably. “Thanks, Annabelle. I don’t know how you keep showing up with us around, but I really am glad that you did.”

    After that sentence, Alec trailed off and his eyes widened. “Wait… you know about…?”

    Roy Robin shook his head. “Kid, I think knocking on death’s door was enough of a punishment for you. But how about you just stay in town this next week? And next time, just ask before heading out to a secret location like that.”

    Alec nodded somewhat uncertainly. Roy Robin then turned his head to Blissey. “Thank you once again for your impeccable work, Blissey.”

    “It’s all part of the job, Guildmaster.” Blissey curtly nodded back.

    As the doctor began to walk away, Annabelle turned back to Alec. “Hey Fuzzbutt. I’ll be rocking with you guys for a lil while. Hope you don’t mind.”

    Alec raised a brow. “Really? I thought you hated the guild.”

    “Oh don’t rub it in. I still do. But you got something going for you that I don’t see much else. You’re noble. You have a code to follow, and I respect it.” She turned around and winked at Alec. “Better not prove me wrong now. Otherwise I’ll turn tail right back around to that bluff, and I’m stealing your bag when I do.”

    Even though she was cracking a joke, Alec’s expression turned blank. While Annabelle knew for Espurr to have a trance-like stare, she could tell that his was genuine. 

    “You ok bud?” She cocked her head at the cat, waving a paw around. 

    Alec seemingly came to. “Oh, right, right. Yeah, sorry. I just kinda need some more sleep, hope you don’t mind.” He was quick to turn around in bed and lie back down. “Feel free to make yourself comfortable back at the guildhouse, Annabelle. Onterio will show you around.”

    Onterio jumped up and gave a quick salute. “Right this way, Ms. Annabelle!” He dashed out of the infirmary, not even waiting up for his new team member. 

    Annabelle smirked, and started to walk out of the room. She turned her head to Alec on the way out. “Glad you’re ok, Alec.”

    “Thank you, Annabelle. I’ll have a better thanks later when I’m a bit more rested!” He called out. But Annabelle could tell that he was forcing something there. Didn’t really sit right with her. Maybe it was the exhaustion, burning up so much energy after being out cold for a day or two. She didn’t let it affect her too much, as she continued her journey back to the guild.


    Alec lied awake in the infirmary, the sound of crashing waves from the ocean across the cliffside colliding with his thoughts of dread. 

    This was no longer something he could write off as a strange, one-off dream. At least, to him. The complete vivid nature of it all, the fact that he could remember every single beat, and… the girl.

    Alec’s eyes darted across the room as he continued to think, to strain to remember what once came so easily to him. He knew what his friends’ names were, he knew what they used to say to him in the hallways… but no longer. It all just became a haze, drowned out by the fog that surrounded his very dreams. 

    Then… the prophecy. That damn prophecy. As hokey as that was to him, he still couldn’t help but feel as if the pieces were lining up bit by bit right in front of him. Sure, Annabelle joining his team would be nice, but… the thief from the shadows… boy of the field…

    Alec couldn’t just lie there any longer. He got out of his cot, and despite his external wounds healed, he was still incredibly sore from the exertion of the last clash. He hobbled over to look out to the cliffside, once again directing his stare out to the Sharpedo Bluff.

    While his anxiety spiked in the event he’d run into the ghastly Lucario yet again, the glowing white eyes were nowhere to be seen. Alec took a brief sigh of relief. 

    But… this all was incredibly strange to him. In the short time he has been in this guild, he’s had several otherworldly encounters, two near death experiences, a prophecy spouted at him, and now a space alien with the vernacular of a toddler rooming with him. 

    How the hell did he even end up here? Alec reflected on the words of the Whiscash elder of the Northeast continent. 

    “So… Do you know how I can change back?”

    Whiscash, still smiling, shook his head. “It has been different for each case. However, it always was related to the role they had to fulfill.” 

    A role… some greater purpose into being brought into this world. While it’s unrealistic to expect that a role will just be immediately obvious, a childish part of Alec just wishes that it could be as simple as just cleaning a piece of litter, or tossing a pokemon an apple. 

    Alec’s racing thoughts began to slow, as his eyes grew heavier. Alec still knew one thing, however, returning to his cot. He needed to find his purpose in this world, no matter what. If it is anything like the purposes of one of the legendary heroes, then he has to be ready for whatever task that may be. Even if he isn’t the best guy for the job, or anywhere close to it. 

    Alec turned to the soundly sleeping Shannah. To think that Shannah has done so much for him, apropos of nothing– it made Alec incredibly grateful. And Onterio and Annabelle, eager to help him as well… 

    Alec turned to look to the ceiling. No. Pushing away his usual droning insecurities of his own lack of talent, he knew that he had to fulfill his purpose, for the sake of the world that showed him such care. That’s why he puts himself on the line– his purpose. 

    Alec’s eyes began to close, slowly. With newfound determination, he calmed his fears enough to put himself to sleep once again. 


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