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    Chapter 17: Favor for Favor


    Onterio woke from a dreamless slumber to the ongoing squall that had overtaken the eastern continent. Rubbing his eyes with his paws, he looked around the room. Stella was still in a deep slumber, quietly snoring to herself on the straw bed next to the water well. 

    Instinctively, Onterio looked to the now two vacant beds that sat beside him. Even though it has only been a few days with the Starshots, he couldn’t help but feel that he had a lack of a familial presence beside him. A wistful sigh left his muzzle, condensating breath appearing before him in the chilled autumn rain. 

    Onterio made his way to the dining hall to pick up a plate of food for himself, ensuring to pick up extra portions for Stella. After some brief, solemn nods, he returned once again to his quarters, and began to eat the various baked breads and tart fruits. 

    After his meal, he left the plate in front of the still-asleep Stella, and shut the door to the quarters behind him. He made his way into the base headquarters, the mossy stone floor holding a large room with an almost bustling community of guild members, each chatting with one another about the missions and duties to be accomplished for that day in front of the almost fully dappled message and request boards that hugged the back walls. Onterio sidestepped to avoid the larger crystalline structure in the center of the room, the Connection Orb, which some Pokemon had been consulting to create destinations and arrangements for expeditions. While normally excited for guild activities such as this, the nagging throws of guilt panged through Onterio like a ball and chain. 

    Onterio ascended the ladder that lies between the two message boards, and made his way to the exit of the facility, descending the monumental set of stairs, taking time to make sure that he didn’t slip on the now rain-slick material. 

    After crossing the bridge, Onterio had once again found himself at the infirmary. To his surprise, Roy Robin still was there, sitting post, almost as if he had never moved in the first place. 

    Onterio gulped, then approached and raised a paw. “G’mornin’ guildmaster.” 

    When Roy Robin had turned to greet him, Onterio could tell through his one eye that he had missed out on a ton of sleep he normally would’ve gotten. “Hey kid. No changes yet.”

    Onterio adopted a crestfallen stare. “Oh. I see.”

    The two stood in silence as Onterio continued to process the guilt that had burdened him since last night. The storm had continued to soak into Onterio’s already wet fur, causing him to shiver a bit while waiting for the game of responses to reach an eventual volley. 

    Roy Robin was the next one to break the silence. “Listen. I know a way to fix Alec.”

    Onterio immediately whipped his head around to his elder guildmaster. “Wait a darn second, you knew all along somethin’ that coulda’ fixed him right up?”

    Roy Robin shook his head, exhaling sharply. “I didn’t think about it until just recently only because of the circumstances of what we would need to do. But given the severity of the situation at hand, I feel like we don’t have much of a choice.” He stood himself up, and gestured to Onterio to follow him inside the infirmary. 

    The two came across a table, dimly lit by the torch flames in the rather narrow infirmary. “There are fables of a legendary item that can rejuvenate any injury almost instantaneously, known only as the Sacred Ash. This ash can only be created when the Rainbow Pokemon herself uses her heavenly flames to scorch the likes of a gilded apple. As a result, it’s not necessarily the most common thing out there. Ho-Oh hasn’t been sighted in well over 80 seasons, which means that the littlest bits of ash that do exist run for a fortune in black-market trades.” At this point, Roy Robin had pulled out a map from his bag, flattening out the wrinkles with the base of his palms. 

    He pointed to the Northwest continent, a small town marked in by the inlet known as “Paradise City”. “This is the capital of the Northwest here. I’ve heard from my scouts that there is a somewhat active black-market scene in this continent. While under normal circumstances we would apprehend these members, we have to keep this entire situation under wraps. We would start our search here for some ash”.

    Onterio couldn’t help but get excited as his heart rate increased. The possibility of traveling out with the Roy Robin, legendary explorer? 

    “You mean… you and I?” his voice cracked in a somewhat futile attempt to hide his excitement. 

    Almost as if he knew he couldn’t backtrack this statement, Roy Robin rubbed the bridge of his muzzle. “Yeah… I guess it’s only right that the only recovered team member has to come along, huh.” 

    Onterio could feel his usual excitement bubble over into him, causing him to grin and fidget around. Roy Robin put a paw on Onterio’s shoulder, freezing him in place. “Remember kid. We need to be low key .” He pointed towards Alec and Shannah’s cot. “While word has probably spread about Alura, they have no idea that there have been other reported attacks. Opposing guilds finding out about this could lead to some serious trouble, especially if we don’t even have a good answer on what’s causing all of this.” 

    “Nah… you’re right mister guildmaster…” Onterio nodded, bottling up his excitement from earlier. 

    Roy Robin rolled up his map and began to walk forward out of the infirmary. “It’s settled then. Make sure that you eat well, it takes at least once sun-cycle to travel across the sea like this. I’ll go make sure that Dante gets us set up with some cloaks.” As Roy Robin began to turn the corner out of the exit, he called out to Onterio. “Don’t tell anyone where we are going, either. I’ll tell Eva that this is just a training exercise. Or service time for a punishment. Something, something.” He waved his paw as he left the facility. 

    Onterio walked over to his unconscious team members. 

    “I swear to y’all… I’ll bring y’all back up in no time flat!” He clenched his paw into a fist, and nodded, feeling more determined than ever before. 

    Onterio rushed through the rain and returned back to the guild, racing up the stairs faster than ever before. He slid down the pole to the bottom floor, nearly crashing down into other members as he gathered extra helpings of whatever food was left in the hall after breakfast. Dashing back to his room, he saw that Stella was just waking up. 

    “Onty…?” She groggily called out. 

    “Hey lil one! Here ya go…!” He dumped half of his plate of food onto the already-existing pile that he had left initially for the space cloud. “This should be enough food and water for ya while I’m gone!” Onterio rushed to hastily put together an explorer’s bag, once again donning his team’s blue-and-white-speckled bandana. 

    “Make sure you don’t get into too much trouble young lady!” Onterio called out as he rushed out the door. Little to his knowledge, though, he forgot to close it all the way. Stella floated up to the crack in the door, and noticed that she could just barely float through the opening that Onterio had left open. Stella giggled as she squeezed through the gap, now free to wander the halls of the guild that she had seen so little of before. 


    Onterio bounded down to the beach that laid outside of the Southeast guild stairs, his adventure pack rustling with the various goods that he had prepared for the journey ahead, leather buckle hardly containing the overstuffed bag. Roy Robin was already at the beach, discussing with Lapras about the destination.

    “Ready to get rough, sir!” Onterio smiled and gave a quick nod to his guildmaster. Roy Robin was quick to correct the novice explorer. 

    “Remember kid. Low key. And this is about to get real serious so maybe curb the enthusiasm.” He tossed Onterio a dark colored cloth hood that trailed somewhat off into a vape. The dark teal coloration reminded him of the deep lake beds that his father used to take him to when he was younger. Recognizing that his natural enthusiasm for exploration could have been mistaken for a lack of dedication, he flushed the smile from his face and adjusted the hood around his neck. 

    Roy Robin turned to Lapras. “As I was saying… we would need to return by sundown the following day at most. How much time do you think that buys us?”

    The Lapras gave a puzzled expression, thinking about the logistics of travel in accordance to the guildmaster’s request. After some consideration, Lapras replied with a solid “You’d arrive tonight in dusk, and we would have to leave when the sun reaches its apex. That would put us right on schedule.”

    “Perfect. That should be plenty of time. We have all night.” Roy Robin hopped onto the ocean transport pokemon, and gestured for Onterio to follow suit. “You heard them,” Roy Robin patted the shell of Lapras. “It’s time to sail out.”

    Onterio boarded the Lapras with his guildmaster, and the duo were off. 


    “Hey kid, rise and shine.” Roy Robin shook Onterio from his slumber, the latter not even realizing that he had drifted away on the spine of the ride. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, followed by a lengthy stretch. Up ahead on the horizon, parting the wet haze of the surrounding sky was a pale town that stood tall with its marbled architecture. Built upon the side of a seaside hill, the town featured rushing waterfalls that flowed deep into the ocean before it. The sun was blocked out by the overcast weather, but Onterio could tell by the deepening blue sky that daylight was not left for long here. 

    Wet droplets of a rain drizzle upon his muzzle greeted Onterio to the Northwestern continent, the chilled breeze sending a shiver down the Chespin’s spine. While he was acquainted with his home continent’s autumn and winter, the chill of the northern hemisphere was unfamiliar to him, which excited his exploration intentions further. 

    Lapras had pulled the two aside to the quiet port, and let them depart. 

    “I shall be here when the sun rises again. Do be careful.” Lapras had turned away to the ocean, and began swimming back out into the ocean. 

    Roy Robin flipped his hood, lowering it so that it covers the rather distinctive eyepatch. “Keep a close trail to me kid. I don’t need you getting lost here.”

    Onterio, being led by example, also flipped his hood, and kept close to the bushy tail of Roy Robin.

    The guildmaster walked up the port stairs, leading into Paradise City. The tall, marble buildings were littered with various storefronts of differing goods and services. Narrow pathways were crowded with traveling Pokemon, briskly walking past each other in an attempt to get to their next destination. Canopies roofed the marketplaces, with each being run by a seemingly exhausted owner. Onterio looked at a Pawmot running a stand, and was met with a look of judgment as Roy Robin pulled Onterio further away.

    “Stay with me kid. Paradise City hasn’t really been the same since Garrot and Parson left here.”

    Onterio could still feel the daggers of a stare being drilled into the back of his head as he continued further down the path. “What d’ya suppose is his problem?” Onterio muttered, enough for Roy Robin to hear, but to be drowned out by anyone else not directly paying attention.

    “The Northwest continent never had a guild or expedition society.” Roy Robin said. “The human and his partner built this city from the ground up with the help of the local village. And for years, they exchanged their exploration services for resources on building this town up. As a result, structurally, this town works better than most you’ll see out here. However, with Garrot disappearing out of the blue one day, Parson just eventually became less and less motivated to assist in the structure and morale of this town. And since those two were the closest this town had to a governing or leadership system, the townspeople just operated day by day, waiting for their founders to return home. So they don’t take too kindly to visitors who visit in hopes of seeing a ghost town.”

    As the two left the alleyway, they reached a main plaza after ascending a small staircase. Cobblestone roads formed a large circle around a tall Hydreigon statue, with water pouring out of each of its sculpted mouths. A small, pale patch of grass separated the base of the statue and the circular stone pathway, as well as a wider coverage keeping the row of living quarters from the pathway. Markets were in the process of closing up, with some owners leaving with large carts of supplies to their homes in the city. 

    “I have reports that the black market can be accessed by one of these stands if you order a specific combination of items at these shops.” Roy Robin put a paw up to his chin. “I even think I know which one it is…” His gaze had traveled to the stand of a Tinkaton, who was balancing on her hammer, fiddling around with a toothpick. Roy Robin waved his hand in a circular motion, telling Onterio to travel closely behind. 

    Approaching the stand, Onterio noticed that the wares that belonged to the saleswoman were simpler travel supplies: Apples, Elixirs, Seeds– while not as much of a variety as a standard Keckleon bros. shop, Onterio was impressed by the items offered, even puzzled by what some of them were offering for sale. 

    “Hey.” Roy Robin said, scruffing his already deep voice further. 

    The Tinkaton looked up at the guildmaster, unfazed. “Whaddya buying?” She asked.

    “I’ll take… 2 Slip Seeds, a Foe-Hold Orb, and put a Sitrus Berry on the side.” Roy Robin leaned on the table of the vendor, looking into her with his one, sharp and vibrant eye, in an attempt to convince her further. 

    This didn’t work in the slightest. “What the hell are you asking for? Are you stupid or somethin’?”

    Roy Robin stood motionless for a second, hoping that this was just a part of the way in. It wasn’t. 

    “Get the hell away from me.” The Tinkaton growled. Roy Robin pulled aside Onterio and walked away from the stand hurriedly. 

    “Damn it… that’s the last time I trust guild gossip.” Roy Robin muttered under his breath. 

    “Y’ mean to tell me that you were guessin’?!” Onterio exclaimed, somewhat angered that his own guildmaster could make such a rookie mistake. 

    “Hey, it’s not like someone in my position would even know about black markets!” Roy Robin hissed back. 

    The two started arguing as the already-darkened blue sky began to lose even more light. Various stands around the town square were closing up shop, and time was running thin.

    Onterio, however, felt a small brush of fur against his shoulder. A dark brown-and-blue figure trotted past him, somewhat briskly. 

    And suspiciously… Onterio’s pack felt just that much lighter.

    “Hey now! You c’mere!” Onterio yelled out, running towards the trotting Zorua, who, without turning around, greatly increased her pace. Onterio, in the midst of running, dropped his hood, fueled by the rage of the thief ahead of him. 

    “Oh Arceus…” Roy Robin muttered, running further ahead than Onterio. He was able to grab the Zorua by the scruff of fur on her neck. 

    “Ouch ouch ouch! Watch it, bozo!” She cried out, with the ration pack dropping out of her mouth. 

    Roy Robin looked at the rogue square in the eye. “Hmm… why do I feel like I know you…”

    “Hey gramps, I’d appreciate it a whole ton if you didn’t breathe your smelly ass breath all over me.” The Zorua snarled. “I got places to be, you know.”

    “Clearly not, since you had time to pick up some dinner to-go.” Roy Robin gestured to the now-spilled collection of fruits and vegetables on the ground. The Zorua just sighed, knowing that she couldn’t find an excuse out of this one. 

    “Hey… wait just a darn minute…” Onterio took a closer look at the apprehended thief. “Why… I think my friend told me of the likes of you! You’re… Ariel!”

    The frustration on the face of the Zorua melted into straight apathy. “Annabelle.” 

    “Annabelle!” Onterio exclaimed, as if this was the first mention of her name. 

    “Yeah alright, my name gets thrown around every now and then. I get around. So what.” Annabelle turns to Roy Robin again. “Can you please just let me go already?” Roy Robin shook his head. Annabelle let out a dramatic, exasperated sigh. “This is just the worst.”

    “Yeah… this adds up to Alec’s dee-script-tors, alright.” Onterio nodded, noting the distinct blue fur tips of this Zorua as opposed to the usual red. Annabelle’s eyes widened, however, at the mention of Alec. 

    “Hold up. Alec?” She raised a brow. “How the hell do you know that fluffbutt?”

    “He’s my team leader! And we gotta save his hind–” Roy Robin hissed a “shh” and Onterio, cutting him off mid-sentence. “Why… would we tell this stranger why we’re here…?” Roy Robin questioned.

    “Save… his hind?” The Zorua, now frustrated with the lack of info, whipped around and bit the paw of Roy Robin, causing him to curse as he held it in pain. She stanced a leaning, hunting-esque pose in front of them. “Alright you two, I better here a damn good explanation as to why you decided to show up here, and it better not be for what I think it is.”

    “The Sacred Ash?” Onterio blurted, quickly covering his mouth. He didn’t turn to his guildmaster, but he could feel the daggers emitting from his gaze in the back of his head. Annabelle put a paw to her muzzle and shook her head. “Oh Arceus in the sky above… I cannot even believe this…” She began giggling. “The guildmaster and a country bumpkin came to the thief capital to try and smuggle out one of the most valuable materials the black market has to offer? You cannot make this shit up.” 

    Onterio scowled. “Alec’s dying, y’ asshole.”

    The humor drained from Annabelle’s face. “D…dying?”

    Roy Robin, now in less pain, stepped forward. “He doesn’t have much time. He overdid it on a mission, and ran into some otherworldly foe. The nurse doesn’t have high hopes with natural methods… but I know that the Sacred Ash can cure any wound. And last I know of it…” He gestured around the square. “It’s here. We just need to find a way to the black market.”

    Annabelle furrowed her brows. After a couple of seconds, she turned to the two guild members. “Ok. I can get you the ash.” 

    “Now hold on young lady…” Roy Robin held his paws up, asking for her to pause. “Why would you go forward with helping us for free…?”

    “Oh Arceus, I never said it was free. Do you think I’m dumb or something?” Annabelle chuckled for a second. “No. What I’m proposing is that we kill two birds with one stone here, gents.” She winked, as she picked up a nearby stick and gestured the two to follow her to the sandy alcove by one of the city’s waterfalls.

    Annabelle drew out several shapes, circles and diamonds lying within a structured layout  of rectangles. “The Thief Capital, understandably so, is underground.” She circled one of the larger diamonds in the diagram. “This, right here, is Graham. Head of the Northeast continent black market affairs, repeat contractor for my thieving services, and overall just a misogynistic, antiquated asshole. Also, he holds the Sacred Ash with him very closely. Some people even rumor that he uses it to stay alive forever. I can’t say for certain whether or not that’s true, but damn, you should see the guy.” Annabelle then gestures to the side entrance of the diagram. “This is where we enter. You see that waterfall right there?” She gestured to one of the many waterfalls in the distance. Onterio squinted, unsure of what exactly she was referring to. 

    “Look numbskull, the one with the most jagged water flow.” She nuzzled Onterio’s head in the direction of the supposed secret entrance. “Ohhhhhh, I see ya…” Onterio commented. He, in fact, didn’t have any more of a clue than he did before.

    “The good thing about the Thief Capital is that nobody thinks twice on whether or not you are an actual thief. The bad news is that we all hate guild members, and we have quite the celebrity on our hands here.” Annabelle glanced at Roy Robin, who rolled his eye. “I brought a damn hood, what more do you want?”

    “You’re a huge Sceptile covered head to toe in battle scars with an eyepatch who saved the world a couple of times and inherited one of the most prestigious organizations in the world, I’m fairly certain the criminal organization would know who’s a cop here.” 

    For once, to Onterio’s surprise, the Sceptile had nothing to quip back with. He just raised a claw as if he were to comment, but just looked down in defeat. 

    “Right. Before I was so rudely interrupted…” Annabelle continued. Roy Robin grumbled.

    “Buckteeth and I will enter the entrance as normal. I’ll send him to go directly to Graham. He will give some long speech about how he hates the guild and wants to live a life of freedom and expression and yadda yadda yadda, while I sneak through the rafters to locate the bottle of ash. Once found, I’ll loop back around, illusion myself as one of this dude’s mooks, lead him out of the room, and boom, we got ourselves some Sacred Ash. It’s that easy.” 

    “If it’s that easy, then why haven’tya done this yet…?” Onterio’s concern was present in his followup question. 

    “Quite simple really. I never had a need to. But now, I do. And here we are.”

    “But… where does your end of the bargain come in…?” Onterio continued.

    “Oh Arceus, you really are a guildie.” Annabelle groaned. “You know in the Thief Capital we have a saying right? “Asking about a mission is like dancing while you’re pissin’.” Makes you look stupid.”

    Onterio was left dumbstruck at the statement at hand. He, too, was left without words.

    “If you must know, a little lady needs to pay off some debt. I know for a fact that Alec doesn’t need an entire bottle of this shit. We go halvsies, deal?”

    Before Roy Robin had a chance to even speak, Onterio stepped up and put a paw in front of him. “You got yourself a deal!” Annabelle smirked, and raised a paw to shake Onterio’s. 

    “Perfecto. Hey bossman, standby in the unlikely scenario that things get hairy, alright?”

    “Are you even going to ask me what my take is on all of this?” Roy Robin grunted. 

    “Are you even going to wonder if I would listen in the first place?” Annabelle cooed back, trotting towards the entrance to the capital. Roy Robin sighed, and grabbed Onterio’s shoulder. 

    “I don’t like the sounds of this, kid. Please, just be careful, ok?” Roy Robin’s voice had a pang of fear that Onterio was able to pick up on. 

    “Don’t worry boss. It’ll be quick, in and out. Promise!” Onterio grinned, and rushed ahead to catch up with Annabelle. 

    Roy Robin looked up to the moon in the sky, the chilling night breeze in the central plaza sending a shiver down his spine. Time was ticking.


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