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    Cover of Sonata of Light
    StoryActionAdventureAlolan SandshrewAlolan SandslashChesnaughtChespinCosmogElectrikeEspurrHattereneHaxorusLeavannyManectricMeowsticQuilladinSceptileSwadloonSwellowZoroarkZorua

    Sonata of Light

    by LuxTheLynx

    It has been 53 years since the last human has visited the world of Pokemon. All the humans who have crossed over into the world have gone missing, and what’s worse is that some Pokemon have reportedly gone berserk. As tensions rise, a new human has been transformed– Alec, a now-Espurr who still remembers what his life was like as a human. Befriending the likes of Shannah, a plucky, yet nervous Alolan Sandshrew, Onterio, a go-getter Chespin who strives to live up to his legendary family’s legacy, and more– Alec seeks to uncover the mystery of the strange happenings in the world of Pokemon, as well as his own purpose.

    1. Chapter 1: An Unplanned AwakeningAn Unplanned Awakening
      1,378 Words
    2. Chapter 2: ReawakenedReawakened
      1,657 Words
    3. Chapter 3: Duty TakenDuty Taken
      2,445 Words
    4. Chapter 4: A Thief of the DarkA Thief of the Dark
      2,551 Words
    5. Chapter 5: The Team Begins
      2,277 Words
    6. Intermission 1
      118 Words
    7. Chapter 6: PreparationPreparation
      2,522 Words
    8. Chapter 7: The Boy From the FieldThe Boy From the Field
      4,888 Words
    9. Chapter 8: A Small TripA Small Trip
      2,821 Words
    10. Chapter 9: DetouredDetoured
      3,402 Words
    11. Chapter 10: Another ChanceAnother Chance
      2,609 Words
    12. Chapter 11: Child of the StarsChild of the Stars
      3,309 Words
    13. Chapter 12: SpectreSpectre
      2,866 Words
    14. Chapter 13: A Clean Cut, Part 1A Clean Cut, P1
      3,820 Words
    15. Chapter 14: A Clean Cut, Part 2
      2,626 Words
    16. Chapter 15: Rush
      3,266 Words
    17. Chapter 16: Favor for FavorFavor for Favor
      4,129 Words
    18. Chapter 17: Inside the CapitalInside the Capital
      4,984 Words
    19. Chapter 18: RecoveryRecovery
      2,912 Words
    1. Chapter 19: The Past Precedes YouThe Past Precedes You
      3,459 Words
    2. Chapter 20: RegroupRegroup
      3,651 Words
    3. Chapter 21: The UndefinedThe Undefined
      4,447 Words
    4. Chapter 22: Give and TakeGive and Take
      3,543 Words
    5. Intermission 2
      67 Words
    6. Chapter 23: Marked
      3,120 Words
    7. Chapter 24: A Familiar FaceA Familiar Face
      2,455 Words
    8. Chapter 25: A Team’s PromiseA Team's Promise
      1,936 Words
    9. Chapter 26: Annabelle’s SchemeAnnabelle's Scheme
      2,999 Words
    10. Chapter 27: Trust to be TestedTrust to be Tested
      2,319 Words
    11. Chapter 28: Return to the Northwest ContinentReturn to the Northwest Continent
      3,906 Words
    12. Chapter 29: The Woods AheadThe Woods Ahead
      3,248 Words
    13. Chapter 30: Midnight RendezvousMidnight Rendezvous
      3,135 Words

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