The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    A quick mission leading recruitment yellow through a forest we’ve been through plenty of times to find a chest.

    “Ok then, we all here?” Finally coming up to the entrance of what’s been called the Abandoned Acre woods with Darumaka was a Charmander, Surskit and Emolga, the rest of yellow waiting for us. They had finished a lot earlier than I did and Darumaka didn’t want to leave my side. He’s probably dreading going into that place again.

    “Charlie! You made it!” Em started waving at me excitedly, her tail growing in size too. “We weren’t sure if you were going to come today. And you got Marsh! Now we are all here”

    “I just stayed with him today. I don’t want to go into there on my own” Marsh didn’t sound too scared now at least

    Cal was the next to get up and greet me, the Surskit coming right up to me. “Did you get in trouble with with Mr Zangoose again?” Strait to the questions then Cal?

    “No it wasn’t anything like that. Look I’m here now why don’t we do this mission then?” I don’t think I made him angry after being forced into his office. I can at least forget about it for now as I focus on this mission “Ok so check list. You all got your stuff packed?”

    “Yes” both Em and Cal replayed back, Marsh started to frantically look through his bag.

    “I think so.” Im sure we wont be needing anything so its fine if he misses soamething, but it still good to get them in a habit of checking before they head off. Saves a trip back to the guild if you did miss anything important.

    what about you?”
    the Emolga, the final and oldest member of yellow recruitment, other than me.

    “Probably” For an electric type I’d hoped shed be a bit more energetic.

    Marsh tugged at my bag to get my atention again. “Charlie, I think I forget my Oran berry’s. Can I stay by you?” That’s something big to forget, and I wanted you to lead today. Guess I’ll get Maya to do it instead now.

    “Ok then. Maya can you lead this one then?”

    “Sure” was the only reply I got back as she stared to walking into the entrances of the dungeon. The hole in the bushes lining the forest until she disappeared.

    Abandoned Acre F1

    Maya wasn’t following any type of search patten. Just aimlessly wandering around as we came back to the room we stared in. Putting her in charge was a bad idea. “Hey Maya, are you keeping track of the paths you take? We’ve been in this room twice times now”

    “Aren’t you meant to be helping us then?” she said back with no apathy, continuing down the first path we took.

    This is gonna take a long longer than I hoped, just point her in a better direction and this will be faster. It will be over before you know it.“You haven’t check down that way. Should lead us deeper in” Pointing over to an untrodden path. She gave me and then the path a look without changing her unimpressed expression before making her way down. At lest the other were happy to follow along with her. That was until the occasional Wurmple wander onto our path where it would meet a quick thunder shock.

    “And your wasting too much of you electricity on everything we find. You’ve got to save it for when you do need to uses on something. Try seeing if they are going to fight first and use some quick attacks for now.” If she ran out of moves to use that would be a good excuses to swap her with Em or Cal. Perhaps putting Marsh in charge could get him fighting.

    “Yeah let us fight something” Em enthusiastic said as she started to speed up to keep with Maya.

    “Em you shouldn’t fight every poke you see. You might get into a fight you can’t win” They can fight the mons here fine but the later floors they will get overwhelmed quick if there’s more than one.

    “I quite like not fighting. You enjoy the forest more” Cal hadn’t been paying too much attention so far. I wouldn’t have said there was much to see here but I guess he’s found something interesting.

    “I don’t. This place is scary” Marsh hadn’t left my side since we entered but I did agree with him. Even with the thicker coverage of the trees the moon was still there, bright as ever

    “Um- Charlie, did the mission say how far we’d have to go to find this chest?” Cal said as we travelled down the path.

    “It said it was about floor 6. So keep track and we wont go t-” just as I was finishing something hit me from above on the back of my horn “AH what!” reaching for it wasn’t nice with how sticky it was. “String?” looking up I could see what shoot this at me. Good thing it only went on my back. “Spinarak” not wanting to have someone clime up to get at it in the tree above I just shot a burst of flame at it. Falling to the ground I could see it had caught fire.“Maybe a bit too much. Hey Cal, could you douse it in water. I may have been a bit too ruff for it”

    “Keep track of your moves. You don’t want to run out” Maya blurted out.

    “Very funny. Come on let just keep moving. It’ll be fine, It’s Only a burn.” Yeah it will be fine after some water. It wild its tuff.

    That last path took us to the room with the way to the next floor without another encounter. The way look a lot like the way into the dungeon only smaller. This hole only being big enough to go one at a time so we all shuffled through until coming into a new clearing and the way back disappearing behind us.

    Abandoned Acre F2

    I decided to keep Maya leading for now in the hopes she would start to come up with a plan for the floor. Getting deeper into the forest we started to encounter more wild pokemon. I still couldn’t get Marsh to fight anything. He just keep hiding behind someone whenever any poke came. Maya was just moving on ahead with out a care in the world still shocking as much as she could.

    Still this floor was going easy, not that many poke decided to show up for us which was nice. The way to the next floor was only a few room in.

    Abandoned Acre F5

    “Umm, char. Could we take a brake?” Cal was lagging behind now, looking around quite franticly like he had lost somthing.

    “We’ve only got one more floor to go before we get to the point the chest should be. You can rest when we get back.” I know its around lunch time but I rather not stop in a dungeon.

    “But I cant wait until then. I need to go pee.” He whispered that last part to me.

    “Oh” that stopped me. He knows you meant to go before you start anything. Its one of the first thing they teach you to stop this from happening. And he’s a water type, can’t they hold it better or use it? actually that’s nasty, I hope they don’t use it for their water attacks now. “OK we can go.” Can I leave the other alone then? Yeah they’ve been fine so far they can keep going for now “Me and Cal are gonna go another way for a moment, so stop if you get to the next floor and wait for us ok?”

    “Charlie why is it called a floor? There are no floors in a forest. Its stuuuuuupid.” Em extended that last word like it would give it more meaning.

    “Well its…” I don’t know this. I can just take a guess and look it up later. “Its because the caves have floor and the forests still act the same?” That made sense to me at least.

    “Ok. We will wait at the next floor then” She seemed happy at that as she went in front of Maya. I just hope she doesn’t go telling everyone that if it is wrong now.

    “I through I was meant to be leading” She protested back, but seemed to be happy to just follow along with Marsh close behind, giving me worried looks as they went off without me.

    With them continuing on, Me and Cal we took a different route. One that led to a short, narrow path. plenty of room the in bushes to do your business in. “Just jump in a bush and do it quick. Ill keep a look out for any thing”

    Cal found a place were he could be mostly covered. But there was so much you could do with the bushes. We should still be fine the poke here haven’t been too aggressive, they should just leave us alone. It was at lest a moment of rest. But down the end of the corridor something keep catching my eye, until It bothered me enough I had to have a closer look.

    And there it was in the middle of the room. Bright and pink just laying there. ‘Is that really one? Here? How did that get there?’ these question were all I could think about. I completely forgot about Cal as I stayed just by the entrance to the room.

    “Um.. Charlie? Where are you going? Everyone else when the other way.”

    “what? Oh yeah. We’re going to take a small detour. There’s something just up ahead I want to check.”

    “Something to check? Its not the chest is it?” His interest got him to start looking into the room.

    “No not that. That shouldn’t be until the next floor.”

    “So what is it?”

    “That look to be a Gummi”

    “A Gummi! What here? B-b-but there no way they could be here! I thought you only got those in the dungeons far away.” In truth he was right, this should not be here. But If I brought this back I might be able to use it as my bargaining chip to get out of yellow. Every team would want someone who could find a Gummi in a place like this, yeah some team will want me now.

    “What are you going to do with it?” Cal asked starting at it with eyes wide open, brining me back to my senses

    “Well, its pink so, it would taste bad to all of us. I guess I could see if anyone wants to trade it?” and many get a place on that team. But a red Gummi would be good too.

    “Oh that makes sense.”

    I’m still not sure this is real. I mean what if its a trap? Some bandits leaving some treasure out for a fool to come along and get distracted by it, only to get jumped? No I’m more than strong enough to deal with any poke in this dungeon. And why would thieves be hiding here? No one comes this way, other than us, and the Geodude. “Cal wait here. I’m going to get it” Stepping nto the room, the Gummi became the only thing I focussed on, not caring if there were any wild pokemon in the room. Sure we had found Gummis before, but that was always a request someone had given us. This was the first one I had found myself, there right before my claws in a clearing in the forest, moon shining down on it still haven’t moved.

    “Charlie is everything ok? Why are you taking so long to grab it?” Cal shouted over, still at the entrance of the room.

    “Just making sure its safe” I shouted back. My heart was beating hard now. There was always something to get in the way. Not making the run in time, can’t jump over a gap or swimming, it was always something with water. Don’t they know what I am? But finally I have a chance.

    Looking around, I take one final breath. And swipe it and run back to were Cal was. Staring down at it pink, glossy coating I could see my self in it. This is what’s going to get me out out I know it.

    “Right lets meet up with the others.” I say as I put the Gummi in my bag. I hope the smell doesn’t ruin the Gummi of anything, and the apple I have in there better still be edible too.

    With it firmly secure we could carry on “Right, better find the others”

    “I hope they haven’t gone too far”

    “They shouldnt have. Just got to follow the scorch marks that Em or Maya will have left behind”

    Abandoned Acre F6

    After finding the way to next floor I hope we hadn’t spent too much time for it to change were it put us. But thankfully as me and Cal came into the clearing, the rest of yellow were all there having a snack. “Come on you lot, we weren’t that long. And its not that late to need to have food. Were far enough in, the chest shouldn’t be that hard to find. Food should be ready when we get back”

    “We didn’t know how long you were going to be. So we just decide to have a little brake.” Em made it sound like it was her idea. Which it probably was. “and now that your back we can continue on”

    “Good. I don’t want to spend any more time in this place with Marsh crying all the time.” Maya said packing what was left into her bag, ready to get a move on.

    “I haven’t been crying” He hadn’t before we split as he was had hid behind me at every rustling in the bushes, but his eyes were looking redder than before

    “Maya you know to can try and be nice to him.” I do wish she would try and help sometimes, you allays have to ask her to do anything.

    “sniff- its ok Charlie. Em said should would protect me.” She did? I’m glad she said she would when I wasn’t here.

    “That’s good. Well we should get a move on soon then. Once your all packed we will carry on as we were before with Maya leading” Em rushed to eat the last of her berries instead of putting them back in her bag while Marsh put his half eaten apple in.

    Marsh was staying close to Em now as we started searching the floor. The wilds pokemon we were staring to encounter become tougher on the floor at lest, finally giving the others a chance to do something instead of Maya knocking them out straight away. Even when a couple of Gastly decided to try and ‘play’ with us it didn’t take long to defeat them now with Em and Cal helping. Marsh though, he stuck to me the instance they showed up.

    After what had to be about 15 minuets of searching Maya come to a stop. “HEY CHAR! I think I found it”

    “You have?” And sure enough at the other end of the room we had just come up to was a chest, no doubt the one we are looking for. “Ok then, what’s you plan to get it?”

    “Its in a nest and you can take it out fast. That’s my plan.” She shrugged and move out of the as if she expected me to do that. As much as I want to just get it and get out as soon as possible I know she still needs to come up with a plan.

    “Well why don’t you lead Em, Cal and Marsh go and secure it?” I know that’s not much of a plan but it might get her started on something.

    “Aren’t you meant to be the teacher? Check the river” she pointed over to a small stream that ran by the room.

    As smug as she was she was right. The small river that when by did have something in it. Two little heads poking out. “Wooper? You do know I’m weak to them and your strong right?”

    “I know. But im out of electricity. So not much I can do about it”

    “You really need to learn to pace your attacks then. Anyone else want to make a plan” I’m sure by now the Wooper were watching us from the river.

    “Ive got an idea!” Em happily bounced up. She seemed really cheery as she waited to be allowed to tell her plan.

    “Ok lets hear it” Emolga crossed her hands and leaned agent a bush, happy that she didn’t have to come up with anything

    “Well I think that me, Marsh and Cal should go to different points in the clearing. Then Maya can scare the Wooper out of the river with her lightning. Then we can all move in and surround them. Then we can take the chest” She had a big smile. She must have thought a lot to come up with that.

    Maya looked at me to like I was to say yes to it. “Well it is a plan” I shrugged back.

    She looked back before starting to stretch her arms “Let do that then” And with that Em took immediately charge. Showing where she wanted everyone to wait while I stayed just at the entrance of the small opening. They would need to work on the speed of how they coordinate. They can only take this long on wild pokemon that aren’t angry.

    “Ok Maya, shock them out of the water”

    “Ill see what I have left” As she brought her arm in, her face became scrunched. Was she actually trying now? Little sparks started to appear on her fur as she held it in. And she let it out. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

    And what came out was… disappointing. A small shock came from her and into the water. Missing all of the Wooper. But it was enough to get them running out in a panic.

    “Quick. Surround them” Em shouted. But it was too late. The three Wooper had ran in different discretions. They would each need to focus on one each now.

    Cal was the first to try try and go after one. Caching up with one fast. He managed to know it down with a quick attack as well. But as it scrambled to get back up, he started to panic as well, using water gun on it isn’t going to take it down but it didn’t seem fast enough to run away at lest. He gave it another quick attack and it went down, kocked out.

    Marsh was trying to catch another. The small amount of fire he was shooting out wasn’t really doing anything and most of it was missing anyway. But at lest he was trying and not hiding.

    Em was doing pretty good despite being weak to them. She was able to get close enough to one to scratch it a bit with her claws before letting out some embers when it try to retaliate back.

    Maya wasn’t doing anything just standing by the stream watching. “Hey Maya go help Marsh!” I shout over to her.

    “Ive done my part. He can do something.”she shouted back. Looks like I’m gonna have to help him then.

    The last Wooper was running in circles as Marsh chased it. Stepping in front made it stopped in its track as it tried to move in another direction. And that was all he needed, starting to rollout onto the Wooper, hitting it on its back. That was enough for him to knock it out.

    “Well that went well. But you will need to be better at coordination next time. Things fell apart there.” They were lucky to have had that much time to setup, but they should have attacked the Wooper as they came out of the water for a free hit.

    “But it worked! And that what counts” Em smile shining out all the bad thing that could have happened.

    “Yes but what if there was more hiding in the water? With Maya being the only one next to the water she could have been attacked first and knocked out. You do remember what happens when someone get knocked out right?”

    A smile form on Mayas face “They get taken out of the dungeon. You taught us that being the one with the most experienced in do it” She snickers out.

    “Very funny. Now let get that chest and be out of here” What has Liz being telling them, hasn’t happened since I evolved and started leading them.

    The chest wasn’t that big. But it still would have been hard to carry all the way out. How did that Geodude get it here in the first place?

    As we all came round the chest something started to make a sound in the trees “hee – ha ha ha ha ha”

    “Charlie can you use that escape orb. The Gastly are back.” Marsh was look around franticly, trying to find where the laughing had come from

    “Yeah. Everyone get close I’m going to use the escape orb. And make sure you’ve got a hold of the chest”

    Normally teams can use their badges to get out of dungeons. But they take time to use and can be easily be interrupted. But escape orbs could be used at anytime. I didn’t know how they work or how they were made, but they don’t give us a badge so it all we can use.

    Using an escape orb always made me fell ill. The sudden feeling of being pulled on before the whole world collapse around you. And then your just out side of the dungeon as if you never went in was allways disorientating, taking to good few second for the dizziness to go. At lest the walk back to town isn’t too long.

    We took turns to carry the chest as we walked, I was barely able to carry it by myself but we made it to the docks on the way back as I noticed someone was shouting at me, someone I recognised and who recognised me.

    “Charlie! Charlie! Come Down Here!” Felicia was down next to the water, jumping very excitedly as if she had just won the lottery or something, trying to get my attention. Ronnie was down there too along with the Shinx and Riolu.

    “I Can’t. Got To Take This Back” I not going to try and show her the chest so I hope that pointing down at it would give her the idea.

    “Come on! It will be five minuets!” Shes not going to let me go is she?

    “We can take it back” Em said to me, having overheard who it was.

    “You sure? You going to be able to carry it all the way back?” I know shes trying to help me, but they were still struggling with it.

    “Yes. Just don’t be late, you still need to do the writing”

    “Thanks” I do need to teach them how to do that part some day. But at lest I get some time today to something other than work.

    “Don’t be too long Charlie. I don’t think we can carry this through the guild.” Cal said before making heading off.

    “5 minuets and I’ll cache up. 10 max” I’ll try and keep this short but with Felicia and Ronnie I have no idea how long this is going to take.

    Why were they all down here at this time? Its too late to be going off on a mission now. “So what are you all doing down here then?” I ask as I come onto the dock, don’t want to spend too much time here with the water splashing up on the side.

    “Oh! We are waiting for Lapris to pick us up and take us back home” The Shinx, Zach I think his name was, happily said back.

    “Your leaving already?” Didn’t they only arrive here yesterday? Seems like a really short time to stay for just the festival.

    “Yeah, out guild master wouldn’t let us stay for more than one day.” Danny the Riolu added “It was hard enough to let us go just for one day. He spent so long arguing to get the right Lapris times”

    “Your guild master is quite strict then?” Are they all like that? Maybe you just need to be like Zangoose is to lead a guild.

    “Not really. I guess he just wants us to be safe and know what we are doing.” Danny didn’t seem to sure of that answer himself, rubbing the back of his head as he said it.

    “I know its suuuucks. I wish you could stay longer there are so many cool places I want to show you” Felicia there aren’t any good places around here what are you on about?

    “But if they did that out room would smell like boys, ech” Ronnie made a gagging sound as she said boys. We don’t smell that bad. Well maybe Brad but he’s the exception.

    “Rrright. Well it was good seeing you two before you go, but I better catch up with the other of yellow. Oh wait I’ve got to show you something I found today” I open my bag and pull out the Gummi, holding it tight as not to lose it now.

    “A GUMMI! Where did you find this!” Felicia got immediately, eyes going wide and tail wagging. There was a gasp from Zach well but Danny didn’t seem to get what was so great about this.

    “I found it in the Abandoned Acre” I said, my flame giving away how happy I was, not too different from Felicias tail then.

    “You didn’t find it there. I bet you stole it” Ronnie didn’t look convinced, eye it up just to make sure.

    “Well I did” Griping it tighter, just to make sure.

    “Is it a fire Gummi? We should eat it” She was now starting to get closer to it, enough to smell it.

    “What no! This is my bargaining chip to get out of yellow” Pulling it away I was basically hugging it. And its not even red how could it be a fire one?

    “How this that supposed to get you out of yellow?” She was clearly annoyed at the fact she could eat it.

    “I found it in the Abandoned Acre, were you can’t find them, that’s how” I’m putting this back and gonna keep it away from you now. “Someone bound to want someone who can find a Gummi in a place like that”

    “Hey Zach, what a Gummi?”Danny whisper to Zach.

    “You Don’t know!?” He shouted back in surprise. All most jumping off the dock.

    “You don’t need to shout at everything I don’t know” He tried to hush him, but it wasn’t going to undo what he already said.

    “You really don’t remember much do you. You poor thing” Felicia made a face like she was going to cry. It wasn’t that sad we get people in all time time who’ve hit their head and forgotten something.

    “Sorry” He whispered back, looking embarrassed him self. Didn’t last long though “Well they’re a food, And when you eat them you can learn new thing really fast. So there highly prised. Some people even cook them! They say it makes them better for you”

    “Why don’t they just grow them?” The way Danny said that was complete innocence. He genuinely didn’t know.

    “That the thing. They don’t grow that’s why big boy char over here thinks finding one is a big deal” Ronnie was smug, she knows there not imposable to find but this is the best I’ve done yet.

    “It’s a big deal because…” I tried to say before getting cut off by..

    “YOU LOT STOP!” Came loud from behind us.

    We all stopped and look to the start of the docks, only to see the Pikachu from the other day coming towards us. Not someone who I wanted to see again I just know this is going to be trouble.

    “Is something wrong officer?” Felicia said, she had no idea who or why I was dreading whatever came next.

    “I got you in the act of a deal is what!” He was just as mad as this morning. And this time the Dusclops wasn’t there to calm him down.

    “A deal?” Felicia said it, but it was a thought we all had. What was he on about?

    “That Gummi is stolen and your about to sell it to these two as they leave! But I’ve caught you all!” Pikachu almost seem to smile as he said it, like he was happy with catching us in the ack of, talking. Dose he not have that much to do around here?

    “There no deal going here. He wouldn’t even let me eat it” Ronnie said in a pout.

    “Like I believe that!” He spat back

    “Look officer, I found it in the Abandoned Acre earlier today. I was on my way back to the guild when I came down here first. There nothing bad going on.” I doubt telling him this was going to calm him down. Why wasn’t Dusclops here?

    “So what your telling me is that this is all you?” That was a mistake saying that.

    “Well, Yes. I found it while away from my team in the Abandoned Acre.” And that when a I saw him smile. Not a happy smile, but the ones when someone is up to no good.

    “You are under arrest for theft.”he said triumphantly “Anything you say can and will be used against you” I could feel the stacking in his hand as he grabs me, pulling me towards him.

    It wasn’t a hard grip to get out of. Getting out of a bind is one of the first thing they teach you at the guild and I’ve been over it so many times I must be a master of it. “If its lost, who ever lost it can file a report” I say back, stepping away from him. I doubt this was stolen, it was just laying on the open ground. I’m sure if someone did lose this they would have out a request in at the guild by now.

    “OH, Resisting an officer. We will see about that” I could see the electrify running across his fur now. Running didn’t seem like too bad of an idea now. I would just have to get past him

    “N-no.” shuffling past him, careful to stay away from the edge. But I could tell he was looking at my flaring tail, probably thinking it was an admission of guilt. I needed to get back fast and.

    And then I hit the floor. The only felling left in my body was a light fuzziness and the tingling of my tail flame.

    “Did you try and run? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Ronnie rolled on her back in laughter. I wanted to say something but I couldn’t move anything.

    “You coming with me whether you like it not not mister.” The Pikachu was now able to cuff me with ease. Then taking my bag, he lifted my up to carry me over his shoulder. “I’m reporting all of you as well. This is an official police matter so I don’t want any of you from the guild getting in my way!”

    “What! We’re being written up? B-b-b-b-but my perfect record.” Felicia was now on the verge of tears that she might get in trouble.

    “Don’t worry baby. Its your first one it won’t matter” Ronnie pressed her head against Felicias to confront her.

    “Bye I guess then” Danny gave a small wave, unsure of what just happened.

    “Hope I see you again!”Zach shouted

    “Don’t worry, ill let some one at the guild know” I could just hear Ronnie as Pikachu carried me off. Only faint noises would come out of my mouth. Being paralyzed sucks.


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