The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    I have to give a huge thanks to PrescribedMadness for helping me greatly with the first few chapters. Without her help they wouldn’t be anywhere near this good

    Its just another day at the guild. The rest of the guild is coming back from an expedition and Charlie is going to miss being able to sleep in now.

    ‘It’s light out…’ I open my blurry eyes to see the light pooling in from my window. They flicker again, and another thought crosses my hazy mind.

    ‘Must have slept in…’




    ‘It’s going to be too late to get some breakfast.’

    ‘I hope lunch isn’t too long.’

    Stretching out my arm, the patches of shiny on my right arm getting illuminated in the sun light coming through a window. They came flopping down as I lay there. Finlay sitting up and itching my right eye, there was a patch of shiny right there too, only patches and only on my right side. My sisters didn’t have any shiny on them, why did I have to have it.

    I look about the dorm – no one’s around. Everyone must already be out training. I only hope that I can start work without meeting any of the heads first. It’s too really for me to hear another one of their “The early poke caches the thief” lectures.

    My name is Charlie. Most people call me Char or Charmeleon – I don’t really mind what they call me. Parents might have called me that just to make things easier for people to remember my name. I’ve lived at this guild for all my life; I was born here like my two sisters. Once you’re old enough, you’re put into the lowest rank of the guild: Recruitment Yellow. If you can pass the exams you will be promoted to a Green rank. From there you can join or create a team, that is, if you can pass the exam. That’s something I’ll never be able to do.

    I am now the oldest member of Recruitment Yellow, and it’s likely I will never leave. I used to be one of the top members along with my best friend Brad, but as time went on I couldn’t keep up with the rest of the group.  Ive more or less given up with trying to do it, there always something in it I can’t do. But all the new team that show up can pass, ether becoming a team them selves or joining one.

    While I still go on expeditions with Yellow, I’m always the one to be taking notes or carrying the Pokémon that faint. That, or I’m in the head office doing paperwork. The only time I do anything a Yellow would normally do is when we’re doing chores.  Might as well make my way there now, don’t want to be found sleeping in.


    “Well, look who’s finally up!” Chimed a cheery voice.

    “Well look who’s got more stuff for me to catalogue,” I grinned as I turned to see a female Charmeleon, her arms crossed and a big smile exposing her fangs. “Welcome back Liz, how was the expedition?” Liz, my older sister, used to be the leader of Recruitment Yellow. Then she got promoted to Green, and now runs a blue team with Brad and a Trapinch that started following them.

    “Char, ya know that went well. Has Mismagius got you logging everything we find? It must be so tough having to write all that down! OH the hardships you must endure!” She wailed overdramatically, a hand to her forehead.

    “Oh shut it will you. You’d be surprised how often the idea of jumping in the ocean has come up while doing it,” I sighed. “Besides, do you know where Em and the others went this morning? I missed them before I got up.” And thank Arceus I did. How could I do another day of work on only a few hours of sleep?

    “Na bro, I missed them. Brad probably saw them when taking one of his long-ass baths. You know, the really big one he takes yearly,” Liz explained.

    “Well, it’s not like it affects us. A sink is enough for me.”

    “Says the one who wants to throw himself into the ocean,” Liz repeated mockingly. “Now, ain’t you got some logging to be doing? Doubt Mismagius will be happy to see you eating before you’ve done yer chores now, eh?”

    “I swear. If you’re going to be like this today, I’m going to throw you in first.” I retorted out of irritation – Liz’s teasing was too much when you were running on less than 6 hours sleep. “and you are problay right about Mismaguis.” I sighed out after.

    “MISMAGIUS IS ALREADY HAPPY!”  A ghostly figure almost appeared out of thin-air from one of the walkways. Floating silently and effortlessly right to the doorway of the main archive, but with the speed and altitude to give a hug. A painful one. Mismaguis or Willow to those friendly enough with her, is one of the top heads of the guild, and gets way too happy with the smallest thing.

    “It’s so good to see you up, Charlie, after working so late. Ohhh I thought you wouldn’t be doing anything until nooooooooon!” Mismagius spoke in a sing-song tone.

    “Morning Miss Mismagius,” Liz greeted her politely, in stark contrast to the snarky, joking tone she took with me.

    “That was really unlike you, sis,” I noted, narrowing my eyes at her.

    “Only the topmost respect for my elders,” Liz retorted with a wry smile. She was looking at me in such a way to suggest that if I didn’t stop talking, she might kick me into the sea right now.

    “Oooohhh Elizabeth! It’s good to see you returned safe and sound.  And you, Charlie, where’s your scarf?” Mismagius inquired, pointing a ghostly arm to my neck.

    “I must have left it back in the dorms…” only now realising I hadn’t put it

    “Well, I think you should go back and get, no? How else would Pokémon know that you are a part of this fine guild?” I was hoping not to have to go out today. I’m obvious to most poke without it.

    I sighed. “Yes, Mismagius. I’ll go get it right away,” I answered, turning on my heels to return where I just came from. But before I could make a step, my sister apprehended me.

    “Well, my expedition went very well. It’s just a shame I couldn’t take my brother with me on it,” Liz said as she put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me next to her. “And it’s more like a bandanna though, I’ve even heard some poke say it’s an ascot. That’s a new one,” Liz laughed.

    “Oohhhhh, excellent!” Mismagius fluttered. “I won’t hold you two much longer. I have so much to do today and, Charlie, since the rest of my fantastic Yellows are already helping other Pokémon around the guild, could you help catalogue all the artefacts the expedition members brought back? You did such a good job last night, but you must work on your sleep schedule. Sleeping in late each morning is not good,” she lectured, her ghostly voice droning on about things I’d already heard a hundred times.

    “Yes ma’am,” I responded, trying my best to hide my grimace.

    “Ohhh, you are so good!” Mismagius cheered, thankfully not noticing my expression. “I’ll come by later to help you, but I must be off. Bye for now~” and with that, she floated off.

    “Well look at my little bro! Getting friendly with people in high places,” Liz quipped, shaking me by my shoulders.

    “Shut it, will you?” I retort with, shoving her arm off me.

    “Ha. I’ve got my own forms I need to fill in at the front office. See ya around, bro,” she said as she slapped my back and ran off, leaving me alone to whatever horrors of cataloguing I had left from last night.


    Ding ding! The food bell rang out across the guild. A sound from the heavens, to me – it gives strength to the weak and speed to the slow. But just like always, you must be fast to get the best – not race fast: riot fast.

    By the time I got there, there was already a queue. Yet within the accursed line was a blessing – or, at least, something to alleviate my boredom.

    “Brother! You’re not dead!” A young voice shouted, and out of the queue erupted a small Charmander, who was now running to the back.

    “Em, there you are!” I exclaimed, smiling to my younger sister. “I’m surprised you didn’t try to wake me up this morning.”

    “We tried, but you made a grunting sound and rolled over and then you didn’t respond and then Darumaka got scared that you died but your tail hadn’t gone out and we thought-we thought that Mismagius would want you again so we left you to sleep,” Emily took a deep breath at the end of her ran-on sentence. She said all this with an innocence and excitement only a child would have.

    “Well that was very thoughtful of you, but you should have still let me know when breakfast was ending,” I chided her softly.

    “But Luxray said that you eat too much and you don’t do any activities with us anymore!”

    “That’s because they have me doing cataloguing. If they let me into Green this wouldn’t be a problem,” I huffed.

    “Then you just need to try harder at the tests!” Emily exclaimed, her eyes wide with naiveté.

    I shook my head. “I’ve already got all the records for Yellow,” I replied defensively.

    “But that because you’re the oldest. It’s unfair!” Emily complained loudly, stomping one of her feet. Talking with your younger sister can be hard at times – the excitement she brings can wear you out.

    “Well, since you were up at the front before, did you see what they were serving?” I asked, changing the topic.

    “They had some fruits, a stew… Oh, and they have doughnuts!”

    “Doughnuts! Yesssss!” I fist-pumped and sent a silent thank-you to Arceus.


    The queue melted away quickly, or at least it seemed like it with Em telling me about everything she’d done that day. It was just the normal stuff they have us Yellows do when there’s no one around to ‘teach’ us. But its more like no one wants to so they leave it to me most of the time. Today, they had the Yellow getting items from the local shops since most people had returned from the expedition to a mountain city. They would probably have them doing cleaning tomorrow after some team’s party tonight no doubt.

    Once we got some food, Em wanted me to join her with the rest of the Yellows. They probably wanted me to hear a new team slogan for when they pass the exam – but I already saw who I was going to sit with.

    “Brad, my man! How’s things?” I greeted chirpily as I sat down opposite to the Buizel. He’s been my best friend from when we were both in Yellow before he left and joined my older sister’s team.

    “Charlie! There you are. How things been here at the guild?” He replied, matching my uplifting tone.

    “They have me cataloguing everything you brought back, so I hope you failed and didn’t bring anything. Less work for me,” I laughed before stuffing my mouth full of food.

    “You wish! My feet are aching from carrying all that stuff back, and they wouldn’t let me swim. Would have been much easier to do, but nOOOo all these ‘artefacts’ are too old to be submerged in water,” The Buizel complained through a mouthful of food.

    “If your feet hurt on long treks like that, why not just wear those boots you have?”

    “And risk losing the only things I have to keep my feet from freezing over in the winter!? They’re my only pair, I can’t risk it. I’d have to chop off my feet,” He exclaimed, pointing to his fin-like appendages.

    “You really get that cold in the winter? All those clothes your wear aren’t just a fashion statement?” I say looking at a hip bag he has raped around his waist.

    “Oh, shut it will ‘Mr-Poncho-When-It-Rains’.”

    “I’m sure you can get another pair of boots before its starts snowing,” I reassured him, waving a dismissing hand.

    “Well, unlike you, I actually feel the outside temperature. And I haven’t started to get my winter coat yet.”

    “I don’t get how you handle with all that fluff, it gets everywhere in the spring”

    “Better than leaving scales everywhere!”

    I glared back at him, shoving some food in my mouth.  At lest when I shed it comes off in one lot, most of the time. “Anyway,” I began. “If you do get that cold in the winter, why not just swim more? Water tend to be warmer than the air, right?”

    “All the lakes and rivers freeze over, man!”

    “Then why not the sea? That never freezes over.”

    “I hate swimming in the sea. Makes my fur all matted.”

    “You sure it’s not just because you swam through a Muk or something?” I chuckled.

    Brad’s fur bristled. “Oh yeah? Well I’d like to see you swim in the sea and come out all clean and smooth!”

    “Trust me, I’m thinking about it,” I muttered to myself, shoulders slumping a little lower, flame shrinking in size.

    Then, without any of us realising, two plates slammed down on the table, just as we both get pinned to it.

    “OH BRAD! CHARLIE! How I’ve missed youuuuuu!” The unmistakable voice of Felicia, an Eevee, echoed through both our eardrums – a tone that was always happy, more so than Mismagius.

    “It’s been sooooo long since I’ve seen you two!” Chimed in her partner Veronica, or just Ronnie as the Vulpix preferred. Another who seemingly can’t be in a bad mood, that or she never realises when thing are meant to make you unhappy.

    “That’s great, but could you stop with the hugging, it’s hard to breathe,” I muster out with what breath is left in my lungs. It at least gave a tail flame a burst to bring it back to normal size

    “Oh Arceus, I’m so sorry! That was meant to be a hug, it’s just that we haven’t been together like this in months!” Felicia replied with an unusual sadness, letting go and putting her paws over her mouth. “But don’t you two have good lungs? With that swimming and fire breathing you do?”

    “Fire types have good fire-breathing, but not big lungs,” Ronnie said bluntly as she sat down next to Brad.

    “What! You saying I can’t breathe right?” Brad butted in, shocked.

    “Holding your breath is nothing if you need it to work your fire,” I answered, puffing out my chest. “Well, anyway,” I said quickly, trying to change the topic before an argument broke out. “How did your expedition go?”

    “They got lost!” Brad snapped, a smugness in his face.

    “We only took one wrong turn!” Felicia chimed in defensively. “Besides, another guild was there as well,” She continued, proudly.

    “They were probably searching for you after you didn’t show up at basecamp,” Brad snorted.

    “Well, regardless, we had a great night with the other guild that found us,” Ronnie commented. “When we got back to camp, they had food spread out on this big table. And we could eat however much we liked. That was so weird, but oh-so nice. And they gave us these clover pins for our scarfs. Since, you know,” They both stood up with their front legs pointing to the sky.

    “We are team clover!” Ronnie started, chest puffed.

    “Bringing joy to where ever we go!” Felicia added, grinning.

    “That’s a new one. But doesn’t really say much about what you do,” Brad replied heartily. “its nothing like ours, ‘no matter the risk, no matter the challenge, team Dauntless will not faulter!’”

    “Ohhh, I forgot how good yours was,” Ronnie puffed out her cheeks then turned to her partner. “Feli! We need to go come up with a better one.”

    Felicia nodded enthusiastically. “Agreed. Ah, I almost forgot! One of the Pokémon at the guild we met said that the four leaf clover is lucky,” she noted, putting a paw to her chin in thought.

    “Not like you need any more of that. What was the quote from that one dungeon you led us on? ‘Thank the legendaries, a berry!’” I repeated, imitating the Eevee’s high-pitched voice.

    “But wasn’t it you who got poisoned?” Ronnie replied, an eyebrow raised.

    “It was a well-hidden trap, okay!” Putting my arm up in defence.

    The entire canteen became silent as the once voice that could stood at the entrance.

    “CHARLIE! WHERE WERE YOU THIS MORNING? WHY WEREN’T YOU WITH THE REST OF YELLOW?” A tall Zangoose bellowed from the entrance to the hall.

    “Looks like Zangoose got off on the wrong side of the bed today,” Brad commented under his breath.

    “Good luck buddy, hope you don’t die,” Ronnie muttered quietly. Felicia gave me a sympathetic look.

    “Tonight is the night I sleep in the sea,” came rumbling out of my mouth as I put my face in what was left on my plate.  Zangoose was the head of the guild was is well known for his harsh punishments for simple thing. I could only guess as to why he was coming to me today.

    He started to stomp his way over to the table we were at. Everyone looked to us as he stood above me.

    “CHARLIE, I ASKED A QUESTION.” His voice was now bringing in people from outside the room

    “I’m sorry sir but I …. was … sleeping ”


    “I WAS SLEEPING! SIR!” I yelled, standing up straight, doughnut bits dripping off my face.

    “YOU WERE WHAT?! SLEEPING WHEN YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN WORKING! I SHOULD THROW YOU INTO THE STEW AND… No no… remember what Willow told you. Go to your happy place, happy place. Think about, flowers.” Zangoose took deep breaths and rubbed his temples with his claws.

    At this point, everyone was staring at me. Probably muttering about how I was going to die. If I could curl into a ball and cry I would, but that would only make Zangoose even anger. And if you got him angry, he’d have you carry all his stuff for a month. Along with running laps to a mountain every day. Or he’d make you his sparring partner. Arceus help anyone who was his partner in training.

    “OK! I’m good, I’m calm, I’m happy,” Zangoose finally snapped out of it, bringing his slitted his eyes to meet mine. “SO! Charlie, why didn’t you come and pick your chores after you had gotten up?”

    “I still had artefacts to catalogue from the recent expedition, sir,” I swallowed, my voice quaking as I struggled to maintain Zangoose’s gaze.

    “You STILL should have come down to the front office To Let Us Know! We CAN’T act on word of mouth here!”

    “Yes, sir. Sorry, sir,” I mumbled another apology, my throat tight.

    “HUMF! Well, you still need a punishment.” He paused to think about how much I could take problay. “You can help me make my cream a ’la charti cheese. Go to the front office to pick a list, and you better not be late! Else we are we are using your bed to ferment it until the festival,” And with that, he turned to leave – hopefully to yell at someone else and forget about me.

    I stood there for about a minute, with people muttering about me.

    “Hey Charlie, you going to be okay?” Felicia finally said to me, breaking me out of my trance… And causing me to fall to the floor in a crying mess.

    “HE SAID HE’S GOIN TO USE BY BED TO FERMENT IT ON!” I wailed, desperately rubbing the tears from my eyes with my claws. “I’M GOING TO HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE SMELL FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!”

    “Come on, man, it’s not that bad,” Ronnie soothed me with her softened voice. “It does taste good,” She noted quietly, coming down to my level to pat me on the head.

    “Just throw me in the ocean and get this over with!” I howled, eyes stinging. I had seen first hand what Zangooses ‘punishments’ could do to top teams. And it was on me, who couldn’t even get out of the recruitment level.

    “Char? You can have my doughnut if it make you feel better,” a new voice chimed in.

    I look up to see a blurry orange figure in front of me.  After wiping my eyes, I see it’s Em, presenting me a doughnut with a bite mark in it.

    “Thanks EM” I sit up and start eating the doughnut, trying to feel better.

    “You will do it on time, right, brother? I don’t want our room to smell bad. Please?”

    “Ill try”


    After eating the doughnut, Ronnie and Brad help me to my feet, get my stuff and take me to the front office to get the list of ingredients Zangoose wanted. At least it’s a break from the logging.

    “You sure you’re going to be okay? You still have tear marks on your face. You want me to wash them off?” Brad asked.

    “That’s a good idea. Just, nothing too hard,” I nodded in response.

    “Okay, just brace yourself,” He breathed in, inflating his cheeks full of water. After a moment, he let out a ruminating stream of water onto my face. And all I could do was stand there and take it.

    “What was that pathetic stream, Brad?” Ronnie asked.

    “I’m not used to going this weak, okay?” He retorted, crossing his arms.

    “Aww is my ittle-wittle Buizely not able to help his fwiend anymore?” She teased, pushing up her cheeks. “Don’t you worry Charwie, I’ll protect you from the evil water monster~!” She patted my head.

    “You did good, Brad,” I say, face still dripping.

    “There, see! I did good,” He gestured to me, his frown turning into a cocky grin.

    “Right, well you two don’t do anything to embarrass yourselves anymore! I need to meet up with Felicia. See you around,” Ronnie said, sticking her tongue out playfully at us before she turned and ran off into the guild.

    “Good luck with Zangoose. I need to meet up with your sister and Trapinch now. See you around. And make sure you dry your face before you go out,” He gave me a flippant smile and started coolly walking away, leaving me sopping wet and completely alone.

    Charlie the boy himself, drawn by artist-the-dragon on tumblr


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