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    Cover of Sideline observer

    Sideline observer

    by bathrobe_hero

    Charlie the Charmeleon has lived his entire life at Xavier and Willows Rescue guild, and yet he cant pass an exam to be allowed onto a team. Havein given up on passing he accepts that he is going to spend the rest of his life doing what ever odd jobs need doing at the guild. Mostly teaching the recruitment group he has never left. That is untill strange events start happerning around the world and his guild try to find awnsers while he finds himself being dragged from the side line right into the conflict.

    1. Just another day
      3,907 Words
    2. Welcome to Porthcove
      4,073 Words
    3. My ‘helpful’ sister
      1,699 Words
    4. The Moonlight Festival
      3,913 Words
    5. The racoon boy
      2,603 Words
    6. The stuck sky
      4,861 Words
    7. The Abandoned Acre
      5,474 Words
    8. Night shift
      4,372 Words