The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The entire town was cleaned out. While the scent of what used to be remained, it was buried under the dust kicked up by the Mudsdale. The bell tower was empty and the house that resided below it was barren as well. Save for the empty holes pounded into the walls of the structure, there was no sign of their current inhabitants. A town left preserved but abandoned. Everyone left had set up their belongings on the stagecoaches bought by their respective townspeople, though a majority of it was financed through Braviary.  As Costello helped pack whatever was needed into the back of the stagecoach, he saw farewells exchanged by what remained of the townspeople. Braviary saying his goodbyes and the citizens sharing their gratitude for getting them through hard times. The Kecleons having a “Moving Out” sale with the Maysi trying to haggle prices lower than necessary just for the sport of it. Mrs.Simisage trying to hand off as much spare fruit as possible and Liam moving back and forth between the carts to give souvenirs from home and say as many goodbyes as he could fit into 5 minutes along with giving out a collection of leaves and bark from Ygg himself, allegedly able to bring any plant to life, according to a “totally real source.” from Liam. This was along with a part of the supply of berry preserves which were either eaten on sight or left Braviary having to keep the Kecleons from trying to “negotiate rates” with Liam. The first cart to leave was the Meowth off to “someplace where the gold flows and people have faith in the markets.” The grass-type simian went off to go to Rolling Meadows and the trio of the bird, the bunny, and the non-alliterating lizard went off to what they would call their new home, following with the stagecoach of the Kecleons. Braviary took off towards the location as he had “things to settle.”

    As the sound of hooves pounded through the forest, the light grew from sunlit spots on a floor of red and orange,  joining together as the sun rose from beyond the clouds to sweep the massive plains. The shadow of Yggdrasil hung towards the left of the road as Costello looked out the window towards what was left. The place he woke up in was far gone but the feeling of it still hung in the air as the shadow of Yggdrasil extended through the plains. The grass, however, still grew strongly. As he took his head out of the window, he noticed the silence in the air as Liam lay next to him.

    “I’m going to miss the place. But in all honesty, maybe it’s good to get some sunlight,” Liam said mirthlessly.”Especially with Yggdrasil eating it all.”

    To Costello, the words sounded rehearsed. Passed down from a long talk that was accepted after a long night of arguments and reluctant acceptance.

    “Home is home. You can always have more than one. Not really a limit on how many houses there are. At least that’s what I’m guessing.”


    “I’ve only ever seen the one. Trees are big. I’ve heard them talk. Only once though, and that time I was pretty sure I had a concussion so it could’ve been anything…”


    “Maybe I have a concussion now. Maybe you’re a figment of my imagination just like the other voice. Maybe my reality as a Pokemon is based on the electricity in my brain misfiring to manufacture a false reality. It’s honestly concerning that my fractured mental state chose your accent though.”

    At that point, Liam couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

    “Bloody hell mate, you’re just a riot aren’t ya?”

    “I wasn’t joking though.” However, Costello saw no words get through the impenetrable noise coming from Liam’s windpipe.

    “Ya know what. Maybe this’ll be good for me. Make some new friends, see some new blokes, and keep on shining.”

    “Sounds like a plan.”

    The sun was pulled under the horizon as the stagecoach set on its pace. Giant Statues reclaimed by nature passed by as the lizard looked on, feeling an odd kinship with them. The sky lit up with falling stars blinking in and out with the brilliance of most events that wouldn’t happen the same way twice. Awe filled the eyes of the rabbit while a slow count of each and every light served to fill the lizard with intrigue.  Further along the path, smoke could be smelled from far away, a settlement of fire types that had moved near a mystery dungeon, a beacon of glowing heat sticking out through the plains, somehow eternally burning without setting the entire grassland on fire.  The trip from that point on moved smoothly as the two fell asleep beside each other, with the sounds of horseshoes laying them to sleep. 

    Night gave way to individual shadows as the passengers approached the town. Light gave shape to the forms in front of them as giant walls surrounded what appeared to be a giant castle in the center, with the buildings either spiraling downwards towards the stable ground or being contained within the walls, hiding them from the ground view.  The Mudsdale approached the gates that stood in front of them.  The treecko was roused from its slumber as the sudden halt seemed to disturb the rhythm of the ride. The sounds of giant footsteps came from behind the gates as something deep commanded them. “WHERE FROM AND AUTHORIZATION!”

    “On behalf of the Muddy Trails Company! Our Travelers number is 2541: Almas authorization. Soren Specific! Requesting Entry into Seva!” The Mudsdale on the left spoke with assurance and purpose.

    “You just gotta let us in bro!” The one on the right, less so.

    As the gates opened, the duo looked out to see the gate open up with the body of Golurk pulling the gates for entry. The coach that held the Keckleons had left, leaving only the two alone. The city itself seem built into the structure, each of the buildings had unique cracks, unique dents, and holes that said that these buildings were built with personality in mind, and these homes were lived in, as the dent and pebbles of rocks marked one as another seemed to be attached with lightning rods and old wounds of lightning strikes. The coach traveled further up as the houses became in a sense “sturdier.” As they rose higher and higher, the templates of each house became more and more similar and there were fewer and fewer signs of the dents and more signs of preservation of the property. Until finally, the coach stopped around a nice 2 story house that seemed more wide than tall.  Unlike the other houses, there wasn’t any fence but there seemed to be a massive crater near the property line. As Costello got out of the carriage and took in the sight of the house, he regarded it as something of marketplace oddity. There was something in the air. It was so intense that he could only describe it as “sugary to the point of being borderline acidic to the enamel.”  Someone at this house liked sweets, way too much. Liam on the other hand was already bouncing out of the vehicle and running around the outside of the house. Small glowing imprints marked the perimeter as Liam came to a halt. 

    “Pretty big area! There’s a weird pond but it’s pretty nice innit?”

    “We haven’t even been here five minutes.”

    “And who’s fault is that slowpoke? C’mon Cos, I wanna know what the inside looks like.”

    Costello looked back to see Machamp already unloading the chests from the coach. Braviary already told them that everything was paid for but Costello couldn’t shake the feeling of something being… off. The faces of the Machamp were focused on the luggage as if their lives depended on not dropping or even laying a wrong hand on it.  The Mudsdale as well seemed anxious to leave.

    Don’t worry about it. They aren’t your concern. See what’s in there and then see what’s out there.

    Costello entered the house after Liam. As the rabbit bolted through the rooms in a rush, Costello saw the area was… passed down. The cushions were stitched together in a semi-professional manner. Pictures and paintings barely hid cracks in the wall and the paint color wasn’t matching. As if someone tried their best to replicate and remake parts of the house.  Costello could still smell that scent. It was headache-inducing.

    “Hey, Cos! I saw everything. We got our own room, and there are some locked parts but I don’t think I need to ask about it.”

    “So what now?”

    “What do you think? We go out and see what’s out there! First things first is going to that castle!

    “Why though?”

    Just go. It’ll be fun. Go see what it’s like down there.

    “Because Cos-“

    “Not my name.”

    “Because, Mr. Braviary said that in exchange for us going here, he would allow me to check out the junior rescue team program!” A light seemed to appear in Liam’s eyes to accompany a wide smile as he spoke those words, flapping his hands about in excitement.

    The gecko could only nod his head.

    “Lead the way then.”

    As Liam and Costello moved down the mountain, they could see the whole area. Pokemon that could fly were coming in and out, perching and setting for takeoff. Those on the ground were conversing. It was hard to tell from the distance but the lizard could swear that he saw something red fly directly into a castle window. As he looked over to Liam, he still saw some sort of spark in his eyes. 

    “Cossss! Look at them!” Liam pointed at the ones on the ground. A blue being with bumps all over its body was conversing with what appeared to be a giant rock with 4 arms.

    Costello tilted his head. “What about them?” 

    “Look at the scarves!” Liam bounced in place, the ground getting hotter around him. “Those are rescue team members! That castle must be where they all meet up!”

    Costello tried to step back. “Seems so. What changes now that you know about them?”

    “It means we’re going straight to that castle and I’m going to set up with the guild leader!”

    “You don’t even know the process. Also, does Braviary know about this plan?”

    “Doesn’t matter! And if Mr. Braviary didn’t know about it now, then he hasn’t been listening to me all my life.” By the end of that sentence, Liam had run down to the castle town leaving Costello behind.

    Costello of course. had no choice but to run after him.

    The area got denser as they reached level ground, Pokemon filled the area. Some of them seemed to be travelers or tourists. Rescue team members stood together either coming or going from the castle, some sat on the steps in wait. As Costello tried to find Liam, he could see the white ears of his bouncing in the distance. It was getting harder and harder to make him out in the crowd of bodies. At that point, the gecko could only pull off to the side to get some space. At the sidewalk, he tried to make some small steps, the paved way stretching around the city.  However, he could see no good entry point. The walk had made him tired. And dizzy. Very, very dizzy. There was also an odd smell resembling… citrus and want. Costello put a hand to his temple as a slick voice spoke from behind him.

    “Sorry kid, you’re gonna have to take the heat for this one.”

    As Costello stood up, he felt something hefty in his hands. As he looked down, he saw what appeared to be twine attaching a small blue jewel to the half of some sort of shell.

    “Halt criminal!”

    The voice came from the white and blue… otter? Squirrel? Costello couldn’t really tell what it was but it was looking at him and it looked angry. There were whiskers on its cheek and blue fur that seemed to puff up as though it was a collar. The fur on top of its head though seemed ruthlessly combed.

    Costello looked up and down at the being. “…me?”

    “Yes, you!”  “Where’s your accomplice,” yelled the otter.

    “What accomplice?”

    “The Salandit!”

    “What’s a-?”

    A salandit is a weird lizard thing, usually grouping around one female. You haven’t seen it but that’s probably what the smell was. The thing in your hands is a scalchop and I think a Z crystal. That’s probably what he wants. Wash your hands by the way. Salandits are… filthy.

    “Well thanks for that, but that doesn’t explai-:

    “How about you stop talking and give back what you stole, criminal actuator!”

    “I didn’t steal anything.” The gecko looked in the eyes of the otter. “And my name is Costello.”

    From behind the otter, a yellow lizard in goggles stuck her head out. The eye gear itself seemed a tiny bit bigger than what it needed to be but the faux leather kept it on tight.

    “The proper term would be ‘criminal associate’ Arno.

    “Thanks, Lumi. So alleged criminal associate! Give back what you stole or face the might of justice by Team Themis!”

    From behind Costello, the voice of Liam called out to him

    “Oi Cos! What’s the holdup?” The rabbit proceeded to hop onto the scene with the otter, the gecko, and the yellow lizard.

    “The cause of this Cos’s hold up is the fact that he is an active assistant to a capricious caper!”

    “Nice”, responded Lumi”

    “Thanks, Lumi.” Arno’s cheeks turned a bright pink. “Styles has been training me on proper wordplay.”

    “My name isn’t Cos-“

    “Look bruv, I have no clue what’s happening here, but Costello here is a top bloke, you can’t just accuse my friend of something he didn’t do.”

    “Well he certainly has the contraband, he sure does seem to not be assisting with the case. So what other option is there?”

    “The option is that he’s innocent.” Liam stepped closer to Arno. “If I’m vouching for him mate, then he didn’t do it. Last I checked”

     Arno in turn pushed closer to him, getting up in the face of the lagomorph. “And your word means nothing to me “mate”. He has in his hands, my family honor. It means something. Unlike your word, which is as meaningless as your fake accent.”

    There was a brief smirk on Liam’s face. A brief period of silence between the two of them. There was a brief period of self-satisfaction and maybe even arrogance on the face of Arno. Arno’s smirk was soon wiped away by the forehead of the bunny itself straight into the nose of the Oshawatt. Blood slowly started to drip from his paws. 

    “Gira”, Arno exclaimed!

    As the otter took hold of his nose and stepped back, Liam took a step forward.

    “It ain’t a fake mate. And my friend isn’t a thief ya git. Now take a hike. We’re done.”

    Arno looked over to Lumi and nodded. Lumi’s eyes widened but soon steeled themselves. Arno proceeded to drop his paws to the floor. As they made contact on the ground, a blue aura spread through the area. Water spouted through the cracks hitting Liam directly in the face. As his body was pushed back, he landed at  Costello’s feet.



    The muscles of Cos had already tensed.

    I’m telling you. Don’t. Take Liam, walk away, go to the castle. What we came here for.

    The feet of Cos were firmly planted and aimed directly at Arno.

    You’re really gonna? Fine. Run with a Quick Attack, then watch for the Electric-type. They can make things complicated. Get this done.

    By the time that sentence had already gone through, the shoulder of Costello was currently buried in the chest of Arno.


    It had been a long night. A shift in the mines would do that to a Sableye. The union got them paid well and they got to take home extra gems for eating and yet… today felt unsatisfactory to her.  It was a day she lived so what should she care if it wasn’t up to snuff. Maybe she could just go to Slurpuff’s, drown her sorrows in sweets and rubies. In the corner of her shining eye, however, she saw something much sweeter than that. It was the sight of needless aggression brought upon by youth and a lack of conflict resolution skills. It was a grass type forsaking moves for grounding and pounding the face of a water type while the Helioptile tried to drag an already out of it Scorbunny away. The responsible almost “an adult” in her said that she should stop this. These were teenagers and they shouldn’t be doing this. But deeper within her. Somewhere in a heart that she could only imagine as crystalline, she connected to a deeper urge. An urge for chaos and violence. To let something so fun happen without a care for morality. It wanted to see bad choices. And the crowd that was gathering knew it. It was only up to her to say the two words to truly make it official.

    “KID FIGHT!”

    Costello had his hands smashing into the face of the Oshawatt over and over as it struggled to block with shell. Until something paused in his body. Each muscle tensed up as a pulsing sensation moved from his spine to the rest of his form.  Arno pushed Costello off as he got back up to feet, leaving the grassy gecko tensed up and on his back.

    “Great work Lumi. Now it’s time to put this mon on ice!!”

    A chill washed over Costello as he could feel the grassy parts of him shrivel and retreat from the cold being produced by the Oshawatt.

    Thunder wave. Pesky thing knows Thunder Wave. Told you to watch for the shocker. And of course, this narc knows Icy Wind, thing knows its coverage. Trained mon. Gotta love it.

    While angry at his brain for complimenting their opponent, he was more focused on trying to get out of this situation and to go back to hurting the damn thing.

    In the corner of Costello’s eye, he saw Liam kick himself back to his feet as Cos struggled to move his body. He couldn’t tell much of the expression on his face but it seemed angry. 

    “Go for the paralyzer”, Costello thought, in some vain attempt to plan something through some nonexistent telepathy but Liam instead seemed to be focused on the water otter. Malice in his eyes, the Scorbunny proceeded to jump towards Arno. Jumping high into the air, Liam crashed down hard onto the side of Arno’s head with his left foot, following through with another kick to his white temple. Arno slumped over, leaving his shell dropped on the ground next to him. A full cheer was heard from the crowd as Lumi looked over in a mixture of concern and disappointment. A sigh was heard from Costello as he saw Mud suddenly fly into the face of Liam. 

    “On aika lakata käyttäytymistä kuin olisit hullu, senkin liekehtivä nilkki! Äitisi on lypsetty enemmän kuin maitotankki.”  the lizard adjusted her eye ware as she continued to rant.

    As Liam wiped the mud from his face, his eyes turned straight towards her. “I’m getting right tired of you and your friend pushing us around!

    “Mitä helvettiä? Tuon olisi pitänyt tehdä muutakin kuin häiritä häntä!”

    God, the kid has Libero. Good genes on him.

    A red aura started to form around Liam as he targeted the Helioptile

    Wait… the hell?

    “What”, Costello thought to himself.

    He’s using Heat Wave. Why the hell does the kid know that?

    The red aura grew fiercer, the crowd was starting to back away as Costello turned over to face what was about to happen.

    Lumi’s eyes grew wider as the air seemed to burn. Liam’s face was obscured by the glowing red orb in his hands, its glow seeming to burn brighter by the second. Before anything could happen though, a blue figure rushed in and pushed their palm through the orb, dissipating it and with a yellow flash from their paw, hitting Liam square in the chest. As Liam keeled over, Costello could make out what appeared to be a smirk on the figure’s face. A rough yet effeminate voice came out as the spiked in her chest pointed towards Liam.

    “Wow kid, any longer and you would’ve taken my entire team out. Can’t really have that, but I respect it.:

    From deep within the heart of Costello, there was an odd feeling. A fear rising from the trenches of his subconscious. Not of the figure, but what he knew they could do. A numbness spread in his hands and his heart started to race.

    She looked over to him.

    “And you. Your vibe is… strange. Why is that?”


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