The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “O-Oh no…” Zari turned to Stella with clear worry in her eyes. “S-She got Crown!”

    “He’s in trouble,” Stella said, worry also plastering her face. “What are we going to do?” Time seemed to not move for a moment after she asked that. If Nejire was open to killing Crown for little reason, what would she do to them? Especially after being Phobia just weeks ago.

    “Well I’m not just going to sit here and watch!” Stella and Zari turned to the new person that broke the silence, and who they saw was half surprising, half expected. Whip the Cinccino.

    “Now, I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do,” Whip continued once she stood in front of the Dreamsavers. “I’m getting him back. I’ll go right up there and give those bozos a piece of my mind!” She paused for a moment, processing her own words. “Oop, sorry. Got carried away there. But anyways, are you two coming with me, or what?”

    “W-Wait a second,” Zari quickly said before anything else. “This doesn’t seem right. I-It could be a trap.” The way Nejire invited them was a bit suspicious, and Zari remembered clearly what happened last time an opportunity like this presented itself.

    “I don’t care what’s going on over there, or if this is a trap, I am NOT going to lose him. Not like this!” Whip had a very stern face. If it was directed to them, it would’ve pierced. “Now again, are you coming?”

    A thoughtful pause followed. “Zari,” Stella turned to her companion. “Larei could be in trouble too. We’ve got to help him.”

    Zari took a moment to think. The words Nejire said to her rang in her head. ‘What have you done to help him?’ She made a promise that she would. So against her better judgment, she nodded. “O-Okay. Let’s do it.”

    “That shack she mentioned. I think I know which one she was talking about. Follow me!” Whip clamored as she began to lead them.

    “L-Let’s just be careful,” Zari stammered as she and Stella followed.

    When the three left, that part of the forest was still again. However, it wasn’t empty. There was one person still there, silently watching. And at that moment, they had only one thing to say.

    “Uh oh.”

    “And then I just let ‘em have it! Man, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone get so frustrated over flinching a lot, and they didn’t even know where it was coming from! How hilarious!”

    “Serene… One of these days, you’re going to get caught.”

    “Would ya really expect anything less from Serene?” Libero chuckled in amusement, making Serene grin cheekily. Eon just sighed. He loved his team, but sometimes they were too reckless for their own good.

    “Eon! Eon!” The group was interrupted by Ellie, who ran in in a panicked hurry.

    “What’s wrong, Star?” Eon asked her, slightly alarmed, but keeping cool.

    “W-Well…” Ellie paused for a moment to collect her words, lest they come out as gibberish. “I went to watch over Crown like you asked me… b-but…”

    “But what?” Eon leaned closer to her with concern.

    “He… He got kidnapped…”

    “What?” Eon immediately sat up upon hearing this.

    “B-But that’s not all,” Ellie continued. “Apparently, Whip snuck out with me… and now she’s going after him! Her and the Dreamsavers too…”

    Libero looked to Eon in recognition. “Sir, do you think it could be that?”

    Eon sighed. “It’s likely, I’m afraid. It was bound to happen eventually.”

    “What do we do? We can’t just let them go, it could be a trap!” Ellie squeaked.

    “Sir, I may have a plan in mind… Do you want to hear it?” Libero said, knowing the look in Eon’s eyes.

    “I appreciate it, Libero, but I need you all to stay here. I know what to do about this, and I believe I can handle it on my own,” Eon responded.

    “Are you sure?” Ellie asked him.

    “Yes, I know someone who might be the key to saving them… but that’s nothing you should be concerned about.” Eon said, giving them a reassuring smile. “Just stay here, and keep an eye on Serene. You know how she is.”

    “HEY! What’s that supposed to mean?” Serene snapped, pouting at them. Eon didn’t give an answer though; just a small smile before departing.

    Falla Cave. Eon knew this place well. He left it long ago, but returned every so often, because it wasn’t quite uninhabited as you’d expect.

    “Sister!” Eon called, his voice echoing through the cave. “I need to talk!”

    “Brother?” a feminine voice called back. “Hey, it’s been a while!”

    “I know, and I’m sorry-”

    “Don’t be sorry, ya dork! I know you’re busy n’ stuff, it’s cool!” she giggled before continuing. “So, what’s up?”

    “Well… I need your help,” Eon explained.

    “Who, me? What do you need my help for, brother?”

    Eon sighed. “It’s about Clover.”

    She gasped. “You mean… it’s finally happened?”

    “Afraid so,” Eon responded. “And you’re the only one who can help me save them.”

    “Well, we’ve fixed this situation before! Shouldn’t be that hard, right?”

    “Well…” Eon paused, remembering what Clover told him. “Let’s be cautious. I just hope she isn’t as violent as before.”

    This is what we in the business call the “calm before the storm”


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