The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Piper carefully opened one eye, checking to see if Shucu was awake. Her body clock had just woken her up, meaning it was still about an hour until dawn. That meant that the helioptile was probably fast asleep, but she liked to be sure.

    Piper was uncomfortable around Shucu. Shucu definitely hated her. That girl had bonded with Chloe immediately, and that ledyba had obviously told Shucu that she was horrible, or worse.

    Piper had been strategically avoiding her room-mate due to this. Going out for a late night walk and only returning when Shucu was asleep, leaving before she woke up, pretending to be asleep herself, that sort of thing. It was working perfectly so far, and she hadn’t had to have one proper conversation.

    Shucu was, of course, fast asleep. Piper climbed out of bed silently. It wasn’t hard for her – she was very good at sneaking. She crept to the door, opening it carefully. She slipped out of her room, and shut the door behind her. She was positive Shucu hadn’t woken up.

    Now she was alone in the Delver’s Guild. She knew she wouldn’t get caught. But where should she go? Last time, she’d just left through the front door, exploring the woods a little bit. There had been a couple of potential spots to make a hideaway if it came to that, but nothing that stood out to her as perfect. Maybe it was worth checking out back?

    She took the stairs two at a time, her light body and padded feet making no sounds. She was like a shadow, passing through the dim passageways of the old inn. She quickly found the way to the back door, and left the building, leaving no trace.

    It was dark outside, but not the deep darkness of midnight; rather, the gentle darkness that signalled the impending sunrise. There was a pretty big courtyard out the back, and Piper thought it would make a good place for battling. There was also a big bandstand, with some benches dotted around here and there. A good hangout spot too…

    Hangout with who? Not any of the Delvers – they all hated her.

    Except maybe Deeps. He was nice to her.

    But he was still friends with Chloe for some reason, so it was only a matter of time before he took the ledyba’s side and dropped her.


    She wandered aimlessly over to the bandstand, looking for nothing in particular. Maybe she should just wait here until morning, it was at least slightly sheltered. Something caught her eye – some words, scratched into the floor?

    She read them curiously, running her paw over the grooves.



    Just their names, written side by side? No one else’s names? What was this, one of those things couples do? Were they actually dating or something? But they’d only just met, they couldn’t be that close already, could they? And besides, they were both girls, and Flute had told her-


    Stop thinking about that. Don’t go there.

    Piper swallowed a painful lump in her throat. She left the bandstand quickly. She didn’t want to think about this any more. This stuff wasn’t for her anyway. It was rare enough for a boy to like her, let alone-


    No need to think about this stuff. It’s not like I’ve ever met a boy I even want to date anyway, so who cares? I should go see if there are any better hideaway spots in the woods further up.

    Emptying her mind, Piper fled into the woods beyond the courtyard, and began her search for the perfect hideaway spot. She knew she would need it eventually.

    After about a half hour of searching, Piper came across a huge tree, deep enough into the woods that the guild could no longer be seen. The tree was larger than the rest, and stood proud and tall. Its roots were more exposed, like Yveltal herself had started tearing it from the ground, but had given up half way through.

    This could be perfect.

    She found a gap in the roots, and pawed at the ground. The soil was loose, this was perfect. She could dig out a burrow beneath this tree! She started digging excitedly. This would be the perfect hideaway. She smiled to herself. She already felt happier, more secure, knowing that when things went wrong, when she couldn’t take it any more, she would have a place to fall back on, that only she knew about.

    This spot was so perfect. She dug and dug, opening up a burrow using the tree and roots as natural support. It was her own little hideaway, nestled snugly under this special tree. Her tree. She considered marking it with her name, but that might make it too obvious. She’d need to disguise the hideout once it was done, but one thing at a time.

    As she dug, her mind began to return to the previous night, the night that Deeps had brought her pecha pie, and spoken to her about that ledyba. Particularly, when Deeps had told her about how she’d hurt Chloe by telling everyone she used to be a human. She felt… guilty. She hated that she felt guilty, but she did. She hated that she felt guilty, because she knew that the ledyba didn’t feel guilty. She shouldn’t have to feel guilty. Chloe was the one who needed to apologise to her!

    But she still felt really, really guilty.


    Piper growled to herself, pretending that the dirt was that stupid ledyba’s face. Making her feel guilty. Making her desperately want to trash talk that stupid flygon with her, but not being able to. Making her laugh with her stupid joke about hand holding and making it even more awkward.

    Argh! Why couldn’t she just apologise, already!

    Why did she even want her to apologise so bad?

    She HATED Chloe.

    Chloe, that- that prejudiced ledyba, she’d waltzed right into the guild, and she’d made friends with everyone. Everyone loved her! No one could see how terrible she really was! She was back there right now, probably telling everyone how mean and horrible and evil Piper was, and of course they’ll all believe her, because she’s perfect and likeable and a cute innocent bug type!

    And she STILL felt guilty!

    WHY did she STILL feel guilty???

    Piper felt droplets hit the top of her paws, and looked up to see if it was raining. She was still under the roots of the tree.

    Oh, tears.

    She started sobbing, collapsing in the half finished den she had been digging.

    Why, why, why, why, why, why, WHY???

    She wasn’t sure how long she cried for, but she was glad no one was around to see it. She still hated that Chloe had caught her crying, and hated that Chloe hadn’t seemed to care she’d been crying. She never wanted anyone to see her cry.


    The question still rang through her mind, neverending.


    She needed an answer.


    She took a deep breath.

    “Because you’re better than her,” she whispered, shaky but defiant. “Because you’re not like how she says you are. You’re not evil or horrible. You’re good. You’re good. You’re good.”

    She was good. She repeated it to herself, over and over. She had to.

    She was good. She was good.

    Eventually, once her tears had dried up, she dragged herself to the entrance of her burrow. The sun was high in the sky.

    She still wanted to be a Delver. She wanted to help other pokémon, to be good. She was good. She had to go back. She had to.

    She sniffed, wiping her eyes with her paws.

    The sun was high in the sky…

    I’m meant to be like, sparring with Kite or something by now, aren’t I? Damn it, I’m gonna be late!

    She bounded out of the hole in the ground, sprinting in the direction of the guild. Luckily, she could be just as fast as she could be sneaky. She just hoped she hadn’t left it too late.

    The first thing Deeps noticed when he got to the cafeteria was that Chloe was missing. Celes was at their usual table, eating porridge (again?) alongside Shucu and Meteor, seemingly unbothered by her missing room-mate.

    He groaned inwardly. It had been what, three, four days? How could there be this much drama already? He sighed, and drifted over to his spot at the table.

    “Morning,” he greeted the table. He decided not to waste any time. “What’s up with Chloe?”

    “Oh, oh,” Celes turned to him, a sad look on her face. “She said, said her cut is still acting up this morning, and to go on without, without her.”

    Well, that was a blatant lie if he’d ever heard one. Better go check on the girl. “Guess I’ll bring her breakfast up real quick then-”

    “Hiii Deeps how you doin’?” Shucu interrupted, a playful look on her face.

    Deeps was caught off guard. “Uh, good, I guess. I was just-”

    “Still no nickname, drat. Annnnywayyyy…” Shucu leaned over the table, her playful look turning mischievous. “You’re gonna be the one to go give Chloe her breakfast again, huuuh? Like her knight in shining armour, huuuh?”

    Deeps tried to play it cool, shrugging. “S’just bringing up breakfast, feel like someone should-”

    “Oh okay then you don’t mind if I go bring it up do ya Deeps?” Shucu’s mischievous look turned devious.

    Shoot. He had to think of something, fast. “Uh.” Great work, Deeps. Real smooth.

    Shucu put on a look of mock surprise. “Oh what’s that you really think it should be you to bring up her breakfast?”

    “I, uh, I mean-” Real smooth, Deeps.

    “Sh- Shucu…” Meteor spoke up unexpectedly. Shucu did a double take, looking up at the dinosaur. “I, um, I think it’s just because, um, Deeps is just a kind pokémon like that,” he stammered. Was he actually trying to cover for him? Deeps felt his body untighten in relief, but it was short lived as Shucu’s devious smile crept back onto her face.

    “Oooooh so you’re in on it tooooo Meteor? You boys having secret discussions?” she snickered. In on it? Shoot, what had she figured out? Deeps stole a glance at Celes, who had been quiet this whole time, and was stunned to see her eating porridge without a care in the world. Oh well, at least she wouldn’t be an issue, here.

    “I- I- err-” Meteor stammered, giving Deeps an apologetic look. Hey, at least you tried, King.

    Deeps decided to go on the offensive. “In on what, Shucu?” he asked bluntly. “Don’t really know what you’re getting at.”

    “I think you doooo,” she smiled sweetly at him. Gulp. “Having a secret conversation in the doctor room without us? Bringing her up some food right after and staying up there for kiiiinda a long time?”

    “Infirmary,” Deeps corrected pointlessly. He was still cool on the outside, but inwardly he was panicking. He didn’t want any of this stuff to get out just yet, he wanted to give Chloe a chance to change herself first. How had Shucu put so much together already? How could she-

    Shucu leaned over the table at him. “You’re totally crushing on her huh Deeps?”




    What should he even say to that?

    “Uh. No, that’s not. No, you’re wrong, I-”

    “Ohhhh so you don’t mind if I bring the food up instead after all huh Deeps?” Shucu said, jumping out of her seat and moving towards the bar.


    Why did you say that so desperately. Shucu was already staring at him triumphantly.

    Shoot! Xerneas above, he did not know how to deal with all these pokémon. This whole situation was quickly escaping him. Celes was oblivious, Chloe was sulking, and now Shucu thought he was straight. Or bi, he supposed.

    You know what?

    He needed a break.

    Chloe probably didn’t want to see him right now anyway.

    He threw his flippers up. “Go ahead, bring her breakfast, Frills,” he said casually. “I bet she’d be real happy to see her bestie.”

    “Whu-” Shucu looked like she was going to argue, but then her eyes went wide as dinner plates. “FRILLS!” she jumped from one foot to the other with glee, then looked at Deeps, poking out her tongue and opening her frills at him. They both laughed. “Alright fine and I WON’T tell her about your crush okay your secret is SAFE!”

    Deeps rolled his eyes, and sat himself down at the table. He made eye contact with Meteor, who looked downtrodden. Deeps shrugged at him. Hey, it’s not your fault, he tried to convey. The tyrantrum sighed, and smiled back at him awkwardly. Deeps smiled back, confident he got the message.

    Chloe was wallowing.

    She had been wallowing late into the night, and all morning, too.

    Replaying the argument, over and over and over.

    One part of her knew, knew that the things Deeps was telling her made some sense. Some.

    But she didn’t want to be the bad guy. She couldn’t be. She just couldn’t be. So where did that leave her?

    There had to be a compromise. Some way that Deeps and her were both right.

    Piper should have told her up front. Piper never said why she was so mean and stand-offish towards her, not until she forced her to. How could that be fair to her?

    In Deeps’s example where she misgendered him, Deeps told her right away that she’d caused him harm, giving her a proper chance to apologise. That was it. That was her angle.

    Piper never gave her a fair chance to apologise. Piper never told her what she said was wrong, or that it hurt her, she just started acting just as horrible back to her. Really, Piper was the one to blame. She could have just told her, and she would have apologised straight away, of course she would have! But Piper chose to hide it from her. She pretty much deliberately painted Chloe in a bad light, just so she could make her look bad. It was Piper who was the bad pokémon, not her.

    That was that.

    Deep breath.

    Okay. You’re fine. You’re good. Time to-


    Someone was banging at the door. She leaped out of bed in a blind panic.

    “Chloeeeee it’s your bestie!” Shucu’s voice called from the other side. “I brought you breakfast can I come in?”

    She looked around the room frantically, head jerking from side to side, looking for a hiding place, an exit, anything…

    The window!

    She dived for the window, throwing it open as far as it could go. She would fit! She could escape!

    Why are you even trying to escape?

    Shut up! Leave me alone, I just need some more time!

    Time for what? You just figured out that it’s still all Piper’s fault, what’s the problem with facing your friends now? Aren’t you back to being a good, flawless person?

    Go away!

    Suit yourself.

    Chloe jumped.

    She opened her wings, taking flight mid fall. She didn’t even flinch – she had total confidence in her flight. She managed a smile. Flying would never get old, it was so freeing, so amazing…


    A voice called to her from the courtyard, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked down, and saw Kite waving to her, satchel strapped to his side and a huge grin on his face.

    Oh no.

    Could she pretend she never saw him?

    Probably not. They were supposed to be training out here now, after all.

    Okay, Chloe, you can do this. This is probably easier than seeing your friends right now, honestly.

    She flew down and landed before the flygon. “Hey,” she greeted him.

    “What’s up, my joint number one student?” he asked, grin never leaving his face.

    “Joint number one?” Chloe asked, sceptically.

    Flygon scratched his antenna sheepishly. “Yeah, I- I did a whole lotta talking with Feathers last night and he says I did not treat you two right.”

    Chloe was confused. “You couldn’t work that out yourself?”

    “I-” Kite’s face contorted in an unexpected and unreadable way. “No, actually. It’s, uh, not possible for me to do that, so I uh, I talk to Feathers about this stuff a lot. He’s helping me get better at this stuff, right?”

    Chloe didn’t say anything, digesting this information. “How long have you known Feathers?” she asked eventually.

    Kite’s eyes lit up. “Since forever! We’ve been best friends since we were hatchlings!”

    “He sounds like a good friend,” Chloe said, not sure what else to say.

    Kite nodded. “Yeah! So he said I should- I want to apologise, but Piper should be here too, have you seen her?”

    “No,” Chloe said quickly.

    “Huh.” Kite looked at the sky, then at the guild’s back entrance. Neither of them said anything.

    Why did things always have to get so awkward? She-


    Both of them turned around to find the source of Piper’s voice. She was running towards them from the woods beyond the clearing. What was she doing out there?

    “Piper! My joint number one student!” Kite called to her, grin back on his face.

    Piper skidded to a halt in front of them, panting slightly. She looked up. “Joint number one student?” she asked sceptically.

    That’s what I said, Chloe thought.

    Wish I could say that out loud.

    No you don’t. Piper sucks. She made you into the villain, out of pure spite. She doesn’t deserve your time.

    “Yeah,” Kite was continuing, awkward smile on his face. “So I uh, I wanted to apologise for how I treated you guys yesterday-”

    “I’m not a guy,” Chloe said, cringing straight away. That probably wasn’t worth interrupting his heartfelt apology, but the words had left her mouth automatically for some reason.

    Kite looked at her, surprised. “Uh, I just say that for everyone…” he explained.

    “Well do I look like a guy to you?” Piper huffed.

    Don’t take my side. You hate me. Stay out of this.

    “I, uh, I guess not, huh,” Kite shrugged, still smiling. “Never thought of it like that. Let me try again, uh… I wanted to apologise for how I treated you girls yesterday! Yeah!”

    That felt better. Chloe looked at him expectantly, but the silence lingered. “Is that it?” she had to ask.

    Kite looked to the side. “It wasn’t but I lost my train of thought, one sec, uhh…” he rubbed his antenna nervously. “Chloe. Uh.”

    Chloe cringed again, but listened.

    “When I heard a human had joined our ranks, I was so hyped,” he said honestly. “I just, I thought, I gotta be in on this, this is gonna be huge! I’m the one who needs to train and protect the human, you know? But I uh, I think I lost sight of the fact you, you know, you’re still a pokémon, and Feathers said I acted like a huge jerk because of that. Sorry.”

    Chloe didn’t say anything. She didn’t know what to feel.

    She knew Kite would never have apologised if Feathers hadn’t asked him to, and she found it confusing that he had pretty much admitted that to her face. But he was so earnest, as if he really thought this was as good as a real apology. She felt like she needed to talk to Feathers and find out more about Kite from his perspective.

    “And Piper,” Kite continued on.

    “Gee, I hope it’s as wonderful and heartfelt as Chloe’s was,” Piper drawled. Chloe looked away, forcing herself not to laugh.

    “Piper!” Kite laughed. “That stuff wasn’t fair on you, either. I acted like you weren’t important or something, but obviously a team can’t function with just one ‘mon – unless it’s me but that’s besides the point – and you proved that you’re a much better battler anyway so I must have been totally out of line!”

    “Gee, thanks,” Chloe moaned.

    “So if I had lost my battle, you’d have been right?” Piper asked teasingly, almost at the same time.

    “No no no!” Kite backpedalled, waving his claws. “I just mean like, obviously I should have been focussing on you equally, and because I wasn’t I almost missed how awesome you are?”

    “That’s a bit better,” Piper smirked. “Apology accepted. Alright, let’s get started.”

    “Hey, why are you so dirty?” Kite asked. Piper froze, totally caught out.

    Now that he mentioned it, Chloe noticed that Piper’s paws were matted and muddy, like she’d been digging. Her fur, usually sleek and well kept, was a little more scruffy than usual, too. Weird.

    Piper looked at her paws, and nervously began to wipe the dirt from one with the other. “I was just, uh, foraging,” she muttered.

    Kite laughed. “Good luck! There’s not much to be found out in those woods!”

    “Yeah, I learned that the hard way,” Piper said quietly. “Can we start training now?”

    “OH!” Kite clapped his hands. “Absolutely! This is the fun part! Come close, I got some stuff to go over with you first!”

    Chloe and Piper moved in with Kite, forming a tiny huddle. Kite sat on the ground, getting a bit closer to their height.

    “So! What you said about Feathers got me a little riled up, so I ALSO spent last night researching nickit and ledyba! I memorised all your moves and came up with some ideas for you guy- girls!”

    “Better late than never,” Chloe said. Piper looked away, hiding her face.

    “That’s the spirit!” Kite smiled, her sarcasm lost on him. “Now, before I spout a bunch of stuff you already know, how much do you know about yourselves? Piper, you’re up first!”

    “Whu-” Piper was caught off guard. “You mean like, my type and moves and stuff?”

    Kite nodded enthusiastically. Piper looked at the ground.

    “Well, uh. I’m a dark type. Fighting, fairy and bug moves will hurt me a lot more, but I’m resistant to the energies of ghosts and other dark types. Psychics can’t touch me at all.”

    “Awesome!” Kite clapped. “What moves you got?”

    “Uh,” Piper hadn’t looked up. She picked her words carefully. “Quick attack. And, uh, assurance.”

    Kite looked at her oddly. “That all? I could have sworn I saw you using some other stuff in the dungeon yesterday!”

    Piper mumbled into the ground. “Been trying to learn some new stuff.”

    Kite smiled. “Yup! Nickit are masters of some real nasty dark type moves! You can learn yourself some real good ones like sucker punch and night slash! But you’ll have probably evolved by then. If you’re strong enough to learn advanced moves like that, you’re strong enough to evolve!”

    If she had heard him, Piper didn’t show it. She didn’t look up, didn’t move at all.

    Kite didn’t seem to notice. “Anyway, your turn, Chloe!”

    She was a ledyba. What could she remember about them? “I’m… I’m flying and bug, right?” Kite nodded, grinning. “So I’m… I have to watch out for quite a lot, right?”

    “Uh huh!” Kite smiled. “Your typing sucks defensively!”

    Chloe scowled. “Fire, electric, ice, uh… flying, and especially rock. But I can’t be hit by ground, and, uh…”

    She was never that good at working out resistances. Kite picked up on it. “Fighting, bug and grass can barely touch you, at least!” he smiled. “Know your moves?”

    Chloe felt frustrated. “Not really, no. I don’t think I even know any yet.”

    “You used tackle yesterday!” he assured her. “But uh, here’s the thing, and don’t take this the wrong way. Ledyba are kind of weaklings.”

    Chloe took it the wrong way. “What do you mean?” she asked angrily. “Are you saying I can’t fight?”

    Kite threw his hand up. “Sorry Chloe, it’s kinda just the truth though. Ledyba don’t have a whole lot of power in their bodies. We’ll work on your strength, for sure, but don’t expect to get to the levels of bugs like scyther.”

    “Why couldn’t I?” Chloe asked, indignant.

    Kite looked apologetic. “It’s just genetics. Your bodies aren’t well suited to throwing hard hits. They are suited for taking moves on the special side, though, and you can learn a bunch of supporting moves, so I figured that would be a good angle for you!”

    Supporting? Chloe slumped. She wasn’t sure about supporting in the first place, but if she had to support Piper

    “You girls know about the difference between physical and special, ri-”

    “Yes!” Piper interrupted suddenly. “Yes, we know! This is boring. So basic. Can we just battle already?”

    Kite grinned. “Alright, show me what you’ve got!”

    Chloe watched as Piper and Kite took their positions in the courtyard. Kite spoke first, laying out the rules.

    “Okay, the aim of the game here is to land some good, strong hits on me,” he explained, smile never leaving his face. “This isn’t a proper battle, I just want to judge your ability.”

    Piper did not look happy. “What do you mean? You’re not gonna fight back?”

    “Well, I don’t want to put you in the infirmary!” Kite laughed casually.

    Piper argued back. “But I can’t use sucker punch if you don’t try to attack me!”

    Kite looked triumphant. “Sucker punch, eh? I thought the best dark move you knew was assurance? How come you can’t use it if I don’t fight?”

    Piper’s eyes widened as she realised what she’d revealed. She sighed in frustration. “Because,” she growled, “sucker punch feeds off of your opponent’s intent to hurt, not your own. You can only use it right when your enemy is gonna attack. That’s what makes it so strong, and so fast.”

    Chloe was confused. “Intent to hurt?” she asked. “What are you even talking about?”

    Piper looked at her, annoyed. “You wouldn’t know. The quick version is, the strength of dark type energy mainly comes from the attacker’s intent to hurt. The more I want to actually hurt Kite, the stronger my dark moves will get.”

    That’s where dark energy comes from?” Chloe asked shocked.

    Piper scoffed. “You would be uncomfortable with that, huh Chloe?”

    Chloe shut her mouth quickly, feeling ashamed. “I- sorry,” she mumbled.

    Piper looked surprised, but turned back to face her opponent without saying anything.

    Why did you apologise?

    I just- It just slipped out, okay?

    She doesn’t deserve your sympathy! She’s a nasty pokémon!

    I- I know a bit better now, okay? Even if she’s bad I shouldn’t act… like that…

    Chloe dragged herself out of her internal argument just in time to watch the battle begin. Though, battle may have been the wrong word.

    “Hit me with your best shot!” Kite goaded, and Piper wasted no time. She started with what Chloe recognised as quick attack. Piper’s body became a white blur, moving from one point to the other almost faster than Chloe could track her. She moved from her starting position, to Kite, and slammed into him in a direct hit.

    Kite didn’t budge, and Piper gasped with exertion.

    “Not bad!” Kite nodded approvingly. “More power than I expected from a quick attack. Good work!”

    “What do you mean good work?” Piper shouted angrily. “I didn’t even move you!”

    “Obviously not!” Kite laughed, riling Piper up even more. Chloe thought she saw some kind of burst of energy envelop Piper, a black mist shrouding her body for a split second. Then Piper let loose with a paw swipe, the mist now concentrated there.

    It slammed into Kite’s front, and still he did not flinch.

    “That was good!” he complimented. “You’re clearly an expert in harnessing dark, Piper! You must have really wanted to damage me there!”

    “This isn’t a real battle!” Piper complained, ignoring her mentor. “At least try to fight back, or dodge, or something!”

    Kite shook his head. “Like I said, I’m just gauging your ability. If I hit you back, I’d really injure you!”

    “I can take it!” she insisted, body shaking with frustration. “I’m a strong battler, I promise!”

    “You’re not as strong as me,” Kite replied casually, oblivious to Piper’s growing resentment.

    Piper sat down on the ground. “I don’t want to do this,” she said, not looking in Kite or Chloe’s direction.

    It’s just training, Piper, we can do some real battles later.

    Why are you so frustrated, Piper? Are you okay?

    If he’d hurt you, he’d probably kill me!

    Chloe didn’t say any of her thoughts out loud. She knew Piper didn’t deserve any words of sympathy, even if she was tugging at her heartstrings…

    “Piper, I’m serious! You’re super strong!” Kite insisted.

    Piper shook her head. “But you didn’t even react! You’re just saying that to make me feel better, it’s obvious!”

    Kite tilted his head. “Why would I lie? I’m not a liar! Nothing can really hurt me, you know, but I can still judge strength pretty accurately-”

    “Nothing can hurt you, huh?” Piper said darkly, standing back up. Chloe spotted a lot of that dark mist, shrouding around her body, sticking in her fur. This could be good.

    Piper leaped at Kite in a full body tackle. In midair, halfway to her target, her entire body erupted in the black-red energy she had been building up. Kite’s eyes widened right before impact. The flygon was sent skidding backwards across the courtyard, wind knocked out of his lungs. He somehow managed to stay on his feet, unlike Piper, who fell tumbling to the ground.

    Kite looked amazed. “Wow, Piper, that was incredible! Was that- was that foul play? It must have been! It- Oh, geez, that was foul play!”

    The flygon’s expression went from amazement to concern as he dug an oran berry out of his satchel. He hurried to Piper’s side, pushing the berry towards her muzzle. “Eat up,” he said. “That musta taken like, all the energy you have, and maybe some you didn’t have, huh?”

    Chloe ran closer to the two, but not too close, trying to hide her concern. Piper’s eyes were half-lidded. She weakly took a bite of the berry, letting it replenish some of her energy. When she was strong enough to sit up, she spoke. “Did that hurt?”

    “It did,” Kite laughed. “That’s one of the more painful attacks I’ve felt in a while!”

    Piper grinned through her stupor, and spoke again. “Why’d it drain me so hard, though?”

    Kite hummed. “So foul play might be the one move that another pokémon could actually damage me with, since, you know, it actually takes the strength of your opponent and uses it against them, right?” Piper nodded, not saying anything. “What a lot of ‘mon don’t know, is that the bigger the difference in power between them and their opponent, the more difficult and draining it is to pull the move off.”

    Piper’s smile slowly disappeared. “So you’re saying that it drained me so much because the difference in our power levels is just sooooo big.”

    “Yeah!” Kite nodded enthusiastically.

    Piper rolled her eyes. “Well I still hurt you, so there.”

    Kite grinned. “You sure did! I can’t believe you know foul play, that’s such an advanced technique!” He scratched his antenna. “Well, it’s more like, I can’t believe you haven’t evolved yet! If you know foul play, you must be wayyy beyond the level of strength usually needed for nickit to evolve…”

    Piper looked uncomfortable. “I’m, uh, pretty tired out from that…”

    “Oh, yeah! Take another oran and take a break.” Kite dropped the topic immediately. Piper seemed relieved. Then the flygon turned to Chloe. “It’s your turn, now!”

    Piper moved to the side of the courtyard, laying down comfortably, and Chloe took her place across from the flygon. She felt nervous, but she was excited to get some real tutoring from a master.

    “So!” Kite started with a clap. “Chloe. Ledyba! You are brand new to this, only getting here recently and all, so you must be pretty much untrained, right?”

    Chloe nodded. “So what attacking moves can I learn?” she asked eagerly.

    “Uh,” Kite looked at her. “I thought we agreed you would be learning support moves?”

    “No,” Chloe argued. “I didn’t agree to that, you just suggested it. I want to at least know some attacks in case I need to defend myself!”

    “But you know tackle!” Kite pointed out.

    Chloe shook her head. “That’s like, the worst move. There has to be something else, right?”

    Kite scratched his antenna. “I guess a good basic move that ledyba can learn is swift?”

    Swift. That was the normal type move that threw out stars, right? That sounded cool! “Teach me that one!”

    “Huh,” Kite scratched the side of his head now. “Do you know how you use tackle?”

    Chloe was confused. “I just run into you, right?”

    “There’s a bit more to it than that!” Kite laughed. “You have to harness your basic energy. Do you know what that is?”

    “Like… normal type?” Chloe asked.

    “Is that what you humans call it?” Kite wondered. “Every pokémon has a well of basic energy at their core. It’s used to strengthen attacks which would otherwise be mundane, like tackle, and it’s also used in some basic status moves, like a tail whip or a supersonic. Can you consciously access it?”

    “A well of normal type energy?” Chloe repeated. She wasn’t sure she understood what Kite was talking about. She tried to search inside herself for this well, but the concept felt kind of silly to her, and she couldn’t figure it out. “I don’t know,” she admitted.

    Kite smiled. “No problem! You accessed it when you tackled that shiftry in the dungeon, so try and tackle me now. When you do, see if you can feel where your energy is flowing from. It’ll make more sense if you feel it.”

    “Okay,” Chloe nodded. Tackle Kite. It sounded simple, but the act of just… flying into the flygon at her top speed sounded really stupid to her. And try and figure out where her energy was coming from? How was she supposed to do that?

    She took a deep breath. Apparently she’d done it properly when she was battling in the dungeon, so she tried to take herself back to that moment. She closed her eyes. She took herself back to that battle, the moment where she felt like she was fighting for her life. She pictured the shiftry standing in front of her, eyes devoid of emotion, ready to cut her down without hesitation. She flew, she charged straight at it, wanting to knock it down, wanting to beat it before it beat her. She focussed, noticing a flow of energy from her core to surround her, envelop her. She collided with something, and came to a stop, falling to the ground, the energy dissipating.

    She opened her eyes and looked up at Kite, who was beaming at her. “That was it! Good work! Did you feel it?”

    Chloe nodded, not wanting to speak as she picked herself up off the ground. She was concentrating hard on the energy at her core, afraid she’d lose it. It was weird. She could feel it, she felt it when it flowed around her to strengthen her tackle, and she could still feel its source. She lifted off the ground, putting a hand to her chest, refusing to lose it.

    “Okay,” Kite said urgently. “Now that you have it, we want to try swift. Swift is special, so it’s about harnessing that source, shaping it. Hold a hand out and imagine stars. Force the energy to flow out of your hand. Shoot some stars, Chloe!”

    Chloe listened, trying very hard to do what Kite was saying, and failing. How was she supposed to shape it? Just imagine some stars? Well it wasn’t working! She stared at her hand, willing magical stars to shoot out of it, but nothing was happening. “It’s not working,” she hissed, trying to keep a hold of her well of energy, but feeling it slipping away.

    “Start at the source,” Piper suggested from the sidelines. “Shape the stars there and guide them out.”

    Shut up! Why are you helping me?

    But she listened to her advice anyway. She grasped her well of energy, stopping herself from losing it at the last second. She imagined stars, bubbling up from the energy inside of her, and she felt her chest flutter. Startled, she imagined the stars travelling through her body, through her arm, and out of her hand.

    A single star was launched. It curved around, and hit Piper in the forehead.

    She didn’t move.

    “Ow,” she said.

    Kite cheered. “Yahoo!! You did it Chloe! Did you see how it homed in on Piper?”

    “Y- yeah,” Chloe stammered, feeling overwhelmed. She could shoot stars from her fingertips. Or, well, boxing glove tips. That was amazing!

    Kite just continued on explaining. “Swift is one of those annoying moves that can never miss. It’ll follow whoever you’re thinking about the moment it leaves your body!”

    “That’ll teach me to interrupt your training,” Piper muttered, not looking at Chloe.

    Chloe was confused. Why had Piper helped her, and why wasn’t she more angry that she’d hit her?

    Kite was oblivious as ever. “Okay, we have to use this momentum to try light screen and reflect. Do you know what those moves are, Chloe?”

    Chloe tried to draw on her knowledge of pokémon, coming up with an answer. “They’re like… protection moves. They lower the damage you take from both kinds of moves, right? Physical and special?”

    “Yeah! Ledyba learn them surprisingly early, so I think mastering them will be a HUGE help in dungeons!” Kite was so enthusiastic about this. Even though Chloe wasn’t as excited about support moves, she decided to give them a fair attempt.

    “How do I do those ones, then?” she asked.

    “Well!” Kite looked excited. “These ones use psychic energy! Pokémon will often have sources of other energy besides their own types and normal, too! You just have to learn how to access your psychic energy, Chloe!”

    “And how do I do that?” Chloe asked, getting impatient.

    Kite hesitated, scratching his antenna. “I don’t know any psychic moves, so I don’t have first hand experience with this one. It should be somewhere in your brain, though.”

    “My brain?” Chloe repeated. She had to find more energy in her brain? How much energy did this body even carry? She should still have bug and flying somewhere, at the very least! How was she supposed to keep track of all this?

    “Just try it out?” Kite smiled.

    Ugh. That wasn’t helpful! She wanted someone to tell her exactly what she needed to do, but all she was getting was searchy feely nonsense! Still, she wouldn’t give up that easily. She closed her eyes again, and tried to search around in her brain.

    After a while, she thought she sensed… something. It was very different to her well of normal energy. The normal stuff felt like a liquid, it felt malleable, like she could control and shape it to her will if she wanted. This energy in her brain, it felt more like… a point? Something more condensed, unwilling to be controlled, and far more alien to her.

    “I think I found it…” she said hesitantly. “What do I do now?”

    “Same as swift!” Kite said simply. “Shape it into a barrier around yourself.”

    Unhelpful as usual. She tried to do what she did before with swift. She imagined the point, expanding into a barrier around herself, a physical wall between herself and any attackers. But the point refused to budge. No matter how she visualised it, it refused to react in any way to anything she tried to get it to do. After trying for a little while, she let herself fall back to the ground, defeated.

    “I can’t do it!” she punched the ground in frustration. “I think I can feel the psychic energy, but I can’t make it do anything.”

    “Huh,” Kite scratched his chin. “I think we need to go back to the books for this one, then, or talk to Feathers. He knows how to use psychic stuff.”

    “We’re giving up already?” Chloe whined.

    Kite shrugged. “Not my fault I don’t know any psychic moves. I can’t guide you like I did with the normal energy, not until we go learn how to harness psychic.”

    Piper helped a lot more than you.

    Chloe sighed, not really content to leave it there. At least she had something else to practice…

    She concentrated, and this time, three stars were launched from her outstretched hand, hitting Kite in the chest. He laughed.

    “Nice work, Chloe. Practice that one some more for tomorrow.”

    “Tomorrow?” Piper frowned. “You mean we’re already done? We didn’t even battle!”

    Kite looked confused. “Well I can’t battle either of you, and your strength far outclasses Chloe’s so we can’t really have a fair fight right now.”

    Piper looked exasperated. “It’s about training! Practicing where it’s safer, right? And I know how to hold back against a weak opponent, geez…”

    Chloe was worried about that. If dark moves gained power the way Piper said they did, Piper was going to end up really damaging her, since surely the nickit really wanted to hurt her.

    With a start, Chloe realised what she was thinking. The way she was imagining Piper as violent, wanting to hurt her…

    She felt her shame deepen.

    “I just don’t think we’ll gain anything from sparring,” Kite continued. “You’re already an expert with your moves, Piper, and Chloe is still learning the basics.”

    “Fine. So what’s tomorrow?” Piper asked, getting up and stretching cutely.

    Cutely? Seriously?

    A giant grin appeared on Kite’s face. “We’re going back to a dungeon tomorrow, girls! And this time, we’ll be doing a mission!”

    Piper jumped to attention. “A proper mission, huh?”

    “I’ll be choosing this one. Something easy to start,” he explained. “I want to show you girls how to explore a dungeon properly. It’ll be fun!”

    Piper nodded, and Chloe did the same. She still wasn’t too happy with her progress, but a dungeon would be a good change of pace. She could practice swift on some real enemies there.

    Kite turned away from them, his body lifting into the air. “Alright, it’s been fun! I got some stuff to do, you girls have a good afternoon!”

    There was a loud crack, and the flygon was gone.

    Piper and Chloe looked at each other awkwardly. Chloe looked away first, taking to the air and flying back towards the Guild. There was obviously nothing to say between them, so she wanted to get back to her room, to try and figure out how she was supposed to face her friends.


    She stopped midair.

    Piper had called out to her.

    She turned to the nickit, who was looking furiously at the ground.

    “What?” Chloe asked harshly. What could she possibly want with her?

    “The day we all introduced ourselves. When I told everyone you were human,” Piper said stiffly.

    Chloe didn’t move. “What about it?”

    Piper didn’t say anything for a while. Chloe just hovered there, staring at the nickit staring at the ground.

    “Spit it out already!” Chloe said impatiently. She didn’t have time for Piper, for a pokémon who hated her.

    “I shouldn’t have told everyone you were human,” Piper blurted. Chloe’s body went numb. “Sorry.”

    Without looking up, Piper bolted for the Guild.

    Stop her.

    Stop her.

    Stop her!!!


    Piper stopped by the door. She was still staring at the ground.

    Piper had apologised to her.

    Chloe felt a pain in her heart, a pain she had been ignoring, lift.

    Suddenly, everything Deeps had been trying to tell her clicked.

    Piper was so much better than her.

    The shame was unbearable now.

    “I’m sorry too!” she croaked. She fell softly to the ground, breathing heavily. “I’m sorry for hurting you. I’ve been an idiot. I’m so sorry…”

    Chloe felt a weight she’d been carrying vanish. This was the right thing to do. She’d been such an idiot. Deeps was right all along, why hadn’t she just listened to him in the first place? What was wrong with her?

    Piper finally broke the silence. “I- I know you didn’t know any better. I knew that. But I- I couldn’t let it go. It’s so hard for me to let it go… I- I need some time to think. See you tomorrow.”

    She rushed to the Guild, pausing at the door.

    “Thanks, Chloe.”

    She entered the Guild, leaving Chloe alone.

    Chloe took a deep breath.

    And another.

    And another.

    Now what?

    Where did she stand with Piper now? This whole thing was such a mess, and it was all her fault. If she’d just apologised in the first place, then they probably could have been friends. Really great friends… God, she wanted to be friends with Piper so badly, how had she managed to ignore it for so long?

    “I’m so stupid!”

    She sighed, and picked herself up. She was really feeling the effects of skipping dinner the previous night, and breakfast that morning. She was so hungry.

    She looked at the sky, trying to judge the time of day. They hadn’t been out for as long as she was expecting, so she wasn’t sure if her friends would still be out doing whatever they were doing for the day, or waiting for her in the bar. Either way, that was where she was going – she needed to eat something, asap.

    She hoped her friends were there.

    She smiled, realising she could finally face her friends again.

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    1. Velvet Capsicum
      Jun 2, '24 at 10:00 am

      ugh goodness yes finally that was so euphoric ouh thank arceus theyve managed to start to become willing to talk to eachother AHHHHHH i love them i love this aaack!

      and more worldbuilding! energy and moves and typings oh so very exciting! loved how you described them!