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    A human wakes up in strange room only remembering that he was about to die when a bright light hit him and when he checked his body he found out he has been turned into a Mimikyu, he panicked as he knew what was happing to him from all the anime and manga he read but before he could say it he hears a powerful roar as he comes face to face to shadow like monster that can’t be described and he started running for his life cause he was just level 5 and the creature was at a different level. As he runs he trips and as the creature was about to attack Mimikyu he decided to remove the cloth to kill the creature and I worked but he wanted to make sure it was dead so it used all his attack moves on it for 1 hour, after his brush with death he looked around for a way out and found a bag that can hold infinite amount of goods and a way out so he left the room thinking he was safe but he found out that there was more shadow creatures they were small but still he knows he can’t just run for ever and so he fought thinking he could deal a bit of damage but as he uses a move he was able to uses the move slash and defeated all the shadow creatures in the way. He was shocked by the amount of power he just used and thought if there was a way for him to see his level but he thought nothing of it and continue on.

    For 2 months and 4 weeks he fought countless battles to survived to the point of almost losing his mind but with his toxic amount of determination he pushed through until finally he sees the way out and as he was about to leave he gets hit by a powerful attack thanks to the ability disguise he took 0 damaged and when he looked at who attacked him he saw a Celebi but it looked different and while trying not to die he finally figured out why the Celebi looked different it was a shadow pokemon, he only heard stories about shadow pokemons from a professor saying that they are pokemons who’s doors to their hearts have been close off and had a difficult way to purify and with the way out right in front of him he gets ready to fight cause if he was going to die he was going down fighting. The two fought with each other and both not holding back anything created shock waves just from their attacks canceling each other out, Mimikyu knew he can’t keep it up he needed to finish this at once, so he switched from attack to defense and used shadow Celebi’s to his advantage by making her create dust clouds for him to hide in. With the cloud of dust shadow Celebie couldn’t see where Mimikyu was and when Mimikyu found an opening he planned to use shadow claw to knock Celebi out but when he was about to used shadow claw it turned white and with one slash Celebi was now down and Mimikyu looked at his hand questioning how shadow claw turned white. Mimikyu was about to leave but looking at the unconscious Celebi he knew he can’t just leave her here so he carried her out of the cave and to finally get out breath some fresh air, when Mimikyu made it out he was blinded by the light of the sun and he smiled cause new he was free but before he could celebrate he placed down Celebi down under a tree and looked in his bag for some oran berries he collected from his battles to help him replenish his heath, then he saw Celebi’s eyes twitch and gets ready for something and when Celebi woke up her eyes didn’t have any killing intent but fear “W-who are you where am I?” Celebi said in a sad tone. Mimikyu shucked that she can talk tells her “My name is Jose I am actually a human and I don’t really know where we are sorry.” Celebi looks are and when she saw the cave she ask how she got out there and Jose tells her about what happened, she smiled and began to cry saying “I have been trap there for years and now I’m free.” Then ask to join him and Jose just tells her was going become a traveling merchant and ask if she was going to be okay with that and she replied yes. So the two heads to a nearby town when Celebi tells Jose about the strange looking key on his neck and when he looked he was shocked and said he didn’t know where it came from and had a theory and by pointing the key in front of him he opened a gate to the front of the cave where they met and then closed it “Okay so let’s just keep this as a secret” Jose said and Celebi nodded in agreement then Jose ask if he could give Celebi a name and she replied he can and asked if she was worthy to be given a name by him, He replied “you are worthy of a name why do think you not?” she tells him only heroes are given names but Jose tells her she is worthy and decided to gave her the name Lily and Celebi liked it now Jose and Lily head to town to start their new life.


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