The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “To my little Ember,

    Question 1: 1,371,330,631 is a large number. A Venusaur root will put it back to its place.

    Question 2: An amusing thought: what is the result of combining two Flaaffy, and then dividing it by a Pidgeot? 

    Question 3: Nothing to the potency of nothing should result in nothing, but it still results in something. Tricky, isn’t it?

    Question 4: True or False, and then to the base of 2:
    (  ) Due to still unknown time-space anomalies, the layout of a given Mystery Dungeon is always unique each time it’s entered.
    (  ) The Pokémon who dwell in a Mystery Dungeon are facsimile echoes of Pokémon who formerly inhabited that region.
    (  ) Historically, natural grottos have been widely used as shelter and protection by Pokémon.
    (  ) A tree is able to grow without a source of sunlight.

    We’ve always counted to 2. Readability is important, so let’s count to 10 instead, shall we?

    Water it with Unown, and a lovely berry will grow. We might need some of their seeds. Let’s meet there. The fourth is important for the right meeting spot.

    Onnophrius Emmett”


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