The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Took me long enough, eh? Apologies for the wait, but here we are! Had to make a lot of edits, the next few chapters shouldn’t take nearly this long, lol. Thanks to ampthenoise and dagamestar for being my betas!

    OH, also. New title? Huuhhhh? Puppet of Fate is officially rebranded to Nemesis: Morningstar ! Found some symbolism that just worked better~ Enjoy!

    The former human was delirious but his senses slowly returned to him. He couldn’t remember much of anything. Just a strange voice, then darkness. Nothing before, nothing after, not even what the voice was saying.

    Why was there even a voice, that wasn’t his own, talking to him? Did he make it up? Was it a figment of his imagination?

    As he felt wind on his face, and heard the rustling on the ground around him, his senses returned to normal.

    The wind felt great as it washed over him, it was cool and serene. The human wanted to melt and just relax. Become one with who he was and go with the flow of the wind. 

    The serenity didn’t last long as a crunch beside him made his misshapen ears perk up; the Vulpix hoped it was only a bird or something that landed beside him. The former human’s ears twitched at the sound. It sounded heavier, but it was difficult to decipher what exactly it was. There was another shuffle, this time heavier and quicker which made him doubt it was a bird.

    “Gah! Bind the kid already!” a voice hissed to his left, “He’s waking up!”

    “I noticed!” replied an equally angered voice.

    Both voices were male from the sounds of it, and both rather unpleasant. The fox especially didn’t like the “bind the kid” part.

    Before he could move though he felt something rough wrap around his back legs, he opened one of his eyes to see a purple eye and yellow scales staring back at him.

    At the sight of the snake, Vulpix released a loud scream. He tried to jump back, only having such luck with his front paws falling onto his back, as if his rear paws were stuck.

    “Your lucky I was there, holdin’ him or else he might’ve gotten away!” Called the second voice, a Scaly sort of creature. Bipedal yellow scales decorating some of his body, and the closer he looked the more he saw yellow scales covering its head, arms claws, and tipping his tail like armor. The rest of his body was a rocky gray.

    The other creature was a black snake with dull yellow scales next to his bright red eyes. Purple scales down his face and neck, fading to a black and gray., though clusters of yellow and red scales adorned its coiling body. And at the end of its tail was a sharp, threateningly bright, red scythe.

    “Wh-Wha…?” The former human stammered as both of their gazes met his. Were they… Pokemon? Didn’t that imply that… he was also truly a Pokémon? 

     It seemed that the prior dream-turned-nightmare was real.

    “Heh, lucky indeed,” the Seviper yawned slithering over to his partner in crime, “We almost lost out big-time.”

    “You two would’ve been paying me the money you lost.” Said the third Pokemon with a snort.

    Vulpix released a growl, struggling against the Hakamo-o who had his rear legs trapped.

    “You two are scaring him,” The third voice stated sarcastically, its owners white and purple head peeking over. He glared down at the former human, “Look at that face of yours…”

    Everything was wrong with this Weavile, its legs and arms were too long, its body was tall. It  had a light blue-gray coat of fur with a purple face, claws and feet, and strange blue eyes. 

    Vulpix seized up in fear as the strange Weavile towered over him, unable to move. Even if he was scared, it didn’t stop his brain from trying to state how stupid they looked.

    “B-Boss, Vulpix tails and fur cost more than some Pokémon’s lives!” The Hakamo-o stammered, grabbing the former human’s paws while he was distracted.

    “Both of yours included,” retorted the Weavile, scratching his chin with his long claws as he inspected the Vulpix, “Your fur- damn, is going to get us a fortune.” He leaned over and ran one of his claws up and down the Human’s chest, belly to the base of his neck, feeling his fur. He smirked,

    “Oh yes, pristine condition. It’s fluffy and soft, exactly what the market needs.” 

    “No way, fur is soft? Who woulda guessed?” The fox muttered as he glared back at the tall Pokemon with boredom. 

    The glare the Weavile struck a sudden fear back into the Vulpix, enacting a shudder. The former human then felt an odd feeling bubbling in his mind. It was almost as if it was forced in, making his head hurt for a moment. His fear and worry were quickly masked by disdain and rebellion. He didn’t want to show any more fear to this guy, nor did he want to really learn more, as his face shifted to a distant look, one almost devoid of emotion. 

    “Oh, Vulpix and their fur sell for big money over on the Sand Continent,” The tall Weavile informed him smirking as he lifted his claws away, “I know a guy that’ll ship you over, then get that fur of yours off for us. There’s an entire market out there, after all.”

    He only glared back with a frown plastered on his face. His fears still drowned out with spite. He wouldn’t give this guy what he wanted. The pleasure of seeing his shiver and shake before him. He just bared his teeth in return. He had a strong feeling and idea of what was going to happen to him. The Vulpix just chose not to focus on that.

    The tall Weavile, despite the despondence from the Vulpix, grinned and tapped his head, “Ah finally figure it out? You have a fire in your eyes that we love to see.”

    Vulpix nodded, his eyes narrowed as he stared back up at the purple eyes of his captor. Dread hung over him, much like the Weavile who loomed over him. As the sudden rush of rebellion began to fade, he assumed it was adrenaline the dread set in and he bit his tongue. 

    He frowned at his own reaction and shook his head, trying to force the fear away again; If he was going to be taken away, kidnapped and killed. Why not be as irritating as possible? Why not infuriate them? They weren’t going to risk ruining his fur. They had backed themselves into a corner, “Why do you look so wrong?” He remarked with a childish head tilt.

    The Sneasler blinked in surprise at him, glancing back down at the Vulpix, “Excuse me?” He asked, his eyes almost shaking as he stared down at him.

    “You look like a Weavile who stretched out their body, except their head, and rolled around in some paint,” He stated in monotone, eyes still narrowed and bored, “Ya just look freakish.” Vulpix made sure to yawn afterwards to try and drive his point further.

    “I’m Sneasler,” he said with a frown. The Vulpix stared back. “Sneasler” turned to his grunts before stomping over, refusing to humor his captive, “Finish binding him,” The Weavile snapped stomping to his two grunts. He leaned down into their ears and uttered, “Quickly, and get carrying, it’s a long walk to the base.” 

    The Seviper and Hakamo-o nodded filled with sudden urgency before continuing to tie the former human’s legs together. The Hakamo-o glanced at his forepaws and winced. Mostly at the Vulpix’s face.

    “Boss-” The Hakamo-o started glancing in the direction of Sneasler and away from Vulpix’s paws.

    “If he bites, he bites, I don’t care, just get him tied up,” the boss snorted, waving a hand carelessly. He was leaning on a nearby tree not even watching the path, he was staring into the woods just for the hell of it, “Oh and Seviper, watch the path for any witnesses.”

    “Urk got it boss,” Seviper muttered slithered past Kommo-o and the ensnared Vulpix, “Why am I always on watch?” Vulpix heard him grumble as he slithered away.

    ”So the tall one does have a brain,” The former human remarked. The head criminal seemed to have experience with this sort of thing. Why else would he have that level of confidence just to look away during a possible kidnapping, 

    ”Or he’s extremely sure of himself.” He hummed, noticing Kommo-o reaching towards him with rope in his back talon, nothing in his front one.

    The human released an instinctual growl, it was involuntary and it was low and deep within his throat as the claw reached towards him. He didn’t have control over it, it just came and forced its way out of his maw. 

    Hakamo-o pulled his hand away and glanced around, before leaning close again, “Look dude. You’re caught, don’t try resisting.” Hakamo-o quietly snapped to him, leaning his head closer so Vulpix could hear.

    Upon the Hakamo-o trying again to reach at his paws, the fox snapped his teeth at a talon before releasing a puff of smoke from his maw, “Stay away from my head and paws.” He growled, baring his teeth at the Hakamo-o.

    The dragon winced again,and the Sneasler rolled his eyes at his underling and decided to yell back to his underling, “Oh quit being a Scaredy Skitty,” he snapped, not looking back. He waved his long arms again, “You are a dragon type, what’s a small Vulpix going to do to get through your scales?”

    “Why don’t you deal with this stupid fox then?” he grouched, his head falling to the side slightly. He huffed and glared back at the Vulpix.

    “Come on, big scary dragon,” the human mocked, his tone low so just the Hakamo-o could hear, “Finish the job~.”

    “Rrrrgggg- I am going to strangle you!” ” the underling hissed, tossing the rope to the ground. He cracked both his front talons and bared his fangs back

    He blew a puff of smoke into the grunt’s face without a care.

    The Hakamo-o took a step forward to retaliate, but a quiet rustle to Vulpix’s right drew the attention away, interrupting his threatening approach. There was silence again, both the dragon and Vulpix looked confused in a way. 

    “Must’ve been the wind.” he muttered. The underling walked up close to the Vulpix, opening his sharp claws threateningly.

    It was intercepted by a white blur as it rushed past them, taking the Hakamo-o with it. When the blur came to a stop, it had Hakamo-o in its claws, one over the dragon’s mouth and the other around his neck.

    They were a white furred bipedal Pokémon, deep red patterns in their coat, forming a thunderbolt-like shape on their chest and a scar-like marking near their left eye. They stared down their opponent, their pink eyes glowing with determination

    The Hakamo-o struggled trying to force the claws from his throat. The former human watched in shock as Zangoose bludgeoned him with his free paw until he fell still and flat. 

    “Damnit!” the Sneasler cursed, whirling around, to see the commotion behind him. Most likely alerted from the faint struggling. The tmuch lankier Pokémon rushed towards the Zangoose, arms by its side preparing an attack. 

    Vulpix, not wanting to be involved in the fight, forced himself up to a sitting position with a gulp and reached towards his back legs, trying to get to the rope binding them, curling up to reach them better..

    The Zangoose dropped the Hakamo-o to the ground as the Sneasler threw a punch. He ducked under the purple- coated fist and crossed his arms in a “X” formation before him to block another incoming strike from above.

    Zangoose kicked the elongated Weavile back with a half witted shove, eliciting a growl from him. Zangoose remained silent and raised his right claw, to beside his head in a fist, and left his left one out in front of him, adopting a fighting stance.

    “I hate you explorer types,” the criminal hissed, taking a step back after recovering from the shove before bending his knees and leaning forward. His arms and upper body glowed yellow. The yellow almost inflated to mimic large abdominal muscles and biceps before deflating. Sneasler released a huff of visible white air, “Now, I will rip you apart.”

    “Really?” The mongoose responded. His voice a sort of drawl on his vowels, “Bulk up eh? You are going to need more than that to save yourself.” he dropped to his fours and lept at the criminal with surprising quickness.

    The weasel stumbled back, flailing his arms to maintain a balance. He roared and charged forward, his arms rippling with orange energy and lightning fast speed. The power formed into large orange fists that rippled through the air as he tried a close combat.

    Zangoose jumped back to dodge the flurry of fists. He quickly countered with a cross slash infused with a white sort of energy. ending the weasel tumbling back, this time, he fell over his partner in crime the Hakamo-o, and slammed into the ground with a wail and a thud.

    While they were fighting, the Vulpix struggled to free his legs. He tried fiddling with the knot but it was to no avail. He cursed to himself biting a strand with his front teeth, and using his paws to undo try to pull the knot apart. It hurt his chest to be in that position, but he didn’t care. As long as he was able to free himself, he’d be fine.

    A slash from the Zangoose was what freed the Vulpix from his ropes, “Come on!” The Zangoose ordered grabbing the Vulpix’s scruff and lifting him to his paws. Zangoose quickly turned back around to face the now standing Weville, “You’ve lost Sneasler!”

    “…Sneasler?” The human tilted his head at the ‘mon, “What a dumb name.”

    Sneasler chuckled, crossing his arms as if trying to show disapproval. He then dropped to his knees and lowered his head, looking down at the dirt, “I know that Blitz.”

    The Zangoose scoffed and promptly raised his arm, his fist ignited into flames, before smashing the Sneasler on the head. One hit was the last straw for the Sneasler. They fell to the ground, unmoving, joining his allies into unconsciousness.

    Vulpix sighed in relief and collapsed to the ground. His heart was racing, his mind was in a rush. He covered his eyes with his paws, and sighed. He could finally think about his situation. At least for a few moments now that he didn’t have to focus on trying not to die.

    He was a human… or at least he was and now he was some sort of strange fox, a Pokémon. The panic he felt earlier from Sneasler’s threats did not return, he was fresh out of that panicked fear he had shoved beneath the surface. Though even with time to contemplate, he wasn’t sure what to think.

    “Let’s move Vulpix,” Blitz ordered before Vulpix could delve deep into his mind. The human thought his name was Blitz at least. The white and red furred Pokémon picked him up, causing a surprised yip from the fox. 

    Zangoose set him standing up again, and pat his back lightly, “Another rescue team is on the way,” He jabbed the Vulpix’s side, “You, meanwhile will help me watch them.”

    The fox stumbled on his fours and back onto the ground. Vulpix’s savior just stared in confusion. It made the human uncomfortable and annoyed. He had no idea what he was doing, and of course due to circumstance he’d be judged for it.

    The former human couldn’t keep upright, too imbalanced. It was difficult enough to remain standing, let alone walk. His legs were too shaky, it was almost as if there was an earthquake just below him whenever he walked. It didn’t help that he was clueless on how to maneuver in this body.

    “Hold on kid,” Blitz interrupted, kneeling down by Vulpix’s side, “Can you not walk?”

    “Erm… I don’t know.” he muttered, glancing down at his golden furred body, finally able to get a good look at himself while not in a despondent panic. Mixed throughout with his coat were patches of lighter and darker shades of the gold. His underbelly was a white, more of a cream coloured white. His tails were a darker shade than the rest of him, almost brown in color where his tails met his body. Like a gradient, the darker color faded to a lighter one. On his chest, he seemed to have a marking, it was a circle, with four points exuding from the four corners. Some form of cross? The human didn’t know. He looked back at Zangoose with a forced smile and with a tone littered with sarcasm, 

    “What does it look like?” he asked with a fake smile, his tone full of sarcasm as he tried lifting his head. It fell to the side as he spoke.

    The Zangoose rolled his eyes and pushed himself to his feet. He didn’t utter another word to Vulpix before walking over to the Sneasler and Hakamo-o.

    It was a sudden feeling, but it was almost terrifying to the Vulpix to realize that he failed to notice Blitz take out the Seviper. What would he do if Zangoose decided to look at him and went, “Hey free money.” before doing the exact same thing the other three had tried.

    Vulpix rolled to his back and sat up again. He released a loud sigh, glancing at his paws, ”What am I going to do? Who even… am I?” he asked his subconscious. After no answer from the depths of his head, Vulpix frowned and glanced after Blitz, or at least that’s what he thought the Zangoose’s name was.

    The mongoose meanwhile had just finished tying up the Kommo-o with the rope that had binded the Vulpix. He casted a glance back at the Fox and stared for a few seconds before standing and going over to the Sneasler.

    As he began tying the Sneasler up, Vulpix cleared his throat, “Um… not to question your plans or anything, but what are we going to do with the Seviper? I don’t think we can tie him up,” He looked around the small opening he was in, “Where even is the Seviper?” He asked, a realization coming to mind.

    “Relax,” Blitz replied with a snort, pulling the ropes tight. The Zangoose stood back up and stretched for a moment, “He’s signaling the rescue team.”

    Vulpix blinked several times and raised a brow, “Don’t Zangoose and Seviper… not get along?” He asked, tilting his head.

    Blitz chuckled, covering his mouth with his hand, “You’re spot on there,” He nodded, now rubbing his chin with a claw, “Seviper and I go way back, we’ll explain later.” 

    “…Sure. Whatever,” Vulpix hummed, nodding slowly. He plastered on a half frown and delved back into his own thoughts, ”So… they made up?” He hummed, ”Or they decided not to fight?”

    Blitz’s smile fell, noticing the Vulpix’s apprehension. He rolled his eyes, “Relax, Seviper went undercover months ago, and we weren’t sacrificing the life of a child to get closer to the Brotherhood of Salvation.”

    “The what?” 

    The Zangoose groaned and facepalmed, “One of the biggest criminal organizations in the world,” Blitz answered, dropping his hands to his side, “How do you not know this? Have you been living under a rock?”

    Vulpix was about to retort, but cut himself off with a swift bite to his tongue. He spat out saliva to cover his purposeful bite, rolling onto his back and covering his face. He sighed, “I can’t remember anything. I don’t know anything, I don’t even know how to walk, not even my name.” Vulpix covered his face with his paws and groaned.

    The human couldn’t see Blitz, but he could hear the Normal type release a sigh of irritation and most likely paired with a head shake. He then heard Zangoose’s footsteps and the grass rustling as he approached him.

    Vulpix gingerly opened an eye, and moved his paw. Blitz had sat down, his legs outstretched in front of him and his arms behind his head. He released a sigh staring at the two bipedal Pokémon, “Now,” The Zangoose breathed, fixing the positioning of his tail, “We wait.”

    The human groaned and rolled onto his stomach, he turned his body, so that his tails were behind Blitz, closer to the Zangoose’s tail. Mimicking Blitz’s sigh, he flayed his tails out behind him. 

    Blitz glanced at him for a moment before shaking his head and glaring back at the tied up criminals, still lying unconscious. 

    Vulpix’s nostrils twitched as he exhaled again, raising his head and resting it on the mongoose’s leg. The Zangoose glared at Vulpix as if he’d sprouted three more tails. With swiftness he moved his leg away from the fox’s head, letting it fall into the dirt.

    “I am not a pillow,” Blitz snorted with narrowed eyes as he crossed his arms and continued, “So stay off.”

    The former human huffed glaring up and shaking the dirt from his snout. He shot him a spiteful look who only smirked at the fox’s reaction, 

    “Then why are your legs out and fur so soft?” Vulpix retorted, reaching towards Blitz’s legs again.

    “If I could trade my fur for scales,” he replied with a snort before swatting the fox’s paw, “I would do so in a heartbeat.”

    Vulpix stuck his tongue out both in disgust, “Grrroooosss. Why?” He raised his chin with a dramatic snort.

    Blitz shrugged, “Scales are more menacing and fur is a hassle to take care of.”

    He narrowed his eyes at the Zangoose and scooted a little closer, “Well, if your fur is so much of a hassle, then you wouldn’t mind me resting on it and fixing it up right?” Vulpix snapped snottily.

    “Learn to walk and maybe you can use my tail,” Blitz said with a chuckle. He waved a hand and his ears perked up, “Oi Severe! They’re nearly here?”

    The Seviper slithered from behind Blitz,and to the mongoose’s other side. The snake nodded, “They’re just over the horizon.”

    “Good,” Blitz grunted, forcing himself to his paws. He cracked his back, placing both of his hands on his back and pushing in on his spine, “By any chance are any of them quadrupeds?”

    Severe blinked and raised a brow, “Uh yeah, a Mightyena, she’s the second in command. Why?”

    Blitz gestured to the Vulpix who laid outstretched on the ground, “Our friend here is an amnesiac and can’t remember how to walk.”

    Seviper laughed, shaking his head and covering his mouth with his pointed tail, “Figures huh?” He muttered, shaking his head.

    “Hey…” Vulpix piped up looking between the two teammates. “Should I… select a name?”

    Severe and Blitz glanced down at him, annoyed, and rolled their eyes in unison,.

    “I hate kids,” the snake muttered.

    The Zangoose nodded. “Yes, might as well before we give you an embarrassing one.”

    He frowned and rolled his eyes in return, glancing between them again, “Then… how would Horizon be for a name?”

    Haha! Selecting names are never easy for me. So. I want to ask ya’ll two questions.
    1. What is the name you are most proud of?
    2. What name was the hardest to come up with?

    Expect more to come! But for now, That is all from me. Fathom out!


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