The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Hello again! This one almost turns this fic into a main series one at the beginning but trust me it doesn’t last long, anyway onto the chapter.

    Location Unknown

    Time Unknown

    Blublin woke up and noticed that his surroundings had changed drastically, “Ugh… Where… Where am I?” He groaned.

    Blublin scanned his surroundings, he seemed to be on a beach with a decent build-up of driftwood scattered about, there were even a few crates on the shore as well.

    After scanning the beach for a little bit, he heard footsteps, “H-hello!? Lucario? Christian? Cinder? Anyone!?” Blublin called out as he searched for the source of the footsteps.

    Suddenly, a tall, blue-haired, creature appeared before Blublin, “Ah, hello there little guy.” The creature said, “You don’t look so hot, what happened?”

    Blublin proceeded to explain what had happened to him while also acting it out, but all the creature heard was “Spheal! Sp sph eal! Sphe- heal…”

    “I have no clue what you’re trying to say to me, little buddy, but don’t fret, I’ll get you to safety.”

    Blublin tilted his head in confusion, “H-he doesn’t understand me!? How!?” He blurted.

    Then the realization kicked in, Blublin had a flashback to something Christian said one time, “Humans normally can’t understand Pokémon, so you guys are technically my first Pokémon friends.” Christian’s voice echoed.

    “Th-that means he’s a human! A real one!” Blublin blurted before feeling a massive pain in his head, “Oof… My head… I must’ve sustained a big injury from that monster’s attack.”

    Blublin was starting to get a bit dizzy, the creature noticed this and ran to his side, “Hang on bud, I’ll get you to the Medical Corps’ office, you’ll be ok!”

    Blublin felt his eyelids get heavy as the creature picked him up and began running off somewhere, Blublin could barely process what was going on before passing out.

    Galaxy Hall – Medical Corps’ Office

    April 6th – 9:00 am

    Blublin woke up to an argument between two humans, but he wasn’t concerned about that, what he was concerned about was getting back to his friends, he tried rolling out of bed but stopped when his head screamed at him, “Ow ow ow…” He cried, “Guess it’s back to walking normally for a bit…”

    Blublin looked over at the humans and listened in on their conversation for a bit, “Adaman I already told you, I work on humans, not Pokémon!” A pink-haired lady said.

    “But this little guy’s suffering from human injuries!” Adaman shot back, “I mean, when’s the last time you’ve heard about a Pokémon getting a concussion!?”

    “A concussion?” Blublin questioned, “Isn’t that like a major head injury or something?”

    The two humans overheard Blublin’s feeble cries and turned their attention to him, “Little buddy!” Adaman burst as he ran over to Blublin, “I told you I’d get you to safety!”

    “Who are you?” Blublin asked, forgetting that humans couldn’t understand him.

    “Heheheh.” Adaman chuckled, “You’re welcome bud!”

    “Oh right… He can’t understand me…”

    “You do realize it can’t understand you right Adaman?” The pink-haired lady asked.

    “That’s not true, right little buddy?”

    Blublin gave an awkward, hyper-suppressed nod, he felt a little awkward telling the humans that he could indeed understand him so he didn’t want to give a really obvious response, but unfortunately neither Adaman nor the pink-haired lady caught his response, “Told you Adaman, Pokémon can’t understand human speech!”

    “He must just be shy then.” Adaman concluded, “My Leafeon can understand every word I say.”

    “Why don’t you just ask Leafeon to speak to him then?”

    “That’s a good idea actually!” Adaman burst as he pulled out a Pokéball, “Alright Leafeon! Help us communicate with this little guy!’

    Adaman threw the ball, unleashing Leafeon, who turned around to face Adaman, he then shot him a salute using one of his vines.

    Blublin was a little freaked out by all of this seeing as he had no idea what a Pokéball was, “Did that Leafeon just appear out of thin air!?”

    Leafeon jumped up onto the bed beside Blublin, “Hi little guy!” Adaman’s Leafeon bubbled.

    “H-hey there, uh, what’s your name?” Blublin asked awkwardly.

    “My name’s just Leafeon, but my Pokémon friends call me Basil.” Basil said, “And you, what’s your name?”

    “I’m Blublin, I’m an explorer from the Grass Continent.”

    “The Grass Continent? I’ve never heard of it.”

    “What!? How!? It’s like one of the biggest landmasses on the planet! How have you not heard of it!?”

    “Because I haven’t, the only places I’ve heard of are Hisui and Alola.”

    “Wha- Where are those places located?”

    “No idea, all I know is that the humans here mentioned them.”

    “So those are humans… Then that means… ACK! I’m in another world!?”

    “What are you on about? There’s only one world!”

    “That’s not true! There’s a whole multiverse or whatever out there and this all proves it!” Blublin shouted, “Humans aren’t a thing where I’m from, they all get turned into Pokémon!”

    It was then that Basil noticed the huge injury on Blublin’s head, “Oh, I see what’s happening, you hit your head real hard, and now you’re all coo-coo, got it.”

    “Wait, that’s not what’s going on here!”

    But Basil just ignored him and jumped back off of the bed and returned to Adaman, “So what’s his deal?” Adaman asked.

    Basil responded by acting out a coo-coo gesture with his vines, causing Adaman to get a little uneasy, “So you think he’s gone crazy?”

    Basil responded by nodding and giving as close to a thumbs-up as his little paws could manage, before repeating the coo-coo motion.

    This enraged Blublin causing him to shoot an Ice Beam straight at Basil before storming out of the room, “I’M NOT CRAZY!” He shouted as he left Galaxy Hall.

    “Did that Spheal just use the door?” Adaman asked.

    “It just knocked out your Leafeon in one shot and that’s what you’re concerned about!?” The pink-haired lady shouted.

    “Good point! I have to stop this little menace before he kills everyone in Jubilife Village!” Adaman burst as he ran after Blublin.

    Jubilife Village

    April 6th – 9:15 am

    Blublin began running away from Jubilife Village, but since he was unable to roll he wasn’t covering much ground given the fact that Spheal are inherently slow, “I gotta find my friends, they’ll be able to explain that I’m not crazy!” Blublin said to himself.

    “Get back here!” Adaman shouted as he gave chase.

    “Crud! He’s after me!”

    Adaman easily caught up to Blublin and threw three Pokéballs near him, releasing an Umbreon, a Vaporeon, and a freshly revived Basil, “Get him! We can’t let him hurt any of the villagers!” Adaman commanded.

    “Give it up kid, you’re outnumbered, it’s three against one!” The Umbreon said.

    “Nah, forget all that pre-fight stuff, this kid caught me off guard and one-shot me with an Ice Beam!” Basil exclaimed, “Just knock him out!”

    “Right!” The other two Eeveelutions chorused.

    “Hmph, you could outnumber me fifteen to one and I’d still be able to take you all out.” Blublin taunted, “You think I’ve never been in a monster house before?”

    “Dude, I told you, you’re delusional! None of what you’re saying makes any sense!” Basil shouted.

    “Well, I’m sorry you’re too dumb to understand what I was saying, maybe next time I’ll try telling someone who actually knows their ABCs!” Blublin shouted.

    Basil gave Blublin a very offended look while his friends started laughing, “DAMN BRO!” Umbreon yelled, “I think you’re delusional if you think you’re coming back from that!”


    Basil pulled out a Leaf Blade and began running toward Blublin, “Yeah, how about no.” Blublin said before shooting a Blizzard at the three Eeveelutions catching the two in the back off guard.

    “Shoot! He just attacked all of us at once!” Umbreon blurted.

    “Is that even legal?” Vaporeon asked.

    Basil collapsed on the spot, causing the other two Eeveelutions to turn their attention to him, “Crud, Basil!” Umbreon shouted.

    “Already!?” Vaporeon shouted, dropping his calm attitude, “Ok, things just got serious!”

    Vaporeon rushed in with a Quick Attack and immediately followed up with an Aqua Tail, the attack knocked Blublin back a little but otherwise, he was unfazed.

    “He didn’t even flinch!” Umbreon squealed, “This kid’s either a complete psycho or he’s a god!”

    “Or you’re just extremely weak.” Blublin added.

    “Jeez kid, where’d all this sass come from?”

    “I was born with it! Just like how your boyfriend was born with the inability to speak up!”

    “H-hey! I can be loud when I need to be!” Vaporeon shouted feebly.

    “See, completely incapable of any sound louder than a whisper.”

    Umbreon huffed, “How’d you know we were in a relationship anyway?”

    “Because all you Eeveelutions are the same, you just fall in love with another of your kind of the opposite gender, it’s cliché as hell.”

    “Just shut up!” Umbreon shouted, “We’re here to knock you out, not discuss our love lives, besides, I don’t see you with anyone.”


    “Sounds like a whole lot of bul-” Umbreon said before catching a Blast Seed in her mouth, the seed immediately blew up, sprawling her out on the floor.

    “Woah! Little buddy’s got a couple of tricks up his sleeves huh?” Adaman remarked, “Who knew he had explosives in that little sack of his?”

    “Now it’s just you and me fishy.” Blublin said.

    But right as he got done saying that, Adaman threw a Pokéball at him, just narrowly missing, “I think you’re forgetting about someone.” Vaporeon chuckled.

    “Oh, you want the smoke too!? I have more Blast Seeds in here than you can even count, I’ll show you, you’re not the only one who can throw crap!”

    “He sure is a feisty one…” Adaman commented before throwing another Pokéball, missing his target once again.

    Vaporeon turned to face Adaman, “How are you missing? He’s literally sitting still!”

    “Because the man’s clearly blind, I mean, how else can someone miss this poorly?” Blublin taunted.

    “Ok, that’s too far buddy!” Vaporeon shouted in a voice that almost counted as talking in an indoor voice, “You can insult me, you can insult my friends, you can even insult my lover, but you CANNOT insult lord Adaman like that!”

    Vaporeon lunged at Blublin again only to be met by an X-Eye Seed hitting the back of his throat causing him to choke a bit, he paused to make sure he wouldn’t choke and die from the seed, but when he returned his attention to his opponent they seemed a bit different, “What is this black magic!?” Vaporeon gagged.

    “It’s called an X-Eye Seed, basically it screws with your ability to see properly.” Blublin explained before giggling, “Pretty nasty right?”

    “URG, I’m gonna knock you out and make you eat all your other weird seeds all at once!”

    “Oh, is that so?” Blublin mocked, “Well, thankfully I’m out of seeds that give negative effects then.”

    Vaporeon began to stumble around, struggling to keep his eyes on his opponent, this caused Adaman to worry a bit, “Hey Vaporeon, are you ok?”

    But before Vaporeon could give an answer, he was hit by Blublin’s Ice Beam, giving him frostbite, “Ugh… I-I’m sorry lord Adaman, I don’t think I can take this little guy out…”

    Blublin hopped over to Vaporeon and finished him off with a light slap across the face, “Now it’s time to take you out!” Blublin shouted as he glared at Adaman.

    Adaman returned his Pokémon to their Pokéballs, “I-I don’t understand, Spheal are normally docile, why’s this guy so feisty!?”

    Adaman started to panic a little when he remembered what the Professor told him about Rei ‘Wait a sec, maybe that’s it! Maybe this guy’s not from here! Just like Rei!’

    “Hey little guy, you’re not from here, are you?” Adaman asked.

    Blublin shook his head before flashing his dead and depressing-looking team badge, he then took a good look at the badge and began crying, “I-it’s dead!? N-no! It c-can’t be!”

    “You ok little guy? You seem distraught about something.”

    “My badge is dead…” Blublin lamented, “Without my badge I’m not an explorer, I-I’m just… Just…” Blublin stopped himself there and shook away his tears, “No, I’m gonna make it back, and when I do, I’m gonna buy a huge cake for me and all my friends to celebrate our return.”

    Adaman noticed the determined expression on Blublin’s face, “I guess you got over that pretty quickly huh, well, don’t worry, I’ll help you get home, I just gotta figure out how to do so first.” Adaman watched Irida walk into Galaxy Hall, “And I think I know just how.”

    Galaxy Hall – Professor Laventon’s Office

    April 6th – 9:45 am

    Adaman chased after Irida with Blublin in his hands, when he finally caught up to her, she was already starting to talk to Laventon, “So what you’re saying is Space Time Distortions are occurring less frequently after Rei’s exploits last month?”

    “Correct! It’s quite good for the safety of Hisui’s residents, but it does make things a little complicated for my team.” Laventon explained.

    “Right, that makes sense, given certain Pokémon only appear in distortions.”

    Adaman finally decided to butt into the conversation, “Hey Irida, hey Laventon, uh I’ve got a bit of a dilemma here.”

    “What is it?” Laventon asked.

    “What’s with the Spheal?” Irida asked.

    “Well, you see, this little buddy is from another world, and I wanted to try to find a way to send him home.” Adaman clarified.

    “Pfft really!?” Irida burst, “First you were wrong about the Almighty Sinnoh being Dialga, then you bring a Spheal in here and say he’s from another world and that you want to return him!? What’s gotten into you man?”

    “It sounds crazy, I know, but the little guy proved it! He beat all of my Pokémon without even breaking a sweat, and then he showed me this weird badge thingie.”

    “Uh, if I may.” Laventon interjected, “We’ve researched countless Spheal for the Pokédex project, and not a single one of them boasted enough strength or intelligence to do any of what you just mentioned.”

    “Yeah, what he said, it’s just a dumb Spheal, it can’t possibly take out all three of your Pokémon on its own, and that’s ignoring the fact that it supposedly showed you a badge!” Irida added.

    It was then that Blublin jumped from Adaman’s arms and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from Laventon’s desk, he then scribbled some words onto the paper and showed it to the nonbelievers, “Did that Spheal just-” Irida burst

    “-Write onto a piece of paper!?” Laventon finished.

    The pair looked at Adaman, “Wh-what don’t look at me, I’m just as surprised as you!”

    Blublin kept writing until eventually he had a full explanation of how he ended up here written.

    Hello humans, my name is Blublin I’m a bit lost at the moment and I would like to go home, unfortunately, I can’t do so because I don’t know how to travel through worlds on my own, I’m from a world that doesn’t have humans, well, not as you know them anyway, where I’m from, humans become Pokémon which is a little strange I know but it’s really how it works! I was friends with one of these humans actually, they were a bit strange, but that’s why we were best friends, he even taught me how to write in his native script which is how I’m writing this note actually! Also, can I just say that I am DEEPLY offended by your statements about my intelligence, like, I get it, I’m definitely not the smartest Pokémon out there, but I will not stand for this blatant slander, it’s bad enough that I was already called crazy by that Leafeon, I don’t need any more slander in my life. But that’s getting off-topic, what I need to know is how do I get home?

    “So he just… Wrote all of that?” Laventon asked.

    “Yeah, I’m as shocked as you are.” Adaman replied.

    “Are we even sure that this is a Spheal anymore? I mean, it could be some creature from the stars or something.” Irida suggested.

    Blublin’s eyes shot wide open, he then turned the paper over and drew a little picture of a UFO with a giant X over it and the words “Not an alien” underneath.

    “It’s strange too, how is it able to understand our speech?” Laventon asked.

    “Haven’t you seen my Leafeon respond to the things I say to it?” Adaman replied, “Plus Pokémon seem to understand our commands in battle, what makes this guy so different?”

    “He’s spouting nonsense!” Irida interjected, “Humans are only turned into Pokémon in tall tales, there’s no way this little guy met a human in the form of a Pokémon!”

    “Look, we can talk about this later, for now, we just need to get this guy home!”

    “Fine, and how do you plan to do that?”

    “Doesn’t Palkia have the ability to manipulate space?”

    “Well, yes, but Palkia’s with Rei.”

    “I know, now where’s Rei?”

    “He went out looking for Volo’s whereabouts.” Laventon answered, “Apparently that guy was a nutcase the whole time and Rei’s trying to make sure he doesn’t end the world or whatever.”

    “Did he say where he was going?”

    “He said he was heading off to the Coronet Highlands.”

    “Alright, I guess that’s where we’re heading little buddy!”

    Coronet Highlands

    April 6th – 10:30 am

    Adaman and Blublin arrived in the Coronet Highlands only to see a massive Space Time Distortion forming around Celestica Trail, “Oh boy, I thought the professor said those were less frequent after Rei’s whole thing at the Temple of Sinnoh.”

    Blublin gave the distortion a thousand yard stare, “A-another one!?” He blurted.

    “Hey buddy are you ok?” Adaman asked as he looked at Blublin.

    Blublin shook his head and began to shiver, “That’s the thing that brought me here…” Blublin whimpered as he pointed a flipper at the distortion.

    “Oh… I get it, you were brought here by one of those distortions, weren’t you?”

    Blublin nodded his head, “Yup…”

    “Well, I hate to break it to you bud, but that’s probably your best shot at getting home.”

    Blublin sighed before pointing forward, “Onward!” He commanded.

    “Way ahead of you bud.”

    Adaman ran to the sight of the distortion, only to catch a glimpse of Volo plotting something out in the open, Adaman immediately dove behind a rock and placed Blublin down, “Lie low bud, he’s up to something.” Adaman whispered.

    The two peeked over the rock to eavesdrop on Volo and see if he was indeed plotting evil, sure enough, he was rambling on about something, “If I can enter one of these rifts, I could potentially try my whole scheme again, but this time, I’ll succeed without a hitch because there’s NO WAY someone like Rei exists in another world, besides I’ve learned my lesson and can plan accordingly in the event that there is some generic hero type character.” Volo said to himself.

    “Dang, what a weirdo…” Blublin whispered, “He’s just… Talking to himself… In the middle of nowhere…”

    Volo stopped monologuing to check the surrounding area, “I could have sworn I heard a Spheal around here somewhere.”

    Blublin covered his mouth with his flippers and dove back behind the rock, “Crud, I think he knows we’re here!” Adaman shouted.

    Adaman turned to run away but he was immediately stopped by Volo, “Boo!”

    “EEEP!” Blublin screeched.

    “So you were the one spying on me Adaman,” Volo said, “Didn’t anyone teach you to keep your Pokémon in their Pokéballs?”

    “Well you see this little guy isn’t exactly my Pokémon, he’s actually from another world and I’m trying to get him home,” Adaman replied.

    “Oh is he?” Volo said before getting all up in Blublin’s face, “So you’re from another world with another Arceus and another set of plates?”

    “U-uh-” Blublin sputtered.

    “Don’t bother answering, I already know it’s true.”

    “HEY! Give the little guy some space!” Adaman demanded.

    Volo backed out of Blublin’s face before cackling maniacally, “You’re never gonna go home little guy, you wanna know why? Because I’m gonna go to your world and replace it with my personal paradise, and there’s nothing you can do about it!”

    Blublin prepared for battle, “NOT IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT!” Blublin shouted before flashing his team badge, “For all I know, I could be the only surviving member of Team ShinyStar, but that doesn’t matter, every single one of us is a hero and heroes are born to CRUSH VILLAINS LIKE BUGS!”

    “I bet your little Spheal spiel sounded a lot cooler to you, but to me,” Volo paused to cackle again, “it’s nothing but nonsense!”

    “This ends here Volo, if we beat you, you must vow never to show your face here ever again!” Adaman shouted.

    “That was already the plan genius.”

    “ARGH, you know what screw sounding cool, Leafeon, go get him!”

    “Tch, predictable, Arcanine, show him the door!”

    The humans sent out their Pokémon and prepared to battle, however, both of them failed to notice that the rift above them was growing bigger at an alarming rate, “Woah!” Blublin exclaimed, “The sky can’t take much more of this!”

    As Blublin was staring at the hole in reality, a Rock Slide flew his way, Basil quickly moved him out of the way of the attack, “WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT!?”

    “This world is falling apart as we speak!” Blublin replied.

    “Oh, is it now?” Basil said as he rolled his eyes, “Look, we can worry about that AFTER the big fire dog is dealt with, got it!?”


    The pair faced Arcanine, “The ball’s right here, now come and get it Fido!” Basil jeered.

    Arcanine roared before shooting toward the pair with Raging Fury, Blublin jumped out of the way, but Basil took the hit dead on, sprawling him out on the ground, “BASIL!” Blublin shouted.

    Arcanine snarled as if to say, “You’re next.”

    “You’ll never take me alive!” Blublin shouted as he fired a Water Pulse at Arcanine.

    Arcanine was stunned by this attack, allowing Blublin to check on Basil, “Are you alright dude?”


    “I’m not trying to mock you!”

    “You still let me take a fire move head-on after I saved you from that Rock Slide!”

    “I’m sorry, but I can’t exactly move that fast given my physique, and my concussion doesn’t exactly do me any favors either.”

    “Ugh, fine, I’ll beat you up later, for now, we need to focus on that ugly ball of fluff.”

    “Speaking of the ugly ball of fluff, what’s with him?” Blublin asked, “I’ve never seen an Arcanine like her before.”

    “You must not have met an Arcanine ever then, that’s just what they look like!”

    “I… I’ll ask about it later…”

    Blublin looked toward Adaman to see him fist-fighting with Volo, “I’m gonna turn you in and end your little villain arc here!”

    “Hmph, the only thing you’re gonna do is EAT DIRT!”

    Volo delivered a right hook straight to Adaman’s head, knocking him out cold, “LORD ADAMAN!” Basil squealed as he ran over to Adaman.

    Volo let out more maniacal laughter, “Guess that’s the end of the Diamond Clan, unless this insignificant Leafeon thinks he can ACK-“

    Blublin hit Volo directly with an Ice Beam, “Go! Get him to safety!”

    “R-right!” Basil said as he began pushing Adaman to safety.

    Volo glared at Blublin, “Ohohohoho, you my tiny little friend, are going to regret that, Arcanine, Raging Fury!”

    Arcanine ran at Blublin and slammed into him full force, causing Blublin’s world to spin for a bit, he eventually shook it off and retaliated with another Water Pulse, Arcanine winced a bit at the attack but shook it off real quick, it was clear that she meant business now.

    Arcanine charged at Blublin again, only to be met by Basil’s Leaf Blade, “That’s far enough!”

    “B-Basil!?” Blublin blurted, “But what about Adaman?”

    “He’ll be fine, I got him out of the distortion’s radius so if anything happens he’ll be out of harm’s way!”

    “Oh ok… Thank Arceus…”

    But just as Blublin gave his sigh of relief, the sky began to crack again, “Uh, I have no idea what’s going on with that, but I’m not sure I like it.” Basil said.

    The sky kept cracking until eventually, it turned a bright white color, “Crud! I think the rift’s pulling us in!” Blublin shouted.

    “Yes! YES!” Volo exulted, “Bring us to a new world!”

    Blublin felt gravity’s effects slowly disappearing as he floated up into the sky, “W-what’s going on!?” Basil Blurted.

    “I was right! It’s pulling us in!” Blublin cried out.

    The four were being lifted toward the rift at an alarming rate, Blublin was beginning to panic when suddenly everything went dark.

    Location Unknown

    Time Unknown

    Blublin woke up and checked his surroundings, he appeared to be on a beach somewhere, but this beach was a little off, there were palm trees everywhere and despite it being sunset, the Krabby were nowhere to be seen, “Ugh… This… This doesn’t look like home either…”

    “GET UP! IT’S OUR CHANCE TO STRIKE!” Basil shouted.

    Blublin was yanked out of his trance, “Huh!? What!?”

    But before the two could do anything, they heard Volo’s voice, “Arcanine! Raging Fury!”

    But something was off, Volo’s Arcanine actually spoke, “Who the hell do you think you’re talking to!?”

    “Excuse me!?” Volo responded.

    “You heard me, I’m not gonna let a puny little egg boss me around as if they’re my trainer.”

    “B-but I am your trainer!”

    “Pfft, as if.”

    “URGH whatever, I don’t need you anyway, I’ll just get the plates on my own!”

    “And how do you plan to do that?” Basil cut in.

    Volo turned toward Basil and Blublin, “By taking you fools out, that’s how!” He shouted as he ran toward the pair, however, before he could reach them he tripped, revealing his new form to the duo.

    “Really!?” Blublin blurted, “You expect to take over the world after getting turned into a Togepi!? That’s hysterical!”

    Basil raised an eyebrow, “You sure that’s even him?”

    “He just screamed at us and ran toward us, it has to be!”

    “Well, alright then, shall we beat him into next week?”

    “Of course!”

    But before the beat down could begin, an orange figure ran through at mach speeds only to trip over Volo, dropping a red-orange plate in the process, “Oof.” Galarian Zapdos said as he slammed face-first into the ground.

    Volo quickly got up and scooped up the plate that Galarian Zapdos had dropped, “And that’s one plate down already, this is gonna be easy!”

    Blublin shot another Ice Beam at Volo causing him to drop the plate, “YOINK!” Blublin shouted as he reclaimed the plate.


    “Crud! We gotta get out of here!”

    Blublin began hopping away as fast as he could, but unfortunately, he wasn’t covering much ground, that was until Basil scooped him up with his vines and began sprinting off, “Don’t worry, I’ve got you!”

    “But I thought you hated me!”

    “I changed my mind, you helped me save my trainer, besides, I think we’re gonna be stuck with each other for a bit until I manage to find a way home.”

    “Funny you mention that… I don’t think that this is my world either…”

    “Huh… Well, that stinks… No matter, we’ll bridge that gap when we get to it, for now though, we just gotta get the hell out of dodge.”


    Basil ran for a bit until they stumbled into a cave, “Phew, I think we’ll be safe in here.”

    “I beg to differ.” Blublin objected, “This place, it’s definitely a Mystery Dungeon.”

    “A who’s-a-what?”

    “A Mystery Dungeon!” Blublin reiterated, “They’re dangerous labyrinths full of enemy Pokémon and traps.”

    “Crap! Why didn’t you warn me before we went in here!?”

    “Because some of them are virtually indistinguishable from normal caves…”

    “Well, we’re getting out of here, which way did we come in?””

    Basil began looking for the entrance when Blublin stopped him, “The entrance was that way, but it’s gone now, these places usually trap you in until you either make it out or use an Escape Orb.”

    Basil rubbed the back of his head and smiled awkwardly, “You wouldn’t happen to have one of those, would you?”


    “Of course you don’t…” Basil sighed, “Why can’t things just be easy for once?”

    Blublin giggled, “You haven’t seen nothin’ yet.”

    “You’ve got to be kidding me…”

    “Nope, I’m being 100% serious.”

    “Arceus dammit!”

    “Well, there’s no point in dwelling on it, we gotta get out of here.”

    Basil rolled his eyes, “Whatever…”

    The pair began exploring the cave, there wasn’t a whole ton to see, just a dank dark cave, that was until the pair found the stairs, there was a small pink Pokémon seemingly guarding the stairs, she didn’t seem to be great at her job however as she was sleeping on the job, but that’s not the only thing she was sleeping on, underneath of her was a giant metal hammer that she was somehow using as a bed.

    Basil looked at Blublin, “Do you know what that thing is?” He whispered.

    “I have no clue…” Blublin responded.

    Blublin started moving toward the stairs, causing Basil to start freaking out, “Don’t go near it!”

    “We have to!” Blublin shot back, “The stairs will lead us out of here!”

    The resting Tinkaton’s eyes shot open, “They will?” She asked.

    “EEEP!” Blublin blurted.

    Basil let out a deep sigh, “Of course…”

    The Tinkaton jumped off her hammer and grabbed Blublin’s flipper, she then proceeded to shake him violently, “Hiya! My name’s Gumdrop, what’s yours?” She bubbled as she continued to scramble Blublin’s brains.

    “Put him down!” Basil shouted, “He’s got a concussion, you’re gonna make it worse!”

    “O-oh! I’m so sorry friendo, let me put you down.” Gumdrop said as she placed Blublin back down.

    “You ok Blublin?” Basil asked.

    “The world is spinning so faaaaast…” Blublin groaned as he struggled to keep his balance.

    “Sorry little guy, I just got a little excited to see a friendly face in here.” Gumdrop explained, “All the other Pokémon I’ve met here all seem excessively aggressive.”

    Blublin shook off the dizziness, “You do realize this is a Mystery Dungeon, right?”

    “Oh! I had no idea, this place just looked like a normal cave from the outside!”

    “It’s fine, just stick with us and we’ll get out of here.”

    “Alright! Come on Bertha, let’s go!”

    “Bertha? Who’s Bertha?” Basil and Blublin asked in unison.

    Gumdrop picked up her hammer and held it over her shoulder, “Her silly.”

    “The hammer?” Blublin asked.

    Gumdrop let out an offended gasp, “She’s not just a hammer, she’s my friend!”

    Basil rolled his eyes, “Right… Let’s just get out of here…”

    Drip Drop Depths – Basement Floor 2

    January 27th, 4:30 pm

    Coast Continent

    The trio continued onto the next floor of the dungeon, Basil was constantly on edge while the other two were chatting casually as if nothing was wrong, “So do you happen to know where we are?” Blublin asked.

    “Oh that’s easy, this is Drip Drop Depths, one of the beginner dungeons in the Coast Continent, it’s right next to Sunset Square.” Gumdrop responded.

    “Uh-huh, so like where is that in relation to the Grass Continent?”

    “Grass Continent? There’s a Grass Continent? It doesn’t seem to be on my map.”

    “Just as I suspected…” Blublin sighed, “I’m not in the clear yet…”

    “Huh? What do you mean?”

    “Well you see, Basil and I are from different worlds entirely, my home is pretty similar to this world, while his is very different.”

    Gumdrop gasped as sparkles appeared in her eyes, “You’re just like Mina!”

    “Excuse me?”

    “Mina is a character from a book that I’m reading, she’s a Deerling who one day wakes up in a different world for some unexplainable reason, the book’s called ‘A Strange New World’ and I would highly recommend it!”

    “That title sounds a little generic but I’ll give it a read if I have the chance.”

    Basil looked at Blublin and gave a half-suppressed laugh, “You read books?” He asked.

    “Sometimes, and before you say it, yes I am a nerd, all my friends are nerds.”

    “Well, good thing we’re only temporary allies, then.”

    “Dude, you literally simp over some smug guy with blue hair you’re literally nerdier than I am, and I actually read Isekais.”

    “What’s an Isekai?”

    “It means ‘Another world’ it’s a genre of media that usually takes place in well… Another world.”

    “Look, we can have the nerd talk later, we need to get outta here!”

    “Right, Gumdrop, let’s get moving!”

    The trio took a narrow path into a massive clearing in the cave, there were tons of items and stuff on the floor but unfortunately for the trio…

    “Hold it!” Blublin shouted.

    “Is something wrong?” Gumdrop asked.

    “I don’t see any problems here, let’s just stop dillydallying and get out of here!” Basil butted in.

    Basil stepped into the room and triggered its trap, tons of Rattata and Geodude appeared in the room surrounding the trio, “It’s a monster house!” Blublin screamed.

    “Excuse me?”

    “No time to explain, just get ready to take out whatever survives this Blizzard!”

    Blublin unleashed a Blizzard, striking down most of the weak feral Pokémon, the only survivor was a Graveler who was still standing tall, it was about to strike Blublin on the head with a Smack Down when Gumdrop slammed it in the face with her hammer, sending it flying comically, “IT’S GOOD! HOME RUN! WOOOOOOOOOO!”

    Blublin sighed in relief, “Thanks, that guy was gonna knock me out for sure…”

    “Oh don’t thank me, thank Bertha, if it weren’t for her that big ol’ meanie would’ve clobbered you on the head with his meanie pebbles.”

    Blublin looked at Gumdrop’s hammer- I mean “Bertha” and smiled awkwardly, “Thank you Bertha.”

    Gumdrop giggled, “She said you’re welcome!”

    Basil ran up to Blublin and poked him with one of his vines, “Uh, hey, can we talk for a sec? Yes? Ok come over here real quick.” He said as he pulled Blublin aside.

    “Wha- hey! What’s the big idea!?” Blublin protested as he was being dragged against his will.

    “You see that thing over there?” Basil asked as he pointed at Gumdrop, who waved once she realized Basil was pointing at her, “There’s no way it’s sane.”

    “Well, she seems sane to me, I mean she just saved my life!”

    “Yeah, but she also talks to that hammer like it’s a living creature!”

    “Well, maybe there’s a reason for that.”

    “Pffft, yeah right, she’s probably just a psycho waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill us herself.”

    “I’m not a psycho!” Gumdrop shouted, “The little ball guy is right, there is a reason I refer to this Bertha this way!”

    “Oh yeah? Then what is it?”

    “It’s because… This hammer is made from the armor of an old friend of mine, unfortunately, she’s not exactly with us anymore, so I named this hammer in her honor.”

    Basil wasn’t buying that for even a moment, “That’s…”

    Tears began to well up in Blublin’s eyes, “That’s so sad!”

    Gumdrop sighed, “She’s in a better place now, I’ll wield this hammer in her memory.”

    “But then why did you say she said you’re welcome?” Basil asked, “If it was really just an honor thing, then the hammer wouldn’t be speaking to you.”

    “Oh that’s just a fairy type thing, we usually talk to inanimate objects as if they’re alive, it’s just us trying to be cute.”

    “I have a hard time believing that.”

    “Come on, you’re a Leafeon, you of all Pokémon should know this.”

    “Why’s that?”

    “Haven’t you met a Sylveon before, they’re always thanking their ribbons for doing stuff for them.”

    “Ugh, yeah, I almost forgot about that… I never want to see another Sylveon in my life.”

    “Why did something happen last time you met one?”

    “Yeah, he hit on me!”

    “Is there something wrong with that?”

    “Yeah, HE hit on me!”

    “I take it you’re not into dudes.” Blublin interjected.

    “Nope, I’m not, especially when they hit on me without asking if I am or not first.”

    “I understand where you’re coming from, but wouldn’t it be awkward if someone started a conversation with ‘Hey, are you into guys?’?”

    “I mean yeah, but it would be less awkward than some weird photosynthesis pickup line.”

    “Fair enough.”

    “Hey, not to like interrupt you guys, but can we get going?” Gumdrop asked, “I got kids to tend to.”

    “You’re a mother!?” Basil blurted.

    “Sort of, I run a foster house for all the orphaned children in the area, I only left them because I went shopping and heard a strange noise coming from this place, and then I stepped on a trap that put me to sleep, even though none of them are my own children I still feel like a terrible mother for leaving them on their own for so long.”

    “Well, logically speaking this place shouldn’t be too dangerous considering it’s just outside of town, it might even be a short dungeon.” Blublin said, “But it does beg the question, how’d we meet up if we entered from different places?”

    “Oh, that’s an easy one, Mystery Dungeons have multiple entrances that all lead to the same place.”

    “That makes zero sense…” Basil groaned.

    “It’s not meant to.” Blublin assured him, “These places don’t exactly like logic very much, it’s best to not dwell on it and just keep pushing on through.”

    “Ugh, let’s just get out of here then.”

    Drip Drop Depths – Basement Floor 3

    January 27th, 5:00 pm

    Coast Continent

    The trio proceeded down the stairs onto the next floor and reached an empty room that led to an exit, “Look! There’s the exit!” Gumdrop said rather predictably.

    “Hold it! I’ve seen this one before!” Blublin shouted.

    “Huh? Seen what before?” Basil asked.

    “We’re about to get jumped by someone or something right as we try to leave this place!”

    “Pfft, yeah right.”

    “You do realize how cliché that sounds, right?” Gumdrop asked.

    “I know! But it’s cliché for a reason!” Blublin shot back.

    “Maybe you’re just overthinking things.”

    Blublin sighed, “Fine maybe I am overthinking things, but if we get jumped I blame you two for making me lower my guard you hear me?”

    Basil and Gumdrop nodded in unison and the trio began walking toward the exit, surprisingly, nothing tried to jump out at them and they were free to leave without any issues, “See I told you that you were overthinking things!”

    “Huh, guess I was wrong…”

    Basil turned to face Blublin, “See!? There’s nothing to worry about!” Basil turned back around and began to prance forward, “We have absolutely nothing to worry abou-” He reiterated before bumping into someone, he opened his eyes and looked up to see none other than Volo’s Arcanine, “AH! Arcanine! Uh! We- I er-“

    “It’s fine! I’m not gonna hurt you anymore!” Arcanine clarified.

    “You’re not?” Blublin asked.

    “Nope, I’m finally free from that wretched human, and now I can go back to living my life instead of being his pawn.”

    “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Volo was such a bad trainer.” Basil responded, “Hopefully he gets what’s coming to him.”

    “Wait, so you mean to tell me you were brought here by a human?” Gumdrop interjected.

    “Yes and no, it’s complicated and I’d rather not explain it right now, my head’s starting to hurt.”

    “Oh, well, in that case, would you three like to stay with me for the night?”

    “I think we’re fine, I found a place that seems like a nice living space.” Arcanine said.

    “That’s great! I’ll see you around then!”

    Gumdrop waved before walking off, hammer in tow, as she walked off Basil and Blublin turned to Arcanine, “So, are you sure we’re cool now?” Blublin asked, “I mean, you did switch up on Volo rather suddenly and all.”

    “Don’t worry about it, if I still wanted you dead, then I’d have you dead by now.”

    Blublin let out a sigh of relief, “Thank Arceus…”

    “So, you guys want to stay at the place I found?”

    “I mean, do we have a choice?” Basil asked.

    “Well, I mean you do, but I have a feeling things won’t pan out for you if you choose to go elsewhere.”

    “Then let’s get going!”

    Arcanine’s Retreat

    January 27th, 5:15 pm

    Coast Continent

    Arcanine led the duo to a beach just outside of Sunset Square, she then walked them down to a cave on the beach, “Alright, here she is.” Arcanine announced to the pair.

    “Oh no, I am not sleeping in a cave!” Basil protested, “Especially after what we just went through today!”

    “Beggars can’t be choosers, dude!” Blublin reminded him, “It’s either we stay here or we pass out while searching for somewhere else, and considering there’s a crazed maniac after us, I don’t think passing out in the open is a good idea.”

    “What he said, it’s here or the afterlife.” Arcanine added.

    “Ugh, fine, but I still want to move out at some point.”

    “You’re free to do that, so long as Volo isn’t after you anymore.”

    Basil yawned as he began walking into the cave, “Whatever, let’s just get some rest.”

    The other two followed him inside to find a pretty spacious area inside, “Woah! This place is huge on the inside!” Blublin blurted.

    “Wow, maybe I was wrong, maybe living in a cave could be kinda cool.”

    “Well, it’s not exactly the best place for kids…” Arcanine sighed, “But it’ll do for now.”

    “What does it matter if it’s not good for kids?” Blublin asked, “It’s not like we have any with us!”

    “That’s true, but I would like to have some one day, Volo seemed like he wasn’t gonna let that happen though.”

    “Well, he’s gone, so you’re free to do whatever you want with your life, even if it means ruining it!” Basil exulted.

    “Basil! That’s so messed up!” Blublin yelled.

    “What!? I’m just speaking the truth, the moment you have kids you lose all your freedom!”

    “That’s not true! Kids make your life more fun!”

    “Yeah, when they’re not forcing you to do stuff for them!”

    “Well, regardless of what you think, I’d like to become a mother at some point.” Arcanine concluded, “Now we should get some rest, good night you two.”

    “Good night!” The boys responded.

    Arcanine walked into a corner of the cave and curled up into a ball on the floor while the boys picked separate spots to sleep and began to wind down, ‘Man today hasn’t been good for my head, first I ended up in some weird world with humans and now I end up in a cave with two human owned Pokémon in another another world and it feels like I’ve missed months of my life somehow, maybe even years! I’m still really confused about all this but I guess I’m not gonna get answers unless I go to sleep and see what happens next…’ Blublin thought, ‘Is this how Christian felt when he first ended up in our world? Arceus I hope not, this is terrible! I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy! Well sitting here and freaking out about it isn’t gonna solve anything, I gotta get some rest…’

    Blublin shut off his mind and drifted off into his dreams, his very, very interesting dreams.

    Arcanine’s Retreat

    January 28th, 7:15 am

    Coast Continent

    Blublin woke up feeling just as terrible as yesterday, but at least this time he wasn’t going to get dragged through another rift in time and space, so there’s that, “Ugh… My head’s killing me again…” He groaned. Blublin looked around the cave and noticed that everybody else had left, “Huh, I guess they went to go get the lay of the land or whatever, I guess I should get going too.”, So Blublin went to exit the cave when suddenly he heard a noise coming from outside, “Never mind, I’ll be staying right here to not draw any unwanted attention.”

    “Oh, there you are!” A feminine voice said from outside the cave.

    “State your business!”

    “I’m a nurse, I was told there was a Spheal with a wicked head injury in here.”

    “Who told you that!?”

    “An extremely annoying Leafeon named Basil.”

    “Alright, you can come in.”

    Once Blublin was done being skeptical, A Meganium entered the cave with what appeared to be a hefty amount of medical supplies, “Why are you so on edge? It’s not like someone’s trying to kill you or anything.”

    “Uh, yeah, about that…” Blublin said, “Some lunatic is actually trying to kill me and it’s all because I have something he wants.”

    “Eh, it’s probably not that bad, he probably just wants it back, what is it anyway?”

    “You wouldn’t believe me.”

    “Oh trust me I would, I’m gullible to a fault, besides, can’t you just show me the dang thing?”

    “R-right… Let me pull it out of my bag…” Blublin began digging through his bag for the plate, but for some reason, he couldn’t find it, “Huh!? It’s not here!? Where is it!?”

    “Bummer, the guy must’ve grabbed it from you while you were asleep.”

    “No, It’s with me.” Basil said as he entered the cave.

    “UGH! I thought I told you to stay in the infirmary!” Meganium groaned.

    “You really expect me to let this guy get all of your love? Nuh-uh not happening!”

    “I already told you I’m taken!”

    “Basil, what is your deal?” Blublin asked.

    “What!? She’s hot! I had to take a chance!”

    “Isn’t this a bit hypocritical considering what you said about that Sylveon yesterday?”

    “That was different! That was a dude!”

    “Dude, if it makes you uncomfortable when guys hit on you then don’t hit on others, you’re making her feel exactly how you felt!”

    Fiiiine I won’t hit on her, but you better not either!”

    “No offense Miss, but I wouldn’t do that, I’ve got someone in mind already.”

    “Oh, none taken, I get it, I’ve been there.” Meganium replied.

    “Oh, thank goodness, I was really worried you were gonna get offended and make my concussion worse!”

    Meganium chuckled a bit, “I couldn’t do that to a Pokémon in poor condition, I’d never forgive myself!”

    “Phew, well, at least I know I’m in good hands.”

    “Indeed you are, now let me check that wound of yours.” Meganium inspected the wound for a bit before giving her diagnosis, “Well it does seem to be a rather nasty concussion, but it’s healing slightly, have you had prior treatment?”

    “I think? It’s a little hard to tell considering yesterday was a bit of a blur.”

    “Yeah, if you can believe it, we’re not exactly from this world.” Basil interjected, “He was treated a little bit, but the medicine in that world was a bit… Lackluster…”

    “I can tell, at this rate, he’d need to rest for about six months at the bare minimum!” Meganium explained, “But if things go well here, he should make a full recovery by next week.”

    “NEXT WEEK!? That’s- that can’t be right!”

    Meganium chuckled again, “It is a tad outrageous but I’m not pulling your leg, our medicine is just that good!”

    “So this is gonna be quick, right?” Blublin asked.

    “Well… Not exactly…”

    “Oh… Well, let’s just get on with it then.”

    Meganium then spent the next 4 hours and 45 minutes applying every bit of medicine that she had, it was an exhausting process for everyone involved, but eventually, Meganium finished her medical procedures and started to pack everything up, but before she left… “Hey, do you boys want lunch?”

    “I thought you said you were taken.” Basil replied.

    Meganium rolled her eyes, “I’m not taking you on a date, I just brought some soup that Chandelure made with me, it’s really good!”

    “I’ll take some!” Blublin burst as he raised a flipper, “I haven’t eaten in forever!”

    “Well, alright then, here you go.” Meganium set two bowls of soup in front of the boys, “Enjoy!”

    Blublin cautiously took a sip of the soup, but once the flavor hit his tongue he started to guzzle it like it was a can of soda, “MMMM! This soup! It’s amazing!”

    Basil similarly started slow before downing the whole bowl in record time, “What was in that!? It was amazing!”

    “It’s Chandelure’s secret recipe, she says it’s great for promoting health, so she gives us medical staff a whole ton of it.” Meganium explained, “What she won’t give us is the recipe, so I have no clue what’s in it.”

    “Oh, well it doesn’t really matter to me, I couldn’t replicate it even if I did have the recipe.” Blublin said, “I’m horrible at cooking!”

    “Well, I’m not, so I’d do anything to get that recipe!”

    “Wow, way to flex on the little guy!” Basil shouted.

    “O-oh sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.”

    “It’s fine.” Blublin yawned, “Oh man I’m tired… Is it ok if I take a nap for a bit?”

    “You should be fine, I’ll be heading back to the guild now, you two take care!”

    “Thank you ma’am!” Basil said as Meganium left the cave, “Well, I think I’m gonna head out too, see ya later bud!”

    And just like that, Blublin was all alone again, but he didn’t mind at all, ‘Phew, finally, I’m all alone, all these Pokémon are messing with my anxiety and I don’t like it!’ He thought, ‘Hopefully when I wake up from my nap, I’ll be free to roam the area on my own.’

    Blublin began his snooze session, hoping that he could finally get a little bit of time to himself once he had awakened but unfortunately…

    Roughly 5 hours later

    Arcanine’s Retreat

    January 28th, 5:15 pm

    Coast Continent

    Blublin was still fast asleep when Arcanine returned to the cave, “Hey little buddy you in here?”

    Blublin kept snoring for a second before snorting and waking up, “Aww man, you interrupted my dream…” He lamented, “I was eating a giant birthday cake all by myself and it was delicious!”

    “Where were your friends?”

    “Oh they were watching me eat the cake, they said that it was all mine and I ate almost every last bite of it, I actually got to the last one when you woke me up.”

    “Well, I had to wake you up at some point, you’ve been sleeping since last night!”

    Blublin shook his head, “I was up at 7! I just took a nap around lunchtime because I was tired from Meganium’s medicine, she really needs some non-drowsy stuff.”

    “Oh, well, you should probably go get the lay of the land before sundown.”

    “Ugh, fiiiine I wanted to get a bit more sleep in but I guess if you want me to leave I’ll leave.”

    Sunset Square

    January 28th, 5:30 pm

    Coast Continent

    Blublin wandered around aimlessly until eventually he stumbled into town, ‘Woah, this place is so… Different… It’s like if Treasure Town kept developing for a couple more years.’, Blublin kept taking in the scenery as he walked, taking note of all the things that set this place apart from Treasure Town, ‘There are tons of houses here, it’s almost like they mashed the residential area and the shopping district together, it’s actually kinda cool!’, speaking of shopping, the Kecleon shop caught Blublin’s eye, ‘Woah, even Kecleon’s place got bigger, maybe I should go check it out!’

    So Blublin rushed toward the shop and was immediately greeted by Cobalt the blue-striped Kecleon, “Hello there Slippy, it’s good to see you again.”

    “Oh, uh, you got the wrong guy, I’m Blublin.”

    “O-oh sorry about that, you just look really similar to one of our regulars you see.”

    “It’s fine.” Blublin said, “So, what do you have for sale?”

    “Oh usually I sell weird stuff that I find, nobody knows what most of it is, but most folks just buy something as a souvenir.”

    “Uh, alright, I’ll take a gander I guess.”

    Blublin looked through Cobalt’s wears for a bit until eventually, he picked out a pink incense jar with a heart on it, “This thing looks strange.”

    “Oh uh that thing, uh yeah I agree it does look quite strange, as I said before though I have no idea what it does.”

    Blublin took a closer look at the incense and found some human writing carved into it, the writing read, “Friend Incense”, ‘Can he not read human writing?’ Blublin thought to himself, ‘Maybe I should ask him about it.’

    Blublin was just about to ask about the writing when Basil came up from behind him, “Look who rolled out of bed!” He ribbed.

    “Oh hey Basil, can I ask you something?”

    “What is it?”

    Blublin presented the incense to Basil and underlined the writing with a flipper, “Can you read this?”


    “What about you Cobalt, can you read it?”

    “Eh, nope, not at all.” Cobalt replied, “Are you sure that’s even supposed to be text?”

    Blublin thought about telling the truth, but for some inexplicable, he got the feeling that it wasn’t a good idea, so he lied, “Maybe not, I thought it was at first, but I guess it’s just a design thing.”

    “Well do you want it or not?”

    Blublin took another look at the incense and mulled it over for a moment before thinking, ‘Oh duh, I should smell the dang thing, I mean it’s an incense right?’, so he took a whiff and was immediately blown away, ‘IT SMELLS LIKE THE BLUFF!’, he shouted internally, “I’ll take it!”

    “Ok, that’ll be 300 Poké!”

    ‘Oh, thank Arceus they still use Poké here…’ Blublin thought as he pulled out the Poké, “Here ya go mister!”

    “Pleasure doing business with you little man!”

    Blublin turned to Basil, who was very confused about all this, “Oh did you want to buy something too?”

    “I’ll… Ask about this later…” Basil said.

    “Oh you’re confused, I see, well is there something you wanted to tell me?”

    “Uh yes actually, I slipped that plate back into your bag while you were napping, I figured you’d want it back after I snatched it without permission earlier.”

    “Oh, uh, thanks, but shouldn’t we be trying to get this thing back to its owner?”

    “Uh, I’m not sure… I was thinking the same thing at first until I overheard some Pokémon talking about the plate, apparently once a plate has been separated from its guardian it’s no longer their responsibility.”


    “Yup, it’s… Weird, they also said that Arceus will grant the wishes of anyone who’s able to assemble all the plates at the Temple of Light.”

    “And you just happened to overhear this information?”

    “Yup, when I went to go get you medical attention, I heard some fish dude talking to someone else about how one of the plates had gone missing.”

    “I guess the word’s out, then?”

    “Nah, he seems to be someone of importance, I don’t think any commoners know yet.”

    Blublin sighed, “That’s a relief, I really don’t want a target on my back right now.”

    “Well, you’ve already got one bud.”

    “Right, Volo almost forgot.”

    “I get you though, you don’t want more than one target at once, maybe you should try to pawn that thing off then.”

    “But what if it ends up in the wrong hands?”

    “Eh, I trust your judgment, whoever you give it to will most likely be responsible with it.”

    “Yeah, I guess you’re right…”

    “So you wanna go find some food?”

    “Oh, I’d love to.” A familiar voice answered from behind the pair.

    The pair turned around to see a Togepi with a menacing expression on its face, “Uh, can I help you sir?” Blublin asked.

    “Yes actually, you can, all I need is that Fist Plate you have with you.”

    “Uh, yeah no I think we’ll pass on that one.” Basil interjected, “Blublin get out of here!”

    Blublin did as Basil instructed, he hopped away as fast as he could, passing through a crowd in an attempt to lose Volo as he passed through the crowd he bumped into a very sad-looking Skarmory, “Hey! Watch it pipsqueak!” She shouted.

    Blublin didn’t let that stop him though, he needed to lose Volo at all costs, so he kept hopping away until eventually, he needed to stop to catch his breath, when he did this however he noticed another Spheal who had just fallen over and dropped their bag, he quickly rushed to their side, “O-oh! Are you ok!?”

    “I’m fine, I just dropped my stuff.” The Spheal replied.

    Blublin quickly scooped up the Spheal’s bag and held it out to him as he got up, “Here, I got your bag for you!”

    “Thank you!” The Spheal happily replied as he took his bag back.

    “You’re welcome friend!” Blublin responded with a smile.

    “So, what’s your name?” The Spheal asked.

    “My name’s Blublin! And yours?”

    “I’m Slippy!”

    ‘Oh, so that’s who Cobalt confused me for, honestly I don’t even blame him I feel like I’m staring in a mirror right now.’ Blublin thought, “Well nice to meet you Slippy!”

    “Nice to meet you too!” Slippy said, but then a weird, somewhat suspicious look appeared on his face, “Wait your name it’s… Really strange.” He concluded.

    ‘That’s odd, why do I get the feeling he was going to say something different there?’ Blublin thought, “I know, it was given to me by a friend, he says it means ‘blubber goblin’ which I think is pretty cute.” Blublin explained, ‘I think that’s what Christian said about it anyway.’

    The look disappeared from Slippy’s face, “Oh I get it now… Well in that case yeah I think it’s pretty cute too!”

    ‘I have a feeling he’s lying.’ Blublin mused, “Thanks, I think that’s the first time anyone’s complimented my name, everybody else thinks it’s stupid.”

    “Well I think they’re stupid!” Slippy responded.

    ‘I take it back, I have a feeling this kid’s just like me.’ Blublin thought, “That’s what I’m saying!”

    Slippy eyed the bandage on Blublin’s head, “So, what’s with the bandage?”

    Blublin looked up at the bandage, ‘Dang! I still have that bandage that the lady in Hisui gave me!? That’s crazy! I would’ve thought that Meganuim would’ve switched it out when she treated my wounds.’ Blublin brooded, “Oh that?” Blublin asked as he played with the bandage a bit, “I have a minor case of a major concussion, hence why I’m not rolling around right now.”

    This caught Slippy off guard, “R-really!? How’d that happen!?”

    Blublin proceeded to explain the events that led him here, “And basically I’m here now.” He concluded.

    Slippy was flabbergasted, “Woah! That sounds terrifying! A friend of mine went through something similar recently.”

    ‘Wait, could it be?’ Blublin thought to himself, “Really!? What’s their name!?” Blublin asked as he struggled to contain his excitement.

    “Her name is Cinder, Cinder the Cyndaquil.” Slippy mentioned.

    “WHAT!? It- it can’t be!”

    “Can’t be what!?”

    ‘There’s no way! She’s here, SHE’S HERE!’ Blublin thought to himself, he then realized the scared look on Slippy’s face, ‘I’ll save our reunion for when I’m not scaring everyone with my reaction, maybe then we’ll be safe to just chill out without having to worry about getting hunted down.’ Blublin told himself, “N-no it has to be a coincidence!”

    “You’re confusing and scaring me sir!”

    Blublin was just about to sweep it under the rug when he heard Volo’s voice, “Now where did that little scamp go?”

    “Crud, he’s onto me!” Blublin blurted carelessly, “Here, take this!” He demanded as he handed the Fist Plate to Slippy.

    “Huh!? What!?”

    “No questions!”

    “B-but aren’t you gonna want this back!?”

    “I’ll come back for it when I can, just keep it safe, ok?”

    “Ok! I’ll keep it right here with me!”

    “Great, maybe you can give me a tour of your house when I come back for it or something.”

    “OOH! Can we use the slide in my room!?”

    “Yeah, yeah, once I lose this heat that is.”

    “Well alright, bye mister!” Slippy said as he waved Blublin off.

    “See ya kid!” Blublin said as he hopped off.

    Blublin kept hopping until he was sure Volo was off his tail, he then stopped to catch his breath once again, “Phew…”

    “The plate!” A voice shouted from a distance.

    “Ah great, he’s still after me!?”

    “Blublin the plate, where is it!?” Basil shouted as he came into view.

    ‘Oh great, it’s just him…’ Blublin waited until Basil caught up with him to answer that question, “You know how you told me I should pawn it off?”

    “Yeah, why?”

    “I gave it to some kid I met, in hindsight, it wasn’t the smartest move, but hopefully Volo will stop chasing us once he realizes we don’t have it anymore.”

    “Sounds like a roundabout way of solving all our problems, but whatever works, works.”

    “I hope so.”

    “So uh you wanna get dinner, for real this time?”

    “Sure, let’s just go get Arcanine first, I think she would love to get something to eat as well.”

    The two began walking back to the cave as the sun set, “Heh, she got all jealous when I mentioned that we had lunch with that medic chick.”

    “Yeah maybe because she was starving.”

    Thus, our second Team ShinyStar-related special episode has come to a close, the third one probably won’t happen for a long time as Christian and Lucario play a bit of a bigger role in the story a bit later, the only thing I’ll say for now is that the IDPK are very secretive, but Christian and Lucario will be exposing some of their darker secrets, what do I mean by that? Well, you’ll just have to stay tuned to find out.

    Anyway, onto the usual end stuff.

    Boss data downloaded successfully!

    Arcanine The Backstabber

    Arcanine was one of Volo’s right-hand Pokémon, but once Volo was turned into a Togepi she saw her opportunity to ditch him and take back her life, but before she could do that she had to fight Blublin and Basil, the match ended in a draw however as they were all taken into a rift that transported them into a familiar world where they would ally together, is anyone else getting confused here? I thought we were supposed to be talking about bosses, not friends!

    And finally, the other end stuff, like reviews.

    To KirgizovVlad: I’m glad you’re getting invested in the characters because I’m having a lot of fun writing them! I think the best part of this story so far has been the characters because they’ve been a pretty varied group with different goals and ideals and I’m excited to see where my mind takes them in the future, thank you again for your continued feedback!

    Well, that’s all for this time, next time: The team goes searching for Gimmighoul coins and experiences Murphy’s law firsthand. See you then!

    (Also yes I did just find a way to reference Pokémon Sleep of all things)


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