The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    So you know how I didn’t wanna do another special episode yet? Well, throw that all out the window! I really want to do this one right here, right now! Why? Because it’s relevant to the entire story and I found a good way to segue into it in the last chapter, and wanted to roll with it!

    January 24th, 9:30 pm

    Team Echoes’ Base – Specter’s Room

    Coast Continent

    Specter led Malachite into his room and shut the door.

    “Woah, this is your room!?” Malachite asked.

    “Yep, I even picked everything out myself!” Specter chirped.

    “Sick! I love the atmosphere here!”

    “Thanks, I was worried my friends were going to be the only ones who liked it.”

    “Well, I’m glad I could alleviate those worries for you.”

    “Thank you.” Specter said before continuing, “Anyway, before we get too far off-topic this is my ancestor Fiora’s journal, it contains her entire story.”

    Specter opened the journal to a random page, there had clearly been pages torn out around where he ended up, however, as there were remnants of torn pages (go figure).

    “Er, it contains most of her story…” Specter corrected himself, “We don’t talk about pages 433-435.”

    “There are 400 pages!?”

    “It’s actually about 1000 in all, but I can just skip to the important stuff.”

    “I’d appreciate that.”

    “Alright, let’s just start at the beginning…”

    Time Unknown

    Location Unknown

    “Ugh… My head… Where am I?” Fiora groaned as she opened her eyes.

    Fiora looked around the surrounding area to find she wasn’t in her room anymore, but instead, she appeared to be in the middle of some old-timey village.

    “What is this place!? Where is everybody!? How did I get here!?” Fiora asked in rapid succession.

    However, nobody heard her questioning, she was essentially talking to herself.

    “Well, if nobody’s gonna give me answers, then I’m gonna have to go look for them.”

    Fiora tried to get up, only to immediately fall over, slamming the back of her head into the ground.

    “Ow, ow… Why can’t I stand?” She asked herself as she rubbed the back of her head. While she was rubbing the pain away, she accidentally bumped one of her ears and immediately noticed something was off, “What was that? Am I wearing bunny ears or something?” She questioned.

    Eventually, the pain subsided and Fiora tried standing again, this time she fell forward and landed on all fours.

    “What is going on!? Why can’t I stand!?” She asked herself again.

    This time, however, she attracted someone’s attention with her shouting, “Who’s there?”

    This scared Fiora so she attempted to run away, only to slip and face-plant.

    A few moments later, she was picked back up by a Piplup, “There you go, you’re standing now.” The Piplup said in a soft voice.

    Fiora hadn’t noticed who had lifted her up, she only noticed that she still wasn’t fully upright, “What do you mean I’m standing? I’m still on all fours! I should be standing tall on my legs.”

    The Piplup started laughing, “You’re silly! All Eevee walk on all fours!”

    “But I’m not an Eevee! I’m a human!”

    “Human? What’s a human?” The Piplup asked as she moved into Fiora’s field of vision.

    “Wh-what!? Y-you’re a-a P-Piplup!”

    “Is there something wrong with that?” The Piplup asked.

    “Oh, I’m about to pass out…”

    And true to her word, Fiora passed out on the spot due to the shock.

    A few hours later, Fiora woke up in a cottage somewhere, she attempted to stand up again only to once again fall over, this time however somebody caught her.

    “Don’t worry, I got you!” A voice called out from behind Fiora.

    The voice came from the Piplup from earlier, who set Fiora back down.

    Fiora lifted her hands up to her face and began to panic again, “Oh, god, this isn’t a dream, is it!?”

    “You just woke up, why would this be a dream?” The Piplup asked.

    “Because I’m not supposed to be here! I don’t even know where I am!”

    “Calm down! I don’t want you passing out again like you did in the village, just tell me what’s going on.”

    Fiora took a deep breath before explaining, “Ok, my name is Fiora, I’m a human from another world, in that world Pokémon aren’t real, I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but I woke up here, and according to you, I’m an Eevee now.”

    “I’m not exactly sure I follow.” The Piplup sighed.

    “Ok, so imagine this, you’ve been a Piplup your whole life living in this world, then suddenly you wake up in another world as another species entirely, that sounds pretty freaky right?”

    “Yeah, that does now that you mention it.”

    “Well, that’s basically what happened to me, I lived in another world as a human, a species in that world, and next thing I know I wake up in the middle of town in this world as an Eevee.”

    “Oh… I’m so sorry to hear that.”

    “Well, I’m sorry I made you drag me here.”

    “Oh! Don’t be! I completely understand why you passed out! If I were in your situation, I would’ve passed out too!”

    Fiora completely zoned out as she looked around the cottage, “On another note, where exactly am I?”

    “Oh, you’re in my cottage here in Pebbleburg Village.”

    “You have your own house!? But you’re just a kid, aren’t you!?”

    “Yup! But I made enough money from going on adventures through Mystery Dungeons to get my own cottage here in the village.”

    “Did you happen to save enough to buy a mirror too?”

    “Yeah! I got a huge mirror in my room! You wanna see it?”

    “Well more accurately I want to see myself, but yeah, can you take me to your room?”

    “Sure! Just follow me!”

    The Piplup ran into the next room, leaving Fiora on her own for a moment before coming back and peeping her head back into the doorway, “Are you coming or what?” The Piplup asked.

    Fiora responded by attempting to stand up on two legs again, failing, and falling forward again, just barely catching herself as she fell.

    “Why do you keep doing that?” The Piplup questioned.

    “Because when I was a human, I used to walk on two legs like you do.” Fiora answered.

    “Oh, so you were bird-like?”

    “Eh, more like the Pokémon Aipom, but without the tail.”

    “Oh, I get it. It must be weird being four-legged now then, huh.”

    “Yep, I can’t even walk anymore.”

    “Here, let me help you with that, then.”

    The Piplup walked over to Fiora and moved her left foreleg forward first, then her right one, “Alright now move your back legs forward.” The Piplup instructed.

    Fiora shakily moved her left hind leg forward then her right, moving her forward slightly, “There you go! Now just keep doing that until we reach my room!” The Piplup encouraged.

    Fiora shakily made her way to the Piplup’s room but ended up tripping right in front of the mirror, when she picked herself back up she got a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she then began moving her ears, paws, and even her tail around just to absolutely confirm she was looking at herself and sure enough the Eevee in the mirror mirrored her actions, “Oh god I really am an Eevee!” She squealed, “Th-this can’t be real, right!?”

    “I mean, it seems real to me.” The Piplup said.

    “Wait, you didn’t give me your name, how do I know you aren’t just some figment of my imagination?”

    “Oh, my bad! I’m Picky! Picky the Piplup!” Picky chirped.

    “Well, alright, ‘Picky’ what’s your favorite color?”

    “Blue obviously! It’s literally the best color in the world! That’s why the sky’s blue!”

    ‘It both amuses me and scares me that she doesn’t know the real reason the sky’s blue,’ Fiora mused, ‘like on one hand it’s funny and adorable that she doesn’t know, but on the other, her ignorance proves that she is indeed a real person or Pokémon I guess…’

    Picky noticed the conflicted look on Fiora’s face, “Was that the wrong answer or something?” She asked.

    “N-no, there’s no wrong answer to that question, it’s subjective.” Fiora explained, “What was wrong about that was what you said about the sky, it’s actually blue because of blue light being spread by the air molecules in the atmosphere.”

    Picky looked at Fiora like she was speaking a different language, “What’s a molecule?” She asked.

    “Oh boy…”

    January 24th, 9:48 pm

    Team Echoes’ Base – Specter’s Room

    Coast Continent

    “Aw, Picky’s so cute!” Malachite gushed.

    “Yeah, she’s easily the best part of this story,” Specter agreed, “Fiora is honestly a horrible Pokémon and this story is ruined by her presence.”

    “Didn’t you say she was your ancestor, though?”

    “Yeah, but just because she’s part of my family doesn’t mean I agree with what she did.”

    “True… I guess the same goes for my brother…” Malachite sighed, “So are we gonna continue the story?”

    “Well… it’s getting a bit late, you should probably get going.”

    “Aw, can’t I stay here for the night?”

    “I mean, I’d be ok with it, but would your parents?”

    “Oh, I don’t live with my parents, they’re kinda… frozen somewhere…”

    “Wait what?”

    “They were criminals just like my brother, but they ended up committing a crime so heinous that they were sent to The Freezer.”

    “The Freezer?”

    “It’s a prison in the Glacier Continent, they lock you in a cell just like normal, but then after a few hours they freeze you solid in a giant cube of ice.”

    “Woah! Good thing I’m outta the business now then, huh.”

    “I guess so… I never expected to be saying that about a criminal.”

    “I’m not a criminal, I’m an ex-criminal, there’s a difference.”

    “Oh, I-I’m sorry.”

    “It’s ok, I was just teasing you.” Specter chuckled, “Now why don’t you make yourself comfy while I continue the story?”

    September 9th, 7:00 am

    Picky’s Cottage

    Plains Continent

    Fiora woke up in the room that Picky was lending her, she had been an Eevee for about a week now at this point, so at this point the whole “Oh my god I’m a Pokémon” thing was starting to wear off, and she was beginning to accept her circumstances.

    Picky walked into her room and checked on Fiora, “Good morning, Fiora!” She chirped.

    “Good morning, Picky.” Fiora replied.

    “So, have you gotten used to walking yet?”

    “I think so.”

    “That’s great! Maybe I can take you around the village then.”

    “That sounds fun, I mean, it beats staying in here for a week straight.”

    “Yeah, I’m sorry about keeping you held up in here this whole time, it’s just I didn’t want the other villagers treating you like you’re a baby because you didn’t know how to walk yet.”

    This angered Fiora, “Do I look like a baby to you!?” She yelled.

    “Do you want my honest answer, or do you want me to sugarcoat it for you?”

    “Give it to me straight! Do I look like a baby to you or not!?”

    “You don’t just look like a baby, you look like a freshly hatched Eevee, you might even be smaller than that, you’re possibly the shortest Eevee I’ve ever seen.” Picky admitted.

    This offended Fiora even more, “You’re lying to me! I’m not that small!” She shouted.

    “You asked for the truth, and I gave you the truth! If you want proof, then I’ll introduce you to our neighbor Silver.”

    “Let me guess, they’re like a hulking massive god amongst Eevee that towers over all other Eevee?”

    “Nope, he’s still a bit shorter than I am.”

    “I don’t believe you!”

    “Then come on, let’s go, I’ll introduce you to him.”

    September 9th, 7:12 am

    Pebbleburg Village

    Plains Continent

    Picky led Fiora out of her cottage and into the village, once they were in the village they were spotted by an Eevee with whitish-gray fur who immediately began approaching them.

    “Ah, Silver! What’s up, man?” Picky asked.

    “Nothing much, anything up with you?” Silver asked.

    “I was going to show my new friend here around the village.”

    “Is that so?” Silver said as he turned his attention toward Fiora, “Well, what’s your name? New friend.”

    Fiora was a bit nervous because true to Picky’s word, Silver was towering over her, and he wasn’t even that big! She was also a bit nervous because this was the first Eevee she had met after being turned into one, so things were a little awkward, “Uh, my name’s Fiora n-nice to meet you.” She squeaked hesitantly.

    “Fiora, eh? That’s a pretty cute name for a little girl.” Silver replied.

    This set Fiora off, “I’m NOT a little girl! I’m 19! I’m a young adult!” She shouted.

    “You’re 19!?” Silver gasped, “You look like you’re 6 and that’s being generous!”

    Fiora turned to Picky, “I thought you said you would introduce me to him, not allow him to bully me!” She shouted.

    “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that!” Silver squealed.

    “Maybe this was a bad idea…” Picky groaned, “Alright break it up you two, I don’t want to see you two fighting each other.”

    “But I didn’t mean to insult her, I was just sharing my thoughts!” Silver fretted.

    “Well, you successfully insulted me! Next time, keep your thoughts to yourself, ‘ya jerk!” Fiora shouted.

    “Ok! Ok! I will! Just calm down!” Silver yelled back before sighing and turning back toward Picky, “Where’d you meet her anyway?”

    “I found her right here in the village, she was struggling, so I tried to help her, but she ended up freaking out and passing out, so I ended up taking her to my house, she’s been staying with me ever since, although today is her first time back out in the village.” Picky explained.

    “Was it like an angry freak-out or-“


    “What!? I had to ask! I mean, you saw how she just yelled at me!”

    “No, she freaked out because she was scared!”

    “Scared? What’s there to be afraid of here in Pebbleburg? It’s like the most peaceful place in the world.”

    “That’s the problem!” Fiora butt in, “I woke up here, and I have no clue why! I’m not supposed to be in this world, and I’m definitely not supposed to be an Eevee!”

    “You’re… Confusing me…”

    “You’re telling me you’ve never read or heard a story about someone who ends up in a world that isn’t theirs?”

    “Nope, not at all, I’m not a fan of reading books and my father’s stories always put me to sleep.”

    “Whatever, I’m not explaining it to you, you’re not gonna believe me anyway.” Fiora huffed.

    Fiora stormed off on her own, frustrated by basically everything Silver had said to her.

    “What’s her problem?” Silver asked, “I’ve never met an Eevee that’s as moody as her before.”

    “She’s… Not from here… She’s probably frustrated because you didn’t understand her situation and considering how our conversation started, she probably thought you were mocking her.” Picky explained.

    “Oh… Well, I guess that’s just another first impression I’m never going to live down…” Silver sighed.

    “Don’t be so down on yourself, besides, it’s not your fault, she’s just going through a lot right now.”

    “I mean, I guess… But like she sounded like her life would be perfect if she never had to talk to me again.”

    “I’m sure that’s not the case, she was just a little overwhelmed, that’s all.”

    “Yeah… I guess you’re right.”

    Picky turned toward where Fiora stormed off to and noticed a crowd of Pokémon gathering, “What’s going on over there?” She asked.

    “No clue, but there’s only one way to find out, I guess.” Silver said.

    The pair joined the crowd and noticed an Absol was preparing to give a speech to the crowd, “Ahem, villagers of Pebbleburg, I have unfortunate news. An evil figure has appeared in the Crystal Continent and has begun causing disasters across the world.” The Absol explained.

    The crowd all gasped, except for Fiora, ‘Go figure.’ She thought as she rolled her eyes.

    “An evil figure!? What does that even mean!?” Silver shrieked.

    “It means an unknown being is trying to destroy this world and if we don’t do something this world will crumble from beneath us!” The Absol replied.

    This caused the entire crowd to freak out and disperse, leaving Silver, Picky, and Fiora sitting there awkwardly.

    Fiora sighed and began walking in the other direction, “Well, I’ve had enough of this village for one day.”

    “Oh, ok… See you later then…” Silver said.

    “Hopefully not.” Fiora replied as she kept walking.

    This left Silver crushed, “S-she… Didn’t even look back when she said it…” He whimpered.

    “Wow, I’m gonna have to have a talk with her then.” Picky said, “She’s not getting dinner until she apologizes to you.”

    “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

    “Nonsense, if she’s being like this toward you, then who’s to say she won’t treat others the same way?”

    “I guess I see where you’re coming from, but what if she just gets mad at you too?”

    “Then I’ll make her sleep outside tonight! I’ll do whatever it takes to get her to behave herself.”


    “Don’t mention it, now I’m gonna go talk some sense into her, see you later!”

    “See you…”

    September 9th, 7:42 am

    Picky’s Cottage

    Plains Continent

    Picky entered her cottage and went into Fiora’s room, “Fiora? You here? We need to talk.” She called out.

    Fiora got out of her bed, “Talk about what?” She asked.

    “The way you treated Silver was unacceptable!”

    “What was wrong with it? I was just saying what I thought.”

    “Really!? You’re mocking him now!?”

    “Yeah, I mean, why not? That’s what he was doing to me!”

    “He already told you that he didn’t mean to and that he was sorry!”

    “I don’t believe that for a second!”

    “Why not!? He’s my friend! He wouldn’t lie!”

    “Yeah, he’s your friend, that means he wouldn’t lie to you.”

    “Well yeah but-“

    “He was lying to me because he didn’t like me, end of story!”

    “Hold on, why would he have felt bad about what he said if he was lying about being sorry?”

    “Because he was pretending! Has it never occurred to you that other Pokémon can pretend to be nice just so that they can keep you around to make fun of you and harass you?”

    “Yeah, but I know Silver! He wouldn’t do that!”

    “That’s what you think.”

    But before Picky could refute, there was a knock at the door, “Whatever, this argument can wait until later, I’m gonna go get the door, you better not cause a scene here either.” Picky huffed.

    Picky left Fiora’s room and opened the door, when she did so she was greeted by the Absol from earlier, “Can I help you sir?” Picky asked.

    “Is the Eevee I saw earlier here?” The Absol asked.

    “Which one? There were two of them.”

    “The small one with the brown fur.”

    “Oh, you mean Fiora, yeah she’s here, why, are you here to file a noise complaint against her?”

    “No… I’m here to… Explain some things to her.”

    January 24th, 10:04 pm

    Team Echoes’ Base – Specter’s Room

    Coast Continent

    Malachite raised her eyebrow, “Why was she getting so defensive about Silver being a bad Pokémon, though? They had only just met.”

    “Because she was trying to take her frustration out on him and Picky, she does this a lot throughout the entire story.” Specter explained.

    “Wow, that’s mean, why would anyone do that to poor little Picky?”

    “Because some Pokémon are just monsters.”

    “I guess, but like she’s taking things a bit far, don’t ‘ya think?”

    “Well, things only get worse from here, so strap in.”

    September 9th, 7:45 am

    Picky’s Cottage

    Plains Continent

    “Excuse me!?” Fiora blurted.

    “I understand it’s a lot to take in.” The Absol explained.

    “That’s an understatement! You want me to save the entire world from some evil creature that nobody’s even identified! You’re not just crazy, you’re stupid!”

    “Well, the prophecy said that a human would appear to save the world from ruin, so that’s probably what’s gonna happen and that’s probably why you’re here.”

    “Do I get to leave if I fulfill this stupid ‘prophecy’?”

    “So I’ve been told.”

    “Then I’ll do it.”

    “You’ve only been here a week, how are you already so sick of this place?”

    “Because contrary to popular belief, getting dragged into another world where you aren’t even yourself anymore isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.”

    “So you’d rather be a hero for the sake of going home rather than for the sake of the world?”

    “I mean yeah, I never wanted to be a hero in the first place, so if you guys are gonna force me to be one I’m not gonna be the one you envisioned.”

    “I guess that’s fair…”

    January 24th, 10:10 pm

    Team Echoes’ Base – Specter’s Room

    Coast Continent

    “Wow, she was given the opportunity to become some hero of legend, and she just threw it away!?” Malachite questioned.

    “Yeah, Fiora seems to be a Pokémon who doesn’t like being told what to do, but considering she was just forced to save this world it’s slightly understandable.” Specter said.

    “Are you kidding!? I would love to be in her position! I’ve always written stories about a heroic journey I would love to go on, but all it’s ever amounted to is just that, stories, could you imagine how happy I’d be to go on an adventure to save the world!?”

    “But that’s you personally, not everyone wants to go on some grand adventure because not everyone is confident in their abilities.”

    “Oh… I guess I hadn’t thought of that…”

    “Well, you should keep that in mind for the rest of the story.”

    “Can you speed it up a bit? It’s getting kinda late, and I want to hear the rest of this before I go to sleep.”

    “Alright, I’ll skip to Fiora’s first encounter with this ‘evil figure’.”

    “Thank you.”

    September 20th, 8:45 am

    Lush Forest – 6F

    Plains Continent

    Fiora was training in the Lush Forest dungeon with Picky. Ever since the day that Absol told her about the prophecy, she wanted to become strong enough to fight off whatever this evil figure thing was, so every day since Fiora and Picky trained in the dungeons around Pebbleburg. They were just wrapping up their trek through the Lush Forest when they heard the sound of someone crying.

    “Hold up, I hear someone up ahead.” Fiora mentioned.

    “What, why? If there’s someone up ahead, then logically shouldn’t we go help them out?” Picky asked.

    “Just hold up! I’m getting the feeling that something’s wrong.”

    But Picky didn’t listen, instead opting to rush in and try to find the source of the noise.

    “Great… Why’d I even bother opening my mouth?” Fiora huffed.

    Fiora followed Picky into the clearing to find her comforting a Rufflet. The Rufflet appeared to have a broken wing and various other injuries across its entire body.

    “What happened to him?” Fiora asked.

    “Th-there was this shadowy creature a-and it attacked me a-and it snapped my wing!” The Rufflet cried.

    “Can you tell us what it looked like?” Picky asked.

    “I-I think it was a Zangoose, but it had black fur! It was super scary! It also had some purple stuff around its claws! I thought it was gonna kill me, but it seemed distracted by something.”

    “We need to get out of here! Now!”

    “But, how? I can’t fly like this!”

    Picky looked over at Fiora, “Fiora the Escape Orb!” She called out.

    “On it!” Fiora replied. She pulled out the Escape Orb and handed it to Picky, who proceeded to use it, but as she did so, a Zangoose with black fur jumped at Fiora…

    September 20th, 9:00 am

    Pebbleburg Village

    Plains Continent

    Thankfully, the Escape Orb got them out of there just in time as the Zangoose didn’t get enough time to hurt Fiora, it did however get enough time to send everyone into a panic.

    “What was that thing!?” Fiora shouted.

    “I take it you found the evil figure.” A voice said.

    Fiora looked to her right to see the Absol again, “Eric! What did I tell you about sneaking up on us like that!?” Oh yeah, and she found out the Absol’s name was Eric, in case that wasn’t clear.

    “I might’ve zoned out, what did you say about it?”

    “This is like the 10th time you’ve said that! Don’t sneak up on us!”

    “Fiora, forget about that!” Picky shouted, “We need to get this little guy’s wing treated!”

    “That looks rather bad, but I may have something that can help you in my bag.” Eric said. He rummaged through his bag before eventually pulling out a Sitrus Berry, he then handed it to the Rufflet, “Here eat this and rest up, your wing should be better in about a week.”

    This made the Rufflet’s face, light up, “Really!?” He asked.

    “Yup, just try to stay grounded and get plenty of rest, and it should be all better within a week.”

    “Thanks, mister.”

    “You’re welcome.”

    “Do you have a name, little buddy?” Picky asked.

    “Ruffles, Ruffles the Rufflet.”

    January 24th, 10:40 pm

    Team Echoes’ Base – Specter’s Room

    Coast Continent

    “Why is everyone in this story so cute!?” Malachite gushed.

    Specter shrugged, “I guess it was a product of the time? I have no clue.”

    “Well…” Malachite said with a yawn, “I feel like I could pass out at any minute, you think you could skip to where Fiora turns evil?”

    “But if I do that, then you’ll miss out on a lot of important details!”

    “It’s fine, you can always read the rest to me at a better time.”

    “How about this, I’ll do a rapid-fire round of the events that lead up to that point.”

    “Couldn’t you just sum them up?”

    “Fine… Basically, Fiora ends up forming a team with Picky, Ruffles, and Eric, they end up encountering the evil figure a couple more times, oh yeah, and they end up finding out the evil figure’s name is Zeal, and each time they encounter him he tries to isolate Fiora until eventually…”

    October 16th, 11:00 pm

    Purity Heights

    Crag Continent

    Fiora was at a standoff with Zeal in the dead of night on the Crag Continent.

    “Just give it up, Zeal! You’re not gonna win!” Fiora shouted.

    “That’s not my goal here.” Zeal huffed.

    “Then what is your goal? And why did you decide to single me out this time?”

    “Because I know what you’re after.”

    “Oh yeah? Then what is it, huh?”

    “You want to go home, don’t you?”

    “Don’t we all? You’re wasting my time!”

    “That’s not what I meant, what I meant was, you want to go back to your world, don’t you?”


    “I heard from a certain Pokémon that they had summoned a human to defeat me, and after threatening to *Ahem* decommission the one who sent you here, I got the info I wanted.”

    “What are you playing at!?”

    “I wanted to ask you if you’d join me.”

    Fiora chuckled, “And why would I do that?” She asked

    “Because if you do… Then we can rule this world together!”

    “Why would I care about ruling this world if all I want to do is go home!?”

    “Because you could make everyone suffer for making you stay here against your will before you go.”

    Fiora’s eyes widened, ‘He does have a point there, I mean if he was able to blackmail the one who sent me here into giving him info on me then who’s to say he couldn’t blackmail them into sending me back too, plus I would LOVE to make EVERYONE here suffer! I absolutely loath this world and everyone in it, and I would LOVE to watch it all burn to the ground!‘ Fiora thought.

    “You know what,” Fiora said as she walked up to Zeal, “you’ve got yourself a deal!” She declared as she shook Zeal’s paw.

    “Fufufufu, PERFECT! Now let’s go take out that team of yours so they don’t stand in our way.”

    The two left their little battleground and made their way to the inn where Fiora’s “friends” were staying.

    But they didn’t make it, because about halfway through the walk to the inn, “So this is where you snuck off to!” A voice shouted.

    Fiora turned around to see her teammates all together, standing tall. They had all fully evolved along the journey, and now they were prepared for their final fight, even if it meant taking out someone they had thought to be their friend this whole time.

    Quickly, Zeal turned to Fiora and whispered in her ear, “You see the purple stuff on my claws?”

    “Yeah, what about it?” Fiora whispered back.

    “I’m gonna transfer it to you that way if things go south here, you can still succeed in our plan, alright?”

    “Alright, just make it quick and painless.”

    “It’s already done, I did it as I said that.”

    “Oh, thanks…?”

    “Don’t mention it.”

    Fiora turned to face her “friends” and shouted at them, “Well, you caught me! I want to make this world suffer for bringing me here, so if you want to stop me, then come on! Just try to defeat me!”

    “But why? Why do you want to make this world suffer?” Picky asked.

    “Because every waking moment of my life since I arrived here has been non-stop suffering!”

    “Even the time we spent together as friends?”

    “You remember what I said about Pokémon pretending to be nice, right? Well, that’s what’ve been doing this whole time! You were never my friends, you were merely the means to an end for me! And now I’m about to reach that end!”

    “Well, I won’t let you! No! I CAN’T LET YOU!”

    Thus, the battle began, Fiora ran at Picky and hit her with a Double-Edge, she was then immediately hit with a Brave Bird from Ruffles. She tried to get up, but she was hit by a Flash Cannon from Picky, followed by a Night Slash from Eric. After that onslaught of attacks, Fiora collapsed.

    “Now, we just need to take out Zeal!” Ruffles announced.

    “I’m gonna end this once and for all!” Picky declared as she shot toward Zeal with an Aqua Jet.

    Zeal was slammed by the Aqua Jet, knocking him off his feet, and shortly afterward he was surrounded by Picky and her friends.

    “Any last words?” Picky asked.

    Zeal laughed, “Heh, heh, I’ve already won, you see I’m playing the long game, even if you kill me here I’ll be back in a few hundred years.”

    Picky ignored him and finished him off with a Brick Break to his skull, causing him to melt into a puddle of dark purple liquid that dissolved after a few seconds, “Whatever you say, creep.” Picky quipped, “So, you guys wanna go catch some z’s now?”

    “Yeah, but what about her?” Ruffles said as he pointed a wing toward the Eevee they had just knocked unconscious.

    “Mesprit should be here in the morning, we’ll explain what happened here then.” Eric explained.

    “Mesprit really? Why her?”

    “I have no clue, all I know is for some reason she handles bringing humans into this world, or at least she did before all this, I don’t know if she’ll still do that after we tell her about what happened here.”

    “You think Mesprit will let Fiora go home after all this?” Picky asked.

    “Honestly, no, I don’t. She told me that if one of the humans she brought here went rogue on her, she’d stop bringing them into this world.”

    “Let’s hope that’s not an empty threat, Fiora’s fiasco here left a bad taste in my mouth.” Ruffles said

    “Agreed.” Picky and Eric said in unison.

    January 24th, 11:10 pm

    Team Echoes’ Base – Specter’s Room

    Coast Continent

    “And that basically sums up the tale of Fiora, this world’s first human ‘savior’.”Specter concluded.

    “Wow, that was way different from that book they had in the library.” Malachite marveled.

    “Yup, you can thank Dialga for inventing time for that one because as long as we have time we’ll lose details of legends like this one to time.”

    “Speaking of losing details, what happened to those pages that were ripped out?”

    “Oh, Fiora ripped them out herself, they were recorded after her whole ‘grand adventure’.”

    “Wait, what happened to her afterward?”

    “She went back to Pebbleburg where she was tried for her crimes, and eventually she ended up getting killed by the villagers there.”

    “Oh, I guess that makes sense.”

    Specter yawned, “Well I think Ima hit the hay for the night, good night.”

    “Good night, Specter.”

    Specter got comfy in his bed and began to drift off, but one thing still lingered in his mind, ‘What would have happened to Fiora’s soul after she passed? Would it return back to the human world, or would it remain here? And if it remained here, then what would’ve happened to it?”

    January 24th, 11:30 pm

    Temple of Light

    Mesprit was just about to report to Arceus about what she had done that day when suddenly she heard Xerneas and Yveltal having a casual chat.

    “So, how’s it been managing the resting spirits?” Yveltal asked.

    “Oh, it’s been great! Have you been enjoying absorbing the rowdy spirits I’ve sent you?”

    “Yup! They’ve been tasty!”

    Mesprit decided to take the opportunity to ask the two about a bit of her unfinished business, “Hey, you two, have either of you found the soul of Fiora yet?”

    “Who?” The two replied in unison.

    “Ugh, the human I sent here to save the world like 800 years ago,” Mesprit explained, “you know the one that betrayed us and tried to make us all suffer because I brought her here against here will?”

    Ooooooh that girl.”

    “Yeah her, have you found her soul yet?”

    “Nope, not at all…” Xerneas sighed.

    “It’s a real shame too because I was dying to devour her soul.” Yveltal whined.

    “UGH, just great, her soul’s been missing for 800 years now! How do we explain this to Arceus!?”

    “You don’t.” An echoey ethereal voice responded.

    Mesprit turned around only to be jump-scared by Arceus himself, “Eep! Uh hey, Arceus! How’ve you been?” She asked awkwardly.

    “Not great as of late.” Arceus answered.

    “That’s a shame, is something up?”

    “The human you speak of is alive again.”

    “She’s WHAT!?”

    “Alive.” Arceus reiterated, “Alive and well, I might add.”

    “What do you mean, she’s alive!? It’s been 800 years! She should be dead as a doornail by now!”

    “Indeed, though it seems she should be dead she somehow found a way to cheat death, and now she’s become some grotesque creature capable of eating away the entire world.”

    “You’re kidding!”

    “I assure you, I am not joking.” Arceus said as he projected a vision of the remnants of Purity Heights to Mesprit, “Regrettably, the entire Crag Continent has sustained significant damage as a result of this matter.”

    “I-I’m so sorry if I knew-“

    “‘Tis not your fault, It was I who requested you to bring forth the human.”

    “Well, I shouldn’t have listened! I mean, everything turned out fine in the end anyway, so why’d we need to bring the human into this anyway?”

    “Because the reason I had you bring forth that human was to test humanity as a whole.”

    “But what about-“

    “We DO NOT speak of him.” Arceus boomed.

    “I-I understand…”

    “Good. Now onto the next topic, there’s another one.”

    “Another one? Another what?”

    “Another human.

    “No! There can’t be!”

    “Yet there is,” Arceus said as he projected yet another vision to Mesprit, “His name is Joseph, and from what it seems he was summoned here by a being outside of our world.”

    “So someone just decided to dump a human here as a funny prank?”

    “Not quite, I believe they had better intentions, but that doesn’t matter, what does matter is that he is here, and we don’t know his true intentions.”

    “Got it, so you want me to scope out his intentions, right?”

    “Well, yes, but from a distance, I don’t want another repeat of what you did to him.”

    “Got it! I won’t let you down, sir!”

    “You never do, Mesprit, now go forth and seek out the human’s intentions.”

    And that’s it! Hopefully, if you found the last chapter to be a bit pointless, this one makes up for it. This special episode played into a lot of the things I’ve been foreshadowing for a while now while also giving some very important details regarding the legend of Fiora and its role in this story. Also, sorry if the whole dynamic of Specter and Malachite pausing the story to make a few comments before skipping through the story a bit was a bit weird, I wanted to keep this chapter on the shorter side because if I didn’t then this chapter alone would’ve added like 50,000 words minimum to this whole story. Maybe someday I’ll write Fiora’s story as its own separate thing if this chapter didn’t do it enough justice, but for now, I hope this chapter is good enough at explaining Fiora’s story, and its relevance to this one.

    Anyway, onto the bio for the very short-lived boss fight in that story

    / /Boss data downloaded successfully!\ \

    Picky, Ruffles, and Eric of Team Saviors

    Team Saviors was composed of four Pokémon hellbent on saving the world until Fiora betrayed her team to cause worldwide misery, all because she was forced to play the role of a hero.

    Picky was once a Piplup growing up in a small village on the Plains Continent, but once she heard the world was ending, she decided to get up and do something about it, now she’s an Empoleon who’s not afraid of beating up anyone who stands in the way of peace, even if it means beating up those she thought to be her friends.

    Ruffles was a young Rufflet who lost his parents to Zeal the Zangoose, He was inspired by Picky’s bravery and Fiora’s lies so he decided that he wanted a little bit of payback, in the end, he helped avenge his parents’ deaths by taking out Fiora and cornering Zeal so that Picky could deliver the final blow.

    Eric was once a timid Absol living in the far-off Glacier Continent, but his tribe’s disaster senses sent them on a journey to the Plains Continent, once there he met up with Mesprit who informed him about a human’s presence, she then told him of Arceus’ prophesy and effectively turned him into her messenger, in the end he was a little disappointed that he and Team Saviors had to defeat Fiora to save the world but at the end of the day the world was saved and that’s all that matters. Oh, and Eric and Mesprit still talk from time to time, albeit with Eric donning his spirit form.

    And now for the review replies.

    To WyldClaw: Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed the prologue, it’s one of the parts I’m the proudest of because it was short, but it was great at setting the scene for chapter 1, hopefully, the rest of this whole thing will be just as great (if not greater), but if not I apologize. If you do end up reading this far, though, just know I appreciate your feedback!

    Anyway, with that said, that’s all for this chapter. Next time: We delve a bit deeper into the past in more ways than one. See you guys then!


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