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    So you know how I said the last part was short, right? Well, this one’s shorter. I swear it does eventually get lengthy though.

    January 20th, 9:00 am

    Purity Heights

    Crag Continent

    “C’mon this way!”

    “Out of my way! Out of my way!”

    “I don’t wanna die!”

    Mass panic was overtaking Purity Heights, a small town built up on the abundant cliffs of the Crag Continent, as a peculiar blackish-purple slime was eating away at everything in sight, leaving only more slime in its wake.

    On the edge of the cliff sat two Pokémon, an Oshawott, and a Riolu, the former spraying the foul, putrid liquid with crystal-clear water while the latter was trying to blast it away with her Vacuum Wave,

    “It’s not going away, w-w-what do we do!?” Oshawott yelled in terror as the Water Gun he had just fired did little to stop the oncoming sludge.

    “Uh, um, uh, uh,” Riolu said as she continued to backpedal toward the edge of the cliff.

    Suddenly they were both one step away from falling down the cliff into the water below.

    “GAH!” Oshawott shouted as he fell back off the cliff from trying to take another step back.

    “OSHAWOTT!” Riolu called out before jumping off the cliff after him before remembering: ‘WAIT, WHAT WAS I THINKING!? I’M GOING TO DIE ON IMPACT!’

    The pair screamed as they fell from the cliff. With a resounding *BONK* Oshawott hit his head on part of the cliff and passed out. Shortly after, Riolu hit the water, blacking out as well.

    The two floated across the sea, eventually ending up pretty far from the Crag Continent, on the other side of the world, actually.

    Eventually, the two of them washed ashore on a beach somewhere on the Coast Continent.

    So there they were, 3 unconscious Pokémon washed up on the shore of a place they’d never been to.

    Wait 3!? I thought there were only 2 of them!?

    Now that that’s out of the way, we can finally get started for real.


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