The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Hey, uh, I mentioned this in the cover page thingie but this fic was originally posted on FFN (, I’ve decided to leave it in its original state for the most part so there’ll be stuff like comments and review replies that kinda only apply to either when the chapter was originally posted, or to people on that site. So yeah bear with me on that I guess. I might even go back and comment on my old comments from back before this thing really had anyone reading it if I feel like it.

    Some quick things before we start, this is the first thing I’ve written outside of school like ever, so it’s probably not going to be perfect, but I’m ok with that as long as it’s fun for me to write and (Hopefully) fun for you guys to read, I am taking steps to make sure it’s at least slightly readable but if something’s not great please feel free to let me know. Also, if you guys could leave me tips on how to become a better writer that would be greatly appreciated as again I’m a complete noob at this. Anyway let’s get this started shall we?

    June 20th, 6:00 AM

    Somewhere in the human world

    “Ugh, what time is it?” groaned a young man who swiftly looked at the clock across the room.

    The clock read 6:00.

    “For god’s sake, why does my body always force me to wake up so early when I’m on break?” the young man wondered as he shoved his face into his pillow.

    He then left his room where he trudged into the kitchen to get a glass of water only to be greeted by his mother.

    “Good morning Joseph,” she said, to which Joseph replied by instantly reentering his room, dramatically flopping onto his bed, and going back to sleep.

    As he drifted off, though, he swore he heard a strange noise.

    Location Unknown

    June 20th, 9:00 AM

    Joseph opened his eyes only to be met with blinding lights and an unfamiliar environment.

    “Ugh” he groaned, “I thought it was summer, why is Mom still waking me up like this?”

    He then began to look around the room, realizing he was no longer in his room but some sort of sci-fi looking lab. He couldn’t see very far below him however as he was chained to the wall by his arms, legs, and neck.

    He struggled, trying to break free from his confinement, as he struggled his thoughts raced, ‘How long was I out for? Must’ve been a while if I was able to get abducted by freakin’ aliens!’

    He then heard the sound of someone? Something? Clearing their throat.

    Looking up revealed a semi-short but clearly human character sporting a white jumpsuit with a purple logo embroidered on the shoulder and a mask obscuring their entire face.

    The logo depicted some sort of vortex and had the letters IDPK printed on it in red, likely an acronym.

    The mask was mostly white, but had yellow markings resembling lighting bolts all over it. The shape resembled a face, and it had a black piece over where the mouth should be, and mirrored lenses over the eyes.

    The figure spoke in a distorted voice, probably due to the black mouthpiece, “Finally, we got one.” it said in a relieved tone.

    “Where am I and what do you want from me!?” Joseph shouted.

    “Relax, Joseph.” The masked man said, “You’re going to help us with a little experiment”.

    “You’re not experimenting on me!”, Joseph shouted as he thrashed about, “and how do you know my name!?”

    The masked man laughed, “We’re not going to experiment on you, that’s what clones are for.” he said as he pretended to wipe a tear from the eye of the mask, “as for how I know your name, the mask identified you.”

    “Identified me?” Joseph asked, “How does a mask do that?”

    “The lenses have biometric scanners in them,” The man informed him, “Seriously high-tech stuff, but that’s getting off-topic.”

    The man pointed directly at Joseph, “You’re here at the request of the I.D.P.K.”

    “I.D.P.K?” Joseph replied.

    The man sighed, if his eyes were visible you’d be able to see them roll right out of his skull.

    “Interdimensional Peacekeepers,” he said, shaking his head in disappointment, “our job is to make sure all of time and space doesn’t collapse”.

    “But then, why am I here?” Joseph asked, failing to comprehend why such a group would care about some random Joe Shmoe.

    “You’re here to help us with an experiment, as I’ve told you. But unfortunately, we can’t give you the details of said experiment right now.”

    “Is it gonna hurt me?” Joseph asked, desperately hoping the answer would be no.

    “No, it’s nothing that involves pain, dismemberment, or whatever else you’re probably thinking about,” The man said reassuringly.

    “Then get on with it! You’re wasting my time!” Joseph scoffed.

    “Alright, we’ll start with some questions, then the rest is up to me.” The man said, pulling out a pen and clipboard. “But, before we start, I must tell you: dishonesty will not be tolerated! You got that?”

    “Yes sir!” Joseph squeaked, surely they weren’t going to hurt him because he lied, right? He decided he didn’t want to find out the hard way.

    One by one the man asked questions and Joseph answered:

    How patient are you?

    “Not very.”

    Do you often act on impulse?

    “Yes, all the time.”

    Do you have a lot of friends?

    “Not really.”

    Do you find yourself anxious in public spaces?


    You get the gist.

    Eventually, the questions stopped, and the masked man thanked Joseph for his time and left the room.

    ‘That’s it? You’re just gonna leave me here?’ He thought.

    Moments later his shackles released him, however, looking down Joseph noticed a distinct lack of floor and a distinct presence of clouds.

    He panicked as he now fell from whatever room he was in before, to somewhere very high up in the sky, where he was now free-falling from god knows how far.

    In his panic, he tried to scream before suddenly everything went black.

    Things went by pretty quickly, didn’t they? Well things slow down a bit as this thing goes on, although I’m unsure if it’s for the better or not, you guys will just have to let me know on that one.


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