The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Hello again! This one’s a little silly, but it does have some significance, I swear! I mean, it’s not as crazy as the last chapter but trust me this chapter sheds light on a certain (Very important) detail. Anyway, enough blabbing, it’s time to start this thing.

    January 26th, 4:00 am

    Temple of Light

    Mesprit started her day early, and I mean REALLY early, “Alright, I gotta get ready to show up at the human’s place,” She said to herself as she flew through the halls of the Temple of Light, “but first I gotta make sure he’s free today.”

    Mesprit tried to think of a way to clear Joseph’s schedule when she bumped into Thundurus, “Hey, watch it, pinkie.” Thundurus said.

    “O-oh sorry.” Mesprit said shakily, “You wouldn’t happen to know how to clear a Pokémon’s schedule, would you?” She asked.

    Thundurus rolled his eyes, “Is this about going on a date with Mew?”

    “Wh-what!? No! I’m trying to ‘hang out’ with the human Arceus found.”

    “Why’d you say hang out in air quotes?” Thundurus asked, “You’re not planning on doing anything weird, are you?”

    “Absolutely not,” Mesprit said as she turned her head to the side, I’m just not sure if that’s actually something mortals say.”

    “Oh, well, it is, I met this really chill mortal who says it all the time.”

    Right, well, that’s not really important-“

    “He’s the nicest guy I’ve ever met, we go on walks together whenever it rains, although he has to clear his schedule to meet with me, which is rather inconvenient for the Pokémon that work for his guild thing.” Thundurus explained.

    That reminded Mesprit of something, ‘Didn’t that Cyndaquil say something about a guild?’ She asked herself, ‘Wait, I’ve got it!’ She thought. Mesprit turned to Thundurus and asked, “Can you make it rain in the Coast Continent today?”

    Thundurus shook his head, “No can do.”

    “What, why not!?”

    “I’m not allowed to mess with the weather there more than once a week.”

    “That’s oddly specific.”

    “Yeah, that would be because Arceus found out that I was making it rain so I could see my buddy, so he banned me from making it rain there too often.”

    “Fine, I’ll just go ask Zapdos then.”

    “Alright, I guess I’m just gonna go make sure Arceus doesn’t yell at me then.”

    “Sorry, I just REALLY need it to rain there like RIGHT NOW, I didn’t mean to be inconsiderate.”

    “Nah, it’s fine, just go ask Zapdos to help you, it’s all good.” Thundurus said as he floated away.

    Mesprit floated around until she eventually found Zapdos arguing with his distant cousin, “Why can’t you just be normal and fly like me!?” Zapdos yelled.

    “Because unlike yours, my wings don’t work for that!” (Galarian) Zapdos shouted.

    “SHUT IT YOU TWO!” Mesprit shouted.

    The two Zapdos (Zapdoses?) turned their attention to Mesprit, “What do you want?” Zapdos asked.

    “I need your assistance with something.” Mesprit said.

    “Who, me?” Galarian Zapdos asked.

    “No, she was talking to me!” Kantonian Zapdos shouted.

    “Pfft, as if!” Galarian Zapdos countered, “Who would ever need your help.”

    “Me, that’s who!” Mesprit shouted, “What do you even do here anyway, kick mortals until they stop complaining about life?”

    “No, I, uh… You know what, that’s a good question, what is my purpose?” Galarian Zapdos asked.

    “You’re me, but worse.” Kantonian Zapdos answered.

    “Oh Arceus…”

    “Yeah, get used to it pal.”

    “You know what? No, I’m not accepting that answer,” Galarian Zapdos said as he jumped from his seat and left the room, “I’m gonna go ask Arceus about my purpose.”

    Mesprit cleared her throat to get Kantonian Zapdos’ attention, “Oh, sorry,” Zapdos said as he turned his attention back to Mesprit, “What did you need from me?”

    “Can you cause a storm in the Coast Continent today?”

    “Hell yeah, I can!” Zapdos exulted, “It’s been forever since someone asked me to create a storm!”

    Zapdos’ willingness to create a storm concerned Mesprit, “You’re not even gonna ask why?”

    “Nope! I don’t need to know why, I’ll just do it!”

    “Uh, ok?” Mesprit said, ‘I severely underestimated how easily convinced Zapdos would be.’ She mused, “Well ok then, thanks I guess.”

    Zapdos didn’t even reply, he just flew off at the speed of light, once he was gone Galarian Zapdos reentered the room, “Showoff.” Galarian Zapdos said.

    ‘Great!’ Mesprit thought, ‘Now that all the pieces are in place, it’s time for me to pay the human a little visit.’

    January 26th, 7:00 am

    Team Echoes’ Base – Joseph’s room

    Coast Continent

    Joseph woke up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, once he had opened his eyes he was immediately greeted by an uninvited guest, “Hello human.” Mesprit said.

    Joseph rubbed his eyes one more time and then reconfirmed that indeed Mesprit was actually in front of him in his room, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?” He shouted.

    “Am I not supposed to be here right now?” Mesprit asked.

    “NO! YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE, PERIOD!” Joseph screamed.

    Mesprit tilted her head in confusion, “I’m not sure I understand.”

    “It’s against the law to enter someone’s house uninvited!” Joseph clarified, “You’re literally a criminal!”

    “Oh, uh, I was unaware of this,” Mesprit said, “I mean it has been a while since I brushed up on the mortal’s laws.”

    “Well, you’ll get to one titled ‘breaking and entering’ it’ll let you know exactly what you did wrong.” Joseph said.

    “Eh, it doesn’t matter too much, I’m above the law anyway.” Mesprit said.

    Joseph rolled his eyes, “Of course you are…” He muttered, “Look, just tell me why you’re here.”

    “I’m here to ‘hang out’ as the mortals say.” Mesprit said awkwardly.

    Joseph facepalmed, “You are so out of touch.” He sighed.

    “Is that not something you mortals say?”

    “The fact you had to ask goes to show just how out of touch you are.”

    “That doesn’t answer my question.”

    “Yes, younger people and Pokémon say that, but hearing an immortal goddess say it sounds stupid.”

    “Now you’re just being mean.”

    Joseph rolled his eyes again, “Says the one who broke into our house so she could spy on me.”

    “I’m done spying on you! I only wanted to do this to see if I could get the information I wanted in a way that isn’t invading your privacy.”

    “So the best way to do that is invading my privacy more?”

    “Look, it’s the only option I had, ok!?”

    “What information are you trying to get anyway?” Joseph asked, “From our last encounter, it seemed like you were trying to see how quickly you could kill me.”

    “I just want to see if you’re evil or not.”

    “Really…” Joseph groaned, “You couldn’t just ask someone else to sense that?”

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

    “I know certain Pokémon can sense if someone’s pure of heart or not, so why didn’t you just find one of those Pokémon and have them give you that info?”

    Mesprit facepalmed, “Why didn’t I think of that?” She asked herself.

    “Whatever, I’ll humor your poor life decisions, stupidity, and general disconnect from society and go along with your stupid plan on one condition.”

    “What’s your condition?”

    “You buzz off and leave me and my friends alone after this, got it?”

    “B-but what if we end up becoming friends or something?” Mesprit asked.

    “Read my thoughts a moment.” Joseph instructed.

    “Uh, ok?” Mesprit said before tapping into Joseph’s thoughts.

    The memory of Mesprit trying to kill Joseph replayed in Joseph’s mind, “You see that?” Joseph asked.

    “Yeah?” Mesprit replied, “What about it?”

    “That was the moment you ruined any chance of us becoming friends.”

    “That’s unfair!” Mesprit said, “Everyone deserves a second chance!”

    “Normally I’d agree with you, but I think it’s fair to say anyone who attempts to murder you doesn’t deserve one.”

    Mesprit sighed and hunched over in disappointment, “I guess that’s fair, but you should still give me a second chance anyway.”

    “Hm… Let me consider it for a second… No, not at all.”

    “Come on really!? Why are you being like this?”

    “I REITERATE, YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!” Joseph shouted assertively.

    “Understood…” Mesprit said sheepishly.

    Joseph jumped off of his bed, “Good, now that we’ve got that out of the way, prepare for a lot more panicked screaming.”

    “What do you mean by that?” Mesprit asked.

    Joseph ignored her, “and sent…” He muttered.

    A few moments later, a vibration came from under Joseph’s bed, “Huh!? What!?” Rory said as she woke up from the vibration of her watch. Rory rolled out from under her bed and stood up, only to slam her head straight into Mesprit, knocking her down.

    “Ow! Hey! Watch it!” Mesprit retaliated.

    “Oh… Sorry, Mesprit…” Rory said groggily before realizing that something didn’t exactly add up, “Wait Mesprit!? Am I hearing things correctly?”

    “Yeah you are,” Joseph said, “open your eyes.”

    Rory opened her eyes only to have them assaulted by Mesprit’s visage, “WHAT ARE YOU-” She screamed before having her mouth covered by Joseph’s paw.

    “Yeah, I think she gets it now, she’s here because she wanted to hang out or something, but of course, she went about doing so in the most awkward and out-of-touch way possible.” Joseph explained.

    “How so?”

    “She broke in here and waited until I woke up to tell me she was here.”

    “How else was I supposed to alert you to my presence?” Mesprit asked.

    ‘You’re a psychic! You could have used telepathy or something!”

    “Weren’t you just going on about how I was invading your privacy?”

    “Well, you were already here, you might as well go ahead and let me know instead of staring at me while I sleep like a creep.”

    “I see your point.”

    Suddenly, the door opened and Vulcan entered the room, causing Mesprit to get a little uneasy, “Oh, I must still be dreaming.” Vulcan said, he then turned around to exit the room.

    “Wait, Vulcan, pinch yourself!” Joseph called out.

    Vulcan turned back around, “Why would I do that?”

    “Haven’t you heard that pinching yourself in a dream wakes you up?”

    “No, I haven’t, but now that you mention it I guess I’ll give it a shot.” Vulcan said before pinching himself, “It didn’t work.” He concluded, “What now, dream Joseph?”

    “You’re not dreaming!” Joseph shouted, “If pinching yourself did nothing, then you’re wide awake!”

    “Ha! Good one dream Joseph, but I know that this is a dream! I mean, come on, why would a legendary Pokémon like Mesprit be visiting us?” Vulcan asked rhetorically, “To hang out?”

    “Yes actually.” Mesprit answered.

    Vulcan burst into laughter, “You can’t be serious right now!”

    Joseph rolled his eyes, he then walked up to Vulcan and slapped him straight in the face, “OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?” Vulcan shouted.

    “Did it hurt?” Joseph asked.

    “Are you stupid!? Yeah, it hurt! Hence, why I said ow!”

    “Then you’re not in a dream.”

    Vulcan was finally starting to get the picture, “Oh, wait, does that mean…”

    “Yes, I am Mesprit, the goddess of emotion.” Mesprit said.

    “Well, for the goddess of emotion, you don’t seem very dramatic.”

    Mesprit rolled her eyes, “That’s a common misconception,” She said, “I gave everyone emotion, I’m not overflowing with the stuff.”

    Oh… That makes a lot of sense…”

    “Sometimes I wish it worked like that because unfortunately this way I have to deal with Uxie being the dumbest Pokémon on the face of the planet.”

    “I mean, would you rather have dumb Uxie or become a complete emotional wreck that can’t function at all?” Joseph asked.

    “Eh, having a smart Uxie would outweigh being unable to control my emotions.” Mesprit said, “Plus there’s something in it for Azelf too.”

    “So you’d rather be the useless one?”

    “Well, when you put it like that, it makes it sound much worse.”

    “It does, doesn’t it?”

    “I guess you’re right, I should just be happy that we all can live out our lives without having any major problems.”

    Just as Mesprit said that the rest of Team Echoes entered the room and immediately began freaking out, “WHAT THE-” Sammy blurted.

    “MESPRIT!?” Cinder shouted.

    “I need to go get my crayons!” Slippy shouted before rolling out the room at mach speed.

    “What happened to that weird monster that beat me up yesterday?” Mesprit asked.

    “Oh, he’s in his Pokéball.” Joseph said before releasing Stumpy from his Pokéball, “Time to get up, bud.”

    Once he was unleashed, Stumpy kept sleeping in his seated position, “Zzzz…” He snored.

    Joseph cleared his throat, “WAKE UP!” He shouted.

    “Huh? What?” Stumpy said as he woke up.

    “We have an uninvited guest.”

    Stumpy turned around to see Mesprit waving at him awkwardly, “H-hey big guy.” She said, “S-sorry for almost killing you yesterday.”

    The sight of Mesprit in his living space didn’t sit well with Stumpy and Joseph could tell, so before he could let out an ear-piercing scream, Joseph warned everyone, “Cover your ears.”

    “What why?” Mesprit asked.

    Mesprit received her answer a few moments later, “EEEEEEK!” Stumpy roared.

    The screech left Mesprit sprawled out on the flood, “Ugh… My head…” She groaned.

    Stumpy took the opportunity to prepare to stomp on Mesprit’s skull, but Joseph quickly stopped him, “She’s not our enemy anymore!”

    “Are you insane!? She tried to kill us!” Stumpy replied.

    “I know, but she’s not going to do it again!”

    Mesprit shook her head, “Well I never said that but-” she said before cutting herself off.

    Everyone in the room surrounded Mesprit and closed in on her, “Go ahead, finish that sentence.” Cinder challenged, “It’ll be your last.”

    “Why do you guys even care about them anyway!? I mean, it’s just some human and his pet amalgamate!”

    “Because like it or not, we’re living things too, which means we have emotions just like you!” Joseph shouted.

    “Huh… I guess I didn’t think of that…”

    “Really!? You, the goddess of emotion, forgot that all living things have emotions!?” Cinder asked.

    “Well, kinda? I just wasn’t expecting my power to affect those who aren’t from our world.” Mesprit responded.

    “I don’t think that’s how that works but considering humans still don’t exactly know who gave us emotions in my world I’ll just roll with it so that I don’t have to open that can of worms.” Joseph said.

    “Can everyone stop crowding around me now?” Mesprit asked.

    “Only if you promise that you won’t hurt Joseph or Stumpy.” Rory said.

    “What!? Are you crazy!? They could be playing you all as fools, and you want me to promise that I won’t do something!?”

    “We trust them! They haven’t done anything wrong since they’ve gotten here, heck, Joseph’s done the exact opposite!”

    “How so?”

    “Well, for starters, he helped me get Sammy to safety when we first met, then he made Slippy’s dream of meeting a human come true, and then he saved Specter from his life of crime by befriending him and letting him join the team, I could go on but for the sake of time I’ll just leave off there.”

    “Good, I’m starting to get your point.” Mesprit said as she rolled her eyes.

    “You forgot the part where he helped me contact my friends.” Cinder said.

    “Look, I get it, nobody needs to explain anything about what Joseph’s done since he got here, what I need to explain is why none of that matters.”

    “Excuse me!?” The group chorused.

    “Look, I’m not trying to accuse Joseph of anything, I’m just saying this because you all need to know this.”

    “Uh, ok?” Vulcan said skeptically, “Can we discuss it over breakfast?”

    “Sure, what did you guys have in mind for breakfast?”

    “Whatever they’re serving at the guild today.” Vulcan answered.

    Mesprit hissed, “Yeah, about that… I had Zapdos cause a storm so you guys would get the day off.”

    “Oh, cool, then I’ll just make something.” Vulcan said.

    “How though?” Mesprit asked, “I don’t see an oven or anything around here.”

    “I AM THE OVEN!” Vulcan declared as he ran into the lounge and threw down some logs that he just so happened to have in his bag, he then lit them on fire, somehow not causing the whole base to go up in flames despite the fact it was in a giant tree, he then pulled out a frying pan and began cooking something.

    “Uh, ok then…” Mesprit muttered awkwardly.

    Vulcan made breakfast for everyone, and while he was doing so Slippy drew a picture of Mesprit to keep everyone entertained, once breakfast was ready everyone gathered around the table in Specter’s room to enjoy their pancakes.

    As everyone was digging into their pancakes, Mesprit began explaining what she meant by her statement earlier, “As I was saying earlier, based on past events it doesn’t really matter if Joseph seems like a good Pokémon because that could all just be a cover-up.”

    “I doubt that’s the case.” Cinder said in between bites of her pancakes, “He was brought here by a friend of mine who’s currently working for this organization called the Interdimensional Peacekeepers, which judging by the name and the fact that my friend is working there I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet that Joseph’s not here for evil purposes.” Cinder said.

    Mesprit sighed, “At this point, I can’t be too sure about that.” She said, “I mean, I would love to trust their judgment, but considering I was the one who brought the last human here, I think you can see why I’m so paranoid about Joseph’s presence in this world.”

    “WAIT WHAT!?” The group chorused.

    “Yeah… I was the one who brought the last human here… I still feel terrible about it to this day, even though it was da- I mean Arceus’ idea.”

    “So you were the one to bring Fiora here!?” Specter asked.

    “Yeah… Unfortunately… Wait, how’d you know her name?”

    “She’s my ancestor, unfortunately…”

    “Oh, Arceus she had a kid!?”

    “Yup, and I’m stuck bearing the burden of her reputation, hence why I was a criminal up until a few days ago.”

    Surprisingly, Mesprit had an ounce of sympathy for Specter, “I’m so sorry buddy! If I had realized she was going to have a kid, I would’ve gone through with my plan for dealing with her!”

    “Your plan?”

    “Yeah, my plan. I was gonna send her to the distortion world and let Giratina tear her to shreds while my sisters and I watch.”

    “Your sisters, as in Uxie and Azelf?” Joseph asked.

    “Yup, you’re pretty smart for a human.” Mesprit commented.

    “Well, I wouldn’t say that…” Joseph sighed, “I’d just say I spent way too much time playing video games when I was a kid.”

    “Video games?” Mesprit asked.

    Joseph groaned, “I’m not going through the process of explaining what a video game is again, just know they helped me gain knowledge about Pokémon despite them not existing in my world.”


    “Pst, Cinder.” Vulcan whispered.

    “Yeah?” Cinder whispered back.

    “Aren’t Uxie and Azelf dudes?” He asked.

    “Yeah, back home they are, maybe it’s different here or something?”

    Vulcan without warning asked Mesprit, “Aren’t you supposed to be the only girl between the three of you?”

    “What do you mean by that?” Mesprit asked.

    Cinder picked up Vulcan’s fork and shoved pancake into his mouth to get him to shut up, “Please excuse my brother, he’s still getting used to this world.” Cinder said.

    “I’m confused, what do you mean ‘still new to this world’? He looks to be about 40 given his injuries.”

    “Well, he’s only 26, but that’s beside the point.” Cinder mentioned, “The two of us are from another world, one where Uxie and Azelf are both male.”

    “Wait WHAT!?” Mesprit blurted, “Are you two humans too!?”

    “No, but I was friends with one before I got here.” Cinder answered, “We got here because of some Space-Time rift thingie.”

    “That’s… Strange… How did that happen?”

    “Time and space are still recovering from nearly collapsing in our world, and unfortunately that means our world is prone to stuff like that.”

    “How did time and space almost collapse? Does Dialga just not exist in your world?”

    “No, he does, it’s just for some reason time in our world operates with these things called Time Gears which keep the flow of time going as long as they’re where they’re meant to be, Dialga usually resets the flow of time if things get messed up, but to do that all the Time Gears need to be brought to Temporal Tower but to do that you obviously need to get them all which makes things worse temporarily, oh yeah, and you have to subdue Dialga because if all the Time Gears go missing it starts to mess with him a bit.”

    “How do you know all this?” Vulcan asked.

    “Because I’m friends with the ones who brought the Time Gears to Temporal Tower, well two out of three of them anyway… Poor Grovyle…”

    “That would have been completely unbelievable if not for your extremely in-depth explanation.”

    “Hold on a sec, so time almost collapsed entirely, so some Pokémon beat up the god of time just to fix it!?” Mesprit asked.

    “Yup, while Temporal Tower was collapsing, might I add.” Cinder said.

    “That sounds awesome! I would love to meet the Pokémon who did that!”

    “Well… One of them was a human.”


    “Yep, the same human who sent me here, I might add.” Joseph said.

    “Yep, he had amnesia but considering the stories he’s told me after he got his memories back it sounds like this was just his average Tuesday outing, he even told me about the adventure he went on after we got separated thanks to my watch here.” Cinder explained

    “Really? That sounds interesting…” Mesprit said, “So he’s the exact opposite of Fiora?”

    “All humans are where I come from, the humans in our world actually saved the world instead of trying to destroy it.”

    “And before you comment on it, yes, I am aware of this.” Joseph clarified, “We had video games that told similar stories to the ones Cinder’s talking about.”

    “Hm… I see…” Mesprit uttered, “Were you the bad guys in that story?”

    “Nope, you were actually the hero, which is just the way I like it.”

    “So you like playing the role of the hero?”

    “Yes, I’ve always dreamed of becoming some legendary hero, but as I grew up, I realized how vastly unprepared I would be for such a role.”

    “So you’ve decided to walk the path of evil?”

    “You’re just looking for any way to twist my words, aren’t you?” Joseph asked rhetorically, “No, I’m not going to do that, instead I’m gonna try to get to the bottom of this whole ‘world consuming slime’ thing with the help of my friends, isn’t that right guys?”

    “Right!” The group chorused.

    “So you’ve encountered it too.” Mesprit said.

    “Yep, it destroyed my home, and it made Sammy amnesic.” Rory said, “Then it took the Glacier Continent yesterday, almost taking us with it.”

    “I thought you guys made it out of there before the goo took it over.”

    “Nope, we were asking Smokey the Torkoal about the world-ending event that took place 800 years ago when suddenly he was ambushed by a strange figure made from the goo.”

    “Wait!” Mesprit turned to Specter, “Did you feel a familiar feeling when you saw the figure yesterday?”

    “Uh, yeah why?” Specter replied.

    Mesprit turned to Joseph next, “And did it call you out for being a human?”

    “Yeah, it did, she even asked me to join her.” Joseph said, “It tried to kill me when I rejected it.”

    Mesprit immediately realized what was going on, “That son of a-” She growled.

    “What, is something up?” Specter asked.

    “That figure, that was Fiora!”

    “Excuse me!?” The group chorused.

    “That’s impossible! She’s been dead for like 700-some-odd years!” Specter said.

    “Yeah, she was, but then her resentment brought her back in her corrupted state.”

    “That sounds absurd even for my standards!” Cinder said.

    “I know, but just let me explain!”

    The night prior

    January 25th, 8:30 pm

    Resentment Wastes

    (what’s left of the) Glacier Continent

    Mesprit was flying above the slime that had consumed the entire Glacier Continent, holding her tails the whole time to avoid touching it, “So I take it Joseph did this.” Mesprit grumbled.

    “Wrong you are.” A twisted voice said.

    “Who’s there!?” Mesprit squeaked.

    “Don’t act like you don’t know who I am.”

    Mesprit kept looking around until she saw a blob of resentment goo flying at her out of the corner of her eye, “EEP!” She squealed as she quickly dodged the attack.

    Suddenly a dark figure rose from the goo, “Just as jumpy as ever I see, well that won’t save you for long.”

    “Who even are you?” Mesprit asked.

    “I see you’ve swept your little mistake under the rug in the 800 years since you sent me here.”

    “Wait Fiora?”

    “Bingo! You guessed correctly, now let me give you your prize!” Fiora said as she summoned more goo to strike Mesprit with.

    “Yeah, how about no.” Mesprit said as she teleported out of the way of Fiora’s attack, “Although it is nice to see that your sense of humor survived over the past 800 years.”

    Fiora laughed maniacally before summoning the mangled body of an Empoleon out of the goo, “I’d say it’s gotten a lot better in all that time, unlike your ‘immortal’ friend here.”

    “Picky!” Mesprit cried out.

    Picky coughed, “Mesprit… get out of here…” She rasped.

    “I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO JUST DIE ALREADY!” Fiora shouted before shooting some sort of dark energy at Picky’s chest, piercing her heart and causing her to go limp.

    “PICKY! NOOOOO!” Mesprit cried.

    “You’re next.” Fiora said in an even more twisted and distorted voice.

    ‘I gotta get out of here!’ Mesprit told herself.

    “What’s wrong? You too afraid to face your mistake?” Fiora taunted.

    Mesprit looked around frantically before teleporting away.

    January 26th, 9:00 am

    Team Echoes Base

    Coast Continent

    “And that’s basically how I found out who was behind all of this stuff.” Mesprit explained.

    “And you didn’t think to tell anyone else about this!?” Joseph asked.

    “I can’t! They’d all kill me if they found out she’s still alive!”

    “Is that why you made Picky immortal?” Specter asked, “So that in case she was somehow able to survive all this time, you’d have someone to deal with her?”

    “That was the plan, unfortunately, it didn’t pan out…”

    “Well, couldn’t Arceus just read your mind and find out about this?” Cinder asked.

    “Thankfully no, I have a section in my brain that not even the most experienced of mind readers can see into.”

    “So why are you telling us this then?” Joseph asked.

    “Because…” Mesprit said before sighing, “When I found out there was another human here, I planned to make sure they were trustworthy so that I could have them help out Picky, but now I guess it’s you guys versus Fiora now.”

    “Great…” Joseph sighed, “I really hope things slow down with her so we can actually prepare properly…”

    “I can see what I can do to stall her.” Mesprit said.

    “Right, on that note, I would like to take back my earlier statement, please keep showing up if it means helping us out.”

    “Really!? You mean it!?” Mesprit asked.

    “Yeah, just don’t take this the wrong way, we’re absolutely not friends.” Joseph clarified.

    “Yay! I finally have friends again!” Mesprit cheered, seemingly ignoring what Joseph had just said.

    “Did you not just hear me?” Joseph asked.

    “I did,” Mesprit said, “but I have a pretty hefty counterargument.”

    “Ok, let’s hear it then.”

    “Ok, then sit tight.” Mesprit said, she then teleported away somewhere.

    Joseph raised an eyebrow, “That’s your counterargument? Running away?”

    Seconds later, Mesprit returned with a tray of cookies, she then shoved one into Joseph’s mouth, “Apology accepted.” He said as he ate the cookie.

    Everyone finished their breakfast and took a cookie, “Oh my Arceus these are even better than mom’s!” Cinder shouted.

    “Yeah, I guess they’re ok.” Vulcan said jealously, “I still think my pancakes were better.”

    “I disagree!” Slippy chirped, “Compared to these cookies, your pancakes tasted like dirt!”

    Vulcan rolled his eyes, “Thanks bud.” He said sarcastically.

    “For what it’s worth, I think your pancakes were the best ones I’ve ever had.” Mesprit complimented.

    “Are you patronizing me?”

    “No, I mean it honestly, I can never get pancakes right and nobody at the Temple of Light can either, well except Arceus, but he’s still not as good as you are at making them.”

    “Ok now I know you’re lying to me, there’s no way I’m better at making pancakes than Arceus himself.”

    “I’m not lying! He usually burns them!” Mesprit shouted, “His Judgment attack is too intense for cooking!”

    “Arceus is a fire type?”

    “He can be.” Joseph answered, “Arceus can change types at will.”

    “Wait what!?” Vulcan blurted.

    “Yep, pretty cool, right?”

    “But can’t we do that with our scarves?” Rory asked.

    “Yeah, but Arceus can switch types using special plates and the effect lasts until he switches plates, whereas our scarves only last for a little while.”

    “Your scarves allow you to change types?” Mesprit asked.

    “Yep, through the power of Terastallization, we’re able to change types.” Joseph explained.

    “Terastallization?” Mesprit questioned, “What in the world is that?”

    “The word is the combination of Tera and Crystallization, and basically it turns Pokémon into crystallized versions of themselves while also changing their type.”

    “Sounds like some sort of black magic, I’ll bet Fiora is behind it somehow.”

    “I highly doubt that.” Cinder said, “Joseph seems to know a lot about this Terastallization stuff, and usually if he knows a lot about something it’s because he’s seen it in a video game.”

    “To add to what Cinder said, after I ended up here I started to believe that no world is truly a fantasy world and that inevitably there is a universe or dimension or whatever that takes place in worlds from works of fiction.”

    “I’m not sure if that makes sense.” Sammy said.

    “Me neither!” Joseph replied as he laughed awkwardly.

    “We’re getting sidetracked.” Mesprit said.

    “Was this conversation even going anywhere in the first place?” Joseph asked.

    “Ugh, just look, before we seal the deal on us being friends or whatever, I need to test you, Joseph.”

    “Test me?”

    “Yes, test you.” Mesprit reiterated.

    “What do you mean by that?”

    “I’m gonna ask you some questions, please try to answer them with utmost honesty.”

    “Uh, ok?” Joseph said, “Wait, are we just gonna do this right here, right now or-“

    “No, you and I are going to go into your room for this, everyone else is going to stay out here, got it?”

    “Uh, I feel a little awkward about this, can I bring Rory with me?”

    “Ugh, fine.”

    Joseph and Rory followed Mesprit into their room, once they arrived Mesprit shut the door, “Alright human, it’s time for your trial.” Mesprit said in a stern voice.

    “Trial?” Joseph questioned.

    “Yes, your trial, if you pass this trial then you’re free to keep living here for as long as you live… well as long as the other mortals let you that is.”

    Joseph began to style the fur on his head to look like spikey human hair, “What are you doing?” Rory asked.

    Joseph finished his hairstyling, he then pointed at Mesprit and shouted, “OBJECTION!” at the top of his lungs.

    “I thought Arceus said Shinx couldn’t learn Boomburst!” Mesprit huffed as she covered her ears.

    “Sorry, I heard the word trial and immediately thought of a game I once played.” Joseph apologized.

    “Dude, this is serious!” Rory shouted, “You can save your dumb jokes for later!”

    “Sorry, that was kinda out of character for me, I know, I’m ready to be serious now.”

    “Alright then.” Mesprit said. “Let the trial begin!” Mesprit declared.

    The group proceeded to sit in silence for a moment before Joseph spoke up, “So, are you gonna ask any questions?”

    “O-oh sorry, uh first question, what do you intend to do here?”

    “Like in this world?” Joseph asked.

    “Yes, in this world.”

    “Well, I plan on stopping that weird figure thing from hurting the friends I’ve made here, after I do that I plan on going home.”

    “I see, and you mean home as in your world, right?”

    “Yup, I mean I like it here, but I’d prefer to go home where I have hands and where I can wear clothes again.”

    “I see, so you still haven’t adjusted to the life of a Pokémon yet.” Mesprit noted, “Alright, next question, what made you want to take down Fiora?”

    “Well, actually it wasn’t initially my plan here, but Rory mentioned wanting to get to the bottom of this goo situation and I wanted to help her because she’s my friend.”

    “So you wanted to help out your friend?”

    “Yep! Even though we just met almost a week ago now, I still want to help her stop this goo stuff from ending the world.”

    “How’d you become friends so quickly if you only met about a week ago?”

    “Well, she was the first Pokémon I met when I woke up here, coincidentally we both washed up on the beach here along with Sammy, she threatened to attack me once I mentioned I was a human but once she realized I wasn’t a threat she spared me.”

    Mesprit turned to Rory, “Is this true?” She asked.

    “It is Ms. Mesprit.” Rory answered.

    “Good.” Mesprit said, “Also you can cut the formalities I’m only like 13,000 years old so I’d hardly consider myself a Ms.”

    ‘She’s 1000 times my age, yet she’s trying to say that she’s still young!?’ Rory thought, ‘She really is out of touch, huh.’

    Mesprit turned back to Joseph, “Alright, next question, you said you wanted to go back home after all this, but what about your friends? How do you think they’d feel about that?”

    “Uh, I’m not honestly sure, I mean I know that Rory and Cinder would be fine with it because Rory said she was fine with that and Cinder plans on going home ASAP, but I haven’t really stopped to think about anyone else, I guess I’d stay if any of them wanted me too, but then it kinda becomes a whole different problem y’know?” Joseph replied

    “Please explain.”

    “I mean just think about it, it’s selfish of me to leave if it would upset my friends, but it’s also a little selfish of them to decide if I stay or not, it’s just a little obnoxious double standard thing.”

    “I see, so you worry there is no right option?”

    “Yeah, I mean considering there are multiple different ways to interpret me leaving, it kinda makes it hard to make the right choice.”

    “Well, if you were given the choice to come back every once in a while, would you?”

    “Yeah definitely, I mean I never said I hated being a Shinx, I just don’t think I could spend the rest of my life with fur and a tail y’know.”

    “I see, alright final question…” Mesprit paused and took a deep breath, “Who’s your favorite legendary Pokémon?” She asked with a grin on her face.

    “Galarian Zapdos.” Joseph answered.

    “What!? SERIOUSLY!? You seriously see all these cool Pokémon who do different stuff to benefit the world, and you say ‘Hmm, nah, I think I like the stupid useless flightless bird more.’ for real!?”

    “Fine, I lied, Miraidon is my favorite, but you don’t know what a Miraidon is, do you?”

    “Miraidon? Who’s that?” Mesprit asked predictably.

    “Yup called it.” Joseph said, “Miraidon is an electric dragon type legendary Pokémon that was brought to the present by a time machine, well in another world that is.”

    “So what does this Miraidon do exactly?” Mesprit asked skeptically.

    “You know the Pokémon Cyclizar right?”

    “That weird Pokémon that offers rides to other Pokémon?”

    “Yeah, Miraidon is basically one of those, but from the future.”

    “Why’s that one your favorite, then!? It’s even less cool than your first pick!”

    “Because it’s so cool looking! It looks like a robot! Plus, it can fly!”

    Mesprit shook her head, “Honestly, I should fail you based on your horrible taste in legendary Pokémon but fine whatever you passed my trial, congrats human, you’re not a monster, you just have bad taste.”

    “Uh, cool I guess… Would you like my taste in legendaries better if I said Koraidon was my favorite?”

    “Is Koraidon useless like Miraidon is?”

    “I wouldn’t say it’s useless, but they’re very similar, only Koraidon is from the past, and it’s a fighting dragon type instead of an electric dragon type.”

    “So yeah it’s useless, so no, I wouldn’t like it any better.”

    Joseph rolled his eyes, “Whatever.” He huffed.

    “So are we good to leave now?” Rory asked.

    “Sure.” Mesprit responded.

    The trio rejoined the rest of the team at the table in Specter’s room, “So how’d it go?” Cinder asked.

    “He’s free to stay here as long as the mortals don’t kill him.” Mesprit said before tacking on, “Despite his bad opinions.”

    “What do you mean by that?”

    “Who’s your favorite legendary Pokémon?”

    “Uh, I don’t know, uh, Dialga I guess?”

    Mesprit turned to Joseph, “SEE!? She’s got a normal answer!”

    “Well, I’m sorry, I like one of the less important ones!” Joseph shot back.

    “Less important!? Try nonexistent! Nobody knows what a Miraidon is, and from what it sounds like it’s useless and uncool.”

    “Wait, you mean that future lizard thing, right?” Cinder asked.

    “How’d you know!?” Joseph and Mesprit shouted in unison.

    “Christian showed me.” Cinder answered as she held up her watch, “See, there it is, stealing a sandwich from Lucario.” She said as she showed the two a picture of exactly what she had described.

    “Yeah… Miraidon love sandwiches, it’s a universal trait of their species.” Joseph said.

    “I can see that.” Cinder chuckled, “It’s kinda cute.”

    “What am I looking at?” Mesprit asked, “It barely even looks like a living creature!”

    “Yeah, that’s its ride form, it has a battle form that looks more like a dragon than a bike.” Joseph said.

    “Whatever, you still have bad taste.”

    “Fine, who’s your favorite legendary, then?”

    “Azelf, because she’s my favorite sister.”

    “Pfft laaame.” Joseph responded.

    “As if your answer is any better!”

    “I agree, that’s super lame.” Rory responded.

    “I’d like to hear your answer then.” Mesprit huffed as she crossed her arms.

    “Oh boy, we’re really doing this now?” Specter asked.

    “Yup, this is gonna take a while.” Vulcan answered.

    The group all discussed their favorite legendary Pokémon for a while, everyone had a pretty good time, well except Mesprit mainly because nobody picked her as their favorite. Eventually, Cinder heard a noise at the entrance to the base, “Did anyone else hear that?”

    “Hear what?” Joseph asked.

    “Ugh, never mind, I’ll just go check it out real quick, be right back!” She said as she left the room.

    When Cinder left the room, a grin appeared on Vulcan’s face, “What’s so funny?” Joseph asked.

    “You know how Cinder said Dialga was her favorite legendary Pokémon?” Vulcan asked.

    “Uh yeah?”

    Vulcan walked over to Joseph and started to whisper in his ear, “That was a lie, her actual favorite is Virizion because she thinks she’s hot.”

    “Are you for real!?” Joseph asked.

    “Yup, just don’t tell her I said that she’d kill me.”

    “Ok.” Joseph lied, “I won’t tell her.”

    “Good.” Vulcan chuckled.

    Vulcan walked back over to his seat and sat back down, a few moments later a Vulpix came sprinting into the room, “Wowie! This room is so edgy!” They said.

    “BLAIR! What did I say!?” A familiar voice shouted.

    Shortly after, Cinder reentered the room, this time accompanied by Cloak and Razor, “Blair you heard your mother don’t go rushing into other Pokémon’s houses.” Razor said

    “Aw… But I was excited…” Blair complained.

    “Well, that doesn’t give you the right to barge into their house, even if we got permission to enter first.” Cloak said.

    “Gee, someone could learn a lesson or two from those two.” Joseph said as he gave Mesprit a side-eye.

    “Look, I didn’t do anything wrong alright! So just drop it already!” Mesprit shouted.

    “Correction, you didn’t do anything wrong after you barged into our house uninvited.” Rory snarked.

    “Long time no see!” Razor said sarcastically, “You doing alright?”

    “Yeah, we’re doing pretty great, despite having our house broken into by a certain legendary Pokémon who may or may not be sitting at this table right now.”

    “Blimey! I didn’t even notice you there, Mesprit!” Cloak blurted.

    “Hehehe ‘Blimey’.” Blair mocked, “I love it when mommy says funny words.”

    “Blair! That’s disrespectful!” Cloak shouted, “Sorry, he’s still a little young, and I’m still new to the whole parenting thing, so he’s kinda erratic for the time being.”

    “I can see that.” Mesprit responded, “So who are you three exactly?”

    “I’m Cloak, and that’s my little one, Blair.”

    “And I’m Razor, reigning champ of the Pokémon league and the right-hand ‘mon of my trainer Christian, oh yeah, and I’m also Blair’s father.” Razor said.

    “And you’re here because…?”

    “We wanted to check up on Joseph and Cinder.”

    “Are you supposed to be their protectors or something?” Mesprit asked.

    “Sort of, we’re mainly supposed to keep an eye on them, but you best believe if trouble comes their way we’ll be there to deal with it swiftly.” Razor said, “Speaking of which, you wouldn’t happen to be giving them any trouble, would you?”

    “She’s good, she made us cookies.” Joseph said.

    “They weren’t poisoned or anything, were they?”

    “Nope, I’m feeling fine.” Joseph replied.

    “Up, up, up, I wanna hear that from her.” Razor said as he glared right at Mesprit.

    “N-no they w-weren’t!” Mesprit sputtered.

    “You’ve gone pale.” Razor noted, “Is something wrong?”

    “Y-you’re scaring me! I’m telling the truth, b-but you’re terrifying me!”

    “Ah, sorry, must be my ability activating.” Razor said as he broke eye contact with Mesprit.

    Mesprit sighed in relief, “Your eyes are scary dude!”

    “I know, everyone thinks I’m a dark type because of my eyes and my fur, but I’m not! I’m not even slightly evil, and my fur gives off light! I’m the exact opposite of a dark type!”

    “You seem rather riled up about this.”

    “Yeah because I am! The stupid morons at the IDPK keep calling me a dark type, no wonder Christian and Lucario were able to take them all out on their own.”

    “Wait, is the Christian you speak of the same one Cinder was talking about?”

    “Yeah, but he’s not important.”

    “Ok then?”

    “Now back to what is important,” Razor said as he turned to Joseph, “Anything happening with you?”

    “Uh, I almost died to that void slime stuff I told you about.” Joseph responded.

    “Oh, that’s not good! Did it take another continent out?”

    “Yup, the Glacier Continent is now unfortunately off limits.”

    “That’s a shame,” Cloak said, “I was sort of looking forward to going there, I’d feel right at home.”

    “Did you at least find out who’s causing this stuff to show up?” Razor asked.

    “Well, no, until Mesprit here showed up.” Joseph answered.

    “Yeah, you know how humans are sort of outcasted here?” Mesprit asked.

    “Yeah? What’s that got to do with anything?” Razor questioned.

    “Well that’s because I summoned a human here about 800 years ago, she then turned on me and tried to destroy the world, she was quickly dealt with, but unfortunately she’s back, and now she’s got some evil power that’s letting her consume the entire world with this creepy goo crap.” Mesprit explained.

    “Dang, I never thought I’d see the day I’d hear Mesprit say ‘crap’.”

    “You should’ve been there yesterday, she said something extra naughty then.” Rory said.

    “I’m lucky Arceus didn’t see that, otherwise I’d be a puddle on the floor right about now.” Mesprit shuddered.

    “Eh, that sounds out of character for Arceus, he’d probably send you to the past and have you fix something for him so he doesn’t have to do it himself, and then when you actually finish doing that he refuses to send you back.” Razor said.

    “That sounds… Oddly specific…” Mesprit noted.

    “That’s basically what happened to our trainer, although eventually he was allowed to go back to the future, but only because he was supposed to fix another problem in another world.” Cloak explained.

    “Oh, well, that’s strange.”

    “Wait, is that how he got sent to the dark future in my world?” Cinder asked.

    “Pretty much.” Razor said.

    “Wow, he can never catch a break, huh?”

    “Nope, there’s no rest for the wicked.”

    “So I take it this Christian character isn’t an evil guy or anything.” Mesprit.

    “Nope, just a hyperactive, nerdy gamer who spends way too much time studying Pokémon.”

    “Ok, so Joseph should be extra clear then, considering he was sent here by Christian if I’m not mistaken.”

    “Yep, you don’t gotta worry about Joseph.”

    “Joseph’s my best friend!” Blair said.

    “I thought I was your best friend.” Cloak whimpered.

    “You were, but then you kept saying all those weird words.” Blair replied, “Besides, you kill my fun all the time, Joseph doesn’t!”

    “Ouch! You didn’t even try to spare my feelings!”

    “Nope!” Blair bubbled.

    “That wasn’t a compliment, you meanie!”

    Blair ran up to Cloak and shot a Flamethrower in her face, just like he did yesterday, “Bleh.” He said as he stuck his tongue out.

    “Blair, what did I tell you about using Flamethrower on your mother?” Razor asked in a stern tone

    “That it was funny?”

    “Wha- no! I said you need to stop doing it!” Razor shouted.

    Blair ran up to Razor and attempted to make him collapse with another Flamethrower, however, Razor stood strong and took the hit like a champ, “Is that all you got?” Razor asked.

    “EEEP! RETREAT!” Blair squealed as he hid behind Joseph.

    “Quit hiding!” Razor demanded as he approached Joseph.

    “Wait! Leave me out of this! I didn’t do anything!” Joseph squeaked.

    Razor’s eyes shined with a pink glow as he lifted Blair into the air with his Psychic Fangs, “Calm down, I ain’t gonna hurt you, I’m just tryna grab my kid.”

    Joseph let out a sigh of relief, “Oh thank god, I thought you were just gonna plow through me for a moment.”

    “Nah, I wouldn’t do that, it’s just unnecessary.”

    Blair cleared his throat, “Helloooooo, can you put me down now?” He asked.

    “Only if you promise to stop using your attacks on other innocent Pokémon.”

    “Ok!” Blair said with a smile.

    Razor then set him down, once he was firmly back on the ground he ran over to his mother and hit her with a Confuse Ray, “Bleh.” He taunted again.

    “Head… Spinning…” Cloak groaned as she flopped around in her dazed state.

    “Blair! What did I just say!?” Razor snapped.

    “What? It’s not an attack!” Blair replied.

    “You know what I meant when I said that!”

    Blair shot another Confuse Ray at Razor and gave his signature, “Bleh.” Afterward.

    Now both Cloak and Razor were flopping around the room in confusion, while Team Echoes and Mesprit were confused about where this was all going, “You guys good?” Joseph asked.

    “I’m… Fine…” Razor answered as he continued to fumble around the room.

    “You don’t seem fine to me!”

    “I’ll be fine…”

    “Blair! Why would you do that to your parents?”

    “Because they’re sooooo boring, they won’t let me do anything fun, even though I’ve shown them I’m strong enough to protect myself.” Blair replied.

    “And by fun, you mean dangerous, right?”

    “YEAH! If it’s not dangerous, it’s not fun as far as I’m concerned.”

    “That’s not a good way to look at life.” Mesprit said.

    “I agree with Mesprit, putting yourself in unnecessary danger isn’t a good idea under any circumstances.” Joseph said.

    “Fine, fight me then!” Blair demanded.

    “E-excuse me?”

    “We’re gonna settle this like real Pokémon, the winner gets to be right.”

    “That is the dumbest and most childish thing I’ve heard…” Joseph muttered under his breath, “Look, I don’t wanna hurt you kid, it’s just I think you should respect your parents’ wishes.”

    “Well, I DO wanna hurt you KID, and I DON’T think I should respect my parent’s wishes.” Blair said as he got up in Joseph’s face.

    “There’s no way I’m getting out of this, is there?”

    “Nope.” Razor said as he shook off his dizziness, “Just give the kid what he wants, if you win, he’ll never ask to be put in danger again.”

    “And if I lose?”

    “We’ll all look like big idiots.”

    “Alright then… Blair, follow me, I wanna at least be fair about this.”

    “What’s that supposed to mean huh!? You think I’m weak!?” Blair shouted.

    “No, it’s just that it’s raining outside.”

    “So I can take a little rain.”

    “Yeah, but it weakens your fire attacks, so it might not be the best idea for you to fight in the rain.”

    “Oh, that’s fair.”

    Joseph led Blair into Rory’s old room, “Alright kid, get into position.”

    Alright kid, get into position.” Blair mocked, “I’m gonna win this, and then I’m gonna go into a dungeon to prove that I’m the strongest Pokémon to ever live.”

    ‘Oh boy, I’m gonna feel bad about this…’ Joseph thought to himself, ‘I really don’t want to beat up a child to give him a reality check, but it’s not like I have any other options.”

    The rest of Team Echoes (And Mesprit) entered the room and began circling around the “battlefield”.

    “Go Joseph! I believe in you!” Stumpy cheered.

    “If you lose this, I’ll never let you live it down!” Specter shouted.

    “Just go easy on him ok?” Cinder said.

    “I was planning to.” Joseph said, “I don’t feel right beating up a child!”

    “Well, I won’t be going easy on you!” Blair shouted, “I’m no mere child, I am Blair the Vulpix, and I’m the world’s strongest Pokémon!”

    And so the battle began, Joseph ran at Blair while charging up his Spark attack, however, he was quickly stopped dead in his tracks by Blair’s Flamethrower, ‘Crud, how am I supposed to get in if he’s able to torch me from range.’ Joseph thought.

    “Hehehe, you can’t come any closer without getting burnt to a crisp, pathetic.”

    Joseph continued to brainstorm his approach before realizing he had another option, ‘Wait, what if I don’t approach him at all?’ He thought, ‘What if I just hit him from range?’

    Joseph decided to back up a bit, he then charged up a Tera Blast from a safe distance, once it was ready he unleashed a white beam of crystal energy that exploded into a cloud of sparkles upon making contact with Blair, the beam was too much for Blair to handle, knocking him over.

    “Oh, jeez, are you ok, kid!?” Joseph shouted as he ran to Blair’s side.

    “M-m-m-m-m-m-m.” Blair sputtered as tears began to well up in his eyes before eventually the dam broke, “M-mommy! He hurt me!” Blair cried.

    “What did you expect!?” Cloak shouted as she walked into the room, “You challenged him to a fight! You should’ve expected to get hit!”

    “B-b-b-b-but I’m the strongest Pokémon in the world! I should be impossible to hit!”

    “Blair, I’m not being mean when I say this, but you’re not the strongest Pokémon in the world, far from it actually, and that’s why we don’t want you to put yourself in danger because if something goes wrong you could end up getting seriously hurt, or worse…”

    “S-so you weren’t saying that to be boring?”

    “No, I just don’t want you flying too close to the sun so to speak, you’ll get your chance to go exploring, but you have to get stronger first.”

    “Is that how you and Dad got so strong?”

    “Yes, it is, we trained until we were strong enough to hold our own then we started working our way up the ladder until we met our trainer, then he sped things up for us a little bit.”

    “What’s a trainer?”

    “It’s like a friend that helps you get stronger.” Razor answered, “Although our trainer usually puts his friends through a real trial by fire, so he’s not exactly the best for everyone.”

    “I wanna meet your trainer!” Blair said, “I want him to help me get stronger!”

    “Well, right now he’s kinda got his hands tied up, you’ll get your chance to meet him, but you just gotta wait a bit.”

    “Aww… Ok…” Blair whined.

    Mesprit cleared her throat, “Now that we’ve knocked Blair off his high horse, shall we discuss our plans for the future?”

    “Sure I guess…” Razor replied.

    The group left Rory’s old room and gathered back around the round table in Specter’s room to discuss the future, “Alright, so we’re all aware of the situation with Fiora taking over the world, right?” Mesprit asked.

    “Yeah.” Specter said as he adjusted the Soothe Bell around his neck.

    “So what do we do about it exactly?”

    Specter took the bell off and shouted, “I have no freakin’ clue! How are we supposed to defeat this goo stuff!?”

    “Maybe it’s not about that,” Joseph suggested, “maybe we should be thinking about how to defeat Fiora herself.”

    “Well, how do we do that if she’s untouchable? Literally!” Rory blurted.

    Joseph thought for a moment before blurting, “We try to get in her head, that’s how!”

    “How does that help us exactly?” Cloak asked.

    “We’ve been around enough humans to know that they’re prone to acting on emotion.” Razor said.

    “Well, yeah, but that thing barely sounds human at this point.”

    “Well, it’s still worth a shot!” Joseph declared, “I mean it’s not like we have any better strategies.”

    “Actually, I think I might have one.” Mesprit said, “I’ll keep an eye out for Fiora and if I see her I’ll teleport back here and alert you guys, then you can confront her before she destroys everything.”

    “So basically just do what we did last time?” Cinder asked.

    “Is that what happened last time?”

    “Yep, pretty much.”

    “Ok scratch that then just do what Joseph suggested.”

    “That’s a terrible idea!” Sammy shouted, “I propose we try to find a way to get rid of her resentment stuff, that way we can still have ground to stand on when we fight her, and so we can take her out once and for all.”

    “Ok, then, how do you propose we do that?” Vulcan asked.

    “Well, that’s where I’m at a loss…”

    “I already know that neither of our attacks do anything to it thanks to our little encounter with the stuff back in Purity Heights.” Rory said, “So what else can we try?”

    “Maybe it’s weak to a certain type or something?” Slippy suggested.

    “Well, if that’s the case it ain’t fighting or water, that’s for sure.”

    “I think I have an idea, actually.” Joseph announced.

    “It’s not another stupid one, is it?”

    “I don’t think so?” Joseph replied uncertainly, “I was thinking what if instead of a certain type of attack getting rid of Fiora’s resentment it was certain types of energy instead?”

    “What do you mean by that?”

    “I was thinking that we could fight back the resentment with Terastallization and Mega Evolution and stuff.”

    “Well, there are a few issues with that.” Cinder said, “One, we still don’t know how to Terastallize at will, and two, Rory’s the only one who can Mega Evolve, and that’s only if she evolves, besides I have no idea how that’s gonna work considering Emeras don’t exist in this world.”

    “What’s an Emera?” Cloak and Razor asked in unison.

    “They’re gems that you can slot into Looplets for special effects in dungeons, however, once the user leaves the dungeon the Emeras disappear for some reason.”

    “So, what’s that got to do with Mega Evolution?” Razor asked.

    “Well, where I’m from, Mega Evolution is achieved by holding a Looplet that has an Awakening in it.”

    “Like the thing that cures sleep?”

    “What, no, the Emera called Awakening.”

    “Oh, I gotcha now.” Razor responded, “Well, where I’m from, Mega Evolution is triggered by a Pokémon holding a Mega Stone and a trainer holding a Key Stone, the trainer is then able to cause their Pokémon to Mega Evolve at any time, although they can only do this once per battle and the effect wears off after the battle.”

    “That’s pretty much how it works here.” Rory said, “I think at least, it’s been a long time since my parents told me about me that stuff.”

    “I think that’s the first time Rory’s mentioned her parents.” Joseph pointed out.

    “Yeah, ‘cuz they’re dead.” Rory said.

    “Wow, that’s very respectful of you.”

    “Oh, uh, I didn’t mean it like that, I just thought it was obvious since I didn’t talk about them much.”

    “Getting back on topic, how would we get our hands on a Key Stone here?” Cloak asked.

    “I’ve heard that someone in the Crystal Continent sells them.” Mesprit mentioned, “But we would still need a Mega Stone, and that’s if Rory wants to evolve.”

    “I do, it’s just I haven’t gotten close enough with anyone to trigger my evolution yet.” Rory said.

    “In that case, you guys should go to the Crystal Continent then, it would help you guys get stronger, and you could get your Key Stone there.” Mesprit said.

    “In the meantime, we’ll look around and see if we can’t find a Lucarionite, worst comes the worst we’ll just ask Christian to go to Alola and buy one so he can send it to us.” Cloak said.

    “Sounds good.” Cinder said, “I guess we’ll spend the rest of the day planning out our course of action for tomorrow, then.”

    “Sounds like a plan.” Mesprit bubbled, “Alright, see you guys later then.” Mesprit said before teleporting away.

    “Well, we’ll be heading off too, see you guys!” Razor said.

    “See you!” Team Echoes chorused.

    Cloak, Razor, and Blair left, leaving Team Echoes to plan their visit to the Crystal Continent, “So first thing’s first, who’s gonna be going tomorrow?” Vulcan asked.

    “I think we should send a smaller group this time.” Cinder suggested, “You know, in case Fiora strikes again.”

    “Gotcha.” Vulcan said, “So, who’s going?”

    “I was thinking it could be me, Joseph, Rory, Sammy, and Stumpy.” Cinder said. “The rest of you could spend the day training with Nail or something.”

    “I like how that sounds.” Vulcan said.

    “I OBJECT!” Tiny said as she popped out of Cinder’s bag.

    “What!? Why!?”

    “Because I NEED to be here tomorrow.”

    “Why’s that?”

    “Because I need to absorb more Meltan.”

    “Excuse me!?”

    “Yeah, I need to absorb other Meltan to evolve, I can do that by opening the box, but I can only do that every so often.”

    Oh, ok then.” Cinder said.

    “But wouldn’t the other Meltan try to run away if they knew you were just gonna absorb them?” Vulcan asked.

    “No, they need to combine with me so that they can evolve too, it’s kinda like fusing, actually.”

    “That makes absolutely no sense.”

    “Basically, I need to combine my power with others of my species to evolve.”

    “That’s still a little confusing, but I think it’s as good as we’re getting.”

    “Whatever, if you see me forming a small army in my room later just don’t question it ok?”


    “Getting back on track,” Cinder interjected, “the five of us are going to go to the Crystal Continent tomorrow, we’re gonna look for a Mega Stone and whatever else we might find useful there, meanwhile you guys are gonna stay and train with Nail while Tiny performs rituals in her room all day, once we’re all done with that we’ll check in with Cloak and Razor, and hopefully Mesprit will come to check on us tomorrow too, but if she doesn’t then oh well I guess, that sound good to you all?”

    “Yeah, that’s fine.” Rory said.

    “It’s not gonna be super cold there this time of year, is it?” Joseph asked.

    “It might be a little chilly, but it won’t be nearly as bad, I promise.” Cinder assured, “Plus, I’ve heard that the Pokémon of the Crystal Continent made some sort of machine that keeps their houses nice and warm during the winter and nice and cool during the summer.”

    “So they invented A.C.?” Joseph asked.


    “It stands for air conditioning.”

    “I guess they did then.”

    “Oh thank god, can we pick up one of those machines while we’re out tomorrow?”

    Cinder sighed, “Only if it’s not too heavy.”

    Joseph pumped his fist, “Yes!”

    “But you’re carrying it back.” Cinder added.

    “Ugh… Fine…”

    “Don’t worry, I’ll help you.” Stumpy said.

    “Thanks, bud.”

    “You’re welcome.”

    “So now that that’s settled, what do we do now?” Vulcan asked, “I mean it’s still raining so it’s not like we can really go out and do guild work or anything.”

    “Guess not huh.” Cinder said, “Anyone up for a game of UNO then?”

    January 26th, 6:00 pm

    Temple of Light

    Mesprit felt like a million Poké, she had successfully diffused the human situation and made a bunch of new friends in the process, “Dad! I’ve got great news!” She beamed.

    Arceus appeared beside her, “What is it dear?”

    “I befriended the human!”

    “You did WHAT!?” Arceus boomed.

    “Hear me out, I asked the human a few questions and once I was 100% sure he wasn’t evil I offered to be friends with him.”

    “That’s exactly what you said about her!”

    “I know but just-“

    “This is unacceptable!”


    “Excuse me?”

    “You know how the Crag Continent and the Glacier Continent are being eaten away right now?”

    “Yes, I do recall you telling me about this.”

    “Well, one of the human’s friends wants to put an end to that and the human wants to help her with that.”

    “And how exactly do they plan to do that when we don’t know what’s causing it?”

    “That brings me to my second thing, Fiora’s been located, she is the slime stuff that’s been consuming the world.”

    “That little-“

    “I know I’m just as infuriated as you are, but the human’s come up with an idea to stop her.”

    “He has?”

    “Yep, he thinks certain types of energy might be able to fight back the slime stuff, and considering Fiora’s made of the stuff now, all they would need to do is find her and hit her with that energy.”

    “What do you mean by ‘different types of energy’?”

    “Like the energy that Mega Evolved Pokémon give off.”

    “Where would the human get such energy?”

    “Well, he already has access to this weird power known as Terastallization which gives off a similar energy, but he’s also friends with a Riolu who wants to evolve to gain access to Mega Evolution.”

    “Terastallization you say?”

    “Yeah, it’s weird, it allows them to change types based on the scarf they wear.”

    “The human’s stealing my thing!”

    “It’s not just him, apparently everyone in the SurfSpark guild has these scarves as well, so I would assume they share this ability.”

    “How did they gain this plagiarized power?”

    “I have no idea.”

    “Whatever, it doesn’t matter if it helps this human get rid of Fiora then it can stay, but if it doesn’t do anything to her then I will be revoking it.”

    “Uh ok then…”

    “Anyway, I have more important matters to deal with so I’ll leave you to do whatever.”

    “Alright, thanks for hearing me out, Dad!”

    Arceus teleported away, leaving Mesprit all on her lonesome, “Ok, now to get some rest before tomorrow.” She said before floating off into her room.

    January 26th, 6:10 pm

    Temple of Light – Mesprit’s room

    “Hooo boy, I’m tired.” Mesprit said as she floated over to her bed, “Thank goodness we all have our own rooms here, I couldn’t imagine having to try to live amongst the mortals in a normal house or something, although, that human has a nice place.”

    Mesprit stopped levitating and dropped onto her bed. A few seconds later, there was a knock on her door, causing her to start levitating again.

    Mesprit levitated over to the door and opened it, on the other side Azelf was smiling, “Hey Mesprit!” She said.

    “Oh, hey Azelf, what’s going on?” Mesprit responded.

    “Nothing much, I just wanted to ask you something.”

    “Could you make it quick?” Mesprit asked, “It’s been a pretty long day for me, and I was just about to go to bed.”

    “At 6:10!?” Azelf blurted.

    “Yeah, I woke up at 4:00 am this morning.”

    “Wha- Why!?”

    “Human-related matters.”

    “Oh, I see… Still looking for that girl?”

    “Not anymore, I found her yesterday, but things are a little complicated now.”

    “Why? Is there another human or something?” Azelf ribbed.

    “Yes, actually there is, but he’s not the problem, Fiora’s still the problem.”

    “That’s confusing…”

    “I’ll explain it tomorrow, for now, though, just ask your question.”

    “How is this place hidden from the mortals?”

    “What do you mean by that?”

    “Dad said that mortals can only enter the temple part of the Temple of Light, but why?”

    “Why don’t you just ask Dad?”

    “He won’t tell me, he said something about how it’s private information that only he has.”

    “Oh, well then why did you think I’d know?”

    “I don’t know, I just assumed that since you’re dad’s favorite, you’d know.”

    “Dad doesn’t have a favorite silly.”

    Sure.” Azelf said as she went to close the door, “Keep telling yourself that.”

    Azelf shut the door and began to float away, “Aren’t you gonna say goodnight?” Mesprit asked.

    “Oh yeah.” Azelf said, she then opened the door again and hugged Mesprit, “Good night sleepyhead.”

    Mesprit chuckled, “Good night knucklehead.”

    Azelf left the room once more and Mesprit plopped back onto her bed again, “Phew, hopefully nobody else bothers me while I try to sleep.”

    A bit of a shorter one this time, mainly because I kept getting sidetracked and also because after I stopped getting sidetracked I couldn’t really think of what I wanted to happen in this chapter other than Mesprit breaking into Team Echoes’ base and giving them that little bit of info about the situation but trust me next chapter is gonna be another eventful one. Anyway now for a joke.

    <Boss data downloaded successfully!>

    The strongest Pokémon in the world: Blair!

    Bleh 😛

    Yeah, that was stupid, but once I got the idea for it I had to do it, I thought it would be funny, anyway now for review replies.

    To WyldClaw: Glad you enjoyed it! Also, don’t fret if Slippy’s reaction to Joseph being a human kinda sucked because he had to contain himself, there’s an opportunity for him to give a better reaction in the next chapter.

    To KirgizovVlad: Thanks again! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying this thing so far, hopefully, you enjoy what’s to come as well, also your review was quite funny.

    Anyway, that’s all, next time, 6 adventurers find themselves on the Crystal Continent, wait, wasn’t there only 5 of them!? I’m getting a heavy sense of déjà vu… See ya!


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