The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Hello! This is something a little different from the usual things, normally, I post full-on chapters or special episodes, (Oh yeah there was also that Halloween special which was neither, but it doesn’t really matter), but this is something different, welcome to the anomaly chapters, these chapters are sort of just one-offs that are still kinda sorta somtimes canon to the main story, but they probably won’t impact it to heavily, why am I explaining all this? You may be asking, well I just wanted to give you guys a heads-up so you’re not confused when Cinder starts talking to Cinder or something weird like that.

    TLDR: These chapters are just me having fun with random scenarios I imagined some of the characters in, their existence might get referenced later, but aside from that they’re probably not really important.

    Hopefully, that makes sense because if not none of what’s about to happen will either, anyway enjoy!

    January 27th, 10:30 pm

    Team Echoes’ Base – Cinder’s Room

    Coast Continent

    Cinder was fast asleep in her bed, snoring lightly, “Mnnh” She muttered in her sleep.

    Suddenly, she began to toss and turn a bit as she slept, maybe she was having a nightmare, or maybe she was having a dream where she was falling from the sky or something, well unfortunately we’ll never know as we can’t peer into her dreams…

    … Or can we?

    October 21st, 8:00 am

    The Beach (Yes, THAT beach)

    Grass Continent

    Cinder woke up washed up on the beach alongside some familiar faces, “Urgh, what happened?” She groaned.

    “Agh! My head!” Blublin exclaimed, “Did Ursaluna come back for round two or something?”

    “I hope not.” Cinder replied before realizing who just spoke to her, “Wait, BLUBLIN! YOU’RE ALIVE!” She said as she enveloped him in a hug.

    “Cinder! I missed you!”

    “But where are the others?”

    “Ugh… I’m getting a sense of déjà vu.” Christian groaned, “Lucario you there?” He asked as he rose from the sand.

    “Christian!” Cinder and Blublin shouted in unison.

    “Wait WHAT!?” Christian blurted, “T-this was unaccounted for.”

    “Mmnmnph.” Lucario said with his face in the sand.

    “Dude, get your face out of the sand, we can’t understand you.”

    “What is going on here!? Why are we all back together!?”

    “Don’t know, don’t care, let’s just go home and pretend none of this ever happened.” Cinder said.

    “Agreed, I’d rather not remember any of the things that went on after that day.” Blublin said.

    “Yeah, as far as I’m concerned, it was all a bad dream.”


    October 21st, 8:00 am

    Sharpedo Bluff

    Grass Continent

    Cinder woke up and stretched, “Morning Stella! Morning Blaze!”

    Stella woke up with a groan, “I had a nightmare last night, I woke up, and the star fell right off my tail!”

    “That’s terrible!” Cinder squealed.

    “Yeah, I know, ever since I became a Shinx I’ve been obsessed with my little star, so I’d hate to lose it.”

    “What about you Blaze, how well did you sleep?”

    “Zzzzzzzz…” Blaze snored.

    “BLAZE!” Stella shouted, “WAKE UP!”

    “HUH!? What!?” Blaze gasped, “We’re not under attack, are we!?”

    “No, it’s just as peaceful as ever, you just overslept again.”

    “Didn’t Squawkabilly give us the day off?”

    “Yeah, and like the rest of the year while he was at it.” Cinder ribbed.

    “Well then let me sleep dang it!” Blaze demanded as she turned back over in her bed.

    “Blaze, you’re a Lucario! Aren’t you supposed to be delivering justice or something?”

    “Yeah and the only injustice I sense is how tired I am, good night, I’ll see you when our break ends.”

    “BLAZE, YOU ARE NOT HIBERNATING!” Stella shouted.


    “Ugh… It’s no use, she’s going to be asleep all day!”

    “I’m just playin’ with you, let’s go find Blubbles and Squishy so we can start planning out how we’re gonna spend our vacation.”

    “Alright!” Cinder cheered as she flared up her flames, “Let’s go to Milcery’s!”

    The three left their base and made their way toward Milcery’s café, once they exited their base, however, they were greeted by Squishy the Goomy, “Morning gals!” Squishy chirped.

    “Oh hey, Squishy! How’s it going?” Cinder asked.

    “It’s going great! I was just at Milcery’s with Blubbles when she won a big prize at the recycle shop!”

    “Oh, sick! What was it?”

    “She won free drinks! For the whole team! For life!”

    “Woah! And I thought I was the lucky one!” Stella whooped.

    “That’s awesome! Let’s go get our free drinks then!” Blaze shouted.

    The quartet made their way down to the café and entered, once there they saw their friend Blubbles the Spheal ordering like 20 different drinks, are you noticing a pattern here?

    “Blubbles! What are you doing!?” Blaze shouted.

    “I’m gonna be on a sugar high for the rest of my life!” Blubbles bubbled (Try saying that 10 times fast).

    “Or you’re gonna regret your life choices.”

    “No, I’m not!”

    Blubbles proceeded to put straws into each drink and take a sip from each of them at once, she then frowned, “Aw… I expected to be bouncing off the walls after that…”

    “I told you that’s not how it works!” Squishy yelled.

    “Well you’re a buzzkill, you know that?”

    “Come on, let’s just get our drinks so we can chill at home or something.” Stella said as she walked up to the counter.

    “Oh, if it isn’t Stella of Team Glistening Hearts!” Milcery greeted, “What can I get for you, my favorite heroine?”

    “Can I get a Yellow Gummi smoothie with Razz Berries?”

    “Of course!”

    Milcery grabbed a few ingredients and shoved them into a cup, she then started to spin around as quickly as she could, once the contents of the cup were thoroughly blended she handed the cup to Stella.”

    “Thanks!” Stella said as she put a straw in her drink and took a sip, “Mmmm, just how I like it.”

    The rest of the team proceeded to order drinks before heading back home.

    Once they made it back home, Blaze decided to ask about something, “Hey Cinder, did you get that cinnamon smoothie because it matches your fur?”

    “That’s part of the reason, I also just like cinnamon!” Cinder said as she held her smoothie up to her dark brown fur, “Milcery always calls me a ‘cinnamon and cream flavored’ Cyndaquil because of my fur color.”

    “Aw, that’s cute.” Squishy said, “She always says I’m grape flavored, but that’s not true.”

    “I’m getting flashbacks to when I mistook you for a living puddle of pudding.” Blubbles said with a frown, “The taste of mud still haunts me to this day.”

    “Yeah, I wouldn’t recommend trying to eat a Goomy, they’re made up of gross goo.” Stella said.

    “Hold on, do you gals hear something?” Blaze asked, “It sounds like there’s a bunch of Pokémon above our heads right now.”

    “Ugh, it’s probably a group of thieves who think they can take on the one and only Team Glistening Hearts…” Cinder groaned.

    “Don’t they know we literally beat up Palkia and forced him to close that rift that was sending Pokémon from that alternate universe where everyone is evil?” Stella asked.

    “Must not if they’re crossing us.”

    “Let’s go teach them a lesson.”

    The team exited their base only to come face to face with some familiar faces, “Wait, who are you?” Christian asked.

    “More importantly, how’d you find our base!?” Lucario blurted.

    “Your base?” Stella challenged, “Since when has this place been infested by a group of guys?”

    “Um, guys, I think something’s wrong here…” Cinder said.

    “Yeah, I think something’s really wrong here, gals.” The other Cinder said.

    “The only thing that’s wrong here is that these guys are claiming this is their base, now get ready to fight Cinder!”

    “How do you know my name!?” Our Cinder blurted.

    “Wait, your name is Cinder too!?”

    “Oh, I see what’s going on here.” Stella said, “These guys are copy-cats!”

    “Excuse me?” Christian asked.

    “You’re trying to impersonate us!” Blaze shouted, “Well news flash, bud, nobody’s gonna believe that you’re part of Team Glistening Hearts if you’re a boy!”

    “Woah, woah, woah, first off that’s sexist, and second off we’re not trying to impersonate anyone, we’re Team ShinyStar, the heroes who took down Primal Dialga and saved time as a whole from collapsing.”

    “Pffffft, Team ShinyStar!?” Stella burst, “What kind of cheap knock-off name is that!?”

    “Yeah, everybody knows that Team Glistening Hearts are the real heroes around here!” Squishy added, “We saved the world from Primal Palkia summoning a giant rift in the sky that brought Pokémon from an evil version of this world, next time you guys want to pretend to be heroes at least make something original!”

    “Um, guys, I don’t think this is our world.” Cinder said.

    Christian nodded his head, “Yeah, that much is clear now, but-“

    “What do you mean this isn’t your world?” The other Cinder asked, “Are you from that rift!?”

    “No, we’re just… Going through a lot right now…” Blublin said as he pointed to the bandage on his head, “We ended up getting separated by some strange rift thingie in our world, and then I think everybody got taken to another world, but today we all woke up down on the beach down there, which made us think we were back home because this world looks like ours, but considering what you guys-“

    “Gals.” Blaze corrected.

    “Uh, ok, considering what you gals have told us, we think that this might be a sort of mirrored version of our world.”

    “So what you’re saying is that this is some real sci-fi type crap?” Stella asked.

    “Yeah, and you gu- I mean gals are probably our alternate universe counterparts, which would explain why we both have a Cinder.”

    “Oh no, you guys are not our alternate universe counterparts, I REFUSE to believe that I’m that ugly in another universe!” Blaze shouted.

    “Ouch! Way to spare my feelings!” Lucario blurted.

    “I’m just spitting facts!”

    “Hold on, hear them out for a sec, they might be right about this.” Stella said, “So, could you tell us more about yourselves?”

    “Sure, I’m Christian!” Christian chirped, “And these are my friends, Blublin, Cinder, and Lucario.”

    “You couldn’t even be bothered to give him a name, maybe he agrees that you’re hideous.” Blaze responded.

    Lucario was beyond offended, “That was my choice! Besides, I bet your name is something stupid.”

    “Blaze’s the name, you can shut up now.”

    “That doesn’t even make any sense! Why would you be named Blaze if you’re not a fire type!?”

    “Because my aura burns like fire! I actually use it to cook all of our meals, it’s pretty effective at that.”

    “That’s still a hell of a stretch, but hey at least it confirms our leaders have something in common, they can’t come up with names to save their lives.”

    “Hey! I’m good at making names! You’re just uncultured!” Stella and Christian shouted in unison.

    “O-ok I’m not the only one who was spooked by that, right?” Squishy asked.

    “Nope, I’m a little spooked too.” Both Cinders replied before shrieking.

    “Ok, this is freaking me out, who’s in favor of just beating these pretenders up and going back to chilling out for the rest of the day?” Blaze asked.

    “If you lay a finger on my friends, I’ll make you wish you never evolved into a steel type!” Team ShinyStar’s Cinder shouted.

    “Bring it then!” Stella shouted.

    So then a fight broke loose between the two teams, Cinder started by shooting a Fire Blast at Blaze, setting her ablaze (I’ll see myself out for that one), before getting hit by her alternate universe counterpart’s Rollout, “Ouch!” Cinder cried out, “That was a cheap shot!”

    “Oh great, not only does my counterpart look bad in blue, but he’s also a dumb, stupid rat!”

    “Excuse me!?”

    “You heard me, and you know it’s all true!”

    Cinder threw a Stun Seed at Cinder (I swear this gets less confusing) and began to yell with all her might, “FIRST OFF, I’M PRETTY CLEVER, SOME WOULD SAY THE SMARTEST ON MY TEAM, SECOND OFF I’M A GIRL YOU SEXIST PEICE OF CRAP, THIRD OFF MY BLUE FUR LOOKS BETTER THAN YOURS RUSTY, AND FINALLY I. AM. NOT. A. RAT!” She raged as she flared up her flames and barraged her counterpart with her Rollout relentlessly.

    “C-Cinder!” Squishy cried.

    But before Squishy could get to Cinder, she was blocked by Blublin, “Uh uh uh, you’re not going anywhere missy.” He said before summoning a huge Blizzard that crashed into the enemy team.

    “Brrr…” Stella shivered as she fell over, “You gals alright?”

    “Ugh… no…” Cinder responded before falling over and fainting.

    “I’ve been better.” Squishy groaned.

    Blaze didn’t respond as she was already out cold, that blizzard was enough to take her out after Cinder’s Fire Blast.

    “Don’t worry, I’ll turn the tides!” Blubbles said, “Watch this, HYDRO PUMP!”

    Blubbles shot her Hydro Pump at the opposing Cinder, only to miss spectacularly, “Pfffft nice aim!” Lucario quipped.

    “Ooh ooh hit ’em with the aim adjuster!” Cinder bubbled.

    “On it! One aim adjuster coming up!”

    Blubbles was lifted into the air by Lucario’s Psychic, “I wish I could learn Scald.” She groaned right before she was hurled into Lucario’s fist, knocking her out cold.

    “We don’t have to do this y’know.” Christian said, “You could just throw in the towel now and spare yourselves the embarrassment.”

    “We’re not going to be embarrassed about winning!” Stella snapped back

    “Hm… I guess that’s what separates our teams then because we actually feel bad about destroying pushovers like you.”

    “You didn’t!”

    “I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”

    “I’ll end you!” Stella shouted as she jumped to her feet, she then charged at Christian.

    “I’m warning you if your attack connects, my friends are gonna unleash hell upon you.” Christian said as Stella approached him for an attack.

    “Just shut up! I’ll be able to handle anything you morons throw at me!”

    “Ok then, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

    Christian braced for impact as Stella charged at him with a Spark attack, but then just as she was about to hit him, he slipped out of the way, “What? You think I’m just gonna stand there and take it?”

    Stella gasped, “H-how’d you-“

    “I’m just better.”

    “URGH TAKE THIS!” Stella shouted as she swung her tail at Christian, about halfway through the swing it turned a silver color, but regardless of the color of her tail, it still missed, this time without any extra effort from Christian.

    “Is it like your team’s gimmick to use the most inaccurate moves in existence?”


    “I already did, you still missed.”


    “No, I’m not collecting the friendliness pellets.”


    Stella slashed at Christian with her claws, just narrowly missing him as he jumped out of the way, “Hey, at least you understood them!”

    “You are SO INFURIATING!” Stella shouted, “Do you ever SHUT UP!?”

    “Nope, especially when I’m having fun!”


    Stella was tired of the crap, so she decided to shoot a Shock Wave at Christian, hitting him but not really causing much damage, “Alright guys playtime’s over, let’s show her the law of equivalent exchange.” Christian said.

    “Right, one Spectral Fire Works Show coming right up!” Lucario announced, “You ready Cinder?”

    “Oh boy am I! This has been like half a year in the making!” Cinder bubbled, “But first, Blublin if you’d be so kind.”

    “Why of course!” Blublin replied.

    Blublin started the team attack by freezing Stella’s feet to the ground, next Cinder flared up her quills as Lucario flared up his aura, and then the two fired their attacks at the same time combining them, but something was different this time, there was a ball of sparks launched into the mix too!

    “Mind if I contribute?” Christian asked.

    “Not at all!” Cinder and Lucario chorused.

    The attack flew at Stella and exploded into purple flames and electric energy, “YEAH! WOOOOOOOOOOO!” Cinder whooped as she jumped up and high-fived Lucario, “Team ShinyStar is back baby!”

    “Uh, um, uh, um.” Squishy sputtered as she looked at her teammates, who were all completely messed up by Team ShinyStar’s onslaught, “Wh-what do I do!?”

    “Well you have two options, you can either surrender or GET LOST!” Lucario boomed.

    “I yield! I yield! Just don’t kill us!”

    “We’re not gonna kill you!” Christian shouted, “We only fought you guys because you wouldn’t listen!”

    “Th-then what are you gonna do now?”

    “We’re gonna heal your teammates up and calmly explain what’s going on once more, if they attack us again we’ll just call it quits and go look for a way home on our own.” Lucario said.

    “Can we heal my wounds while we’re at it?” Blublin asked, “I’ve got a bit of a major concussion.”

    “Is that what that bandage is for!?” Cinder gasped.

    “Yup! Although for some reason, I can’t feel any head pain.”

    “Eh, I’m not gonna question it…”

    “How do you expect us to treat it?” Christian asked, “It’s not like we can just cast a spell and watch it go away magically!”

    “Yeah, what do we look like, a gang of Delphox?” Lucario added.

    “I was only kidding…” Blublin sighed, “I’m probably gonna be stuck with this concussion for a bit…”

    “Well at least you’re alive, you scared us half to death on the day we were separated.”

    “Yeah, I guess there’s that, the guy who was treating me said I was lucky to be alive.”

    “Well let’s stop dillydallying so that we don’t end up killing ourselves.” Christian said, “It’d suck to have the blood of another you on your hands.”

    “Right!” Team ShinyStar chorused.

    October 21st, 11:00 am

    Sharpedo Bluff

    Grass Continent

    Stella was just beginning to wake up after getting hit point-blank by the craziest attack she had ever seen, “Ugh…” She groaned, “Am I dead?”

    “You know I was gonna make another reference, but I decided I didn’t want to tick you off again.” Christian said, “Just get up.”


    “STELLA GET UP!” Blaze shouted.

    “Huh!? What!?” Stella blurted as she jumped out of bed.

    “Oh good, you’re up.” Christian smiled.

    “Wh-what do you want from me!?”

    “Relax, we’re not gonna hurt you, we even treated those wounds we gave you.” Lucario explained, “All we want is to know how to get home.”

    “Pfft, good luck with that.” Blaze scoffed, “There hasn’t been a rift here since the whole fight with Palkia.”

    “Look, we have no clue how to send you morons home, so could you just get lost already!?” Stella huffed.

    “Actually, I might have an idea.” Cinder said.

    “Hold on, before you share that, could we just fix this whole 2 Cinders situation?” ShinyStar’s Cinder asked.

    “It was my name first!”

    “Actually no it wasn’t,” Christian explained, “since this dimension coexists with ours you probably received your name at the exact same time.”

    “So you’re saying blueberry over here and I have been in sync until she ended up here?”

    “Not exactly, you see, the major events in your lives probably line up perfectly, but not every event does, some events are paralleled, while others are entirely different, hence why we’re able to appear before you.”

    “I don’t get it.”

    “It’s fine, it’s too much for a dumb rat to understand anyway.” Cinder quipped.

    “Excuse me!?”

    “You heard me.”

    “Hey! Cut the hostility! We’ve already gotten into a fight, we don’t need another one!” Christian shouted.

    “Speaking of fighting,” Stella interjected, “how did you guys win? I mean, if we’re supposed to be the same, then how are you stronger?”

    “That’s the thing, we might be the same entities as far as counterparts are concerned, but that doesn’t mean we’re the same strength-wise.”

    “Are you calling us weak!?” Blaze shouted.

    “Nope, just a little rusty is all, from the looks of things your version of Chatot actually lets you take a break from time to time.”

    “Oh, you mean Squawkabilly? Yeah, he gave us the whole year off because we saved the freakin’ world!” Blubbles explained.

    “Wait, how could you tell that by just looking at us?” Stella asked.

    “Oh, because your form in battle was terrible.” Christian answered.

    “And also because you have visibly put on a bit of weight.” Lucario added.

    Stella was offended by this obviously, “Are you calling me fat!?”

    “No, just a little chubby.”

    “Dude, you can’t just say that to someone!” Christian shouted, “That’s beyond offensive!”

    Stella looked down at her belly then looked at Christian’s for comparison, “Ok so maybe I have gained a little weight from all my time off, but you still shouldn’t say stuff like that!”

    “So I was right when I called you rusty!” Cinder said to ‘Rusty’.

    “Ugh, I hate that nickname!” Rusty huffed.

    “But what about me?” Squishy asked, “This whole time I haven’t had a counterpart, shouldn’t I have been the difference maker?”

    “I mean, you would’ve been if you weren’t so-” Lucario said before having his mouth covered by Christian’s paw.

    “What he meant to say was, you might have a counterpart, but they might’ve been somebody who… Isn’t exactly around anymore.”

    “I GET IT I’M WEAK!” Squishy roared.

    “You had a team member who died!?” Stella and Blaze shouted in unison.

    “Technically, they got sent to a timeline that I’m pretty sure got erased, but regardless, we haven’t seen them since.”

    “What was their name?” Squishy asked.

    “Grovyle, Grovyle was his name.”

    “What is up with everyone in your world being a dude?” Blaze asked

    “I could ask you the same about why everyone here’s a girl.” Lucario shot back, “It’s almost like that thing Cinder mentioned about our descendants inevitably being girls, except it’s even weirder because you’re literally us but if we were girls.”

    “And if Grovyle lived and was a Goomy.” Blublin added.

    “And if he wasn’t cool, like not even remotely.” Cinder added.

    “Wh-what!? I’m cool!” Squishy quavered, “I’m a dragon!”

    “Eh, I’ve seen cooler dragons in my time.” Christian said, “Maybe if you had a shell, I’d consider you cool.”

    “A shell!? How am I supposed to get a shell!?”

    “Absorbing metal.”

    “This is getting off-topic!” Stella shouted, “You morons want to go home or what!?”

    “Yeah, that’s literally why we’re still here because we believe that if anyone knows how to send us home, it’s you.”


    Stella motioned for all of her teammates to form a huddle so they could discuss their course of action, “So, what do we do about these weirdos?” She asked her team.

    “I think we should just kill them.” Blaze suggested, “I mean, considering how similar they are to us, they could be aliens trying to probe us or something.”

    “Well, there are two problems with that, first off, they’re stronger than us.”

    “No they’re not! They just go lucky!”

    “Look, as much as I want to agree with you, I can’t deny that we’ve gotten a bit… Rusty.” Stella said as she looked down at her chubby belly awkwardly.

    “Pfft, says you, I say you’re just well-fed.”

    “It’s true! I couldn’t think of a way to stop their Cyndaquil’s Rollout!” Rusty said.

    “Well maybe you shouldn’t have ticked her off!”

    “How was I supposed to know she was gonna react like that!?”

    “Because it’s a trait of your species.” Stella pointed out.

    “O-oh, well I uh… Didn’t think about that…”

    “I’m starting to see where this is going.” Blubbles said.

    “URGH!” Blaze grunted, “Fine I get it we’re a bit rusty but still I bet if we abused a couple of items we could-“

    “Oh sick! I still have like a bajillion Violent Seeds!” Christian exclaimed as he looked through his bag.

    Stella rolled her eyes, “You were saying?”

    “Dang, these guys are prepared for war…” Blaze muttered in awe.

    “That brings me to my second point, they’re not aliens, well not in the typical space alien way anyway, so they actually could come in peace.”

    “You seriously trust them!? But what if they are aliens!? You’re just saying that you’d willingly walk into one of their traps!?”

    “What are you on about!?”

    “Don’t you know that aliens abduct Pokémon so they can do weird experiments on them!?”

    “They’re not space aliens!”

    “What about space aliens?” Christian asked.

    “MIND YOUR BUSINESS WEIRDO!” Team Glistening Hearts chorused.

    “Ok, but you do realize if you call me a weirdo, you’re technically calling Stella a weirdo too, right?”


    “Ok! Ok!”

    Team Glistening Hearts kept discussing their plans for dealing with their otherworldly counterparts, while said counterparts tried to play UNO before realizing Cinder didn’t have her cards, “Crud, I forgot that I left them on the shelf in my room…” Cinder lamented, “I guess that was our last game of UNO ever then.”

    “Eh, I’m sure we’ll find another deck somewhere down the line.” Christian said.

    A few moments later, Team Glistening Hearts broke their huddle and faced Team ShinyStar once more, “Ok, we’ve decided that we think you’re a bunch of space aliens and that we need to kill you for the safety of the world.” Stella said with the utmost seriousness.

    “Really? Even after getting your heads handed to you the first time, you still want to fight?” Christian asked.

    “We don’t want to, we HAVE to!”

    “Well you remember our plan right Christian?” Lucario asked.

    “Yup, we’ll be seeing you!” Christian waved before walking toward the exit.

    “Hold on, where do you think you’re going!?” Stella shouted.

    “We’ve determined that you’re no longer worth our time, so we’re leaving.” Lucario explained.

    “You can’t just leave! We still need to kill you!”

    “And we still need to get home, which you’re not helping us do, so we’re going to find someone who will help us, besides you already lost to us, I don’t know how you’re planning on killing us.”

    “Yeah, some heroes you are,” Cinder added, “you aren’t even willing to help those in need!”

    “We’re not helping space alien fakers!” Blaze shouted.

    It was at this point that Blublin couldn’t take Team Glistening Hearts’ immaturity anymore, he rolled over to Blaze and slapped her across the face with a flipper, “JUST SHUT UP ALREADY, WE’RE NOT ALIENS, YOU DON’T HAVE TO COME UP WITH AN EXCUSE FOR WHY YOU CAN’T HELP US, WE GET IT, YOU’RE JUST NOT CAPABLE!”

    “Hey! You will not be treating her like that!” Stella shouted, “Plus we’re plenty capable we’re just-“


    Stella gave Blublin a very offended look before noticing the look on his face, ‘You know I was gonna retort but I’m not sure I’d live to tell the tale if I did.’ She thought.

    Rusty went to say something in response only to get cut off by Blublin, “OH YEAH, AND DON’T THINK I FORGOT ABOUT YOU MISS I FED ALL MY BRAIN CELLS TO FATSO OVER HERE!”

    “OK! OK! I THINK THEY GET IT!” Cinder blurted.

    The entire room was in silence as Blublin was hyperventilating after literally destroying his lungs with all that shouting, finally Christian just softly uttered, “Let’s just go…”

    “W-wait!” Stella said as Team ShinyStar approached the stairs.

    Christian looked back at her but didn’t say anything, only offering a slightly intimidating glare.

    “W-we’re sorry, we were being immature, we’ll help you we promise, right gals?”

    The rest of Team Glistening Hearts nodded awkwardly.

    Christian responded by rolling his eyes and turning back around, but Blublin had a bit of a different response, “Ok!” He bubbled.

    “Wait what!?” The entire group blurted.

    “Heeheheheheheh, you really thought I meant all that!? It was all just to get you to realize how immature you were being!”

    “I swear to Arceus!” Blaze grunted as she facepalmed.

    Rusty ran up to Blublin and hugged him, “OHTHANKYOUIWASGONNASTARTCRYING!” She said as a stream of tears poured out of her eyes.

    “Was?” Blublin said as he rolled his eyes.

    “Oh, s-sorry.”

    “So how are we gonna do this?” Christian asked.

    “I think I have a plan.” Stella replied.

    October 21st, 5:00 pm

    Spacial Spire

    Grass Continent

    After convincing Sharpedo that there was an emergency at the Spacial Spire (and totally not at the Temporal Tower) the two teams were rushed to the Hidden Land, once there they rushed to the top of the Spacial Spire, only to find out there was an emergency there, “KEHEHEHEHEH.” Cresselia cackled, “With Palkia under my control I’ll be able to pull all the Reviver Seeds in the multiverse to this very spot and EAT THEM ALL AHAHHAHAHAHH!”

    “Who’s that!?” Stella exclaimed.

    “It sounds like Cresselia.” Christian mentioned, “But that can’t be right, Cresselia wouldn’t do something like this!”

    “Yeah, in our world she wouldn’t, but here she would, and given everything in this world is backward I wouldn’t doubt that she and Darkrai swapped roles.” Cinder explained.

    “Well whoever it is they’re going down!” Lucario declared.

    “Right!” The group chorused.

    The group climbed the rest of the stairs and came face to face with Cresselia, who stared them down with a death stare, “And who might you clowns be?” She asked menacingly.

    “I-I’m-” Squishy quavered.

    The members of Team ShinyStar all rolled their eyes in unison before pulling out their badges, “We’re Team ShinyStar of Wigglytuff’s guild, and we’re here to defeat you!”

    “Really?” Cresselia taunted, “And how do you expect to do that when I’ve gained power beyond that’s this world?”

    “We’re just better.” Christian quipped.

    “Oh really? Then COME SHOW ME!”

    Team ShinyStar rushed in and began firing attacks at Cresselia before getting knocked over by some weird dark energy, “HEHEHEH FOOLS! You’ll never defeat me now that I’ve obtained the power of the multiverse!”

    “Oh yeah!?” Stella shouted, “How about if we use the power of the multiverse against you!?”

    Cresselia got a good look at Stella and Christian side by side, “Ok am I going crazy or are there two of you?” She asked, “Wait, never mind, you’re like him but you’re a little fatter.”


    “Oh yeah, and you sound like a girl, are you a girl?”

    “Yeah, she’s a girl, but she’s also me, but from this world.” Christian replied.

    “Really? Do you know how cliché that is? You know, the whole ‘I’m a girl in this universe’ thing? It’s also kinda sexist.”

    “I mean, not really if you don’t focus too much on the whole gender swap thing, which isn’t the only thing going on here, hence why we don’t have a Goomy on our team and our Cinder isn’t shiny.”

    “Plus, we’re both girls!” The Cinders shouted.

    “Look, I don’t really care, I’m just here to take over the multiverse and eat all of its Reviver Seeds-“

    “Plus, how is a whole dimension or timeline or whatever sexist?” Christian asked, “It’s not like somebody made it that way.”


    “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

    “Ugh, fine, you want proof here, I’ll ask our overseer a question.” Cresselia groaned, “Hey overseer, why’s this world like this?”

    A few moments passed with no response…

    “‘A few moments passed with no response’ What’s that supposed to mean?”

    Wait, you’re talking to me?


    Well I, for one, don’t appreciate your tone and would like you to calm down before I destroy you myself.

    “Just shut up and answer the question.”

    Urgh fine you want an answer, blame Cinder, she manifested this reality into existence when she teased her teammates about their ancestors being girls or something.

    “AHA! He says that Cinder manifested this world when she teased her friends about their ancestors being girls, which I assume was some roundabout way of implying they’d feel awkward if they met a girl version of themselves, which is exactly what’s going on here.” Cresselia explained.

    “Oh… I did?” Cinder asked.

    “Yep! You’re liable for all of this! Well except for what I’m doing, I’m too powerful to be contained by a world or even a multiverse! SO BRING IT!”

    “Fiiiiiinally you shut up, now let’s do this!” Blaze shouted.

    “Couldn’t have said it better myself, me.” Lucario responded.

    “Ugh that was so corny, never say that again.”

    “Yeah… agreed… I won’t say anything like that again.”

    Everybody got into position and began firing their attacks at Cresselia once more, causing her to use Palkia to summon a portal, “Careful! We have no idea what she could be summoning!” Christian called out.

    The portal stayed open for a bit until a Hisuian Goodra walked through, its shell was a metallic brown color and its expression was very depressing, “Huh? Where am I?” The Goodra asked.

    “Wait CinnamonBun?” Christian asked.

    “Wait, Christian? How’d you-” CinnamonBun said before cutting herself off, “Oh I get it, this is some strange dream isn’t it?”

    “I hope not.” Cinder said, “I’d be really sad if I woke up and this was all a dream.”

    “Honestly, as much as it pains me to say this, I think it is.” Stella said, “Sorry, Cindy.”

    “Oh, well even if it is, I’m glad I could meet you all!”

    “Ugh, gross.” Cresselia groaned, “Stop being cute and DIE ALREADY!”

    “Oh wait, you’re trying to hurt my friend?” CinnamonBun asked, “Well I hate to disappoint you but…”

    CinnamonBun fired a Flash Cannon at Cresselia causing her to collapse on the spot, “H-how!?”

    “NOW GET HER!” Christian shouted.

    Everybody circled around Cresselia and began kicking her while she was down until she disappeared into a cloud of dream clouds, as this happened Palkia regained control of himself, “Why are there so many Pokémon here?”

    Christian walked up to Palkia and began explaining, “Well we were here to see if you could make us a portal to another world, but now I’m like 99% sure this is a dream so…” He then pinched himself and disappeared into thin air.

    “Aw… It is a dream…” Cinder said as tears began to well up in her eyes.

    “Aw… Don’t fret little one, I’ll give you a nice big hug before you go.” CinnamonBun said as she walked over to Cinder.

    “Uh, I think I’m good…”

    “Nonsense!” CinnamonBun bubbled as she pulled Cinder in for a big hug, leaving her covered in slime.

    Cinder squirmed free from the hug and fell onto her back, she then got back up and tried to clean the goo off of herself, “EW! It’s all slimy! I think I’m gonna be sick!”

    “It’s not real Cinder, just pinch yourself and you’ll be back to normal.” Lucario said before bidding the group farewell, “Be seeing you all!” He said as he left the dream.

    The rest of the group pinched themselves, including Squishy and CinnamonBun despite the fact that they are made of goo and thus unable to pinch themselves (don’t ask how that works because I’m not sure either) leaving Cinder and Palkia all alone at Not Temporal Tower.

    “So are you gonna leave or are you gonna stay covered in goo?” Palkia asked.

    “Oh, uh yeah, I almost forgot.”, Cinder pinched herself and immediately entered a black void, “Uh did I do something wrong?”

    January 28th, 7:00 am

    Team Echoes’ Base – Cinder’s Room

    Coast Continent

    The next thing she knew, she was next to Vulcan again in her room, “No! No! You didn’t!” Vulcan blurted, “Since when was it a bad thing to wake up!?”

    “O-oh, I’m sorry, I was just having a really, really, weird dream, and when I pinched myself I ended up in a black void for like a split second, and when I said that I appeared back here.” Cinder said.

    “Oh, well would you mind telling me about your dream?”

    “I’ll write about it in my journal thingie.”

    “Uh, ok? But why it’s not really that relevant to your story about this world.”

    “Maybe not, but hey it was pretty interesting.”

    “What was so interesting about this dream that you need to write it down?”

    “I’m still not even sure if that was a dream, it’s more like an anomaly if anything.”

    “I’m not sure that makes sense.”

    “Trust me, once you read it, it will.”

    Yeah, that was stupid, but it was also the culmination of a couple of ideas that had been floating around in my head ever since Special Episode 1, so I decided I wanted to just bite the bullet and write this, hopefully, this short little silly chapter wasn’t horrible or anything because I kinda want to make more like it, I mean that’s kinda why I made the whole αnomaly thing, so I could make shorter less serious chapters that still (kinda) take place in this whole universe for fun, well I mean at the end of the day I write this whole thing for fun but sometimes it’s fun to break off and do something stupid and wacky. Also, the whole thing about Stella being chubby was just a gag, please do not publicly execute me.

    Anyway, onto the boss bios.

    Boss data downloaded successfully!

    Team Glistening Hearts, the Semi-Retired Heroines

    Having saved a parallel version of the PMD world, Team Glistening Hearts took quite a long break, causing them to get a little rusty, both in their skill and in their judgment, this causes them to attack Team ShinyStar, after getting their heads handed to them (And getting violently scolded by Blublin) They decide to help them get home before realizing they were all in a dream this whole time, strange huh. Well, maybe they’ll meet Team ShinyStar again in the future (For real this time).

    <Boss data downloaded successfully!>

    Cresselia: Devourer of Reviver seeds

    Cresselia attempted to eat all the Reviver Seeds in the multiverse, plain (seed) and simple (Yeah that was a terrible joke) she tried to accomplish this by trapping heroes and Heroines from across the multiverse in a dream that she had complete control over in an attempt to kill them and effectively leave the multiverse defenseless, unfortunately, she overestimated her ability to control the dream and so even the slightest thought was enough to completely ruin her plan (Oh yeah and in case it wasn’t clear Christian was thinking about how he wanted to hug his gooey friend.) Although something is still a bit unclear, what reality did this Cresselia come from?

    And finally reviews and the next chapter hint

    To KirgizovVlad: I’m gonna try my hardest to keep this thing from dying before it’s done but I’m really unsure about what the future holds for me if I’m being honest, I’m not too afraid of becoming unable to work on this thing at all, it’s just I don’t know how I’m gonna balance it going forward, but I know how you feel I’ve been there when it comes to liking something somebody’s making only for them to disappear, leaving their project completely unfinished, it’s pretty devastating, and it’s easily the worst part about fan made media (Or with YouTube because some people just abandon their channels either for other ones they made or just entirely) Anyway sorry for writing like a bazillion words, happy new year and happy (late) holidays!

    And thus we’ve come to the end of this weird chapter, next time, spiderwebs, poison, and the like, all without an arachnophobia-safe mode (sorry) see you then!

    I did put the “Spiders” Tag on the next chapter in the content warnings tho.


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