The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    One could barely remain conscious with the echo that these voices permeated; though one wouldn’t be mistaken for believing that they had gained in volume; they boomed as much as to create miniature tremors whenever they spoke.

    “Destroy…. for…. creator… original… creator…”

    The grass snake who may have once been human was pinned to the ground in the cacophony of voices, trying to pay attention to the words. Projection? What could that mean, in the context of everything he’d seen so far?

    He didn’t get very long to ruminate; in fact, it was immediately after he started that the world around him faded into nothing.

    *Music: Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon – Road to Primeval Forest

    When he woke, Pachuku wasn’t next to him, and upon gaining consciousness, followed his gaze.

    The fog that had prior only been slightly wisping around the trees that surrounded their home was now much closer; the foremost trees closest to the border around town were the only ones that still remained visible, not even shadows of the others behind were even visible.

    “There’s no way that nothing’s gonna happen today,” Pachuku stated, with a hint of trembling.

    “Yeah… I guess…” Sanvu trailed off as he woke. “I… um…”

    “I know you probably saw something, but, uh, can we put a pin in that for now? I want to get to Mindscape as soon as possible today, so, uh, whatever you saw, um, not to disappoint, but-“

    “It’s fine,” Sanvu interrupted as he sat up. “It’s not particularly important right now.” He didn’t entirely believe that himself, but anything to calm his swirling thoughts, never mind those of his partner’s probably was best right now in a situation like this.

    So Pachuku spent much of the morning packing as many items as he could find into their bag before they walked themselves over to Mindscape. The fog loomed over them as they would give worried glances back to their only home, but neither of them could be assured of any safety, so the only thing they could do was press on.

    The day seemed much like it wanted to join in, the sky being grey and overcast, filled to the brim with clouds. The only thing the two could be self-assured about, besides their own sanity, was the fact that Notey hadn’t come rapping on the door today.

    When they got to Mindscape, Didra was standing out front. They could see the inside of Mindscape from the front door, but they couldn’t see much. It appeared the door was locked; she was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, noticing the two as they appeared.

    “Hello, you two. I have sent the Mudkip on his way, and he sends his regards to the further success of the both of you in regards to your missions today.”

    Both maintained silence as they couldn’t help stealing glances at Mindscape. “There have been… a number of problematic instances regarding Mindscape and its operation, so for today, it will be temporarily closed.” She gave a sideways glance away from Mindscape, as if to roll her eyes. “However, this doesn’t mean that members will stop our work regarding the Amnesiacs. You two have been asking for a mission in which you can… satisfactorily deal with this whole situation, so this should be a bit of a treat for you,” she vocalised, which didn’t entirely sit right with the two smaller Pokemon, even if it was closer to what they wanted to hear, they still remained unnerved. “So, Discipline Cave, the dungeon, has collapsed, and in its place lies an unbreakable wall that beyond leads to a path up the mountain that seemingly none can cross, “ She sighed before continuing. “I’m… reluctant to give you this mission due to your general preparedness, but, I’ve received word from an unknown source that you two may be the only ones able to go up there. So, that’s simply it, investigate what’s on the mountain, if anything at all, and report back. Dismissed.” She waved off, opting to look back inside Mindscape, seemingly not even expecting a response from the two Pokemon, who weren’t privy to giving her one.

    Their quick exit, however, signified their devotion, even if it wasn’t specifically for her benefit.

    “It’s obviously a trap,” Sanvu articulated after a while, as they walked the road that used to lead to both Discipline Cave and what once had been Stony Enclose, though neither of them expected her to remember the latter.

    “Y-Yeah, but we’re walking in anyway?” Pachuku pointed out, “Should we even try?”

    “It’s either we try, or we get swallowed up tomorrow. That’s the way I see it,” Sanvu expressed, in little more than the most amount of self-assuredness they needed.

    The forest was quiet, dead quiet, though they didn’t really need to look at it, indeed, the path was literally just a grassy path with trees forming a narrow road, the fog providing a sort of cushioning to sort of push them linearly down this road; almost as if it were following the whims of another, and they were walking towards something truly devastating.

    But what else could really be done? Mindscape was clearly being eaten from the inside out, literally, and they barely had hours before the town was swallowed by the space-warping mist. They either had to face up and find out what they could, or fall to its whims.

    It was along the path that they noticed a wooden sign.

    “<- Mentage Town” was what it read, in strange symbols that resembled the ones nearby to Mindscape when they left town every day.

    “Was this here before?” Sanvu asked, to which Pachuku shook his head.

    “I don’t remember it being here, but, I mean, it’s not like it’s anything ominous, right?”

    “Any more than what we’ve already seen?”

    “I m-mean, not really?” the squirrel fiddled with his paws before shaking himself out of it. “Seems perfectly in line with the… weird… stuff we’ve seen.”

    “Which means we must be close.”

    He wasn’t wrong, as they approached the mountain in question, which looked to have a long road inclining upwards, to the point that they saw that there might be a break in the clouds up ahead, revealing a tiny spot of bright blue sky. When they walked closer up the path, they found there to be no wall, which was as to be expected, since no barrier had stopped them on any of the other recent days, but they’d stopped those of all their friends.

    Whoever it was… Dark Matter maybe, they speculated… wanted them specifically to see certain things. It was obvious now. They walked all around the entrance trying to find any ‘wall’ only to come to the conclusion that the ‘wall’ must’ve been the ones they never encountered.


    *Music: Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon – Tree of Life: Roots

    They crossed the dungeon wall, only to find a rather unusual dungeon.

    The dungeon appeared to incline up, just as it looked from the ground, though there were no real walls, the edges of the cliffs would make up the floor, as they balanced on thin beams of rock as they traversed.

    Apparitions encountered here were primarily Rock or Flying-type, which meant that just like yesterday, both of them would alternate based on what Pachuku knew about the foe. However, none of the apparitions really put up much of a fight, even when the mon in question was evolved, it were as if all of them had been reduced to hatchling status. There was one particular incident where a Rhydon had appeared right in front of Pachuku as he went to collect a Leppa, and he’d stumbled back because of his type disadvantage, which had prompted Sanvu to use Leaf Tornado due to his distance, only for it to collapse in two hits. Pachuku had then erupted into a laughing fit, which confused Sanvu to no end.

    “W-What? Weren’t you scared?”

    “I was!” the squirrel hysterically responded. “It was evolved and all… but your moves went and sliced it up completely! I’m amazed it was so weak!”

    “Something wants to see us. I’m sure they probably don’t want us squashed, maybe, a little bit.”

    “What makes you say that?”

    “Well, haven’t all of them been favourable to one of us, as you’ve been saying? If this is an obvious trap, they’re making it blatant.”

    “Y-Yeah, well… that’s why we’ve gotta comb the floor for items so we can stand a chance if they hope to do something to us that these guys can’t.”

    The variety of Pokemon here was immense, though. Even though the Rock types were all standard, what with there being one literally named after psuedo wood, among some of the others, like a little dinosaur and the good old Nosepass, the flying types all varied in giving them various amounts of trouble. Some were noisy like the Chatot that chattered about, and others were irritating, like the Drifloon who blew wind at them from afar. Sanvu was lucky Pachuku usually quickly Discharged in those instances, blowing the fliers and their wind into mere fragments.

    Both of them couldn’t help but be reminded of Stony Enclose with how the dungeon was structured, except instead of the cramped innards of a cave, this was exposed to the wide open; which made the presence of Pokemon like Woobat, typically adapted to caves, all the more odd and eerie.

    Despite the relative breeze this dungeon had, both physically and in the case of their types, they typically had to explore much of these floors before they encountered the stairs, leading to exhaustion quickly. By the fourth floor, they had to take quick breaks every so often so they didn’t run out of stamina.


    *Music: Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon – Tree of Life: Trunk

    Every so often, they would hear something close to a rock falling into a great abyss none could see because the fog had created a giant cushioning cloud far below that obscured all who dared peer into what lied in the great beyond. Sanvu half-wondered how these pillars even stood up at all when they couldn’t even see the bottom, but the only conclusion they could come to was ‘dungeon logic was weird.’ It was far more important to focus on whoever had set this up and what they wanted by allowing them to breeze the dungeon as easily as they did.

    They encountered a small hitch around the 5th and 6th floors where the rooms zigzagged and made it hard for them to continue. As they continued up the mountain, the clouds that lined the sky had started to clear, the sky was still full of clouds, but bits and pieces of the blue beyond were starting to sear their way through some of the white obstructions to the lower floor. If they looked downwards towards the way they came, the cover still remained in the sky, but neither of them could offer any insight beyond vague comments about the weather being weird, for both of them.

    Eventually, at some point, they’d had to dip into the item reserves for the sake of joking about with the apparitions, but also so them they weren’t missing anything that they would otherwise have had to leave behind. Sanvu half-wondered how all this weight wasn’t slowing them down, when Pachuku would clarify.

    “Oh, well, that’s cause in a dungeon, it wouldn’t make sense if the dungeon made it so impossible for you to move, so it sort of… I think they might be alive, I think that’s how I heard it? It’s, like, tailored.”

    “You know that doesn’t really help when this dungeon already feels tailored for us.”

    “I-I know, but, like, even in a more general sense-“ Pachuku clarified, waving his paws. “I m-mean, it’s been the case for, like, ever, that dungeons are, like, aware of their inhabitants. Argh, she explained it better, but, like, it’s not just… y’know, this does feel weird, but, like-“

    “Yeah. The dungeon’s sentient. It can make weird things. We agreed; dungeon logic is weird.”

    “Y-Yeah, exactly.”


    *Music: Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story – Final Castle (Inside Bowser)

    It was on the 8th floor that the dungeon petered out.

    All around them was a sort of flat rocky plateau, that sort of resembled the peak of a mountain, as it sloped back down, where they could only see a long winding path where the dungeon warped and fizzled the terrain behind them. Both could only sigh at having reached the top.

    It didn’t look like anything spectacular. Rock formations in the shapes of small pillars dotted the area, with two primary large ones on both their left and right. The area in front seemed to incline upwards before stopping a bit, the fog visible from beyond, the sky barely dotted with clouds except from the way from which they came.

    In the centre of the two large rock formations, just sitting in the middle of the area was what looked like a video projector. It looked as if just sitting on the ground, and it looked to be powered on, despite there being no visible cord, or even any sort of attachment to it. It just sat, on the ground in front of them, ominously staring with the one thing on it that resembled an eye.

    “What’s that?” Pachuku tiled his head, with Sanvu reacting on shock, his breathing shallow.

    “It’s… a projector… a real projector but… what is it doing here?”

    “What’s… that? Like, what is a projector?”

    “Okay, um…” Sanvu had to fumble for a second while he found the words to explain to a squirrel who’d never really dealt with technology outside of orbs. “So, um, you know how you can, like, see things in Orbs?” Pachuku nodded. “Yeah, well, this would, be, like, projecting an image out from something else, so you’d receive a magnified version of… like… a fake image.” He put the pieces together as he said this out loud, though Pachuku wasn’t entirely following, his brows furrowed. He looked as if he wanted to understand Sanvu, but his limited knowledge made it hard.

    “So, you’d use it to magnify an image? What for?”

    “Well, um, to show to an audience, something that couldn’t adequately be explained by using words, by projecting an image. You’d need a screen though… basically making a technological image, like taking an image from an Orb and just… blowing it up using that,” he pointed to the menacing eye of the projector, to which Pachuku seemed to understand to some extent what Sanvu was saying.

    “Oh, so you’re saying-“

    “It might be projecting this world, somehow, someway, to someone.”

    Pachuku hummed in agreement, running past it to the edge of the mountain, looking down at something, before shouting in response.

    “Whoa! Look at that! There’s… light?”

    Sanvu walked a little closer, peering to where Pachuku had seen; the fog appeared to be creeping up the hill they stood on, and with it, evaporating into little golden specks of light that seemed to dissipate. The rate at which this was happening was extremely slow, the bottom of the hill barely looked any more eaten than a slab of bark off a particularly large tree, but it didn’t make it any less eerie.

    “What’re… what’s all that for?” the squirrel inquired, almost to nobody, but they weren’t alone for long.


    *Music: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door – X-Nauts Attack!

    A gust of wind pushed both of them back, almost tumbling right back into the dungeon, but they managed to stop themselves before careening right back into that hellscape. Before them floated a particular purple bat, who was grinning menacingly.

    “You’d be exactly right, this world, and all of everything in it, is fake. Everything in this world is Dark Matter’s domain, his simulation, and I commend you for getting this far,” he praised, squinting with all the menace he could accomplish.

    “Crobat!” Pachuku shouted out, opting to move closer to Sanvu. His charging was visibly and audibly apparent, as he warned Sanvu. “We gotta get outta here.”

    “Not like that, you utter fools!”

    They turned around, but it was little too late. A black mist formed in front of both of them; the bat had used Mean Look, creating a barrier that prevented exit from either of the two Pokemon he desired to face.

    “Will you incessant children listen to what I have to say?!” he barked, before they looked back at him reluctantly, neither of them saying a word.

    “So, you’d likely wish to know about that, wouldn’t you?” he gestured with his bottom two wings towards the projector at his feet, which only served to act as a non-sentient assistant for Crobat’s deranged antics in this particular moment, with its menacing glare, “That is collecting data about this world. I know not what purpose it’s derived for, but that’s outside of my concern. What is of my concern, however, is that you broke my promise.” He smirked at Sanvu directly, who continued glaring in his direction in kind. “So, you knew the consequences of continuing to stop us when you had the chance, and now those consequences make themselves clear.”

    “Did you ever think I’d keep such a ridiculous promise, even if Pachuku had said nothing?!” Sanvu queried, feeling the squirrel move closer; he figured Pachuku was going to step in once Crobat felt like he wanted to stop talking.

    “I already knew, and in fact, it was exactly what I wanted, you ridiculous buffoon,” the bat jeered, preparing to battle. “It just makes your fear all the sweeter when you realise you’ll never get out of here.”

    “H-Hey,” Pachuku whispered, hoping Crobat wasn’t hearing. “We’ve got this, so long as you don’t get hit, I can do this, and we can save it all, regardless of what he thinks. What do you think?”

    Sanvu hummed in agreement, with Crobat cackling hysterically in response.

    “This world is primed and ready to collapse. Don’t even think of using your badges as a way to escape this; this world is ready to collapse, and you’re ready to go along with it. So, I’ll be happy to send you on your way earlier!”


    *Music: Pokémon Scarlet & Violet – Area Zero Wild Battle (Paradox Pokemon)

    A huge gust was then emitted from the bat that served to keep his foes from getting any closer. The gale appeared to be coming from behind him, and he kept it up for several minutes, blowing both of them, harmlessly blowing past both of them, but creating an impassable physical barrier.

    Blink and you miss it, the Crobat lunged at blinding speed towards the Grass-type, his mouth open, dripping with purple as he chomped a huge bite out of the weaker Grass-snake, eliciting a pained yelp as it made its mark, as he swerved out of the way, preparing to lunge again, the Grass-type clutching the pierced arm as he approached, only to be stopped by the electrical squirrel who had stepped in front, his cheeks sparkling with energy that forced Crobat back, barely able to keep himself afloat as the paralysis began to set in.

    Sanvu still remained at the edge of the battlefield, illuminated ironically by the mist that created a ring of black fire, clutching his arm. He could barely remain standing, and he felt sick, but with nowhere left to run, he had nothing he could do besides wince and flinch at the sickness permeating his body, observing the rest of the battle through pained eyes. The squirrel hadn’t stopped at just Nuzzle; he launched a huge voltage of electricity, as well as jumping up and slamming the struggling bat with an Electro-Ball as the squirrel spun, eventually forcing the bat out of his paralysis.

    “Sanvu! Don’t try and attack! Just support me with items! Try and keep your battling to a minimum!” Pachuku cried out.

    Sanvu flashbacked to the battle against the Unfezant; and weakly nodded, unaware if Pachuku had gotten the message. He couldn’t see with his squinted eyes whether the bat was lunging for him again, though he heard the whistling of the wind and managed a weak version of Leaf Tornado, with no wind and much fewer leaves that aimed straight at the lunging Crobat, who seemed determined to make Sanvu his last and only meal.

    Sanvu could finally open his eyes only to see Crobat warding off a few of the leaves before lunging straight again with fangs bared, forcing Sanvu to launch him back with a Leaf Blade that ended up connecting, throwing Crobat back a fair distance into the air, before several Discharge rays all coalesced onto Crobat, as Pachuku ran about sparking him multiple times before the bat weakly fell, bumping the top of the projector as he collapsed, clearly battered by the volts, but not enough to knock him out. A miniature shock wave rang out as the projector was bumped, but nothing else significantly occurred as it fizzled into the ground.

    Crobat wasn’t down for the count, though, sparks still danced along his body, but the bat’s heavy wheezing still indicated to them that he wasn’t indeed about to be totally knocked out. Pachuku threw several more Electro-Balls by twirling his body so that he was essentially vaulting them with his tail towards Crobat, deliberately trying to keep himself between the struggling Sanvu and the equally struggling Crobat, so that he was within distance enough so that Sanvu could help despite his general immobile nature. Pachuku was beginning to pant, but his worry was far more on ensuring Sanvu survived.

    Sanvu passed an Oran Berry as Pachuku caught his, as Sanvu reached in for one of his own, Crobat, still too electrified to perform any attacks, crawled along the ground near the right-side largest pillar towards Pachuku as he literally scuffed the berry down as quick as possible; it seemed while Sanvu had been out, Crobat had launched attacks of his own that had worn Pachuku out.

    Pachuku ran at him with his cheeks blared again, but this didn’t last long when Crobat smacked him pack with a glowing wing that pulsated with light-blue energy as it glowed, he smacked Pachuku with it, which did little to help the frail Electric-type as he slid back towards the Mean-Look barrier, but his mark had hit; Crobat’s wing immediately limped as his crawling slowed to inches as the paralysis took hold once more.

    Sanvu was somewhat recovering, as when he noticed Pachuku skidding back, he manifested his vines, wrapping them around Pachuku’s torso, and helping him stand, the squirrel weakly picking himself up, shaking off the damage.

    “…Up,” Pachuku directed, looking up as if to help clarify to Sanvu what he meant, his cheeks crackling, “Throw, up.” Before Sanvu could ask, he immediately interjected. “Don’t argue, up!”

    Sanvu’s vines then tossed the squirrel in the air, the minor crackles from his body exacerbating into several rays that looked to smack Crobat down for the count, the jolts pinning him to the ground as every last ray looked to make its mark on the part Flying-type, but it wasn’t a second before it dissipated completely, the bat looking utterly evil. One ray bounced off the projector, and began to dance around it, making miniature rumbles around it.

    Where for a moment, it had looked like he was crawling and down for the count, the bat had zipped upwards, lunging straight at the ground in a sharp arc, behind either of them before they could blink, and flapped his wings ferociously, a huge gale forcing the two smaller Pokemon upwards, well before Pachuku had landed, as both tumbled up into the air, forcibly retracting Sanvu’s vines and disorienting the two for a moment.

    The aerial Pokemon zipped by both of his victims, taking chomps out of both with his poison-laiden fangs, biting as much as he could take from either of them, neither of them seeing, only feeling the results due to the speed at which he zipped past them, since the aerial Pokemon, after all, would have more control over the air than Pokemon who never once would have the capability to.

    Eventually, the gale would stop, dropping both Pokemon harshly as they collapsed back onto the ground. Sanvu could barely stand, he felt sick once again, and could barely suppress the urge to puke as he coughed weakly. Pachuku had clear difficulty getting up, though it seemed more from being flung up in the air than anything else. He stole a quick glance at his friend, before Crobat lunged at the Grass-type again, managing a Nuzzle in the nick of time, as well as twirling another Electro-Ball to keep the bat from attempting to destroy his friend. He looked back at Sanvu, who appeared to be item-diving, bringing out a Leppa which Pachuku caught, and Sanvu brought out some kind of swirly seed he threw just as Crobat attempted to lunge at him again, bouncing off his wing, but forcing the bat to make a hard-turn right, launching into a rock pillar at Sanvu’s left with great force. He floated back, but the action had appeared to buy them time, due to the drunkenness that Crobat exhibited, the bat could barely remain afloat and especially fly in a straight line.

    As he bobbed, eventually the paralysis set onto him as he careened like a tennis ball at the projector again; gaining some more of the sparks that had started to encapsulate it. Another shock wave ran out, this time a little bigger than the last, there was now something of a small dent on the top of it where Crobat had hit it twice.

    Everyone except Crobat flinched at the results of the shock wave, before Pachuku yelled at Sanvu. “Hey! Use a Pecha! I’m sure we’ve almost got it! Just keep yourself standing!” Pachuku commanded, as Sanvu began diving for the pink berry, luckily finding many that Pachuku had packed from earlier. The nauseating sensations began to subside, though he was still paralysed right next to the black mist, only able to launch another weak Leaf Tornado when Crobat decided he wanted more of Sanvu’s flesh.

    More zapping ensued. The battle continued much like this; Crobat would attempt lunging at Sanvu almost exclusively, only minorly attempting to bat Pachuku away despite the squirrel being a bigger threat due to the huge amount of hits that Pachuku was essentially solely dealing, and he would otherwise be on the receiving end of Pachuku’s seemingly endless electricity, if it weren’t for the panting that exuded from either due to the gaining exhaustion, they would really have little issue with this. Occasionally, Sanvu would launch a couple of leaves to deal chip damage since Crobat seemed to favour him the most, eventually he figured that he wasn’t just going to let himself get hit, so once he’d recovered from the poison, he’d begun to move about, providing leaves whenever, and tossing seeds and berries around to the respective targets.

    Eventually, Crobat wouldn’t fly at all, the bat having been grounded so much by the electricity that all he could do was crawl. But it wasn’t as if that stopped the evil little thing, as he otherwise scraped the ground, bruised, and still glared menacingly at Sanvu.

    Pachuku launched another set of Discharge, heavily panting after this one; it seemed as if he was beginning to lose reserves, especially after the Leppa, as the bat could now only pull himself by sheer force of will, as he crawled towards Sanvu.

    “What… will… this… accomplish…?” He hissed, “For you…?”

    Sanvu continued glaring, preparing his entire body to attack if Crobat once again planned to use that wing attack, which he worried was super-effective enough to knock him out, so he wouldn’t go down without a fight if that happened, so he thought.

    “You’re…. so ridiculous… you know that?” the Crobat jeered, barely managing to hack out a cough due to all the electricity preventing his body from moving how he’d like to, but yet he persisted. “You’ll… never… get… your memories… back… you’ll…. be… a Snivy… forever… your… demise… will be…” he hacked once more after this before his lips curved intensely into a smuggest kind of smile you could imagine. “beneficial… to all of humankind, wouldn’t you think?”

    Sanvu couldn’t hold it in anymore, he roared as his vines wrapped themselves around Crobat’s wings, Pachuku running up to paralyse the bat, luckily missing the vines of his friend as Sanvu slammed the bat multiple times into the projector.

    As he did, the shock waves grew and grew, and eventually, several parts of the area in all of their visions exploded into various colour schemes. The rocks and the area around them veered left and right as the world lost definition and morphed and changed dimensions. Even when all of the Pokemon had their eyes forcibly closed, the blinding light continued to pierce their eyelids, forcing these unholy abominations of colour and light into them.

    And yet Sanvu continued slamming, hoping that even if Crobat was right, that none of this could go on.

    It continued for several minutes as the bat began losing consciousness, limping in the vines to eventually fainting, the glitchiness of the world around them slowly dying down as the projector only showed light dents, as he eventually tossed Crobat over the edge of the hill as he tumbled down, plainly into the golden lights.


    *Music: Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon – Dark Matter Reborn!

    Sanvu could hardly remain standing after that, he hadn’t totally intended to kill Crobat; after all, he’d just wanted to throw him far away and maybe collapse for the sake of fulfilling his task up here. After Crobat vanished in amongst the golden lights that had made significant progress up the hill the black misty barrier that prevented exit completely vanished, and they no longer felt that pressure of being trapped.

    “Are… you alright?!” Pachuku worried, as he ran towards Sanvu, both of them having as they picked themselves up. Pachuku managed both of them a final Oran Berry, their wounds aplenty, but the pain now slowly dissipated, even if their bodies wouldn’t mirror that exactly, what with the smears that coated their bodies from the poison healing and the scraping both had endured.

    “Fine as I’ll be….” Sanvu could only cough out, as he managed himself over to the projector.

    Where it had looked pristine before, the ‘eye’ of the thing now looked dented, a significant crease extending across the top of it that made it look like the thing was unamused were it a sentient creature. It still jolted with electricity, but it was much weaker now, since Pachuku’s electrical abilities only lasted for a few seconds.

    Sanvu placed himself on the ground, trying to pull it with his arms, before finding that it wasn’t moving an inch. He pulled out his vines, sneaking them over the top and underneath, attempting to find some way of yanking it out of the ground, to no avail.

    He pulled and pulled, moving himself further back. Pachuku could only watch on, he attempted pushing it himself at one point, but neither of them would make it budge from its spot on the ground. Neither of them would give up though.

    That is, until…


    A huge noise broke out from all around them and the rock formation to their right began disappearing into golden light at an extremely fast rate. It was enough for Pachuku to scrabble back.

    “J-Just forget about it! We’ve gotta get back, without it!” he squealed, fumbling with his badge, as Sanvu did the same, retracting his vines from the projector, giving one last look back to it.

    Both of them tried to envision Mindscape’s entrance, but yet they remained in that spot, unmoving, as the rock pillar was now completely eradicated, and the lights began to approach them at an extremely fast rate.

    “T-They’re… not working!” Pachuku shouted out.

    “Well, we’ve still got legs, let’s use them, and get out of here.” Sanvu asserted, as tremors rang out all around them.

    The ground began to heave, the golden light began to grow all around the hill, and the mountain began evaporating as the two Pokemon began their hasty descent, Sanvu stealing one last glance at the projector before leaving it behind to be engulfed by the light that absorbed the mountain.



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