The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    It was a bit of a restless night Tokori, “a bit” is putting it nicely, though. A lot had happened today alone. The breaking apart of his friend group, the divorce of his parents, being left with his abusive mother, and now being forced to sleep in her car. As he fell asleep he, wanted nothing more than to die peacefully in sleep. But, something or someone, had other plans.

    The sun was rising in a more, open area of a forest. A scorbunny, walking along a pathway made for himself. It wasn’t marked or anything, it’s just a path he always remembered. He was simply walking just to walk, he woke up earlier than expected, from seemingly, no cause. It looked nice out right now though, so he didn’t mind. Walking on the path, he saw… someone, passed out? Best investigate!


    Walking towards the motionless body, he soon found it to be, a skitty. Why was a skitty sleeping here?

    “Uhm… hello?” He said, at a volume a little louder than he’d usually speak in, which was a bit quiet. “Are you, alright?” He tried again, this time at a higher volume, it became apparent that trying to wake them up by just talking wasn’t going to work, so he tried shaking them. Didn’t work either, he didn’t want it to come to this, but…

    “WAKE UP!!”

    He screamed, and then the skitty, opened their eyes in a frightened manner.


    The skitty… opened their eyes? What the hell? The scorbunny was taken aback by this and jumped back a little.

    “Uhhgh… I’m up…” the skitty, who just opened their eyes, blurted back.

    “O-oh, great! Sorry for screaming, you were just sleeping, in a forest. I got a little scared…” The skitty then looked at their surroundings, a forest. like the scorbunny said, wait…

    The skitty then jumped back in surprise. “You c-can talk??!” it said in horror, “Uh… yeah..? Are you alright?” The scorbunny replied. “B-but you’re like, a pokemon! don’t you only say your name??” the skitty replied back. “Huh..? All, well most, pokemon can talk! I mean you’re talking! heheh…”


    What? Did the scorbunny imply…
    The skitty looked at themselves and finally figured out why they were shorter than the scorbunny. And well, why they can understand him.

    It took a few seconds to soak in.

    “WHAT THE FUCK?!” the skitty jumped back while saying this,

    “Whoa! No need to use such-“

    “I- I… uhm… what…” the skitty was still both looking around, and at themselves, in disbelief.


    “Uhh, what got you so surprised?”

    The skitty jumped a little, and then looked at the scorbunny, noticing a few things before replying,

    1. His fur was a little darker than an average scorbunny,
    2. He had nice, Hazel eyes, and,
    3. He was wearing a golden necklace, with a cross hanging from it, it was a small cross. Like they could fit it in their palm, or, could’ve.

    “Well uhh, you might, probably won’t believe me but, I’m actually… a human.”

    “Huh? But you look like a normal skitty! well, with their eyes open somehow, and slightly darker fur but…” the scorbunny was in disbelief, but believed the skitty. They both looked at each other for a few moments until the scorbunny broke the silence.

    “Well, uhm… do you remember anything before, you looked like, this?” the skitty sighed, being thankful for the scorbunny believing them, but still stunned by their current predicament, Skitty thought for a few seconds before saying, “Well, no…” the skitty looked down at the ground in worry, “Oh… well… uh… do you remember your name?” the scorbunny said back.

    Oh! something they actually remembered! “My name is Tokori.” the scorbunny mumbled the name to himself for a second, “Nice name! I’m Thistle!” Thistle replied, the name sounded nice, to Tokori at least.


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    1. Jun 30, '24 at 11:28 am

      That *is* a hell of a background for a human character to come from. That’s prime isekai material, right when you’re human life feels like it’s just fallen apart.

      Really makes me wonder how he’ll take to the Pokemon world — seemingly really well. Away from his abusive mom, starting fresh with a new friend group, maybe even with an actual roof over his head. It’s a pity he’s got nothing to go back to but all the better that he’s dropped in a better place. <3

      Would be happy to see where this goes from here. ' u '

    2. .ricochet.
      May 8, '24 at 7:41 pm

      Cool first chapter! Can’t wait to see where this story is headed