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    Chapter 25





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    A warmth was on Avery’s face. A bright light behind his eyelids.


    In the blurry haze of the world, he saw his room again. The sun shining through the window. The cold tile floor at his back as Vizon lie in bed, securely hugging a pillow, fast asleep.


    No gong.


    … No gong. And…he was on the floor.


    Dryly, Avery had to wonder if Vizon shoved him off every night.


    The Plusle got to his feet, rubbing at his eyes, and looked at Vizon as he dozed carefully.


    ‘Should I bring him with me…?’


    He didn’t know. Avery figured he’d find it easier to talk to Olistia if he was alone. But…


    ‘…I have to trust him. I’ll let him know what we talked about later. I have to at least tell him where I’m going, though.’


    Avery reached forward, gently shaking Vizon’s shoulder.


    “… Viz?”


    The Riolu’s eyes opened at once, a snore cut off as he groggily shook his head.


    “H-huh? What what, I’m up, I’m up…” Vizon said, voice cracking as he let go of the pillow with a huff. “Huh…weird…”


    The Riolu stretched, arching his back, looking down at his partner.


    “Heya, g’morning, Avery…”


    “I, uh… Fell off the bed again,” Avery said with an awkward laugh. “…Olistia talked to me in my dream. She told me to meet with her this morning. I’m…I think it’ll be easier if I go alone but… I’ll let you know what I find out, ok?”


    “H-huh…?” Vizon said, slapping his cheek to wake himself. “Olistia…?”


    He was clearly getting a lot of info dumped on him at once again.


    “Woah, slow down buddy…” Vizon huffed. “What’s this about Olistia talking in your dream…? Your aura…it’s terrified again.”


    He lifted his paws to Avery’s shoulders, squeezing them.


    “So you’re…going to the castle? Like, right now?”


    “…S…Sorry,” Avery said, letting the Riolu hold him again. “…Olistia…She contacted me in my dream again. Asked me the same questions I got asked when I first came here. Part of a…Check up or something.”


    Vizon looked at him blankly, lost again, but slowly nodded anyway.


    “The questions…I think you mentioned those…” Vizon muttered. “…but…what kind of check up…?”


    Avery shook his head with a shrug.


    “I guess…To check how my personality is developing…? Maybe a mental health check or something.” He laughed wryly. “I don’t know how well I’m doing on that front to be honest.”


    Vizon scratched his head.


    “But when did they do that?? I was hugging you all night…”


    He glanced down at the pillow on the floor.


    “Or…I thought I was…”


    Vizon shook his head, changing the subject at once.


    “Well…alright, I guess you’re heading out, then?” Vizon asked. “If you’d rather go alone…I won’t stop you. But…”


    He took a deep breath.


    “You can find me later, ok? I’ll be down by the clinic visiting Nivanee again this morning.”


    “I’ll come by as soon as I’m done,” Avery promised. “…I want to visit Nivanee anyway. She’s team, I wanna know how she’s doing. Just…”


    Avery squeezed the Riolu’s paw.


    “…Wish me luck, okay?”


    Vizon squeezed Avery’s paw back…and lightly nodded.


    “Always, Buddy.” Vizon whispered. “Whatever happens, you can come talk to me…and hey, don’t be so scared ok? I know you have your worry but I think…you can trust Olistia all the way.”


    He held Avery’s paw a moment longer…and just when the Plusle thought he’d keep hold of it forever…Vizon finally let it go.


    “I’ll…trust you buddy.” Vizon said, nodding. “…good luck.”


    Avery was quiet for a moment, staring up at his partner.


    ‘…I don’t know if I fully trust him yet. I want to. But I don’t know if I can share everything with him.


    …But I want to trust him. So I need to take a few leaps of faith to test that.’


    Avery gave a nod, and one more hug. Quickly, he broke away and set out of the room, headed for Olistia’s castle.


    Out into the Guild Hall Avery could see that the morning was early for the others as well. No others stirred outside, No doubt sleeping in this morning after a hard day’s work yesterday. Thus, in the silence of the guild Avery made his way up the stairs and out the doors to greet the shining early morning sun as it cast its orange rays over the city, the air cool and crisp and the clouds above few and far between.


    The city was quiet this morning. Few voices broke the silence, leaving Avery with little else but the wind as it moved between the narrow alleyways of the ornate and beautiful District.


    But silence did not mean solitude.


    There, standing at the railing of the canal and watching as Avery exited the guild stood that mysterious Nidorina. Just as she had promised, first thing in the morning.


    She looked to Avery and nodded, waving a hand for him to approach if he wanted.


    Avery took a breath.


    ‘Right. The favour.’


    He walked closer to her, and hopped up to look over the railing with her.


    “Hey. What’s up?”



    She glanced over, initially smiling but at once furrowing her brow as she looked.


    “…good morning, Avery…you look rather glum from last I saw you…” she noted, sharp eyes missing little. She shifted to turn back towards the canal, glancing down at the sparkling water. “I hope Vizon didn’t give you too hard a time?”


    The Plusle shook his head.


    “No. No, it was…the opposite, actually. He’s…” Avery rubbed his arm. “…He’s trying to be more open-minded, I think. I got a check-in from him last night, and…I felt closer to him than I had in a while. This was just…something else.”


    “Something else you say…?” Jolvia clicked her tongue thought. Yet she did not seem curious about what this something was. She only continued staring out towards the canal, thinking silently, whatever inner monologue she was having left unknown to Avery. It was only after a pause that she spoke up about it.


    ” I am, I suppose, happy to hear you and Vizon are getting along better. In truth I was becoming rather worried. But it sounds like this something of yours has become the larger issue.”


    Avery nodded.


    “…It’s something we’re both…kind of united over. I’m…” He sighed. “I’m worried for him too. But…what was the favour you wanted?”


    Jolvia nodded back, listening to Avery, answering at once…with a question.


    “I’m curious…were you planning on visiting Janus today?” She asked, very simply. She looked across the canal toward the shimmering castle across the water, her ears swiveled toward Avery. “I admit, facing off against her…it was quite the shock seeing the long lost Duskwalker sister fighting for the Thieves’ Guild…”


    Her crimson eye glanced over, eyebrow raised.


    “…as something of a fan of the guild…I was wondering if I could meet her myself?”


    “Oh, um…I suppose so,” Avery said with a tilt of his head. “She’s a little closed-off to guild members though, as a warning. Is that…going to be okay with you?”


    She smiled, looking over at Avery, drumming her claws on the stone of the railing.


    “Of course, I’d figure as much.” She replied, saying nothing further. She paused a moment, her eyes wandering before she continued. “When do you plan on going? I’d likely need to be escorted down, subordinate or not.”


    “Well…I’ve got a rendezvous this morning,” Avery said, “and I’d like to pick her up something from a bakery or some sort before I go down there. Maybe…early this evening?”


    Jolvia smiled, nodding with a pat on his back, glancing at the castle.


    “Of course, Avery. Why don’t you find me same place as last night, hm? Just to make it easier.” She suggested, pushing away from the railing, never taking her eyes off the castle. “Do what you can to relax today, alright, Avery? I’ve the feeling things will be ramping up tomorrow.”


    He nodded…then made a little face.


    “…Tomorrow’s still a break,” Avery said, tilting his head. “Olistia ordered we’d be on break for two days to recover.”


    Jolvia sighed and shook her head.


    “Don’t count on it. I’ve the feeling we won’t be afforded the luxury. Not by Xamao, certainly.” She said, her voice knowing. Which was itself mysterious. “With one pearl secured by the Thieve’s Guild it’s likely to be all-hands on deck…”


    She paused, slowly backing up towards the alley.


    “Evening, then?”




    Avery let out a beleaguered sigh. He knew she was right.


    “…Evening then.” he replied.


    Jolvia nodded at the confirmation, turning to disappear, leaving the Plusle with the lapping of the water below. And across the canal awaited Olistia’s castle. The entrance open, two guards standing at either side.


    Avery took a deep breath. This was it.


    Steeling himself, clenching his fists, Avery began to walk over the bridge, towards the door and the guards.


    As he approached, the castle loomed more and more. The massive arched stone gate towered over him, the wood portcullis raised, like a maw opening to accept its meal.


    Avery’s intimidation was skyrocketing, but he maintained composure as he spoke to the guards.


    “Hello, sirs. I have an appointment with the Conduit.”


    The Escavilier guards regarded him, looking the Plusle over as he spoke. Within the entry arch Avery could see two Bisharp guards, one of them looking at him as the Escavilier on the left spoke.


    “Ah, Avery of Azure. We were told to expect you this morning.” One of the guards replied, his voice gruff but polite. He looked back to one of the Bisharp guards, the tall and dangerous looking Poke’mon approaching and waving his hand for Avery to follow.


    “The conduit shall receive you in the drawing room on the second floor.” The Bisharp said, turning from Avery. “Please follow, no detours, please, in the deep sections of the castles.”


    Avery nodded, trying his best to keep as calm as he could.


    ‘This was…I’ve done this before. This’ll be fine. I wouldn’t be…attacked in the castle or anything!


    Everything would be okay.’



    Avery followed the Bisharp, walking down the massive hall he’d seen twice before when visiting Janus. Stain glass windows of Gardevoirs loomed on the walls above, their colored lights filtering down onto the floor as the sun shone through them.


    Every pillar was lined with Escavelier guards, each of them keeping their gaze straight ahead as though they were statues. Few others lingered in this hall, only the occasional passing of a beautifully dressed Poke’mon that seemed to not even register Avery’s presence.


    Soon, he and the Bisharp moved past another archway, entering smaller hall. Black and white tile sat under Avery’s feet, cold to the touch. A flowery scent permeated the hall, with several offshoot archways leading to other halls and rooms, many looking like office or meeting rooms. Here, the castle was much more lively, many Poke’mon talking in hushed voices. Small Poke’mon like himself passed by with documents and envelope in hand, running them to other offices within the castle.


    Avery and the Bisharp walked amid the bustle and noise. As though he’d entered another world altogether.


    And above, red curtains hung, shimmering silk swaying in the breeze that snaked through the corridor.


    A marble staircase lay before Avery, up to a large stain glass window. There, looming above, he could see the image of paradise, that castle on a floating island, surrounded by a bubble, the sun shining behind it. The stairs split, either direction leading up to the second floor.


    …It was opulent, Avery noted. That made sense. Olistia was royalty, if he recognized everything correctly. Which made Sarfallinus a…very lucky Poke’mon, if her affection for him was real.


    If not…well. Unlucky.


    Avery’s eyes wandered on the windows for a moment, thinking about it. Paradise. Arceus. The Conduit.


    ‘Arceus couldn’t be against Illaminians, right? That couldn’t be true. If he made everything…he had to love them too, right?’


    He sighed a little. Paradise. Maybe that was where he’d end up when he died.


    Without a word, Avery continued following the guard.


    As Avery began to climb the stairs to the upper floors, the Bisharp addressed him.


    “I must ask, Avery, you follow proper procedure when meeting the conduit.”  the Bisharp said.


    It was now Avery could see more Bisharp on this level of the castle, as though they were a higher ranking soldier. The Bisharp Avery followed turned his head as they walked, looking the Plusle in the eye as he continued.


    “Conduit Arceali has designated an informal meeting but I must stress to please half bow and hold until instructed to rise.” He informed as they both walked down a long, opulent hall, the walls decorated with yet more red silk curtains and very old looking portraits and art. The mural upon the ceiling was immaculately detailed with the Story of Arceus. An egg of stars, Arceus, creation of the world, the birth of Poke’mon…


    …fire and brimstone upon the Poke’mon of the world.


    “When invited inside, be the first to sit and the first to drink the tea when it is poured.” The Bisharp instructed. “And mind your manners when speaking with Conduit Arceali, please.”


    “…I understand,” Avery said, thankful for the instructions. The Plusle didn’t think that Olistia would want him to act that way, but…he’d take the guard’s word for it that he probably should. Half-bow, first to sit, first to drink tea.


    ‘…Would…we be monitored?’


    “Very good.”


    The Bisharp looked ahead, passing guard after guard down the immaculate hallway, reaching the end and standing before a pair of double doors.


    He lifted a hand, rapping upon the oak surface, stepping aside as the doors creaked, opened by a pair of Ambipom.


    “Presenting, Avery of Azure, Hero of Arceus and esteemed team captain within the Arceali Guide to: She of the One Truth, Conduit Arceali, Mouth of Arceus presiding over Arceliaze and her districts, Mistress of Souljraan, holder of the blue waters of Yahneri and envoy supreme to Quayoff over Taeriana, may the centuries bear milk and honey – Olistia”


    The Bisharp stood aside, taking a half bow, hand upon his chest.


    Across from the beautiful room, Avery could see her. Sat in a velvet chair, legs crossed, it was her, Olistia, Crimson eyes affixed directly upon him. She stood, towering over both Avery and the Bisharp, her footsteps echoing on the tile floor as she approached.


    ‘…Good lord, what a title. How long had it taken him to memorize that…? Though…it did really does ring to how important Olistia is.’


    AveryI bowed, half at the waist, as he was instructed. His eyes to the ground, Avery could only hear as Olistia approached, stopping but a few feet from them both.


    “Yurus of Yahneri, thank you for bringing Avery to me. You may rise.” Olistia spoke, her voice low and powerful, hands behind her back. “Avery of Azure, Hero of Arceus and esteemed team captain within the Arceali Guild, thank you for joining me this morning. You may rise.”


    Avery did so, straightening his back and looking up at her. This was in her own territory, as the monarch of Arcea. The one who brought him here, who took his memories.


    Who ordered the map of the pearls. Who employs very young Pokemon to the guild. Who brings humans here, at least three times.


    Looking up at her, standing tall, Avery could see her face. Her expression was completely neutral, betraying no feeling or emotion, completely unreadable. She stared down at the Plusle with crimson eyes for a moment before addressing the Bisharp.


    “Yurus of Yahneri, you are dismissed. Return to post.”


    “Aye, Conduit Arceali.”


    With a hand to his chest, the Bisharp backed away from the conduit, never turning from her, the Ambipoms exiting the room and closing the doors behind them, eyes closed the entire time.


    The drawing room was beautiful. The tile flooring here depicted images and symbols that clearly held significance to Arcean politics. A crest lay above the mantle of a fireplace, with several chairs laid out, clearly meant for a party of up to ten, perhaps even more Poke’mon. A small table was set beside the two nearest seats.


    Across the room, standing at the far end, were two Poke’mon. It was hard to tell what Poke’mon they were, for upon their heads were strange, iron helmets that completely obscured all features, painted white and jewels set within.


    “Avery, let’s sit.” Olistia spoke, her voice softening now that the guard was gone. The Gardvoir pulled ahead, walking across a beautiful circular rug adorned with the patterns of the Arceali plates, standing by a velvet chair, gesturing to the one across from her.


    Avery gave the two Poke’mon in odd helmets a quick unnerved glance, quietly gesturing to them as he sat down across from Olistia. The room was so immaculate he almost felt like an intruder here. It was a lot to take in. As per his instructions, he sat first.


    “Who are your, um…acquaintances?” Avery asked, looking towards the two at the back of the room. “…Do they…can I speak freely?”


    “Yes, you may speak freely. Those are the help today, Haila and Purus.” Olistia said, lifting a hand a small orb appearing at her fingertips which let off a bright, quick series of flashes before disappearing. “Nevermind the helmets, they are standard-issue for drawing room servants, designed to mute all noise and keep only the floor visible. They’ll neither hear what’s said nor read our lips, not even seeing who it is I meet with. You understand, the nature of the meetings that go on in here on a regular basis necessitate such precautions unless you opt to not have servants at all…”


    Olistia crossed her leg over her knee, hands folded together.


    “…of course, I redesigned the helmets to be a little less ghastly some thirty-odd years ago. I believe the new look went over well with the Arcean nobility…”


    She laughed lightly as the two approached, one of them setting tea cups down and the other lifting a steaming teapot, pouring the creamy brown liquid into each of their cups. Olistia flashed another orb twice, one of the servants dropping two cubes of sugar.


    “Any sugar in your tea, Avery?”


    The Plusle gave them one last look. He didn’t really have much choice but to trust her. He nodded.


    “Thank you, yes. I-“


    A quick pause as the servants came closer, the Plusle shifting in his seat.


    ‘It’s fine, this is…fine. Hah.’


    “Yes, thank you.” Avery finished.


    Olistia flashed another orb once, a servant nodding a dropping a sugar cube into Avery’s tea, setting a spoon beside the cup before immediately backing off. Olistia sighed, lifting her cup, though not yet sipping.


    “Now then, we are, for all intents and purposes, alone now, Avery.” Olistia said, her expression softening. Immediately, the crimson eyes that had pierced so distressingly a moment ago seemed to change entirely, a warmth radiating from the Gardevoir as she sat. “Let’s talk openly. As I promised last night, I will tell you anything, as I should have this whole time. Work and pressing matters of state have pulled my attention here and there these past two weeks, which regretfully means I have neglected you. So please, speak. Any and all worries, I seek to assuage, only speak them.”


    Avery took a sip first, as the guard had told him to, and set the tea down on the saucer.


    ‘Deep breaths. Where do I even start?’


    “…You said in the dream that you ran simulations,” Avery said. “…and that was why you didn’t give me my memories. What simulations?”


    Olistia smiled, lifting the cup to her own mouth, sipping softly before placing the tea cup back onto the saucer on the table.


    “That is the word Arceus used.” Olistia explained. “Using divine knowledge and magic far beyond my mortal comprehension…he was able to show me scenarios in which you were deployed, as though peering into the future. You had a deep love in your heart for others, especially your friends, Luke and Addison.”


    She folded her hands back over her lap.


    “But the loyalty had a downside. In all scenarios, no matter what circumstances you met Vizon, you always were focused on getting home. Back to your real friends. You’d like Vizon well enough, but would only form a surface-level connection to him, getting his help to return you home. In extreme cases, the guild was completely forgone, as was any interest in Arcea…”


    She stared at Avery thoughtfully, as though recalling the memories of these ‘simulations’.


    “Then he showed me scenarios in which your memories were shifted, altered or in some cases simply removed. Missing specific memories of friends but simply knowing something was there once but missing. It was this scenario where, at last, you met Vizon and joined the guild of Arceliaze, becoming a beacon of hope and fixing the broken teams therein.”


    She looked away.


    “Admittedly, while perhaps not my preferred solution it was the only one we could find, even after exploring alternative simulations.”


    Avery furrowed his brow. But he took a breath, and continued.


    “Alright, I…suppose I can see your point.” He conceded. “But…now that it’s done, now that I know that there’s no way home for me, unless…”


    He looked down at his hand. His paws.


    “Unless I return home as a Plusle, my memories are free to be…discussed?”


    Avery took another sip of the tea.


    “…I’d…also like to ask you about Adelaide. I’ve heard stories of her, but…was she a human too?”


    Olistia perked up, a look of confusion crossing her face.


    “What do you mean by ‘returning home as a Plusle’, Avery?” Olistia asked. “Wherever did you get the idea that we’d send you home as a Plusle should you choose to go home?”


    She shook her head.


    “But yes, your memories are free to be discussed. As is the topic of Adelaide…”


    Avery frowned at what she said.


    “No, wait, before that…I was under the impression that I couldn’t go home at all,” Avery said. “…It was…either you or Arceus that said the process to turn me into…this was long, grueling, and painful, and…I think irreversible. It wasn’t magic that did this. I have memories of…floating in a tank. You and…many other voices. Inject. Administer. Things like that. What…what happened with me? How did you get me here, and…how did you turn me into this?”


    “I can’t pretend to know that, it was the work of Arceus.” Olistia admitted. “But what can be done one way can surely be done the other way as well. And just as well I imagine your memories could even be set right, your days in Arcea like a strange and fanciful dream…”


    Olistia lifted the cup to her lips again, sipping.


    “But no, you’re hardly trapped here. I’m of no mind to keep you here if you wish to return to Luke and Addison. It’s selfish enough to have brought you here in my time of need, I’d hardly insult you further by revealing that you’re also trapped.”


    Avery paused.


    ‘Is she avoiding my questions on purpose…? Or, rather…she’s addressing half of them.’


    “The process,” Avery said quietly. “I’ve had dreams of it, memories of it. I’d…I’d like context, if that’s okay.”


    “How bloody would you like me to get in my descriptions?”


    Avery made a face, shrinking back in his chair.


    “…Keep…the viscera vague.” He replied.


    “I was only allowed to see your progress from time to time.” Olistia said. “The brain had to be extracted, with a new body constructed from donor parts from your old body in order to minimize rejection. Some parts had to be regrown in isolation to fit the smaller stature.”


    Olistia sipped her tea.


    “In the end your specific physique lent itself best to a smaller creature, which your personality type determined would be best suited to a Plusle, though candidates like Pikachu and Minun and others were considered. Ultimately, in some sense, it’s still ‘your’ body. Just shifted, taken apart and stitched together in a new shape. Of course, my explanation oversimplifies what was no doubt an extremely complicated process, many steps of which completely fly over my head.”


    She looked at Avery carefully.


    “I watched you die at least three times.” She said, voice grave. “Some issue your another. You’d be woken up, something would go wrong and we’d have to make adjustments until you could actually survive in your new body.”


    She stared a while longer before setting the cup down on the table.


    “I promised I’d not hide the truth. Grim as it may be I hope you appreciate the honesty, for the memories are frankly unpleasant to recall over tea.”


    Avery gripped the cup.


    “…And…I’d have to go through that again to become human again,” Avery said. “I just…I hope this world will…be good to me. Since I don’t think I’m going to be going back.”


    He took another sip, longer this time, as the description sat with him. He wanted to apologize for bringing it up, but…Olistia had said honesty. And this had been burning at Avery for a while.


    ‘But we should move on.’


    “…What about Adelaide…? Was she a human?” Avery asked.


    “She was. My mother, Lippi, was the one to oversee Adelaide’s deployment. And it was the story of Adelaide that led to me seeking a human of my own.” Olistia answered plainly. “You say you’ve heard stories? Of her brave heroism in the face of unstoppable odds, especially against rogue Nationalist Arceans Movement members when they sought to hurt Lippi’s Illaminian subjects in the Illaminian district fires. Adelaide sought to put a stop to all that, and how.”


    Olistia smiled warmly.


    “Quite inspiring, is it not? Humans are quite incredible creatures.”


    “I’ve seen a lot of today’s Nationalist Arceans Movement…” Avery said, his brow furrowing. “They burned down Sekura’s home. For no reason. I…I don’t care for them much at all.”


    Avery sighed, putting a hand to his head.


    “So…so are Adelaide and I the only humans to exist here in Arcea?”


    “Far from it.” Olistia answered his next question pointedly, that same smile on her face. “Tell me, have you read a tome titled ‘Ancient Heroes’? Perhaps at a library or a book store?”


    Avery shook his head. He was surprised she was telling the truth about this, but…he supposed she was looking for honesty.


    “I was planning on going to the library today to learn Illaminian. What is it…?”


    Olistia smiled…then stood. She let a hand brush down her dress, walking over across the room as the helmeted servants approached to refill their tea cups.


    The Gardevoir stepped up before a large bookshelf. One would have thought it for decoration, but from it she pulled a single book, thick and dusty. She brushed its surface as she walked back over, sitting down…and handing it to Avery.


    “Why don’t you take a look? While few know their true nature, these are…’Poke’mon’ considered legendary in the annals of time. No doubt much like yourself someday~”


    She leaned back, gesturing for Avery to open it.


    “Why not read a few passages that catch your eye?”


    Avery opened the book, flipping through a few. The first one…


    2nd Build, 33, Two-Hundred and Thirty Three years before Jyiniarno’s great attack, is the year that marks the beginning of the “Blight Plague”. This was a sickness initially transmitted through infected crops and became airborne once it took hold of a Pokémon. These were frightening and confusing times. Fighting the blight seemed a matter of waiting for it to do its damage. The death toll is still debated to this date, but we know that whatever the total is, it’s an unthinkable number of corpses.


              The blight first appeared in Illaminamo and affected Illaminian crops. The writers of this book will avoid the topic on whether the blight was intentional or not, but the fact of the matter is that in 1st Build, 68 the blight reached a peak in Arcea and in 1st Build, 48 the Gardevoir ruler of Arcea at the time, Regestia, caught the blight and passed away as a result. She had been trying to keep Arcea’s chin up and keep everyone calm and together during this plague. With her death, however, her daughter and heir to the Lynyete Arkeali, a Kirlia named Fania, took control of Arcea. Fania’s rage over her mother’s death and at Illaminamo for bringing poisoned crops to Arcea led her to launch a campaign her mother had attempted but failed to begin in 2nd Built, 13: Vyr an Aer-Dyb, or, “War on Early Death”. It’s what would later be known as “The Illaminian War” and what we know today as “The First War of Arcea”.


              As most of our readers know, Illaminamo was leveled and Fania eventually shared her mother’s fate. Amidst all this action was a hero who had been working to help fight the Blight Plague in Arcea and joined Fania’s army and, in fact, helped ensure victory in the war time and time again.


              This Pokémon was a mysterious female Houndour who called herself “Quetzalxochitl”, a name of unknown origin. The first known records that mention or include Quetzalxochitl describe her as a stoic, humble, 19 year old Houndour of unknown birth. That’s right; the first records that even mention this Pokémon’s existence were only from when she was 19, at the height of the Blight Plague in 1st Build, 68. This is an interesting oversight, because, around this time, the Arcean government was taking steps to keep tabs on all the citizens of Arcea, due to the airborne nature of the Blight. Yet, Quetzalxochitl has no recorded date of birth, no hometown or even an official record of Arcean citizenship. She apparently spoke Old Arcean fluently, but her origins mystified those who knew her.


              Even though there’s no information on Quetzalxochitl prior to 1st Build, 68, there are plenty of documents to go off of detailing her exploits, up until 1st Build, 32. More on that date later.


              Quetzalxochitl made a name for herself in Arceliaze, working with a group of Pokémon that had cropped up during this time in order to help those suffering from Blight as well as lend assistance to the Medical Association of Arcea. Quetzalxochitl was known for making long trips across Arcea by herself to gather supplies, herbs, and materials for medical aid during the worst point of the Plague.


              Twenty years later, after Regestia’s death, Quetzalxochitl went on to join the Arcean army along with her group which had come to be known as Airfystns Bleis ov Arcealei”, or the “Mercy Blessings of Arcea”. Quetzalxochitl herself asked to be put on the front lines, as the death of Regestia upset her greatly. Quetzalxochitl went on to fight in the Battle of Dsitdove, and earned great respect from both Fania and the Houndour’s fellow soldiers. In the battle of Dsitdove alone, she had 45 recorded Knock-Outs, 12 comrades saved, and 0 kills with Quetzalxochitl, in fact, saving an Illaminian soldier from a burning building.


              When Illaminamo began to fall apart in 1st Build, 32, the Gardevoir leader at the time succeeding Fania, Daninasia, declared the war over and departed “The Demon Country”. With that, the records on Quetzalxochitl cease. Many diary and journal entries say she was just gone one day, without a trace and never to be heard from again. Quetzalxochitl was never known to keep a personal record, meaning her thoughts and first-hand experiences have been lost to time.




    Avery didn’t recognize the name. Aztec, maybe…? But the second…


    The date of 0 Build, 04 marks the year the infamous Jyiniarno marched his army over the Rocky Hills into Arcea, a move that was considered impossible at the time. He was aiming to destroy Arcea and claim it for Illaminamo, in what he called “delayed retaliation” against the attack on Illaminamo in 1st Build, 37. In 0 Build, 03, Jyiniarno commenced his brutal and ruthless attack on Arceliaze, burning the entire city to the ground. In 0 Build, 02, Eunia, the famous Bvlyot Hjalja (Arceus bless forever and always!) and Gardevoir leader, was captured in Illaminamo and executed in Dsitdove square in front of a cheering crowd.


    Many of us know the rest of the story. The Gardevoir heir, Quarnia escaped Arceliaze, walked the east coast of Arcea on what is now “Quarnia’s Trail”. Yuani was destroyed in its famous showdown with Jyiniarno’s army. Jyiniarno’s backup, Kanidus, was soundly crushed by an enraged army left in Yahneri Port, and Jyiniarno died of old age while fleeing to Souljraan, away from Quayoff’s approaching armies.


    Of the three heroes described in this book, the one present for this war is a slight less obscure; a great deal of Pokémon solidified their place in Arcean history during this horrific war, for better or worse.


    In 0 Build, 05, the Arcean Guard received a new recruit, a Sneasel named Jianguo Jūn, another name of unknown origin. According to records and diary entries from some of the more disgruntled guards, Jianguo didn’t have to go through any of the complex screening most of the other guardsmen had to. Jianguo was brought into the guard on the direct request of Eunia, the Gardevoir leader at the time, herself. When asked about her reasons for wanting Jianguo on the guard, Eunia apparently would refuse to answer.


    Jianguo is described by his fellow guardsmen as “A spirited but thick-headed fool”. Multiple records and journals from that time also describe Jianguo as being illiterate, not knowing his own birthdate, and being, to put it politely, unintelligent. His friends would note how Jianguo was unfamiliar with rituals, famous dates, cities or their locations, and other trivia they took for granted. Indeed, Jianguo has no known record of his birthdate or hometown, nor does he have a record of death, more on that later. For all intents and purposes, Jianguo Jūn did not and does not have any documents or records on himself prior to 0 Build, 05. Most interesting of all is that, while Jianguo was illiterate but spoke Arcean very fluently, he did keep what is assumed to be a journal. It is written, however, in symbols of unknown origin:


    ~A small excerpt from what is assumed to be Jianguo’s diary, thought to have been written sometime in 0 Build, 01.

              Jianguo is most famously known by history for safeguarding Quarnia during the Battle of Arceliaze and ensuring her silent escape to the northern coast. This is the origin of the phrase “A regular Jianguo”, as the Sneasel hero dauntlessly kept attackers at bay and was praised by comrades for being unafraid in battle.


              Along with the rest of the troop of Pokémon that accompanied Quarnia along the northern and eastern coasts of Arcea, Jianguo kept the Gardevoir leader safe all the way to Yahneri Port. At the port, Jianguo along with 30 of his comrades was left behind by Quarnia, under orders to keep the port safe. Even here, Jianguo’s tenacity shone through. When Kanidus attacked Yahneri Port, Jianguo and his comrades held fast. The diaries of guardsmen present in the battle describe Jianguo as “Ferocious, always attacking faster and more violently and going deeper than any other Pokémon straight into enemy lines just to bolster Arcean moral”. While his actions in Arceliaze were admirable, it was the Battle of Yahneri Port that truly earned Jianguo’s reputation as a foolhardy but indescribably brave Pokémon.


              Soon, the war ended on 000, and Arcea began to rebuild. However, many journals of guardsmen note how Jianguo was strangely absent from an awards ceremony that took place in 0 Turn, 01 to honor brave souls during the war. At first, the guardsmen were angry, thinking Quarnia did not consider the Sneasel worthy. Anger turned to confusion, however, as the guardsmen later noted how Jianguo was nowhere to be found. After the war, the brave and bold Jianguo simply disappeared, never to be heard from again.


    Avery’s eyes widened. Not only did he recognize the language, he recognized the name. This was Chinese writing in that diary entry…though he couldn’t read it.


    But…the name was familiar in a more direct way too. It was something Vizon had said to Avery, long ago. All three of these people truly were heroic – even Adelaide herself was in this book, after Jianguo:


              We would like to begin this section by saying this: We understand this time in history is a sensitive topic. We here at the Arceliaze Board of Historical Research neither endorse nor condemn the Nationalist Arcean’s Movement. We simply wish to provide the facts of history.

              In the year of 4th Turn, 62, the Nationalist Arcean’s Movement was established. The years prior had been focused on attempting to heal old wounds. Souljraan was repopulated after centuries of being abandoned due to the Blight Plague. The age-old trade embargo on Illaminamo by progressive Gardevoir leader, Uaniria, who was also known for establishing the Illaminian district in order to provide affordable housing for Illaminian immigrants, generating a golden age of commerce in Arcea.

              However, the sting of the Second War of Arcea was still present. A group of traditionalist Poke’mon rose up to be what is now known as the Nationalist Arcean’s Movement. They held the view of a pure Arcea, as it had been for centuries after the Second War. A well-known move by the National Arcean’s Movement is the Illaminian re-zoning, in which many of the Illaminian populace were relocated by realtors and citizens to live in the Illaminian district, opening up more Market and Lower Market district housing.

              In this period of transition, one of the most influential forces of pushback to Nationalist Arcean’s Movement rhetoric came to be known as a Buizel named Adelaide, yet another name of unknown origin. Adelaide opposed the ideals of a traditionalist Arcea and became an anti-NAM new age icon.

              Adelaide was inducted into the Arceliaze Guild under Tyarnikus via a business sponsorship and under the express order of Lippi, the Gardevoir Leader at the time. Adelaide joined with her friend, an Audino named Siranae as Team Coronatus. According to Guild records, Adelaide was 17 but had no recorded birthdate, recorded birthtown, record of parents, record of registered orphanages, citizenship records, records of immigrations, records of citizenship with Illaminamo OR Quayoff. Nothing existed on her. However, Siranae has all this information present and more on herself.

              Tyarnikus and the guild members describe Adelaide as a level-headed and kind Pokémon who preferred to conserve energy and save fighting as a last resort. As team leader, she led Team Coronatus cautiously but boldly. Adelaide was also known for being stuffy and vain by her friends, which could interfere with her work.

              For thirty years, Adelaide and Siranae took jobs mostly centered in Arceliaze. Adelaide herself focused on making moves against the Nationalist Arcean Movement, or at least stop rogue members from being too violent. Her most active year was 5th Turn, 42, the year of the Illaminian District Fires, in which a band of disassociated rogues that had broken from the Nationalist Arcean’s Movement set fire to the Illaminian District three separate times. Each of the times, Adelaide appeared to suppress the flames and arrest members of the rogues involved. Her total count of Poke’mon arrested totaled up to 102 Pokémon in that one year. It is no debate that many Illaminian lives were protected by Adelaide.

              Despite her work, however, she did not stop the Nationalist Arcean’s Movement from entering most of pop culture at the time. The only success Adelaide eventually saw was the inclusion of Illaminamo in Quayoff and Arcea’s partnership pact, marking the creation of the “Tulaan Coalition”. However, as the years passed and went and 5th Turn, 77 rolled on with Illaminamo becoming more reclusive against the onslaught of resistance by The Nationalist Arcean’s Movement, Adelaide crept away as an old Floatzel, never to be seen or heard from again. Supposedly, not even Siranae knew where her best friend went to.

              Quetzalxochitl, then Jianguo, and then Adelaide; all three of them were Pokémon of unknown origin who rose to the call of duty only to soon after disappear back into obscurity. Where could such powerful, popular and prominent Pokémon have come from and where could they have gone? The only information that exists is of their times of great service, and then nothing.

              Perhaps there is a message here, and a positive one at that. Perhaps you don’t have to be of noble birth or be famous or important in order to do something great. After all, nobody even knows the beginnings or the ends of these Pokémon. Perhaps that’s because those beginnings and endings don’t matter. What matters is everything in between. In the end, what matters is what the Pokémon did to make them famous, not that they were already famous or destined to become famous. The next great hero of Arcea can come from anywhere and, perhaps, be anyone.


    Indeed, Adelaide had a run-in with NAM…or, at least, rogue members of it. It seemed like Poke’mon like those in NAM had been a scourge for a long time.


    “…How many in total…?” Avery asked. “It…is it just us four?”


    “In total? That’s a mystery even to myself.” Olistia said, sipping at her fresh cup of tea. “Arceus tells me there’s several throughout Tulaan even today, though many of them apparently don’t know it. He’s run tests and experiments for, as I understand it…millions of years. Humans have walked among the regular Poke’mon of these countries…for centuries.”


    She paused, thinking.


    “And I suppose it’s through that testing that interlopers can be chosen with the utmost care, those third party nobodies given exceptional power by Arceus himself, come to arbitrate the problems plaguing our lands time and again. I’d not be surprised if yet more humans before Quetzalxochitl stood as paragons and heroes of ancient times, even long before Arcea was even thought of as a unified nation. But, now I’m getting into speculation, not answers. In truth, I can only guess but not answer.”


    Avery nodded slowly.


    “…I see.” He said. “And…I guess that brings me to…me. Who was I before this? Why did you choose me…? And…how did you bring me here?”


    Olistia looked at Avery for a moment, a gentle smile on her face as she let the question hang in the air.


    “You were you.” the Gardeveoir answered cryptically. “Avery but as a human. We hardly rewrote your personality. What your occupation was…not much, attending higher education? Frightfully dull, it seems. But, as to why you specifically?”


    She hummed gently.


    “Well I needed human that loved and wished for love. A human with empathy for others. Someone with strong will but not so strong their heart was closed off. So much exact criteria, so many variables…and indeed, so many humans to choose from before we settled on you.”


    She nodded, fishing off her tea, one of the helmeted servants bringing a plate of cookies, colorfully decorated and sparkling with frosting.


    “As for how you were brought to Arcea, I can’t fathom. Arceus has his ways. I merely asked for a human like Adelaide and Jianguo and was given one.”


    “…And Luke and Addison, and Ember,” Avery said. “…I mean…maybe I shouldn’t ask about them. They’re…not in my life anymore. I just hope Ember’s alright.”


    He let out a little sigh.


    “…It’s just…odd.” Avery said quietly. “Looking back in the history books, seeing Pokemon drop out of nowhere and get fast-tracked into the guild. And…”


    His face darkened.


    “A lot of them were really young, weren’t they? Not just humans, but…Poke’mon in the guild.”


    “They were.” Olistia agreed, taking a cookie in hand. “Many of the teams active today joined at a young age. Many of the elites who are in my command joined the guild as mere pups and children. Work with the guild and up to the elites is, oftentimes, a lifelong commitment…”


    She looked down at Avery, setting the cookie back upon the plate.


    “Of course, back at its peak, hundreds of children tried to join. And hundreds of children were turned away. In general, children working at the guild are a liability, both practically and, let’s not mince words, morally. Though the children that try it are considered heroes and awe-inspiring icons, I tend to disagree.”


    She leaned back, her hands clasping together.


    “Do not think of the guild as plucking children from their homes to force them into service. Make no mistake when I say that those few that are brought in are done so in extraordinary circumstances, whether it’s a noble family insisting on their inclusion or they come to apply and their abilities are so far and above both their age group and many currently in guild employ that to not accept them would be wasteful and foolhardy.”


    She paused.


    “And such was the case for Nivanee and Janus of Team Duskwalker. It took a lot of convincing from Sarfallinus for me to sanction their inclusion when they came to join. After seeing them in action…it was like I had no choice. To have two girls so strong and smart and endlessly brave toiling away on some shipyard at Yahneri port was simply asinine.”


    “…How old were Kipuuna and Ganisus on their first mission? Or Lahnae and Loshjno when they joined?” Avery paused. “What about Team Infinity? How old were they…?”


    “Kipuuna was 9, Ganisus 10. Brought on for merits of high intelligence and increased combat ability…and there was pressure to fast-track new recruits due to stagnating rosters. A drought of fresh graduates to the elites was feared at the rate Sarfallinus was taking on new teams.” Olistia paused, her brow knitting. “And when I heard what happened to the pair of them I about boxed Sarfallinus’s ears. Near to ready to dismiss him as Guildmaster and begin a new lineage…”


    Olistia shook her head, continuing.


    “As for the others, Lahnae was a girl of 15 years and Loshjno a man of 16. These ages were more agreeable, though more on the young end still. Their inclusion was approved for much the same reason as Aquashock. The stymied hiring process was wearing thin on guild advisors, councilmembers and the Arcean public.”


    The final team name…made her smile softly.


    “Team Infinity…they were naught but 6 for the Tepig, Rikaerd, and 7 for the Snivy, Quayslaan.” She replied, her crimson eyes wandering. “Your voice tells me much, Avery. Quite a specific team you ask of, and I likely can assume why.”


    “…Six…and seven. Vizon and I were recruited in our twenties. Everyone before then has been under eighteen years of age. And you…you say that’s unusual? What was the age of the other teams in that time period? Why were there…so many children?”


    “Well, if you must know…when Team Infinity first joined, there was Team Clockwork, Team Dust and Team Ganusi. Later would come Team Tall Tale.” Olistia explained. “Before then was Team Iron Axe and Team Angels.”


    She unfolded her hands, raising her eyebrows.


    “Many of them were in their 20s, even 30s, when they first joined. In the old days it was much the same, the older and stronger of the Arcean population joining the prestigious guild…with only the occasional extraordinary child team taken under the wing of the guild. And they’d be trained, mentored. They would shadow, be protected, and come unto their own as the finest the guild had to offer, alongside their much older peers.”


    Olistia paused a moment, frowning.


    “This is why what happened to Duskwalker…to Aquashock…makes me ashamed, and shames the guild and its guildmaster. Like Sarfallinus as I may…he is, unfortunately, not as competent as his father was. To have allowed Aquashock to take a solo mission off the bat…frankly, the face he put your team on a solo mission off the bat.”


    She shook her head, her frown deepening.


    “The guildmaster bloodline is sacred, but I do sometimes think on appointing a, perhaps, more capable and less emotionally uncertain guildmaster. It’d be unprecedented, there’d be pushback…but it may be what’s needed at some point.”


    “…But…” Avery frowned. “…Rikaerd. His name was…his name was Richard, wasn’t it?”


    “It was.” Olistia sighed, looking you straight in the eye. “And none knew but I, Arceus and poor Quayslaan.”


    “…Doesn’t that mean that…that you brought him to the guild yourself? At six years old…?” Avery looked down at his cup. “…And what happened to him. Do you know about that, too?”


    Olistia was quiet. For the first time in that meeting a new look crossed her face. One that was uncomfortable.


    One that was…sad.


    “Imagine me, remembering the stories of Adelaide from my mother, Lippi. Thinking of the power of a human, both in strength but also in inspiration…the way they can become an icon.” She said, furrowing her brow. “Icons are powerful. The way they inspire a populace. How dark times seem brighter when there’s something…someone to latch upon like that…”


    Her eyes continued staring off toward the far wall.


    “I wished for someone like you, Avery. Someone loyal and loving who could be taught the ways of Arcea, its strife, and be an unbiased arbitrator in the problems sweeping it…such that the lack of bias would make your trustworthy to all. The human’s natural ability to blend and mold itself…and become friends with others.”


    Her fist balled in her lap.


    “And Arceus gave me that, I suppose.” She said quietly. “What could be more loyal, more loving, more ready to learn and be unbiased…than a child?”


    A hush fell over the drawing room.


    “…who told you?” Olistia asked. She knew what Avery was getting at.


    “…I found out myself,” Avery said. A half-truth, but…closer to truth than fiction. But if she was going to be honest…then so was he. “…You probably know what happened to his partner. I looked in their room. I saw documents. A badge. Records.”


    The Gardevoir was quiet. Avery’s eyes stared directly into hers as he slowly continued.


    “…He lived his life and died here.” Avery said. “I don’t know how it happened. But…guild work is dangerous. Richard…he died, didn’t he? Ganisus came…so close. Nivanee’s in the hospital after Jolvia was able to perform first aid. We all…we fell into the center of the earth. I’m twenty, I understand the risks now, but…Olistia, I…I’m scared. Nobody knew what happened to him. Rikaerd and Kanah fell in love and abandoned the team at Seaking Penninsula.”


    His grip on the badge tightened.


    “What if…”The Plusle began in a shakey voice. “Avery felt the glint of gold and abandoned the team at Qeasé Ruins. I don’t…what happened to him…?”


    Olistia’s gaze slowly turned towards Avery, her brow knitted and strong. Slowly, she picked up her tea cup and sipped at it. All at once, it was as though she were putting on armor, holding a shield.


    “It’s an unfortunate truth of the guild. Of icons.” Olistia said. “If an icon shining can inspire, an icon becoming vulnerable…becoming mortal…can have dire consequences.”


    She sipped her tea again. Though her voice was sad, her gaze was now steely, her heart hardened to reality.


    “The guild is invulnerable. The guild is immortal. The guild may have dropouts, turncoats…drama of poke’mon running off, weak of heart. Love triangles may tear teams apart. But never can the Poke’mon that serve in the guild be mere mortals.”


    She stared at Avery, her expression unchanging, icy.


    “So, Rikaerd eloped with Kanah to Quayoff, never to be seen again. And the graveyard at Yahneri buried two unknown, unnamed, unclaimed Poke’mon.” Olistia spoke, nothing held back. “Such is the nature of icons in Arcea, so adamant were the nobles and councilmembers that the image of the ancient guild be preserved in this era where funds tighten, countries collapse, cities become overcrowded, buildings become seized property, workers are pushed to the streets to beg, where banditry and thievery reign, where cruelty is sport. In this era, those crawling in the dirt for a crumb of food would not survive looking up at the shining guild and seeing…mortals.


    She was silent a moment.


    “Such is the nature. Such is reality. Such is the bitter truth.”


    …Avery’s heart sunk.


    She did know. And they all did.


    The…the elite, the nobles, the councilmembers…they cover up any deaths.


    ‘Avery felt the glint of gold and abandoned the team at Qeasé Ruins.’


    ‘…Dropouts, love triangles…how many Pokemon had died in the guild? How many…’


    “…The guild members. Do they know that this happens? If Nivanee died, would she die knowing that…that people would have thought she was a coward who ran away?” Avery’s face wasn’t accusatory. More…grim. He knew why they did this. he heard Olistia’s…distancing language. The nobles and councilmembers.


    But…this was the way it was.


    “…Do any of them know that…that they’d be remembered under cowardice to protect the guild when they fall in the line of duty…?” Avery asked.


    “No, they don’t. Those sweet guild members don’t deserve to know that cruel truth…and I’d never be so cruel as to tell them.” Olistia said at once. “Nobody deserves that cruel truth. Not even you, Avery…but I promised you no lies, no obfuscation.”


    She was silent, shifting forward, staring directly at him.


    “I lied through gritted teeth for those months after it happened.” the Gardevoir spoke. Avery almost saw her…trembling as she kept strong. “You don’t oversee these things and simply sleep soundly. I spent eleven years watching Rikaerd…Richard grow up from a boy of six to a man of seventeen. Torn away from…whereever it was he was from, I only hoped this country could be his…


    She paused. Her cold, sad, silently angry stare pierced Avery as she spoke.


    “…then…one day I’m told by courier he’s gone.” Olistia said. “Just like that. Time to pull together meetings, time to have discussions and make plans on how to cover it up with Poke’mon who never spoke to Richard a day in their lives.”


    Her words were bitter, her fists balled tight as she looked at Avery.


    She took a moment, stopping herself, leaning back.


    “You ask a lot of difficult questions this morning, Avery. Dredge up a lot of old memories.” She said, taking a cookie, trying to compose herself. “I only take joy in the fact that the role of Conduit is my burden alone to bear.”


    “… I don’t…”


    Avery swallowed.


    “… Should I stop with the hard questions?” He said after a moment of hesitation. “They’re just… They’ve been on my mind. And I’ve been… Angry, and sad, and scared, for…for a while. There are parts of Arceliaze that terrify me, and I’m… I want to help it, I want to be that icon, but…”


    Avery smiled sadly.


    “… I express affection towards the Illaminian people and suddenly the magazines think I’m a traitor.” Avery said. “I join a guild, and…two of the most illustrious members left it in stagnation to join the other side.”


    Avery put the tea down, feeling a guilty weight in his heart.


    “I don’t know what’s going on in this city but what I see scares me sometimes.” He Continued. “I’ve seen wonderful things but…I’ve seen…hate. I’ve seen a lot of hate and secrets. And everything I learn seems to dig the hole deeper. I’m trying my best. I’m just…I’m scared.”


    “I am, too.” Olistia said, a small smile on her face. “Scared enough to bring a human…and desperately hope they’ll rescue Arcea like Adelaide…like Jianguo…like Quetzalxochitl…”


    She was quiet a moment, a sigh escaping her lips as she looked to the side.


    “That guild is falling apart…it is, in a way…a perfect representation of this poor country.”


    “… I saw as much,” Avery said glumly. “…I was scared that Azure would suffer the same fate. My friendship with Kellixae drove a wedge between Vizon and I. He’s…I think he’s trying his best to be more open minded, but…”


    He hesitated.


    “…Should…should I keep the serious questions away? “


    Olistia stared at Avery hard…but leaned back.


    “No lies.” She said. “Ask.”


    “…Why do so many people hate the Illaminian Poke’mon?” Avery asked. “…Why do the guards suspect them of every crime perpetuated there? Why are they scared to walk the streets and be themselves…? What…What happened between Arcea and Illaminamo to cause this…? “’’


    Olistia was silent, ruminating the question. She leaned back, looking over to the helmeted servants, flashing the order again in a more complicated pattern.


    “What’s say I have Haila bring us some Eksai? An old Souljreini vintage of mine.” Olistia offered as she continued to think. “You’ve asked quite the complicated question, Avery.”


    The servants approached, one of them holding a bottle of teal liquid. They uncorked it, pouring the bright drink into ornate glasses, etched with swirling patterns in the shimmering sides.



    “The simple answer…?” Olistia began as her drink was poured. “Tradition. Centuries-old rivalries bleeding into current-day ways of thinking. The complex answer? The blight plague from Illaminian crops that kicked off the first war of Arcea…the invasion and genocide of Arcean people by the Illaminian warlord Jyniarno during the second war of Arcea…and even today, drought gripping Illaminamo, cities and villages flooded and crowded with foreigners, permeated into every facet of life…”


    She lifted her glass, sighing.


    “And that’s to say nothing of the nature of the Poke’mon themselves…I respect, in some ways, the communal aspect of native Illaminian culture. I find it a beautiful thing, sometimes…but it has its draw backs…”


    “…I…Can understand cultural differences,” Avery said quietly. “Even…Being uncomfortable around them. But… Burning their houses down? The… The guards…? They’re law enforcement, they…They should be impartial, right…?”


    “Why else? They’re invaders to the west for some, like the old days of Jyniarno. And invaders must be fought against.” Olistia shook her head, sipping her glass. “And yes, the guard should be impartial, but they’re, ultimately, only regular Poke’mon. Flawed and imperfect, with many a bad run-in with Illaminians, I’m sure, especially when it comes to law enforcement.”


    She looked down at Avery, frowning.


    “It’s the drawback I mentioned. It’s the ‘one-for-all’ mentality of Illaminamo and its communal culture. Coming together, protecting one another, fending for strangers within their community like blood kin.” Olistia sighed. “If an Illaminian robs or, Arceus forbid, kills an Arcean then you’d better believe the Illaminian community will protect them, keep the horrid guards and law enforcement away. ‘They’re all dirty Arceans, pit pillocks, out to get us Illamini’ they would say as a family grieves.”


    Olistia paused again, swirling her glass.


    “To say nothing of the riots, the crime sprees. Push them too hard, try to hold members to account for honest debt or actual justice and suddenly the streets are filled. Windows broken, shops looted, citizens hurt, standing proud together against those nasty Arceans.


    Olistia furrowed her brow.


    “And thus comes counter pushback from an already disgruntled Arcean populace. The back and forth seems almost inevitable. But I cheer on neither side.”


    Avery squirmed, listening to her. What she said certainly confirmed there was, at least, a reason for all this. Nobody was stupid, they had some reason. But…


    None of it sat right with Avery.


    Olistia was quiet a moment, sipping at her glass again.


    “Who was it you said had their house burnt down?” She asked.


    “…Sekura. A Mawile.” Avery said. “She was…Kind. Positive. Tried her absolute best to be a model Illamini op Arceali, as they say. She took pride in her debt job and normal job. She was…She was very kind to me.”


    He looked down.


    “…They were going to burn down Kellixae’s next. She has a child.”


    Olistia smiled warmly, a twinkle in her eye at the name.


    “…Sekura?” She breathed softly.


    Avery nodded. Olistia was quiet a moment before taking another sip of her Eksai.


    “Then Sekura shall be rewarded for being a model Illamini op Arceali.” Olistia said, flashing an orb to the helmeted servants, one of them approaching with a quill and parchment.


    Olistia leaned back, folding her hands together as she flashed very careful instructions with the orb, the helmetted servant scribbing the message onto a parchment.


    “I’ll be pulling together a meeting with officers from the Arceali Office of Army Engineers and the Office of Immigration to construct a new house with the assistance of the council members of the Architecture Guild.” Olistia said, looking back at Avery with a smile. “With no more house, their service debt shall be rescinded in full and their house shall be built in…”


    She clicked her tongue, smiling wider.


    “…the Lower Market district, let’s say. I’ve a mind for a nice, cozy spot on a good street, right down from a rather fantastic bakery.”


    Olistia’s crimson eyes glanced at Avery.


    “I’ll send for a summons for her in the coming days so we might get to work for her. I think Winovus owes me much for all the public works projects I’ve approved these last few years.”


    Avery let out a small sigh of relief.


    “…So she and her parents won’t be homeless,” Avery said quietly. “…What of the NAM though? They…When I tried to reprimand them they made it sound like they were invincible. Like they could do whatever they wanted, and the law wouldn’t touch them. Are… Are they right? “


    Olistia hummed lightly, but her smile did not falter..


    “I’ve heard of Gonzus and Yortzi. They certainly did not lie about their status nor position” Olistia said, swirling her drink, taking a sip. “Even with the implied sentencing of a guild member their incarceration could still be easily disputed by their organization…likely very successfully.”


    She took a breath, feeling the cool drink as she swallowed.


    “…but, just for you…I’ve convinced the Nationalist Arcean’s Movement council members and advisors to not file a dispute. They’ve allowed me to sanction the sentence and I have done so. Those two are in for good.” Olistia finished, smiling warmly at Avery.


    The Plusle let out a quiet sigh.




    Avery paused, just letting himself recover.


    “… I have… One more question. I don’t know if this is… Something confidential, but… Our current disaster. Xamao and the map. The pearls. Everything.”


    ‘Deep breath. Here we go…’


    “…He stole it.” Avery said at last. “He didn’t make it. You…Commissioned it, right? Why?”


    “For exactly the same reason we scramble for them now.” Olistia said, no hesitation. “These pearls are dangerous. They are weapons. And here we are now, rushing about as a madman with plans and designs totally unknown to us traipses around Arcea gathering them.”


    Olistia shrugged, as though what she were saying was obvious.


    “What then, when he has them?” She asked. “Am I to trust he will not use them out of the goodness of his heart? That this rouge, this Thieve’s Guild hooligan who, may I remind you, made an attempt on my life not but a few years ago, simply gathers these pearls for sport?”


    Olistia sipped her drink again, swallowing hard.


    “Even before making the map, those fiendish Treasure Guild Poke’mon were making moves and coming dangerously close to unearthing these powerfully dangerous artifacts.” Olistia explained. “The conduit that commissioned them from Arceus millions of years ago was a paranoid madwoman, the conduit that scattered the pearls afterwards was foolhardy and naïve. At least with them here in Arceliaze could they be properly buried, their usage made legally impossible.”


    Olistia chuckled.


    “No better lockbox than bureaucracy.” She said, swirling her glass. “And even if the birds were to be activated for some purpose, their operation could be split between vetted and trained individuals. They would be put under the command of disciplined military…rather than roadside bandits with delusions of grandeur and wealth like Xamao and his Thieves Guild cronies.”


    Avery nodded in recognition, seemingly satisfied.


    ‘… Well, not seemingly. That makes sense to me. If they’re scattered, someone might find them. If they exist, someone would feel temptation to take them. It makes sense for a government power like Olistia to want to be able to control them so that she could be sure nothing bad would happen. Olistia trusts herself. It’s natural. Maybe even a good idea.’


    …but something felt just the slightest bit off.


    … For now, Avery decided he would be satisfied with it. But if he’d learned anything, he’d learned that it’s best to get as many sides of the story as possible. So that he can best decide how to act.


    “I understand that. The Thieves Guild is…An odd case from what I’ve seen.” Avery said. “I don’t doubt that they’ve done bad things. Like…The assassination attempt, the Old Wanderer. I’m not about to apologize on their behalf. But…This is less about…honesty, and more just a question. I…Don’t know the answer, so…I’m wondering what you think.”


    Olistia nodded, gesturing for Avery to continue.


    “…Janus and Quayslaan didn’t like the guild for one reason or another.” Avery said. “So…why join the Thieves Guild? Why not just…Disappear south into Quayoffi? Quayslaan and Janus were stand-up people. They were good people. If the Thieves Guild is evil through and through…what would have convinced those two to join them?”


    The question was carefully phrased. Avery wasn’t entirely sure if the Thieves guild was evil through and through. But they did…try to kill Olistia. So arguing their case in front of her would be…to understate it, very rude.


    “You said they were trying to trick me in my dreams.” Avery added on. “Do you think the Thieves Guild tricked those two, from the moment they joined to today…? Even in the dungeon, Janus’s loyalty to them is…It’s very strong.”


    Olistia’s eyes seemed to twinkle.


    “Quayslaan joined them, too? What a shame.” The Gardevoir said mysteriously, finishing her drink. “He was strong of character, as was Janus. I watched them both grow up, after all, and watched them both vanish. And now I find them both stabbing me in the heart.”


    She sighed, pausing a moment..before reaching over to the bottle of Eksai and pouring herself another glass.


    “I can only imagine them tricked.” She continued one. “How else could something like a guild of thieves get their hooks into such just Poke’mon? If Janus and Quayslaan needed to drop from the guild, they’d hardly be the first…but I cannot fathom what profit they’ve been promised by…the Thieves Guild guildmaster. Deshuuna.”


    She took a sip of her drink again, looking off to the side with a furrowed expression.


    “It has to be Deshuuna…I know it is…” Olistia rumbled silently.


    There was a pause as Olistia slowly brought her gaze back to Avery.


    “But it wouldn’t be profit, no. Not with Janus and Quayslaan. They followed ideology. To that end, they follow Xamao, the Poke’mon now hunting the most dangerous weapons in all of Arcea…they follow for him for reasons of ideology.”


    Olistia looked at Avery gravely.


    “Does this illustrate how grim the situation is?” She said. “I hate to think I misjudged Janus’s and Quayslaan’s character but…I shudder to think what Xamao intends. And thusly…I refuse to give up, back down or otherwise de-prioritize these pearls and the capture of Xamao.”


    ‘…She knew they were people of merit. They wouldn’t follow for riches. But would they be tricked so easily for so long?


    …I’m not sure.


    …Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned Quayslaan’s name… But his partner. I’ll keep him quiet. For his sake. Both of theirs.’


    “…I’ve asked a lot of questions,” Avery said. “.. And…I don’t think they have been easy for you. I’m sorry for that. Is…”


    Avery let out a sigh.


    “…Is there anything you want to ask me?”


    The Gardevoir hummed at the question, but for a moment…said nothing.


    Olistia sighed, setting her glass down. She leaned forward, chin resting upon her hands, elbows on her knees, looking Avery over carefully and thoughtfully.


    “Only two things…” She began. “First…how reliable was that heatmap you got from Dovve Fo Uddjo? The one tracking Xamao?”


    ‘…Odd question.’


    “…As well as I could tell, it was pretty accurate.” Avery said. “At least, Malzena made it sound that way. It’s hard to verify exactly where he was, when the map was our only evidence. But it did say that he hadn’t been near the sites of the pearls despite knowing where they were for weeks. Considering how hard it was to retrieve the Lightning Pearl, it’s probably safe to assume the other two have similar defenses built into them.”


    Olistia moved a hand over by the glass…gently tracing a finger around the rim.


    The quiet, glassy sound was all that broke the silence for a while.


    Then…she spoke.


    “I had 30 teams of elites dispatched to the highest traffic areas, conducting 10 mile searches each for any and all encampments, bases, forts or otherwise owned by the thieves guild.”


    Olistia lifted her finger from the glass. The glassy ringing cut off.


    “Do you know what they found?”


    Avery’s heart skipped a beat.


    “That…you can’t mean…they didn’t find anything…?”


    “Nothing.” Olistia said. “Not a thing. Not one Poke’mon. Nothing but snuffed out fires and hastily discarded provisions, maybe some posts left behind. And not just temporary camps, but what looked to be more permanent bases were completely uprooted and abandoned.”


    Her eyes looked directly at Avery.


    “So they were there. The map was accurate…once. But it was as though…they knew we were coming.”


    Olistia leaned back.


    “I wonder…how does that happen…? I don’t know the answer…but perhaps I’d like your opinion.”


    Avery blinked.


    Frowned. Deepened.


    “…A leak.” He said quietly.


    Olistia stared for a moment longer…then only hummed in response.


    “I see…”


    She was quiet a moment, looking off to the side again…her expression much less readable now. Then, at last she turned back to Avery.


    “I think that’s all from me for now, Avery.” Olistia said, her warm smile returning to her face. “Is there anything else you’d like to ask me? I have a meeting arranged with the advisor and councilmembers of the Ironworks Guild this morning.”


    …Avery felt a little sick again.


    ‘Did I do something wrong…?’


    “I-I don’t know it’s a leak for sure!” He tried to hastily recover. “I don’t doubt any of my friends. All of them have been…so good to me. They’ve helped a lot. And I don’t want to say something like that lightly. It was just the first thing that came to mind. That someone knew the map was made, and told them. Unless they have a powerful psychic on their side too…”


    Avery sighed.


    “I don’t know. I’ll…I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve made your morning harder, Conduit. I hope your day improves from here.”


    “Oh not to worry, Avery. It’s the reality of work like this.” Olistia admitted, leaning over to pat the Plusle’s shoulder, a sunny smile on her face. “We’ll continue our search. Everything will be ok. For now, you have some relaxation to get to, don’t you?”


    The Gardevoir flashed a smile, standing up from the chair and flashing the orb to the helmeted servants. The both of them approached, circling around the chairs and toward the door, knocking on the surface, signalling the Ambipoms outside to open the doors back up.


    Immediately, Olista’s neutral expression returned as she put her hands behind her back. The soldiers outside came to attention, each of the Bisharp standing tall as Yurus, the escort, returned.


    “Avery of Azure, Hero of Arceus and esteemed team captain under the Arceali Guild, the meeting has been a pleasure.” Olistia said in her official tone. “You are dimissed. Yurus of Yahneri, you are cleared for escort back to the common area.”


    The Bisharp gave a half bow, hand upon his chest.




    The Bisharp rose and beckoned Avery follow.


    The Plusle arose as well.


    His heart was beating as fast and as loud as a bass drum, but…Avery had to keep his cool, even now. Olistia had put on her official veneer as the guards had come close, and he gave her another half-bow.


    “Thank you for your time, Conduit Olistia,” Avery said as he turned to follow the guard away from the castle.


    ‘…I have a few ideas of what to tell Vizon, at least.’


    The Bisharp led Avery from the drawing room, the Ambipom closing it off immediately to ready it for the next meeting, no doubt. Indeed, as Avery was led down the massive staircase he passed another Bisharp leading a group of well-dressed Poke’mon and their younger attendants walking up to meet with the Conduit. None of them even glanced down at Avery.


    Back the way he’d come, through the halls, seeing the bustling Poke’mon in the varying offices fill the hall more and more as the day picked up speed. Avery was getting out just in time, no doubt.


    At last, the Bisharp led the Plusle through the entrance and under the portcullis. At last, the sun shone upon Avery’s face, lightly warm in the chilled air.


    Mid-morning. The sky was a brilliant blue but it looked as though a few larger clouds were beginning to roll in, one of them partially blocking the sun, casting the city in light shade.


    Outside again, the Escavelier guards nodded to the Plusle as the Bisharp backed off.


    “A good day to you, master Avery of Azure.” The Bisharp said, dismissing Avery as he vanished back into the castle.


    Outside at last. The morning was still young


    Avery gave the retreating Bisharp a little nod.


    ‘So that was the conclusion of my first meeting with Olistia, the Conduit of Arceus.


    Deep breaths…


    …it was over.’


    Chapter 25





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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