The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 43





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    “Order up, #22”


    How ironic…


    The Espeon server telekinetically set two plates on the table, a huge stack of Pancakes for in front of Lahnae and a deluxe omelette and hash browns with juice for Avery.



    The diner was rather homely. The floor plan was spacious with many tables strewn about a wide area and many wood pillars holding up the ceiling. The entryway was a wide arch on the south side.


    It all seemed like a massive wood gazebo for 40 tables. By their table was an open-air window with a view of the Souljreini downtown area, all cobblestones and old, massive wood buildings, like if the X-Eye District had some actual care and funding put behind it. All of it was covered in early morning shadow, the air nice and crisp.


    The diner was higher up the hill, so Avery could people watch all he wanted while he ate, seeing pedestrians and carriages move across the roads.


    And across from him, Lahnae, his girlfriend as of last night, was already messily stuffing her face with pancakes, syrup dribbling down her beaks, as though the hearty meal could banish the terrifying morning. She was certainly savoring being in good company in the safety of Downtown, it seemed.


    Avery poked lightly at his omelette and hash browns, eating in silence for a bit to stave off the hunger pangs.


    But even after he’d started to slow down, he found his mind returning to that house.


    ‘I…I have to tell Vizon about it, don’t I? But what am I supposed to say? How do you tell someone that their house and family don’t exist?


    Avery stared down into the cup of juice, wryly wishing it was filled with totter instead.




    Lahnae coughed, beating on her chest, trying to work down a bite that was way too big and hastily wiping her mouth with a napkin.


    Still halfway to go.


    The Torchic let out a defeated sigh, setting her fork on the plate and taking a look out the window, staring at the buildings outside and all their flair and flourish, carved and painted and beautiful.


    She was quiet a moment, just taking a rest.


    But it didn’t last long.


    “Man…” The Torchic grunted with a swallow, eyes flicking around the buildings. “…we’re so far out from Arceliaze, did everything we could to get away from it…”


    Lahnae paused…and rolled her eyes, slumping in her seat.


    “…and it just came and found us.” She huffed, sinking a little downward. “…this sucks.


    Those words…shot a pang in Avery’s heart.


    Just from how…familiar it felt.


    “…Lahnae,” Avery said carefully. His voice was low. “…Lahnae, are…are you sure you want to…start a relationship like this with me?”


    The Torchic perked up, brow furrowed. Avery looked back up at her.


    “And- and please, don’t just…don’t just charge forward like I know you can,” Avery said before Lahnae could speak. “I…I want you to think about this. This is…this-“


    He gestured to himself. To the city.


    “This is what being with me is like.” He said, defeated. “This is what Vizon had to deal with all the time, up until the moment I stopped telling him. This is what he couldn’t handle. The lies, the secrets, the things that nobody, not even I can comprehend. I don’t know if he’s fake. I don’t know if I’m fake. And we’re…”


    Avery leaned forwards.


    “…We might be going up against the Conduicy, Lahnae.” He continued. His voice was shaking. “I-I don’t expect you to abandon that, if that’s what happens. But…but if we get close…if we really get close, then…then they might use that against us. They might force us into stupid decisions because we’re in love with each other. We can wait. We can wait until this is all over, before we start anything.”


    He squirmed, shutting his eyes tight.


    “I-I don’t…I don’t want to make your life worse.”




    Lahnae huffed, sitting up in the chair, leaning on the table. She had a look on her face like she was deep in thought.


    “…I…” She paused, her eyes wandering again. “…Yeah…that’s starting to become clear to me. Like…I didn’t know how deep this whole thing went, I sorta figured if there was anything dangerous I could just barrel through it like I normally do anything else.”


    She was quiet again. A wing brushed over her fork, softly tapping it on the porcelain plate.


    “…but if I’m being honest? I always suspected you’d be hard to be friends with…and especially be in a relationship with.” Lahnae said, looking up at you. “Ever since the first night we hung out…there at Old Banitus’s Hazelnut.”


    She gave a light chuckle, her eyes returning to the plate of food.


    “…you didn’t bat an eye at an Illaminian in the Market District. Didn’t think anything weird, didn’t even know the difference between Illaminamo and Arcea…” Lahnae sighed.


    She let go of the fork. It gave a sharp clink on the plate.


    “…most Poke’mon like that don’t last long, Aves.” Lahnae said, staring at the fork. “They either change their tune, leave…or get real unlucky. But I’m already used to being unlucky.”


    She lifted her head, her face serious. Maybe even stoic.


    “…I’ll handle it.” Lahnae said. “I’m with you until the end.”


    Avery was silent for a while.


    Mulling that over.


    That Lahnae knew, at least a little, what she was getting herself into.


    “Part of me hopes that I’m not a Hero of Arceus. I hope that Arceus isn’t even involved in any of this. Because…because if what these people are doing to those people is baked into his vision for this world…if what he’s done to me, what he’s done to Vizon really was him…”


    Avery gripped his fork.


    “…Then I guess we’ve got another god we have to bring low, huh…?”


    There wasn’t any mirth to Avery’s voice. His eyes were focused on the juice, and his reflection within it. His mouth was stretched into a hard, thin line.


    Lahnae looked at Avery seriously, leaning forward. She folded her wings under her chin…


    …and smiled.


    “…bring ’em on.” She whispered.


    Avery didn’t smile back. Not really. There was one tugging on his lips, but it felt fake.


    Still, there was a small bit of warmth in him from how she spoke. How even now, she was ready.


    “…’S there anything else you want to do in Souljraan, then?”


    Lahnae hummed, picking her fork back up and digging it into her stack of pancakes.


    “Nope.” She said plainly, stuffing another wad of the fluffy food into her beak. “The break was fun but we’ve got work to do, Aves. And we’ll do it together, alright?”


    She swallowed hard, giving the Plusle a reassuring smile.


    “So, first thing when we get back, what’s the plan for today, huh?”


    “…” Avery leaned back in his chair, rolling his eyes. “Speaking of the city coming to us. I’ve got a banquet to go to. With none other than Deshuuna herself.”


    “Ohhh shoot, right.” Lahnae winced as he brought it up. “Arceus, I forgot all about that. What’s she want with you?”


    She paused for a moment, scarfing down another bite of the food.


    “…hang on, now that I think about it, didn’t you get two invitations for that? You thinking of taking anyone with you?”


    “I think that invitation isn’t as free as I think it is,” Avery said with a dry laugh. “I think I’m going to that banquet with our favourite ex-member of Azure.”


    “Oh, Jolvia? Why, what for?” Lahnae asked, cocking her head to the side. “You think she’s gunna have time to go to a banquet tonight?”


    Avery’s heart skipped a beat.


    ‘Oh…she didn’t know.’


    “…I guess if I’m going to let you in on everything, I should let you in on everything.” Avery sighed, leaning forward and resting his cheek on a hand. “…Jolvia was the last straw for Vizon’s and my relationship. She…”


    Avery’s ears sunk, and he lowered his voice once again.


    “…She was the mole.”


    Lahnae slumped in her seat in disbelief, the smile on her face more out of sheer overwhelmed exasperation.


    “Arceus alive, it’s one thing after another, huh??” She laughed, raking her wing through her head feathers and looking up at the ceiling. “Is that why Vizon was acting so shifty about her? Why she left out of nowhere? Why…”


    She puffed out a breath, embers fluttering out her beak.


    “…why we failed at Lightning Wastes, because they knew we’d be there?” She sighed sadly, looking back down at Avery.


    She let that hang in the air a moment before rolling her eyes as well.


    Man…you’re really bottling up a lot, huh…?” The Torchic sighed, leaning on the table. “…how long did you know…? What was she after? Was she, like…really working for the Thieves Guild…?”


    “I found out after Lightning Wastes,” The Plusle said, shaking his head. “She wanted to meet with Janus. I obliged, and…it turned out it was because she hated lying to me, and thought I might be able to help. And to her credit, I did.”


    Avery looked up to her.


    “Though, it’s more complex than just, ‘working for the Thieves’ Guild’. The Thieves Guild itself is fractured in two. There was Xamao’s side, who wanted all the pearls themselves, like Olistia. And then there was the faction that Jolvia worked for, who wanted to force a stalemate. She came to me after the Thieves’ Guild had a pearl, to make sure that we’d get the next one. So nobody could use the birds.”


    Avery grunted, slumping a little.


    “And…and it sucks, because she cared about me…! About us, about the guild….! Not…not Olistia, not the Conduicy. But…me, you, the others. Hell, I think she even feels for Sarfallinus. But…I always had an inkling that there was something going on with her. She always seemed to know what was going on before anyone else did. And I always had the distinct feeling that she wasn’t working for us at all.”


    His fingers drummed on the table.


    “…Is it bad that I kind of miss her?” Avery asked quietly.


    “No. Cuz I do, too.” Lahnae said at once. “…she helped save Nivanee’s life. I really doubt Thundurus was part of some Thieves guild scheme, that took us all by surprise. If Jolvia was working for a bunch of evil thieves she could have just let Nivanee die and made things easier for herself.”


    Lahnae shook her head.


    “Whatever her goals, Jolvia’s a good person. That’s all there is to it.” The Torchic said, finishing off another huge bite of pancake. “She kept her promise, too. We’ve got a Pearl, and now Olistia can’t use the bird and neither can Xamao.”


    She paused…and looked at Avery sheepishly.


    “Huh…is it bad I’m kind of on Jolvia’s side with this one?” The Torchic laughed quietly, gulping down the final bites of her food. “I trust you and I trust her. So if Vizon found out…I guess he wasn’t happy. Which probably means Jolvia might be laying low. D’you know where you could find her?”


    Avery nodded.


    “She told me where I could find her.” He said, crossing his arms. “I’ve been there before. She and Rikzyod are pretty close too, so if I needed to I could probably find her through him. But…I know where she spends a lot of her evenings. I’m…probably going to be taking her. If she doesn’t have an invite already.”


    “Alright, cool, that’ll be smart.” Lahnae nodded, pushing the now empty plate aside. “You and Jolvia can see what Deshuuna wants…”


    She thought for a bit, then leaned forward.


    “So what about me? Anything you want me to take care of while you’re doing that?” Lahnae asked. “You can count on me!”


    Avery finished off his bit of omelette, and thought about it.


    “…I’ll keep you posted,” he promised. “but for now I can’t really think of anything at the moment. I really am trying to think of this as a break, hah…”


    “Alright, but you just tell me if anything crops up, I’ll be there so fast it’d make your HEAD SPIN.” Lahnae snickered, thumping her chest with a wing. “I’ll probably just bug Loshjno or Kipuuna and see if I can’t tag along with them or something.”


    She stood up, wiping her mouth off quickly with a napkin.


    “Alright…! No time like the present, then. Ready to head back home?”


    “I guess so,” Avery said, getting up from the table. He left the money for the bill (plus tip) on the table, and picked up his camping pack. “…Let’s go home.”


    Lahnae picked up her pack as well, looking back at Avery. She tried to give an encouraging bump on the side, anything to lift the Plusle’s spirits…


    …to just let him know he wasn’t alone.


    “Yeah! Arceliaze HERE WE COME!” Lahnae cheered (much to the annoyance of the other customers) as the two marched out of the Souljreini diner and out into the downtown.



    It was late morning, approaching noon already. It was mutually agreed upon (with some reluctance from Lahnae) for the both of them to take a carriage back, likely to avoid any further running through farmer’s property in the Souljreini valley.


    The two nestled up into the carriage from Souljraan, sitting next to one another with their packs under the seat. It was a covered carriage, with a single glass lantern hanging above from the wood supports. A Croconaw sat beside Avery, to his right while a Cacturne was fast asleep in the seat across from Lahnae.


    And for a long while…the pair simply rode along. Feeling the bumps and jolts of the dirt road from down the hills of Souljraan through the forest pathway…


    …they likely crossed the point where Avery had first stepped on the carriage and met Vizon.


    Except this time was real.


    A brief flash of Deja Vu as Avery watched the path nestled between Tall Woods and Breezy Plains sliding away from him as the carriage continued on…it gave him a warm feeling of just…starting over.


    Lahnae leaned against the Plusle. It didn’t even seem like she realized she was doing it.


    The carriage bounced, and everyone grabbed a rope hanging from above.


    Avery did too, using his other arm to hang onto Lahnae.


    He hadn’t been on one of these things for a while. Avery had seen them on and off, especially during their investigation of the Breezy Plains. But this was nostalgic in a way.


    ‘I’ll have to tell Vizon. Probably tonight, with Nivanee. I’m not looking forward to it, but…


    … It might be best to present the facts and let them come to their own conclusions. Maybe they’ll come up with something more reasonable than I did.



    How am I going to spin breaking into his parents’ house?’


    Lahnae nestled securely into Avery as the carriage tilted, the carriage descending the Arceali valley. Gravity pressed him into the Torchic’s side, which she accepted happily.


    The warmth helped comfort him during the discomforting thoughts.


    Eventually, just as before, the slant evened out. The familiar rumbles and shouts of the big city returned, now even more noticeable after a night in the quiet mountains.


    Lahnae stroked Avery’s hand in her wing a little, quietly enjoying the ride as the carriage rattled over cobblestone for a time. The Plusle could see pedestrians out the back. The telltale signs of the lower market district, until the carriage finally pulled into a station.


    “DEPOT 41! DEPOT 41!” The carriage puller, a Mudsdale, shouted from the front. “Please make sure y’got all belongings before disembarking! Next ride up to Yahneri Port leaving upon the final sand falling in the glass!!”


    Lahnae hummed, reaching down and grabbing her pack, along with all the other passengers getting their stuff. Avery thought it funny how now he did have belongings this time around to take with him.


    He and Lahnae hopped out, freely dropped off onto the streets of Arceliaze, passing by another group looking to embark to Yahneri.


    The sights…the sounds…the opulent buildings, the cobblestone roads, the fountains and gardens and massive crowds of Poke’mon.


    As they stepped out into the spring air, Avery knew:


    They were back.


    “… Alright, I’m going to drop this stuff off at the guild, and then probably do some tutoring with Sekurae and Kellixae.” Avery pause for a moment. “If you don’t have anything going on, you could come if you want?”


    “Ooo…!” Lahnae readjusted her pack. “Yeah, dude! I’m game! Been wanting to meet Sekura anyway!”


    The Torchic took a look around the street, trying to get her bearings.


    “Uh…okay, I think this is…yeah, it’s just up north.” She pointed up towards the looming visage of Windscorch mountain, down the road.


    She kept the conversation going even as she turned down and began moving up towards the Market District.


    “So Sekura’s the…book seller, right? I met your banker, the Flaaffy, way back when.” She began, trudging up the road with you.


    “Yeah, that’s her,” Avery said. “The Mawile. She’s the one who had her house burned down a while ago. She’s really nice…! Pretty big fan of the guild. She…”


    His pace slowed, and he brought a hand to his head.


    “…Aaaactually maybe I shouldn’t bring you to see them just yet, haaa-” Avery laughed quietly…nervously.


    “Whaaat, why not? What’s wrong??” Lahnae asked, leaning forward. “Did something happen? I mean, besides the house burning down. Wait-“


    Her feathers puffed up, a look both concerned and indignant flashed across her face.


    “Y’think they’d think I’d torch their house, too? Cuz I’m a fire-type??”


    “NO-“ Avery’s eyes went wide. “N-nothing like that! No, no no, just-“


    Avery groaned into his hands.


    “Gehh…since we’re together now…if Sekurae and Kellixae find out they’re never going to let me hear the end of it-“


    Lahnae stopped, her face falling a little.


    Then her eyes squinted.


    A wry smile spread eerily over her face as she leeeeaned in.


    “What’s wroooong Averryyy~? Y’can’t handle some teasing from bein’ all kissy-kissy goo-goo with me?” The Torchic whispered venomously, taunting him as she preeeessed in closer. “Imagine the both of them tittering and laughing while we’re there canoodling each otherrrr!!”


    “You don’t know them you don’t know what they’re like-” Avery hissed, pushing her face away as he hid his own with his other hand. “I’d be doing you a service, trust me-!”


    “HEHEHEHE, C’mon, Aves, you handle me just fine!!” Lahnae snickered, hassling Avery as he pushed her face away. “And as if the guild ain’t gunna be asking whether or not we kissed~!!”


    The Torchic gleefly laughed, lightly wrassling with Avery as they walked down the road. At last, Lahnae backed off, smirking coyly and casually marching alongside.


    “C’mooon, how bad could it possibly be?”


    Avery looked at her, seeing the smirk in her face. But her eyes still carried a weight to them.


    The thoughts of what they’d both seen in Souljraan were still swirling around Avery’s head. If he had to guess, it was the same for Lahnae.


    They were here now. The city had come with them in Souljraan and now they were facing it without fear. Lahnae was back to her jovial self, maybe forcing herself to be so, just to get their minds off of this.


    They’d deal with it. They’d address it when it came. For now…they had to rest.


    So Avery played along…and took the Torchic’s challenge.


    “…Alright, you wanna see how bad it’s going to be?” Avery gave Lahnae a look, and grabbed her wing. “Let’s find out…!”




    Lahnae was shocked the moment Avery took charge, dragging her forward now. Her grin widened, she seemed ecstatic at what she was seeing.


    “Awww, Averyyy you’re holding my haaand, oh nooooo~!” The Torchic laughed as he pulled her along through the Market District and towards the bookstore.


    As expected, there at the end of the road from the One Truth Square, was the bookstore. Avery smirked, committed to this now, just as much as Lahnae was.


    “Good morning, Sekurae-!” The Plusle shouted as they approached.


    Even from this distance he could see the Mawile tending to the stock, only perking up at the sound of Avery’s voice. The pair rushed ahead once they were noticed, ducking around passerby.


    “Oh, good morning, Avery!” The woman’s voice called as she pushed aside a stack and leaned on the counter. “Are you back from Souljraan~? I had heard from Kellixae you were taking a tr-“


    The Mawile stopped herself, seeing Lahnae trailing behind the Plusle with a cocky smirk on her beak.


    “Well, good morning, Lahnae…!!” Sekura called in surprise. “Something tells me your trip went well, hm?”


    “Ohhh, why don’t you tell her, Aves, huh?” The Torchic snickered.


    Avery huffed through his nose.


    “You’re going to regret this Lahnae I swear-“


    With that, Avery whirled around to face Sekura, chin up.


    “…Sekura-!” Avery began. Chest puffed, confident and clear as he said to her: “Lahnae and I are an item.


    Six words.


    Like a magic spell had been cast the atmosphere thickened.


    Both Lahnae and Avery as well as Sekura went silent, the three just staring at one another across the counter.


    Lahnae grinned, silently snickering, watching the Mawile with rapt interest whilst Avery simply stood, waiting.


    Sekura mouthed the word ‘item’ silently to herself, her eyes slowly going wide.


    Lahnae, as though doing everything she could to make it as bad as she possibly could, leaned over and kissed Avery on the cheek, nuzzling into him.


    “He’s my Spark of Joooy~!” The Torchic cooed the pet name she made up on the spot, laying on the shmaltz as thick as possible. Funny considering Avery knew she wasn’t a big fan of shmaltz and pet names.


    But, as ever, Lahnae never half-assed a thing in her life.


    “Spark of- are you kidding me-” Avery looked at Lahnae, aghast-


    Sekura’s eyes went even wider.


    And then the siren went off.


    The Mawile’s hands clasped together as her pupils dilated to twice their size, sparkling with wonder and joy. A noise crept from her throat, quiet at first, then rising up and up until it became the highest pitch most screeching squeal of excitement and adoration.


    “Oh my GOODNESS!!!” Sekura cried, bouncing in place. “Wuo fai toivi DUTO EFUSECOMI!!! KELLIXAE MUST HEAR AT ONCE!!!!”


    A determined looked flashed across the Torchic’s face.


    And a look of horror crossed Avery’s as he desperately tried to get off the subject.


    “W-well, and! And! Related to that-!” He scrambled. “I was wondering if Lahnae and I could sit in on Illaminian tutoring maybe if you and-slash-or Kellixae are free-“


    He was quickly regretting his decision to play chicken with these two.


    Lahnae’s grin turned WICKED. She WON at being ooey-gooey!!!


    And didn’t seem to care about the cost of victory.


    “Oh my goodness yes of COURSE!!” Sekura squealed, clapping her hands together. “Qeqe can run the store, absolutely! Oh we simply must find Kellixae right away! She should likely be finishing up her bank stand job soon. She told me the store manager at her other job is on holiday for the week so she’d be free, too!!”


    The Mawile wiggled excitedly with her hands clasped together, clearly lost in adoration. Lahnae, cheekily, firmly held Avery’s hand.


    Oooooh she must see the both of you!! You are such a cute couple!! And your colors match and oh my goodness, i qsuqsou duni ap sunepbu sute dji ju mivvu fe sehebbope!!!”


    Without any hesitation, Sekura bounded away from the counter. Avery could hear her hurriedly talking to her father in Illaminian, shuffling in the back to gather her belongings. Meanwhile, Lahnae smirked at the Plusle.


    See? that wasn’t so bad! A buncha cooing ain’t NOTHING.”


    “…Half wishing I was an amorphous shadow monster with a thousand arms so I could wring you out like a soaked dish towel,” Avery said, giving Lahnae a little glare.


    “Hehehehe, maybe you could just get on my level of cringe-inducing gushy romance talk, rival.” The Torchic snarked back, bumping Avery’s side with a laugh which he couldn’t help but share.


    This was good.


    This was a nice escape.


    Avery’s anxiety about Vizon could wait. Just for a moment longer. It could wait.


    The door to the book store FLEW open with a shuddering BANG against the wall. Sekura stumbled out hastily, a sun hat sitting lopsided upon her head and satchel near to slipping from her shoulder. She brushed herself off, almost skipping over to the pair.


    “The Illaminian guard has been relaxing more today.” Sekura said with a smile. “I should be able to get the both of you into the District no problem~! Oh..! OH! AVERY!! Would you like a date at the fire grill!? Illamini Op Arceali youths do so love to bring their most treasured Poke’mon to Olkae’s Fire Grill. Oh the blaze of fire warms every couple’s heart~!”


    “Ohhhhh, that sounds fuuuun, right, Aves~?” Lahnae side-eyed the Plusle with a grin. “Dunno about tonight, buuuuut…~”


    “The Fire Grill?” Avery echoed, and his eyes lit up in recognition. “Oh, yes! Absolutely! I’ve been wanting to take Lahnae there since I first went…! It was such a great experience the first time-“


    He turned to Lahnae energetically.


    “Have you ever been?” Avery asked. “The food’s amazing, and – I mean I guess it’s less impressive when you can make fire yourself, but seeing everything cook like that is an experience all on its own. That’d be great, if we could go sometime…!”


    There was a part of him trying to ride past the gushy stuff – but Avery really was excited about going back to the grill with Lahnae.


    “Yeah, I’ve never been there! Banitus would tell me about it sometimes but…” Lahnae waved a wing dismissively with a chuckle. “…it was also kinda implied that you needed an escort to go there, ya know? Kind of an exclusive place.”


    That was certainly a polite way to put it.


    “Well, I should be happy to be your ‘escort’~!” Sekura clasped her hands together, eyes sparkling as she looked at the two of them. “Simply name a day and we’ll be off!”


    The Mawile gave a wave to her father who gave a hearty ‘good bye’ right back, leaving the three to make the trek southward to the Illaminian district, snaking through more narrow roads of the Market district, near residential buildings.


    All the while, Lahnae and Sekura chattered, seeming to get along famously.


    “Yeah, I only met Kellixae once, right before Lightning Wastes. She seemed cool!”


    “Oh Lightning Wastes. Avery told me of that adventure. Terrifying! I should think it’ll make for an excellent story!”


    “Oh year I was totally scared for my life but, hey! That’s guild work for you! Heheheheheh.”


    “Jeez, I hope it’s not ‘just guild work’,” Avery huffed, crossing his arms. “At this rate I’m going to get arthritis by the time I turn thirty.”


    The Plusle stretched his arms over his head as they walked, taking in the difference in the city bit by bit. Not to let it get to him, just…to notice how it’s doing.


    “Hah! C’mon, it’s what Guild Work is all about!! Bring it on!” Lahnae cheered. “No more EASY JOBS for TEAM SPADE!”


    “My, Lahnae, you always make me feel foolish for reading those periodicals.” Sekura laughed to herself. “You’re thrice the woman they make you out to be!”


    The Torchic stumbled very briefly. It was subtle, none but Avery probably even noticed, the way the Torchic’s bouncing rhythm caught for a second before continuing.


    “Uh, yeah! Totally!! Those pencil-pushers dunno what they’re talking about..!!” Lahnae said, cheerfully. Maybe too cheerfully, but she was back to being herself in a split second after.


    “Though for Avery’s sake, yes,” Sekura sighed, settling her hands at her front. “Let us have no more ‘fighting gods’. I would rather my friends be safe and well.”


    Naaaawww, he can handle it!!”


    “Oh no doubt but…” Sekura brushed one of her bangs back. “…well! Hearing of near-death adventures through reading is one thing, but hearing of them first-hand from a friend becomes worrying.”


    “Ohhh, yeah, right.” Lahnae laughed, seemingly realizing what Sekura meant.


    The walk through the south-western part of the Market District was interesting to Avery as it wasn’t a part of the city he’d seen before. He typically always went straight south to the Lower Market District, trailing towards the business area.


    But here in the residential section of the Market District Avery could see more parks. Towering apartments cast deep blue shadows over the street, giving it a comfy, boxed-in feeling. The noise of the city was fairly drowned out here, making it more quiet than much of Arceliaze. Above, he could see stone catwalks between buildings that ran above the street, decorated with flowers and hanging lanterns. The apartments each had balconies with entrances inside the buildings.


    They even passed by what looked to be a school, surrounded by a high white wood wall and painted in dignified gold.


    Everything was clean. No broken windows. No trash on the street. No signs of rioting. No, this place was entirely untouched.


    As the three passed the southwestern gate into the Lower Market district, Avery could tell they were getting closer to the Illaminian district. The path to the Lower Market District led through a park, densely packed with trees and fountains, like a slice of the forests outside the city here in Arceliaze. The path snaked side to side…


    …and the trees served a visual barrier between the Market District and the Lower Market district’s buildings.


    Indeed, once he saw them, Avery could tell it was very near to the Illaminian district. While there were a few fancy bars and fine eateries, it wasn’t long before the cobblestone roads took the trio to an area with darkened and forgotten buildings, with vines creeping up the bricks.


    And Sekura seemed very familiar with the route, not batting an eye towards any of it.


    The trees in the park…yet another degree of separation baked into this city. Hopefully it was something more visual than something that the people themselves enforced. The activity in the Lower Market District those few times Avery’d been had given the Plusle hope.


    But…if that same mindset bled into the upper markets…well, that’d be nice, too.


    “Do you know what Loshjno was up to yesterday while you and I were camping, Lahnae?” Avery asked, turning to the Torchic. “I don’t know how much you and he know of each others’ plans. Vizon’s been hanging out with Team Ganusi quite a bit from what I know, and Niv’s been helping with the restoration efforts from the broken property. She’s…”


    Avery smiled a little.


    “…She’s doing better. I’d like to take her to the Lower Market District sometime, or maybe Banitus’s shop?”




    Lahnae hissed quietly, looking up at the sky, flicking her headfeathers as she walked.


    “I dunno…maybe!!” She said hastily, as though catching herself. “I only took her once and…well! You know how Nivanee is. Was? I hope it’s ‘was’.”


    Sekura cocked an eyebrow, leaning over to look at the Torchic who seemed to be getting more visibly uncomfortable and deeper in thought.


    “I talked with her a bit ago,” Avery replied. “…I think it’s ‘was’, this time.”


    “How is she…?” Sekura asked curiously.


    “She’s doing okay…!” The Plusle turned to Sekura. “The mission in Yahneri Port took a lot out of all of us, so I’m pretty sure she’s glad to just be doing local volunteer work at the moment.”


    Lahnae audibly sighed with relief but Sekura did not catch it. The Mawile looked back at Avery with a smile as the group approached the entrance to the district.


    “That certainly sounds like the Nivanee I read about~!” Sekura said. “No job too big or small for her, hm hm?”


    “Yeah…!” Lahnae laughed, beaming, trying to keep chipper. “Once me n’ Losh get on our roll we’ll be doing community service until our ARMS FALL OFF.”


    Sekura giggled softly at the enthusiasm but said no more as the gate came into view. The cobblestone roads were quickly deteriorating in quality, and the ivory wall loomed every closer with every step. Sekura sighed, taking a few steps ahead of the other two to lead them to the Illaminian District North Gate.


    Just like that night Avery had approached the wall himself, he could see a makeshift barricade blocking the entrance, made out of a few stacked boxes and what looked to be someone’s front door that’d be taken off the hinges and used as the entrance. A pair of Poke’mon, a Rampardos and an Azumarill, stood on either side of the barricade, farming tools in hand. They both looked stoic and put on a show of strength with their chests puffed out.


    As the three approached, Avery could see rotten food littering the street, and a few flecks of grime and mud on the bodies of these guards…and even a drew drops of blood on them…and their tools.


    The moment Avery got closer, and noticed…everything his brows furrowed in concern. At first he thought they might have just been heckled, but- no, they looked injured.


    Lahnae paused her bouncing, her face evening out as she stepped closer to Avery. No badges, the two looked like a normal pair of Poke’mon.


    “Gisnesi! vo wifu… ah!” The Rampardos relaxed his postured, watching the Mawile approach with a small smile. “Sekurini, pup vo ju soduputdoavu qis ap nunipvu. Djo jeo qusvevu?”


    “Fai noio enodo!” Sekura said in a cheery voice, gesturing back at Avery and Lahnae. She stepped aside so the guard could see the both of them, prompting Lahnae to stand up straight. The Plusle stood up straight as well, but…


    ‘Well, I packed first aid for the camping trip – it might be a bit presumptuous, but if they allowed it I could spare a few bandages, right…?’


    For now, though, Avery said nothing as Sekura continued:


    “Arceali, ne poipvi qease, pup tveppu dup raimmo dji do feppu getvofou.”


    The pair of guards eyed the two guild Poke’mon with a mixture of curiosity…and caution.


    “Ap hsaqqu je disdevu fo evveddesdo qsuqsou use…” The Azumarill said, his voice grave. His brow was knit tight, the distrust on his face evident. “O fosohipvo fotvsivvaemo tupu qsiuddaqevo. Me woumipbe fo tumovu pup fase duto e maphu fuqu ap dupgmovvu.”


    “Uj nou Fou… tio gisovu?” Sekura asked, hands clasped to her chest as she stepped forward, leaning in to look over the Rampardos. The dragon Poke’mon smiled and laughed, waving her away.


    “Pup vinisi, dese Sekurini.” The Rampardos said with a cocky grin. “Pup i om nou tephai.”




    The Rampardos gave a good natured laugh, turning to his Azuramarill companion whose expression of distrust remained unchanged.


    “Vassopini, pup cotuhpe ittisi qsafipvo.” The Rampardos assured, waving a hand. “Fuquvavvu, ti Tilase vse vavvi mi qistupi pup je nuvowu fo tutqivvesi fo raitvo fai, emmuse pinnipu puo.”


    Lahnae perked up, looking hopeful. The Azurmarill sneered.


    “Disvenipvi mu tqisu.” The Azurmarill said with a grunt. “Qisdji soduputdu raitvo fai… Homfe Arceali.”


    “Ne pinnipu fe tivvi eppo ge.”




    Lahnae squinted her eyes, looking a little…taken aback and confused. However, the Azurmarill stepped to the side, knocking on the door on the barricade. There was a click and a Pawmo on the other side opened it for the three. Sekura sighed in relief, patting the Rampardos on the arm and whispering something to him to which he whispered back, prompting the Mawile to nod.


    “Come now, you two. We’re allowed in.” Sekura said, turning back to Lahnae and Avery with a warm smile. “Do follow me, of course.”


    Avery nodded, giving the guards a nod. As they passed, Avery looked to the Rampardos.


    “…The, uh…the blood. Do you need a bandage?” The Plusle gestured to his bag. “I have first aid, I could give you a roll. Disinfectant.”


    The larger Poke’mon looked down at him, confused.


    “Eh…?” The Rampardos looked up at Sekura. “Sekurini, dute je fivvu?”


    “Oh, eh…” Sekura smiled, gesturing to Avery. “No tvewe djoifipfu ti wumiwo fim fotopgivvepvi.”


    The Rampardos laughed heartily, shaking his head and waving Avery off.


    “Ej! Duni ifadevu! Wifisi? Pamme fe vinisi!” The Rampardos’s voice was loud and boisterous, echoing off the dilapidated buildings as he spoke to his Azumarill companion, then back to the Mawile. “Sekurini, qauo foshmo dji pup i om nou tephai. No gese tincsesi ap fasu.”


    Sekura rolled her eyes, then looked back to the Plusle.


    “Never fear, Avery. It isn’t his blood.”


    Avery’s eyes went wide for a moment…and he smiled a little, flexing his arm a bit.


    “Ah, you show ’em then…!” He figured they didn’t speak Arcean, so…


    ‘…Shoot, what was goodbye. How did you say goodbye-‘


    “E…Esso…Essowidifo-? Essowidifo-!”


    ‘That didn’t sound…entirely right, but it was close, right?’


    The Rampardos snickered while the Azumarill stifled his own laugh, looking away and trying to keep his stoic demeanor.


    The larger dragon took a step back, cocked his head backwards and ROARED.




    The ground SHOOK! The buildings SHUDDERED! The Pawmo on the other side of the door clutched his head, swearing in his native tongue whilst Sekura only clapped and laughed!



    Avery stood in mild shock from the roar, both in awe and-




    “…FISDO-“ He hissed it almost as if it were a swear, cursing himself for getting it wrong. “Essowifisdo-“


    Avery shook his head and laughed at his own mistake. “Essowifisdo!!”


    “Essowifisdo~!!” Sekura said as well to the guards.


    “Essowifisdo!” Lahnae YELLED back, though hardly at the Rampardos’s intensity, try as she might.


    With the goodbye settled, Sekura led the pair through the door, the Pawmo closing and locking it tight the moment Lahnae crossed the threshold.


    And at last…


    They were back in the Illaminian district. Avery shook his head in a mixture of shame and humor.


    “Learning a new language is going to take me a while, I think-“


    “As does every child struggle to learn their native tongue!” Sekura said, waving away the worry. “And it is not like every Illamini Op Arceali learns Arcean fully. We do what we can!”


    The Mawile stepped over a large stone in the dirt path. It looked to be an upturned piece of cobblestone which would explain the many Potholes. However, now that Avery looked at it…he noticed many of the homes and buildings nearest the wall were all mostly unoccupied. Rotting and broken down.


    It wasn’t until they walked deeper into the Illaminian district that the road evened out with some fresh dirt and gravel with makeshift torches lining the road.


    Avery at last began to see occupied cabins and tall, old looking brick buildings that looked abandoned and burnt-out. Faded signs with peeling paint and yellowed posters in Illaminian.


    Avery had never come through the district on this road before.


    But, looking closely…looking at all the buildings and broken signs and hanging chains and brick structures collapsed…


    …the peeling paper signs with colors long since washed out and rained on…


    …bricks soaked and darkened…


    …metal lamposts collapsed and twisted and broken…


    …He could see the ghost of what must have once been a very different Illaminian district.


    The old business buildings haphazardly intermingled with the residential buildings, sometimes even being one in the same, with many homes turned into little out-of-the-way snack shops or other services.


    All the signs were in Illaminian, for nobody else would ever come here.


    ‘…If it wouldn’t have possibly the worst optics known to man I’d want to spearhead some Illaminian District restorations myself. That’d be a really nice undertaking for me with my hard work over. Working with the people of this district to give their old buildings a fresh coat of paint, fix the holes, restore it to what it must have been long ago.


    But alas, I’m de facto an Arcean. I wasn’t born here, but…I live here.


    Maybe someday.’


    Sekura waved merrily to the Poke’mon she passed and they waved back. Avery could see many of them held farming tools in hand from hoes to scythes to shovels and rakes, with others still simply relying on their own natural strength as they stood guard by different shops, watching as children squealed and played between the old crumbling buildings.


    And that was all there was. Only these regular Poke’mon and those that were armed against the rest of the city.


    Just as Avery caught a glimpse of a hooded Poke’mon between two buildings, shrouded in shadow, Sekura’s voice perked up.


    “Kellixae is home, but Guluso…ah, the Rampardos we talked to, he told me she plans to visit my mother alongside a few fellow countrymen.” She said, giving another wave to a few teen Poke’mon as they passed. “We should be able to catch her on her way out.”


    “Your mother? Where at??” Lahnae asked, cocking her head to the side. The Arcean being spoken raised a few eyebrows and garnered a few whispers, but they shut down with an assuring look from the Mawile.


    “At my house, of course! Or, what there is so far of it. She has turned it into…something of a meeting place.” Sekura explained.


    “Oh, really? We get to see your new home?” Avery asked, brightening at the prospect.


    “Yes! The workers have put up the skeleton and outer woodwork. No insulation, so it is lucky it is not yet winter.” Sekura said, clasping her hands together. “The Conduit even express-ordered the bedrooms finished first…I heard from Mother, in fact, Conduit Olistia has fussed with the Architecture guild a lot to get this project done!”


    The Mawile put on a hopeful smile, while Lahnae only looked surprised, and pleasantly so.


    “Wow…so you’ve been living there?” Lahnae asked.


    “Yes, absolutely! Though Mother frequently has guests over, so it is not quite so peaceful.” Sekura shrugged. “She was taking to some of her own woodworking to make a little hut for her meetings, in old Illamini style. It’s quite impressive so far.”


    As the three continued, the buildings began to look more familiar. Avery recognized the street they were on, the road leading up to Kellixae’s house, lined on either side with cabin houses and many Poke’mon milling outside and talking to one another.


    “Ah! There she is!”


    Up ahead, Avery recognized the little house on the right. No decorations save for the gently clacking wood chimes. And there, at the front door, he could see the Flaaffy exiting her home with a Delibird and a Toxicroak following after her, talking to the woman.


    Sekura picked up the pace. Avery did so too, raising a paw to try and catch Kellixae’s attention.


    He didn’t want to call out, of course – raising his voice, in Arcean, in the Illaminian District, during tough times, as a guild member…would be bad.


    So he just waited to be recognized.


    The Flaaffy talked to the Poke’mon that accompanied her for a moment before looking down the street, spotting the approaching trio. A deep look of surprise crossed Kellixae’s face before she turned to her companions and said something Avery could not hear before walking their way, the Delibird and Toxicroak in tow.


    “Ey! Sekurini!” Kellixae called, waving with a smile. She glanced down at Avery and Lahnae as well. “Pup no etqivvewu fo wifisvo duto qsitvu! I Averini? I om tau, ij, enodu Torchic?”


    “No djoenu Lahnaini!” Lahnae spoke up in reply, surprising Kellixae and even Sekura. “Vo sodusfo fo ni, wisu?”


    “Ah! No no, of course I rrememberr you, I apologize. I did…not know you spoke Illamini.” Kellixae said, swapping to Arcean as she got closer. The two Poke’mon she was with eyed Avery and Lahnae suspiciously but otherwise said nothing. “It is good to see you both again, of course. But, what are you doing here today?”


    The Flaaffy approached, giving Avery a kiss to his cheeks in greeting, then to Sekura, who mirrored the gesture.


    “Fuwsinnu qesmesi Arceali qis o vauo, eh, enodo?” The Delibird added, her voice feminine.


    “Tupu tusqsitu dji va, vse vavvi mi qistupi, eccoe opwovevu me Homfe fo Arceali pim putvsu Fotvsivvu, Kellixini.” The Toxicroak put in, folding his arms.


    Kellixae frowned deeply, shooting the Toxicroak an angry look that made him clam up and look away.


    After a pause, the Flaaffy sighed, looking back to Guild pair.


    “I apologize. Things arre…not the best, I am surre you know well by now.” She admitted. “Still, I am happy to see you.”


    Avery didn’t exactly know what the Toxicroak said, but…he understood ‘Homfe fo Arceali’.


    That was the guild, he was talking about the guild. Avery supposed badges or no badges he and Lahnae were big enough celebrities they’d be recognized regardless.


    “I don’t want to cause any trouble with your friends,” The Plusle said, gesturing slowly to the Toxicroak – so as not to look threatening. “If you were talking about something important, I can wait a bit…! I’m happy to see you too, Kellixae.”


    “Oh do not worrrry, Averry. If anything, they wish to not cause trrouble with me.” Kellixae whispered with a sly smile and a pat on the Plusle’s shoulder. “They trust you, well enough. I have told them up and down you arre a frriend…and remind them what you did for Sekurrae.”


    Lahnae heaved a breath, though seemed to have her own pondering look in her eye. She didn’t say anything yet, lost in thought.


    However, Kellixae filled the space.


    “So, I assume you arre back from your camping trip?”


    “We, uh…”


    Avery perked and turned to Lahnae, gave a slightly embarrassed smile, then returned his gaze to the Flaaffy.


    “Yeeeah.” Avery strained out. “Our camping trip went well.”


    “Oh, yes. That is why we are here!” The Mawile…cooed. “Avery and Lahnae’s camping trip went very well. Very very well~!”


    Kellixae cocked her head to the side…before a knowing look crossed her face. Slyly, she turned to face Avery, a wide grin practically stretching from ear to ear on the Flaaffy’s face.


    “…I might have known it.” Kellixae said in an almost icyly quiet and gleeful voice.


    The Delibird coughed.


    “Kellixini? Pup fuwsinnu sovesfesi, wisu?”


    “To, to, ne todasenipvi pup no coetoniseo qis ewis temavevu ap enodu.” Kellixae replied to the Delibird…before looking back at her with a grin of her own. “Fuqu vavvu…o Plusle i o Torchic tincsepu ittisi ape duqqoe eqqipe gusneve~.”


    The Delibird rolled her eyes and the Toxicroak let out a short laugh. Lahnae…beamed proudly.


    “Desopu. No fotqoedi, pup quttu qsuwesi numvu qis hmo Arceali.” The Delibird said curtly.


    Kellixae scoffed, stepping forward to put her hands on Avery’s shoulders from behind.


    “Gusti, ne no etqivvu dji va qsuwo raemdute qis hmo enodo.” The Flaaffy huffed, equally as curtly, to the Delibird. Even Sekura seemed a little deflated. Lahnae seemed to pretend not to hear again.


    Avery was quiet for a moment at that, just staring at the Delibird and Toxicroak as they turned to continue down the road with Kellixae leading them at the front. Quickly, he jogged just behind.


    The Plusle had a feeling that things weren’t going well with him again. While he didn’t understand a lot of what was being said, he could hear how often ‘Arceali’ was said, and how it was said as well.


    Perhaps it was a mistake coming here. Tensions were already high, Avery figured he didn’t need to be here. He might have been able to arrange meeting Kellixae somewhere else, somewhere outside of the Illaminian District. He didn’t want these people to feel unsafe in their own home.


    Whilst he was deep in thought, Kellixae turned to Avery.


    “So…Averry, you must tell just how well your camping trrip went.” She said, her grin returning.


    The Plusle perked at that. Kellixae’s words snapped Avery out of it somewhat, but her prodding teases hadn’t helped him rebound from his spiral quite as much as he’d hoped they would.


    ‘I know Lahnae will probably be able to tell. Hell, maybe even Sekurae and Kellixae might. I have to bring myself out of it for them, at least.


    This struggle isn’t about me. I’m not going to make it about me.’


    “Ah haha-” Avery laughed, trying to play off his unease as awkward shyness about his trip with Lahnae. “W-well, now probably isn’t the best time, is it? We can probably figure out, uh, a better time and place to tell that story, right-?”


    He felt Lahnae press in a little closer to him, her feathers brushing against him silently. She said nothing yet, but only comforted with her presence.


    Of course, Lahnae still happily played off Avery’s unease.


    “Averyyy, C’mon, are you really so shy???” Lahnae said, though Avery could hear her voice was a touch softer than before, even as she teased.


    “This is a perrfectly serrviceable time and place.” Kellixae declared with a small but confident smile. “But, I will not interrrogate you if you do not wish to sharre…”


    The Flaaffy clicked her tongue, looking to Lahane.


    “So I shall interrrogate your friend~.”


    “Ohhh, how sly~!” Lahnae snickered, flapping her wings a little. Again, she kept her voice down just enough.


    Their group continued eastward, to the east gate where Avery normally entered from. Rows and rows of homes passed them by, getting more ruinous as they neared the wall and left the populated comfort of the center of the district.


    Any that looked their way was waved to by Kellixae and Sekura, and all waved back. It seemd the two had a fair bit of…clout when it came to the Illaminian district. Their presence alone seemed to soothe any that recognized Avery or heard his language…


    …which of course did not stop Lahnae from greeting Poke’mon in Illaminian a few times, which made many visibly relax even more.


    It was a brief time in the district, a small snapshot into the state of things. From the guards, the barricades and the fear, things seemed down in places…


    …but the children still played. The Poke’mon defiantly stood in their yards and talked to one another in their native tongue. All without the scrutinizing gaze of the Arceliaze guard.


    Time stopped for nobody, and nobody stopped in its place.


    ‘Am I being selfish, worrying about this?’


    Avery felt like he had to keep checking himself, had to keep making sure he wasn’t making this about himself.


    ‘They’re uncomfortable with me because I’m guild, and that makes me Arcean. Because I’m guild, and guild is part of the Conduicy, and the Conduicy shoves Illaminians down over and over and over. I didn’t choose to be guild, not really. I was more or less forced into it.


    Is that why I feel this way? Because things are being assumed of me?


    Wow, it’s almost as if you don’t like prejudice.


    Avery scowled at himself.


    ‘Yes. I don’t like prejudice. It’s not like I’ve ever gone against that message. I’ve only ever tried to help. Is it wrong that I feel bad that half the people here hate me anyway?


    It’s bad that you feel like your good work for them should have some personal benefit to you.


    …Yeah, that’s fair.


    I’m not one of them. Sekurae and Kellixae are. Hell, even Lahnae has family members related to them; she’d lived in the Lower Market District a lot; she even knows how to fluently speak Illaminian.


    But not me. I’m not one of them. I probably never will be.


    And I have to be okay with that.


    It isn’t up to me whether I’m allowed in or not. It isn’t even up to Kellixae. The Illaminian people are close knit, a group, and I have to respect whatever they decide for me.



    How much of what’s been said today did everyone in this group understand except for me? How much more is being kept from me?’


    …A small seed of worry took root deep in Avery’s gut.




    A voice tried to cut through the spiraling thoughts. Whether it was Lahnae or Kellixae or Sekura, it was hard to tell.


    He felt Lahnae press a little closer into him.


    The Plusle looked up and saw…the Lower Market district already? He didn’t even remember passing the South gate. Perhaps he even drowned out all the Illaminian that was being spoken.


    Kellixae’s hand was off his shoulder, and the woman had turned her attention to Sekura, whilst the Delibird and Toxicroak both followed in silence.


    “Hey…” Lahnae whispered, so quiet Avery could barely hear her if not for his powerful ears. “…y’alright, Avery…?”


    “Ah-” The Plusle jolted in his walk. “Ah. Uh. Yeah, I’m fine.”


    He’d been walking on autopilot for, what, five minutes or something? When had they passed the gates?


    “I’m fine,” Avery reiterated. “Just…thinking about, uh…the…”


    For a moment he contemplated lying.


    The dinner tonight, he could’ve said, change the subject to how he’s nervous about that.


    But…Avery didn’t like lying to Vizon, he wouldn’t like lying to Lahnae.


    “My mind getting away from me,” Avery said instead. “I’ll be okay.”


    Lahnae looked unconvinced…but she closed her eyes and nodded.


    “I’ll trust you.” She whispered back, pressing her cheek to his for just a moment before pulling back.


    She didn’t press further, simply walking alongside him as Kellixae looked back to pair.


    “So, it is tutorring day at last, I see.” Kellixae said, patting Sekura’s back. “You are verry lucky, Averry. I cannot think of a betterr tutorr than Sekurra.”


    Sekura blushed, beaming proudly at the compliment with her hands clasped together.


    Kellixae seemed…different. Not in a bad way, quite the opposite. She spoke in a normal tone of voice, held her posture straight, along with the Delibird and the Toxicroak behind her, as did Sekura…


    …despite all of them walking through the Lower Market District.


    Avery’s ears picked up on it: The Delibird and the Toxicroak were speaking to each other…in Illaminian. Every Arcean Poke’mon the group passed could hear them, hear Kellixae’s thick Illaminian accent.


    But whenever the surrounding Poke’mon of the Lower Market District stared at the group of Illaminians, Lahnae would perk her head up and give a friendly,




    “Hah, will you look a that…?” A voice said off to the side. “Is that Lahnae from the Guild?”


    “And Avery…! Well I’ll be!”


    “Who’re they with?”


    “Who cares?! Heya, Avery!!”




    “I WON’T!!” Lahnae shouted back.


    The Plusle could feel himself slipping even more.


    ‘Snap out of it. Snap out of it, Avery, you have to snap out of it. Hold it together until you’re somewhere private, you’ll be somewhere private sometime, just stay together until then. Keep it together, Avery, snap out of it-


    Just take a deep breath, Avery, like you always do. Take a deep breath. In…and out…like you always do. Like you always, always-‘


    “Heya-!” Avery called, putting on a smile to those people seeing them together. Avery and Lahnae – as well as Avery and Illaminians.


    He couldn’t look the way he’d looked. He couldn’t let people see him like that.


    He couldn’t be like that.


    Many Poke’mon, Arceans, sitting at a Cafe’ waved excited to him and Lahnae. Only a few passerby stared at the chattering Illaminians but said little, considering Avery was right there.


    The group passed buildings that seemed nicer and nicer as they walked. Less shut down. The factories were still a ways away. They passed a beautiful bakery with treats in the window.


    “Ah, it is just up ahead here!”


    There, down the cobblestone road…


    Avery could see another park nearby. In front of it were a line of double-story houses, just across from the taller Lower Market buildings. Each of them had a red roof and ivory walls, similar in design.


    And Avery could see it even now, from down the road:


    Wood beams formed the ribs of a home of cut wood, walls not yet finished. But with red roofing all the same. Exactly the same structure and shape as every other home.


    But this one had a second building in the works just beside, a dome structure with an open top.


    Avery could see wind chimes. Stones of all different colors form a path from the street up to the door, which had been painted a bright blue.


    And a flag billowed atop the weathervane. It did not bear the circle and cross as Arcean flags did but a triangle and a long jewel…another country’s flag.


    The door was ajar. From here Avery could see a Mega-Mawile, Sekura’s mother, standing at the front, talking with a large group.


    Seemingly ignoring the large group of onlookers that stood at the street.


    ‘Just get in there. Get into the house, get tutored by Sekura, have a fun little tutoring session, it’ll take your mind off of this. Off of everything. You’re just learning a new language, the one that wasn’t provided to you by the corrupt government that brought you here and literally manufactured your best friend to be-


    Deep breaths. Deep breaths, deep breaths, deep, deep breaths-‘


    “Oh, that looks like it’s coming along really nicely-!” Avery said, complimenting the home. “Is that your mom’s design?”


    Avery’s hand felt pressure. His hand was being pressured who was trapping him trapping him


    Lahnae GRIPPED held TRAPPED stroked his hand as they walked forward. Sekura looked back at Avery, seemingly…oblivious to everything around her.


    Or perhaps she was bottling much, herself.


    “Oh, only the hut over there.” The Mawile said, gesturing to the open-top dome. Avery could see a few trees around it, and the edges had a scale-like design. “Isn’t it pretty? Mother has such a way with emulating 2nd Turn Illamini archetecture. It’s something of a hobby of hers.”


    “One would think she werre a crraftswoman plucked frrom the past.” Kellixae said with a small smile. “The bookshelf she made forr me is beautiful.”


    The group continued one, the small crowd of glowering Arcean Poke’mon on the street in front of the house parting as Avery and Lahnae took the lead. The Mega-Mawile looked up at the approach of the group, smiling warmly.


    “Ah, Kellixini. Gurondini. Pushini. Wifu dji tio essowevu rao tepu i temwu.” The Mega-Mawile spoke in a kind voice. “Jeo opdupvsevu qsucmino maphu me tvsefe?”


    “Pu, ewiwenu ape tdusve hseboi ef Averini i Lahnaini.” Kellixae replied, patting Avery on the back amicably.


    The Mega-Mawile smiled to Avery and Lahnae, just as warm, stepping up to kiss the Plusle’s cheeks, then Lahnae’s.


    “Emmuse fiwu sophseboesi ipvsenco.” The Mega-Mawile spoke in a friendly voice, eyes shimmering with gratitude.


    Lahnae cocked her head to the side, whispering as Sekura’s mother stood.


    “She’s thanking us for ‘escorting’ them…” Lahnae commented quietly for Avery.


    The Plusle nodded to the Torchic, grateful for the explanation. His paw squeezed her wing a bit as they went inside.


    ‘She’d noticed that I wasn’t doing well.


    But I have to be fine.


    I’m panicking over nothing.


    There’s nothing to be afraid of here.’


    Chapter 44





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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