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    Chapter 20.2





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    “Quick freshen up.”


    Avery opened up his bag to distribute a few of the oran berries. Nobody was grievously hurt, it seemed, so he was able to split them up so they went further with less.


    “Everyone alright?” He asked, surveying the teams. “We shouldn’t go into an enclosed space like that until we’re completely ready – but…y’know. Time’s of the essence, too, so speak now or forever hold your pain…!”


    Everyone took an oran berry, fully healing their fatigue. Vizon slapped his cheeks, psyching himself back up, Lahnae giving a few kicks to feel out her regained strength.


    “All good here, Avery.” Nivanee said rolling her neck. “Jolvia you good?”


    The Nidorina was quiet, only silently eating an oran berry, looking back. Rikzyod grunted, slapping her on the back to urge her forward, jolting the Nidorina back to reality.


    “Hm. Yes. I didn’t take much damage.” She admitted, stepping forward. Her voice seemed a little curt but otherwise normal.


    Loshjno and Nivanee approached the doorway leading down into the dark tunnels. Down there, Thieves guild, Treasure Guild and ‘Team Isce’ were no doubt gathered. Nivanee nodded her head to Avery, letting him take the front this time.



    “Ready when you are, Avery…” Nivanee said behind him.


    “…Alright,” Avery said, clenching his fists with renewed vigor. “We’ll go in a few at a time, so we can keep an eye on our flanks. We don’t know what’s in there, but we know it’s a lot of other guild members, so we have to keep a lookout. Keep property damage to an absolute minimum – sorry, Rikzyod, that means…minimal megaton slams.”


    Rikzyod huffed, rolling his eyes…but nodded, filing in by Vizon’s side.


    With that, the group filtered in, going two-by-two down the corridor. Avery hung back for a moment, near Jolvia.


    ‘Something is wrong here. I know that. And if anyone else has that sort of feeling…I have a feeling it might be her.’


    “…What’s your read on this?” Avery said quietly to the Nidorina, moving into the cool of the building. Jolvia flicked her ear but kept her eyes forward. “…How do you feel…? Everyone…everyone here is on edge. Including the other guilds. That’s not just me, right…?”


    Jolvia looked to Avery, stepping into the cold air of the ruins with him.


    “How do I feel…” Jolvia’s voice was thoughtful, as though she was forming an answer. “The way I see it, the Treasure Guild doesn’t know anything. They think the pearl is just some sparkly knick-knack that’ll fetch a high price. These thieves guild members…seem bent on getting the pearl, so I imagine they’re working for…him.”


    Jolvia adjusted her glasses, her eyes kept forward, her face…stoic.


    “If I recall…wasn’t it said the map of the birds that the cartographer was working on also contained notes on traps and security measures? And how to avoid them?”


    She looked at Avery seriously, brow furrowed.


    “That’s information we are sorely lacking. But the thieves guild Poke’mon clearly know what we don’t.”


    “…They wouldn’t be dumb enough to give Team Isce the map,” Avery mumbled, remembering that part of what the map was supposed to contain. “So they probably just have a copy of instructions. Still, that’s…really dangerous, especially for anyone who isn’t aware of the traps-“


    Avery sighed deeply, thinking hard.


    “The way that things are going…with them knowing how to circumvent them, and us flying blind, they’d definitely get to the pearl before we will,” he mumbled, furrowing his brow. “Unless we figure some other way around, or otherwise intercept them on the way out.”


    Ahead Avery could hear Loshjno…hum. A knowing hum. Avery had a feeling the Squirtle could hear them as they spoke. The Nidrorina frowned.


    “And him…” Jolvia muttered quietly, staring at Loshjno’s back, quiet enough so he’d not hear. “…he’s sandbagging.


    A cold wind blew through the echoing, dark corridor.


    “…I don’t know if he’s doing it on purpose,” Avery whispered back, just barely above silence. “…I think…he’s just prepared to fail, you know…?”


    A pause.


    “…You don’t…mean on purpose…do you…?”


    “It’s a hunch but…” Jolvia paused. “I’ve been watching him. Out of curiosity…”


    She huffed.


    “He’s pulling his punches. He’s smart enough for two Nivanees. He seems…very perceptive, amazingly so.” Jolvia’s red eyes flicked toward Avery. “But he’s not using a bit of it. He should be leading right now, the enemy wouldn’t even get a chance to strike, let alone get so many hits on us. You see how insanely powerful his partner is…”


    She was quiet a moment, glancing at him.


    “No…he’s not giving his all. Not even half. He’s sticking to what he’s told to do and letting others take hits he could easily see coming and call out…” Jolvia stared hard at the Squirtle. “That guy…he could probably think of 100 different ways to easily clinch this mission but he’s just…not bothering.”


    She leaned in closer, ever closer.


    “If I didn’t know better…” Jolvia continued. “it’s like he’s making the Torchic do all the heavy lifting…the poor girl doesn’t have brains or perception like he does, she’s…floundering. Doing well with these simple enemies but she’s running up against a wall very quickly.”




    Avery thought about it. It did match up with how Loshjno had acted so far. The thing with the raincloud, with Lahnae. His knowing looks. The amused glances, the smiles.




    “…It’s funny,” Avery mumbled. “…Part of me wants to say he’s clairvoyant. But…he and Lahnae passed the test to get into the guild, even…”


    He bit his lip.


    “Even at a young age.” Avery said at last, much as it made his stomach turn. “So if he’s so good…what’s the story with the past three years…?”


    Avery furrowed his brow. It was a rhetorical question. He didn’t expect Jolvia to know the answer, but…something was off. Something about this whole damn mission was off.


    “Hm…” Jolvia hummed thoughtfully, furrowing her brow. “…strange of all pearls the Thieves’ Guild is going for this one now.”


    She was quiet, then sighed, pushing up her glasses.


    “Let’s just stay alert and get this Pearl.” She said finally. “That’ll cut off the legs of Xamao’s plan. Even missing a single pearl means his whole plan is shot, you can’t summon the birds without all three.”


    Avery was silent at that. It was strange that this was Xamao’s first target. Loshjno’s behavior was strange. Even Jolvia herself…secrets, so many secrets. Always with the secrets.


    Jolvia straightened, the group passing lit torches, the sound of voices echoing from deeper within the dark ruins. Vizon and Rikzyod took torches from the wall, the Riolu handing one to Avery. Ahead, they could see the corridor opening up into a larger chamber.


    An eerie blue glow shone from strange torches surrounding a massive alter. A dim yellow light shone upon the walls, gently flickering and fluttering light upon the stone like the reflection of water ripples.


    They could see it: a faint glimmer in the blue light.


    The Lightning Pearl.


    Shh…” Nivanee hushed, crouching a little. “Look…”


    A shadow passed in front of the Lightning Pearl.


    No…! No no no, not one more step, now…!


    Avery recognized that voice…the Sneasel foreman they’d seen back at Qease’. Looking down around the chamber he could see Poke’mon, Thieves Guild and Treasure Guild, knocked out cold, littering the stone floor.


    Squinting, Avery could see something else. The Sneasel foreman stood by the Lightning Pearl, threateningly holding a very large blast seed. Halfway up the stairs to the pearl, the hooded Snivy and Starly from before stood, shouting up at the foreman.


    “Ok, I know what you think you’re doing but you really have no idea how dangerous what you’re doing actually is.” The Snivy said.


    “Aww, Arrceus, we’re dead meat. End of the line!” The Starly squawked. The Snivy nudged him, hissing.


    “That pearl’s you threaten is not just some bauble.” The Snivy called again. “If you so much as bump it-“


    “Oh yeah? You think that’s gunna work on me??” The Sneasel huffed, holding the blast seed dangerously close to the pearl. The Snivy and Starly screeched in panic at the sudden move, the Sneasel faltering at the reaction. “Q-quit screwing with me! Just get out of here, you hear me?! I’m not giving this up for nothing. I-I’ll bury us before I screw up another dig!”


    “Foreman, you speak so boldly…but are you really prepared to die for a bit of treasure?” The Snivy asked.


    The Sneasel squirmed, getting closer to the pearl, threatening it. Despite the cool words, the Snivy panicked again.


    “No, I don’t mean like that!” The Snivy shouted. “I’m not going to kill you for it, moron!!


    “Shoot-” Avery hissed under his breath, his heart dropping out of his chest.


    ‘This…This could be bad. This could be really bad.’


    I looked to the others for a moment.


    “Okay… Listen,” Avery said, looking at the rest of the team. “… This is, as far as we’re concerned, a hostage situation. If that blast seed goes off we’re all goners. The Sneasel’s stressed. We have to be careful about how we approach this.”


    “So…wait, we’re all the hostages??” Vizon hissed, worriedly…almost sounding indignant.


    “We are, Thieves Guild included…” Nivanee replied. “I don’t know what information they’ve gathered from that map they stole but…they’re terrified of the Pearl.”


    Jolvia’s eyes scanned the chamber, urging Vizon and Rikzyod over as the foreman looked up.


    “WHO’RE THEY!?” The foreman yelled, her voice echoing over the chamber. The Snivy and Starly whipped their heads around, hissing at the sight.


    “How did they-?!”


    “Oh man, we’re done for…I can’t believe I finally get out into a mission just to get immediately bagged!” The Starly whined, the Snivy hushed his companion and looked back up at the Sneasel to answer her.


    “That, foreman, is the guild of Arceliaze.” The Snivy said, taking a step up the stairs, gesturing up at the guildmates at the chamber’s entrance. The foreman recoiled. “So now it’s up to you: time in dungeon Arceali or handing over that pearl and letting us get you out of here.”


    Nobody take a step closer!!” The foreman shouted back, her face twisted in worry. Vizon glanced back at Avery.


    Worryingly, Lahnae was sneering very harshly at the situation…too quiet. Loshjno lagged behind, just watching.




    “No use hiding…” Avery mumbled.


    ‘What’s the way forward here…?’


    He could hear his pulse roaring in his ears.


    ‘What is the way forward…?’


    “Don’t make threats on our behalf,” Avery called with an echo, shooting a look down at the Snivy. “We aren’t some stick you can use to bludgeon someone into doing what you want.”


    Avery had never been in a situation like this before. He had a sinking, awful feeling that these ruins might be coming down whatever they do.


    …Loshjno’s foreboding words echoed in his ears.


    “Ah, it’s not I that bludgeons!” The Snivy shouted back towards Avery and the other guild members. “If anything I’m shielding our friend the foreman from the bludgeon that managed to take out a whole squad of trained fighters.”


    The Snivy glanced back at the foreman who was looking increasingly worried.


    Foreman! We’re on official business from the conduit Arceali to retrieve that Lightning Pearl!” Nivanee shouted back, her professional voice roaring. The Snivy hissed. “If you stand down and relinquish the pearl to us we can pardon your illegal digging here as an act in favor to Conduicy goals!”


    The foreman glanced down at the cringing Snivy, the grass Poke’mon flustered.


    That was a checkmate.




    “AS IF!!!!”


    Lahnae’s voice ROARED over the the chamber, BURSTING heat over the group.


    The foreman jumped, fumbling with the blast seed! The Snivy and Starly screamed in TERROR! Vizon GASPED!


    The Sneasel shot her hands out, catching the blast seed. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. The Snivy and Starly were sweating, hyperventilating. The foreman grunted.


    “After everything they’ve done to the Qease’ Poke’mon!? WE ARE NOT CAPITULATING TO THUGS AND BULLIES!!!” Lahnae yelled. Loshjno smiled, folding his arms at the display.


    “Lahnae-!!” Avery yelled, staring at her, aghast.


    Nivanee shot Lahnae a dirty look but the Torchic hardly flinched.


    ‘I…I get where she’s coming from. These ruins are important to the Qeasé Poke’mon, and this foreman is responsible to a lot of damage to it.’


    “We don’t want the rest of the ruins coming down on our heads too-!” Avery hissed quietly. “I’m mad too, but if we aggravate her too much she might hurt these ruins even more-!”


    “Hah! You see now…foreman…?” The Snivy capitalized on the opening immediately, even as he tried to catch his breath from the panic. “Law Poke’mon will say anything to get you to walk into a cell yourself.”


    “I-If both the Thieves’ Guild and the Conduicy wants this trinket…” The foreman said, taking a step around the pedestal. “…then it must be something important…maybe even something…”


    She paused.


    Everyone held their breath.




    Avery looked back at him.


    ‘That…that isn’t a good look. From what I know about the Treasure Guild they want money above all else.


    …but the way he just said that…really worries me.’


    Avery paused a moment, tilting his head back towards his team behind him, whispering as he kept eye contact with the foreman.


    “…the real danger is if someone has…” He held up three fingers to his team behind his back, signifying ‘three pearls’. “… Right? These things can’t do anything with only just one…”


    Avery didn’t look away from the foreman. The blast seed. The pearl.


    “… Right…?”


    “That’s true for the…’summoning’…” Nivanee whispered. “…individually? I don’t know…”


    The Sneasel made a move, making Avery’s heart jump. Her clawed hand lifted toward the pearl.


    “Foreman…!” The Snivy shouted, taking a step forward. “Foreman stop! Don’t take that…!”


    “Why? Are you scared I’ll use its power on you?!” The foreman huffed, smiling smugly. “Maybe I should do just…THAT.”


    The foreman THREW the blast seed at the Snivy! The grass type DOVE, wrapping his vines around the Starly to pull him clear!


    An explosion ROCKED the ruins!


    Everyone swayed, falling over! Rocks and dust FELL from the ceiling, clattering to stone!


    “THAT’S IT!” Avery heard Lahnae yell, the torchic on her feet at once. “THAT FOREMAN’S GUNNA GET IT!”


    “NO!!” The Snivy shouted up at the foreman, the Starly squawking in panic.


    Avery looked to the Snivy for just a moment, before his eyes went up to the ruins.


    “Look!” Avery shouted down, making the Snivy look back. “I know we’re after the Pearl or whatever but none of us will have it if we’re all trapped in rubble forever. I-“


    Avery turned.


    Lahnae was already running.


    “LAHNAE WAIT-!” He shouted, losing control of the situation. “SHIT-“


    Avery gasped, looking up at the crumbling, cracking ceiling.


    “O-okay!” Avery shouted. “Pearl or not we need to get everyone out of here before someone gets hurt!”


    There was a chuckle. Over the crumbling, shuddering and shouting…Avery heard a chuckle.


    “You sure we can do that, Avery?” The Plusle heard Loshjno chuckle..chuckle so calmly, even as the everything crumbled around them. Just as he spoke a powerful CRACK and CRUMBLE roared from the entrance! The tunnel caved in, a billow of dust BLASTING behind the Squirtle.


    They were all trapped.


    And Loshjno…still had a calm smile on his face, barely seen through whipping, swirling dust.


    As if none of this mattered.


    Vizon’s face twisted in confusion at the Squirtle. Angered. But he left it, turning back to Avery.


    “We gotta make a way out! The ceiling?!”


    “It’s solid gold we’d need…” Nivanee stopped herself, looking over. “LAHNAE! LAHNAE WE NEED THE ROOF MELTED! LAHNAE!”


    The Torchic barreled forward, followed by a laughing Rikzyod. Jolvia was flabbergasted at the Geodude’s abandon, the woman running after him.


    “CALLADIN, HOLD ON!!” The Snivy shouted, holding his Starly partner close as rocks tumbled down from above.


    And there in the chaos.


    A light.


    A bright blinding shining light.


    “OOOOH YEAH, BABY, I’M FEELIN’ NOW!!” The foreman’s voice roared from the altar.


    There, Avery could see her…holding the Lightning Pearl.


    The orb SHONE brightly, crackling with power that seemed to disperse the dust around her feet, a wicked smile spread across the sneasel’s face.


    Vizon looked in horror. Nivanee gasped. The Snivy looked up at the shining pearl in utter terror.


    The ground quaked.


    And EXPLOSION of energy knocked back the charging Lahane and Rikzyod, the Poke’mon thrown to the ground.


    “OOhhh boy….” The foreman looked unsure for a moment as the power intensified. “Okay maybe this…wait…ohhh no…”


    She shut her eyes, the pearl CRACKLING again.


    “Alright alright, no, I got this! YEAH, BABY!!” The foreman’s smile returned as she held the pearl aloft, looking down at the Poke’mon that surrounded the altar. “WELCOME TO PULRA’S WORLD, SUCKERS! I’M THE ONE RUNNIN’ THIS SHOW, NOW!!”




    [security triggered. hardlight projections online.]


    Avery clenched his fists, and ran out into the opening. Lahnae and Rikzyod were already out in action.


    Loshjno was…


    …he couldn’t worry about Loshjno right now.


    “We can’t get out yet!” Avery said quickly. “We have to make sure everyone makes it out of here okay…!”


    Vizon looked to Avery, then the Snivy…and nodded firmly. He ran up to Avery, taking his place by his captain’s side.


    “HEROES NEVER QUIT.” Vizon shouted. Lahnae and Rikzyod scrambled up, trying to approach the foreman as waves of billowing energy cascaded out.


    Avery turned to the Snivy and Starly. They were…We were enemies. Sure. But…he didn’t want to leave them behind either. Call it a sense of justice, but… Pearl or no pearl Avery knew he couldn’t leave someone in these ruins.


    “Did you know about this-?!” Avery called to the hooded Poke’mon, gesturing towards the foreman and the Pearl.


    “Arceus above YES we knew about this!” The Snivy yelled back, his face twisted in anger. “We were trying to explain to that crazed woman this would happen!”


    What would happen?” Nivanee called. “That she could get some ultimate power from these pearls?”


    “Hardly!” The Snivy spat. The black hood he wore obscured his eyes as he spoke to them, though his Starly partner wore no such vestments. “That cloud’s not ultimate power! Look close!”


    Everyone craned their necks up, Vizon furrowing his brow.


    The cloud that hung overhead crackled, like a thundercloud. The thick clouds rolled and writhed into one another, like a living organism.


    Something moved.


    A shadow moved betwixt the clouds.


    Nivanee stepped back. Lahnae held her ground.


    Like a shark just below the water’s surface, something massive slowly stirred from within the clouds of lightning.


    The clouds fell, billowing around! The Snivy clenched his teeth, looking up, pulling his Starly friend close.


    A grand shadow rose from the mass of clouds, hard to see in the dark room as the blue torches blew out in the rushing wind. But a single CLAP of thunder and STREAK of lightning roared out!



    “It summons…him.” The Snivy said, voice low.


    “…oh this is so far beyond my pay grade-” Avery wheezed.


    Everyone stared up, wide-eyed.


    “Okay… Okay, okay, l-look!” Avery looked to the pair of Thieves Guild Poke’mon. “I know our guilds are feuding and all but we can’t feud if we’re dead…! We focus on getting everyone out of here alive and figure things out from there. Right?”


    “Why don’t you tell that to my team, huh?!” The Snivy spat. The Starly looked worried. “Where’d they all go?”


    “Hey, uhh, Q?” The Starly said. “I don’t think this is the best time to be-“


    “Or are they already carted off the prison Arceali you-“


    Uhm! Another time, Q, please?!” The Starly squawked, the Snivy whipping his head back up at the looming behemoth in the clouds as it towered over all in the chamber.


    Avery was about to shoot back a scathing reply, but-


    …he imagined the inverse. If the Thieves Guild had beaten his own team, and he had to watch his team being taken away…that thought sent a shiver down his spine.


    “Look, we… See this is what we need to put aside-“


    A JOLT of power interrupted him, making the Plusle stumble forward.


    They could see a RUSH of energy blow Lahane and Rikzyod back once again. The clouds swirled and cascaded as though they were in the midst of a grand storm in the sky, a SHOWER of water pattering upon the stone.


    “LAHNAE, GET BACK HERE!” Nivanee shouted. Vizon stepped up, looking the Snivy, Q, dead in the eye.


    “Where’s a way out of here, Thieves Guild?” the Riolu huffed threateningly. The Snivy shot up onto his feet, standing between the guildmates and the Starly, Calladin.


    “There is no other way out! Unless you want to start blowing holes in the wall!” The Snivy shouted.


    The was a CRASH!


    Everyone hunched instinctively in fear!


    A BOOMING VOICE thundered over the chamber! Every eye looked up as the full visage of the monster from the pearl came into view, his shining yellow eyes glaring down at all that infested the chamber.


    “Who was it that has disturbed this place most ancient and summoned Thundurus, lord of the sky and king of these sands?”


    Avery grimaced at the sudden sound and looked up.


    ‘Lord of the sky?! King of the sands?!


    Please tell me he’s bluffing-‘


    The little Plusle gulped, feeling his miniscule size…but tried to talk all the same.


    “…H-Hi, I’m Avery, nice to meet you-“


    Avery’s voice cracked. He didn’t know why he said that, his nerves were freaking SHOT.


    They all could see it: The behemoth’s gaze moved, slowly, onto Avery. BURNING him. The sheer intensity of the gaze could have FLATTENED HIM. A spotlight of yellow shone around Avery’s body, casting a long shadow.


    Vizon fell over in terror.


    The behemoth, the colossus, folded his shadowy arms over his chest, a rumbling breath shaking the old walls.


    “Then your name shall be first etched into these walls, this tomb.” Its voice was like thunder. “Endless chaos shall befall the sands of the east until you have drawn your final breath.”


    Ohhh thats-!” Vizon stammered. Nivanee took a step, as though to protect the team. Lahnae backpedaled, trying to crane her neck up to see the impossibly large entity, Rikzyod follwoing closely behind.


    The foreman cowered by the alter, but perked up at the beasts words.


    “Aha…AHA!” She shouted. “HEAR THAT, GUILDIES? I got me a new PARTNER. And we’re going to TEAR YOU UP!!


    The Sneasel danced with the pearl in hand, waving it about.




    The shadowy colossus, Thundurus, turned from Avery, the burning gaze averting…falling down upon the foreman.


    The foreman’s dance halted at once, the woman recoiling under the gaze.


    “You will be second. Pulra.” His speaking voice bellowed, nearly knocking over the foreman.


    “Wh-! B-but…but I hold the pearl…!!” The Sneasel stammered in fear.


    Thundurus slowly leaned down as she held it aloft.


    “I hold it, see!” Pulra shouted. “I’m you’re master!”


    “You are a thief.” Thundurus bellowed, a pair of fingers lowering down. The colossus pinched the pearl in Pulra’s hands, flicking her away pathetically. He lifted the pearl away, taking it with him. “And soon to be naught but dust.”


    “Oh no…” Pulra was already panicking. “No no no no no!!”


    Avery could feel his body temperature dropping as the color drained from his face.


    “…Figures. It figures. We seriously should have figured something so powerful would have a guardian-” Avery groaned. He took a step, shouting up again at the titan of storms. “What…What do you mean…?! What’s…What’s going to happen to Qeasé?!”


    The mountainous shadow lifted its gaze, staring back at Avery. It was silent a moment as the echo of the Plusle’s question died upon the stone.


    “I know of no Qease’.” Thundurus rumbled at last. “These insects, too, will be exterminated.”


    A FLASH.


    A pillar of fire SHOT UP, STRIKING Thundurus on the shoulder. SMOKE and FLAME EXPLODED on the surface of his body!


    Thundurus did not budge, arms remaining crossed. He slowly flicked away a flame lingering upon his blue skin as he turned, the clouds threateningly swirling around the ground.




    Lahnae’s voice rocked over the chamber.


    “I’d NEVER let you touch the village!”


    Even from here, as the heat from Lahnae’s body banished the swirling clouds, a fire of hate burned in her eyes. Nivanee shouted for her to come back again but she was ignored, Thundurus and Lahnae staring one another down.


    “I’m sorry we touched your stupid bauble!!! But that doesn’t give you the right to be a bully!!” Lahnae shouted. A rather juvenile statement considering the circumstances. Thundurus only stared down at the tiny Torchic, gaze baring down on her body.


    “Lahnae that’s-!?” Nivanee was dumbstruck. “This is NOT the time! What are you doing?!”


    “Apologies shall only ever be repaid in blood.” A crack of thunder shook the walls.


    And over it all…Avery heard a chuckle.


    That chuckle. The damn chuckle.


    Loshjno stepped up beside the Plusle. His face was…unfazed. As if he was watching a hard and easy call unfold exactly as he knew it would.


    “And surprise number two.” Loshjno sighed, shaking his head.


    Avery looked at him in confusion as the Squirtle stepped up, cupping his hands around his mouth to call out to Lahnae in a friendly voice.


    “I think that’s done it, Lahnae.” Loshjno said. “We’ve reached the end of what we can do. Time to go home and let someone else take care of this.”


    Lahnae broke her gaze from Thundurus, whipping her head toward Loshjno.


    All at once the hate disappeared.


    All the fire was snuffed out.


    That one statement…Avery could see it…she looked…disappointed. Saddened.




    Loshjno only adjusted his badge, ready to run.


    Avery didn’t even look at Loshjno. He didn’t know what was going on with the Squirtle. But what Avery knew was that once again a mission he’d gone on had ballooned irreversibly out of his control.


    The Delta. The Old Wanderer being Nivanee’s sister. The Deep Dimension.


    …The Illaminian District.


    “They aren’t insects-!” Avery shouted up to Thundurus, stepping forwards. “They are people that revered these ruins. I’m… I’m not going to let you hurt anyone, and if I have to draw my last breath to do it then so be it!”


    Avery didn’t know if he wholly believed in what he was saying. But this Snivy, this Starly, this Sneasel…his own team, and an entire village…they were at stake here.


    He couldn’t afford to back down now.


    Avery’s words seemed to re-light the fire in Lahnae instantly. The Torchic whipped her head back towards Thundurus, taking a stance against the colossus.


    Loshjno snorted.


    “You wanna keep going?” The Squirtle muttered to Avery with a knowing smirk. “It’s only going to get worse you know? But okay, whatever you say, Avery.”


    With a chuckle, he took a lazy, half-attentive fighting stance, as though he were only going to play fight. Vizon looked back at the Squirtle, his brow furrowed.


    “Losh, what in the world is your deal, man?!” the Riolu hissed. “Do you even realize what’s at stake?!”




    “What’d happen if we don’t succeed?!”




    “You could stand to care about any of this!!”


    “I know better these days.” Loshjno chuckled. Vizon was about to say more but Nivanee cut him off.


    “Stay focused! Eyes forward!” the Eevee commanded, Vizon complying at once. Avery could see the Snivy scrambling up with Calladin the Starly, taking their own battle stances a ways from the guild members.


    Thundurus was unfazed by their teams. He only kept his arms folded, staring down at them.


    “Your fight will be for naught. The sun will never again kiss your face.”


    The room shuddered. There was a loud cracking and crumbling. More dust began to fall from the ceiling.


    “The insects of this ‘Qease’ shall turn against you as my thralls, their bodies enhanced beyond their limits.”


    A thunderous QUAKE. Everyone JOLTED, the room SWAYING. Cracks burst from the floor.


    Loshjno chuckled.


    “The shadows that surround you shall claw at your throat.”


    The floor around began to JOSTLE and JOLT.


    “And only when you have been beaten and bloodied and lie completely surrounded, your hope stripped from you…”


    A massive CRACK STREAKED across the floor. Vizon and Nivanee yelped, Jolvia grabbing the Riolu as he fell over. An orange glow RADIATED from between the cracks, the floor SHIFTING.


    “…Only then shall the very earth crack open its fiery maw and swallow you alive.


    The crack SPLIT. A hot wash of blazing air ROCKETED upward. Teeth of rock and stone opened, crumbling. Vizon SCREAMED. LAHNAE ROARED in anger!


    Jolvia yelped as she saw Nivanee fall in! The maw-like crevice cracked wider and wider. Hot ash BILLOWED out, the floor falling away into a fiery abyss below!


    Avery felt something. He could feel things slipping away. He could feel the ground rocketing up into an incline, an insurmountable mountain asking him to climb it.


    Even as the ground vanished beneath his feet. Even as he twisted, grabbing for something, anything, even as gravity took hold and he began to fall…he could feel it.


    That familiar arc. That all-too-familiar arc.


    He had felt it when he saw the cardboard castles. When Janus revealed her identity. When he was in that twisted quiz show with his friends suspended over an abyss. When he found the people responsible for destroying Sekura’s home.


    But they hadn’t already won. There were no mysterious allies. This fall was no illusion.


    Time sped up.


    Whatever happened next…as ever…Avery wasn’t ready.


    The ground bottomed-out. EVERYONE free-fell into the grand abyss, Thundurus looming overhead, watching them all plummet into the fires of the unknown.


    All around Avery.


    The roar of wind.


    And the screams of his friends.


    Avery could see Vizon tumbling in the air. The WIDE hole rushing by alarmingly fast as Nivanee tried to right herself. Jolvia spread her arms and legs, trying to slow herself. The Snivy and Starly were nowhere to be seen, nor the foreman.


    There, Avery could see Lahnae, poor Lahnae, whipping around and thrashing, eyes full of fire up towards the top of the pit where Thundurus watched.


    “No!!!” She screamed over the panic. “I can…! We can still pull this out! We can still do this! We can’t quit! We have to do our best! We have to! WE HAVE TO!”


    She flipped in midair, her eyes closed as she was disoriented.


    “Avery! We…!”


    She was cut off, SLAMMING into the rushing rock wall, tumbling dangerously in the air. She opened her eyes, looking at the Plusle.


    “Don’t…we won’t…give up!” She shouted. Even after all this, desperately she shouted. “We can do it…I swear to you we…we can do this! We won’t screw this up again! We won’t WE WON’T! I PROMISE WE WON’T!!”


    She was pleading, tossing away her badge.




    Avery could see the tears in her eyes as she begged, the wind KNOCKING her upside down.


    And in the screeching wind, the growing glow of fire below.


    Avery heard it.


    Somehow over everything he heard it.


    That chuckle.


    “It can’t be helped.” Avery heard his voice. “It’s okay if things don’t work out.”



    Lahnae blinked, a look of shock…a look of sadness, her tears flying upwards as they fell.


    “What…?” She said, almost too quiet to hear over the roaring wind.


    “I said it’s ok. These things just can’t be helped.” Loshjno said…in some kind of assurance. But Lahnae only looked at him…almost fearfully.


    “No…no, no, Loshjno, I…I can do it this time, I-“


    “Hey now, there’s no use getting so worked up over a mission failure. What’s another one for the pile?” He chuckled, hands behind his head as he reclined in the wind, plummeting. “You don’t need to worry about me, Lahnae. We’ve done what we could, and it was certainly a lot.”


    “But…but we haven’t tried our best!!” She protested. Vizon whipped his head between the both of them.


    “Are you two SERIOUS?!” The Riolu shouted in disbelief at what he was seeing.


    “Do we really need to try our best to see that it’s hopeless?” Loshjno said, sighing with a smirk as the glow of fire below intensified. “I think you did just fine, all things considered!”


    “But! I can do more! We can do more, can’t we?! We have Avery! We-!”


    “Well, if you really want to keep going…” Loshjno shrugged. “Just don’t get so burnt out about it. Do what you can. And have fun, like I always say.”


    “Loshjno…” Lahnae’s voice was sad. Vizon looked furious.


    WHAT IS THIS GUY’S PROBLEM?!” Vizon yelled, clawing at the squirtle as though he wanted to throttle him. “ARE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION?!”


    “Loshjno this is serious!!” Nivanee yelled in terrified anger. “Don’t you understand that?!”


    “I sure do.” Loshjno replied simply.


    Avery looked down. He felt the fire growing brighter. Hotter. Worse.


    And still they fell, still they fell with no end in sight…no way out.


    The badge against his chest…It was almost inviting Avery to bail. To go back to the guild, let someone else deal with it.


    It’s just a failure. In these moments it sounded almost reasonable.


    …But they weren’t the only ones at stake here. That Starly looked out of his depth. Avery didn’t see anything of what happened to the Sneasel. And that Snivy…Avery didn’t know if their Schism Sigils had the same functionality that theirs did. Even if the Starly could fly out…they wouldn’t be able to escape with that God of Thunder in the same room. It’d be a different fate.


    And the people of Qeasé.


    ‘The people of Qeasé, he said, would be thralls. And I can’t let that happen either.’


    But Avery felt the heat of the fire. He felt it advancing. They couldn’t help Qease’ if they were dead.


    “We aren’t giving up, but…” Avery growled, looking over at the Torchic. It was then he saw her bare chest, no badge to be seen. “L-Lahnae! Your badge-!”


    “WHO NEEDS IT!!” She yelled back to Avery, shaking her head. “No bailing! No running! Never!”


    “Lahnae thats-!” Nivanee was cut off! She ROUGHLY slammed into a stone wall! Vanished down another shaft as the crevice they fell down split apart.


    “NIVANEE!!!” Vizon screamed, reaching a hand as though he could save her even as the shaft she fell down flew farther from him.


    “Hold on!” Jolvia shouted, plummeting into another shaft and vanishing as well.


    Haugh…” Rikzyod grimaced as she disappeared. A jutting rock STRUCK him in the face, rock flying away!


    “Arceus above-IT’S GETTING NARROWER!” Vizon shouted in panic.


    “IT’S FINE!” Lahnae shouted, trying to keep herself steady as she fell. “We’re gunna be fine! We’re gunna win this one and everyone’s okay! Right, Loshjno?!”


    “Mmm…” The Squirtle smirked, looking up at Avery and Lahnae.


    Then, he shrugged.


    “Whatever happens, happens.”


    And that was the final word. Loshjno vanished behind a rock face as he fell into another shaft, going who knows where. Vizon yelped as Rikzyod and Lahnae disappeared.


    “Avery…! AVERY!” Vizon screamed out, twisting himself to try and get closer, to reach for the Plusle’s hand. “Hold on! HOLD ON! HOLD-




    Nothing but rock face.


    “V…Vizon, I-” The last Avery saw of him was through a look of his own fear.


    Avery was alone, tumbling down a narrow shaft all by himself. His friends gone.


    And the blazing fire below reaching a fever pitch.


    This was it.


    The fire…


    the rushing of the wind


    whatever was down there…


    Avery squinted his eyes shut


    and waited for the end of the fall


    as the heat blasted his face


    the wind SCREAMED a final shrill note








    Chapter 20.2





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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