The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 20.1





    ===================   B E G I N  ===================



    This was a lesser traveled road.


    The well-kept gravel path turned to dirt, covered in branches and bramble that cracked and snapped as they passed. The forest thinned from tall oaks to thin and bushy trees and then to nothing but rolling hills of grass.


    Further out, the grass grew more yellow.


    The cool spring air was slowly replaced by a heat that tingled the skin. The grass was shorter, the dirt now a cracked mud that crunched under their paws.


    There were less clouds overhead now. The grass was thinning. Now it was mostly dirt.


    Dirt and gravel, with cacti lining the unkempt pathway that traced across barren hills.


    It was so remote. So silent.


    There was nothing out here.


    It was almost unnerving, walking through the arid silence. But thankfully Lahnae’s chatter kept things lively and upbeat.


    Soon the dirt and gravel turned finer, yellower, sandier. Their paws buried into the sand as they all walked, the heat intensifying as the land changed, dunes rolling ahead. Vizon was already panting.


    But there, nestled between two hills of sand…they saw it. A collection of buildings baking in the wavering heat. The group approached, closing in on it, seeing Poke’mon milling about the stone and clay buildings, until at last they entered the village of Qease’.



    “Alright, now follow my lead.” Nivanee said. “These are old-fashioned types. They keep the old Kessi Kingdom ruins sacred up north into the desert.”


    Avery made a face, hearing all that.


    The journey was already starting to take its toll on Vizon…the Plusle was feeling alright so far, but he figured that might change as the day went on.


    “You doing okay, bud…?” Avery asked, nudging the Riolu. “Remember to stay hydrated, we don’t want you getting heat stroke before we even do the mission….!”


    Vizon could only pant…but nodded.


    Avery turned to look at the town. Quiet. Religious, apparently. He wasn’t sure how to feel about that. His only role models for religion in Arcea were the nice monks in Taeriana and the crazy mud boys in the swamps.


    ‘So…One for one.’


    “We’ll defer to you, Niv.” Avery said at last.


    Nivanee nodded, stepping forward.


    The village was indeed quiet. A wind blew over the village. Hot.


    Clay chimes clacked together gently, some of the only noise in the village. The Poke’mon here wore thick and heavy robes over their bodies to shield from the hot air, tending to their business either at the old well, the clay pit or even a farm here and there with special sand-growing crops.


    The Poke’mon in the village said nothing to the group, only glancing their way briefly. None of the villagers’ gazes seemed hostile, only ambivalent. It’s clear the guild members were, at the very least, welcome.


    The group moved forward in silence, emulating the villagers, Nivanee scanning her eyes over the buildings, looking for-


    “HEYA, QEASE’!!! WE’RE BACK!!” Lahnae cheered, making Nivanee yelp and jump into the air. “We’re GUNNA PROTECT THE RUINS FOR REAL THIS TIME!!!”


    A few of the villagers perked up at the mention of the ruins, many of them looking to one another in worry. Nivanee hissed at the Torchic.


    “Wha-! Lahnae, discretion!!” Nivanee said, making Lahnae puff up.


    “Hey, I’ve been here once already! Just yesterday! They know me!” The Torchic said. “I felt horrible that we couldn’t save those ruins, so I’m making sure they know THE GUILD NEVER GIVES UP and they’re in GOOD HANDS! We’re gunna DO IT no matter WHAT IT TAKES!”


    “Yes but-!” Nivanee shook her head, batting at the Torchic. Loshjno only shrugged, nonplussed.


    “She has a point. It makes for a good image.” Loshjno didn’t even sound like he was agreeing with Lahnae’s actions, only stating a fact. Nivanee furrowed her brow, Lahnae stepping forward.


    “I remember where the master’s house is!” Lahnae added. “I gotta tell him I brought friends this time!”


    Avery cringed a little from the volume interrupting the calm air that hovered over Qeasé. She was enthusiastic, he’d give her that, but…it was worthwhile to read the room, too.


    “Careful, Lahnae,” Avery advised quietly. “Remember, we’re doing an infiltration mission here. It’s possible that the Treasure Guild has stationed spies here to look out for us. If they know that we’re coming, they’ll have time to prepare and get the jump on us.”


    Avery’s words immediately gave Lahnae pause, the Torchic looking back and blinking as he continued.


    “I know that image is important when helping people but…it’s important to keep our chances for success high, too.” Avery added on. “We might want to keep a low profile. We can shout victory all we want when we come back through here victorious, though…!”


    Lahnae stared and thought for a moment, then nodded.


    “Mmm…” She hummed, stroking her beak. Finally, she…whispered. “…okay!!”


    She still seemed positively giddy, like a child being taken to the park instead of an Arceali guildmember on a state-ordered mission.


    “Hmmm…” Avery could hear Loshjno quietly humming, the Squirtle’s arms crossed. He had a smile on his face, watching Lahnae bounce ahead of the group. He said nothing…but he looked as though he were basking in Lahnae’s happiness.


    Nivanee sighed with relief, silently thanking Avery as they all followed Lahnae toward the village master’s house.


    Indeed, soon it was in view. It was a larger building than the rest, constructed from laid brick with lines of red flags festooning the front. It was, no doubt, the most impressive structure in the village.


    “Ah, here we go…” Nivanee said, watching Lahnae run up to the front. “Lahnae, do you want me-“


    Lahnae disappeared through the front curtain.


    “-…I guess you don’t.” Nivanee sighed. Rikzyod quietly chuckled.


    “I like the small and stupid one.”


    “She’s enthusiastic, that’s for sure,” Avery said, giving Rikzyod a little smile back. “Come on, let’s not leave her alone in there for too long. We’re all in this together, after all…!”


    Avery took a breath, looked at the rest of his team…and Loshjno.


    The Plusle’s eyes lingered on the Squirtle a little longer than everyone else.


    ‘What is he about…? I barely know anything about Loshjno. He definitely seems to get along better with Lahnae than Ganisus had with Kipuuna. So far it seems like this won’t be a repeat of what happened in Dove Fo Uddjo…thank goodness. I’ve had enough Deep Dimension Incidents to last a lifetime.


    But…something tells me that there’s something about this. Something’s off. Whether it’s luck or something else-


    Luck. Right. Let’s not leave Lahnae alone-‘


    Avery took point, quickly walking inside the impressive building with the others following behind.


    “Hey…! Master?”


    Avery could hear Lahnae’s voice, low and whispering per his suggestion…even indoors. He heard Loshjno chuckle again at this. Vizon side-eyed the Squirtle as they all entered the house.


    The inside was simple and humble, with little in the way of decoration apart from clay furniture for guests and nothing else. Painted patterns adorned the walls, hand-crafted, no doubt by the master himself.


    “Are we intruding…?” Avery heard Vizon ask from behind. Lahnae spoke again in the other room.


    “Master…? It’s Lahnae! I…” She trailed off. “Where is he…? Hello…?!”


    As they rounded a corner, they saw a large room with an open ceiling and woven matt on the floor. The house seemed completely empty, Lahnae looking about, bewildered.


    Avery cast his eyes around the room, looking carefully. Seeing this sort of handcrafted work after being in Arceliaze’s carefully manufactured architecture so long was pretty unique…especially in such a remote place as this. But that just instilled a feeling of dread in him as he saw how empty it was.


    Nivanee furrowed her brow.


    “The Qease’ leader…absent…?” Nivanee muttered. “…That can’t be right, he’d not abandon the village, surely not now with the Treasure Guild issue going on…”


    “Everyone outside looked rather worried.” Jolvia reminded, Nivanee perking her head up, deep in thought. But Lahnae broke the thinking with an outburst.


    “What like…you’re thinking he’s KIDNAPPED?!” Lahnae shouted, her whisper gone, now replaced with horrified fear and anger. Jolvia motioned for Lahnae to lower her volume, continuing in a measured voice.


    “The village leader of Qease’ tends to be one of the strongest Poke’mon in the village. If anything…he’s gone out to where the Treasure Guild is in order to handle this himself.”


    “Oh no…” Nivanee huffed.


    Avery clenched his fists.


    “Then we can’t waste any more time. If the master’s gone out, then we have to go and support him.” The Plusle was already heading for the door. “Is there anything else we need to do in Qeasé? Or should we set out now? I don’t want to mince minutes while there’s someone else involved.”


    “Oh no of course not.” Avery could hear Loshjno’s voice behind him, the boy’s tone…lax as ever. “We certainly can’t waste another moment, right, Lahnae?”


    “Yeah…yeah!” Lahnae shouted, a glint in her eye. Nivanee, for her part, looked worried as Lahnae pushed past.


    “Do you hear that…?” Nivanee asked quietly, her ears swiveling back towards the entrance. Jolvia frowned, her ears flicking.


    “I hear it too…” Jolvia muttered, turning away. “Shouting…coming from outside.”


    Nivanee bit her lip.


    “Everyone! Back out! Back out!” the Eevee commanded. Vizon nodded, weaving his way through the group, everyone following suit.


    “Shoot- shoot shoot-“


    ‘What’s happening now-?! Is it the master guy…?? Has he gotten back?? Please let this be good shouting…Even if Lahnae is with us please let it be good shouting…’


    Avery could already hear it. The rise and fall of the voices. The bumps and shuffles as everyone rushed out of the village master’s house. The Plusle headed up after Vizon as the Riolu THREW the curtained door aside.


    The blinding light of the desert sun spilled over them. Immediately, they saw the sleepy village of Qease’ alight with movement and voices.


    Poke’mon were running up to the north end of the village, hot wind billowing between the buildings, whipping their scarves and robes in the dust that kicked up.


    “Master!!!” Avery heard Lahnae’s voice cry out.


    A crowd was gathering. Up upon a dune that loomed over the village they could see a shadow in the shimmering heat.


    Then another shadow.






    One of the shadows kicked, a cloaked Diggersby tumbling down the dune, kicking up dust as he fell down below at the gathered villagers’ feet.




    The voice bellowed from on high, the village master Diggersby completely knocked out.


    The light faded, the dust slowly thinning. And Avery could see the line of Poke’mon atop the dune.


    A Helioptile. A Cubone. A Trapinch. A Magneton. A Sandslash. A Sneasel. A Buizel. All of them leering down at the crowd before them.


    Avery could see Jolvia grit her teeth, seeing them.


    “The Treasure Guild…” She muttered icily.


    ‘…Helioptile. Cubone. Trapinch. Sandslash. This…is really bad for Jolvia and I.’


    Avery could see one of the shadowed Treasure Guild Poke’mon above on the dune break formation, marching over to the Sandslash that towered over the others.


    “Oi!” The Sneasel yelled, jabbing a finger at the larger Poke’mon. “You’re making this a lot harder than it needs t’be! You keep pushing them and-“


    The Sandslash put a hand on the Sneasel’s head, shoving her away.


    “Foreman, you might be in charge of the dig but you’re not my client.” Avery could hear the Sandslash say. “You get back down there and find that orb or whatever have you so yer Guild Master can pay us.”


    The Buizel caught the falling Sneasel, glared at the Sandslash and led the Foreman away. The rest of the Poke’mon postured over the Qease’ Poke’mon as the villages carried the Diggersby master away.


    Glancing at Lahnae and Loshjno’s direction Avery could see Nivanee already gagging the struggling Lahnae with her tail, Loshjno…silently laughing. Even now he only laughed.


    “RIGHT!” The Sandslash roared. The Helioptile and Magneton crackled with electrical energy. “If anyone wants to join the more HELPFUL of you lot down by the ruins, we’re almost done plundering, then we’ll leave. No more of…”


    He gestured towards the collapsed Diggersby, who even now had not awoken.


    “…that.” The Sandslash laughed. Lahnae’s eyes FLARED.


    Vizon reached in his bag, getting out some oran berries, Nivanee nodding as he stepped up to the crowd hoisting the Diggersby to safety, the villagers graciously accepting the help as the group of Poke’mon up on the dune turned and disappeared toward the desert.


    Nivanee sighed, letting go of Lahnae.


    “LET ME GO!!!” Lahnae yelled out. “Master is SUCH A NICE GUY! THIS ISN’T RIGHT!”


    “Of course it isn’t, but don’t make it worse-! Hey!!” Nivanee grunted as Lahnae pulled away.


    “W…Wait, wait wait-” Avery said, trying to keep quiet, but holding Lahnae’s wing. “…I…might have an idea. They said they’re…they said they’re looking for helpful people to go down and excavate something, right? What if…”


    Avery bit his lip, looking at the Diggersby, then at the others.


    “This is just a suggestion. But what if we went undercover?” Avery suggested. “Pretended to help, and sabotaged from the inside out? There’s…”


    His eyes slid to where the others in the Treasure Guild had been, then Jolvia.


    “…I’m sensing similarities to the River Delta. There’s dissent in the ranks.” the Plusle noted.


    Loshjno chuckled to himself. Lahnae slowly calmed and looked to Avery, though the fire was no less burning in the Torchic’s eye.


    “Under…cover?” Her brow furrowed. “What you mean like…lie???”


    She turned her head towards the crowd of villagers tending to the village master. She frowned, that look of enraged fury on her face.


    “I feel more like…I want to burst in and flame up until there’s nothing left but…” She shook her head, taking a breath, trying to un-psyche herself. She was worked up. “No…uh…no, you’re right! Y-yeah, that’s the smart thing to do!! Oh…! Yeah yeah, no, it could be like the river delta!!”


    Jolvia raised her eyebrows, stroking her chin, glancing up at the dunes.


    “From the looks of it…” Jolvia began. “The actual guild Poke’mon are getting bullied by their bodyguards. I imagine Lahnae and Loshjno’s attempt to save the day meant they upped their security…and got greater jurisdiction.”


    “Ohhhh, shooot~” Loshjno said, shrugging with a nonplussed grin. “Then I guess they’d recognize us in a heartbeat. Maybe even the famous upstart Team Azure…aaaand Nivanee of Duskwalker.”


    The Squirtle eyed Lahnae who looked at him, confused at the conflicting perspectives.


    “And imagine…in the midst of a bunch of bad guys, surrounded…just watching them tear up sacred ruins that mean everything to these Qease’ poke’mon…” Loshjno put in.


    Lahnae’s brow knitted, her body slowly starting to shake.


    “Happily chip, chip chipping away, without a care, and making the Qease’ villagers do it themselves.”


    Lahnae SNORTED.


    ‘…What is he doing…?’


    Avery looked towards Nivanee with concern.


    ‘Is Loshjno always like this…? It seems like he’s trying to set Lahnae off…!’


    “Okay, okay, yes, you’re probably right-” Avery said, cutting the Squirtle off. “Since you guys were here yesterday, and that’s what made the security go up, going undercover isn’t an option. But…it’s important that we keep cool heads about this, okay?


    Avery stood by Lahnae, putting a hand on her back. Nivanee furrowed her brow, watching as the Squirtle innocently put his hands behind his back, a wide smile on his face as he leaned forward, listening to Avery very carefully.


    “…I know that what’s going on is bad.” Avery continued, feeling the Torchic’s body shaking in anger. “And we’re here to stop it. Not just bring the pearl back, but help Qeasé in the meantime. But…we can’t let our emotions get the best of us. We use them as motivation, and fuel for what we can do…but we don’t let them drive us.”


    ‘…What was something smart I can say? Or…maybe something that Lahnae – maybe even Vizon – can understand implicitly?’


    “…When our minds, hearts, and souls work in tandem, that’s when we get the best work done, no matter how bad it gets!”


    “But this is REALLY bad! Badder than bad!!!” Lahnae huffed, puffs of fire billowing from her nostrils. Even Vizon was getting worked up, right along with her, clenching his fists as he looked back at the poor old Village Master he helped recover.


    “It’s unforgivable is what it is…” Vizon muttered, a deep frown on his face. Jolvia’s eyes silently flicked between Avery and Loshjno.


    “Now, wait, wait, guys. Vizon. Lahnae…” Nivanee said, the Torchic looking away. “Listen to Avery. Listen…you know, to your…‘rival’.”


    Nivanee strained out that last word but it still stuck with Lahnae. She and Vizon both took a deep breath, trying to calm down.


    “It’s so…hard…to calm down.” Lahnae said, shuddering. “Every second I’m sitting idly by is a failure. I just…I just…!!!”


    She strained hard, sweating, anger reaching a boiling point.


    “I…just want to save the day…” She muttered, shuddering. “…I want them to stop hurting others. I want everyone to be okay. I want…”


    She glanced at Loshjno. The Squirtle only gave an encouraging smile.


    “…I want to do my partner proud.” She said at last, breathing out. Slowly, slowly trying to calm herself.


    Avery saw something.


    While everyone watched Lahnae, Avery caught a brief…brief twitch on the side of Loshjno’s mouth.


    And finally he spoke.


    Avery could hear how surgically precise the Squirtle’s word choice was, his tone, his posture, everything.


    “Then let’s go defeat the bad guys.” Loshjno chuckled.


    That did it.


    The dam burst.


    Lahnae LEAPT into the air. Vizon PUMPED his fights, both of them yelling in total righteous fury!


    “YEAH” They screamed in unison, their voices ECHOING over the dunes. Lahnae FLARED. The heat BURST over the group, billowing between everyone. “HEROES!!!”


    “Lahnae-! LAHNAE WAIT!” Nivanee yelled, stumbling forward as the Torchic BOLTED ahead, Vizon hot on her trail.


    Avery’s heart leapt out of his chest, and straight into what felt like a vat of molasses.


    ‘This…this couldn’t be happening, right? This wasn’t…’




    Jolvia ran forward, only briefly looking back to Avery before running after Nivanee, Rikzyod in hot pursuit.


    Loshjno chuckled as he stood by the Plusle.


    “Alright.” He called up to the Torchic lightly, just enough for Lahnae to hear him. “Do what you can and have fun with it, Lahnae…~!”


    He chuckled again. Again.


    Avery jolted forward to followed but stopped, briefly, and looked at Loshjno, out of the corner of his eye.


    There was…a worry, a sort of fear in Avery’s face.


    ‘That can’t be true. It can’t be true.


    He’s just coping. He’s just…He’d been hurt, too! He’d been hurt in the Old Wanderer case! If this was just some game to him, if he was manipulating her like this…he wouldn’t get himself hurt, too, right?’


    But the more that Avery thought about what he said, the sicker he felt.




    Just give him the benefit of the doubt.’


    Loshjno only stood there, watching Lahnae run. The Torchic trudged up the dune where the Poke’mon had stood, the others after her. All the while she shouted and sang war cries.


    The Squirtle was…silent. As though he didn’t hear Avery at first. He was…silent.


    Only watching Lahnae.


    Finally, as the Torchic crested the hill, Loshjno spoke, his eyes ever on her.


    “Look how much she’s enjoying herself…” Loshjno said…almost wistfully. “Every time we come out into the field she’s having the time of her life. She loves being in this guild.”


    A gust of hot air licked at Avery’s fur, a tuft of dust swirling around the both of them. The Squirtle let his gaze fall down onto the Plusle. His face almost seemed serene. Eyes half lidded, a smile on his face, as though he couldn’t care less about anything going on.


    At the top of the dune, Nivanee caught up with Lahnae, talking to her. It gave them all a moment to breathe.


    To talk. Even if briefly.


    Avery looked back to Loshjno, frowning deeply. At last, the Plusle found his found.


    “L…Loshjno, we…we have to be careful,” Avery said, giving a serious look. “I know you’re trying to be encouraging, but…we have to be careful.”


    The Squirtle spoke again, his words like a long sigh.


    “Frankly…? ‘Careful’ would have been sending you and Aquashock, like Sarfallinus had originally planned…” Loshjno said, glancing back at Avery. “But…poor guy. Sarfallinus sometimes isn’t the strongest leader…not like I’m any better. I’d never have the heart to tell Lahnae we shouldn’t go on this mission. Didn’t you see how happy she was to be going on a mission with you, Avery?”


    The Plusle sighed deeply.


    ‘…Okay. Okay, that isn’t as bad as it could be. He isn’t sabotaging her, that’s…that’s good.’


    Avery let some of the tension drop from his shoulders.


    ‘But…he’s right. If we were being careful, we would have taken Aquashock.


    …Why had I wanted to bring Team Spade instead of Team Aquashock? Was it just because Sarfallinus had fumbled with what they were supposed to do? Was it just because Lahnae had wanted us to collaborate since we first became rivals?


    Maybe that was part of it. But…those weren’t the only reasons. There was some other reason that I’d brought them along. And…I didn’t really want to admit that to myself.’


    “…That’s true,” Avery said. “And…I definitely want her to be happy, too. And you. All of us. But…I think that that shouldn’t be our only priority, right…? If we go down here, because we rush in without a plan, then Qease’ is going to be in the same situation then as when we got here. And…we have to help them too.”


    “Oh they’ll be fine.” Loshjno chuckled, looking back up at the dune, watching Vizon and Lahnae chest-bump with Rikzyod. “With the number of strong guild members on our side the treasure guild won’t stand a chance. But make no mistake…”


    Loshjno’s smile faltered. Only briefly.


    “We’re not completing this mission. And when we inevitably bungle it up…maybe you and Kipuuna can come in and do what we can’t today.” Loshjno said it so matter-of-factly. It wasn’t a self put-down. He said it like he was reading from a book. “So for today…we’ll do what we can. Only what we can. And just try to let her have fun with it.”


    Lahnae’s cheering voice echoed from the hill, making Loshjno smile wider.


    “It’s a pity.” The Squirtle sighed. “But it can’t be helped. So long as she can improve she’ll always keep trying.”


    Avery stared at Loshjno a moment longer. Words came to mind, but none of them came to mouth. Loshjno had been through three years of this. Anything that Avery said would sound like empty promises.


    “Well. You and I agree on one thing,” Avery said. “…We’ll do what we can. And…hopefully, if everything goes well…that’ll be enough.”


    The Plusle nodded towards the dune.


    “Come on, let’s not keep them waiting any longer.”


    “Yeah.” Loshjno chuckled. There was an odd look in his eye. Something almost…knowing. “Good luck, Avery.”


    “GUUUUYS!!!!” Lahnae’s voice called from the top of the hill. “WHAT’RE YOU DOOOOING! GET UP HERE! WE’RE GUNNA GO GET THE BAD GUYS.


    Loshjno laughed, lightly jogging ahead without a care in the world.


    “Even when we defeat the treasure guild…I hope you don’t expect much…” Avery heard the Squirtle mutter to himself.


    ‘…What did that mean? The guy is acting like he can see the future or something. Even when we defeat the Treasure Guild…?’


    Avery shook his head, picking up the pace. At last, the both of them reached the top of the hill, the group looking out toward the vast expanse of the lightening wastes.



    The rolling dunes of the desert seemed to glow under the sun, blinding and shimmering in the heat. A marker flag fluttered beside them. From here, more flags could be seen in the distance, marking a path across the sands. A rush of burning wind carrying a puff of dust rolled across the hills, making everyone squint.


    Nivanee looked back and breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Avery and Loshjno approach.


    There you are.” Nivanee huffed, stepping closer. “Looks like the dig site is just up ahead, nestled in a valley.”


    “Lahnae and Vizon insist on the direct approach.” Jolvia put in, crossing her arms. “Whatever the method, I’d certainly like to get get the Treasure Guild out of here. Nevermind the pearl, I’m with Lahnae: these ruins are sacred to Qease’. I’m, as ever, surprised this operation has gone undealt with by the guild…”


    Nivanee blustered.


    “Hey…! There’s been a lot going on-“


    “This operation looks months old.” Jolvia cut the Eevee off, squeezing her folded arms, a sharp look in her eye. “But it doesn’t matter. We’re here now and we need to shut this down.”


    “And get the pearl!!!” Vizon and Lahnae cheered. Jolvia didn’t reply…she only looked away.


    “This was what it was like with the River Delta, too,” Avery said, picking up the pace to walk between Jolvia and Nivanee. “That request for hooligans had been pending for a long time, but nobody went to answer, and…it turned into the Nido Kingdom. Though…”


    He gave Nivanee a careful look.


    “…The guild hasn’t really had the manpower it’s had historically, if all those rooms in the basement are to be believed, huh…?” Avery began. “The team before us quit, or something…and the others graduated, I think? Other than Spade and us, it sounds like there hasn’t been many to fill the gaps.”


    Avery returned his eyes to the wastes in front of them.


    “…Makes me wonder what else is happening in the world while our guild’s so focused on Xamao and the pearls.”


    “A lot is happening. All the time.” Jolvia  replied cryptically. “It’s a shame. The guild used to have the manpower and mandate to take care of issues all across Arcea. Though now triage always dictates places like Qease’ and Taeriana…don’t matter.


    “We are doing our best.” Nivanee seethed, making Jolvia frown.


    “As ever.” The Nidrorina replied. “Now-“


    “AUUUGHHGHGHGH!” Rikzyod roared. “Talk talk talk! Whinging, whining and noise, I have grown so weary of it!!! I did not leave the mercenaries to talk of current events and feelings, I am here to crack skulls and be cracked! Avery! Where are the skulls!!”


    “Yeah! Where’s the skulls?!” Lahnae cheered, kicking the air excitedly. “I’mma make them pay for messing with innocent poke’mon!”


    Jolvia smiled, amused, looking to Avery and nodding her head towards the flag.


    “They left a trail straight to the ruins.” She said. “And I’m willing to bet they already see us.”


    “Then there’s no point in trying to be stealthy,” Avery said. “Everyone, keep an eye on your flanks, to make sure that nobody’s sneaking up on us. They have the element of surprise on us, so be ready for attacks from anywhere…!”


    He began walking forwards.


    ‘Rikzyod is right. We can talk about current events and guild things later. For now…we have to vacate those ruins before any more damage is done.’


    “Everyone, V-shape!” Nivanee commanded, nodding to the group. “Vizon, Lahnae, you’re at my left and right.”


    “HECK YEAH!” Lahnae jumped RIGHT into position, amping herself up, Vizon doing the same.


    “Just like the River Delta. Just like Dovve Fo Uddjo. Piece of cake!” Vizon said, mostly to himself. Jolvia took her place beside Vizon, Lahnae waving Avery over to her side as Loshjno stepped up by Jolvia, Rikzyod at Avery’s back.


    “Ok, we ready?” Nivanee called.




    Nivanee gave an affirming nod, leading the fanned out group forward. Their paws crunched in the sand, following the trail of flags laid out. The heat was intense, the sun barreling down on the group.


    There was a tense air. Walking. Knowing what would come next. They all had a feeling, surely. Just waiting for it to happen.


    “Five…” Avery heard Loshjno mutter to himself.


    A swirl of dust rolled over the dunes.


    “Four…” Nobody else seemed to hear the Squirtle.


    The horizon shimmered in the blaze.




    A low wind echoed over the sand.




    Vizon took a deep breath.




    A shout.


    A bellow over the dunes.


    “IS THAT?!”




    Nivanee snapped her head to the side, a shadow ball FLYING toward a dune, a BLAST of sand SHOOTING from the impact!


    “GET THEM!!!”


    “As ever.” Loshjno muttered to himself with a chuckle, putting himself in a lax battle pose as everyone else got at the ready.


    “…You got a gift from the divine or something?” Avery said with an uneasy chuckle, turning to prepare for any attacks.


    The fact that this was a desert…they’d need to get creative. Avery knew his lightning attacks wouldn’t work well against most of who they were going up against, if that motley crew from before was any indication.


    “What’s the visual?!” Avery yelled. “Eyes on the sand, there might be burrowers!”


    Nivanee RUSHED forward.




    Just as Avery predicted! Mounds of sand RUSHED towards them! Two…no three! Closing in FAST!!!


    Vizon shot aura spheres to the mounds!


    One! Two! Struck the sand!


    A cloud kicked up. The mounds TORE through the clouds, FASTER.


    Rikzyod and Jolvia held their ground firmly. Loshjno hummed, puffing his cheeks.


    The Squirtle let loose a TORRENT of water. STEAM flooded the dunes as the water hit the blazing hot sand. He pumped more and more onto the dune, making the sand soggier. Soggier!


    A rushing digging mound HIT the patch of soggy sand! A muffled YELP coming from below!


    “Nice, Losh!!” Avery called, building his electricity.


    “WATCH OUT!”


    Two sandshrews ROCKETED out of the sand. Vizon was STRUCK! He flew back into Nivanee who tried to get away but was hit from behind!


    Over the hill!


    Two helioptile were SCURRYING toward the group rapidly, ear flaps fluttering and sparking.


    A roar.


    A BLAZE of heat!!!


    A grand FIREBALL erupted on the ground! A CIRCLE of flamed surrounded the group as Lahnae laid down a ring of fire! The heat was INTENSE. PULSATING. The helioptiles cried out! Backpedaled immediately from the WALL of fire!!


    Avery looked at Lahnae in amazement. He didn’t even have words. This was impressive.


    “Be ready-!” Avery shouted, squaring himself. “They might try digging to get underneath it again.”


    The flames SUBSIDED, a ring of glass now surrounded the group. Lahnae readied her stance.


    Over the hill Avery could see a Buizel, looming over the battle, slowly approaching, trudging in the sand.


    The Helioptiles circled the group threateningly as the Sandshrews BURROWED in the sand.


    AHA! No you don’t!” Rikzyod shouted with a PUNCH into the ground!




    With a ROAR and a CLOUD OF SAND, the Geodude TORE a Sandshrew from the ground, SLAMMING him onto the glass ring, CRACKING it.


    Another section of the glass ring CRACKED as the other burrowing Sandshrew ran into it. The third Sandshrew emerged from the soggy sand, spluttering, shaking muddy sand from his body.


    “FAN OUT! FAN OUT!” Nivanee yelled, bounding over the glass ring. Lahnae split off from the group, followed by Jolvia. Loshjno stayed, firing another watergun at the already wet sandshrew KNOCKING him over!


    The Helioptiles saw the group spreading, RUSHING IN. A thick haze surrounded the battle as more and more sand was kicked up.


    Avery could hear it. More yelling, over the next hill! They all no doubt knew they were here.


    A fireball ROCKETED past Avery, glassing another mound of sand by a Helioptile, the BLAST of heat knocking the lizard aside!


    “AVERY!” He heard Vizon yell. “Cubone! Right behind you!!!”


    Avery quickly whirling around, rubbing his paws together.


    ‘One spark-‘


    The jolt of electricity IGNITED! Flashbanged! ERUPTED from Avery’s paws as he dove! The bone club STRUCK the Plusle’s shoulder but no more.


    “Jolvia, on your left!”




    Jolvia spun, tripping the Sandshrew. A flurry of quick punches pulverized the Sandshrew, one final CRACK on its chest sending him tumbling into the sand.


    “Thank you!!”


    ‘They’re like flies! How many of them are there?!’ 


    Avery rushed the Cubone in front of him, shrugging off the pain. The Cubone swung wide! Avery ducked, lunged, and SLAMMED into the Cubone’s stomach! The Poke’mon GASPED, dropping the club. It stumbled back, dropping down into the sand.


    An aura ball flew past Avery, STRIKING a fourth Sandshrew!


    Nivanee and Lahnae darted forward together, the Eevee, pushing her tail at Lahnae’s back and SWIPING her forward. The Torchic ROCKETED towards the 2nd Helioptile, flames ERUPTING around her body! A Poke’cannonball!


    An EXPLOSION of flame and sand ERUPTED at Avery’s side. The power was INCREDIBLE. Was this really the extent of Lahnae’s strength?!


    Lahnae SHOT UP from the cloud, landing back with the group, hardly winded. A Magneton and 3 Trapinch hurried towards them.


    But they looked very worried facing against the guild that stood before them.


    There was a lot of them but…compared to everything else? This was actually…pretty easy!


    The synergy between Azure and Spade was clear. Watching Rikzyod and Jolvia combined their rock throw and poison needle attacks, watching Lahnae and Loshjno use steam to deftly move from position to position. Vizon and Nivanee back-to-back, laying down a hail fire of shadow balls and aura spheres.


    Even as more and more Poke’mon ran over the dunes, one by one they each were knocked aside, SLAMMING into the sand.


    Avery was relishing in this. In every mission he’d been in so far, he’d either felt out of his depth, or out of sync. He’d either felt too new to the work, or too new with the people he was with.


    But here…it felt almost natural. Everyone was working together, even Loshjno was doing amazing work…! He didn’t know why the Squirtle was so pessimistic about this, it was clear that both he and Lahnae were incredibly skilled!


    “We’ve got to push forward!” Avery called through the others, backing up to press up against Vizon. “I don’t know if there’s an end to these guys, but they’re not our target! We’ve gotta get them out of the ruins and find our quarry!”


    Everyone nodded, Nivanee firing off one last shadow ball, knocking over a group of Sandshrew.


    “Teams! Advance!!” The Eevee called, keeping her back to Vizon as she moved towards another flag in the distance. Jolvia grabbed a Cubone, SLAMMING him in the ground and knocking him out with one STRIKE to the face. Rikzyod and Lahnae advanced together, the Geodude sending out a volley of pebbles through Lahnae’s flamethrower, PEPPERING the dunes in flaming rocks.


    “RETREAT! GET OUT OF HERE!” A Sandslash screamed in a panic. The Helioptiles yelped, turning tail and darting off back toward the ruins.


    “OH NUTS TO THIS, THIS AIN’T WORTH THE PAY!!” Several Poke’mon abandoned altogether, running off into the dunes. Lahnae stamped her foot.


    “We’ll BE BACK FOR YOU LATER, BAD GUYS!!!” She called out, her voice booming as they all quickened their advance across the desert.


    The shouting, panicking voices that surrounded the group got fainter as more and more Poke’mon ran toward the valley just ahead. A glint over the next hill shimmered with blinding light. Something shiny stuck out of the horizon of sand.


    All around, they saw more and more stone blocks, adorned with a moon, a star and a sun on each side. They were stacked or sometimes laid across the sand. Loose bricks, the occasional pathway dug up from the sand, the crunch of the sand replaced with the clomp of stone.


    Then, it happened.


    The panicked screams…got louder.


    “WHO’RE YOU?!


    “WHAT NOW?!?




    The voices weren’t addressing the guild members as they entered. Nivanee furrowed her brow, their group advancing towards the last flag, seeing more and more of the dug up ruins spread before them.


    “…Do you hear that…?” Avery mumbled, moving a little closer to Vizon. “…Viz, those yells. Those…those aren’t normal. That’s not about us, that’s…”


    ‘Uh oh.’


    “Stay on guard!” The Plusle commanded.


    The group crested the hill. What they saw was breathtaking.



    Across the rolling dunes were buildings. White stone blinded the group, adorned with shining gold domed rooftops. Many buildings looked crumbling, but others still looked fresh enough to live in. And there, across it all, a grand structure shimmered in the burning sun.


    Before them sat a plaza of white stone, a massive sun symbol adorning the expansive area. Treasure guild tents were placed here.


    And that’s where the worrying part was seen.


    The tents were ripped. Tables were smashed and flipped. Maps and gold and chests and beds lay scattered and dismantled and ruined, the operation here smoldering, torn to shreds. Fires billowed smoke, embers fluttering in the desert wind.


    And they could hear yelling.


    Poke’mon ran to and fro, disorganized, many gathering whatever they could, trying to run over the dunes, out of the plaza. These weren’t fighters. These weak Poke’mon were proper treasure guild members. Many of them ran deeper into the uncovered city, into a building half-submerged in the sand, screaming for the Foreman.


    And there, in the center of the plaza, the guild saw a Sandslash thrown asunder by a VOLLEY of razor leaves slicing the air.


    A Snivy stepped into view, a Starly fluttering over his head.


    Around them, a sizeable team of cloaked poke’mon ran into view, striking at the treasure guild and their hired thugs.


    That’s when they saw it. Nivanee’s breath caught in her throat.


    Glistening on the heads of every Poke’mon in this group of interlopers:


    Golden Schism Sigils.


    The Thieves Guild was here.


    “There’s the surprise.” Avery could hear Loshjno sigh with a chuckle.


    “…Ssssshit,” Avery whispered, clenching his fists. He turned to Loshjno again, registering his words.


    ‘Had he known? How on earth could he have known…? Unless…


    …He’s just used to the pattern.’


    “…Okay,” Avery mumbled. “Everyone sees the symbols they’re wearing, right? The Schism Sigil. It seems like they’re driving the Treasure Guild out, but…I think this might be more a devil we know versus devil we don’t. What’s our verdict? What do we do?”


    “TAKE EM ALL DOWN!!!” Lahnae shouted without hesitation.


    The Snivy slowly turned his head toward the guildmates at the top of the hill, squinting his eyes harshly at them.


    “I’d not normally agree but…” Nivanee looked back at Avery, her face serious. “You know why they’re here. We have no time to waste.”


    Vizon grit his teeth, sweating. Rikzyod cracked his knuckles, awaiting the word. Jolvia only stared, slowly getting ready to fight, nodding.


    The Snivy eyed their group a long time. He looked up, saying something to the Starly above, then turning and BOLTING toward the entryway to the large building, the Starly following as the hooded Poke’mon mopped up the rest of the treasure guild, the stragglers making their way into the large building.


    “…Alright,” Avery said with a nod. His arm still hurt from that impact with the Cubone. It was…frustrating to Avery how easily he could go down sometimes. “…Once over. Anyone injured? Everyone ready to go?”


    Every gave a nod in affirmation, one that Avery returned.


    “Let’s go.” The Plusle commanded. “That large building’s where they’re funneling in. Point of interest. There first!”




    With a shout the group RUSHED forward into the plaza, their steps thundering over the stone.


    Immediately Rikzyod opened his arms to GRAPPLE a cloaked Poke’mon, SLAMMING the Charmander into the ground. Vizon jumped, spinning and STRIKING his fist into a Simisear!


    “Ah! Guild! It’s the guild!!”


    “Me homfe i essoweve! Evvipboupi!”


    The other cloaked Poke’mon jumped, spinning around and readying themselves, black cloaks billowing in the wind.


    “Team Isce’s in the chamber! Just hold ’em off!” A cloaked Poke’mon yelled. The Charmander and Simisear scrambled away from Vizon and Rikzyod. No one-hit KO’s, these poke’mon were MUCH tougher.


    “GET READY! BREAK THROUGH THEM!” Lahnae yelled!


    “SURROUND!” Nivanee bellowed, the group fanning.


    “…Team Isce,” Avery mumbled, steeling himself. “Alright, everyone, take ’em down!!


    Two bolts formed in the Plusle’s hands. He rushed one of the hooded figures, jumped up into a front flip, JAMMED the electrical volts into them!


    The hooded Poke’mon JOLTED, THROWN forward by the FORCE of the javelins! Cloak SMOKING.






    Avery’s paws slammed on the ground behind the hooded Poke’mon, panting.


    “Cut ’em off!!” Avery shouted, backing off. “Don’t let anyone out or in!!”


    The other cloaked Poke’mon spun, SLAMMING into Avery’s teammates, one of them forcing Jolvia down. A cheap shot STRUCK across Nivanee as she tried to break through.


    “Loshjno! Water!!!” Lahnae yelled. Loshjno hummed, putting down a large puddle of water at Lahnae’s feet, the liquid pooling around her.


    Lahnae TENSED. Her body EXPLODED with heat, a MASS of steam SHOOTING UP from the puddle, ROCKETING her forward! SLAMMING into a cloaked Poke’mon! The thieves guild Poke’mon screamed as they FLEW back and CRATERED into a wall, chipping the white stone.


    To Avery’s side, Rikzyod sparred two cloaked Poke’mon, trading punches. The thieves guild Poke’mon batted and blocked his strikes, no matter how fast they were. Rikzyod ROARED with laugher as every punch was parried. One of the Poke’mon ducked under a punch SLAMMING their fist into Rikzyod’s jaw, sending the Geodude FLYING into the air.


    Working together, one cloaked Poke’mon grabbed the other, spinning, THROWING them into the air to forward flip and STRIKE their fists into the Geodude! Rikzyod STREAKED into the ground, CRATERING with an EXPLOSION of debris and dust, stone pebbles clattering around the group’s feet.


    “Rik!!” Vizon yelled, desperately dodging psychic beams from a Kadabra. Nivanee tried to hit the psychic Poke’mon with a shadow ball but was HIT from the side, the shadow ball flying wide and CRASHING into a stone wall, toppling it. Dust CASCADED over the plaza.


    It was getting harder to see! Their team couldn’t break through!! These Poke’mon were on a totally different level to the Treasure Guild mooks!


    ‘Shoot. Shoot, things are getting incredibly out of hand…! If we were working with teamwork, so are they…!’


    Avery knew he had to remain aware of what was happening around him… But-


    “Don’t underestimate them!” Avery yelled, circling the battlefield quickly, peppering the action with bolts of electricity. “Watch what they do and counteract!”


    He turned… And thought.


    “Losh!” Avery called, whipping his head toward the Squirtle. “Try and soak their cloaks if you can! I’ve got an idea-!”


    Loshjno heard Avery, laughing, a knowing look in his eye. He knew the Plusle’s plan exactly.


    Unfortunately, so did the Thieves Guild.




    “TARGET 1, Plusle.”

    “AYE AYE”


    A Buizel backed off, protected by a Bulbasaur, a Pidgey following the water Poke’mon.


    Loshjno readied a watergun, scanning the arena.


    The other Poke’mon suppressed Vizon and Nivanee, Rikzyod barely able to recover and Jolvia tried to help him.


    The Buizel went for a mound of sand, firing a watergun at the mound, getting it wet and soggy. The Pidgey readied behind him as he began flinging soggy…MUDDY SAND in the air, the Pidgey using gust to fling the mud toward Avery!


    The Plusle barely had time to dodge, quick reflexes were all that separated him from being KO’d. He let out a cry of pain from the mud, sapping some of the electrical energy from him.


    Avery felt grounded, and shook himself to get some of the mud off.


    Loshjno turned his head and FIRED a TORRENT of water at the Simisear. The Simisear saw it coming, returning with a BLAZING HOT flamethrower. The two streams CONVERGED, a BRILLAINT cloud of steam BILLOWING into the air.


    ‘What is he doing?!’


    “Loshjno!” Lahnae called as the Squirtle was now tied up with the Simisear. A Stanler SLAMMED into Torchic, knocking her over in her brief distraction!


    ‘Alright, I’ll have to improvise. Both teams are working together. We’ve met a fine match. But we can still push through…!’


    Avery steeled himself, pulling a bolt out. It was weaker, from the ground attack that had hit him…but it didn’t need to be that strong. Not for what he was planning. No matter what, Avery knew he had to trust that his team could handle themselves…while he watched the Buizel.


    Waiting for his moment. Waiting for a stream to exit his mouth. The perfect conductor.


    “WATCH IT!”


    The Buizel perked up, just as he opened his mouth, a STREAM exiting his mouth. He didn’t even have time to look surprised.


    A hot WAVE of fire SHOT behind Avery as Loshjno finally released his watergun, a MASSIVE CLOUD of steam looming overhead, shading the battlefield.


    The Squirtle backpedaled, the Simisear caught off-guard by the sudden lack of resistance, stumbling.


    Loshjno looked up, eyes twinkling, opening his mouth.


    And let loose a POWERFUL ice beam. It SHOT up into the cloud, STRIKING it. The cloud shifted and SWIRLED and CONTRACTED.






    Droplets fell. Harder. Harder, more and more.


    A SURGE of water came POURING down as all the water from the cloud CONDENSED at once, SPILLING over the entire party of Poke’mon.


    Lahnae gasped, ROARING a flamethrower in the center of the circle of guildmates, WARDING away the water from their group as she watched Avery arc with energy.




    “OH NO, RUN! RUN! RUN!”




    The Thieves Guild Poke’mon were SOAKED, Lahnae’s flamethrower keeping Azure and Spade team dry.


    A perfect storm.


    A perfect powder keg.


    And Avery held the spark.


    “…Ohhh ho ho ho, amazing work-” the Plusle laughed…


    Six bolts, like daggers, formed in his hands. Unstable. Bursting with voltage!


    He swung, bolts shooting up, into the cloud then rocketing down! Lightning CRACKLED through water, striking each soaked Poke’mon members in a BLINDING STRIKE!!


    The deafening CRACK of thunder blew across the desert! Rattled the sands!


    “Strike now!”


    The enemy was JOLTED, STUNNED, SMOKING.


    The teams FLEW from the tight circle!




    Vizon SLAMMED into the Bulbasaur.




    Nivanee CUT through the Kadabra!




    Lahnae BARRELED into the Buizel!




    Rikzyod ROCKETED into the Pidgey!




    Jolvia TOOK DOWN the Simisear!




    Loshjno fired another ice beam at a Machop.


    The Poke’mon all FLEW back, SLAMMING and TUMBLING on the stone, battered and beat down, staggering to get up. Only the Buizel and the Machop managed to stand, heaving, looking in terror at the fallen Poke’mon.


    “Arrceus above…”


    “Gepdamu raitvu, gepdamu raitvu, dusso!! Dusso! WOE! WOE! WOE!”


    The Buizel grit his teeth, the Machop scrambling back toward the building.


    “NO!” The Buizel roared, trying to lunge, only to be pulled back by the Machop. The struggling water type had a frenzied look in his eye as his ally dragged him away. “PUP VUDDESMO DEBBU! WEGGEPDAMU! VO ADDOFISU, NO TIPVO?!”


    The two disappeared into the building, the Buizel’s shouts echoing from within as the they ran.


    Avery was left panting as they watched. They’d won the skirmish. They’d all won the skirmish, they were in sync! This was going well! This was going really well!


    ‘…Too well.’


    “…You guys saw the look in their eyes, right…?” Avery asked, looking at the others as he rubbed at his sore spots from the attacks he’d taken. While they’d won, it was nowhere near a clean victory. “…does anyone here speak Illaminian…? Does anyone know what they’re saying? Something…something feels off about all of this…”


    Vizon looked up at Avery, tapping his badge on the knocked out Thieves Guild members, vanishing them away in a flash of light. He and Nivanee shook their head, Lahnae coming up to the Plusle.


    “I only caught a bit of it but…” Lahnae stuck out her tongue. “It was mostly cuss words.”


    Loshjno chuckled, folding his arms and shaking his head.


    “Well…” Vizon panted, wiping his head. “It got a little more tough than we thought it was going to but…hey! We still made it out okay. I guess it couldn’t all be a cakewalk right?”


    “No…” Loshjno said, a wide smile on his face. “And, as ever, I suspect it still won’t be.”


    “What do you mean…?” Vizon huffed, hands on his knees as he caught his breath.


    “Eh, what else? That’s hardly the worst that could happen.” Loshjno shrugged nonchalantly. “We’re sure to find the upper limit soon enough.”


    “What’s that supposed to mean…?” Vizon asked, straightening up, squinting at the Squirtle. Loshjno said nothing at first, hardly flinching at the glare.


    “Well…why don’t we go on ahead and find out?” Loshjno said, straightening as well. “It’s just like I always say, don’t get your hopes too high and just try to have fun.”


    “F…fun?! Whatdyamean ‘fun’??” Vizon snapped, Lahnae glaring at the Riolu. “This…! I mean we’re doing good but we’re trying our best here to get this done!


    “Oh I’m sure, I’m sure.” Loshjno said, glancing at Lahnae. The Torchic panted, exhausted, but refusing to back down. “But being so serious about it won’t do any good. We’re all working so hard already, after all, and anything can happen. Just…measured expectations, as always.”


    Lahnae stared at Loshjno…her face seemed contemplative.




    But she shook her head, the look vanishing immediately.


    “Well!!!” She blurted, as though to banish whatever it was she had been thinking. “NO TIME TO LOSE! LET’S GET THE LIGHTNING PEARL FROM THOSE THIEVES GUILD CREEPS! MISSION NEARLY ACCOMPLISHED, GUYS!”


    Vizon frowned briefly at Loshjno…but smiled to Lahnae.


    “YEAH!” The Riolu cheered.


    Avery glanced at Loshjno as well. He…knew where the Squirtle was coming from.


    ‘Tempered expectations. Sometimes our best isn’t enough.


    But sometimes, it is. Sometimes, it has to be.’


    Chapter 20.1





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