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    Chapter 18.3





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    The streets were dark. Both looking familiar and…twisted in the dark. Warped and strange. Proud statues now loomed like beasts ready to strike. Pillars and overhangs hung over like teeth, jaws.


    Everything was still in the heavy shadow, nothing much more than the dull red glow of Sanshiyad.


    Nobody was here.


    Avery passed a familiar street. Another.


    And there…there was the guild. On the far end of the silent canal.


    Lights off. Sleeping.


    He ran into the guild, wheezing from the effort of running. His paw went to his chest as he looked around the guild.


    ‘I have…I have to tell someone.’


    ‘Sarfallinus. Estaloni. Somebody.’


    The guild hall was dark, the candles long since gone out.


    ‘Please…please do something about this, Sarfallinus. Please help me-‘


    He raced across the carpet, flying down the spiral staircase to the main hall. There, across the tile floor, under Sarfallinus’s door…a faint light flickered. Voices echoed from within as Avery ran up.


    “I’m not doing this again. I can’t. I have to search him. Tear this whole city apart if I have to!”


    Nivanee, her voice panicked.


    “Nivanee you can’t-“


    Sarfallinus was cut off.


    “Arceus it’s happening again. Why did I say anything. Stupid. Stupid! Why can’t I shut up?!”


    “Look…!” Another voice…Vizon. “It’s only one night, we…we can still find him. Maybe Rikzyod or Jolvia saw him?”


    Avery let off a breath, knocking hard on the door, pounding on it desperately. The door rattled against his fist, ringing in Avery’s ear.


    “Sarfallinus!” He called, coughing and panting. “Sarfallinus, I need to report something…!”




    “The door…!”


    There was a scramble, a shuffle.


    The door flung open, a blinding light SHINING onto Avery all at once. Avery grimaced, bringing his paw up to his face to shield himself from the light.


    And there, standing in the glow of fire, stood Nivanee, tear-streaked faced staring at the Plusle in desperation, pleading.


    “…Avery…” She squeaked, throwing herself forward, hugging him tight, burying herself into his fur.


    Vizon stood by Sarfallinus, a deeply relieved look on his own face. Sarfallinus sighed, folding his arms to take the hard-line guildmaster stance he always had to, even if the relief was evident on his face.


    “I’m sorry…I’m sorry…” Nivanee muttered into Avery, squeezing tight as though he’d slip and vanish if she ever let go.


    A part of Avery tugged at his heart.


    ‘They were…they were this worried…?’


    But Avery had more pressing matters. Avery wrapped his arms tight around Nivanee to hug back but lifted his head to look at Sarfallinus seriously.


    “S…Sarfallinus, there was arson in the Illaminian District.” Avery panted. At once, Vizon and Sarfallinus looked shocked. “The suspects have confirmed that they’re going to attempt more…vandalism in the Market District…! They’re inebriated and…and they’re NAM officers w-whatever that means but we need to act fast before something terrible happens-!”


    “H-huh? What?!” Nivanee pulled away, a look of fear in her eyes. Vizon’s face fell as well. Not a word of reprimanding crossed Sarfallinus’s lips.


    Arson?” Vizon piped up, running up to them both. Sarfallinus furrowed his brow.


    “NAM officers…” The Infernape muttered. His folded arms…tightened. Nivanee looked back to Vizon then to Avery.


    “Arceus, I knew that place was going to be dangerous-” Nivanee was cut off.


    “Did you get them?! Where are they now?” Vizon said at once, rushing past, patting Avery’s shoulder as though to lead the Plusle from the office. “Where’s the guard, didn’t they do anything?”


    “Th-They told me when I confronted them that they weren’t afraid of guards. Gonzus, one of the NAM Officers…said that the prison warden was his direct subordinate and he’d be out of there before I could blink…and none of the guards moved to help.” Avery said, following Vizon. “Not in the square where I confronted them, and not in front of the building. I don’t know when they’re planning on striking, but they had bricks and-“


    Avery looked back outside.


    “Please…please, I know you don’t like Illaminian Poke’mon but…we can’t just let brigands burn the district to the ground…!”


    “What’s the matter with you?!” Vizon snapped, looking offended. “You keep saying I hate Illaminians, Avery! Stop that! I hate bad guys! The Illaminian district is full of bad guys! And look, was I wrong? Here’s two right now about to do even more bad stuff!”


    Nivanee bristled, nudging Vizon.


    “Vizon, please…I’m just glad he’s unhurt…but-“


    “But nothing!” Vizon grabbed Avery’s hand. “What are we doing here, Avery? Aren’t we supposed to be heroes?! We’ve got to get back out there!”


    “They…they weren’t in the Illaminian District,” Avery said. “They came from outside, in the Lower Market district. I…I didn’t know what I was allowed to do. I didn’t want to get in trouble and…and lose what I had to protect those people.”


    Vizon furrowed his brow at Avery’s explanation, pulling him close…visibly upset.


    “Heroes give up everything to get bad guys…” He growled, Nivanee frowned at the Riolu.


    “Vizon, real life is not a fairy tale story. Avery acted perfectly sensibly.” Nivanee huffed. “If we don’t act in accordance to Arcean law then we may as well be the same as the bandits we arrest!”


    “That’s not true!” Vizon snapped, pulling Avery along. “Who cares who these guys are, we’re guild! We got to go after them!”


    Sarfallinus perked up, his brow firmly knitted as he looked to their group.


    “But…” Sarfallinus’s voice…squeaked. Uncharacteristically…meek. “Well, now, let’s…think about this.”


    Vizon shot a look back.


    “I already have.” Vizon said, squeezing Avery’s hand, grunting. “And whoever these bad guys are, they’re the same as any bandit on Windscorch, any mud Poke’mon in a swamp, any royal on a delta, any mercenary on Rocky Hills!”


    Sarfallinus frowned, a dark look crossing his face.


    “…but they weren’t NAM…”


    Nivanee bit her lip looking from Sarfallinus, to Avery, then back to her guild master. There was a tension, a fear. Something so thick one could cut it with a knife.


    But finally, with a huff, Nivanee bounded toward Avery and Vizon.


    “Let’s go, Avery. Off-the-record non-warranted arrests fall within guild scope…and carry implicit court sentence.” Nivanee said at last.


    Avery glanced at Vizon and Nivanee as they took their places at his side. Slowly, the Plusle looked to Sarfallinus, the Infernape fidgeting uncomfortably.


    “…Who is NAM? W…what do I need to know…?” Avery asked. “They said they were above the law. Is…is that true…?”


    Sarfallinus seemed to freeze at the Plusle’s question, looking back towards his office.


    “The Nationalist Arcean’s Movement, they…Arceus, where do I even begin?” Sarfallinus huffed. Nivanee and Vizon looked to him worriedly. “…maybe they’d allow two that are over-stepping like this to be shaved off, just this once. Avery, if you’re serious about going after these guys…I need to write some letters, pull some strings, I mean…”


    He snorted, fire billowing from his nostrils.


    “…these guys…are a bit higher-level than a boy’s club of angry Poke’mon.”


    He didn’t seem comfortable saying much more as he stepped back into his office. He took a deep breath, Vizon squeezing Avery’s hand tight.


    “…if this is what you think is right, Avery…” Sarfallinus stood up straight, trying to regain his composure. “…then…alright.”


    Avery was quiet again, looking towards Vizon, then Nivanee.


    “The house they burned down was of someone that was universally loved,” Avery began. “In and out of the district, as far as I could tell. Sekura is a good Poke’mon, positive and upbeat, and these people just…They can’t be allowed to just roam freely and do as they please.”


    “Then we can’t just stick around here…!” Vizon shouted, tugging at Avery’s paw. “We gotta go! Now! Which way were they heading?!”


    “R-right-” Avery said. “They were…they were going to wards Sekura’s stand, the magazine stand- they had bricks, I don’t know what they were planning-!”


    “The magazine stand…the bookstore by one truth square?” Vizon nodded emphatically.


    Vizon and Nivanee led the Plusle forward, a desperate scramble back towards the stairs. Sarfallinus sighed deeply as they all left, the group bounding up the stairs, bursting out into the darkened streets of Arceliaze.


    It was slowly approaching early morning. A dull blue glow was in the sky, the buildings all vague, shadowy silhouettes.


    Nivanee kept close, striking a blast seed at the tip, the fiery explosion controlled to spew from the small incision, like a torch. She held it in her mouth as Avery and Vizon led, back toward the One Truth Square.


    It was eerie, stepping out into the normally bustling square and seeing it so empty. Silent. Lifeless.


    The three Poke’mon quietly padded over the stone, looking around the dark shapes that loomed over them.


    Then, a noise. Vizon stopped, an ear perking. Avery halted, his own ears swiveling to try and hear it, too. The noise echoed over the stones of the city, hollow and distant and muffled…


    A shout. Shouting. Small. Only two voices. Echoing from the west street off of the empty One Truth Square. Towards the bookstore.


    “…There,” Avery said, picking up the pace. “D…do you hear that? That might be them-“


    Avery was still scared. Sarfallinus’s expression was incredibly grave. But…he couldn’t think on that now. Nivanee said this was under our jurisdiction. Which meant…that they had to stop them before something terrible happened.


    They all moved quickly, Vizon cracking his knuckles as they moved closer and closer to the bookstore.


    Nivanee sucked in a breath.


    Papers littered the streets. A broken stool lay in the center of the road. A handful of pamphlets blew lightly in the cold breeze that rolled over the stone.


    A pile of shattered glass littered the street in front a nearby window.


    Glistening oil trailed from the stand into the center of the street, its rainbow sheen primed and ready to be set on fire, to put the stand ablaze.


    And yet…


    No Pignite.


    No Charmeleon.


    A hollow, bassy wind moaned between the towering buildings on the silent, empty street. A chill wind blew.


    The sky brightened, the dark silhouettes that surrounded them lit more and more in a faint blue light of early morning.


    Avery clenched his fists.


    “…What…what is this…?” The Plusle looked down at the trail. “It’s…it’s a trail, it’s a fuse, it…”


    Vizon carefully walked over, paws crunching in the soggy pages that lie in the puddles on the street. The riolu knelt down, examining the oil.


    “…They were headed here.” Avery sighed, shaking his head. “I…I must have taken too long getting to the guild.”


    ‘Maybe I can still figure out where they are. If they left anything…why did they just abandon this clearly primed explosion spot…?’


    Nivanee padded over to the stand itself.


    “Vandals were here, alright…” She muttered, looking inside. “They were busy…”


    “Is it a decoy…?” Avery asked. Vizon shook his head.


    “You said they were tottered, right?” The Riolu said, looking back at Avery. “There’s no way two stumblers are going to think ahead enough for a decoy…”


    There was a shout. Nivanee and Vizon nearly jumped out of their skin, whipping their heads around.


    The shout was close. A shout for help, muffled, scared.


    Above them.


    Avery stiffened…and his eyes turned upwards.




    Vizon and Nivanee craned their necks upward, both of their eyes wide.


    Above…were the Pignite and the Charmeleon. Steel wires curled around them, both of the Poke’mon hung upside down from the stone archway looming above. The struggled, shouting through the gags tightly pressed in their mouths.


    The chimneys on the roofs moved.


    No, not chimneys.




    A chill went up Avery’s spine.


    ‘Talk about vigilantes…At the very least, they didn’t seem…hurt. Just…incapacitated.’


    “…That’s them,” Avery said lowly. “…Let’s get them down and bring them in.”


    Vizon stared up in amazement…but his face twisted in confusion, looking at Avery.


    “What…who did this?” Vizon stammered, flabbergasted. Nivanee leapt upwards, striking at the iron ropes to drop the Pignite and the Charmeleon.


    “Vigilantism…” Nivanee huffed, lifting the Charmeleon onto her back, the tiny Eevee supporting the larger Poke’mon’s weight easily. Vizon frowned, following suit with the Pignite.


    “Isn’t that…illegal?”


    “Very illegal. Just the same as vigilantes that burn down houses and vandalize shops.” Nivanee affirmed, securing the Charmeleon.


    Vizon looked up and down the street, the sky above slowly turning orange as the sun cracked over the horizon.


    “…but where…? Who?” Vizon asked. “I don’t know of any vigilantes in Arceliaze.”


    Avery silently watched as his teammates took the pair.


    ‘This seemed nonviolent. Just…seeing what needed to be done. Maybe I’ll say something later. But for now…I don’t know who they are. No names, no organizations, nothing.


    Maybe it was better that I didn’t know, if I worked with the guild.’


    “The only two vigilantes I looked into are these two,” Avery said, looking up at the NAM Officers. “If there are others…”


    He looked down at the oil slick.


    “…Maybe what they did is illegal. But their timing was impeccable.” Avery sighed. “A few minutes more and this stand would have gone up in flames too…This is a really tough situation.”


    Vizon sighed, looking up at his prisoner.


    “Maybe…if it’s taking out bad guys…”


    “It’s still a crime, Vizon.” Nivanee said. “Good that they did the right thing, but we can’t rely on them always doing the right thing, whoever they are.”


    The both of them continued on, walking down the stone street ahead as the city lit more and more.






    A voice, small, off to the side.


    “…mm…?” Avery looked over to the side. He was about to speak about the same thing Nivanee said, but…


    As the shadows cascaded over the street, a Poke’mon stood. Covered in a thick cloak that concealed their face, they stood in the dark shadow of the building.


    “You are…incorruptible, aren’t you?” She laughed warmly.


    Above, the hooded Poke’mon departed. As the cloaked woman near him lifted her head…Avery saw a glint under her hood. Faint.


    Her voice…was almost familiar.


    Avery shook his head to clear his thoughts. He had to deal with these two for now.


    “…Nivanee,” Avery said, looking over at her as they brought the two vigilantes along. “…What’s NAM?”


    Nivanee looked back, the hooded Poke’mon having long vanished into the shadows.


    “NAM…the Nationalist Arcean’s Movement?”


    The Pignite and Charmeleon squirmed. Vizon looked quizzically at Nivanee as she softly shook her head.


    “I don’t…really know.” She admitted. “Far as I know they’re just some…I guess, cultural enrichment club or something for Poke’mon in Arcea. They fund Conduicy advisors and some guilds for things like…teaching Arcean history more in schools or maintaining statues in the one Truth Square…uh…they fund the Free Poke’mon’s Commission…you know, the one making the pamphlets, but that’s about all I know.”


    “…Nationalist Arcean’s Movement,” Avery repeated, looking down at the two of them. “…When I was talking to them, they made it sound like being captains of the NAM meant that they couldn’t be punished.”


    Avery lowered his voice, so that they couldn’t hear.


    “…From the sounds of it…Sarfallinus said something similar.” The Plusle said, hushed. “But…thank you both for coming with me for this. I…I’m sorry that I was out so long. I would have been back a few hours ago, if this arson attempt hadn’t happened. It…I know you guys were worried about me. But up until the end…I really did have a nice night.”


    “If it’s all the same, Avery…?” Nivanee said, her voice soft…yet also firm. “I’d rather we just not talk about you running off despite our warnings and getting in danger anyway.”


    Avery flinched from her words. Soft as they were delivered, they felt harsh.


    ‘Don’t you see though?’ He thought to himself. ‘…Whether I was there or not that house would have gone down. I helped. I was able to find who did it because I was there.’


    Vizon huffed, hoisting the struggling NAM officer on his shoulder. He didn’t say anything further, even though he looked like he wanted to.


    If anything, he looked lost in thought.


    Avery’s shoulders slumped a little lower, but he said nothing. If Nivanee didn’t want to talk about it, then they didn’t have to talk about it.


    The trio carried the officers toward the castle, just as the early morning light shone on the city, Poke’mon starting to fill the streets.


    Many eyed the group as they passed with struggling, tied up Poke’mon in tow.


    But the glint of their badges averted their eyes.


    Soon, they reached the front of the guild, Nivanee and Vizon already moving toward the castle to take the arsonists to prison.


    Avery just followed the two of them. They seemed to know what they were doing. The Plusle’s mind was replaying…everything that happened tonight over and over in his head.


    The sleepy guards at the front perked up at their approach, Nivanee giving a nod to the both of them.


    They looked as though they were about to greet her…until they saw the prisoners she and Vizon carried. A look of…recognition crossed their face.


    “Wh…Nivanee, are you-“


    “Two for the dungeon. Field arrest, charges of arson against a citizen of Arcea.” Nivanee sniffed, huffing. “…and public intoxication.”


    “Arson?!” One of the guards sounded surprised, the other only shaking his head.


    “Nivanee, you realize those two are-“


    “Criminals.” Nivanee finished for the guard, moving toward the portcullis. The other guard swiftly moved to open it. “It’s a guild verdict and sentencing. Final word. Considering my sister is in the dungeon I’ll be visiting often to be sure they’re serving their sentence.”


    The guards looked to one another as the gate lifted.


    “Well…whatever you say, Nivanee.” The guard sighed. “Not my problem either way.”


    ‘…So they weren’t bluffing. They really do have recognition in the dungeon.’


    That…made Avery nervous. If they got out they could cause a lot of trouble for him. And… For the guild.


    Avery was feeling worse and worse about this. He knew that it was what had to be done. He wasn’t about to let them walk free after what they did to Sekura.


    But…why did doing the right thing feel so bad…?


    Why did it seed a dark pit in his stomach?


    Why did it scare him?


    Part of Avery wanted to reach out to Vizon, but…he was probably still mad, too. He and Nivanee…and the Guild Master. Maybe even the rest of the guild will be, too, once they heard what Avery did. Not to mention the town, the entire town might be against him now.


    ‘If this delayed the search for the pearl maybe even Olistia herself will disapprove. And that’d mean Arceus himself will-‘


    Avery felt sick. That dark pit in his stomach was starting to roll and roil…


    It was anxiety, it wasn’t realistic, he knew that, but it wouldn’t just go away.


    ‘Focus on the here and now. Deep breaths.’


    The trio kept walking, following the path they’d taken when Avery first saw the dungeon. Opening the old door, down the damp steps, it was all familiar.


    The dungeon air was musty. The unpleasant taste of it…helped ground Avery. At least a little bit.


    They passed the guard in the dungeon. He seemed to stare a long time. Too long.


    Nivanee approached the first empty cell she saw, cracking it open, she and Vizon dumping the Pignite and Charmeleon inside, still bound.


    With a clink, the door shut and locked, the gagged pair of Poke’mon angrily shouting…muffled.


    “There.” Nivanee said, stepping back. She took a deep breath. “Put away. Intentional arson is a hefty sentence if you’re not behaved in prison.”


    “No trial?” Vizon asked. Nivanee looked at him, almost confused.


    “We’re guild. No need.”


    A cold wind gently blew through the dark hall. Nivanee’s gaze wandered towards the other end of the hall…


    …where she would still be.


    That sent a shiver down Avery’s spine too. He knew they did it. They all but admitted it to him, over and over…and expressed intention of doing more.


    ‘But what of people who were wrongly suspected?


    How many Illaminians found themselves in here?’


    “… Do… You want to talk to her?” Avery said, his voice quiet, almost meek in the dungeon hall.


    Nivanee made a motion towards her cell…then glanced at the window, seeing the orange rays of the morning sun.


    She bit her lip.


    It’d be rollcall soon.


    Her gaze looked back toward the cell.


    Guild…or Janus.


    Family…or Janus.


    She looked frozen. Indecisive.


    Avery looked out of the window. He had to snap out of this. He had to help. Even if she was…


    “…If you want,” Avery said quietly, “…Vizon and I can handle getting ready today. You can visit her during our prep. Is… That okay….?”




    Nivanee hesitated, turning around.


    “Tonight…t-tonight, I swear.” Nivanee promised, quickly walking towards the exit. “I…I’ll see you in the guild hall, Avery…”


    Her voice wavered…but kept its firmness.


    Vizon watched her dart off, grunting, looking back at the Plusle.


    “You stayed behind last time, didn’t you? You…want to catch up later?” The Riolu asked.


    Avery looked at him for a moment, a long moment…and sighed.


    “It’s…probably pretty lonely for her here,” Avery said finally. “…Do you think I have time before roll call…? I, heh… I think I could probably hear the gong from here.”


    Avery cracked a little smile at that. He was still a little nervous talking to Vizon after…everything that happened. He wanted to talk to the Riolu, at least, about this…


    But part of him…Felt like he needed an outsider’s opinion. Someone who spent time away from the guild, from Arceliaze. Everything.


    “… I’m sorry for worrying you, Viz,” Avery said. “…I’m glad I was there to help them, but…I don’t like scaring you two like that either.”


    Vizon stared back at Avery a while. Silent.


    Then, he stepped forward, hugging the Plusle tight.


    “I love you, Avery…” Vizon muttered softly, squeezing him, nuzzling into his neck. For that one moment, the dungeon felt less cold. “Niv and I will stand in if you miss anything, okay?”


    He let go, sighing and stepping back. But when he tried to step back, Avery didn’t let go. At least for a little bit. 


    “Just…whatever else you think of me just remember that. I do love you…” Vizon said.


    “… I love you too, Viz.” Avery whispered. “I…I’m really sorry I scared you.”


    Finally, the Plusle separated too.


    “…They’re not all bad guys. I just…I hope I can show you that sometime.” Avery gave him a little smile. “…They make really good food, if that’ll motivate you~”


    Avery gave him a gentle tease to round it off.


    “… I’ll try and make it back for the roll call.” the Plusle finished.


    “Alright…see you soon, buddy.”




    Avery was still his buddy.


    The Riolu gave a small smile, patting Avery on the shoulder, before turning around and leaving, going back up the stairs.


    Leaving the Plusle alone in the dungeon.


    There was a little bit of warmth in Avery’s heart rekindled from that. Vizon…Vizon was still on his side. Even if he wasn’t on theirs yet…there was still hope.


    But for now, he couldn’t waste time. He had to be quick before roll call-


    A yawn escaped him. He hadn’t slept all night…He shook his head to clear it, and walked to Janus’s cell.


    The stone was cold as Avery walked, the tap of his footsteps echoing dully on the walls.


    Soon, he came to that familiar cell…


    There, on the bed, the Pikachu sat, feet together, hunched over, ears drooping over her face.


    She looked to be very lightly snoozing.


    Avery took a deep breath as he looked in, stepping up closer to the bars.


    “…Uh…Hey, Janus,” Avery said, tapping lightly at the bars. If she was fully asleep, he would go, but…he had to wonder if Niv had visited her at all since she was put in here. She seemed… Almost nervous to talk to her.


    The Pikachu snorted, jostling a bit at the sound of Avery’s voice. Bleary-eyed, she lifted her head, sniffing and wiping down her face.


    “Wh…oh, you again.” She muttered, rolling her shoulders, looking up at the window to check the time. She hummed mysteriously, jumping off the bed, landing upon the stone floor with a thud.


    “Ha, yeah,” Avery said with a little awkward laugh. “…Sorry I haven’t been here more often, there’s… A lot going on with Xamao and stuff. I can’t stay long, since…Address is soon, but…Thought I’d come and say hi.”


    Janus stared at him intently, her sunken-in eyes almost intimidating in a way, even with bars between them both. Still, she seemed to have a smile on her face…


    “Xamao, huh?” Janus chuckled, folding her arms. “He’s really giving you lot the run-around, hm?”


    Avery paused.


    “Oh, uh… Aquashock is doing a lot better…!” He added. “They’re like… Getting along now.”


    The corner of her smile twitched, a small sparkle in her eye at the mention of Aquashock.


    “Better…?” She muttered. “Those two always had so much tension back then…I always hoped to see them get along better…”


    “… Well, uh…” Avery sat down against the bars. “It got worse before it got better. Ganisus kinda…snapped a bit, threatened to join Azure instead since I was…”


    He shook his head.


    “Maybe that’s their story to tell. But…they went through a lot. They’re, uh…” He turned around. “They’re actually going to be doing real missions now…! Kipuuna wants to go down to one prong to earn the second one the right way.”


    Janus stared at him, listening close to his tale.


    Then…she laughed. It was a small, quiet laugh. Tired, punctuated with a yawn. Yet even here he could see it…that glint of nostalgia in her eye. She looked like a Pikachu having just been roused by Sarfallinus…


    “To think…I thought if it ever got that bad then that’d be it…” Janus sighed, shaking her head. “Kippy…Gani…real missions…”


    She hummed. There was pride in her voice. Genuine happiness to hear they were doing better.


    “That’s going to be real inconvenient for us if they start being an actual threat.” Janus said, smirking, arms folded.


    “Ha, yeah…” Avery said with a little laugh of his own. “Did you…want Kip to visit you here? I could tell him you asked after him, if you want. Though, uh…”


    He sighed a little, looking back out at the wall.


    “I admit, part of why I came…is a little more selfish. I…I don’t really know if you know, but…I’m getting a bit of a reputation, I think.” He turned his head back toward Janus, furrowing his brow. “…What’s…what’s your opinion on Illaminian people?”


    That question jolted her awake.


    All at once the tired posture in her vanished, the Pikachu standing upright, looking Avery dead in the eye with an…oddly suspicious look. She frowned.


    “Dunno…what answer are you looking for?”


    There was…a measure of distrust in her voice.


    Avery shifted.


    “…An honest one, I guess,” he said, looking away. “I’ve…I spent last night with some friends from the district. It…it was a really nice night, but…the NAM burned down one of their houses. And…and she was just, the nicest Poke’mon, and…I don’t…I don’t know why so many people seem convinced they’re a plague or something-“


    His shoulders slumped again.


    “…Even people close to me thought that I’d be mugged and left to bleed out just for going to see some friends there, or something. I just…I dunno, I thought maybe the viewpoint of someone who’s…spent so long out of Arceliaze might…help. I dunno.”


    Janus eyed Avery up and down….carefully considering him…carefully choosing her words.


    “Nivanee…has never been too trustful of that distract. And neither was I, as a kid.” Janus replied. “Two girls from Yahneri port in the big city, somebody had to tell us it was dangerous. And someone probably told that person before, and then that person heard it from someone else…on and on. Forever. Not that muggings don’t happen. Of course they would. One look at the squalor of that district and it’d be no shock a Poke’mon might stick up another just to eat tomorrow.”


    Janus frowned, pausing her speech to consider Avery. She looked like there was something else she wanted to say. But she was being so…careful.


    “NAM burning down a house is no surprise. Cruelty becomes sport for Poke’mon who genuinely feel they’re doing nothing wrong so long as it’s done to the right Poke’mon.”


    “…They’re…” Avery looked her over. He could see the apprehension. And he knew why.




    “…Should…should I be less vocal about this…?” Avery asked quietly. “Lahnae’s the only other one I’ve seen in the guild who…isn’t put off by them at all. And, uh…and Jolvia. But when I asked her she gave me the same look you are. Like…like she was trying to figure out if I was trying to trick her or something. I’m not…from here. All I know is that those Poke’mon are having to work two jobs to live in a run-down district and be treated like pests by what feels like the entire city. And…and that doesn’t seem fair to me.”


    Janus jumped, double-taking, brow furrowing immediately.


    “Lahnae and…”


    She paused a moment…then shook her head, sighing.


    “You know, the more you insist you’re ‘not from here’ the more it sounds like a trick. I mean, consider: The only time I’ve seen you outside of this jail cell is when you arrested me. I can’t be certain of a thing about you, who you really are, what your motives are. Who you’d report all this, too.” Janus paused, bitterly chuckling. “Maybe that…’Jolvia’ woman thinks the same.”


    She took a breath, taking a moment to consider her words again.


    “…but fine, yes. You’re right. That isn’t fair, is it, when you put it that way, hm?” Janus said. “Illaminians have been the pests of Arcea for centuries. Houses in the Illaminian district have been burned since even before the days of Adelaide…”


    “…Adelaide…?” Avery repeated. “Who’s…”


    He brought his head back, clanging slightly against the bars.


    “…Janus I wish it was a trick. I don’t even have the days of the week memorized. You can think about how ‘not from here’ I can possibly be, and I guarantee you I’m about twice as ‘not from here’ as you’re thinking. Impossibly not from here. Maybe as ‘not from here’ as a person can get.”


    His hands slid down the bars, a desperate look on his face.


    “And every time I think I’m starting to get the hang of things, starting to really get this world, something happens that just rips me out of it. I don’t know who Adelaide is. I don’t know why the Arceans and Illaminians fight when they seem fine with the Quayoffi. I don’t know why Dove Fo Uddjo’s in a bubble, if there’s anything on the red planet I see in the sky every night…I was just asked some questions, told some stuff, and then woke up in the Breezy Plains alone. Somehow didn’t get poisoned, was found by Vizon as a creepy kid standing in the middle of the road in the dead of night…”


    He took a breath, sighing with a laugh.


    “…But I know that, unless there’s some huge conspiracy to take me specifically in on some con or something, Sekura and Kellixae didn’t lead double lives.” He said. “They aren’t secretly evil masterminds of some organization to overthrow Arcea. They’re just two women trying to earn their keep in an actively hostile town. One was trying to provide for her parents, one for her kid, and…”


    He paused, squeezing the bars.


    “Maybe I shouldn’t talk so much.”


    Janus only frowned at his constant insistence, and not a shred of belief flickered in her eyes.


    “You can say anything you like, Avery. Talk is cheap. I’d have to have it confirmed by someone I trust. And the only Poke’mon I trust would only come to this place in chains, you understand.” She shook her head, hand-waving the topic. “But, fine, let’s leave it.”


    She took a breath.


    “No, obviously, there’s no conspiracy…they really are just Poke’mon trapped in a bad situation.” Janus said. “I imagine a lot of them would rather be home than here…if home wasn’t so inhospitable as it is now…”


    She paused a moment, looking at Avery.


    “…is this all you came for?” The Pikachu asked. “You just need my…perspective on…what, exactly?”


    “…I dunno,” Avery sighed with a shrug, making Janus cock an eyebrow.


    ‘It makes sense she wouldn’t believe me. And…I can’t really do much other than talk. I can’t exactly turn back into a human on a whim. And if I did I’d end up here in chains myself.’


    “When I talked to you about the guild, you gave me a viewpoint I hadn’t heard before.” Avery explained. “But…it made a lot of things make sense. It’s a broken place. It’s getting better, but…it’s a broken place. I just…I wanted to know if you thought…Arceliaze is broken, too.”


    Janus listened to his question.


    And she thought. She thought long and hard. Avery could see it, something dark crossing her face. The grip on her crossed arms tightened, her eyes trailing to the floor.


    “Arceliaze is beautiful, huh…?” Janus began. “The beautifully cut stone statues and rising buildings, surrounded by the ancient brick of working Poke’mon…then the farmlands, rolling hills…in the center of it all, a sparkling castle with its shining guild.”


    Janus’s lifted, looking at Avery. Her expression was serious. Deathly serious.


    “But that’s not Arceliaze. You’ve seen it. You probably know it, the ins and outs, if you’re lying to me.” Janus said. “Not far under the surface you see how poisoned this city is. The way it’s rotting from the inside, every part of it corroding into something ugly and cruel.”


    She took a breath. It was almost like she was saying this out of defiance…but Avery could tell she meant it.


    “The way the guild holds the full power of law arbitrarily, how close they are to Olistia. The churn of workers, farmers, armorers, running to the big city from failed small villages. No money, no food, but give them work. Bring ’em in droves put them to the grindstone, then shove them out when someone cheaper comes. Tell a disenfranchised population, slowly cracking under the pressure, that it’s the blighters. We need only scrub the blighters from our city and all will be well again, all will be as the golden years your grandfathers told you of.”


    Janus stepped forward, footfalls heavy as she pressed against the bars.


    “Say to the nobles of the guilds, fund the love for Arcea. Polish the statues and clean the roads. Make the guild nice and sparkly so that every Poke’mon would happily lie upon the stones and bleed to death for lines on a map. Imprison refugees where Arceans used to work and make those now broke and starving Arceans their wardens. Have the schools teach of how Illaminamo wronged Arcea, how only the noble guards and soldiers saved the land.”


    Janus’s expression changed. Her eyes seemed to fall away, as though she couldn’t even look at him. In her eyes flashed so much…so fast…but what Avery saw that chilled him the most…was shame.



    “Recruit a child into a guild and have her call the Conduit ‘mother’. Tools, one and all, always waiting for our masters to wield us for their bloody ends.”


    Janus huffed a breath. It felt…cold on Avery’s face. Her eyes burrowed into him, back hunched.


    Finally, she released the bars, eyes half-lidded, shrugging.


    “But, hey. It’s just a bunch of conspiracy nonsense.” She said, eyes half-lidded. “Who’d believe it?”


    Avery swallowed a lump in his throat.


    “…Nivanee said something.” Avery said slowly. “When I brought in the NAM officers who did the arson. I’d…I’d heard them confess myself. I’d heard them say they were going to Vandalized a stand. But…Vizon asked if there’d be a trial. And…and she said ‘of course not, we’re guild’.”


    Avery was quiet a few moments.


    “…I knew they did it, Janus.” He said. “I knew…they did. But…if they don’t get a trial…who does? What if I hadn’t been sure? Or made a mistake? Or the tip had been wrong?”


    “If you made a mistake…” Janus frowned, sighing. “…then the law says you didn’t. What else?”


    Avery felt his heart sink. Slowly, he stood up and turned to her.


    “…I don’t know if I’d have the guts to do what you did, Janus. But…your actions make more sense to me every day. I…I don’t know what being the Hero of Arceus means, still, but…I’m scared that one day I’m going to learn, and I won’t like the answer.”


    His fists clenched against his sides, and he looked up to face her.


    “…I should get back to roll call, but…thanks, Janus. I’m…I’m sorry to bother you with this so early in the morning.”


    She matched his quiet, listening to him, looking away. She said nothing further about what his said, only nodding a little.


    “Sure, Avery…” She said, her voice…had something behind it. She looked at the Plusle, her expression…strange. “Do good out there, alright? For me.”


    Averu gave her a little nod.


    “…See you later, Janus.”


    With that…he made quick tracks back to the guild.


    Janus said nothing as he left, the dungeon finally being put behind him.


    The cold stones were now at Avery’s back, the sunlight shining through the stain glass windows of Castle Arceali here to greet him as he left, rushing back to the guild.


    Orange still hung in the sky…


    He hoped he’d still have time.


    Chapter 18.3





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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